microsoft crm xrm4legal 2014 enterprise matter management

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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It is a fact that firms that use integrated client to project/case management typically have higher margins and stronger pipeline. These two measurements add up to greater profitability as margins are highly correlated to overall profitability margins, and having a larger pipeline enables firms to plan more effectively and increase rates and/or reject work not meeting desired profitability levels. With integration comes many benefits: Practice managers have access to real-time cost, budget, and revenue information with understanding of: What does the quarter look like? What is our projected service revenue and cash flow? Which client engagements generate the most revenue or highest profit? Which partners or offices are doing the best job of generating new work? What is our average deal size and how long is it taking to close complex engagements? Practice groups are able to plan and prepare for upcoming cases and collaborate more effectively with the business development team on new opportunities and existing client engagements. Practice group members have insights on: Which opportunities are real and when will they close? What does the pipeline look like? When is new work forecasted to start and when is it scheduled to be complete? What is the status/health of our projects and case engagements? What resources and skills are required to deliver these projects? Do we have enough capacity to staff upcoming work? Integration also connects business developers and relationship partners to the practice teams with the ability to answer: What is the status of my client’s work? Is the client happy? Are there any red flags regarding requirements, delivery dates, budget or scope? What else does the client need? How much of the work has been billed so far? Are we over or within budget? When is the right time to contact the client for a revised budget or engagement review?


Project Module 4


Time Tracking



2 3 4

Legal BD Legal


Legal Client










2010 & 2013



2010 & 2013

Document Management

Formula Management

Global Search

Fee Earner Interface

xRM4Legal provides an easy, familiar interface that the lawyers know and use every

day. As they say, if you know how to use Outlook, you know how to use Microsoft CRM! Another major benefit of the solution is improved integrity of information with

both Web and mobile access. New matter types – forms, fields, views, reports, charts

and dashboards – can be quickly and easily added and configured by business users

rather than programmers.

The priority here is capturing details with minimal mouse clicks including lawyer and

related record/s. We start in Outlook Favorites where the default view is Active

Organizations. We can filter this view by selecting a different System View if required.

The bottom half of the screen provides a quick preview of the selected record.

Role selection hides or displays certain tabs. These tabs, fields and associated

business rules are easily configured to meet firm and department needs. Once the

Role is selected it is just a matter of completing a few business required fields so we

can save the record.

The priority again is simplicity, capturing details with minimal mouse clicks including

related records. The easiest and quickest way to add a new record is in the context of

an existing Organization record.

Certain information is pre-populated such as Parent Record, Business Phone and

Address. Like the Organization entity, selecting the applicable Role hides or displays

certain tabs.

To create a new Case Project record, click on the Projects folder and click the New


Based on the selected Client and Case Type, the Case Project record adjusts

dynamically with required Contact Data, Additional Details and Case specific

information – automatically populated based on firm and department business rules.

Manage all the activities related to a Case Project including Appointments, Emails,

Phone Calls and Tasks.

Depending on the logged in user and their method of access (Web, Outlook or

Mobile) there are several different ways of adding a new booking / billing event. The

Case Resource, Start and End Dates and Times can be selected with options to enter

Hourly Rate, Duration and Booking Type together with Summary and Description.

From here we can generate documents, clicking the Documents related area. Created

documents are automatically filed in SharePoint and can be emailed in PDF with

associated email template.

Audit History automatically tracks who changed what and when with details of old and

new values displayed. Click Filter on: to select and view specific field changes.

From the Outlook folder there is access to Global Search. Global Search performs

searches of strings in all entities and attributes configured in Search Settings. Typing a

word or phrase allows us to search across CRM entities, Tasks, Emails, Letters,

Appointments etc. A single click allows us to drill down into Person, Organization,

Case records and more.

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