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MIVAN FORMWORKPresented by, Nikhil S Hegde

Under the guidance of Dr. Mohandas ChadagaJuly 28, 20111

Overviewy Introduction y Formwork definition and discussions y Components and assembly of MIVAN formwork y Construction with MIVAN y Work cycle y Quality enhancements y Merits and demerits y Remedies proposed y Conclusion and Inference y BibliographyJuly 28, 2011 2

Introductiony Concept of ALUMINIUM FORMWORK y Developed by MIVAN GROUPS, MALAYSIA y Driving force speed of construction, quality of construction, seismic resistivity, economy y Good quality construction should not deter the project speed nor should it be uneconomical

Cost is long forgotten, but the quality is remembered foreverJuly 28, 2011 3

Construction Industryy Significant sectors of Indian economy y India s urban population - Second largest y Land acquisition and rapid creation of dwelling units y Fortunately, now speed of construction is given


Prefabrication, autoclaved blocks, tunnel formwork, aluminium formwork (Mivan technology) of constructionJuly 28, 2011 4

ousing Scenario - Indiay Progressive rise in stock of housing in India since


y But speed has not kept pace with the rapid growth of

population and urbanization

y And hence shortage of accommodation is increasing


y The situation has become acute in urban areasJuly 28, 2011 5

Innovation in Construction Technologyy Traditional mode of construction - inadequate for mass housing construction. y Prone to poor quality control y Mass housing works technologies for fast construction to deliver quality, economic and durable structure. y Pre-cast and cast-in-situ techniques are used for quick construction. y Use of Aluminum alloy for formworkJuly 28, 2011 6

What is a Formwork?y Support for plastic concrete when placed y Temporary supports and castings

Forms or moulds or shutters are the receptacles in which concrete is placed, so that it will have desired shape or outline when hardened. Once concrete develops the adequate strength to support its own weight they can be taken out. - ACCJuly 28, 2011 7

Formwork - Requirementsy Sufficiently strong enough y The joints should be rigid y Construction lines in the formwork should be true y Easily removable without damage to itself

July 28, 2011


MIVAN Systemy 3S - SYSTEM OF CONSTRUCTION - Speed, Strength, Safety y Column and beam construction


y Walls and slabs are cast in one operation y Specially designed, easy to handle light weight pre-engineered

aluminium forms.

y Rapid construction of multiple units of repetitive type using

semi-skilled labours.

y Fitting and erecting the portion of shuttering y Carrying out concreting of the walls and slabs together.July 28, 2011 9

MIVAN Formworky Aluminum alloy panels y Excellent stiffness-to-weight ratio y Face or contact surface - 4mm thick plate y Pin and wedge arrangement system y Requires no bracing y High strength wall ties y Small panelsJuly 28, 2011

no heavy equipment10

MIVAN FORMWORKy Heavy lifting eliminated y Semi skilled labors y Fast construction suitable for large magnitudes y Good quality with accurate dimensions y System components are durable y Monolithic construction


Mivan 4day cycle Conventional 14 to 20 day cycle

y Plastering eliminated completelyJuly 28, 2011 11

Comparison Mivan and Conventionaly More seismic resistance y Increased durability y Lesser number of joints y Higher carpet area y Smooth finishing of wall and slab y Uniform quality of construction y Negligible maintenance y Faster completionJuly 28, 2011 12

reduced leakages

Construction with MIVANy PRE


y Receipt of equipment on site y Level surveys y Setting out of formwork y Control / correction of deviation y Erect formwork


y Erect deck formwork y Setting kickersJuly 28, 2011 13

Checks before Concretingy Formwork should be cleaned and coated y Wall formwork erected to the setting out lines y Openings are of correct dimensions y Horizontal formwork are in level y Deck and beam props are vertical y Wall ties, pins and wedges are all in position y Surplus material are clearedJuly 28, 2011 14

On Concrete Activitiesy Checking pins, wedges and wall ties y Beam / deck props adjacent to drop areas slipping due

to vibrationy Bracing at special areas slipping due to vibration y Overspill of concrete at window opening

July 28, 2011


Post Concrete Activitiesy Strike down wall form y Strike deck form y Clean, transport and stack formwork y Strike down kicker formwork y Strike wall

mounted working platform

y All formwork can be struck after 12 hoursJuly 28, 2011 16

Beam componentsBeam Side Panel

Prop Head

Beam Soffit Bulkhead Beam Soffit PanelJuly 28, 2011 17

Deck ComponentsProp Length Deck Panel Deck Mid Beam

Deck Beam Bar Soffit Length

Deck PropJuly 28, 2011 18

Other ComponentsExternal Corner Internal Soffit Corner

Internal Corner

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External Soffit Corner


Wall ComponentsWall Panel



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Pin and Wedge Systemy Pin

y Stub

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Formwork Assembly

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Work Cycley System for scheduling & controlling the work of other connected

construction tradesy Deshuttering of the panels12 to 15 hrs

y Positioning brackets & platforms on the level- 10 to 15 hrs y Deshuttered panels lifted & fixed on floor-7 to 10 hrs y Kicker & external shutters fixed in 7 hrs y Shutters are erected in 6-8 hrs y Reinforcement and electrical conduits are fixed y Pouring concreteJuly 28, 2011 28

20 to 22 hrs

4 Day Cycley Day 1: erection of vertical reinforcement bars and one side

of the vertical formworky Day 2: erection of the second side of the vertical formwork

and formwork for the slaby Day 3: fixing reinforcement bars for slabs and casting of

walls and slabsy Day 4: removal of vertical form work panels after 24hours,

props in place for 7 days, floor slab formwork in place for 2.5 daysJuly 28, 2011 29

Quality Enhancementsy High quality formwork panels - consistency of

dimensionsy Level and verticality y Plastering eliminated y 3mm to 4mm skin coat enough for pleasant

appearanceJuly 28, 2011 30

Meritsy Total system forms the complete concrete structure y Custom designed to suit project requirements y Unsurpassed construction speed y High quality finish y Cost effective y Panels can be reused up to 250 times y Erected using unskilled labour y Quality and speed - given due consideration along

with economyJuly 28, 2011 31

Limitationsy Because of small sizes - finishing lines are seen y Concealed services become difficult y Requires uniform planning and uniform elevations to y y y y y

be cost effective Modifications are not possible Large volume of work is necessary to be cost effective Spacers, wall ties - seepage, leakages during monsoon Shrinkage cracks High heat of hydration shear walls

July 28, 2011


Remedial Measuresy Wall ties - create holes in wall after deshuttering y Box-type construction - shrinkage cracks, near door and window openings in the walls y Minimize these cracks by providing control strips in the structure which could be concreted after a delay of about 3 to 7 days after major concreting y The problem of cracking can be avoided by minimizing the heat of hydration by using FlyashJuly 28, 2011 33

Conclusion and Inferencey Civil engineers not only build but also enhance the y y y


quality of life Creativity and technical skill help to plan, design, construct and operate the facilities essential to life MIVAN - cost effective and efficient tool to solve problems of the mega housing project MIVAN construction is able to provide high quality construction at unbelievable speed and at reasonable cost Effective technology India

Cost is long forgotten, but the quality is remembered foreverJuly 28, 2011 34

Bibliographyy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formwork y http://www.reliancescaffolding.com/Wall-Form-

works/form-work.asp y www.mivan.com y www.mivantelecomms.com/news/?id=42&q

July 28, 2011


Thank You

July 28, 2011


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