microservices in the enterprise: a research study and reference architecture

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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Microservices Architecture in the Enterprise: A Research Study and Reference Architecture

By Tellago, Inc


Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

What are Microservices? .............................................................................................................................. 2

Microservices in the Enterprise: The SOA Battle .......................................................................................... 3

Capabilities of Enterprise Microservices Architecture .................................................................................. 4

Service Discovery and Service Registry ..................................................................................................... 5

Microservices Description ........................................................................................................................ 7

Lightweight Middleware ........................................................................................................................... 9

Containerization of Microservices ......................................................................................................... 12

API Gateway ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Inter-Service Communication ................................................................................................................. 15

One Microservice per Data Source Strategy ........................................................................................... 17

One Microservice per Use Case Strategy ............................................................................................... 19

Microservices Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 21

Other Relevant Capabilities of Enterprise Microservices Architecture ...................................................... 23

Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 23


Microservices is one of the hottest trends in modern enterprise software. Created to

address some of the limitations of traditional service oriented architecture (SOA),

microservices proposes an architecture style of decomposing monolithic applications

into a series of smaller services that can accomplish atomic tasks. Despite its

undoubted popularity, most enterprises struggle with taking even basic steps

towards implementing microservices architecture. These challenges are a result of a

combination of the new architecture models, as well as the fundamental changes in

the software development processes introduced by microservices.

This paper explores some of the key features of enterprise microservices

architecture. The paper reviews a reference architecture based some of the lessons

we have learned implementing dozens of microservices solutions for enterprise

customers. From the technical standpoint, the paper reviews a series of new and

interesting technologies that can enable the foundation blocks of microservices


What are Microservices?

Like any other hot technology trend, microservices has been surrounded with more

definitions than what we can cover in this article. However, in the context of

enterprise software solutions, there is a definition we think describes the

capabilities of microservices:

“Microservices are loosely coupled service oriented architecture with bounded

contexts.” (Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix)

The reason this definition of microservices is very relevant in the enterprise is

because it directly ties to SOA which is so common in corporate environments.

By loosely coupled SOAs, we refer to the principle that microservices should be very

autonomous and not highly dependent on other microservices. From that

perspective, microservices should avoid relying on common components or

infrastructure building blocks, like databases, that end up introducing direct

dependencies between microservices.

Bounded context is a concept from domain driven design (DDD) theory that

provides a methodology for dividing large architecture models into specific bounded

context and expressing the explicit relationships between them. In the context of

microservices, bounded context should allow a team to evolve a microservice

without having explicit knowledge of other microservices in the organization.

Microservices in the Enterprise: The SOA Battle

Microservices can very well become a fundamental building block of how enterprise

software will be written in the next few years. From a conceptual standpoint,

microservices offers models that enable levels of innovation and agility that have

been impossible with earlier architecture styles. However, the adoption of

microservices in the enterprise is also full of challenges.

One of the biggest challenges of implementing microservices solutions in the

enterprise is that organizations can’t buy a product or platform that provides a

microservices infrastructure. Instead, microservices architecture is typically a

combination of different technologies to power its different capabilities. This

approach contrasts with traditional SOA scenarios in which most requirements could

be addressed using the SOA platforms provided by enterprise software vendors.

Another obstacle encountered by microservices solutions in the enterprise is the

friction introduced by SOA frameworks and development processes. To some

extent, many organizations still struggle trying to find clear differentiators between

the traditional SOA approach and the new microservices model. To help with this

issue, we have listed some of the key differentiators between SOA and

microservices we consider relevant in enterprise solutions:

Capability SOA Microservices

Middleware Centralized ESB Lightweight, federated


Services Complex business services Small, atomic services

focus on individual use


Protocols SOAP, WS-* REST and Lightweight RPC

Deployment Model Centralized Host Isolated container


Governance Centralized governance

based on a service

registry, repository

Federated governance

based on lightweight

discovery protocols

Development process Top-down (architect to



Focus Control Speed, agility

While microservices architecture has evolved as an alternative to the limitations of

traditional SOAs, they still don’t enjoy the same level of enterprise tooling and

support as its predecessors. As a result, many organizations are still hesitant to

embrace microservices solutions. However, when implemented following best

practices microservices solutions deliver levels of agility and flexibility largely

exceeding what could be accomplished with SOA solutions.

Having implemented dozens of microservices solutions for Global 2000 companies,

we believe there are a series of capabilities and best practices that are foundational

to implement enterprise-ready microservices architecture. The next section

explores some of the key capabilities of enterprise microservices solutions.

Capabilities of Enterprise Microservices Architecture

While there is no well-established architecture reference for microservices solutions,

there are very well defined capabilities that are essential to enable these types of

solutions in the enterprise. Correctly assembling and combining these capabilities

represents a robust foundation to build enterprise-ready microservices solutions.

From the large sets of features attributed to microservices architecture, we believe

the following group is essential in any enterprise microservices solution:

Service Discovery

Service Description

Lightweight Middleware

API Gateway


Data Source Partition

Verb Partition

Service Discovery and Service Registry

Dynamically discovering services and capabilities is an essential element of

enterprise microservices architecture. Traditional SOA solutions typically rely on

centralized service registries for cataloging the services in an enterprise.

Unfortunately, the centralized service registry pattern is completely inapplicable for

environments in which tens or hundreds of microservices are constantly being

deployed across different environments.

In microservices architecture, service discovery requires decentralized, dynamic

and highly scalable models that can be adapted to different runtime topologies. In

this sense, microservices discovery should play a very similar role to DNS in

networking solutions. The following diagram illustrates this concept:

In the microservices world, the role of a service registry changes from a centralized

to a completely federated entity. The evolution of microservices architecture has

caused the evolution of different technologies that can enable service discovery at

an enterprise level.

Technologies to Enable Microservices Discovery

Consul (https://consul.io/): Consul is a peer to peer, strongly consistent

data store that uses a gossip protocol to communicate and form dynamic

clusters. It provides a hierarchical key-value store that you can place data in

and register watches against to be notified when something changes within a

particular key space. Consul implements a full service discovery system in

the library, so you don’t need to implement your own or use a third-party

library. This includes health checks on both nodes and services. It

implements a DNS server interface, allowing you to perform service lookups

using the DNS protocol. It also allows “clients” to run as independent

processes and register/monitor services on their behalf. This removes the

need to add explicit Consul support into your applications.

Eureka (https://github.com/Netflix/eureka): Eureka is a “mid-tier load

balancer” built by Netflix and released as open source. It is designed to allow

services to be able to register with a Eureka server and then locate each

other via that server. Eureka contains a built in load balancer which extends

its discovery capabilities to highly distributed environments. Eureka is

currently only practical in AWS environments.

Zookeeper (https://zookeeper.apache.org/): ZooKeeper is an Apache

project providing a distributed, eventually consistent hierarchical

configuration store. ZooKeeper originated out of the world of Hadoop, where

it was built to help in the maintenance of the various components in a

Hadoop cluster. It is not a service discovery system per se, but is instead a

distributed configuration store that provides notifications to registered

clients. With this, it is possible to build a service discovery infrastructure;

however, every service must explicitly register with ZooKeeper, and the

clients must then check on the configuration.

etcd (https://github.com/coreos/etcd): etcd is an HTTP accessible key-value

store. In this, it is similar in concept to ZooKeeper and the K/V portion of

Consul. It functions as a distributed, hierarchical configuration system, and

can be used to build a Service Discovery system. It originally grew out of the

CoreOS project, is maintained by them, and recently achieved a stable major

release. From the functional standpoint, etcd is dependent on HTTP and,

consequently, is only practical is environments in which all services are

leveraging that protocol.

Microservices Description

Understanding the capabilities of microservices is essential to streamline its

adoption in the enterprise. Like many of its distributed programming predecessors,

microservices architecture relies on description languages that illustrate the

capabilities of microservices so that they can be used by client applications. In the

case of microservices, the usage of description languages goes beyond modeling

the features of a specific microservice and includes contextual elements, such as

dependencies on other microservices, SLAs, etc.

Description languages have been the subject of passionate debates during the

evolution of movements like SOA and REST. While description languages are

undeniably effective for describing the capabilities of a service endpoint, they can

introduce unnecessary complexities when used as a proxy generation mechanism

as interoperability between different stacks becomes challenging. To avoid these

challenges, microservices architecture should leverage lightweight contracts that

describe the core capabilities of services. The following figure illustrates this


In microservices environments it is very common to have tens or hundreds of

services interacting between each other. In those scenarios, understanding which

features of a microservice are required by other microservices is essential to

guarantee the continuous evolution of a solution. To address that challenge,

microservices architecture can leverage techniques like consumer driven contracts

in which client applications describe which capabilities they require from a specific


Technologies to Implement Microservices Description

Swagger (http://swagger.io/): Swagger defines a standard, language-

agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to

discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to

source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. Swagger

has experienced a great level of adoption in the API platform space becoming

the standard of choice for describing RESTful endpoints.

API Blueprint (https://apiblueprint.org/): API Blueprint is a documentation-

oriented API description language that can be considered the most popular

alternative to Swagger. API Blueprint relies on Markdown as the underlying

language which makes it semantically rich compared to alternatives. Even

though the project is mainly maintained by Apiary, API Blueprint enjoys a

very vibrant ecosystem of tools and extensions.

gRPC IDL (https://thrift.apache.org/): gRPC is a next generation remote

procedure call (RPC) platform developed by Google. As part of its technology

stack, gRPC uses protocol buffers as Interface Definition Language (IDL) for

describing both the service interface and the structure of the payload

messages. It is possible to use other alternatives if desired. The gRPC IDL

provides seamless interoperability between services and clients created in

many programming languages including Java, Python, C#, Node.js, Go, etc.

Lightweight Middleware

Microservices are not exempted from the middleware requirements so common in

the enterprise. SOAs produced an entire generation of enterprise service bus (ESB)

platforms designed to broker the interaction between different service endpoints.

From the practical standpoint, ESBs aren’t only adopted to expand the

infrastructure capabilities (routing, persistence, transformation, etc) of SOA

solutions, but they also implement significant levels of logic related to specific SOA

processes. From this perspective, ESBs can be seen as the antithesis of

microservices as they become a centralized business logic broker to many services.

However, many of the middleware capabilities of traditional ESBs are still required

in microservices infrastructures and the trick becomes how to leverage these

capabilities without crossing the line into a monolithic architecture.

As an architecture style, microservices promotes the notion of “smart endpoints and

dump pipes,” or, as we preferred to call it, lightweight middleware. This type of

middleware expands the capabilities of microservices with infrastructure

components such as message persistence, message transformation, message

routing, or publish-subscribe communication, etc., while, at the same time,

maintains the business process logic in the microservices. This model keeps the

middleware infrastructure relatively lightweight and flexible enough to scale to

complex topologies. The following figure illustrates the lightweight middleware

patter in the context of microservices:

Technologies to Implement a Lightweight Middleware

From a practical standpoint, there are several technologies that can be used to

implement a lightweight microservices middleware. In our experience, the second

generation of enterprise messaging platforms, such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, or

ZeroMQ, seem to be the preferred options by most of our clients. Let’s explore

some of these options:

RabbitMQ (https://www.rabbitmq.com/): RabbitMQ is a messaging broker

that serves as an intermediary for messaging. It gives your applications a

common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe

place to live until received. Emerging as the de facto standard for cloud

messaging, RabbitMQ is used for efficient communication between servers,

applications, and devices.

ZeroMQ (http://zeromq.org/): ZeroMQ is a high-performance asynchronous

messaging library, aimed at use in distributed or concurrent applications. It

provides a message queue, but, unlike message-oriented middleware, a

ZeroMQ system can run without a dedicated message broker. The library's

API is designed to resemble that of Berkeley sockets.

Kafka (http://kafka.apache.org/): Created by LinkedIn, Apache Kafka is a

high performance publish-subscribe messaging platform. Kafka is designed to

allow a single cluster to serve as the central data backbone for a large

organization. It can be elastically and transparently expanded without


Containerization of Microservices

The rapid evolution of container platforms like Docker have been one of the main

catalysts to the evolution of microservices solutions. Being able to package

microservices in portable containers simplifies the management and

operationalization requirements of microservices infrastructures. From the

functional standpoint, containers enable isolation of the infrastructure of different

microservices allowing these to evolve relatively independently. The following

diagram illustrates this concept:

The infrastructure isolation provided by containers also enables other essential

capabilities of microservices architecture such as continuous deployment and

seamless scalability. From the deployment perspective, containers allow individual

microservices to be deployed and tested without affecting other microservices.

Additionally, the isolated infrastructure provided by containers allows microservices

to be scaled independently.

Technologies for Containerizing Microservices

Docker (https://www.docker.com ): Docker is the lead platform in the

market providing a model that enables the deployment and management of

applications inside containers. Docker enjoys a very robust ecosystem of

tools and solutions and is supported by a large number of enterprise


rkt (https://github.com/coreos/rkt): rkt is an alternative to the Docker

runtime, designed for server environments with the most rigorous security

and production requirements. rkt is oriented around the App Container

specification, a new set of simple and open specifications for a portable

container format.

Kubernetes (http://kubernetes.io/): Created by Google, Kubernetes is an

open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple

hosts in a cluster. Kubernetes is intended to make deploying

containerized/microservice-based applications easy but powerful.

API Gateway

The small granularity of microservices introduces a high degree of latency and

chattiness for client applications. For instance, a simple web or mobile application

could end up calling dozens of microservices to access the information required by a

single screen. As microservices evolve and new versions are created, the large

number of dependencies becomes incredibly fragile and challenging to maintain.

An API gateway is a server-side technology pattern that aggregates multiple

microservices and coarse level services tailored to specific client applications. From

this perspective, an API gateway can expose abstract services which reveal the

capabilities required by consumer applications. In addition to the aggregation of

microservices, the API gateway extends microservices with infrastructure

capabilities, such as data caching or instrumentation, so they can be consistently

applied across all endpoints. We can see the API Gateway pattern in the following


Technologies to Implement a Microservices API Gateway

Mashape’s Kong (https://getkong.org/): Kong is an open source

management platform for APIs and microservices. Kong is the engine behind

Mashape’s popular API Gateway.

Apigee (http://apigee.com): Apigee can be considered the market leader in

API management. The current version of the Apigee Edge platform provides

many enterprise-ready capabilities relevant in microservices scenarios.

Azure API Gateway (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/api-

management/): The Azure API Gateway is a native service in the Azure

platform to enable the publishing, security, and management of APIs and

microservices both on-premise and in the cloud.

AWS API Gateway (https://aws.amazon.com/api-gateway/): AWS API

Gateway is a native service for API management on the AWS platform. The

service is tightly integrated with other services on the AWS platform making

it a great solution for managing microservices powered by AWS.

Inter-Service Communication

Microservices architecture exponentially increases the levels of inter-process

communication (IPC) required to accomplish specific business tasks. While REST-

based models are the most popular mechanisms for enabling microservices

communication, they are often impractical overall for internal IPC communications.

As a result, microservices architecture leverages next generation remote procedure

call (RPC) models to enable internal IPC communications. The following diagram

illustrates an example of IPC microservices communication.

While there are very well known challenges with traditional RPC architecture,

modern RPC models have made tremendous progress to avoid the pitfalls. The

complexity of IPC communication in microservices architecture expands beyond the

protocol of choice. IPC patterns such as synchronous, asynchronous, streaming,

etc., are common in large scale enterprise microservices solutions and should be

served under the same architecture.

Technologies to Enable IPC Communications

gRPC (http://grpc.io ): Created by Google, gRPC is a high performance RPC

platform. In gRPC a client application can directly call methods on

a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object,

making it easier for you to create distributed applications and services. As in

many RPC systems, gRPC is based around the idea of defining a service,

specifying the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters and

return types. On the server side, the server implements this interface and

runs a gRPC server to handle client calls.

Akka (http://akka.io): Akka is an open-source toolkit and runtime

simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the

JVM. Akka supports multiple programming models for concurrency, but it

emphasizes actor-based concurrency, with inspiration drawn from Erlang.

Apache Thrift (https://thrift.apache.org/): Thrift is an interface definition

language and binary communication protocol used to define and create

services for numerous languages. It is used as a remote procedure call (RPC)

framework and was developed at Facebook for "scalable cross-language

services development.” It combines a software stack with a code generation

engine to build services that work efficiently across a large number of


One Microservice per Data Source Strategy

Data access is one of the fundamental capabilities of microservices in the

enterprise. From this perspective, determining the right granularity of data access

capabilities of a microservice is a permanent debate when designing this type of

architecture. Typically, data access operations in a microservice are linked to a

specific data source with some relevant business context, such as contacts or

accounts. Using the data source entity as the partitioning unit for data access

microservices is a recommended practice in enterprise architecture. The following

diagram illustrates this strategy:

Architecting data access microservices around isolated data sources guarantees a

level of independence between the different services in enterprise solutions. This

model allows microservices to evolve independently around contextually bounded

concepts such as business data sources. Microservice purists will argue that each

microservice should use an independent database. While this principle is impractical

in many enterprise architectures, partitioning at the data source level offers a

simple and practical model to enable large scale data access in microservices


Technologies to Enable the One Microservice per Data Source Strategy

GraphQL (http://graphql.org/): Designed by Facebook, GraphQL is a query

language designed to build client applications by providing an intuitive and

flexible syntax and system for describing their data requirements and


OData (http://www.odata.org/): Open Data Protocol (OData) is an open

protocol which allows the creation and consumption of queryable and

interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way. OData is widely

implemented by many enterprise software platforms and is the default data

access model used by many Microsoft products.

Falcor (http://netflix.github.io/): Created by Netflix, Falcor is a framework

for data fetching JSON resources. Falcor allows you to model all your

backend data as a single Virtual JSON object on your Node server. On the

client you work with your remote JSON object using familiar JavaScript

operations like get, set, and call. If you know your data, you know your API

for any JSON resource.

One Microservice per Use Case Strategy

In addition to data access, microservices architecture needs to enable functional

capabilities in the form of service endpoints. By functional we refer to microservices

that execute business logic as part of its operations. Typically, these types of

microservices are associated with functional use cases relevant to specific business

scenarios. From this perspective, partitioning per specific use case provides a very

pragmatic model to associate microservices with atomic business capabilities. This

concept is shown in the following figure:

Building microservices around individual use cases is an intuitive methodology for

organizing a microservices topology. Additionally, having microservices that

abstract atomic business use cases facilitates the composition of microservices to

enable more sophisticated business scenarios. Other capabilities like functional and

integration testing clearly benefit from this partitioning strategy.

Technologies to Enable the One Microservice per Use Case Strategy

gRPC (http://grpc.io): Created by Google, gRPC is a high performance RPC

platform. In gRPC a client application can directly call methods on

a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object,

making it easier for you to create distributed applications and services. As in

many RPC systems, gRPC is based around the idea of defining a service,

specifying the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters and

return types. On the server side, the server implements this interface and

runs a gRPC server to handle client calls.

Akka (http://akka.io): Akka is an open-source toolkit and runtime

simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the

JVM. Akka supports multiple programming models for concurrency, but it

emphasizes actor-based concurrency, with inspiration drawn from Erlang.

Apache Thrift (https://thrift.apache.org/): Thrift is an interface definition

language and binary communication protocol used to define and create

services for numerous languages. It is used as a remote procedure call (RPC)

framework and was developed at Facebook for "scalable cross-language

services development.” It combines a software stack with a code generation

engine to build services that work efficiently across a large number of


Microservices Monitoring

Instrumenting and monitoring microservices is an essential capability to

operationalize these solutions in the enterprise. While application performance

monitoring (APM) platforms provide the required capabilities to instrument

individual microservices, they missed some important elements needed to monitor

complete microservices architecture.

The complexity of microservices topologies can become an interesting challenge

from the observability and instrumentation perspective. Efficiently monitoring

microservices architecture requires providing some sophisticated capabilities, such

as tracing requests across microservices, and mapping requests to microservices

topologies, among others. Like other enterprise monitoring platforms, microservices

instrumentation requires a centralized endpoint that collects the runtime

information from the different microservices endpoints. The following figure

illustrates this concept:

Technologies to Enable Microservices Monitoring

Netflix’s Atlas (https://github.com/Netflix/atlas/wiki): Atlas was

developed by Netflix to manage dimensional time series data for near real-

time operational insight. Atlas features in-memory data storage, allowing it

to gather and report very large numbers of metrics, very quickly.

Netflix’s Hystrix (https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix): Hystrix is a latency

and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote

systems, services, and third-party libraries, stop cascading failure, and

enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is inevitable.

Twitter’s Zipkin (https://twitter.github.io/zipkin): Created by Twitter,

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system. It helps gather timing data needed to

troubleshoot latency problems in microservice architecture. The front end is

a "waterfall" style graph of service calls showing call durations as horizontal


Trace (http://trace.risingstack.com/): Trace is a microservice monitoring

and debugging tool that empowers you to get all the metrics you need

when operating microservices. Trace comes as both a free, open source

tool and as a hosted service.

Other Relevant Capabilities of Enterprise Microservices Architecture

Enterprise microservices architecture is relatively complex compared to some of its

predecessors in the distributed systems space. In this sense, there are many other

key capabilities that could be considered relevant to enable microservices at an

enterprise scale. In addition to the capabilities listed in the previous sections,

enterprises should consider some of the following features:

Design for Failure: Assume that microservices solutions are going to fail all

the time and architect for an extreme level of resiliency.

Failure Isolation: Prevent individual failures from cascading through a

microservices solution.

Microservices Testing: Provide models to enable the functional and

integration test of microservices.

Configuration Management: Enable highly available models to manage

configuration for microservices.

Security: Data privacy, authentication, and access control are always

relevant capabilities of microservices.

Summary Microservices is becoming one of the most important trends in modern enterprise

software solutions. Conceptually, microservices extend SOA with more efficient

architecture models. Implementing microservices require a cultural change in the

way that most enterprises approach software development.

This paper covered some of the best practices, technologies and patters of

enterprise microservices architectures. The paper in the fundamental building

blocks that should be considered by organizations to efficiently leverage

microservices models. The patterns and technology recommendations included in

this paper are based on our experience implementing this type of solutions for our

customers and not on any commercial affiliation with the vendors.

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