microscopy - graz university of technology · microscopy. molekulare diagnostik institute for...

Post on 18-Sep-2018






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Molekulare Diagnostik

1Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch


Molekulare Diagnostik

2Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch


Magnification, Contrast, Resolution

• Light Microscopy (200 nm)– Brightfield (To visualize structures → stain with dyes, can only be

used on fixed (dead) cells)– Fluorescent (Fluorescent dyes “glow” against dark background,

Cells may be living or dead)– Advanced:

– Phase contrast (Permits observation of transparent living cells, standard phase contrast and differential interference contrast)

– Confocal (gives 3D image)

• Electron Microscopy (1 nm)– Transmission (TEM)– Scanning (SEM)

Molekulare Diagnostik

3Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

The optical microscope

Molekulare Diagnostik

4Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Specimen preparation for brightfield microscopy

Most cells are colorless or transparent. Tissues are sectioned.

Therefore fixing and staining of cells is often nessecary for brightfield imaging

Molekulare Diagnostik

5Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Fluorescent microscopy

• Permits localization of specific cellular molecules• Fluorescent dyes “glow” against dark background• Dye may be indirectly or directly associated with the

cellular molecule• Multiple fluorescent dyes may be used

simultaneously• Cells may be fixed or living

Molekulare Diagnostik

6Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Immunofluorescense microscopy3T



ls d


DAPI Anti-ArxesAnti-Calnexin(ER) Merge

DAPI Anti-ArxesAnti-Pparγ Merge

bar: 10µm

Molekulare Diagnostik

7Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Advanced light microscopy –phase contrast

• Permits observation of transparent living cells

• Light phase shifts induced by specimen are used to generate contrast– Phase contrast (refracted and

unrefracted light)– Differential interference contrast

(two light beams)

Brightfield, DIC, and PC image of the same cells

Molekulare Diagnostik

8Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Advanced light microscopy – confocal imaging

z Confocal Scanning Microscopyy Generates focused images of living cells

(one optical section per image)yCan look inside thick specimens (eggs, embryos, tissues)

Molekulare Diagnostik

9Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Advanced light microscopy – confocal imaging

Several (confocal) optical sections can be deconvoluted into one sharp 3D image

Molekulare Diagnostik

10Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Molekulare Diagnostik

11Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch


•• Conventional karyotyping (Cytogenetics)Conventional karyotyping (Cytogenetics)•• Fluorescent inFluorescent in--situ hybridization (FISH)situ hybridization (FISH)•• Spectral karyotyping (Sky)Spectral karyotyping (Sky)

Molekulare Diagnostik

12Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Specimens used

Peripheral blood Cultured skin fibroblast or epithelial cells

Bone marrow Prenatal diagnostics

Tumor biopsy

Molekulare Diagnostik

13Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Conventional karyotyping

Incubate 3-4 days

Culture in a growth medium and stimulate mitosis

Add chemical to stop mitosis in metaphase

Lymphocytes are harvested and treated with hypotonic solution

Swollen cells are fixed, dropped in a glass slide, dried and stained

Peak though the microscope and photograph the chromosomes

Cut out the chromosomes and arrange into a karyotype

Molekulare Diagnostik

14Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Conventional karyotyping


Molekulare Diagnostik

15Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Genotype Gender Syndrome Physical Traits

XY Male None-normal


Male Klinefelter’s Syndrome

sterility, small testicles, breast enlargement

XYY Male XYY Syndrome normal male traits

XX Female None-normal

XO Female Turner Syndrome

sex organs don’t mature at adolescence, sterility, short stature

XXX Female Trisomy X tall stature, learning disabilities, limited fertility

Conventional karyotyping –Sex chromosome abberations

Molekulare Diagnostik

16Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH)

Molekulare Diagnostik

17Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH)

NormalNormal Down syndromeDown syndrome

GreenGreen: Chromosome 13: Chromosome 13RedRed: Chromosome 21: Chromosome 21

Molekulare Diagnostik

18Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

Spectral karyotyping (SKY) and multiple fluoescent hybridization (M-FISH)

By mixing combinations of five fluorophores and using special imaging software one can distinguish all 23 chromosomes by chromosome-specific colors

Advantages:• Mapping of chromosomal breakpoints• Detection of subtle translocations• Characterization of complex rearrangements

Disadvantages:• Very expensive equipments• The technique is labor intensive• Does not detect structural rearrangements

within a single chromosome • Limited resolution (~15 Mbp)

Molekulare Diagnostik

19Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, TU Graz / Austria Dr. Andreas Prokesch

FISH in molecular diagnostics

• Detection of heritable diseases• Prenatal diagnostics• Tumor cell genome • Detection of microdeletions (Cri-du-chat-syndrome,

Williams syndrome, Kallmann syndrome...)• Other chromosomal rearrangements (e.g. Philadelphia

chromosome = reciprocal translocation chr9 and chr22)

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