mighty mahara!? the role of self-organized leanring within the context of eportfolio software mahara...

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Mighty Mahara!? The role of self-organized learning within the context of

Mahara ePortfolio @ Vienna University of Teacher Education.

Dr. Thomas Strasser & Harald Knecht, MA @ EPIC2012, July 9-11, 2012@thomas_strasser|www.eportfolio.or.at|www.learning-reloaded.com

Vienna University of Teacher Education

Course “ePortfolio“

Self-organized learning for student teachers and professors

differentiated, systematic reflection

individual learningprogress


self-organized Learning as part of LifeLongLearning(cf. Hornung-Prähauser et. al. 2008)

Why Mahara?


cf. Meyer, Thorsten et. al (2011); Himpsl (2010)

*Image by 41247051@N00 via Flickr

A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work, that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements in one or more

areas. The collection must include student participation in selecting content, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit and

evidence of student self-reflection. (F. L. Paulson, P. R. Paulson, & Meyer, 1991, S. 60)

*Image by 87838561@N00 via Flickr

3 basic types of (e)Portfolios(Baumgartner, Himpsl, Zauchner 2009)

1. Reflection portfolio

2. Development portfolio

3. Presentation portfolio

The lecturer as „role model“

contact details (communication)contact details (communication)

short CV (presentation)short CV (presentation)

Google Docs, YouTube, etc.(sharing, collaboration)Google Docs, YouTube, etc.(sharing, collaboration)

Twitter Feeds (communication)Twitter Feeds (communication)

synchronize blogs (communication)synchronize blogs (communication)

professional development (presentation)professional development (presentation)

milestones (credits @khimpsl) (development)

milestones (credits @khimpsl) (development)

synchronized reading list(communication sharing)

synchronized reading list(communication sharing)

sharing materialsharing material FlickR UpdateFlickR Update

The student teacher as a „role model“

presentationpresentationshort CVshort CV


Strengths and weaknesses (cf. self-organized learning)

communication/collaboration (groups/forums=>working language English and German) information

communication/collaboration (wall)

Steps for an implementation

communication/collaboration (incl. reflection)

task –based reflection

basics (contact, details, bio, etc.)

performance and collaboration

finding EFL-topics autonomously (self-organized learning process)

reflective, task-based writing process (EFL)

possibility of supportive, constructive feedback.


intensive reflection

Gazette: idea: Murphy, E.-M. (2011)

systematic, self-reflection and development of learning process (cf. Self-organized learning

GAZETTE (development and reflection portfolio)


rising awarenessreflection/development

learning progress (cf. self-organized learning)

*Image by 24500807@N04 via Flickr

The reflective process

DIGITAL FOLDER (development and reflection portfolio

Task-based reflections(development/reflection)

Supportive feedback by professors(reflection/development)

*Image by 40424103@N03 via Flickr

The research project (2 years, started winter term 2011/12)

*Image by 37451177@N03 via Flickr Survey winter term 2011/2012

Survey winter 2011/12

• N=76• Student teachers 1st and 3rd semester• Student teachers 1st semester (start Mahara)• Student teacher 3rd semester (3 semesters with

Mahara)• Student teachers lower secondary

schools/elementary schools

Mahara is a simple tool (technical POV)

1. semester 3. semester

Main problems with: uploading a document and managing author rights

verbal feedback (1st and 3rd semester)

• complex structure• how does Mahara basically work?• a manual would be of great help!• access• time-consuming

If you were to decide whether the university should continue with Mahara or not, how would you decide?

student teachers (elementary school 1st semester)

student teachers (elementary school, 3rd semester)


not continue


If you were to decide whether the university should continue with Mahara or not, how would you decide?

Student teachers lower secondary school (3rd semester)

*Image by 80639080@N00 via Flickr

ePortfolio in a nutshell …

*Image by 14556286@N02 via Flickr

responsibility for professional development

*Image by 57174138@N00 via Flickr

*Image by 48671183@N00 via Flickr

self-organized management of professional performance

*Image by 25884936@N00 via Flickr

students initiate own learning process

*Image by 45785814@N08 via Flickr

continuous use of English as working language

*Image by 58679537@N00 via Flickr

systematic reflection of work in progress (cf. self-organized learning)

*Image by 95807910@N00 via Flickr

continuous communication/collaboration

*Image by 7976040@N06 via Flickr

learning diary (adapt it to the needs)

*Image by 16615213@N00 via Flickr

technical problems, technophobia?

Thank you for your attention!

• Thomas Strasser & Harald Knecht• thomas.strasser@phwien.ac.at• harald.knecht@pwhien.ac.at• www.eportfolio.or.at, www.learning-reloaded.com • @thomas_strasser

Questions appreciated!

References• BAUMGARTNER, Peter, Himpsl, Klaus und Zauchner, Sabine (2009). Einsatz von E-Portfolios an

(österreichischen) Hochschulen: Zusammenfassung - Teil I des BMWF-Abschlussberichts “E-Portfolio an Hochschulen”: GZ 51.700/0064-VII/10/2006. Forschungsbericht. Krems: Department für Interaktive Medien und Bildungstechnologien,

• BAUMGARTNER, Peter; „Eine neue Lernkultur entwickeln: Kompetenzbasierte Ausbildung mit Blogs und E-Portfolios“. In: HORNUNG-PRÄHAUSER, Veronika; LUCKMANN, Michaela; et. al. (Hrsg.) (2008). „Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Internet. Einblick in die Landschaft der webbasierten Bildungsinnovationen. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, S.88-92. Donau Universität Krems.

• HILZENSAUER, Wolf; BUCHBERGER, Gerlinde: „Mehr Selbstwert für junge Menschen durch E-Portfolios?“ In: HORNUNG-PRÄHAUSER, Veronika; LUCKMANN, Michaela; et. al. (Hrsg.) (2008). „Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Internet. Einblick in die Landschaft der webbasierten Bildungsinnovationen. Innsbruck: Studienverlag, S. 116-121.

• HIMPSL, K. (2010). E-Portfolios in berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen zu Neuen Medien. Medienpädagogik, 18 (Neue Medien und individuelle Leistungsdarstellung – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von ePortfolios und eAssessments). Abgerufen am 28. Februar 2011 von http://www.medienpaed.com/18/himpsl1004.pdf.

• HIMPSL-GUTERMANN, Klaus, & BAUER, Reinhard (2011). Kaleidoskope des Lernens. E-Portfolios in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von (österreichischen) Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. zeitschrift für elearning, lernkultur und bildungstechnologie, (Heft 3/2011 - 6. Jahrgang), 20-36.

• HORNUNG-PRÄHAUSER, Veronika; LUCKMANN, Michaela; et. al. (Hrsg.) (2008). „Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Internet. Einblick in die Landschat der webbasierten Bildungsinnovationen“. Innsbruck: Studienverlag

• HORNUNG-PRÄHAUSER, Veronika; WIEDEN-BISCHOF, Diana: „Selbstorganisiertes Lernen und Lehren in einer digitalen Umwelt: Theorie und Praxis zu E-Portfolios in der Hochschule“. In: HUGGER, Kai-Uwe; WALBER, Markus (2010) (Hrsg.) Digitale Lernwelten – Konzepte, Beispiele und Perspektiven. S. 245-268. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

References• KÖHNE, S. (2005): „Didaktischer Ansatz für das Blended Learning: Konzeption und Anwendung

von Educational Patterns“. Dissertation. In: http://opus.ub.uni-hohenheim.de/volltexte/2006/123/pdf/Koehne_EducationalPatterns.pdf, (letzter Zugriff: 9. Februar 2008

• MEYER, Torsten; MAYRBERGER, Kerstin; et. al. (2011). „Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle – Zur Ambivalenz von E-Portfolios in Bildungsprozessen“. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

• MURPHY, Ellen-Marie (2011). Mahara Cookbook 1.4. Over 50 recipes for using Mahara for training, personal and educational purpose. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.

• PAULSON, F. L., PAULSON, P. R., & MEYER, C. (1991). What makes a portfolio a portfolio? Educational Leadership, Heft 5 (Jahrgang 48), 60-63.

• REINMANN, G. (2005). Blended Learning in der Lehrerbildung: Grundlagen für die Konzeption innovativer Lernumgebungen. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers

• REINMANN, Gabi; „Selbstbestimmung und Selbststeuerung“. (2011) In: Kontrolle und Selbstkontrolle – Zur Ambivalenz von E-Portfolios in Bildungsprozessen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

• REINMANN-ROTHMEIER, G. (2003): „Didaktische Innovation durch Blended Learning: Leitlinien anhand eines Beispiels aus der Hochschule“. Hans Huber, Bern u.a.

• SAUTER W. & SAUTER A.M. (2002): „Blended Learning: Effiziente Integration von E-Learning und Präsenztraining“. Luchterhand, Neuwied u.a.

• VOLKMER, R. (2003): „Blended Learning: Synergieeffekte durch den richtigen Methoden- und Medienmix“. In: Wissensmanagement. 2003. Jg. (2003) Nr. 1, S. 19-21


• Foto „Uhr auf silbernem Tablett“ von Coniaric (some rights reserved)

• Foto Ordner „Ordnung ist das halbe Leben …“ von Heinz-Hasselberg (some rights reserved)

• Foto Lehrplan „künstl. Nahaufnahme Buchseite“ von E. Flux (some rights reserved)

• Tastaturknopf „at“ von Knipsermann (some rights reserved)

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