m:\media studies\the making of font cover

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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The making of font cover

Photos taken for my front cover

The two best photos

This image looks more grunge and can be seen as stereotypical of young people to have this image today. The clothing is casual hip hop, this fits with the style of my magazine.

This image was not taken straight, doesn’t look very professional and the pose isn’t very original.

Making my magazine

First I designed a background similar to the music magazine rolling stones. The background looks like a studio shot.

I used the gradient tool to obtain the background effect.

Gradient tool

Cropping the image

I found cropping the image very strenuous as I failed to complete it accurately therefore, I used this technique many times until it was near to perfect.

The crop tool I used.(magnatic lasso tool)

Colour correction

I clicked on colour correction as I felt it gave a more realistic healthy glow to the model and I also used the clone tool to edit out any impurities that my model may have and I blurred the image and rubbed out the important features such as the eyes, nose and lips etc.

The rubber tool.(Eraser tool)

The paint tool I used.(Paint bucket tool)

Changing eye colour

The paint tool I used.(Paint bucket tool)

I changed the colour of my model’s eyes so she can look more attractive. However, when I obtained feedback the eyes were said to being too bright and unreal, therefore I toned down the brightness for my final draft.

Trial and error

For my final draft I changed the background to a graffiti style that fit much better with the genre of my magazine. I also changed the font and size to stand out similar to XXL. Lastly, I used the brush tool and imported my own brush style to obtain the effect around my title of my magazine.

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