michael olivere -creative that works

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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  • 1. MICHAEL OLIVERE Creative That Worksmichaeljosepholivere@gmail.com 224-361-6483

2. Michael Olivere: Creative That WorksProfile: President, Owner of ScoutDogs Marketing, Inc., a marketingservices agency to the for-profit education industry Vice President, Marketing, ForeFront Education, a for-profit education corporation Brand manager, marketing director, creative director in education, telecommunications, clubs, insurance, museums, marketing services companies BA Marketing, MA Communications, University of Illinois 3. Michael Olivere: Creative That WorksWhat makes my creative campaigns successful: Brand integrity Teamwork Focus on the student as an individual Creativity and inspiration Direct response methods: testing, analysis, results Compliance Inquiries, inquiries, inquiries 4. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works 1 Creating a Brand NewSchool of Architecture & Design Illinois School of Health Careers2 Creative Campaign: Student Success ISHC students and faculty3 Creative Campaign: Inspiration Inspiration from unexpected places4 Creative Campaign: The Best Creative Lasts Forever Message should be important to students5 Direct Marketing Its all about testing and resultsand inquiries 5. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works1 Creating a Brand: NewSchool of Architecture & Design NSAD one of 127 nationally accredited architecture schools When acquired, NSAD needed an identity in the community, withpotential new students, among competitive architecture schools and with architect firms and professionals NSAD needed to also launch new degree programs and executiveprograms for professionals 6. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works 1 Creating a Brand: NewSchool of Architecture & Design Solution: engage a team at the school to create a brand NSAD is a design school of students, faculty and staff The entire school participated in the final design review,selection and inauguration Result: the school owned the brand--and it worked Full media: TV, radio, print, mail, collateral New websites College and high school recruitment material, DVDs 7. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Creating a Brand: NewSchool of Architecture & Design The Architect School 8. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works 1 Creating a Brand: NewSchool of Architecture & Design Challenge: develop a branded identity for a new program:Executive Masters Masters degree in architecture for professionals Target audience: working architects seeking accredited masters degree to further their career New program should have its own unique identity Program Brand:The World in Your Hand 9. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Executive Masters Program Brand:The World in Your Hand 10. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works1 Creating a Brand: Illinois School of Health Careers When acquired, ISHC had one small campus, minimal branding, nomedia advertising in a highly competitive Chicago market Solution: engage the school to create a new brand and identity that willwork to beat the competition Full media: TV, radio, print, direct mail New websites, PPI, outdoor, mobile Admissions material and collateral High School recruitment material and DVDs 11. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Creating a Brand: Illinois School of Health CareersThe Health Care Career School 12. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works 2 Creative Campaign: Student SuccessIllinois School of Health Careers Inaugural advertising campaign for ISHC promoted student success Students were asked whats important to them: I want to help people, I want to succeed, I like my teachers Faculty were consulted for keys to success Students and faculty became the face of the school in media advertising campaigns Result: student population at Loop campus went from 160 to over 500 in first 18 months 13. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Creative Campaign: Student Success, for ISHC You Want Illinois School of Health Careers 14. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works3 Creative Campaign: InspirationIllinois School of Health Careers Creative can come from unexpected, inspired sources From student interviews, many were family and friends Friendship and belonging were keys to enrollment and graduation success Two students enrollment story became the inspiration for successful campaign Two Friends beat all other creative by 2-to-1 15. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Creative Campaign: Inspiration, for ISHC Two Friends 16. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works4 Creative Campaign: The Best Creative Lasts ForeverIllinois School of Health Careers Creative message should be important to students From student interviews, key selling point was short-term programs New campaign emphasized career training in as little as 8 months Fast Track has been the top performer for over 4 years, and has outperformed all competing agencies, most recently 363 calls to 47 calls over a 4-week period 17. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Creative Campaign: The Best Creative Lasts Forever Fast Track 18. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works 5 Direct Marketing I follow the path to success with DM:Always practice proven DM methods You can test anything Do not fear failure Track and measure results Analyze what worked, and what did not work Deliver results: More inquiries: calls, website hits, media all increased Fast Track: continuous testing improved results 20% Creative sample: direct response method called Operator 19. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Direct Marketing: success with proven DM testing methods Operator 20. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works Summary: what makes creative that worksTeamwork Brand integrity, compliance in all creative Listen to the customer, the students Find inspiration from unexpected sources Follow consistent direct marketing principles Test everything and you will always succeed In business, nothing beats more inquiries 21. Michael Olivere: Creative That Works P.S.: more than just great creative Agency of Record with results: Year-over-year starts increased 8%; by 25% over last two years Managed media, online, mobile, PPI, vendors Entrepreneur Launched two business ventures Launched profitable Hispanic market venture Skill sets: project manager, multi-functional team leader, predictive modeling, accounting, budgeting, writer, photographer, editor Successful leadership assessment, Ameritech (AT&T) Awarded National Honor Society scholarship, University of Illinois Chosen as Graduate Assistant, Office of Student Affairs, University of Illinois 22. MICHAEL OLIVERE Creative That Worksmichaeljosepholivere@gmail.com 224-361-6483

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