mini-assessment review · pdf fileton nom :_____ la date :_____ mini-assessment review les...

Post on 28-Mar-2018






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Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Mini-Assessment Review

Les instructions: Create a dialogue with you and someone else. In this dialogue:

Say a greeting

Say your name

Ask the other person's name

Say your nationality

State the other person's nationality

Ask and respond to how you are feeling

Ask and respond to how old you are

Ask and respond to what each person likes to do

Ask & respond if the person has a family member (you can choose which one)

Give characteristics about the family member (name, age, personality and physical traits)

Ask what the person did yesterday

Describe what classes the person takes

Describe what you need for the class

Express what each person likes to do athletically

Invite each other to a destination during a time of year.

Say a goodbye

Have the other person say a goodbye

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

















Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

















Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

















Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

















Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Ask “What is it” and then respond with what it is.

1) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

2) Ask if there are any of the object and respond if there are.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3) Ask how many objects there are and respond with the quantity.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

4) Ask if « What do you have » and respond appropriately.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

5) Ask if « Do you have a X » and respond appropriately.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

x 38

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Ask « What do you like to do »


Les instructions : Respond with what you like to do based on the images.

EXEMPLE (The examples will not be provided to you on the benchmark)


7) __________________________________________________________________

8) __________________________________________________________________

9) __________________________________________________________________

Les instructions: Look at the two photos. Ask what each person prefers and then respond appropriately.

10) (elles)



11) (Marc)



Moi, j’aime chanter.

Moi, je n’aime pas chanter.

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Ask the question « what did you do yesterday » and respond appropriately.

12) ______________________________________________________________________________


13) ______________________________________________________________________________


Les instructions: Ask the question “what did he do yesterday” and respond appropriately

14) ______________________________________________________________________________


Les instructions: Ask the question “what did she do yesterday” and respond appropriately

15) ______________________________________________________________________________


Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions: Conjugue le verbe

16) (écouter) ¬Nous__________________ la musique classique. Désolé.

17) (adorer) J’ _________________________parler français !

18) (surfer) ¬Tu _______________________ sur Internet. L’Internet ne marche1 pas.

19) (travailler) Est-ce qu’il_______________________ à Starbucks ?

20) (attendre) Est-ce que Marc ____________________ Clara après l’école ?

21) (répondre à) ¬Je ______________________la question. Je ne sais pas la réponse.

22) (faire) Nous _______________________ du jogging.

23) (faire) Elles __________________________de la photo.

24) (aller) Est-ce qu’elles _________________________ au cybercafé ?

25) (aller) ¬Vous ________________________________au cybercafé ?

1 marcher = to work as in “This doesn’t work.”

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Identifie tous les endroits dans la boîte.

Le Rhône La Suisse L’Espagne La Garonne Le Rhin

La Loire La Seine Le Luxembourg Le Jura

La Mer Méditerrané L’Italie La Belgique La Manche L’Océan Atlantique

Le Massif Central L’Allemagne Les Alpes La Paris Les Pyrénées

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Various friends are having conversations. Have one student ask what course the other

takes. Have the other respond. Then have them ask opinions of the course and respond.


Marc: _________________________________________________________________________

Thomas: ______________________________________________________________________

Marc: _________________________________________________________________________

Thomas: _______________________________________________________________________


Marie: _________________________________________________________________________

Claire: _________________________________________________________________________

Marie: _________________________________________________________________________

Claire: _________________________________________________________________________


Jean-Luc: ______________________________________________________________________

Aziliz: _________________________________________________________________________

Jean-Luc: ______________________________________________________________________

Aziliz: _________________________________________________________________________

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Explique ce dont tu as besoin/ce qu’il te faut pour le cours.













Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Invente un dialogue avec un ami. Demande ce qu’ils font comme sport.











Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Les instructions : Exprime avec le temps où tu vas avec le verbe aller

35) Elles___________________________________________________________________________

36) Tu___________________________________________________________________________

37) Je___________________________________________________________________________

38) On___________________________________________________________________________

39) Ils___________________________________________________________________________

40) Vous__________________________________________________________________________

41) Elles___________________________________________________________________________

42) Je___________________________________________________________________________

43) Tu___________________________________________________________________________

44) Mon père______________________________________________________________________

45) Nos cousins_____________________________________________________________________

46) Moi et mes frères________________________________________________________________

47) Professeur Harper________________________________________________________________

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Benchmark Self-Assessment Form

Points Possible Points Earned

Dialogue: Stating greeting


Dialogue: Stating name 1

Dialogue: Asking name 1

Dialogue: Stating your nationality


Dialogue: Stating other person’s nationality


Dialogue: Asking how you/other person is feeling


Dialogue: Stating how you/other person is feeling


Dialogue: Asking age 1

Dialogue: Stating age 1

Dialogue: Asking what each person likes to do


Dialogue: Responding with what each person likes to do


Dialogue: Ask if the other person has a family member


Dialogue: Responding to the question of having a family member


Dialogue: Assigning characteristics to family members


Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Points Possible Points Earned

Dialogue: Ask What did you do in the past tense


Dialogue: Responding What did you do in the past tense


Dialogue: Ask What did he/she do in the past tense


Dialogue: Asking what classes the other person takes


Dialogue: Responding to what classes the other person takes


Dialogue: Asking what you need for a class


Dialogue: Asking what the other person does athletically


Dialogue: Responding to what one does athletically


Dialogue: Inviting someone to a destination


Dialogue: Expressing the season


Dialogue: Saying a goodbye


Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Points Possible Points Earned Question Assessed

(a) Asking What is it 1 #1

(a) Stating It’s a… 1 #1

(b) Asking There is a ____ in the classe ?

1 #2

(b) Stating There is/is not a ____ in the class

1 #2

(c) Asking How many _____ is/are there ?

1 #3

(c) Responding There are _____of them

1 #3

(d) Asking What do you have

1 #4

(d) Responding I have/don’t have ____

1 #4

(e) Asking Do you have a ____

1 #5

(e) Responding I have a/I do not have a_____

1 #5

(f) Asking What do you like to do

1 #6

(f) Respoding I like____ 1 #7- #9

(g) Asking questions with the verb préférer

1 #10 & #11

(g1) Responding with the verb préférer

1 #10 & #11

(h1) Asking What did one do in past


(h2) Responding to what did one do


Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Points Possible Points Earned Question Assessed

(h) Conjugating an –er verb 1 #16- #19

(i) negating a verb 1 #12, #14, #17, #21

(j1) conjugating –re verbs 1 #20 & #21

(j2) conjugating faire 1 #22 & #23

(j3) conjugating aller 1 #24 & #25

Ton nom :____________________________ La date :______________________________

Points Possible Points Earned

Question Assessed

(j) France Geography: Identification of Paris

1 -

(k) France Geography: Identification of Countries

1 -

(l) France Geography: Identification of Mountains

1 -

m) France Geography: Identification of Rivers

1 -

(n) France Geography: Identification of Oceans

1 -

(o) Asking What class do you take

1 #26-#28

(p) Responding what class do you take

1 #26-#28

(q) Asking opinion of class 1 #26-#28

(r) Responding opinion of class

1 #26-#28

(s) Asking What do you need ?

1 #29-#32

(t) Respoding I need… 1 #29-#32

(u) Asking What do you do for a sport

1 #29-#30

(v) Responding to what do you do for a sport

1 #33-#34

(w) Conjugating the verb aller

1 #35- #47

(x) weather vocabulary 1 #35- #47

(y) Destination vocabulary #35- #47

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