misquoted quranic verses and ahadith by

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الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم

أجمعين وصحبه آله وعلى محمد سيدنا على والسلام والصلاة ،العالمين رب لله الحمد

This book clarifies certain verses and Ahadith that are misquoted by deviant sects to mislead Muslims away from Islam. It is important book, a must read by all Muslims.

Using of Quranic verses meant for Pagans (Mushrikeen-e-Makka) on Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah was started by Khwarij during the time of Khulfa-e-Rashidoon. Later it was continued by Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups.

It is in Hadith - على فجعلوها الكفار في نزلت آيات إلى انطلقوا إنهم وقال الله خلق شرار يراهم عمر ابن وكان ) Ibn Umar - المؤمنين عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) considered the Khawarij and the heretics as the worst beings in creation and he said : 'They went to verses which were revealed about the disbelievers (the pagans of Makka) and applied them to the Believers (Prophets, Sahabah, Awliya Allah and Muslims). (Bukhari - Chapter Khawarijeen).









In the court of Allah ( وجل عز ) the believers and non-believers are treated differently.

It is in Quran - ئك هم المؤمنون حقا لهم درجات عند ربهم ومغفرة ورزق كريم ـ Those are] أولthey who are in truth believers. For them are Grades (of honor) with their Lord, and pardon, and a bountiful provision. (Al-Anfal - 4)]

It is in Quran - إذ يتوفى الذين كفروا الملئكة يضربون وجوههم وأدبارهم وذوقوا عذاب ولو ترى

,If you could see how the angels receive those who disbelieve] الحريق smiting faces and their backs and (saying): Taste the punishment of burning! (Al-Anfal - 50)]

It is in Quran - الحات سواء أم حسب الذين اجترحوا السيئات أن نجعلهم كالذين آمنوا وعملوا الص

حياهم ومماتهم ساء ما يحكمون As for those who (do not have faith, and) ] مindulge in (evil) sinful doings, do they think that We place them, both in their life and their death, on equal footing with those who have attained the faith and do righteous deeds? Bad indeed is their judgment. ] (Al-

Jathiya - 21)

The above Quranic verses clearly specify that there are grades of honor and rewards for pious Muslims in Hereafter; while non-believers and hypocrites are treated as criminals and are punished for their crimes. Therefore, the Graves of pious believers and the graves of disbelievers and hypocrites are not treated alike, even by the Angels.

Since the graves of non-believers (Mushrikeen) and hypocrites are the places of apostasy, we are forbidden from visiting them or making these graves higher from the ground or make domes over them.

Take the examples of mosques, churches and temples which are built as massive structures, but these buildings are not treated alike. Mosque is a place where we pray Allah ( وجل عز ); while Churches and Temples are places of apostasy where idols are worshiped; therefore, we should avoid visiting them for the purpose of prayers.



The pious grave of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and graves of Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah are like gardens of Paradise, where they receive Paradise's cool breeze, therefore, building tombs over them is very much liked by Allah ( وجل عز ) and His Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ). I have explained this issue in detail in a separate book.

Prophet Mohammad's ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) status is exalted in the Cosmos.

It is in Quran - حمودا مقاما ربك يبعثك أن م [Allah will raise you to the highest place of praise and glory ] (Al-Isra - 79).

Therefore, his resting place, his pious grave, is naturally exalted in the cosmos and should be honored accordingly.

It is in Hadith - Abdullah bin Zaid Al-Mazini ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) narrated that Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said, "Between my house (now his pious grave) and the pulpit (in Masjid-e-Nabawi) there is a Garden of the Gardens of Paradise.' (Bukhari - Book #21, Hadith #286).

It is common sense that no one would like to visit the graves of Mushrikeen or hypocrites in the first place. It is also a known fact that we visit the graves of sinful (fasiq) Muslims only to pray for their pardon from Allah ( وجل عز ). We do not sit there, or kiss their graves with reverence or ask them to pray for us. A person who is undergoing Azab for his wrong deeds, he neither deserves respect (on par with Awliya Allah) nor he can help others by his Dua.

In our physical world also, we go to important officials to recommend our case to higher authorities. We do not go to a convict who is undergoing Jail term and ask for his help. If we do that, people will laugh at us.

Allah ( وجل عز ) loves everything related to Awliya Allah; be it their homes in this world, or their graves. This is the reason, their sacred bodies remain fresh in their graves.

When we visit Rawdha-e-Rasool ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) or Graves of Sahabah ( رضئ اللہ تعالی

,and Awliya Allah, we should pay a lot of respect. We can touch these graves (عنہم اجمعينor kiss them and request Awliya Allah to pray for us for our benefit in both the worlds. Remember, we don't go to Sahabah and Awliya Allah's graves to seek their pardon from Allah ( وجل عز ). If we do that, it will be treated as disrespect and we may be punished for our irrational behavior.


It is in Quran – ر يا أيها الذين آمنوا ل ترفعوا أصواتكم فوق صوت النبي ول تجهروا له بالقول كجه

ئك الذين إن الذين يغضون أصواتهم عند رسول -بعضكم لبعض أن تحبط أعمالكم وأنتم ل تشعرون ـ أول الل

غفرة وأجر عظيم قلوبهم للتقوى لهم م O' you who believe! Raise not your ] امتحن اللvoices above the voice of the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), nor speak aloud to him in talk, as you may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become vain and you perceive not. Those that lower their voices in the presence of Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), their hearts has Allah ( عز -tested for piety; for them is Forgiveness and a great Reward] (Al (وجل Hujraat 2-3).

We are positive that no one in this world will ever be able to bring forth a 'Sahih report' from the Salaf or Khalaf prohibiting visiting the grave of the Prophet Mohammad ( صلى

وسلم آله و عليه الله ) for tabarruk and tawassul by him after his death.

We are not talking about Salafis, who are worst than Khawarij and their likeminded Deobandi and other scholars who confuse innocent Muslims by imposing Quranic verses and Ahadith on Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), Sahabah ( رضئ اللہ تعالی

and Awliya Allah which were actually meant for non believing Makkan (عنہم اجمعينPagans and hypocrites.

In the following paragraphs, we explained this issue in detail and have cleared all doubts created by Salafis/Deobandis and their like minded groups.

(1) It is in Quran - وليكم إن ما لة يقيمون ال ذين واآمن وال ذين ورسوله الل كاة ويؤتون الص وهم الز ) Your guardian (or solver of grievances) can only be Allah] راكعون عز ) and His Apostle (وجل وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and those who believe, who establish Salah, and pay Zakat and bow down (in prayer) (Al-Maida - 55)

The above verse clearly establishes that Allah ( وجل عز ) is the Guardian and solver of grievances of people. In addition, Prophet Mohammad ( الله صلى

وسلم آله و عليه ) is also the guardian and solver of grievances of people in the sense that Allah ( وجل عز ) listens to his prayers more than anyone else. Similarly, Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah are also guardians and solvers of grievances of people in the sense that their Dua is answered faster than the Dua of sinful Muslims.

The above Quranic verse clearly establishes the authenticity of Isteghatha (asking for help) and Tawassul (Mediation) of Prophet Mohammad ( صلى

وسلم آله و عليه الله ), Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah, during their lives and after their deaths.


(a) Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328), the number one in-command of Salafis wrote :

QUOTE - Some people came to the pious grave of our Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and requested something and their needs were fulfilled. In the same way, the pious people can also fulfill the needs of the people and we do not deny this. (Iqtida as-Sarat al-Mustaqim-page 373

by Ibn Taymiyya). UNQUOTE

(b) Imam Ahmad sought blessings from the Prophet ( آله و عليه الله صلى .by touching and kissing his Minber and Grave (وسلم

النبي منبر يمس الرجل عن سألته :نصه ما الرجال ومعرفة العلل كتاب وفي

هذا نحو أو ذلك مثل بالقبر ويفعل ويقب له بمسه ويتبرك وسلم عليه الله صلى

هـ.ا بذلك بأس لا :وقال وعز، جل الله إلى التقرب بذلك يريد

ك و د سيدنا ببركة انفعنا اللهم .. الخير أي البركة طلب هو لغة التبر محم

سلم و عليه الله صلى

[In the book 'Su’alat (Questions of) Abdullah, son of Ahmad bin Hanbal

to Ahmad' He said: 'I asked my father (Ahmad bin Hanbal) about the person that touches the 'Rummanah' Podium Knob (Where the Prophet -وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى - used to put his hand) with the intention of seeking blessings, and about touching the Grave of Prophet Mohammad ( الله صلى

وسلم آله و عليه ) for blessings, he (Ahmad) said: 'Nothing wrong with that'. ]

(2) It is in Hadith - Abu Salih al-Ghifari ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) reported : Ali ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) (once) passed by Babylon during his travels. The Mu'adhdhin (the person who calls for prayer) came to him to call for the afternoon prayer. When Ali ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) passed by that place, he commanded to announce for the prayer. After finishing the prayer he said : My affectionate friend (Prophet - وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) prohibited me to


pray in (unbelievers’) Graveyard. He also forbade me to offer prayer in Babylon because it is accursed. (Abu Dawood - Book #2, Hadith #0490).

The above Hadith clearly states that we should not offer prayers near the graves of Mushrikeen and those who were killed by Wrath of Allah ( عز .(Babylon) (وجل

However, this is not the case with the Graves of pious Sahabah and Awliya Allah.

(3) It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) performed Eid Al-Adha prayer near Baqi because all graves at that time belonged to Sahabah. (Bukhari, Book #15, Hadith #93).

(4) It is in Quran - كن ل تحبون فتولى ـ عنهم وقال يا قوم لقد أبلغتكم رسالة ربي ونصحت لكم ول

) So Salih] الناصحين م السلا عليه ) left them saying : O'my People, I did indeed convey to you the message for which I was sent by my Lord : I gave you good counsel but you love not good Counselors] (Al-Araf - 79).

The above verse refers that Prophet Salih ( م السلا عليه ) addressed his people, after they were perished by Allah's ( وجل عز ) Wrath (Azab), and reminded them that what he said during their lifetime was truth.

(5) It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) addressed the dead bodies of pagans killed at Badar and reminded them that what he said to them during their life time was correct. (Bukhari, Muslim and others)

(6) It is in Hadith - Narrated Hisham's father : It was mentioned before Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا تعالی الله رضئ ) that Ibn 'Umar ( الله رضئ

عنہ یتعال ) attributed the following statement to the Prophet ( آله و عليه الله صلى The dead person is punished in the Grave because of the crying and' (وسلمlamentation of his family.' On that, Ummul Momineen Aisha ( تعالی الله رضئ) said, "But Allah's Apostle (عنہا وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said, 'The dead person is punished for his crimes and sins while his family cry over him, then She added, 'And this is similar to the statement of Allah's Apostle ( و عليه الله صلى

وسلم آله ) when he stood by the (edge of the) well which contained the corpses of the pagans killed at Badr, 'They hear what I say.' She added, 'But he said now they know very well what I used to tell them was the truth. 'Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا تعالی الله رضئ ) then recited (the Quranic verses): الموتى تسمع لا فإن ك [You cannot make the dead hear] (Ar-


Room - 52) and القبور في م ن بمسمع أنت وما [You cannot make those who are in Graves, hear you.] (Fatir - 22) that is, when they had taken their places in the Fire. (Bukhari - Book #59, Hadith #316).

In the above Hadith, Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا تعالی الله رضئ ) refers to the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) about the Pagans killed at Badr and makes a distinction between the two categories of dead people; (i) the non-believers and hypocrites (ii) Believers and pious Muslims. She clarifies that we cannot make the dead non-believers and hypocrites hear while they are undergoing Azab-e-Qabr. How can they hear to our voice properly among the loud noise of beating by hunters and other instruments of Azab as well as their constant shrieks in pain.

But this is not the case with pious Muslims. They are in comforts in their life after death. They can very well hear to our call and reply to our questions, as the boy replied to Hazrat Umer ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) when he visited his grave. (Tafseer Ibn Kathir under verse 7-201).

(7) It is in Quran - ورسوله ات أبدا ول تقم على قبره إنهم كفروا بالل نهم م ول تصل على أحد م

وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى - And never, (O' Prophet] وماتوا وهم فاسقون ) pray (funeral prayer) for anyone of them that dies, nor stand at his Grave. Certainly they disbelieved in Allah ( وجل عز ) and His Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), and died in a state of rebellion'. (at-Tauba -84).

The above Quranic verse clearly specifies that we should not stand (sit or pray) near the Graves of non-believers and hypocrites.

However, we are allowed to visit, stand or sit and pray near the graves of pious Muslims. We can also stand near the grave of a fasiq Muslim to pray for his pardon from Allah ( وجل عز ).

(8) It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said : The people before you took graves as mosques. I prohibit this to you." (Masnad Ahmad).

(9) It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said :" Do not pray facing a grave and do not sit on one." (Sahih Muslim)

Both the above Ahadith refer to the old customs of Pagans, Jews and Christians who built structures on the graves of their dead to worship them. This has been forbidden in Islam.

Salafis quote the above Ahadith to misguide Muslims that reading of Quran or doing Salah near the graves of Awliya Allah is not allowed.


These people have gone astray and they lead others go astray along with them. (Astaghfirullah)

(10) It is in Hadith - Narrated Al-Bara ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) : The Prophet ( صلىوسلم آله و عليه الله ) went towards Al-Baqi (the Graveyard at Medina) on the

day of Id-ul-Adha and offered two-Rakat prayer (of 'Id-ul-Adha).... (part of the Hadith). (Bukhari - Book #15, Hadith #93).

There are innumerable Ahadith that Sahaba recited Quran, did Zikr near the pious grave of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ). They kissed, embraced and requested the Prophet to solve their problems related to this world.

(11) It is in Hadith - Narrated Buraidah ibn al-Hasib ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) : The Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said : I forbade you three things, and now I command (permit) you for them. I forbade you to visit graves, now you may visit them, for in visiting them there is admonition. I forbade you drinks except from skin vessels, but now you may drink from any kind of vessels, but do not drink an intoxicant. I forbade you to eat the meat of sacrificial animals after three days, but now you may eat and enjoy it during your journeys. (Abu Dawood - Book #26, Hadith #3689).

The above Hadith clarifies an important issue. Pagans used to consider idols as God and a source of recommendation to their Chief Idol God. All kinds of rituals and practices like touching, kissing, pouring milk or blood of slaughtered animal over these idols were widespread among pagan society. Some of them used to do these rituals with the graves of their prominent dead people. Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) stopped Muslims from all that, including visiting the Pagan graves.

In the initial period of Islam the graveyards were full of the graves of pagans. Therefore Muslims were stopped from visiting these graves as these belonged to non-believers. After some years, when Muslim graveyards like Jannatul Baqi at Madina were developed, Prophet ( الله صلى

وسلم آله و عليه ) permitted Muslims to visit Graveyards.

In the same way, restrictions in other areas were also lifted as Muslims were sufficiently trained in Islam.

(12) It is in Hadith - Narrated Ummul Momineen Aisha ( تعالی الله رضئ) and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (عنہا عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) : When the last moment of


the life of Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) came, he started putting his 'Khamisa' on his face and when he felt hot and short of breath he took it off his face and said, "May Allah ( وجل عز ) curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the Graves of their Prophets." The Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) was warning (Muslims) of what those had done. (Bukhari Book #8, Hadith #427).

(13) It is in Hadith - Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ): The Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) cursed women who visit Graves, those who built mosques over them and erected lamps (there). (Abu Dawood - Book #20, Hadith #3230) (14) It is in Hadith - Yahya ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) related to me from Malik ( رضئ

عنہ تعالی الله ) from Zayd ibn Aslam ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) from Ata ibn Yasar ( رضئعنہ تعالی الله ) that the Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said, "O Allah ( عز

Do not make my Grave an idol that is worshiped. The anger on those !(وجل who took the Graves of their Prophets as places of prostration was terrible." (Muatta' Imâm Malik - Book #9, Hadith #9.24.88)

Ahadith nos (12,13,14) above specify that the Christians and Jews associated divinity with their Prophets and made Churches and Prayer halls over their graves. Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) is referring to that practices and warning Muslims never to follow the foot steps of Jews and Christians.

The above restriction is related with idolizing prophets as divine beings and making worship houses over their graves.

Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) also shows anger on women who visit the graves (of non-Muslim pagan relatives) and he is stopping Muslims from falling victims to such practices.

However, women can visit Muslim graveyards when they observe proper Hijab.

We have not come across any Hadith in the entire Hadith literature in which Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) stopped people from celebrating his Birthday or arranging Islamic gatherings to show happiness, in Masjid-e-Nabawi or anywhere in the world.


There is a difference in building a tomb on the grave of a Mushrik or hypocrite and building a tomb over the grave of a beloved of Allah ( عز .(وجل

In their inability to understand Quran and Ahadith, Deviant sects like Salafis, Deobandis and likeminded groups made blunders which has resulted in their losing the path of Islam.

If an illiterate, adamant and passionate person comes to power, he destroys the entire structure of the country. The same thing happened in Arabian peninsula. Wahhabi Salafis killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims, destroyed pious Graves of the beloveds of Allah ( عز and ransacked entire heritage of Islam and have led a large (وجل population on a path, which leads them only to permanent Hell fire. (Astaghfirullahal Azeem)

(15) It is in Hadith - Narrated Abu Hurayrah ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ): The Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said: Do not make your houses Graves, and do not make my Grave a place of festivity. But invoke blessings on me, for your blessings reach me wherever you may be. (Abu Dawood - Book #10, Hadith #2037).

The above Hadith clearly specifies that we should not make our houses look like the graves of non-believers and hypocrites as these are like pits of hell with varying degree of punishment. We should pray, recite Quran and do Zikr and avoid sins and acts that become cause of Allah's wrath.

The above Hadith is not related with the graves of pious Muslims and Awliya Allah which are transformed as gardens of Paradise. As a matter of fact we should try to turn our houses into the gardens of Paradise, meaning we should frequently pray at our houses, do zikr, invoke Durood on Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), read Quran and lead a pious life.

As for the Hadith statement "Do not make my grave a place of festivity," this is a wrong translation done by Wahhabis. The correct translation is "Do not make my grave an anniversary festival and nothing more," meaning : Visit me all the time and not just once a year. Do not make it look like 'Eid' once in a year. This is the explanation done by most of the Ulema; among them Hafiz al-Sakhawi, the student of Imam Ibn Hajar, in his chapter entitled "On the meaning of the Hadith: Do not make my


grave a "Eid" in "al-Qawl al-Badi` fil-Salat was-Salam `ala al-Habib al-Shafi`" (Beirut 1987/1407) p. 159-160.

Even if we take the literal meaning of the second half of the Hadith (as interpreted by Wahhabis), it warns us that we should not treat Rawda-e-Rasool ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) as a picnic spot. We can visit the sacred Rawdah, but we should maintain respect and 'Adab'. We should invoke Durood on Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) all the time, whether we are near the Rawda-e-Rasool ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) or away from it.

(16) Wahhabis and their like minded groups quote a Hadith : Thumama bin Shafaii reported : When we were with Fadala bin Ubaid in the country of the Romans at a place (known as) Rudis, a friend of ours died. Fadala bin Ubaid ordered the prepare a grave for him and then it was leveled; then he said: I heard the Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) commanding (us) to level the grave. (Muslim, Book 4 # 2114)

The above Hadith is related to a specific occasion. We cannot generalize this Hadith for all graves of Muslims. If this was the case, then Prophet Mohammad's ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) grave, along with Hadhrat Abu Bakr ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) and Umar ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) would have been leveled by the Sahabah. Similarly, all graves of Muslims died during the time of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and during Khulafa-e-Rashideen would have been leveled without a trace. Thus, the above Hadith relates to a time when Muslim Army was in an enemy territory and they did not like that the enemy finds the grave of one of their colleagues as it could have been a serious security threat for their survival in enemy territory. So in such circumstances, it was important that the grave be leveled without a trace.

Since the practice of leveling the graves of Sahabah was not adopted by Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) himself or by Khulafa-e-Rashideen during their time, therefore it can be interpreted that the instructions of the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) to Sahabah for leveling of the graves was for two reasons: (1) Mushrikeen's graves should be leveled, and (2) The grave of a Muslim can be leveled when it is necessary to hide it during war times in an enemy territory.

(17) Wahhabis and their likeminded groups quote another Hadith of the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) in which he ordered Ali ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) to "go and destroy every over-sized grave." This Hadith is in the Sahihayn, Sunan, and Musnad with various wordings.


The above Hadith is also misinterpreted by Wahhabis and their like minded groups. We have explained, time and again, in our books that one should learn Islam in the company of an authentic Shaikh of Ihsan. We should not read Quran and Ahadith independently or under Salafi Ulema and deduce rules based on our limited understanding. If we do that, there is a strong possibility that we misunderstand the meanings and go astray.

Imam Sufyan al-Thawri rightly said: "(the wordings of) this Hadith may misguide people except those who possess (Sahi) understanding (of Islam)."

Therefore, the correct understanding of the Hadith is, Prophet ( و عليه الله صلى

وسلم آله ) asked Ali ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) to destroy all graves of non-believers (pagans) which were high on the ground. This correct understanding is based on the following Hadith of Prophet Mohammmad ( آله و عليه الله صلى .(وسلم

(18) It is in Hadith - Narrated Anas ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ): When the Prophet arrived in Medina, he ordered that a Mosque should be built and sent for some people of Banu-an-Najjar and said, "O Banu an-Najjar! Suggest to me the price of this (walled) piece of land of yours." They replied, "No! By Allah ( وجل عز )! We do not demand its price except from Allah ( وجل عز )." Anas ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) added : There were Graves of pagans in it and some of it was un-levelled and there were some date-palm trees in it. The Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) ordered that the Graves of the pagans be dug out and the uneven land be leveled and the date-palm trees be cut down . (So all that was done). (Bukhari Book #8, Hadith #420).

Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) wanted to destroy Idol worship in all its formats. He wanted to clean all traces of Idol worship. This is the reason he removed all idols from Kabatullah and ordered Ali ( تعالی الله رضئ .to level all over-sized graves of un-believers (عنہ

Ibn al-Jawzi in at-Tahqiq said about the above Hadith of Ali ( تعالی الله رضئ .as follows (عنہ QUOTE - This (Hadith) is understood to refer to the elevated (Pre-Islamic) tombs they (Pagans) used to build with high and beautiful structures. UNQUOTE - (Al-Zayla'i mentioned it in Nasb al-Raya).


Anyone in the world who has some knowledge of Islamic History, knows what Wahhabis did in Arabian Peninsula and how much damaged they have done to Islam. Salafis worship a sky god and claim their Idol God is physically sitting over the skies on a big chair. When they say Allah is one, they mean their big Idol is one. They worship this idol 5 times a day. They consider this idol has sent all Prophets in the world. (La haula wala quwwata illa billah).

They have also invented a theory of oneness of their Sky Lord. They say (i) Tawheed - ar - Rububiyya, (ii) Tawheed - al - Uloohiyya, and (iii) Tawheed - al - Asma-was-Sifaat. In Tawheed-ar - Rububiyya, they claim that their Idol is "Rabb" (god or Sustainer) of all creatures and human beings in the Universe. In Tawheed-al-Uloohiya, they claim that their sky god is Divine (all powerful). They prostrate in front of that Sky Idol. In Tawheed al-Asma-was-Sifaat, they claim that their Idol God is 'compassionate, merciful and all that. They have hijacked all Allah's ( وجل عز ) Sifaat mentioned in Quran and Ahadith and associate them with their Sky God. When someone questions them for their Idol worship, they argue by saying that they are describing the god as He has described himself in Quran. (Astaghfirullah). They call their Idol God as Allah and misinterpret Quranic verses to legitimize their concocted beliefs and their Idol worship. We have described these issues in detail in other books.

The second thing they did was, they destroyed the pious graves of Prophet Mohammad's ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) family members, Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah from Arabian peninsula. They also destroyed all Islamic relics, houses, mosques and anything which had any trace of original Islam. Since they came to power, they are trying to destroy the Green dome and the Grave of Prophet Mohammad ( الله صلى

وسلم آله و عليه ) also. They renamed Islamic Arabian Peninsula as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and started constructing so called modern buildings in Hijaz and other places for commercial religious tourism. There were thousands of pious graves of Sahaba ( رضئ اللہ

and adjacent mosques throughout Arabian Peninsula. Now, nothing is (تعالی عنہم اجمعينthere, everything has been destroyed. New buildings have been constructed over these sacred graves and we do not know how many of these graves were turned into sewerage lines and toilets in that country. The graves of Sahabah ( رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم

at Badr and Uhad were destroyed and converted into parking lots. Now people (اجمعينwalk over these graves with their shoes and Cars are parked over the pious graves of Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) who gave their lives to strengthen Islam. An ATM facility is built at the place of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddique's ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) mosque in Makka. Prophet Mohammad's ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) house was converted into a Public Toilet. Allahu Akabar, Allahu Akbar. Anyone can guess, the perpetrators of these crimes must be in severest Azaab in their graves. There cannot be two opinions in this context. Even the cursed Satan might not have damaged Islam more than these people and we know what will happen to them on the Day of Judgment.


The third thing they did was, they changed all Hadith books. Initially, all Ahadith which were against their wrongful Aqeedah were declared as 'fabricated' (Maudu) in all Hadith books. Later they removed these Ahadith altogether. There is a Wahhabi cleric named Al-Baani who is considered as great Muhaddith by Salafis and their likeminded groups. He removed 83 chapters from the most authentic Hadith book 'Bukhari' and published a book titled "Sahih Adab Al Mufrad". They have changed the meanings of the most of the Quranic verses and have published "Noble Quran" which contains meanings of Quranic verses as per their Salafi Aqeedah.

(i) Bahar-e-Shariat (1939) is a voluminous Urdu book consisting of 20 volumes; 17 of which were written by Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali Qadri Razvi, a disciple of Ahmad Radha Khan Barelwi and the remaining three volumes were written/compiled by Mufti Amjad Ali Qadri's disciples. This book is very popular among Barelvis. Under "Ashi'atul Lam'aat", Mufti Amjad Ali Qadri is reported to have written that kissing of graves is forbidden in Islam. Some people may misunderstand this fatwa and consider that pious graves of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), Sahaba (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah are included in this fatwa. In the light of the Ahadith and Quranic verses quoted in this Article, it is evident that the fatwa is related to the graves of un-believers and hypocrites who are subjected to punishment in their graves.

(ii) Fatawa-e-Alamgiri (also known as Fatawa-i-Hindiya) is a compilation of law created at the instance of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb (1618-1707). This book is based on Hanafi School which was compiled by many well known Scholars. It has 30 volumes and serves as the basis of Islamic law in Indian Sub Continent. In Chapter titled 'Ziyaratil Qubur", it is written that " it does not matter much if someone kisses the graves of his parents".

(iii) It is mentioned in Fatawa Razvia that it is wise thing that women should be stopped from visiting the graves. This Fatwa implies that women should be stopped from visiting the graves of their non-believer relatives and friends. Some people may misunderstand this Fatwa and include Muslim graves and Graves of Awliya Allah.

(iv) It is in Hadith - Ummul Momineen A'isha ( عنہا تعالی الله رضئ ) reported that "the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) had given permission (to women) to visit graves.' (Sunan Baihaqi).


(v) It is in Hadith - Narrated by al-Hakim that Abu Ayyub Ansari ( الله رضئعنہ تعالی ) placed his forehead on the grave of Prophet Mohammad ( الله صلى

وسلم آله و عليه ). Marwan Ibn al-Hakam, the Governor of Madina, saw him and held his neck. Abu Ayyub ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) said I did not come to the Stone (Idol). I came to the Apostle of Allah (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم). I heard the Apostle of Allah ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) say: Do not weep for Islam if the qualified people were in-charge, but weep for it, if it was under the charge of unqualified. (Al-Hakim related this Hadith in Mustadrakand said it is Sahih. ad-Dhahabi (who is held in great respect by Salafis) agreed to his authentication.

In the above Hadith, there is clear distinction between Idols worshiped by Hindus and the Graves of Prophets, Sahabah and Awliya Allah. Paying respects, placing forehead on the Mazar or kissing the Mazaars of Islamic dignitaries is the tradition of Sahabah.

Look in the above Hadith, Abu Ayub ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) is reported to have placed his forehead on the pious grave of the Prophet ( آله و عليه الله صلى and when Marwan (the Governor of Madina) tried to hold him, he (وسلمsays that I have come to the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and not to an Idol.

(vi) It is in Hadith - Narrated by Ibn Majah, Ahmad, at-Tabarani, as-Subki and Ibn Asakir that : Mu`adh Ibn Jabal ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) and Bilal ( الله رضئ

عنہ تعالی ) came to the Grave of the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and sat weeping and Bilal ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) rubbed his face against the Grave of Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ). (Ibn Majah 2:1320, Ahmad, al-Tabarani, al-Subki, and Ibn Asakir).

The above Hadith confirms the fact that kissing of Graves and placing your head and rubbing your face on the Graves is the tradition of Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين).

(vii) It is in Hadith - Yahya ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) related from Imam Malik ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) that he heard that AIi Ibn Abi Talib ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) used to rest his head on Graves and lie on them [meaning holding the grave with his stretched hands while his head, entire face and chest is rested on the Grave]. Imam Malik ( عنہ لیتعا الله رضئ ) said, "As far as we can see, it is only forbidden to sit on the Graves to relieve oneself."(Muatta' Imâm

Malik - Book #16, Hadith #16.11.34)


Using the Quranic verses meant for Pagans (Mushrikeen-e-Makka) on Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), Sahabah (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہم اجمعين) and Awliya Allah was started by Kharijis during the time of Khulfa-e-Rashidoon. Later it was continued by Salafis and their likeminded groups.

It is in Hadith - Ibn Umar ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) considered the Khawarij and the heretics as the worst beings in creation (meaning worst than Satan and his subordinate Shayateen), and he said : 'They went to verses which were revealed about the disbelievers (the pagans of Makka) and applied them to the Believers (Prophets, Sahabah, Awliya Allah and Muslims). (Bukhari - Chapter Khawarijeen).


The deviant sects, Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups quote the following 4

verses of Quran, and impose them on Muslims/Awilya Allah to support their arguments related to visiting the graves of Awliya Allah and Muslims.

(1) It is in Quran - م تسمع ول الموتى تسمع ل إن ك مدبرين ول وا إذا الدعاء الص [Verily you cannot make the dead hear and you cannot make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs and retreat. ] (An-Naml – 80) (2) It is in Quran - يسمع من يشاء وما أنت بمسمع ن وما يستوي الحياء ول الموات إن الل م

) The living and the dead are not alike. Allah] في القبور وجل عز ) makes whoever he wishes hear, but you cannot make those in the graves hear.] (Fatir - 22) (3) It is in Quran - ل يخلقون شي ئا وهم يخلقون. أموات غير أحياء وما والذين يدعون من دون الل

) To whom they call on beside Allah ] يشعرون أيان يبعثون وجل عز ) can create nothing, they are themselves created. Dead are they - absolutely without life. They cannot even know when they will be raised. ] (An-Nahl - 20-21) (4) It is in Quran - ي تون وإن هم مي ت إن ك م [ Surely you shall die and they too shall (surely) die.] (Az-Zumur - 30)


All 4 verses quoted above, are from the Quranic chapters delivered in Makka. We all know that the Chapters delivered in Makka were mostly in refutation of Idol worship of Makkan Pagans. Therefore, the above verses are surely meant for Makkan Pagans.

We have discussed these verses below to explain that the contention of deviant sects is spurious.

Verse No. 1

It is in Quran - م تسمع ول الموتى تسمع ل إن ك مدبرين ول وا إذا الدعاء الص [Verily you cannot make the dead hear and you cannot make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs and retreat. ] (An-Naml – 80)

To understand the above verse in its correct perspective, read the verse which is mentioned immediately after this verse (verse 81). We have quoted below both these verses together for our readers to understand factual meanings in this regard.

It is in Quran عاء إذا ولوا مدبرين م الد وما أنت بهادي العمي -إنك ل تسمع الموتى ول تسمع الص

سلم عن ضللتهم إن تسمع إل من يؤم ون ن بآياتنا فهم م [Verily you cannot make the dead hear and you cannot make the deaf hear the call when they turn their backs and retreat (verse 80). Nor can you lead the blind out of their error. You cannot make none to hear except those who believe (in) our revelations and who have surrendered (themselves to Islam) (verse -

81).] (An-Naml – 80-81)

When we read both the verses together it is clear that word ‘dead’ is used to mean the disbelievers, and not those who are actually dead. In verse (80), it is mentioned that when 'you call them, they turn their backs and retreat'; meaning these verses are meant for the living Makkan pagans. Similarly, in verse (81), it is mentioned that 'you cannot make none to hear except those who believe in our revelations' which makes it abundantly clear that these verses are definitely meant for Makkan pagans who are unwilling to accept the truth of Islam.

Verse No. 2

It is in Quran - يسمع من يشاء و ن في وما يستوي الحياء ول الموات إن الل ما أنت بمسمع م

makes whoever (عز وجل ) The living and the dead are not alike. Allah] القبور he wishes hear, but you cannot make those in graves hear.] (Fatir - 22)


To find out its actual meaning, let us study 3 verses, immediately before this verse. We have provided below all 4 verses together for our readers to understand correct contextual meanings.

It is in Quran – وما -ول الظل ول الحرور -ول الظلمات ول النور -والبصير وما يستوي العمى

ن في القبور يسمع من يشاء وما أنت بمسمع م The blind and ] يستوي الحياء ول الموات إن اللthe seeing are not alike (verse 19). Nor are the depth of darkness and the light (verse 20). Nor are the (chilly) shade and the (genial - gracious) heat of the sun (verse 21). Nor are alike those that are living and those that are dead, Allah ( وجل عز ) can make any, that He wills, to hear, but you (O’ Prophet - وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) cannot make those (who are being punished) hear who are in graves (verse 22). ] (Fater - 19-22)

Verse 19 - ‘The blind and the seeing are not alike’.

This has reference to Makkan polytheists. Allah ( وجل عز ) is referring them as blind because they do not have the light of Iman in their hearts. Verse 20 - ‘The depth of darkness and light is not alike’.

This means, Kuffars’ hearts are buried in the depth of darkness, therefore they cannot be compared with Muslims whose hearts are enlightened with Iman.

Verse 21 - 'The chilly shade and gracious heat of the sun cannot be alike'.

Since, Makkan pagans hearts are buried in the depth of darkness, it is referred as 'chilly shade' which cannot benefit from the heat of the sun. Meaning, the polytheists of Makka are not benefited from the gracious heat of Iman that is emanating from Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و

وسلم آله ).

Verse 22 has three parts.

Part (22.1) - ‘The living and dead are not alike’.

This means, the polytheists of Makka and Muslims are not the same. Muslims are referred as living beings because of their Iman. As Makkan


pagans' hearts are buried in the depth of darkness because of their Idol worship, they are referred as 'dead Mushrikeen'.

Part (22.2) - ‘Allah ( جل و عز ) can make any that He wills to hear’.

Allah ( وجل عز ) says that He has the omnipotence (power) to make anyone hear - which means He can give Iman to anyone he wishes. Part (22.3) - (O’ Prophet - وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) you cannot make those dead bodies (of disbelievers) listen who are in graves (and suffering from the torment of grave)’.

Since the entire discussion is about Makkan Mushrikeen whose hearts are buried in the depth of darkness because of their Idol worship, this part of the verse 22.3 naturally refers to them. The graves of Muslims are not dark. They are illuminated by Allah's ( وجل عز ) mercy and they are in comforts in life after death.

Thus, the entire sequence of verses (Fater - 19-22), mentioned above refer to the Makkan polytheists.

It is in Hadith - Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not, are like the living and the dead. (Muslim).

It is in Hadith - Abu Musa ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) narrates that the Prophet ( صلی

وسلم وآلہ عليہ الله ) said, “He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and the dead.”[Bukhari, as-Sahih (5:2353 # 6044), Mundhiri, at-Targhib wat-tarhib (2:256 # 2303), Asqalani, Fath-ul-bari (11:210 # 6044)]

It is in Hadith - Abu Musa ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) narrates that the Holy Prophet ( وسلم وآلہ عليہ الله صلی ) said, “The house in which Allah ( وجل عز ) is remembered and the one in which Allah ( وجل عز ) is not remembered are like the living and the dead." ]

[Muslim, as-Sahih (1:539 # 779); Ibn Hibban, as-Sahih (3:135 # 854); Abu Yala, al-Musnad (13:291 # 7306), Ruyani, al-Musnad (1:317 # 473); Abu Nuaym, al-Musnad-ul-mustakhraj ala as-Sahih Muslim (2:372 # 1771); Daylami, (4:143 # 6442); Bayhaqi, Shuab-ul-iman (1:401 # 536);


Mundhiri, at-Targhib wat-tarhib (1:170 # 635); Nawawi, Sharh Sahih Muslim (6:68)]

It is in Quran - يضلله ومن يشأ يجعله على الذين كذبوا بآياتنا صم وبكم في الظلمات من يشإ الل

ستقيم And they who reject Our verses (and those who reject the real) صراط مmeanings and misinterpret them and draw wrong conclusions from them) are deaf and dumb, in utter darkness; whom Allah ( وجل عز ) pleases He causes to err and whom He pleases He puts on the right way). (Al-An'aam - 39).

Verse No. 3

It is in Quran - ل يخلقون شيئا وهم يخلقون. أموات غير أحياء وما والذين يدعون من دون الل

) To whom they call on beside Allah ] يشعرون أيان يبعثون وجل عز ) can create nothing, they are themselves created. Dead are they - absolutely without life. They cannot even know when they will be raised.] (An-Nahl - 20-21)

The above verses are meant for Makkan Pagans and their dead ancestors which is proved from the following Quranic verses, Ahadith and quotes.

(i) It is in Quran - وليكم إن ما لة يقيمون ال ذين آمنوا وال ذين ورسوله الل كاة ويؤتون الص وهم الز ) Your guardian (or solver of grievances) can be Allah) راكعون وجل عز ) and His Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and those who believe, who establish Salah, and pay Zakat and bow down (in prayer) (Al-Maeda - 55)

(ii) It is in Hadith - Narrated by al-Hakim that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) placed his forehead on the grave of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ). Marwan Ibn al-Hakam, the Governor of Madina, saw him and held his neck. Abu Ayyub ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) said I did not come to the Stone (Idol). I came to the Apostle of Allah ( الله صلى say : Do not (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) I heard the Apostle of Allah .(عليه و آله وسلمweep for Islam if the qualified people were in-charge, but weep for it, if it was under the charge of unqualified. (Al-Hakim related this Hadith in Mustadrak and said it is Sahih. ad-Dhahabi (who is held in great respect by Salafis) agreed to his authentication.

In the above Hadith, there is clear distinction between Idols worshiped by Idol worshipers and the Graves of Prophets, Sahabah and Awliya Allah. Paying respects, placing forehead on the Mazar or kissing the Mazars of Islamic dignitaries is the tradition of Sahabah.


Look in the above Hadith, Abu Ayub ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) is reported to have placed his forehead on the pious grave of the Prophet ( آله و عليه الله صلى and when Marwan (the Governor of Madina) tried to hold him, he (وسلمsays that I have come to the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and not to an Idol.

Walking on the footsteps of Khawarij; Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups claim that the Idols worshiped by Hindus in temples are standing, and the Muslims Idols are the Awliya Allah who are laying in their graves. Astaghfiruallah. To equate Awliya Allah, Sahabah, Imams as Idols is to invite the wrath of Allah ( وجل عز ).

(iii) It is in Hadith - Narrated by Ibn Majah, Ahmad, at-Tabarani, as-Subki and Ibn Asakir : Mu`adh Ibn Jabal ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) and Bilal ( الله رضئ

عنہ تعالی ) came to the Grave of the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and sat weeping and Bilal ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) rubbed his face against the Grave ofProphet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ). (Ibn Majah 2:1320, Ahmad, al-Tabarani, al-Subki, and Ibn Asakir).

The above Hadith confirms the fact that kissing of Graves and placing head and rubbing face on the Graves is the tradition of Sahabah ( الله رضئ

اجمعين عنہم تعالی ).

(iv) It is in Hadith - Yahya related from Imam Malik ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) that he heard that AIi Ibn Abi Talib ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) used to rest his head on Graves and lie on them [holding the grave with his stretched hands while his head, entire face and chest is rested on the Grave]. Imam Malik ( الله رضئ

عنہ تعالی ) said, "As far as we can see, it is only forbidden to sit on the Graves to relieve oneself." (Muatta' Imâm Malik - Book 16)

(v) Ibn Taymiyya, the first in command of Salafis, Deobandis and their likeminded groups, wrote a Hadith in his book Siraatal Mustaqeem : A person came to the blessed grave of the Apostle of Allah ( آله و عليه الله صلى) and requested food from the Prophet (وسلم وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى )and sat down. After a while a Hashmi (a member of the Prophet’s - آله و عليه الله صلى family) came to him. He had with him a tray of food, and said, "this وسلمfood has been sent by the Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and with it he gave a message: Eat it and leave from here because whoever loves us does not make this kind of desire". (Iqtida as-Sirat al Mustaqim, page 290 by Ibn Taymiyya).


From the above, it is proved that we can request from the pious people for our needs and they can help in alleviating our problems.

Verse No. 4

It is in Quran - ي تون وإن هم مي ت إن ك م [Surely you shall die and they too shall (surely) die.] (Az-Zumur - 30)

It is in Hadith - Narrated Ummul Momineen Aisha ( عنہا تعالی الله رضئ ): Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) died while Abu Bakr ( تعالی الله رضئ) was at a place called As-Sunah (Al-'Aliya) 'Umar (عنہ تعالی الله رضئ) stood up and said, "By Allah (عنہ وجل عز )! Allah's Apostle ( آله و عليه الله صلى) is not dead!" 'Umar (وسلم عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) (later on) said, "By Allah ( وجل عز )! Nothing occurred to my mind except that." He said, "Verily! Allah ( عز ".will resurrect him and he will cut the hands and legs of some men (وجل Then Abu Bakr ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) came and uncovered the face of Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), kissed him and said, "Let my mother and father be sacrificed for you, (O Allah's Apostle صلى الله عليه وسلم), you are good in life and in death. By Allah ( وجل عز ) in Whose Hands my life is, Allah ( وجل عز ) will never make you taste death twice." Then he went out and said, "O oath-taker! Don't be hasty." When Abu Bakr ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) spoke, 'Umar ( رضئ

عنہ تعالی الله ) sat down. Abu Bakr ( عنہ تعالی الله رضئ ) praised and glorified Allah ( وجل عز ) and said, No doubt! Whoever worshiped Mohammad ( صلى

وسلم آله و عليه الله ), then Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) is dead, but whoever worshiped Allah ( وجل عز ), then Allah ( وجل عز ) is Alive and shall never die." Then he recited ي تون وإن هم مي ت إن ك م [ Surely you shall die and they too shall (surely) die.] (Az-Zumur - 30). (Bukhari Vol 5, Bk 57, # 19)

Salafis, Deobandis, and their like minded groups misinterpret the above verse and Hadith to mean that there is no difference between the death of Prophet Mohammad ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) and the death of a Pagan Mushrik; in the sense that both cannot see or hear after death.(Astaghfirullahal Azeem). This claim on their part is Kufr, a

blatant and unpardonable Kufr. No person who has some common sense, can equate Allah's Apostle ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ) with a Pagan Mushrik, both in this life and in death. (La haula wala quwwata illa



To understand the meaning of this verse, let us read a verse before this verse. We have provided below both these verses for our readers so that they understand true meanings in this context.

It is in Quran - جل فيه شر مثل ر كاء متشاكسون ورجل سلما لرجل هل يستويان مثل ضرب الل

بل أكثرهم ل يعلمون يتون -الحمد لل إنك ميت وإنهم م [Allah ( وجل عز ) puts forth a similitude : a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with Allah) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master (like those who worship Allah alone). Are those two equal in comparison? All praises and thanks be to Allah! But most of them know not. Surely you shall die and they too shall (surely) die.] (Az-Zumur - 29-30)

Verse 29 establishes that the people who worship Idols are not the same as those who worship Allah ( وجل عز ). Surely, the treatment, rewards and active life of Muslims after their deaths will be different from the punishment of dead Mushrikeen. There are many Quranic verses and

Ahadith and quotes mentioned above which testify that Prophets, Sahabah, Awliya Allah are alive, they can see, listen and pray for us. This is Allah's ( وجل عز ) beneficence and reward for them.

Verse No. 30 describes - " O' Prophet ( وسلم آله و عليه الله صلى ), you will die and these Mushrikeen will also die" - but since you are not like one of them, your state, after death, will be exalted, totally different from their state. Your rewards and responsibilities, after death, are different from the punishment and torment of dead Mushrikeen.

Read more Quranic verses in this context.

(i) It is in Quran - الحات أم حسب الذين اجترحوا السيئات أن نجعلهم كالذين آمنوا وعملوا الص

حياهم ومماتهم ساء ما يحكمون As for those who (do not have faith, and)] سواء مindulge in (evil) sinful acts, do they think that We place them - both in their life and their death - on equal footing with those who have attained faith and do righteous deeds? Bad indeed is their judgment. ] (Al-Jathiya - 21)


(ii) It is in Quran - ل يستوي أصحاب النار وأصحاب الجنة أصحاب الجنة هم الفائزون [ The inmates of Hell and inmates of Paradise are not in the same position. Only the inmates of Paradise are felicitated.] (Al-Hashr - 20)

(iii) It is in Quran - ئك هم المؤمنون حقا لهم درجات عند ربهم ومغفرة ورزق كريم ـ أول[Those are they who are truth believers. For them are Grades (of honor) with their Lord, and pardon, and a bountiful provision. (Al-Anfal - 4)]

(iv) It is in Quran - إذ يتوفى الذين كفروا الملئكة يضربون وجوههم وأدبارهم وذوقوا ولو ترى

,If you could see how the angels receive those who disbelieve] عذاب الحريق smiting faces and their backs and (saying) : Taste the punishment of burning! (Al-Anfal - 50)]

(v) It is in Quran - علينا وما المبين البلاغ إلا [And our duty is only to proclaim the clear message."] (Ya seen - 17)

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