mites inhabiting fig trees in egypt

Post on 30-Sep-2016






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314 S. Abul-Nasr, S . I . El-Sherif and M . A . Naguib

timed to follow the irrigation. Special care must be given to the control of the egg-masses that are laid at the northern and western borders of a clover field, as they constitute more than 75 O/o of the total egg-masses population. I t is also desired to spray a narrow belt of clover plants parallel to the northern and western borders of the field, so as to kill the larvae driRed by wind on these belts, and thus prevent their infestation to the rest of the field.

About 75 ('/(I of the egg-masses laid on the tree trunks bordering a clover field were recorded on those trees surrounding its northern and western borders. Regardless of the tree site, about 85 ?!o of the egg-masses were laid on the southern and eastern sides of its trunk.


Zum Eiablage-Verhalten der Baumwolleule Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) in Kleefeldern Im zeitigen Herbst legte S. littoralis ihre Eier an alle aufrechten Objekte im Feld oder dessen Umgebung vornehmlich an die Stamme der Casuarina-, Eukalyptus-, Sesso- und Akazien-Baume in Entfernungen zwischen 20 und 200 cm iiber der Bodenoberflache ab. Eiablagen auf Unkrautern und auf dem feuchten Boden in der Nahe der Klee-Samlinge kamen haufig vor. Im November wurden die Eier an die Unterseite der Kleeblatter, die Ausschlage der geschnittenen Kleepflanzen oder auf den Erdboden abgelegt. Wahrend des Winters konnten in den Kleefeldern nur wenige Eier gefunden werden, aber zwischen An- fang April und Ende Juni waren sie wieder in Massen an beiden Seiten der Kleeblatter sowie an zahlreichen Unkrautern sichtbar. Die auf der Erdoberflache abgelegten Ei-Gelege waren gro13er als jene an anderen Stellen. Auf bewasserten Boden wurden bis zu 15mal mehr Eier als auf unbewasserten abgelegt.

Das Spruhen von Unkrautern und Baumstammen in der Umgebung des Kleefeldes bzw. in einem nordlichen und westlichen Giirtel mit Insektiziden im Friihherbst wird als praktikable Methode zur Bekampfung des Schadlings angesehen.


DUDGEON, G. C., 1912: The cotton worm in Egypt. Bull. Imp. Institute London, X, 9. WILLCOCKS, F. C., and BAHGAT, S., 1937: The insects and related pests of Egypt. Insects

and mites injurious to the cotton plants. Roy. Agric. SOC., Egypt 1 (2).

National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, U.A.R.

Mites Inhabiting Fig Trees in Egypt


Abst rac t

16 species of 11 families of mites associated with fig trees in U.A.R., were recorded. 3 spe- cies were phytophagous, while 11 species were presumably predacious, and 2 species were presumably scavengers and fungus feeders.

2. ang. Enr. 70 (1972), 311-316 @ 1972 Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin

Mites Inhabiting Fig Trees in Egypt 315

No work had been done concerning survey of mites inhabiting fig trees ex- cept that of EBELING (1959) who reported two injourious mites attacking the fig trees in U.S.A. Therefore, it was felt necessary to undertake a thorough survey of harmful and beneficial mites associated with fig trees in Egypt.

A general survey of the mites was carried out in fig orchards in Lower Egypt during fall, winter, spring and summer. Samples of leaves, twigs, buds and fruits of fig, Ficus carica were examined for the presence of mites. The mites were classified as plant feeders, predators, scavengers and fungus feeders according to the systems of BAKER and WHARTON (1952) and BAKER et al. (1958).

16 species of mites representing 11 families were recorded: 3 phytopha- gous, 1 1 presumably predacious and two presumably scavengers or fungus feeders in the Nile Delta (Table).

The eriophyid mite, Aceriu ficus Cotte was the main acarine pest in- festing fig trees in Alexandria orchards, located a t the Mediterranean sea

List of mites inhabiting fig trees in the Nile Delta


Scientific name

Fam. Tetranychidae

Fam. Tenuipalpidae

Fam. Eriophyidae

Fam. Phytoseiidae

Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Bois.)

Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes)

Aceria ficus Cotte

Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henroit) Phytoseius plumifer (C. and F.) Typhlodromus athiasae Porath and Swirskii

Agistemus enertus Gonzales Barbuta sp.

Fam. Eupalopsellidae Saniosutus nudus Summers

Fam. Stigmaidae

Fam. Tydeidae Tydeus californicus Banks

Pronematus ubiquitus McG.

Cheletogenes ornatus (C. and F.)

Paracheyletia bakeri (Ehara) Fam. Hemisarcoptidae

Hemisarcoptes malus (Shimer)

Fam. Cheyletidae

Fam. Tarsonemidae

Fam. Oribatulidae Tarsonemus smi th (Ewing)

Siculobata sicula (Berlese)

Sites and remarks

Leaves, buds, fruits; persistent pest

Leaves; rare

Leaves, fruits; persistent pest

Leaves; rare Leaves, buds, fruits; prevelant Leaves; one specimen

Leaves, buds; prevelant Leaves; one specimen

Leaves; buds; rare associated with scale insects

Leaves, buds, fruits; the most common tydeid mite Leaves, buds; prevelant

Leaves, buds, fruits; the most common cheyletid mite Leaves; one specimen

Leaves; buds; associated with scale insects; rare

Leaves; rare

Leaves, buds, fruits; the most common oribatid mite

316 A . H . Rasmy and B. A . Abou-Awad

coast while the red spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Bois.) was widely spread in middle Delta. The tenuipalpid mite, Brewipafpus phoenicis (Geijs- kes) was noted as an occasional pest in Nile Delta.

The predacious mites of the families Phytoseiidae, Tydeidae and Sti- gmaeidae were widely distributed in noticeable numbers all over Lower Egypt. The phytoseiids, particularly Phytoseius plumifer (C. & F.) were the most commonly encountered predators. The eupalopsellid mite Saniostl- lus nudus Summers was found associated with scale insects. On the other hand, cheyletids and hemisarcoptids were recorded in rare numbers. The oribatulid, Siculobata sicuh.~ (Berlesej was noted in high numbers in Tahreer orchard but it did not show an obvious role.


Feigenbaum-bewohnende Milben in dgypten Auf Feigenbaume im Nildelta wurden 16 Milbenarten aus 1 1 Familien festgestellt: 3 phy- tophyge, 11 wahrscheinlich rauberische und 2 wahrscheinlich Abfalle und Pilze verzehrende Arten.


BAKER, E. W., and WHARTON, C. W., 1952: An Introduction to Acarology. Macmillan Co.,

- CAMIN, J. H., CUNLIFFE, F., WOOLLY, T. A,, and YUNKER, C. E., 1958: Guide to Families

EBELING, W., 1959: Subtropical fruit pests. Univ. Calif. press Berkely, 436 pp.

New York, 1-465.

of Mites. Inst. of Acarology; Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Cont. 3, 1-242.

Department of Plant Protection, Division of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alexandria

Development of a Standardized Technique for Rearing Larvae of Anophelespharoensis Theo. (Dipt., Culicidae), and Preparation

of Dosage-Mortality Curves for five Larvicides


With 1 Figure


In Egypt, Anopheles phavoensis Theo.,one of the main vectors of malaria, prevails wherever Nile water exists. Most early workers employed natural breeding water as the medium for raising larvae. The wide variability in such waters in pH, ionic concentration of dissolved compounds, aeration and other factors, made it almost impossible to secure raising a homogenous culture suitable for bio-assay tests.

2. ang. Ent. 70 (1972), 316-322 @ 1972 Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin

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