middle ages knights jousting tournament - coat of arms

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Middle Ages KnightsJousting Tournament - Coat of Arms

DO NOW…Code of Chivalry• Most Holy Lord, Almighty Father … thou who hast

permitted on earth the use of the sword to repress the malice [evil] of the wicked and defend justice … cause thy servant here before thee, by disposing [turning] his heart to goodness, never to use this sword or another to injure anyone unjustly; but let him use it always to defend the just and right.

• Questions: What is the knight promising to use his sword for?• What does the knight promise to never use the

sword for?

WE DO: Jousting Tournaments

•The author believes that Richard was



Coat of Arms

In medieval times, every noble family wanted everyone to know how important they were.

They also wanted to brag about their history. Since most people could not read, heraldry was

invented. This was a way to brag about who you were

without using words. Heraldry was a design and short saying. Noble families designed a coat of arms that

incorporated their heraldry (their design and short saying).

Coat of ArmsThey put their coat of arms, showing their heraldry, on banners, shields, tapestries and anything else they could think of. Each part of the coat of arms has a specific meaning. Animals or objects were used to describe character traits - brave as a lion, for example. The colors were used as symbols of character.

Design your own Coat of Arms

• Think about your hobbies, personality, family. • Include the following information on your own

Coat of Arms:1. A symbol to represent someone/something that is

important to you2. A symbol to represent a hobby/activity3. A symbol to represent your culture4. Any other symbol/picture that represent you

Heraldic SymbolsHeraldic ColorsYellow or Gold - Generosity White/Silver - Peace & Sincerity Blue - Loyalty & TruthfulnessGreen - Hope, Joy & Loyalty Purple - Independence & Justice

Heraldic Animals Bear - Protectiveness Bee - Industriousness Camel - Perseverance Dog - Loyalty Dragon - Defender of Treasure Eagle - Leadership & Decisiveness Falcon or Hawk - Eagerness Fox - Cleverness Griffin (part eagle, part lion) - Bravery

Horse - Readiness to Serve/HelpLion - Courage Pelican - Generosity & Devotion Snake - Ambition Elk or Deer - Peace & Harmony Tiger - Fierceness & Valor Unicorn - Extreme courage Wolf - Constant Vigilance

Heraldic Symbols Axe - Dutiful Moon-SerenityCrescent-Enlightenment Oyster Shell- TravelerCrosses - Christian sentiments Ring- TrustworthyCrown - Authority Scepter- JusticeFire – Enthusiasm Star- NobilityFlaming Heart - Passion Sun- GloryHand - Faith & Justice Heart - Sincerity Horns & Antlers - Fortitude Lightning - Decisiveness Sword - Warlike Castle - Protectiveness


Paragraph• Write a paragraph describing your (4) symbols and why you chose

them. Claddagh ring represents my Irish culture. It symbolizes love,

friendship, and loyalty. My parents moved to Chicago when they were teenagers so it is important for them to incorporate the Irish culture within our family. My mom gave me a claddagh ring when I was very young and I still wear it today.

The rattle represents Elliott, my son. He is so important to me and brings joy to my life every day.

__________________ represents ___________. Explanation. (1-2 sentences)

• Your paragraph should give me an understanding of who you are based on your Coat of Arms.

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