midterm jeopardy governments throughout history us and va constitutions how to be elected federalism...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Midterm JeopardyGovernmentsThroughout


US and VAConstitutions

How to be Elected Federalism

The Legislative Branch at Last

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Governments Throughout


How many people rule in an oligarchy?

$100 Answer from Governments Throughout History

A small group of people(examples include an aristocracy,Military junta, and communist


$200 Question from Governments Throughout


What does it mean to have a federal type of government?

$200 Answer from Governments Throughout History

Government powers are split between the state and national governments


$300 Question from Governments Throughout


What does the term laisez-faire mean?

$300 Answer from Governments Throughout History

Hands Off – it means that government should not mess with the businesses of


$400 Question from Governments Throughout


What was the other name for the designers of the Constitution and merchants from larger cities from the colonies who were for the

ratification of the Constitution?

$400 Answer from Governments Throughout History

The Federalists(they eventually had to promise to include

the Bill of Rights to get it passed by the rest of the states)(59 and 63)

$500 Question from Governments Throughout


What do you call the least amount of people necessary to conduct a meeting

or session of government?

$500 Answer from Governments Throughout History

A quorum!(52)

$100 Question from US and VA Constitutions

Which amendment to the Constitution coversyour right to bare arms (own a gun)?

$100 Answer from US and VA Constitutions

The 2nd Amendment(73)

$200 Question from US and VA Constitutions

Where are the 6 goals of the US Constitution found?

$200 Answer from US and VA Constitutions

At the beginning/the Preamble!(67)

$300 Question from US and VA Constitutions

The US and VA Constitutions both createa 2 house legislature – What’s the other name for

a 2 house legislature?

$300 Answer from US and VA Constitutions

Bicameral Legislature(142)

$400 Question from US and VA Constitutions

What’s the usual method of ratifying/approvingof amendments to the US Constitution?

$400 Answer from US and VA Constitutions

By having ¾ of the state legislatures

approve it!(71)

$500 Question from US and VA Constitutions

Which amendment protects you fromcruel and unusual punishment?

$500 Answer from US and VA Constitutions

8th amendment(73)

$100 Question from How to be Elected

What type of 3rd party did the Republicans startoff as?

$100 Answer from How to be Elected

Splinter Party(which breaks off from a larger party)


$200 Question from How to be Elected

Which state usually goes firstin the primaries?

$200 Answer from How to be Elected

New Hampshire


$300 Question from How to be Elected

What are a party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on an issue called?

$300 Answer from How to be Elected

A platform!(158)

$400 Question from How to be Elected

Who won the popular vote in the 2000 Election?

$400 Answer from How to be Elected

Al Gore(George Bush won the electoral vote)

(174 and 175)

$500 Question from How to be Elected

What is the name of the commission that keeps track of all of the financial contributions

given to political parties and candidates?

$500 Answer from How to be Elected

The Federal Election Commission/FEC(167)

$100 Question from Federalism

What’s the idea of splitting up powersbetween national and local and state

governments called?

$100 Answer from Federalism


$200 Question from Federalism

Name one thing that all states have to recognize amongst each other due to the “full faith and credit”

portion of the Constitution?

$200 Answer from Federalism

Driver’s Licenses


Judgments to Pay a Debt(124)

$300 Question from Federalism

Who needs to absolutely needs to approve a territory before it becomes a


$300 Answer from Federalism

Congress (made up of the Senate and House of Rep.)


$400 Question from Federalism

What type of election is it when the citizens of an area are so unhappy with their representative

that they call for another election to replace him/her?

$400 Answer from Federalism

Recall Election(135)

$500 Question from Federalism

What is the name for someone who carries outpublic policy?

$500 Answer from Federalism

A bureaucrat (a technocrat specializes in a particular area

of public policy)(132)

$100 Question from The Legislative Branch at Last

How many Senators per state?

$100 Answer from The Legislative Branch at Last


$200 Question from The Legislative Branch at Last

What party controls the Senate currently?

$200 Answer from The Legislative Branch at Last

The Democrats(193)

(The Republicans control the House of Representatives


$300 Question from The Legislative Branch at Last

How long is a senator’s term?

$300 Answer from The Legislative Branch at Last

6 Years(a House of Rep. member’s term is 2 years)

(192, 189)

$400 Question from The Legislative Branch at Last

What helps determine how many representatives each state has in the

House of Representatives?

$400 Answer from The Legislative Branch at Last

The Census(185)

$500 Question from The Legislative Branch at Last

I’m a former Republican presidential candidate who is against “soft money” (the idea that a

single business can contribute as much as theywant to a political party for “organizational

activities”) – Who am I?

$500 Answer from The Legislative Branch at Last

Senator John McCain (R)


Final Jeopardy Question

In what month is Inauguration Day?

Final Jeopardy Answer


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