mitosis notes

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Mitosis Notes (pg 4)

Mitosis Notes

• Mitosis: a body cell divides to form two “daughter cells,” each identical to the parent cell

Mitosis Notes

• Mitosis: a body cell divides to form two “daughter cells,” each identical to the parent cell

• Necessary for body growth, repair, and maintenance

Mitosis Notes

• Mitosis: a body cell divides to form two “daughter cells,” each identical to the parent cell

• Necessary for body growth, repair, and maintenance

• Takes place in 6 steps

1. Interphase

Period between cell divisions. Consists of G1, S, and G2 phases. Cells spend most of their time in interphase. Cell grows, metabolizes, and makes a copy of its DNA. The DNA is in long slender strands (chromatin).

2. Prophase

DNA condenses into chromosomes, spindle fibers form, nuclear membrane disappears

3. Metaphase

Chromosomes line up along the center of the cell. Spindle fibers attach to each chromosome.

4. Anaphase

Spindle fibers shorten, pulling half the chromosomes toward one side of the cell and half toward the other

5. Telophase

New nuclear membrane forms, spindle fibers disappear, chromosomes start to uncoil

6. Cytokinesis

• Splits the cell in two

• In animals, the cell membrane is drawn inward until it pinches the cell in two

• In plants, a new cell wall forms in the middle, separating the two cells

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