mineral resource and infrastructure assessment€¦ · mineral resources, as set out in table 1...

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Mineral Resource and

Infrastructure Assessment

Minerals Safeguarding DPD Evidence Report

November 2016

Local Plans

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 2

November 2016.


Introduction 3

Mineral Safeguarding Policy and Guidance 3 National Planning Policy Framework 3 Planning Practice Guidance 3 Cornwall Local Plan Policy 3 BGS Safeguarding Guidance 4

Identification of Mineral Resources and Infrastructure for

Safeguarding 4 Mineral Resource Information 5 Methodology for Assessing Mineral Resources and Infrastructure 5 Mineral Resources in Cornwall 7

Safeguarding Assessments 7 Aggregates 7 Building and Heritage Stone 16 China Clay 37 Metals 53 Infrastructure 59

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 3

November 2016.

Introduction This evidence report supports the Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document (DPD). It sets out the assessment criteria used to consider the

various mineral resources found within Cornwall and their potential for safeguarding.

Mineral Safeguarding Policy and Guidance

National Planning Policy Framework The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that mineral

safeguarding areas be defined for local and nationally important mineral resources as well as existing, planned and potential transport and other mineral infrastructure. The NPPF defines mineral safeguarding areas (MSAs)

as “those areas designated by mineral planning authorities which covers known deposits of minerals which are desired to be kept safeguarded from

unnecessary sterilisation by non-mineral development” (Annex 2, Page 54 NPPF). The NPPF does make it clear that any designated MSA does not create a presumption in favour of mineral working in those areas.

Planning Practice Guidance The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) on ‘Minerals’ was published in October 2014 and provides further information and guidance on the NPPF. The Guidance advocates a systematic approach to safeguarding of mineral

resources; use the best available information on the location of mineral resources; consult the mineral industry, local communities and other

relevant interests; set out Mineral Safeguarding Areas on the policies map; adopt clear development management policies which set out how proposals

for non-minerals development in Mineral Safeguarding Areas will be managed.

Cornwall Local Plan Policy The Cornwall Local Plan provides the strategic policy framework for the

Minerals Safeguarding DPD, setting out the principle of mineral safeguarding. The Local Plan was examined in 2015/16 and it is anticipated that the Local Plan will be adopted towards the end of 2016.

Policy 18 sets out the strategic principles for safeguarding mineral resources

and infrastructure.

Policy 18: Minerals Safeguarding 1. Important mineral resources and reserves and existing, planned and

potential associated bulk transport, storage, handling and processing

facilities and site shall be safeguarded from sterilisation by other forms of incompatible development.

2. Mineral Safeguarding Areas will be identified for the following mineral

resources and reserves;

a. Aggregates (both primary and secondary), b. China clay,

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 4

November 2016.

c. Building and ornamental stone (including roofing and heritage materials) and

d. Metals (including relevant shafts and adits)

3. Mineral Safeguarding Areas will be identified for the following existing, planned and potential mineral infrastructure; a. Key concrete batching and other products and roadstone coating,

b. Storage, handling, processing and distribution of minerals substitute, recycled and secondary aggregate,

c. The bulk transport of minerals by rail, sea (ports) or haul roads. The Cornwall Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan will develop detailed

policy and identify sites for safeguarding minerals, mineral resources and associated facilities for transport, by rail or sea. Key sites used for the

batching / manufacture of concrete products and coated materials will also be identified for safeguarding as well as sites for processing and the distribution of substitute recycled and secondary aggregate materials. Policy

will also be developed to encourage prior extraction where appropriate.

BGS Safeguarding Guidance In 2011 the British Geological Survey produced a guidance document on mineral safeguarding

(http://www.bgs.ac.uk/mineralsuk/planning/legislation/home.html under Mineral Safeguarding). This document set out a step-by-step guide to

identifying and defining mineral resources which would be appropriate for safeguarding.

Step 1 involves the identification of the best geological and mineral resource information.

Step 2 decide which mineral resources are to be safeguarded and the physical extent of the safeguarding area.

Step 3 consult on the scope of mineral safeguarding areas.

Step 4 decide on the approach to safeguarding within planning policy.

Step 5 include effective development management policies within DPDs.

Step 6 is not relevant to Cornwall as it refers to two-tier authorities and step 7 relates to implementation of mineral safeguarding.

Identification of Mineral Resources and

Infrastructure for Safeguarding To assess the main mineral resources in Cornwall, the step-by-step process from the BGS ‘Mineral Safeguarding in England: Good Practice Advice’ has been applied.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 5

November 2016.

Mineral Resource Information To aid the analysis of mineral resources in Cornwall there are various sources of information; these include BGS Mineral Factsheet, BGS ‘Mineral resource information for development plans’, industry knowledge and other

publications. In addition, regard has been paid to the NPPF and PPG.

Methodology for Assessing Mineral Resources and Infrastructure The BGS guidance step 2 requires the identification of mineral resources that should be safeguarded. In order to assess the mineral resources of

Cornwall, a criteria based approach has been developed. The following criterion and ‘traffic light’ scoring system has been used to assess the mineral resources, as set out in Table 1 Mineral Resource Assessment

Criteria. Table 1 Mineral Resource Assessment Criteria

Criterion Code Judgement

Scarcity of resource

Green The extent of the resource is very limited

Amber The extent of the resource is fairly limited

Red The resource exists over large areas

Ability for the resource to be

defined in geological mapping

Green The resource can be easily defined from map data

Amber There is some uncertainty with definition

Red The resource is difficult to define from map data

Availability of evidence of

quality/viability of the resource

Green The quality/viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated

Amber There is some evidence of quality/viability

Red There is no evidence of quality/viability

Current and future levels of


Green Significant level of current or future working

Amber Medium/low level of current or future working

Red Little or no current or future working

Quality of the resource and range of uses

Green High quality and/or wide range of uses

Amber Medium quality and/or medium potential for use

Red Low quality and/or limited range of uses

Potential conflict with

Green Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 6

November 2016.

other forms of strategic


Amber Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

Red The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The application of the criteria and the assessments enable the appropriate

level of mineral resource and infrastructure safeguarding to ensure mineral use for the future.

It is also a requirement of the NPPF to safeguard existing, planned and potential rail heads, rail links to quarries, wharfage and associated storage,

handling and processing facilities for the bulk transport by rail, sea or inland waterways of minerals including recycled, secondary and marine-dredged

materials; and existing, planned and potential sites for concrete batching, the manufacture of coated materials, other concrete products and the handling, processing and distribution of substitute, recycled and secondary

aggregate material.

A different set of assessment criteria has been developed to assess the safeguarding potential of the known mineral infrastructure. The following criterion and ‘traffic light’ scoring system has been used to assess the

mineral infrastructure, as set out in Table 2 Mineral Infrastructure Assessment Criteria.

Table 2 Mineral Infrastructure Assessment Criteria

Criterion Code Judgement

Site is active Green Yes

Red No

Uses Green The site is used and is likely to be used in the


Amber The site has been used in the last 10 years

Red The site has not been used in the recent past

(10 years)

Location Green The site is located adjacent to the Strategic

Road Network (SRN), a rail network or sea route or quarry

Amber The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail, sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

Red The site is relatively inaccessible/remote

Potential conflict with other forms of

strategic development

Green Significant parts of the infrastructure are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

Amber Some parts of the infrastructure may face pressure from other strategic development

Red The infrastructure is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 7

November 2016.

Future potential

Green The site is likely to be used in the future

Amber Some evidence that the site could be used in

the future

Red Evidence suggests that the site is not suitable

for future uses

Mineral Resources in Cornwall The following mineral resource types in Cornwall have been assessed;

aggregates, building stone including heritage material, china clay and metals. The following section sets out the safeguarding assessment for each of these mineral sectors.

Safeguarding Assessments

Aggregates Step 1: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that mineral safeguarding areas should be defined and appropriate policies adopted so that known location of specific mineral resources of local and national

importance are not needlessly sterilised. Mineral planning authorities should plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates.

The BGS Factsheet on construction aggregates states that the suitability of

an aggregate for a particular purpose depends on its physical, mechanical and in some applications chemical/mineralogical properties.

The BGS Report ‘Mineral resource information for development plans’ states that granites are the most extensive igneous rocks in Cornwall and account

for a major proportion of primary crushed rock output. Granite aggregates are commonly used as coarse and fine concreting aggregate, asphalt material and unbound road material. In some cases granite has a

sufficiently high polished stone value (PSV) to be used in less demanding road surfacing applications. Granites vary considerably in texture and

appearance and there is considerable variation in rock strength. BGS data suggests that strength and PSV are independent of granite variety and texture and instead reflect local variations in weathering and secondary

alteration. Therefore it is difficult to identify any high quality resources. Basic igneous rocks, such as basalt, dolerite, gabbro and picrite are less

extensive than granites. However, these types of stone are used in coarse and fine concreting aggregate, asphalt material and unbound road aggregate. Sandstones occur within the Devonian and Carboniferous

formation in north and mid-Cornwall around Bude and east and central Cornwall. The presence of interbedded shales reduces the aggregate

potential of the resource. There are limited resources of primary sand and gravel in Cornwall. Small outcrops of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments, such as those or Crousa Downs on the Lizard and around St Agnes Head

have been worked. A small deposit of alluvial sand was previously worked at Trewint Marsh on the edge of Bodmin Moor; however, this resource is

worked out. Further information on the level of aggregate production is available in the annual Local Aggregate Assessment.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 8

November 2016.

Step 2: The following sites are known to produce aggregate; these are listed in Table 3 Aggregate Resources in Cornwall, along with any unique

properties/features. Table 3 Aggregate Resources in Cornwall

Site Location Commodity PSV (if


Blackhill SX267 817

0.5km E of Polyphant

Dolerite (blue elvan


57-60 (AAV


Cansford SX168 930

2km NE Marshgate



Carnsew SW760 345

0.5km NW of Mabe

Granite 57 (AAV 4.0)

Carthuther SX 259 628 Slate



SW484 347

5km NE of Penzance

Granite 57 (AAV 4.5)

Chywoon SW748 347

1km N of Longdowns


Dairy SX005 475

1.3km E of Pentewan


Dean SW802 208

1km SE of St Keverne

Gabbro 54.3 (AAV 3)

Doublebois SX194 650

0.5km W of Doublebois

Slate -

Goss Moor SW948 599

Greystone SX363 804

4km SE Launceston

Dolerite 57 (AAV 4)

Hingston Down SX 410 719 Granite 53 (AAV 3.1)

Kessel Downs SW 740 338 Granite -

Luxulyan SX053 587 Granite -

Penlee SW468 280 Dolerite 44 (AAV 1.5)



SX021 469

0.4km S of Pentewan

Sand -

Pigsdon SS277 093

6km NE of Bude

Sandstone 68

Seaton Beach SX304 543

Adjacent to Seaton

Sand -

St Keverne SW808 221

0.5km N of Porthoustock

Gabbro -

Tor Quarry SX410 584

Burraton Coombe, Saltash

Granite -

Tredinnick SW930 492

0.8km N of Grampound

Gritstone 63

Trevassack SW712 222

1.5km NW of Goonhilly

Serpentine -

Trewint Marsh SX216 801 Sand -

Treworgans SW898 494

1.5km N of Probus

Sandstone -

West of


SW808 216

0.2km S of Porthoustock

Gabbro -

The assessment criteria identified in Table 1 Mineral Resource Assessment Criteria have been applied to the known aggregate resources and the

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 9

November 2016.

results are set out in Table 4 Aggregate Safeguarding Assessment. Given the abundance of primary aggregate resources in Cornwall, it is considered

appropriate to safeguard permitted proven high quality resources which can be delineated.

Table 4 Aggregate Safeguarding Assessment

Site ID Grid Ref

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Blackhill A1 SX267 817 Active Dolerite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently working but has produced significant amounts of aggregate. PSV is 57-60. Site is potentially worked out. PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. PA15/02511/PREAPP Pre-application advice for amendments to planning conditions and an application seeking to operate road stone coating plant without restriction on working hours but with appropriate controls to address environmental amenity impacts.

Cansford (H) A2 SX168 930 Active Sandstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Recent tests indicate potentially high PSV resource. PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Site has not been worked for many years, work being undertaken to recommence working. Not currently extracting. No products currently being produced. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Carnsew (H) A3 SW760 345 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

Site is currently extracting aggregate, PSV of 57 (cat 6). Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 11

November 2016.

Carthuther A4 SX260 628 Dormant Slate Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The resource (Saltash Formation) is extensive (BGS: From Trevose Head area (SW 86 76), north Cornwall to Torquay area (SX 93 65), south Devon.) Dormant site, no extraction data. No products currently being produced. Site visit - Site is inaccessible and not suitable for extraction, access is via Carthuther Barton

Castle-an-Dinas (H) A5

SW484 347 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site produces aggregate, some walling/building stone. PSV of 57 (cat 4), PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Chywoon (H) A6 SW748 347 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site produces significant amounts of aggregate and some building stone. CC confirms PSV of 55. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Dairy A7 SX005 475

Active (not working)

Gritstone/ Sandstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently working. No PSV information available

Dean A8 SW802 208

Active (not working) Gabbro Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently working, PSV of 54.3 (cat 7). PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Site has jetty for export by sea. Proposed nomination for extension to safeguarding area.

Doublebois A9 SX195 650 Dormant Slate Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site not currently working. Saltash Formation - Slate And Siltstone. Site visited - Site is total overgrown, mainly wooded. No void is visible.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 12

November 2016.

Goss Moor A10 SW948 599 Dormant

Sand/ Gravel Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Alluvium sand, clay, silt, gravel. Dormant site, no detailed planning permission information. Last worked prior to 1982. Area well regenerated.

Greystone (H) A11

SX363 804 Active Dolerite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is currently extracting aggregate, PSV of 57 (cat 4). PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Nomination for extension to the existing safeguarding area to enable 16mt resources to be safeguarded, extension to the South of existing Greystone Quarry. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Hingston Down (H) A12

SX410 719 Active Granite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is currently extracting aggregate, PSV of 53 (cat 7). PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Fine-grained granites are less common. Contributes 15% to overall primary aggregates sales 2012. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Kessel Downs (H) A13

SW740 338 Lapsed Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed. Reserves remain but mineral rights relinquished. Permission granted for wakeboard park in part of the site. Concrete batching plant still operational. No information on PSV. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). THIS SITE CAN NOW BE A HERITAGE QUARRY

Heritage Quarry MSA

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 13

November 2016.

Luxulyan (H) A14 SX053 587

Active (not working) Granite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently active. Site has extant planning permission. Granite, luxullianite. Material has heritage value. Nomination for extension to existing safeguarding area to enable 11mt of resource to be safeguarded, extension to South East. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Penlee A15 SW468 280

Active (not working) Blue Elvan Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently active. Site has extant planning permission. Blue elvan. PSV of 44 (Cat 7). Estimate 28 mt of reserves of which 6/7 mt is workable.

Pentewan Beach A16

SX021 469 Dormant Sand Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is dormant. Shingle, sand, silt and clay; may be bedded or chaotic; beach deposits may be in the form of dunes, sheets or banks; in association with the marine environment. No obvious access. Dwellings and caravan park within 20m of the site.

Pigsdon (H) A17 SS277 093 Active Sandstone Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is currently extracting aggregate, PSV of 68. Bude formation: Mudstone, siltstone and sandstone. PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Seaton Beach A18

SX304 543 Dormant Sand Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is dormant. Shingle, sand, silt and clay; may be bedded or chaotic; beach deposits may be in the form of dunes, sheets or banks; in association with the marine environment. Site visit - Beach deposit, the area was fairly busy in October and so it can be assumed that it is probably busy in August. Good access road

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 14

November 2016.

St Keverne A19 SW808 221 Dormant Gabbro Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development


Heritage Quarry MSA

Tor Quarry A20 SX410 584 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is dormant. No planning permission information. Site visit - Large flooded quarry void. Very steep faces surrounded by woodland. Two properties appear to be located within the quarry boundary. Planning permission for holiday dwellings within quarry site

Tredinnick (H) A21

SW930 492

Active (not working) Gritstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently active. Site has extant planning permission. Not currently working. PSV of 63. PSV resource cannot be defined on geological mapping. GRAMPOUND FORMATION - SILTSTONE AND MUDSTONE, INTERBEDDED. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Trevassack (H) A22

SW712 222 No PP

Tremolite Serpentine Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently active. Mineral permission will be relinquished as other permission implemented. LIZARD COMPLEX - PERIDOTITE AND SERPENTINITE. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Heritage Quarry MSA

Trewint Marsh A23

SX216 801

Active (not working) Sand Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is not currently active. Site has been restored. No reserves remain. Alluvium sand & gravel (Normally soft to firm consolidated, compressible silty clay, but can contain layers of silt, sand, peat and basal gravel.)

Treworgans A24 SW898 496 Dormant Sandstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is dormant. No planning permission information. Accessed via narrow and steep lanes. Quarry re-vegetated.

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November 2016.

West of England (H) A25

SW808 216 Active Gabbro Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Site is active. BGS geological information - TRABOE HORNBLENDE-SCHIST (LIZARD COMPLEX) - SCHIST, HORNBLENDE. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Building and Heritage Stone Step 1: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that mineral safeguarding areas should be defined and appropriate policies adopted so that known location of specific mineral resources of local and national

importance are not needlessly sterilised. The NPPF also states that Mineral Planning Authorities should consider how to meet any demand for small-

scale extraction of building stone at, or close to, relic quarries needed for the repair of heritage assets.

The BGS Mineral Factsheet: Building and roofing stone states that building and roofing stone, are naturally occurring rocks of igneous, sedimentary or

metamorphic origin which are sufficiently consolidated to enable them to be cut, shaped or split into blocks or slabs.

BGS report ‘Mineral resource information for development plans’ says that granite occurs in four large ‘plutons’ at Land’s End, Carnmenellis, St Austell

and Bodmin Moor. In addition there are a number of smaller outcrops occurring throughout the county. There is considerable variation in the appearance of granite from one location to another, from fine-grained types

to coarse-grained granite with large individual feldspar crystals exceeding 10cm in length.

Basic igneous rocks such as basalt, dolerite, gabbro and picrite occur within the Devonian and Lower Carboniferous slate and sandstone. There is

considerable variation in lithology and technical properties between these basic igneous rocks. Serpentine occurs on the Lizard and on a restricted

sale in East Cornwall; it is highly coloured and soft and is used for ornamental purposes. However, it has been used in the past as a building material. In Cornwall there are considerable volumes of sandstone,

particularly in the north and east of the County. Despite extensive resources, limited amounts of sandstone are produced in Cornwall, perhaps

reflecting the cost of working the resource. A few smaller quarries extract sandstone for building materials alongside their main aggregate extraction.

Slates underlie much of Cornwall and are commonly interbedded with coarser-grained siltstone and sandstone. The slates are variable in nature

and colour ranging from dark to light grey with green and red hues. Slates which can be split are used for roofing but their occurrence is more

restricted. Cornwall is an important source of roofing slate, including Delabole slate noted for its distinctive silvery grey colour. Elsewhere operations are small-scale mainly producing rustic slate, commonly used for

paving, cladding, walling and fireplaces.

Step 2: The following sites are known to produce aggregate; these are listed in Table 5 Building Stone Resources in Cornwall, along with any unique properties/features.

Table 5 Building Stone Resources in Cornwall

Site Location Commodity

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 17

November 2016.

Caradon Quarry SX 269 704 Granite

Darley Ford Quarry SX 272 736 Granite

Lantoom Quarry SX 224 649 Slate

Lambest Quarry SX 303 642 Granite

Trago Mills Quarry SX182 646 Slate

Westwood Quarry SX184 645 Slate

Bosahan Quarry SW 729 301 Granite

Retallack Quarry SW 734 304 Granite

Tresahor Quarry SW 737 306 Granite

Burnthouse Quarry SW 759 339 Granite

Trenoweth SW 758338 Granite

Eathorne Quarry SW 741 312 Granite

Goodgrane Quarry SW 743 323 Granite

Jobswater Quarry SW 741 320 Granite

Palestine Quarry SW 744 321 Granite

Trevone Quarry SW 747 323 Granite

Maen Cairn SW 733 312 Granite

Spargo Downs Quarry SW 750 332 Granite

Trevaney Quarry SW 748 298 Granite

Trolvis Quarry SW 743 345 Granite

Clowance SW 638 353 Granite

Trannack Quarry SW 666 300 Granite

Bearah Tor Quarry SX 261 746 Granite

Callywith Quarry SX 080 682 Slate

Canalidgey Quarry SW 938 699 Slate

Carbilly Tor Quarry SX 125 755 Granite

Carzantac Quarry SX 362 833 Granite

Delabole Quarry SX 074 840 Slate

De Lank Quarry SX101 753 Granite

Hantergantick Quarry SX 103 757 Granite

Helsbury Quarry SX 087 791 Granite

Pilsamoor SX 275 857 Dolerite

Tor Down Quarry SX 094 766 Granite

Trecarne Quarry SX 059 846 Slate

Tredinnick Quarry SW 933 687 Slate

Tregunnon Quarry SX 223 833 Greenstone

Trevillet Quarry SX081 880 Slate

Tynes Quarry SX 043 820 Slate

Moligney Quarry SX 012 498 Dolerite

Rosevanion Quarry SW 928 649 Dolerite

Tubbs Mill Quarry SW 962 432 Dolerite

Lizard Serpentine SW 69 13 Serpentine

Polyphant SX 259 825 Polyphant

There are many quarries throughout Cornwall, which were used for local building projects and are now redundant. These sites could contain a

valuable resource which could contribute to local distinctiveness and heritage projects. In 2006, a study was commissioned by Cornwall County

Council to consider the old disused quarries in Cornwall. This study

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 18

November 2016.

identified those quarries which have the potential to be used for heritage projects and restoration. Quarries which scored 6 or above in the initial

study were then considered through the safeguarding assessment process. Further information is available www.cornwall.gov.uk/mineralsdpd. The assessment criteria identified in Table 1 Mineral Resource Assessment

Criteria have been applied to the known building stone resources and the

results are set out in Table 6 Building Stone Safeguarding Assessment and

Table 7 Heritage Quarry Safeguarding Assessment. It is considered appropriate to safeguard resources which are scarce, or have particular


Table 6 Building Stone Safeguarding Assessment

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Beacon Pits (Newdowns) BS1

SW705 509 Active Silica Sand Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The sand and clay is removed using a loading shovel and transported to the processing site by dump truck. Extraction remains low key and is limited to one or two digs a year. The last dig was in Spring 2015. The planning permission will expire on 30.06.2017, upon which the site should be restored.

Bearah Tor (H) BS2 SX261 746 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Review application due end of 2014. Letter to confirm deferment until 2024. Limited operations at the site in 2015. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Bosahan BS3 SW729 301 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development Granite. Dormant

Burnthouse BS4 SW759 339 Lapsed Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development. Visited - not working and no planning permission. Several other businesses operate within the site.

Callywith (H) BS5 SX080 682 Active Slate (killas) Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

Active slate business. Well established supplier of hedging and 'Cornish rustic stone' slate. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials).

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 20

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Cannalidgey BS6 SW938 699 Lapsed Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

NC47. Cannalidgey Quarry is a small slate quarry located in a small valley 5km SW of Wadebridge. Access is through a field. The site is well enclosed and screened by trees. Permission expired in 2005, no reserves information.

Gonamena (Caradon) BS7

SX269 704 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Gonamena Quarry (also known as Caradon Quarry) is located on the side of Caradon Hill, near the village of Minions in East Cornwall.

Carbilly Tor BS8 SX125 755 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant Quarry located 3.2 km NE of Blisland on Bodmin Moor. Exposed on elevated open moorland location with some enclosed fields to the west. Stockpiles of stone. All voids have filled with water. Finger dumps make prominent landscape feature.

Carzantic BS9 SX362 833 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Small building stone quarry adjacent to a narrow road. Close to county boundary.

Clowance BS10 SW638 353

Dormant IDO Elvan Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant IDO, Permission Ref K10. Existing void infilled and part of Woodland Lodge garden. Access has been obstructed.

Darley Ford BS11 SX272 736 Active IDO Slate Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The current stone from the permission area has been extracted and the quarry is no longer operational.

De Lank (H) BS12 SX101 753 Active Granite Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

High quality distinct granite that is only available in a small area. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 21

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Delabole (H) BS13 SX074 840 Active Slate Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

V. High quality slate known for its durability and aesthetic appeal. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Eathorne BS14 SW741 312 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development Dormant K47b

Goodygrane BS15 SW743 323 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

Currently used for established outdoor centre (PA94/0332). Dormant site.

Hantergantick (H) BS16

SX103 757

Active (not working) Granite Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

NC20.ENV(2). Not active due to operators focusing extraction on their De Lank Quarry site. Re-working of existing granite waste heaps. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Helsbury BS17 SX087 791

Dormant IDO Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development Dormant IDO, NC17.

Jobswater BS18 SW741 320 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission. Small granite quarry adjacent to land, within open countryside, close to other quarries. Site visit - disused, abandoned quarry in open agricultural land. Accessed via narrow country lanes. Quarry void flooded and overgrown.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 22

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Lambest BS19 SX303 642

Active (not working) Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The site is not currently being worked and does not appear to have been worked for a number of years which is apparent from the vegetation that has grown up in the working area. Site visit - Very narrow access lanes, site is overgrown. Application to postpone review of mineral planning permission as a temporary cessation was identified.

Lantoom (H) BS20 SX224 649 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

PA12/00672 Application for determination of new conditions on existing planning permissions. Approved 15th June 2012. PA12/00673 Extension of quarry onto adjoining land. Approved 7th June 2012. PA12/00674 Modification of existing scheme of conditions to adopt a common scheme of conditions controlling development for the winning and working of minerals and extension of time limit to co-inside with time limits or other permissions relating to the site. Approved 14th June 2012. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Maen Cairn BS21 SW733 312 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Farm access restricted, remained of access overgrown. Heavily revegetated quarry voids.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 23

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Molingey BS22 SX012 498 Dormant Dolerite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant quarry, last extracted in 1960 (when drilling indicated it was uneconomic to work resource) but used as blockworks in early 90s. Now used by several businesses. Water filled quarry voids.

Palastine BS23 SW744 321 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant building stone quarry. Visited - two water filled voids, accessed via narrow country lanes.

Pilsamoor (H) BS24 SX275 857 Active Sandstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Walling and hedging stone, crushed rock aggregate and bulk fill hardcore from shale and sandstone deposits. 1996 permission to extend the time limit on planning permission until 2026. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Polyphant (H) BS25 SX259 825 Active

Polyphant Stone Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). The quarry has been worked on a small scale and intermittent basis, producing unfinished blocks of Polyphant Stone largely for sculptural, monumental, decorative and dimensional purposes. No processing is undertaken at the quarry. All extracted stone is transported to the Operator’s masonry workshops in Yelvertoft, Northamtonshire.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 24

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Retallack BS26 SW734 304 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development Granite. Dormant

Rosevanion BS27 SW928 649 Dormant Dolerite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dolerite - roadstone. Working at time of application in 1948. Quarry is visible from high ground but has re-vegetated.

Spargo Downs BS28 SW750 332

Active (not working) Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission PA98/00409 new conditions. Visited - overgrown site, accessed via narrow track. The voids appear to be flooded and no stockpiles remain.

Tor Down BS29 SX094 766 PP revoked Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Fees report in 2009 noted that no operations had taken place in some time. Approval for 3 holiday lodges secured in 2012. Approval for conversion of Engine House granted in 2015, mineral pp to be revoked.

Trago Mills BS30 SX182 646 PP Ceased Slate Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

This mineral permission will expire on 31.12.2015, unless further planning permission is sought. In letter dated 20.10.2015, Christopher Munson advised the Local Planning Authority that the Operator will not be seeking to extend the planning permission. On this basis, this permission will cease to have effect on 31.12.2015

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 25

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Trannack (H) BS31 SW666 300 PP Ceased Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

This permission was due to undergo a Review of Mineral Permissions (ROMP) by 16.06.2013. There are no records to indicate the ROMP application was submitted or that a request was made to defer the review date. Therefore this permission has now ceased to have effect other than any restoration or aftercare requirements. Planning permission for live/work unit to continue dressing stone refused PA15/04815. HERITAGE SITE (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Heritage Site MSA

Trecarne BS32 SX059 846 Active Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Trecarne Quarry is located on the north western side of the village of Delabole and is accessed off a minor road which runs between Treliga Downs and Trebarwith. The quarry long-established and produces rustic building stone, hedging, walling and paving stone.

Tredinnick St Issey BS33

SW933 687 Active Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Tredinnick Quarry is located east of the A39 between Wadebridge and St Columb Major. The quarry itself is sited to the south of St Issey, after Winnards Perch roundabout and is accessed via the same approach road to Crealy Adventure Park. The site is worked slowly as a family run business and provides a reserve of shale and slate mainly used for walling stone

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 26

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Tregunnon BS34 SX223 833

Active (not working) Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

PP expires in July 2017. Quarry has not been worked for several years.

Trenoweth BS35 SW758 338 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

ROMPs submission deferred until 2028. No stone extracted since 2008, only import and dress stone. Visited - good access from main road, some sensitive receptors nearby but site fairly well screened.

Tresahor BS36 SW737 306 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

The area comprises of two separate small building stone quarries in rural location surrounded by fields . The sites are access by an unsurfaced track. No planning permission, historic permission for quarrying. Some stockpiles.

Trevaney BS37 SW748 298 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Within wooden area. Granite Building Stone

Trevillet (H) BS38 SX081 880 Active Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Actively working. This site has recently undergone Review. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Trevone BS39 SW747 323

PP relinquished Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

S106 relinquished the mineral planning permission.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 27

November 2016.

Site New ID

Grid Ref

Planning Status Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Trolvis BS40 SW743 345 Active Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Building stone quarry with planning permission for processing of mineral deposits. Located close to A road

Tubbs Mill BS41 SW962 432 Dormant Dolerite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Small, dormant building stone quarry located on the Roseland. The site appears to be used as an aggregate store. Accessed via narrow and steep lanes. Indications suggest possible reopening for extraction of high PSV in 1996 but no further information supplied - assumed site not viable.

Tynes (H) BS42 SX043 820 Active Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Permission for mineral extraction and waste transfer. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Westwood (H) BS43 SX184 645 Inactive Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Walling stone, paving, landscaping, rockery or Cornish hedges. Special Characteristics: Used throughout Cornwall, Devon and beyond especially in cottage extensions and renovations and barn conversions. ROMPS PA10/08855 dated 18th January 2013. Inactive, restoration scheme submitted. Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials)

Trebarwith Slate Quarry BS44

SX067 580 Active Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development Rustic slate quarry.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 28

November 2016.

Table 7 Heritage Quarry Safeguarding Assessment

Site ID Heritage Quarry Ref

Grid Ref

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Heritage Quarry Score (out of 10)

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Boscastle H1 Slate 6a SX098 916

No planning permission

Black slate & sandstones Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

Much of the distinctive character of Boscastle derives from the use of these black sandstones and slates of the Boscastle Formation.

Boscastle Cliffs H2 Slate 6b

SX082 905

No planning permission

Greenish/ grey Tredorn slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 6

Four quite large granite quarries lying along the coast west of Boscastle. Difficult to extract given environmental and operation issues

Carbean/ Colcerrow H3 Granite 3b

SX063 577

No planning permission

Luxulyanite Granite Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

Disused quarries worked extensively in the 19th Century. Very distinctive coarse grained granite, which has a conspicuous ‘black and white’ texture. Currently the lower part of Tregarden (Luxulyan) quarry is flooded to a depth of about 6m. However, the upper benches are available and, at a cost, rubble stone could be extracted.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 29

November 2016.

Carnglaze Caverns H4 Slate 5c

SX188 668

No planning permission Slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development 8

Series of underground workings for slate, dating back to at least the early 19th Century. St Neots Quarry within Quarry Wood is shown on 1875 to 1901 map. Currently the caverns are used as a tourist attraction and venue for concerts. Used for roofing over a wide area between Penzance and Plymouth. Alternative stone sources - unknown.

Castallack H5 Granite 10b SW447 254 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 6

Granite used mainly for local buildings and monuments. Castellack Quarry produced significant amounts of stone judging by size of the quarries. Dormant permission. Quarry is overgrown and flooded.

Cataclews H6 Greenstones 1 SW873 762 Dormant Greenstone Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 9

This valuable stone is one of the 'classic' building stones of Cornwall. It is used mainly for special features rather than whole buildings such as doorways, pillars, arches, fonts etc.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 30

November 2016.

Cheesewring H7 Granite 8a SX258 723 Dormant Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

Large granite quarry immediately below Cheesewring Tor. This stone may be required where a close match with stone in an existing listed structure is needed. Otherwise, many other quarries in Cornwall could supply similar stone. This is a fairly ‘standard’ granite, typical silver-grey in colour and medium to coarse grained. Adjacent to Goldiggins (which has pp).

Gwendreath H8 Greenstones 13 SW734 169 PP Serpentine Red

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 9

Within serpentine pp area. Serpenitnie peridototites belonging to the Lizard Complex. When polished, shows a variegated dark green/dark red surface. This type favoured as ornamental stone. The harder dark green, almost black peridotite was favoured for building stone. Ornamental stone, rather than building material.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 31

November 2016.

Herdbury H9 Sandstone 1c SS242 083 Dormant Sandstone Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 7

Quarry assessed alongside Pigsdon and Cansford. Non-operational quarry. No extractive planning permissions. Mid to late Carboniferous sandstone. Sandstone greyish-blue in character but rapidly weather to buff/brown. Nature of sandstone makes them break into convenient sized blocks for building. PP for concrete batching plant.

Kestle H10 Slate 3c SX015 715 Dormant

Trevose slate Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development 6

A large quarry which is now disused. The quarry is in Trevose slate which has been intruded by two dolerites with associated adinoles (a form of thermal metamorphism of the slates adjoining the dolerite). Dormant minerals permission. PP for inert waste disposal.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 32

November 2016.

Kit Hill H11 Granite 6 SX374 717

No planning permission Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

A complex of three large early 19th Century quarries on the southern slopes of Kit Hill. A complex of two large quarries on the northern side of the hill; the latter operated until 1955. There is also abundant evidence all over the hill of early moorstone working. Standard non-porphyritic biotite granite

Lamorna H12 Granite 10a SW452 243

No planning permission Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 7

Very coarse grained biotite granite.

Newham H13 Elvan 2 SW830 437 None

Felsitic elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development 9

Newham Stone, an elvan is much used in Truro in 18th 19th C buildings, especially Lemon Street. The width of the face at the w. end of quarry suggests potential for substantial resources. Unique resource for listed buildings in Truro.

Penrice H14 Elvan 7 SX023 505

No planning permission

Felsitic elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 6

Not unlike Pentewan Stone. Weathers quite well, so could substitute where it is not going to have to match existing stone.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 33

November 2016.

Pentewan H15 Elvan 1 SX025 475

No planning permission

Felsitic elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 9

The two Pentewan Quarries may be a unique source where colour/texture matching is critical as with listed buildings.

Sheffield H16 Granite 10c SW454 268

No planning permission Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 7

Very coarse grained biotite granite. Similar to Castallack. Granite appears to have mainly been used for local buildings and monuments

St Kew H17 Elvan 9 SX015 768

No planning permission Elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 7

Long narrow quarry that contains unique elvan stone. Eastern part of quarry very overgrown. Western part of quarry worked relatively recently and still used as depot for aggregates.

Tregonning Hill H18 Granite 9

SW606 293

No planning permission

High lithian mica granite Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

Highly prized as a creamy coloured building stone which has a reputation for being easy to work, possibly because it was weakly kaolinized. Amber for mapping as although easily identified as granite, does no identify its grade or high lithium mica granite.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 34

November 2016.

Tremore H19 Elvan 3 SX010 648

No planning permission Elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 9

Two quarries either side of the valley. Overgrown. Elvan extends for over a km either side of the quarries. Tremore elvan is highly variable in appearance. Tremore elvan is sometimes pink, sometimes dark red, occasionally without oxide staining and pale grey.

Treveddoe H20 Elvan 4 SX149 693 None

Felsitic elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 6

Felisitic elvan. From distance appears similar to Pentwean stone in colour, but closer inspection shows crystals of quartz and feldspar. Lack of greisening may indicate this this elvan is not as durable as Pentewan Stone, but might substitute for it in some internal situations.

Watergate (Kingsand) H21 Elvan 10

SX433 509 None Rhyolite Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

A reddish not very hard stone which can be readily trimmed for use in rubble masonry. Older buildings in Kingsand and Cawsand suggest it is reasonably durable

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 35

November 2016.

Kessel Downs H22 Granite 2a/ A13 See entry under A13 7

Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). THIS SITE CAN NOW BE A HERITAGE QUARRY.

St Keverne Quarries H23 A19 See entry under A19

Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). THIS SITE CAN NOW BE A HERITAGE QUARRY. Hard, high density stone, but not easy to work for architectural applications.

Trevassack H24 Greenstones14/ A22 See entry under A22 5

Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). THIS SITE CAN NOW BE A HERITAGE QUARRY. These quarries do represent a location where large blocks of serpentine might be obtained

Trannack H25 Granite2d/ BS31 See entry under BS31 7

Heritage Site (once planning permission expires this site is to be considered for heritage materials). THIS SITE CAN NOW BE A HERITAGE QUARRY.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 36

November 2016.

Brannel H22 Elvan5 SW953 519 None Elvan Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

A pale buff stone with prominent bi-pyramidal quartz xenocrysts and occasional small phenocrysts of feldspar and dark mica. . In appearance this elvan is not unlike Pentewan Stone. There is no visible evidence of kaolinization.

Carn Grey H23 Granite SX034 551 None Granite Red

The resource exists over large areas Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

Medium-grained granite, with a few scattered megacrysts of feldspar up to 40mm in length and quartz in rounded grains. Megacrysts of dark mica (biotite) up to 10mm are also seen and seem to be characteristic of this granite.

Cathedral H24 Granite (St Stephen Stone)

SW951 557 None Granite Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development 8

This is a unique stone type. The main china stone area yields a pale coloured (leucocratic) low iron granite with Li-mica replacing biotite, normally containing (when fresh) some tourmaline, topaz and fluorite. Usually, but not always, non-porphyritic.

China Clay Step 1: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that mineral safeguarding areas should be defined and appropriate policies adopted so that known location of specific mineral resources of local and national

importance are not needlessly sterilised.

China clay is scarce nationally; resources are confined to the granites of South West England and Cornwall accounts for some 90% of total UK production. Historically china clay production has been based principally on

the central and western parts of the St Austell granite and on the south-western margin of Dartmoor.

The properties of the china clay deposits vary both within and between puts and blending to achieve consistency is critically important Due to the

presence of hard, unaltered granite and quartz/tourmaline veins overall recoveries of china clay may be as low as 10%.

The BGS has identified two classes of china clay resource; these are (i) measured and indicated resources (those resources which are known to

occur and coincide with current production areas where detailed exploration and evaluation has been undertaken) and (ii) inferred resources (those

areas where the industry believe china clay deposits may occur including previously worked areas but there are no current plans to develop these resources).

Step 2: The assessment criteria identified in Table 1 Mineral Resource

Assessment Criteria have been applied to the known ‘measured and indicated’ and ‘inferred’ china clay resources and the results are set out in Table 8 China Clay Safeguarding Assessment, these are set out by

Operational Area (a means of breaking down the mineral planning permission that covers the extent of the St Austell China Clay area). It is

felt that, in discussion with the industry, it is possible to safeguard measured/indicated and inferred resources which are considered to be

economically important.

Table 8 China Clay Safeguarding Assessment

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Fal C1 CR1 and 2 SW922 564 OA1 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA1 corresponds to two areas believed to contain china clay reserves (CR1 & CR2). Key area of working and key plant area.

Kernick C2 None SW940 552 OA2 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Part of the area has permission for development of a solar farm (kernick mica dam). Only mica dam being used. Majority of the site is restored. Drilling has revealed a resource. Potential in the mica dam to recover clay and lithium.

Treviscoe C3 CR 3 SW946 563 OA3 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA3 corresponds partially to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR3). Site is currently active and contains pit and driers, although some tips have been restored. Key plant area. CR3 and CR4 could be joined.

Trelavour C4 Partially CR11

SW959 572 OA4a Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA4a corresponds to an area

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 39

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

data believed to contain china clay reserves (CR9). Intermittent extraction which will continue in the future.

Rostowrack C5 CR 7 SW949 563 OA4b Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA4b corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR7). Currently extracting in this area. Key plant area.

Goonvean C6 CR 4 SW947 552 OA4c Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA4c corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR4). Currently extracting and tipping in this area.

Rescrowsa C7 CR 5 SW952 543 OA4d Dormant

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA4d corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR5). Block works within china clay area. The site is unoperational and no mineral activities have been carried out at the site for some time. The site is now Dormant. Industry drilling indicates that this is not a good quality resource.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 40

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Trelavour Works C8 None

SW942 575 OA5 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Area to West of Mineral Railway is unoperational and there are no plans to undertake any clay extraction, tipping or ancillary works in the foreseeable future. Trelavour works contains plant and equipment for processing, drying and storage of china clay. Still a working plant area.

Bloomsdale C9 CR 8 SW953 554 OA6 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. OA6 corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR8). Site is not operational, two former pits now backfilled. Mica resource, CR4 and 8 could join.

Capalla C10 CR 10 SW963 543 OA7 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Partially an area believed to contain china clay resources. A cessation of Mining Operations was identified on 27th November 2008. No mining or the deposition of mica, sand or other deposits are currently taking place. The resource is



Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 41

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

worked out. Rail and pipelines are present at this site and these should be retained.

Goverseth C11 CR 9 SW960 552 OA8 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR 9) and an area identified for plant development. Operations undertaken at this site consist largely of refining, processing and engineering workshops. There is currently no extraction of clay taking place.

Hendra C12 Partially CR11

SW959 567 OA9 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR11). The greater part of the site is 'non-operational' forming mixed habitats of flooded pits, woodland, scrub, acid grassland and heathland. The operational areas comprise the flooded Hendra pit which is used as a water reserve and for the disposal of mica along with the haul road

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 42

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

between Rostowrack and Currian Vale which passes around the southern side of the former pit. Plant area has been removed. The pit is backfilled with mica but this has a low clay content

Gothers C13 CR12 and CR13

SW961 584 OA10 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR12 and CR13). No extraction taking place only the catchment, storage and utilisation of water from the two former pits at this site. Partially an area identified for plant development. Key plant area.

Gilleys C14 None SW979 588 OA11 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Mica dam. Planning permission was granted on the 5th August 2011 for the development of a solar farm on the surface of the mica dam.

Karslake C15 CR15 SW977 570 OA12 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR15). China clay is currently

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 43

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

being extracted. Significant amounts of sand and stone from Littlejohns pit is now being processed and exported from site. Second most important operational area and includes aggregates working.

Blackpool C16 CR14 and 16

SW979 543 OA13 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay (CR14 & CR16). Operations at this site ceased at this site in December 2007. Partially an eco-town proposed site. Plant area will be removed so could be revised. Resource is still present. CR16 could be revised to be included within the OA boundary.

Burngullow C17 None SW983 526 OA14 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Partially corresponds with an area identified for plant development. Plant area removed.

Gover C18 CR18 SW998 535 OA15 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds with an area believed to contain china

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 44

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

clay reserves (CR18). The OA has not been worked for some time and it is unlikely that operations would recommence in the foreseeable future.

Trethowel C19 CR18 SX009 539 OA16 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR18). The majority of the site is now in private ownership and utilised largely for residential and agricultural uses. The land to the west, owned by Imerys, contains a flooded Pit. The Operational Area has not been worked for a period of at least 30 years and it is unlikely that operations would recommence in the foreseeable future. Industry indicate that this is not a viable resource.

Greensplat C20 CR17 SX003 548 OA17 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR17). The Operational Area includes the disused Lansalson china

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 45

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

clay works and the site of the Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum. Greensplat pit is active. Key site for china clay and aggregates. Industry are looking to merge with neighbouring OA18.

Wheal Martyn C21 CR17

SW999 560 OA18 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Green

Significant level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR17). Area is extracting. Partially also an area identified for plant development. Key site for china clay and aggregates. Industry are looking to merge with neighbouring OA17.

Gunheath C22 CR15 SX001 568 OA19 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay (CR17). The site is not currently being used for the extraction of minerals although a significant re profiling and restoration operation is being undertaken at the northern eastern side of the main pit at a high level.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 46

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Also permission exists for secondary aggregate processing but this is also inactive.

Great Wheal Prosper C23 CR19

SW999 568 OA20 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Amber

Medium/low level of current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR19). Extraction remains intermittent and on an ad-hoc basis, when the blends of clay provided for at Great Wheal Prosper are required. Resource could merge with CR20.

Goonbarrow C24 CR20 SX006 584 OA21 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR20). Also partially an area identified for plant development. The site is no longer worked for the production of clay or aggregates and the main pit area is now water filled. Partially a proposed eco-town site.

Hallew C25 None SX012 594 OA22 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Also an area identified for plant development.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 47

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

The site remains unoperational, no mineral activities have been carried out at the site for some time and no mineral activities are anticipated to commence in the foreseeable future.

Rosemellyn C26

CR23, CR24 and CR29 SX013 601 OA23 Dormant

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

high quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to areas believed to contain china clay reserves (CR23, CR24 and CR29). The site has not been worked for many years and is now dormant.

Molinnis C27 CR30 SX022 592 OA24 Status unknown

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Partially corresponds with an area believed to contain china clay (CR30). Disused.

Rocks C28 CR25 and CR26 SX020 583 OA25 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds with an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR25 and CR26). Partially an area identified for plant development. There is currently no extraction of clay taking place in the southern pit area which is now filling with water but the

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 48

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

processing, storage and transportation works continue to be undertaken within the northern section of the operational area. Rail sidings and infrastructure are operational at this site. Resource remains.

Lantern C29 CR27 SX025 570 OA26 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay reserves (CR27). Not currently active. The site is unlikely to be worked in the foreseeable future . No longer controlled by the industry

Singlerose C30 None SX019 565 OA27 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. There are currently no mineral operations being conducted within this operational area. The site has previously been restored to heathland and pasture land and the site is now largely open to the public for recreational use. Site restored.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 49

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Penhale C31 CR21 and CR22 SX016 554 OA28 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Corresponds with two areas believed to contain china clay reserves (CR21 and CR22). There is no winning or working at Penhale. In the past the area contained six individual pits which have been backfilled, although there are no current backfilling operations. Site is worked out and any resources remaining are not economically viable, SRK report indicates.

Baal C32 CR28 SX027 551 OA29 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Green

Significant parts of the resource are likely to face pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. A number of smaller quarries formerly worked for the extraction of stone and clay lie within the Operational Area and are now all flooded. The remaining areas are occupied by waste tips. Mineral extraction and waste disposal has not taken place at Baal Operational Area for some time. There are no known immediate plans for any resumption of these activities

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 50

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

and areas of the operational area are earmarked for the proposed Ecotown developments. Independent study considered viability of resource; it concluded that the resource was of low quality and not currently economically viable. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay resources CR28.

Garker C33 CR32 SX038 546 OA30 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. The site remains unoperational, no mineral activities have been carried out at the site for some time and no mineral activities are anticipated to commence in the foreseeable future. Partially a waste site. Site is designated as a Cornwall Wildlife Site.

Bodelva C34 CR35 SX049 548 OA31 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Site is now re-developed as the Eden Project. Industry have indicated that resource remains at the site. Corresponds to an area

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 51

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

believed to contain china clay CR35.

Wheal Rashleigh C35 CR36 SX056 552 OA32 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. The former pits and tipping areas of Wheal Rashleigh China Clay Works is now privately owned by Roche Angling Club. The former pits are now flooded and are used by club angling members for course fishing. The area forms part of a Cornwall Nature Conservation Site. No mineral activities have been carried out at the site for some time and no mineral activities are anticipated to commence in the foreseeable future. Corresponds to an area believed to contain china clay resources CR36

Luxulyan C36 None SX060 568 OA33 Active China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Non-operational site. The Valley’s mining associations has led to it being recognised as a Word Heritage Site

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 52

November 2016.

Site Reference Clay reserves

Grid reference ID

Planning Status

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Innis Moor C37 Partially CR33 SX038 567 OA34 Active

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Operations at Innis Moor remain limited. The original planning permission granted in 1972 permitted the construction of a mica dam which has since been developed and has now been backfilled. Industry have indicated that the resource is no longer viable. Aftercare requirements expired in May 2013. Correspond to an area believed to contain china clay resources CR33.

Clay Reserves 34 C38 CR34 SX041 553 CR34

Outside PP area

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Does not correspond to an operational area. Known as Treskilling

Clay Reserves 31 C39 CR31 CR31

Outside PP area

China clay Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

China clay of limited distribution. Does not correspond to an operational area.

Metals Step 1: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that mineral safeguarding areas should be defined and appropriate policies adopted so that known location of specific mineral resources of local and national

importance are not needlessly sterilised.

The BGS ‘Mineral resource information for development plans’ has identified zones of intense hydrothermal vein mineralization and zones of scattered stratiform vein and stratiform mineralization in certain horizons within the

slate, sandstone and basic igneous rocks throughout Cornwall that are enriched in metals. These include veins and stratiform deposits that are

unrelated to the granites and their thermal influence, which cover broad areas across the County and do not appear give an indication of whether there is a quality of resource of such form quality and quantity that has

reasonable prospect for eventual economic extraction. The principal metallic ores extracted in the County have been tin, copper and iron. The veins

within and close to the granites mostly carry tin, in places with tungsten and arsenic. In some areas, for example around Gunnislake, the veins are noted for their polymetallic character.

As working metal resources mainly takes place underground, the Council

has worked with the Cornish Chamber of Mines and Minerals (CCMM) to identify a list of strategically important shafts that could potentially be considered for safeguarding. Initial discussions with the BGS have indicated

that this is a suitable approach to metalliferous safeguarding. Further information on the identification of strategically important shafts is available

at www.cornwall.gov.uk

Step 2: The assessment criteria identified in Table 1 Mineral Resource

Assessment Criteria have been applied to the known metalliferous mining areas and shafts identified by CCMM and the results are set out in Table 9

Metal Safeguarding Assessment.

Table 9 Metal Safeguarding Assessment

Site ID Grid Ref Planning Status Shafts

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Safeguarding Shafts only

Blue Hills M1 Active N/A Tin Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses - produces medium quality materials and range of products. Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Small scale, specialist tin streaming operation. Extraction limited to 70 tonnes per annum.

Botallack M2 SW365 330 Not working

Allen's Shaft; Wheal Cock, Boscawen

Tin, copper, arsenic Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Allen's shaft - 150m; Wheal Cock - 50m and Boscawen - 50m.

Castle-an-Dinas M3

SW946 624 Not working New Shaft

Tungsten, tin, arsenic Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission. New Shaft

Cligga Head & Polperro Consols M4

SW739 536 Not working

Contact Shaft, Turnavore Shaft

Tin, copper, tungsten, sulphur, Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Contact shaft - 50m; Turnavore shaft - 50m.

Cotts Farm M5

SX267 728 Not working N/A Metal Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission. No shafts

Fowey Consols M6

SX082 561 Not working

Austen's Whim Shaft

Copper, tin, sulphur, zinc Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Austen Whim's shaft - 50m

Geevor, Levant & Boscaswell M7

SW375 345 Not working

Victory Shaft, Engine/Skip Shaft, Treweeks Shaft

Tin,, copper, arsenic Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed Aug 1998. Victory shaft - 150m; Engine/Skip - 50m; Treweeks shaft - 50m; Geevor Adit - 50m; Wethered Shaft - 50m

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 55

November 2016.

Site ID Grid Ref Planning Status Shafts

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Safeguarding Shafts only

Great Fortune M8

SW727 289 Not working

Harveys Engine Shaft

Tin, copper, arsenic, tungsten Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Harveys Engine shaft - 50m; Wheal Vor adit - 50m

Gwithian Beach Tin M9

SW574 410 Not working N/A Tin Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Red

Low Quality and/or limited range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission for tin extraction from sand. No shafts

Mount Wellington


SW761 417

Planning permission lapsed

Wellington Shaft, Taylors Shaft, Hawkes Shaft, Garlands Shaft, Taylors Whim Shaft, Davies Whim Shaft, Woolfs Engine Shaft, Morcoms Shaft, Francis Engine Shaft, Fredericks Shaft, Wheal Maid Decline Tin, sulphur Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed June 1999. Wellington shaft - 150m; Taylors shaft - 50m; Hawkes shaft - 50m; Garlands shaft - 50m; Taylors/Whim shaft - 50m; Daveys Whim shaft - 50m ; Woolf's shaft - 50m; Morcom's shaft - 50m; Francis Engine shaft - 50m; Frederick shaft - 50m; Wheal Maid shaft - 150m; Great County adit - 50m

New Consols Mine


SX386 736 Dormant

Engine Shaft

Copper, arsenic, tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission. Appears to be underground tin mining plus alluvial tin working. Engine shaft - 150m

North Wheal Bassett, Wheal Uny, buller and Treavean


SW688 400 Not working

Lyles Shaft, Hinds Engine Shaft, Kistles Shaft, Harveys Shaft Copper, tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Lyles shaft - 150m; Engine shaft - 50m; Hinds Engine shaft - 50m; Kistles shaft - 50m; Harveys shaft - 50m;

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 56

November 2016.

Site ID Grid Ref Planning Status Shafts

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Safeguarding Shafts only

Bassets shaft - 50m.

Pendarves M13

SW647 383 Not working Simms Shaft

Copper, tin, arsenic, sulphur Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed March 1998. Simms shaft - 150m; Goolds - 50m; Fortescues - 50m.

Phoenix United & Marke Valley


SX266 719 Not working

Prince of Wales Shaft, Salisbury Shaft Tin, copper Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed May 2000. Prince of Wales - 150m; Salisbury shaft - 50m; Seccombe shaft - 50m; Marke Valley adit - 50m.

Porkellis M15

SW688 324 Not working N/A

Tin streaming Green

The extent of the resource is very limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. No shafts

Prince of Wales Mine


SX401 705 Dormant

Watsons Shaft, Baileys Shaft

Tin, copper, arsenic, sulphur, silver, Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Dormant planning permission. Watsons shaft - 150m

Redmoor & Holmbush


SX355 710 Not working

Johnsons Shaft, Hitchens Engine Shaft

Copper, tin, lead, silver, arsenic, tungsten Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission

South Crofty


SW664 410

Active (not working)

New Cooks Shaft, Taylors Shaft, Robinsons Shaft, New Roskear Shaft, Williams Shaft, New Tolgus Shaft, Tuckingmill Decline

Tin, copper, arsenic, sulphur, tungsten, Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Green

The viability of the resource is clearly demonstrated Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission consolidated 2011. New Cooks shaft - 150m; Taylors shaft - 50m; Robinsons shaft - 50m; New Roskear shaft - 50m; Williams shaft - 50m; New Tolgus shaft - 50m; Tuckingmill decline - 50m; Dolcoath

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 57

November 2016.

Site ID Grid Ref Planning Status Shafts

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Safeguarding Shafts only

deep adit - 50m.

South Wheal Francis & South Francis


SW680 394 Not working

Marriots Shaft, Pascoes Shaft Tin, copper Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Marriots shaft - 150m; Daubuz shaft - 50m; Graces shaft - 50m; Pascoes shaft - 50m.

St Stephen Coombe


SW949 514 Not working N/A Metal Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Red

The resource is difficult to define from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission.

Tregurtha Downs


SW536 311 Not working

Engine Shaft Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Red

There is no evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Engine shaft - 150m. Trounson discussed future potential of Tregurtha Downs.

Trink M22

SW500 371 Not working

Franks Shaft, Trencom Adit Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Franks shaft - 150m; Trencrom adit - 50m. Tin produced until 1922.

Wheal Concord


SW728 460 Not working

Concord Shaft Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Amber

Medium quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Planning permission lapsed 2000. Concord shaft - 150m

Wheal Eliza Consols


SW045 532 Not working

Engine Shaft Tin, copper Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Engine shaft - 150m. Dines - Engine shaft on the main lode. Although the Wheal Eliza group of mines was opened and prospected between 1908 and 1913, there was then practically no production.

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 58

November 2016.

Site ID Grid Ref Planning Status Shafts

Mineral Type

Scarcity score

Scarcity Comments

Geological Mapping Score

Geological Mapping Comments

Viability Score

Viability Comments

Extraction Levels Score

Extraction Levels Comments

Quality/ Range of uses Score

Quality/ Range of uses Comments

Pressure from Strategic Development Score

Pressure from Strategic Development Comments

Additional comments

Overall Score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Safeguarding Shafts only

Wheal Jane


SW772 427

Active (not working)

Clemows shaft, No. 2 Shaft

Tin, sulphur, iron, zinc, lead, silver, arsenic, copper Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Active planning permission, site not currently operational. Treatment and restoration operations only. Clemows shaft - 150m; No 2 shaft - 50m

Wheal Vor & Wheal Metal


SW626 304 Not working

Borlase Engine Shaft, Trelawney Shaft, Iveys Shaft Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

No planning permission. Borlase shaft - 150m; Boundary shaft - 50m; Engine shaft - 50m; Metal shaft - 50m; Trelawney shaft - 50m; Iveys shaft - 50m. Nomination submitted for mineral rights area.

Treliver Minerals


SW917 605

Not working, no pp No shafts Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Amber

There is some uncertainty with definition Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Red

The resource is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development

Treliver lies approximately 2km north of Indian Queens and 2km to the south of St Columb Major.

Wheal Alfred


SW379 369 Not working Field Shaft Tin Amber

The extent of the resource is fairly limited Green

The resource can be easily defined from map data Amber

There is some evidence of viability Red

Little or no current or future extraction Green

High quality and/or range of uses Amber

Some parts of the resource may face pressure from other strategic development Field Shaft

Infrastructure The requirement of the NPPF can be divided into two main categories; infrastructure associated with the transportation of minerals and infrastructure associated with the processing of minerals into other


The potential locations of rail and sea facilities are more limited and less flexible. The following mineral transport sites have been assessed:

Burngullow rail siding

Dean Quarry Wharf Fowey Docks

Lostwithiel to Fowey railway Methrose siding Par Docks

Par Docks to Fowey Docks haul road Parkandillack/Treviscoe rail siding

Parkandillack branch line Rocks rail siding West of England Quarry Wharf

To some extent many of the mineral processing facilities are ‘footloose’ and

as such could be located within industrial estates or construction sites. However, known locations of minerals transport and processing

infrastructure have been assessed using the criteria set out in Table 2 Mineral Infrastructure Assessment Criteria. The results are show in Table 10

Mineral Infrastructure Safeguarding Assessment.

Table 10 Mineral Infrastructure Safeguarding Assessment

Site Site location Infrastructure type ID Old ID Grid Ref Status Active Uses Location

Potential conflict with other forms of strategic development: Future potential Comments

Overall score

Mineral Safeguarding Area

Aggregate Industries - Concrete Works, St Austell

Concrete works, St Austell

Ready-mix concrete I1

Inset 1a (plant area) SW983 529 Closed

No - the site is not currently working

The site has been used in the last 10 years

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

Significant pressure from other strategic development - any allocations, strategic development or town framework designations

Some evidence that the site could be used in the future

May 2014 Site visit - Site closed and demolished. Part of Eco-Town proposals. Red

Aggregate Industries - Lucknow, Bodmin

Lucknow, Bodmin

Ready-mix concrete, Concrete batching I2 N/A SX082 654 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

The site is on an established industrial estate, close to A30 and A38. Green

Aggregate Industries - Wilson Way

Wilson Way, Redruth

Ready-mix concrete I3 N/A SW675 410 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

The site is on an established industrial estate, close to A30. Green

Alan Mitchell & Sons

Old Quarry, Creegbrawse

Ready-mix concrete I4 N/A SW744 433 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is relatively inaccessible/remote

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Poor road access along narrow rural lanes. Green

Bardon Concrete (AI) - Castle-an-Dinas

Castle-an-Dinas Quarry

Concrete batching I5 A18 SW484 347 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Within Castle-an-Dinas Quarry Green

Burngullow Rail Burngullow Railway I6

Inset 1a (plant area) SW984 524 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Within Burngullow operational area which is now mothballed. Railway is still operating. Green

Cornish Concrete Products Ltd

Point Mills, Bissoe

Concrete products I7 N/A SW774 414 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Large site with good access to B road Green

Maen Karne - Chenoweth Business Park

Ruan High Lanes

Concrete products I8 N/A SW919 420 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Site selling concrete blocks. Recently permitted concrete batching plant PA15/06077. Green

Maen Karne- Chywoon Quarry

Chywoon Quarry, Penryn

Ready-mix concrete I9 A8b SW748 347 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Located within Chywoon Quarry Green

Maen Karne

Hallaze Blockworks, Penwithick

Concrete products I10

Inset 1a (buffer zone) SX027 566 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Residential properties abut the site. Residential planning application was refused in 2003 (against the principle). Other uses share the site. Green

Cornwall Concrete Pumping

Lucknow Road, Bowling Green

Mobile concrete pumping I11

Inset 1a (buffer zone) SX027 580 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Residential properties abut this small site within a hamlet. Appears to be a concrete pumping business Red

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 61

November 2016.

Dean Quarry Wharf St Keverne Wharf I12 A9 SW802 208

Active PP - not currently operating

No - the site is not currently working

The site has been used in the last 10 years

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Within Dean Quarry Green

Denis May & Sons Ltd St Austell

Concrete products I13 Inset 1a SW951 547 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Goonvean blockworks Green

Faheys - Cansford Quarry

Cansford Quarry, Camelford

Ready-mix concrete I14 A14 SX168 930 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Within Cansford Quarry Green

Faheys - Carne Cross

Carne Cross, Par

Ready-mix concrete I15 Inset 1a SX046 564 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Active site. Handful of residential properties in the vicinity. Green

Fowey Docks Fowey Port I16 Inset 65 SX126 522 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Active site, used for loading china clay/ aggregates Green

Fowey Docks Siding Fowey Siding I17 Inset 65 SX126 566 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Active site, used for loading china clay/ aggregates Green

Hanson Readymix - Herdbury Quarry

Herdbury Quarry

Ready-mix concrete I19

H11/ Inset 82 SS242 083

Active PP/ Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Within Herdbury Quarry (dormant) Green

Hanson Readymix - Hingston Down Quarry

Hingston Down Quarry

Ready-mix concrete I20 A12 SX410 719 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Within Hingston Down Quarry Green

Jabez Concrete Camelford Ready-mix concrete I21 N/A SX104 850 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Active planning permission. Access onto B road. Green

Kessel Downs Halvasso Concrete products I22 A13 SW740 338 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Active planning permission. Adjacent to former aggregate quarry which has reserves remaining. Green

Leswidden Building Supplies St Just

Concrete products I23 N/A SW392 308 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Small scale concrete mixing and builders yards providing facilities for local needs. Access off A3071


Lostwithiel to Fowey Rail Lostwithiel Railway I24 Inset 66 SX106 586 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Railway line to Fowey docks (Carne Point), transports mainly china clay Green

Cornwall Minerals DPD Mineral Resource and Infrastructure Assessment 62

November 2016.

Moorswater Liskeard

Freight distribution centre I25 N/A SX236 641 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Freight distribution centre Green

Par Docks Par Docks I26 Inset 63 SX075 526 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site has been used in the last 10 years

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

Significant pressure from other strategic development - any allocations, strategic development or town framework designations

Evidence suggests that the site is not suitable for future use

Parts of the site are active; harbour is closed. Evidence from independent study indicates that the harbour is not suitable for export of china clay/ aggregates. Parts of the site could be safeguarded for clay processing/onward transport Green

part of the site

Par docks to Fowey haul road Par Road I27 Inset 64 SX102 536 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Road is currently used to transport materials to Fowey docks Green

Parkandillack Rail St Dennis

Rail link/ Freight distribution centre I28 N/A SW944 569 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Adjacent to Rostowrack. Identified as a Network Rail freight distribution centre. Green

Rocks Siding (Goonbarrow) Bugle Rail siding I29 Inset 1a SX025 586 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Goonbarrow Junction. Adjacent to Rocks Driers Green

Treviscoe Siding (Drinnick Mill) Trevisoce Siding I30 Inset 1a SW941 558 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Treviscoe driers Green

W H Ladds Concrete Products Pool

Ready-mix concrete; concrete products I31 N/A SW675 410 Active PP

No - the site is not currently working

The site has been used in the last 10 years

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

Some evidence that the site could be used in the future

Vacant. Close to A30. Abuts residential camp site and mainline railway. Red

West of England Wharf Porthoustock Wharf I32 A11b SW808 216 Active PP

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located adjacent to the SRN, a rail network or sea route or adjacent to a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future

Within West of England Quarry, used to transport aggregates from the quarry. Principle method of transportation. Green

Western Blocks Ltd Hayle Ready-mix concrete I33 N/A SW580 399 Operating

Yes - the site is currently working

The site is used and likely to be used in the future

The site is located within 5km of the SRN, rail or sea with good access or within 5km of a quarry

The infrastructure site is unaffected by pressure from other strategic development - there are no allocations etc. covering the resource

The site is likely to be used in the future Large blockworks, operational Green

Prepared by:

Ellie Inglis-Woolcock

Local Plans

19 October 2016

If you would like this information in another format please contact:

Cornwall Council County Hall

Treyew Road Truro TR1 3AY

Telephone: 0300 1234 100

Email: enquiries@cornwall.gov.uk


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