microsoft service bus connector with mulesoft

Post on 22-Mar-2017






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Microsoft Service Bus Connector With


Microsoft Service Bus Connector With

MulesoftService Bus Connector enables message integration with Windows Service Bus

on premise as well as Azure Service Bus on cloud. The connector supports the

communication with Queues, Topics and EventHubs through AMQP 1.0.

Features of Service Bus Connector

Send messages to Queues, Topics and EventHubs with support of AMQP.

Receive from Queues and Topic asynchornously.

Connector supports Windows Service Bus on-premise as well as Azure

Service Bus on cloud.

Rest Management API like CRUD for queues, Topics, Subscriptions and rules.

Microsoft Service Bus Connector With

MulesoftFirst go through one of my article How To Create Service Bus with Windows

Azure. This article will give you brief idea on how to create queues and topics

in azure cloud.

Now, we will walkthrough how to send and receive message from windows

azure service bus queue.

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus QueuePlace the HTTP Listener into the canvas and click to open properties console.

Click green plus sign and configure as follows.

Host: localhost

Port: 8081

Method: POST

Path: servicebus

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus Queue

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus Queue

Search and Drag the Microsoft Service Bus Connector into canvas. If, microsoft

service bus connector not found, then install from Anypoint Exchange.

Click on green plus sign to configure microsoft service bus connector.

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus Queue

Select Microsoft Service Bus:Azure Service Bus.

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus Queue

Provide Service Name, Shared Access Key Name and Shared Access Key. That

you can get it from Windows Azure Service Bus connection information.

Sending Message To Windows Azure

Service Bus Queue

Perform Test Connection and press OK.

Select Operation Queue send and provide Destination queue name.

Testing The Application

You can use postman to send the request to mule flow and mule flow will send

message to azure service bus queue.

Url: - http://localhost:8081/servicebus

Testing The Application

You can verify in azure service bus queue also if message received.

Receiving Message From Windows

Azure Service Bus QueueSearch and Drag Microsoft Service Bus Connector in Message source area of

canvas. Configure in same way as we have done above.

Select Operation Queue receive and provide Source queue.

Thank You.

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