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Multi-genre research project.


..* My Multi-Genre Research project Mrs.Michaud’s 9th Grade Comm. Art’s 2011-2012 This is all about *me* some of my back ground, some of my belief’s and just some more stuff about me.! I hope you enjoy.! <3

By Kelsey Harris.

..* These are the times I miss.!

..* Kelsey Marie<3

..* About me.

..* My name is Kelsey Marie Harris. I attend Benton High School. I am 16 years old. I was born on Friday the 13th. I live with my dad, my step mom, and my three sisters. Malia, Shelby, Ceirra. We have 7 pets at my house. Six dogs and 1 turtle. I am a pageant girl. I just recently started doing pageants, actually it was this last December when I started. I started because my best friend convinced me too. I currently hold the highest title for my age group. I am Ms. St.Joseph. I work at Royal Princess Fashions. I am honestly not a girlie girl. I grew up in the country. I am a country girl at heart even tho I live in the city now. That goes with the saying “You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl.” I am very out going and talented. I love to sing on my free time. I’m in choir. I love going to school. I have a big heart and I honestly love most people. With a few exceptions. My family &&’ friends mean the world to me I don’t know where I would be without them. My best friend is MaKayla Sky Berry. Even tho she just moved to nebraska less then three weeks ago. Her whole family is like my family. I consider a lot of people my family because like I said I’m a lover not a fighter but I *CAN* fight when need be so don’t let my soft side confuse you. Jeffrey Arbuckle is my boyfriend. He’s the sweetest guy I

have ever met in my whole life. My parents love him. He’s just a really part in my life There’s a lot of stuff people don’t know about me. Like I do not like to talk about my feelings. I am honestly a very emotional person. I take things to heart even when people are kidding. I don’t like to be called names because it really bothers me. I recently just found out that I have two more little sisters and two more little brothers from my moms side. She was never apart of my life until the beginning of this year. I’m

not your typical teenage girl. I try to be very different because there is no one out there like me. I am just a teenage girl who loves her life, her friend, and her family. I don’t try to impress anyone. If you don’t like me that sucks don’t be a part of my life. I am very honest person. &&’ I am very blunt if I don’t like the way your talking to me I will let you know. I don’t take well to disrespect expecially when it’s my friends or family being disrespected. This is just a little about me.

..* Me &&’ my sisters ..* Kayla “eating my face off.” ..* Me after the pageant.!!<3


..* My second family.!

..* Questions &&’ answers on my life.! From my parents point of view.!

..* From moms point of view..* From dads point of view..* 1.) “Oh jesus christ not another one. &&’ are sure it’s mine.?”..* 2.) “I picked your sisters name so your mom had to pick yours.” ..* 3.) “I wanted you to be a boy.” ..* 4.) “Get a good education so you don’t have to work my ass off for nothing like I do.”..* 5.) “Kicked your sister’s teeth out &&’ wrecked your bike into the tree &&’ cracked your head open.”..* 6.) “ Nothing.. I’ve already done this before.”..* 7.)..* 8.) “I should have busted your ass more so you wouldn’t have that smart-ass attitude you have.”..* 9.) “When I had you on the sled tied to the back of my four wheeler in the snow &&’ I stopped the four wheeler and you kept going &&’ you ran into the propane tank &&’ busted your head. It reminded me or a cartoon kind of. Okay well it wasn’t funny till I knew you were okay.”..*10.) “ Knowing how your mom was going to turn out I would have took you and your sister a lot sooner &&’ kept you away from all the bull s*&%

..* 1.) What did you think when you found out you were pregnant.?

..* 2.) What baby names did you think of.

..* 3.) What kind of kid did you hope I turn out to be.

..* 4.) What is the most important thing you want or wanted for me.?

..* 5.) What was the craziest thing I did when I was a baby.?

..* 6.) What did you think when you were in labor or when mom was in labor.?

..* 7.) What’s something you’ll always remember about me being a baby.?

..* 8.) What’s something you wish you could change that would’ve made me feel, act, or be better.?

..* 9.) What’s the funniest thing you remember that I did as a kid.

..*10.)Having me now and knowing what you know what would you do differently.?

..* 1.) “I was happy &&’ excited &&’ I hoped you were a girl so your sister could have someone to play with.”..* 2.) “If you were a girl I knew kelsey would be the name. If you were a boy I would have named you Kyial.”..* 3.) “ I hoped you were kind, sweet and loving strong thoughtful and beautiful &&’ I wanted you to be the first woman president.”..* 4.) “I wanted you to graduate. Plus live your life before you get married don’t depend in a man to support you.”..* 5.)” When you were two, you snuck out of the house and we couldn’t find you anywhere. I’ve never been so scared in my life. We found you on the end of the street.!”..* 6.) “Oh my god I hope she’s healthy &&’I don’t have to have a c-section.”..* 7.) “The fact you were a mommas girl &&’ never left my side until I left you.”..* 8.) “ I would have raised you &&’ never left. &&’ I would have came back into you life sooner then this year.” ( She abandon me when ii was little. She just came into my life this year.)..* 9.) “When it was time for bed you’d always get naked, so we had to put your footy pajamas on with zipper in back so you couldn’t take them off.”..*10.)” I would have been a better mom &&’ house wife that way you wouldn’t have had to have a split family.

.*T.e.n. Quotes I live My Life By

..* Good enough is never good enough.!

..* Hope is like the sun which, as we journey toward it casts the shadow of our burden behind us...* The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be...* Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true...* You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take...* Don’t worry just breath. If it’s meant to be, It will find its way...* The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed...* Every great dream begins with a dream always remember, you have within you the strength the patience &&’the passion to reach to the stars to change the world...* Every man has his own destiny the only imperative is to fallow it, to accept it no mater where it leaves me...* I want a person to come into my life by accident and stay on purpose.


1.) O.N.E. boy &&’ O.N.E. girl.! (It’s a two person deal.)2.) 1,000,000,000,000 cups of love.!3.)8,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons of honestly.!4.) 4 ears for listening.! 5.) 1,000,999,888,989 pounds of dedication.! 6.) 1,000,000,000,000 grams of trust.7.) 133,999,876, years of determination.8.) A life of laughter &&’ happiness &&’ love.! <3

..* Wanted

W.A.N.T.E.D. for being c.u.t.e, fun, sweet and adorable.

..* My Scrap book page

..* My will

..* If I were to drop dead right this second and had to give all my stuff away well I would give my heart to Jeff because well he own’s in anyways. I’d Give my brain to my big sister Shelby because she isn’t the brightest star in the sky. I’d give my singing talent to whoever needed it. I’d give all my cloths to the homeless. I’d give my pageant title to some girl who I thank would deserve it and who could take on the responsibility of being a great roll model for all the little girls who look up to me. I’d give me smile to all the girls who don’t have the courage to smile &&’ be happy and live there life on there own. I’d give all my happiness to all the children who have had a bad child hood and have never been happy. I’d give all my body parts to people who needed them. I would give my eyes to my blind uncle Travis who lost an eye in a hunting accident he is completely blind. I’d give him my complete eye sight so he could see his 3 year old little boy grow up... Plus I just found out today his wife is pregnant so He’ll be having a new baby soon.! I’d gibe my right leg to my uncle Arley because he lost his leg in a work accident. And I know how much he hates his prosthetic leg. I’d give out all my love to everyone I love. I’d give my silliness to my best-friend MaKayla because she’s my best-friend and she’s who I’m usually silly with. And If I could give my life to bring back someone who had died if i died. I would bring back my uncle Brian. He was shoot in the head three times in a home invasion. He died saving my best-friend and his children. So he could come back and see everyone who misses him. And so he could see his 1 year old daughter JeriLyn. I would give my courage and will power to to Andrea so she can live her life un-scared and so she could do anything she put her mind to. I mean whoever needed something from me I’d give it to them.

..* This is my personal essay everything in this essay is 100% true or has really happened to me or i’ve really done. This is a story of a girl who lost almost everything in a 2 week period. I’m a 16 year old high school student. I’m a girl. The topic is have I ever wanted something so badly I’d do anything to get it. Or how far would I go to reach it. Honestly I want what every girl wants. I want love. I want That special guy to love me, hold me, cherish every moment with me. I want that sweet souther boy that you see in movies. The one every girl wants. The tall tan and just so adorable. That blue eyed boy who could steel your heart just buy looking into your eyes. Well I had that boy. I know people say “ Oh your only 16, you don’t know what love is, blah, blah, blah.!” But seriously I met that guy. His name is Jeff. He is that blue eyed sweet heart that every girl wants. He was mine. He was a friend of my sisters and I met him and knew he had to be mine then we started hanging out and we became close then he asked me to be his girl. It was all so magical like a Ferry Tail of some sort. We spent so much time together got so close so fast, then that’s when the trouble started I started to fall for this red neck sweetheart and well he started to fall me to or so he said. He was everything i’ve ever wanted. He’s everything I ever dreamed of I didn’t think things could get any better. Then just 4 days ago ( May 11th, 2012) He got a job offer in Texas. So he decided to brake things off. I’ve been seriously lost ever sense. I know people say “Oh they’ll be other guys,” but honestly I do not ever want another guy.! This man means so much to me no words in this world could come even close to explaining the depth of my feelings for this man. The way he made me feel, oh my gosh I felt like I was on the top of the world.. Then it all came crashing down. I couldn’t help but cry. This boy meant the world to me and well now he’s gone. I don’t know how to explain this hurt. But i’m still hurting now thats why there’s so many feelings in this story. I just miss the way he held me, the way he kissed me, the feeling I got when he held my hand. The fact I was his shot gun girl in his white truck.! So many memories in such a little time &&’ now i’m letting it all go. Honestly I’m crying righting this. I really am in love with Jeff &&’ There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make him mine forever.! <3 The second prompt what we’re some of the most difficult times in your life.? Well one of the most difficult things i’ve ever had to deal with threw my life is my biological mom leaving me. She left me at 4 years old. She was too into drugs &&’ hoeing around. She didn’t care about me or my big sister Shelby. Her &&’ I are one year apart. We lived out whole life with out her even tho she still had visitation she could see us if she wanted. She never sent one letter, not one birthday card, not even one call. Nothing. She was pretty much dead to me. Then I was 7 and she had called my parents and tired to talk to me. So my sister and I talked to her she promised she’s come get us the fallowing Tuesday. So that fallowing tuesday I sat and waited out side on my front porch and waited and waited. I sat there until about 10 p.m When my dad finally said “Kelsey, I don’t thank she’s coming. I’m so sorry sis, I love you. &&’ i’m always here and so is Penny.” Those words I will never ever forget as long as I live. And I will never forget the fact I stayed up that whole night crying my heart out because I was a lost 7 year old girl who only wanted her mommy who never came. I was traumatized. I went my whole life wondering why I wasn’t good enough why she didn’t want me or my sister. I thought it was my fault. Then I got the text at the beginning of this year my freshman year that changed everything. It was a 20 page text message from her. My real mom. I didn’t know what to do I thought it was a joke. She wanted to meet me and my sister.. So we continued to text for a few weeks and well I decided to see her meet her. She had my baby pictures. This woman was the spitting image of me. It was all so crazy. So we continued to see her. Shelby and I met our brothers and sisters. And of course everything was to good to be true. My mom wasn’t the woman I thought she was I just found this out a week or so ago. She said some pretty horrible things to me. I’m honestly not going to put them in this because it hurts so bad but I will leave you guys with just one. “You’re a hoe and you’re going no where in life.” I don’t know who else talks to there children like that but it’s crazy. I still have the text’s. So I am cutting her out of my life again. So also I’m losing Her, her husband Buddy, My 10 Year old brother Colby, My 6 year old little brother Chance, My 5 year old little sister Kylee, and My 2 year old little sister Carley. So pretty much I can say I’ve lost all of them because my biological mother is an immature person. There is so much more i’ve been put threw you guy’s reading this wouldn’t be able to evan imagine. But honestly I can’t quit crying righting this. This is all real but there is so much more detail but I can’t bring my self to type it. I just don’t know how this happened to me this is the just 2 really horrible things that’s happened to me.! I’m just going to leave this here.... </3 :, /

..* My last nameIn most cases the Harris surname appears to be British in origin. It was commonly adopted as a surname in south western England the Midlands, Essex and Wales. As with other similar names it was adopted by most families in England between 1300 and 1400, and later in Wales and Scotland. Very few families used the name prior to 1300.Some other Harris families originated in Germany, France, etc., and adopted the name Harris upon immigration to Britan or America. Jewish refugees are known to have adopted the name upon arrival in Britain. Ellis islands is renowned for having Anglicised non-English names in America c1900.Descendants of African Slaves in the United States have also adopted the name. It is likely that some used, or were given, the name of their owners. Others may have adopted it in a patronymic fashion, i.e., they were the son of someone called Harry. I got this off the internet. So I really hope it’s correct. <-- That web sight.

..* Ever single piece in this research project were about me and there were 100% true. My sources were My biological mom, My dad, &&’ some information was given from my step mom.! So I really hope you liked it &&’ you learned a little bit about me, my past, my family, and maybe why I am the way I am and even why I have the morals I do.

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