mgmt1001 summary notes

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  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 1: Organisations

    Organisation- a deliberate arrangement (or structure) of people to accomplish some specific, distinct purpose

    Ways to categorise organisations:

    1. Nature (similar goals, people, activities, etc) - social (not-for-profit), government, business, sporting

    2. Size - small, medium, large

    3. Industry - financial, manufacturing, TFC, agriculture

    4. Geographic Location - local, multinational

    5. Ownership -sole trader, partnership, membership, listed corporations

    Characteristics of an organisation:

    Distinct purpose - expressed in terms of objectives and goals

    Activities are designed to achieve the goals

    Deliberate structure- rules around organisational activities and relationship between members

    Future oriented- organisations want to exist and continue on

    People - organisations must have >1 person

    Exist independently of the people within them- organisationsgo onwhile its members change

    Part of an open system- external forces such as changing society, technology and economic conditions

    causes organisations to change and adapt to its environment, and vice versa.

    Spot Collection: Differences between a formal organisation and an informal collectivity

    Formal Organisation Informal Collectivity (groups and families)

    Origin Deliberately created Develop spontaneously

    Purpose Specialise in instrumental goals (involving

    performance of concrete tasks)

    Strive to meet instrumental and socioemotional

    goals (gratifying needs of individual members)

    Behaviour Follow a set pattern which is stable over

    extended periods of time

    More flexible and changeable to accommodate

    the changing need of members

    Leadership Impersonal (authority from job title) and

    attained through demonstrating a particular

    level of training, skills or time with organisation

    Select their leaders through personal means

    (eg. Affection, loyalty, etc)

    Longevity Longer lifespan Tend to come and go regularly

    SC: Fallacies used when trying to understand issues in organisations

    Using any of the three one-size-fits-all concepts tends to oversimplify and create a false sense of clarity about

    issues in organisations, as well as unique problems:

    Blaming people- while targeting individuals explains everything in terms of individual error, determining

    guilt and punishment, it ignores larger system failures and does little to prevent a recurrence

    Blame the bureaucracy- in practice, this perspective is better at explaining how organisations should

    have worked than why they didnt work. It is hard to draw the line at which more bureaucracy stops being

    effective and inhibits freedom, flexibility and initiative.

    Thirst for power- this view sees organisations as being filled with predators and prey or political games

    and turf wars, and usually offers a plausible analysis of almost anything that goes wrong in organisations.

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 2: What is Management

    Management - the process of coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so that their activities

    are completed efficiently and effectively

    Managers - someone who coordinates and oversees the work of others so that organisational goals can be

    accomplished. Changing nature of organisations and work has blurred the clear lines of distinction between

    managerial and non-managerial responsibilities.

    Aim of Management

    1. Efficiency - doing things right, or getting the most output from the least inputs

    2. Effectiveness -during the right things, or completing activities so that organisational goals are attained

    Efficiency (resource usage)

    Low High





    Manager chooses the right goals to pursue, but makes

    poor use of resources to achieve these goals

    Result: product wanted but low quality or expensive

    Manager chooses the right goals to pursue and makes a

    good use of resources to pursue these goals

    Result: product wanted, high quality and affordable


    Manager chooses wrong goals to pursue and makes

    poor use of resources to achieve these goals

    Result: low quality product customers dont want

    Manager chooses the wrong goals to pursue, but makes

    a good use of resources to pursue these goals

    Result: high quality product customers dont want

    Levels of Management

    1. Top Managers - responsible for making organisation-wide decisions, goals and plans

    2. Middle Managers - manage first-line managers, less direct contact with workers

    3. First-line Managers - supervisors or team leaders who manage the work of non-managerial employees

    who are usually directly involved with the production of the organisations products

    What Do Managers Do?

    The managers job is not universal; it is different between organisational levels, organisations of different type

    and size, and different nations. Despite this, there are 3 perspectives to describe this:


    Management Functions:In the early part of the 20thcentury Henri Fayol, a French industrialist, proposed that managers perform five

    functions (planning, organisation, commanding + coordinating (now condensed into leading), controlling):

    1. Planning- defining organisational goals,

    establishing strategies for achieving goals and

    developing plans to coordinate activities

    2. Organising - determining what needs to be done,

    how it will be done and who is to do it

    3. Leading - because managers work with and though

    people, they have to motivate and lead

    subordinates, choose effective communication

    channels and deal in any way with people


    Controlling - involves monitoring actual

    performance, comparing actual to standard or

    planned, and taking action if necessary

    Planning / Organising / Leading / Controlling

    b) Management Roles:

    Henry Mintzberg says that what managers do can best be described by looking at the roles (specific categories

    of behaviour) they play at work. Based on his studies, he concluded that managers perform 10 roles:

    1. Interpersonal Roles- involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature

    1. Figurehead - managers are symbolic heads of the organisation and are obliged to perform routine

    duties of a legal or social nature (eg. Signing legal documents)

    2. Leader - managers have to hire, train, motivate and discipline employees

    3. Liaison -managers maintain a network of external contacts for favours and information

    2. Informational Roles - involve receiving, collecting and disseminating information

    4. Monitor - managers need to actively monitor the organisation and its environment for changes

    5. Disseminator -managers act as conduits of information to organisational members

    6. Spokesperson - managers transmit information about their organisation (eg. Plans) to outsiders

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    3. Decisional Roles - roles that revolve around making decisions or choices for the organisation

    7. Entrepreneurs - managers search for opportunities and initiate performance-enhancing projects

    8. Disturbance Handlers -managers need to take corrective action in response to unforseen problems

    9. Resource Allocators - managers allocate human, physical and monetary resources of the organisation

    10.Negotiator -managers represent the organisation to discuss and bargain with other parties

    c) Management Skills:

    Managers need three essential skills or competencies in order to perform the duties and activities associated

    with being a manager (relative importance of these skills varies according to the managers level):1. Technical Skills - knowledge of and proficiency in Conceptual Human Technical

    a certain specialised field. More important for lower-level

    managers who typically manage production employees.

    2. Human Skills - the ability to work well with other people

    individually or in a group, and includes skills in

    communicating, motivating, leading, delegating,

    negotiating and conflict management.

    3. Conceptual Skills -the ability to think and to

    conceptualise about abstract and complex situations.

    Managers need to be able to see the organisation as a

    whole for effective decision making. Lower-level

    managers normally spend more time dealing with

    observable things and processes.

    Historical Developments in Management and Understanding of Management Theory

    a) The Scientific-Technical Revolution (Classical - Scientific Management)

    Scientific Management - the use of scientific methods to define the one best way for a job to be done

    o Context:rise of factory system of production (causing a growth in the number of employees and use of

    technology) rise of corporations (separation of ownership and control)

    o Results: boredom + bad industrial relations -> Led to massive worker strikes

    Key Features / Important Contributions:

    1. Henry Ford: production linesand specialisation of labour


    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth: time and motion studies (systematic study of work tasks to create rules or

    one best way of performing each task, prevalent to the 1980s)

    3. Frederick W. Taylor:job design and 4 principles of scientific management:

    o Develop a science for each element of the job instead of the old rule of thumb method

    o Managers should scientifically select and then train, teach and develop workers

    o Managers should ensure all work is being done in accordance with the scientific principles developed

    o An almost equal division of work and the responsibilities between the management and the workers

    b) General Administrative Theorists

    General Administrative Theories - general theories of what constituted good management practice

    Important Contributions:

    Henri Fayol:14 principles of management (division of work, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity

    of direction, subordination of individual interests to the general interests, remuneration, centralisation,

    scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure of personnel, initiative, esprit de corps)

    Max Weber: Bureaucracy - form of organisation characterised by division of labour, a clearly defined

    hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, impersonal relationships and career advancement based on merit

    c) Behavioural Approaches to Management Theory

    Behavioural Management- focus on human motivation and behaviour as a mechanism to improve

    organisational performance

    o Context:Developed in response to ineffectiveness and inefficiency (worker productivity declined over

    time, despite initial increases) of Scientific management

    Key Features / Important Contributions:

    Hawthorne Studies - series of studies during the 1920s and 30s that provided new insights into

    individual and group behaviour, especially on how to motivate employees (eg. Non-monetary remuneration)

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Maslows Hierarchy of Needs- argued that each step in the hierarchy must be satisfied before the next

    can be activated, and that once a need was substantially satisfied, it no longer motivated behaviour (eg.

    For high-salary employees, increasing salary will give less and less motivation)

    McGregors2 theories about human nature:

    o Theory X which is pessimistic and negative, and is how scientific managers perceive their workers

    o Believed that managers could achieve more if they start perceiving their employees with Theory Y

    (more modernised approach); as self-energized, committed and responsible and creative beings


    Systems ApproachSystem - set of interrelated and independent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole, either:

    o Closed: not influenced by, and do not interact with, their environment

    o Open: dynamically interact with their environment

    This approach sees organisations as an open system; an organisation takes in inputs (resources) from the

    environment and transforms or processes these resources into outputs that are distributed into the

    environment. Thus the organisation is open to, and interacts with, that environment.

    e) Contingency Approach

    Contingency (or situational) Approach - organisations are different, face different situations (contingencies)

    and require different ways of managing appropriate for the situation

    Eg. At times of stability, a more behavioural style of management can be most effective to raise morale and

    encourage innovation, but at times of uncertainty and instability, a more autocratic style of management can

    ensure rapid response to change and reduce threat to the organisation.

    21stCentury Understandings of Management

    Increasing emphasis on motivation, leadership and relationships and communication (ability to develop and

    effectively communicate a vision or position to different audiences)

    Less overt control as organisations take advantage of technology (eg. Swipe cards for building access, login

    to PCs, keystroke monitoring)

    Demands on Modern Managers

    Work harder and smarter- increased hours, doing more with less resources, globalisation of business

    environment means being available for work 24/7

    Pressures of conflicting demands- shareholder values vs. societal values (eg. Ethical and

    environmentally responsible)

    Increased demands for flexibility - due to empowerment efforts in the 1990s, work life balance and

    learning opportunities by staff

    SC: There is no one best styleof management

    A one best style of management implies that any organisation which adopts it can achieve both maximum

    efficiency and effectiveness. But this cannot be true:

    As no organisations are exactly the same, varying in type (eg. Industry, profit or non-profit, etc), size and

    culture (informal rules to interaction), different organisations will find that they operate most efficiently and

    effectively under different styles of management.

    As the business environment is constantly changing, different styles of management can become

    appropriate during different circumstances or times.

    SC: Management is not just something one does, but is more crucially who one is and how we

    relate to others

    Cunliffes main argument is that management is a continually emerging, embodied practice and a way of being

    and relating, rather than a realist, rational, neutral and legitimate ideology (ie. existence of a set of universal

    managerial characteristics, roles and competencies that can be generalised across organisation and managers).

    He supports the more contemporary ways of viewing management as a social construct (being shaped by our

    interactions with others) and managers as practical authors, managersof meaning and reflexivepractitioners, whereby one is always becoming a managerbecause there is no one rational model for being a

    manager. He believes that in this way, management and managerial ideas become open to reinvention, and

    managers can have the freedom to explore how they may act in more responsible and ethical ways.

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 3: The Organisational Environment

    Organisational Environment - the set of forces and conditions which affect the way the organisation

    operates and decision-making. Either from outside the organisation (external environment) or inside the

    organisation (organisational culture).

    o Assumes an open systems approach, where organisations are influenced by society and potentially

    feedback into society

    The External Environment- influences boundaries of what an organisation can do, as well as opportunities

    and threats to their current processes. 2 components

    a) Task or Specific Environment

    Specific Environment - external forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organisation. Main

    forces are:

    1. Suppliers- individuals and companies that provide the input resources (materials, financial, labour)

    needed to produce goods and services. Managers seek to ensure a steady flow of needed inputs at the

    lowest price possible.

    2. Distribution -organisations that help other organisations sell their good or service (transport, marketing,

    advertising, retailers, etc). Managers need to sustain a stable distribution system.


    Customers - customer tastes can change, or they can become dissatisfied with the organisationsproducts. Managers need to ensure that their products are still in demand.

    4. Competitors -organisations that produce similar goods or services to your organisation. The actions and

    decisions of an organisationscompetitors will have a direct influence on that organisation.

    b) General Environment

    General Environment - broad external conditions that may affect the organisation. Mainly:

    1. Demographic - changes to the characteristics of a population (eg. Gender, age, level of education,

    geographic location, racial or ethnic composition, income, family composition, etc).

    2. Sociocultural -social structures influence things such as educational systems and employment decisions.

    Cultural factors include national culture, values and shared experiences (globalisation of workforce can

    cause a clash of cultures within organisations).


    Political / Legal - political processes shape a countrys laws, and laws constrain the operations oforganisations (eg. Industrial relations, occupational health and safety (a cost), superannuation).

    4. Global - changes in international relationships (eg. Wars, development of trade agreements between

    countries such as NAFTA, ASEAN, EU).

    5. Technological - affect the way organisations design, produce or distribute goods or services. Can make

    established methods of production or products obsolete.

    6. Economic - interest rates, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, etc affects demand and thus supply

    Managing the Stakeholder Relationship

    Stakeholder - any constituencies in the organisations external environment that are affected by the

    organisations decisions and actions

    o Customers, social and political action groups, competitors, government, media, suppliers,

    communities, shareholders, unions, employees

    The nature of external stakeholder relationships is another way in which the environment influences managers.

    The more obvious and secure these relationships become, the more influence managers will have over

    organisational outcomes.

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Environmental Uncertainty

    Environmental Uncertainty - the degree of change and complexity in an organisations environment



    Small number of external elements

    Elements are similar

    Elements remain the same or change slowly

    Eg. Funeral companies

    Large number of external elements

    Elements are dissimilar

    Elements remain the same or change slowly

    Eg. Insurance companies


    Small number of external elements

    Elements are similar

    Elements change frequently and


    Eg. Womens fashion

    Large number of external elements

    Elements are dissimilar

    Elements change frequently and


    Eg. Software companies

    Simple Complex

    Environmental Complexity

    The Internal Environment (Organisations Culture)

    Organisational Culture - the shared knowledge, values, principles, traditions and day-to-day rituals that

    provide the unwritten rules about how things are done in an organisation

    Strong versus Weak Cultures: the more employees accept the organisations key values and the greatertheir commitment to those values, the stronger the culture is.

    o Culture tends to be stronger in organisations that are smaller, been around for a period of time, have

    low employee turnover, etc

    o Increasing body of evidence suggesting that strong cultures are associated with high organisational


    Culture serves 3 purposes:

    Control system- what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

    Social glue - friendship, relationships, networking

    Sense-making - serving as a justification for seemingly irrational actions or decisions

    SC: Three Levels of Cultural Phenomenon (Schein)1. Artefacts - physical aspects of organisational culture, its proportion of total culture comparable to the tip

    of an iceberg (values and assumptions are the invisible, main part of culture). Consists of:

    o Organisational stories and legends: eg. Organisations founders, rule breaking, rags-to-riches success

    o Rituals and ceremonies: eg. Birthday parties, Friday night drinks

    o Organisational language: eg. Jargons to describe equipment, personnel, behaviours, etc

    o Material symbols: eg. Dress code, size of offices

    2. Values or Ideology - a culture synchronises the ideology or philosophy held by members of the

    organisation, and coordinates decision-making

    3. Basic Assumptions / Beliefs - preconscious level of awareness

    SC: 3 Types of Sub-Cultures

    In any organisation, there may be a dominant culture (shared by a majority of the organisations members)

    and various cultures that might coexist with it. At least 3 types of subcultures are conceivable:

    1. Enhancing - where members adhere to the core values of the dominant culture more fervently than in the

    rest of the organisation

    2. Orthogonal - where members would simultaneously accept the core values of the dominant culture and a

    separate, unconflicting set of values particular to themselves

    3. Countercultural - subcultures whose core values and possibly artefacts present a direct challenge to the

    core values and artefacts of a dominant culture, and thus take opposite positions on value issues.

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 4: Creating Sustainable Organisations

    Two views of Social Responsibility:

    1. Classical View- view that managements only social responsibility is to maximise profits

    2. Socioeconomic View - view that managements social responsibility goes beyond making profits to

    include protecting and improving societys welfare

    From Obligations to Responsiveness to Responsibility

    Social Obligation- when a firm engages in social actions because of its economic and legal obligation (ie. the

    organisation does only what it is obligated to do, out of a social duty to run the business for its shareholders)

    Social Responsiveness - when a firm engages in social actions to respond to or satisfy some popular social

    need (potential increase in sales makes it economically rational to take the social action)

    Social Responsibility - a businesss intention, beyond that is required by law or economics, to pursue long-

    term goals that are good for society

    o A socially responsible organisation is one that goes beyond what it must do by law or chooses to do

    because it makes economic sense (social obligation and responsiveness), to do what it can to help

    improve society because it believes it is the right thing to do.

    o Thus social responsibility and sustainability is ultimately about moral philosophy / ethics

    Corporate Sustainability Model

    The central question whether the current model

    of corporation needs to be modified to:

    contribute to the continuing health of the


    development of a just and humane society

    creation of work that brings dignity and self-

    fulfilment to those undertaking it.

    Ethics in Organisations

    Ethics - what is good or right for human beings


    Ethics is a normative undertaking - aims todiscover what ought to be than what is

    o Ethics can be proactive (ethics as doing good) or reactive (ethics as not harming)

    Relationship between ethics and:

    Values - ethics may reflect values at times

    Behaviour / Etiquette -just following rules doesnt always mean being ethical

    Law- following law does not equal being ethical; there could be bad laws, which lead to people acting

    against those laws. Law will always lag to changing society views and values.

    Why Should Organisations Be Ethical?

    1. Public perceptions of business practice - affects share price, who works in organisations or not


    Regulation reflecting societys concerns -unethical behaviour -> regulation -> burden andrequirements -> cost

    3. Demonstrated ethical leadership, trust - awards for ethical behaviour -> publicity

    4. Good ethics is good business - external benefits (eg. Consumers attracted), internal benefits (eg.

    Employer of choice) -> financial sense

    5. Cost of criminal / civil liability

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Ethics in Organisations: Many Facets, Levels of Focus

    1. Individual - individual choices, professional ethics; what kind of person or leader am I?)

    2. Organisational - organisation actions, decisions, strategies; culture, corporate social responsibility

    3. Macro / Systemic - economic, political, legal and social systems in which business operate;

    environmental, social, political consequences of business activity

    Multiple facets of ethics in an organisation -> several factors that influence ethical managerial behaviour:

    Stakeholder Theory

    Due to the large number of stakeholders to an organisation, it is difficult to judge impact of decisions on all

    these stakeholders. As such, it is almost impossible to please all stakeholders (a decision that is ethical for

    one group may be harmful or unethical for another group).

    Thus, ethical decision making is about minimising negative effects on most people.

    To judge ethicality of decisions, one can employ various frameworks.

    Ethical Frameworks

    1. Consequence-based Frameworks

    o The end goal can justify the means to get there; as long as its a positive outcome for most people, it is

    a good decision

    o Utilitarianism - seeking the greatest good (benefit) for the greatest number of people

    o Typical in business settings

    o Problems: where to draw boundaries - number of people and who to benefit, how to define good

    2. Universal Principles or Duties

    o Actions can be judged as right or wrong in themselves (regardless of consequences); dont care what

    outcome is, as long as action is right

    o Eg. People should be treated as ends in themselves, and never as instruments (or means to ends)

    3. Justice

    o General principles and specific rules relating to fairness, resource distribution

    o Types of justice:





    Ethical Imperative of early 21stcentury

    Problems are the result of a few rotten apples? or the result of something deeper or large scale

    (imperative for shareholder value forces corporations to act unethically)

    The culture of greed, self-interest and culture of prosperity - mindset that things can only improve

    Misalignment of executive incentives and shareholder expectations

    Legal structures - regulation -> self-regulation of organisations, assuming executives behave ethically

    Political structures and processes?

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 5: Strategy and Human Resource Management

    Strategy - direction in which an organisation intends to move and creation of a path by which it intends to get


    Strategic Management- the set of managerial decisions and actions that determine the long-run

    performance of an organisation

    o A process or approach to addressing the competitive challenges faced by an organisation: Where to

    compete, how to compete, with what will we compete?

    Importance of Strategic Management

    Studies have shown positive relationship between strategic planning and performance (ie. a strategy may

    lead to higher organisational performance)

    Strategy helps coordinate diverse organisational units, helping them to focus on organisational goals

    Strategic management process requires an examination of internal organisational characteristics and

    external environmental changes, thus helping managers to better cope with environmental uncertainty

    Survey of business owners found that 69% had strategic plans, and 89% of them found their plans to be

    effective. They stated, for eg, that strategic planning gave them specific goals and a unified vision with staff.

    Strategic Management Process1. Identifying the organisations current mission, goals and strategies

    Mission- a statement of the purpose of an organisation

    o Components include: customers, markets, products or services, concern for survival, growth and

    profitability, philosophy (beliefs, values and ethical priorities), concern for public image, technology,

    self-concept (main competitive advantage and core competencies) and concern for employees.

    o Defining the organisations mission forces managers to identify carefully the scope of its products

    Goals - looking at what an organisation hopes to achieve in the medium to long-term future.

    Current Strategies - looking at whether current strategies are meeting current performance targets

    2. External Analysis

    The scanning of the organisations specific and general environments, focus on identifying:

    Opportunities- positive trends in external environmental factors that organisations could exploit Threats - negative trends in external environmental factors that organisations need to counteract

    3. Internal Analysis (organisations resources and capabilities)

    The internal analysis assesses the organisations resources, capabilities, activities and culture.

    Resources - an organisations assets that are used to develop, manufacture and deliver products or

    services to its customers. Either tangible or intangible (eg. Organisational culture, corporate reputation)

    Capabilities - an organisations skills and abilities in doing work activities needed in its business

    Core Competencies -the organisations major value-creating skills and capabilities. A specific factor that

    a business sees as being central to the way it, or its employees, work.

    After doing the internal analysis, managers should be able to identify:

    Strengths- activities the organisation does well, or any unique resources that it has Weaknesses - activities the organisation does poorly or not at all, or resources it needs but not possess.

    The combined external and internal analyses are called SWOT Analysis- an analysis of the organisations

    strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

    4. Formulating Strategies

    Develop strategies that aim to:

    a) Exploit an organisations strengths and external opportunities

    b) Buffer or protect the organisation from external threats relative advantage over competitors

    c) Correct critical weaknesses


    Implementing Strategies

    6. Evaluating Results

    How effective have the strategies been? Have they helped the organisation reach its goals? What adjustments,

    if any, are necessary?

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Types / Levels of Organisational Strategies

    Strategic Business Units (SBUs) -

    single businesses of an organisation

    having several different businesses

    that are independent and formulate

    their own strategies

    1. Corporate-level Strategies

    Corporate Level Strategies - an organisational strategy that seeks to determine what businesses a companyshould be in or wants to be in. 3 types:

    1. Growth Strategy- seeking to increase the organisations business by expansion into new products

    and markets. Types include:

    Concentration - concentrating and increasing operations within its primary business

    Vertical Integration - attempt to gain control of suppliers of inputs (backward) and/or purchasers

    of outputs (forward)

    Horizontal Integration -combining with other organisations in the same industry (competitors)

    Related Diversification - merging with or acquiring firms in different but related industries (eg.

    Making milk -> other dairy, yoghurt, etc)

    Unrelated Diversification -merging with or acquiring firms in different and unrelated industries

    (eg. Virgin group) -> reduces risk, promises high returns

    2. Stability Strategy - seeking to maintain the status quo to deal with times of high environmental

    uncertainty or when the industry is experiencing little growth (ie. an absence of significant change)

    3. Renewal Strategy - seeking to address organisational weaknesses that are leading to performance

    declines. Includes:

    Retrenchment - (for problems that are not as serious) a short-run renewal strategy that focuses

    on eliminating non-critical weaknesses and restoring strengths

    Turnaround - (for problems that are more serious) addressing critical long-term performance

    problems through strong cost elimination and large-scale organisational restructuring

    4. Emergent Strategies - normal strategies usually come from top to bottom, but emergent strategies

    are those that spread from bottom to top

    BCG Matrix - strategy tool that guides resource allocation decisions on the basis of market share and growth

    rate of SBUs

    o Useful when an organisations corporate strategy involves a number of SBUs

    o Organisations should aim to:

    make SBUs stars and question marks

    Sell off or liquidate dogs

    milk cash cows by limiting any new

    investment in them and invest its profits into

    stars and question marks

    2. Business-Level Strategies

    Business-level Strategies - an organisational strategy that seeks to determine how an organisation should

    compete (ie. gain a competitive advantage) in each of its SBUs

    o For organisations (small or large) in only one line of business, the business-level strategy typically

    overlaps with corporate-level strategy

    Competitive Advantage - an organisations distinctive competitive edge that is sourced from its core

    competencies and organisational assets or resources

    Generic business-level strategies to create competitive advantage (Porter, 1980):

    1. Cost Leadership Strategy - seeking to attain the lowest costs of production in its industry

    2. Differentiation Strategy -seeking to create a unique and distinctive product or service for which

    customers will pay a premium3. Focus Strategy - using a cost or differentiation advantage to exploit a particular market segment

    (niche) rather than a larger market

    Stuck in the middle - situation in which an organisation has not been able to develop either a low cost

    or differentiation competitive advantage (associated with lower profitability)

    Market Share

    High Low



    High Stars Question marks

    Low Cash cows Dogs

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Sustainable Competitive Advantage

    Sustainable Competitive Advantage - an ongoing ability to exploit resources and develop core competencies

    that allows organisation to maintain a continual edge over its competitors.

    o While business-level strategies can be employed to create a competitive advantage, more important is

    whether or not it can be sustained.

    o Traditional sources of competitive advantage eroding; specific products and technology can be easily

    copied by competitors. But a cohesive, skilled workforce and appropriate organisational culture cannot

    be easily replicated by competitors.


    Sustainability of competitive advantage depends on whether an SBUsresources or core competenciesare valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable or non-substitutable.

    Valuable Rare Difficult

    to Imitate



    Implications for Competitiveness Performance

    Milk No No No No Competitive disadvantage Below normal

    Tax Advice Yes No No No Competitive parity Normal

    iPhone Yes Yes No No Temporary competitive advantage Above normal

    Movie Yes Yes Yes Yes Sustainable competitive advantage Above normal

    Human Resource Management

    Human Resource Management (HRM) - the policies, practices and systems that influence and manage

    employees behaviour, attitudes and performance(ie. anything involving people practices)

    Importance of HRM

    HRM is an important tool in implementing strategy - strategies cannot be implemented without the people

    A cohesive, skilled workforce and appropriate organisational culture is an increasingly important source of

    sustainable competitive advantage

    Necessary part of the organising function of management: selecting, training and evaluating the workforce

    Legal compliance: laws governing the employment relationship

    Adds value to the organisation: high performance work practices leads to both high individual and

    organisational performance

    HRM ProcessHuman Resource Planning Recruitment Selection Identification and Selection

    Decruitment of Competent Employees

    Orientation Training Adapted and competent employees

    with up-to-date skills and knowledge

    Performance Compensation Career Competent and high-performing employees who

    Management and benefits Development are capable of sustaining high performance over

    the long term

    Human Resource Planning - Current Assessment

    Human Resource Planning - process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds

    of capable people in the right places, and at the right times. Process involves:1. Human Resource Inventory - review of the current make-up of the organisations human resources,

    concerned with telling management what individual employees can do

    2. Job Analysis - an assessment that defines a job and the minimum knowledge, skills, abilities and

    behaviours necessary to perform the job adequately. Methods include interviews, questionnaires,

    engaging in direct observation, collecting self-reports of employees and their managers, etc. With

    information from job analysis, managers develop or revise job descriptions and job specifications.

    3. Job Description - a written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done.

    4. Job Specification - a written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to

    perform a given job successfully


    Once managers know their current human resource status (either a shortage or excess), they can undergo: Recruitment -process of locating, identifying and attracting capable applications to an organisation.

    Decruitment -techniques for reducing the labour supply within an organisation

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Aims of Recruitment:

    increase pool of qualified job applicants + reduce number of under / over-qualified applicants

    Increase the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will remain with the organisation

    for a long period of time

    Meet equal employment opportunity (EEO) and other legal and social obligations

    Recruitment Sources:

    1. Internal


    Skills inventory (computerised record systems)o

    Job posting via bulletin boards (including electronic or intranet), newsletters or personal letters

    2. External

    o Advertising (including web-based)

    o Employment agencies (public or private)

    o Educational institution recruiting

    o Employee referrals

    o Professional recruiting associations


    Selection Process - process of screening job applications to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are

    hired. Any selection decision can result in 4 outcomes:

    Selection Criteria:

    Reliability (of prediction): ability of a selection device to measure the same thing consistently

    Validity (of prediction): proven relationship between the selection device used and relevant criterion for

    successful performance in an organisation

    Generalisability - accuracy and usefulness of results (not 100% sure > results in terms of efficiency and return on investment

    Update employee skills or orient new employees

    Satisfy personal growth needs

    Selection Decision

    Accept Reject

    Later Job


    Successful Correct decision Reject error

    Unsuccessful Accept error Correct decision

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 6: Understanding Groups and Teams

    Group - two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals

    Teams - are formalised groups whose members work intensely on a specific, common goal

    o Needed because complex projects need more than one person (not enough skills, time, diversity of

    knowledge, ideas and opinions and more efficient if tasks are sequential)

    Two Models for Group Development

    a) Group development stages (Tuckman & Jensen 1977)

    1. Formingpeople join the group and define the groups purpose, structure and leadership.

    2. Stormingintragroup conflict, where members resist the control that the group imposes on

    individuality and over who will control the group.

    3. Normingwhere close relationships develop and the group becomes cohesive.

    4. Performingstage where the group is considered to be fully functional, because group members

    energies have moved from getting to know each other to performing the task at hand

    5. AdjourningFinal stage of group development in which members are concerned with wrapping-up

    activities rather than task performance.

    b) Punctuated equilibrium model


    Inertianothing is getting done, the group is relatively at ease.2. Punctuated equilibriumthe leader or group member punctuates this inertia, constructing an

    atmosphere of urgency and positive levels of stress.

    3. WorkSubsequently, activities are completed with haste and efficiency.

    Group structure

    1. Member Roles - behaviour patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit.

    Informal roles in groups include:

    1. Task-Related - roles that help the group to focus on the task at hand

    Clarifying, diagnosing, evaluating, opinion-seeking, information gathering, summarising

    2. Maintenance-Related - roles that help maintain good interpersonal relationships within the group

    Encouraging, gate-keeping (even participation), setting standards, following, compromising,

    harmonising3. Self-Oriented - dysfunctional roles that may hinder or even undermine the teams progress

    Attacking, blocking, dominating, withdrawing, special pleading, clowning

    2. Member Goals - each member have individual goals to achieve through participation, which may differ from

    the groups goal

    3. Norms - standards or expectations that are accepted and shared by a groups members.

    o Norms can develop based on previous events of a groups existence and the transition of norms from

    individual to the rest of the group (ie. bringing norms with us as we move into a new group).

    o Norms can be explicit or implicit

    o Eg. Level of formality, language (which language, what type of language), dress code

    4. Conformity - because individuals want to be accepted by groups to which they belong, they are susceptible

    to conformity pressures.

    Groupthink: A form of conformity in which group members feel extensive pressure to align their opinions with

    others opinions.

    o Certain group characteristics encourage groupthink, such as a strong group identity, members applying

    pressure to those who dont support group, or where critical thinking is not encouraged or rewarded

    o Can be prevented by:

    Encouraging critical, independent thinking

    Being aware of different status differences

    Getting an external party to evaluate the decision-making

    Assigning the role of devils advocate to one of the group members

    5. Cohesiveness - the degree to which group members are attracted to one another and share the groups


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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    6. Size - size of a group affects its overall behaviour. Although there are problems when a group is too small,

    there are also problems when a group is too big.

    Social Loafing - the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when

    working individually.

    o Easier to occur in large groups than smaller groups - the larger the group, the more unclear the

    relationship between an individuals input and groups output, and thus individuals can more easily

    become free-riders and coast on the groupsefforts without consequences

    7. Status - a prestige grading, position or rank within a group

    High Low

    Talk more and to the entire team, but still

    communicate more often with high-status members

    Target conversation more towards members with

    high status than low status

    Are less likely to be ignored Are more likely to have their comments ignored

    Have more influence and more likely to take a

    leadership position

    8. Leadership Positions - who takes control of the group? Leads action?

    Team conflict

    Peterson and Harvey conflict classification

    Source of conflict Type of team conflict Possible resolution

    1. Differences in information,

    background, skills

    Task Knowledge is shared, participation is encouraged

    2. Differences in values Relationship Leader acts as a mediator to reconcile differences

    between members

    3. Differences in interests /

    goals / method of attaining


    Process Compromise needed. Team requires more

    transparency (more communication with one

    another, sharing thoughts)

    Task work and Team work

    Task work - what the team is doing. To improve, teams can develop a performance strategydeliberateset of plans for what the team intends to do, including goals, tactics, and alternative courses of action.

    o Proactive strategy (forward planning)High quality performance strategy

    o Reactive strategy (creating one ad-hoc)Low quality performance strategy

    Team work - how the members work together. A team contract aims to maximise team cohesiveness.

    Task work + Team work = Team effectiveness

    Topic 6 - Spot Collection:

    Leadership and Conflict Peterson & Harvey (2009)

    Conflict is proposed to be beneficial in nature

    Key sources of conflict: information, goals and values

    Three types of conflict: task-based, relationship-based and process-based

    Leader roles in managing conflict should be indirect rather than direct since direct use of power can lead to

    negative feelings and disrupt group cohesion

    Three effective indirect strategies are offered: structuring the group, directing an inclusive group process,

    and managing external boundaries

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 7: Communication and decision making

    Communication -the transfer and understanding of meaning. Managerial communication encompasses both:

    o Interpersonal communicationcommunication between two or more people

    o Organisational communicationpatterns, networks and systems of communication in an organisation

    Functions of Communication

    1. Controlformally (eg. Guidelines that employees are required to follow) or informal (eg. Teasing)

    2. Motivationcommunication can clarify tasks and provide feedback, consequently motivating employees

    to improve performance

    3. Emotional expressioncommunication provides a release for emotions and for fulfilment of social needs.

    4. Informationcommunication provides info. to separate departments and facilitates effective group work

    Interpersonal Communication- can be verbal, written and non-verbal (including kinesics (body languages),

    oculesics (eye contact), haptics (touch), proxemics (distance), paralanguage (tempo, pitch, intonation).

    Linear Transmission Model of Interpersonal Communication:


    Sender-> Message -> Channel (medium)-> Receiver->MessageEncoding Decoding


    o Noisedisturbances that interfere with the transmission, receipt or feedback of a message

    o Encodingconverting a message into symbols (eg. the English language)

    o Decodingretranslating the senders message

    Transaction Model:

    Transaction Model - model that sees communication

    or negotiation of meaning as two or more parties

    continuously and simultaneously responding to their

    environment and to each other (through the sending

    and receiving of messages).

    Extends the Linear transmission model:

    1. The participants overlapping fields of experience

    2. Occurrence of simultaneous communication in

    both directions

    3. Recognises relationships and context

    4. Communication channels include all our senses

    5. Extends definition of noise (barriers) by differentiating it into: aural (hearing), visual, physical intrusions,

    semantic (meaning of words), psychological (eg. Emotions)

    Other Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication:


    Filteringthe deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favourableo

    Emotionscan hinder correct interpretation of a message (eg. Anger -> bias interpretation of messages)

    o Information overloadinformation a person has to work with exceeds their processing capacity

    o Languagewords mean different things to people based on their age, culture and education backgrounds

    o National cultureeg. Asian countries -> indirect forms of communication and maintaining interpersonal

    relationships, Western countries -> to-the-point communication and professional / formalised relationships

    o Stereotyping - where people assign an individual to a group base on 1 piece of perceptual information,

    and then broad range of other characteristics of the group are then assigned to this individual

    o Medium used - face-to-face versus virtual (refer to spot collection)

    Minimising interpersonal communication barriers:

    1. Active listeninglistening for full meaning without making premature judgements or interpretations.


    Use feedbackasking receivers to restate message in own words to ensure they understood the sender

    3. Simplify languagestructure messages in ways that will make it clear and understandable to receiver.

    4. Constrain emotionscommunicating only when composed and in a rational manner

    5. Watch non-verbal cuesensuring actions align with and reinforce the words that go along with them.

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Organisational communication- can often be distinguished as formal or informal.

    Formal communication - communication that follows the organisations chain of commandor is part of the

    communication required to do ones job. Either:

    o Chain network - communication flows as a chain through organisational levels

    o Wheel network -leader serves as the hub through whom all communication passes

    Informal communication - communication that is not defined by the organisations structural hierarchy.

    o All-channel or Grapevinenetwork- communication flows freely among all members of an

    organisation (rumours, eavesdropping, personal conversations during breaks, etc).

    Direction of communication flowcan be:

    o Downward/Upwardmanager to employees and vice versa

    o Lateral communication between employees on the same organisational level

    o Diagonal communication that cuts across work areas and organisational levels


    8- Step Decision Matrix Method

    1. Identify the problemthe existence of a problem

    2. Identify the decisioncriteriadetermining the factors that are relevant in making a decision

    3. Allocation of weightsto criteria - prioritising factors which are more important for the decision (D1)


    Identify alternativesdeveloping viable solutions to the problem

    5. Analysealternatives rating these solutions under the criteria and their allocated weightings (D2)

    6. Selectfrom alternatives choosing the alternative which scored the highest on the decision criteria

    7. Implementchosen alternative putting the decision into action

    8. Evaluatingdecision effectiveness

    Making decisions: Rationality, bounded rationality and intuition

    Rational decision making - choices that are consistent and value maximising within specified constraints.

    o Assumes that the problem is unambiguous, a specific goal is to be attained, all alternatives and

    consequences are known and that the final choice will maximises the likelihood of achieving that goal.

    o Managerial decision making is assumed to be rational decision making (they make decisions in the best

    economic interest of the organisation)

    In reality, managerial decision making is rarely perfectly rational. Instead, managers tend to operate under:Bounded rationality - behaviour that is rational within the parameters of a simplified decision-making process

    that is limited (or bounded) by an individuals ability to process information.

    o Limited information -> managers satisfice (accept solutions that are satisfactory) than maximise.

    o Other factors reducing rationality of managerial decisions include the organisations culture, internal

    politics and Escalation of commitment -an increased commitment to a previous decision despite

    evidence that it may be wrong (dont want to admit their flawed decision).

    Intuitive decision making - A subconscious process of making decisions on the basis of experience and

    accumulated judgement

    o Managers who have had experience with a particular, or even simular, type of problem or situation

    often can act quickly with what appears to be limited information.

    D1 - Example of a Decision Criteria Weighting D2- Analysing alternatives and selecting the highest scoring one

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Types of Problems and Decisions

    Structured problems - straightforward, familiar and easily defined problems

    Responded with a programmed decisionrepetitive decision that can be handled by a routine / procedure

    Unstructured Problems:new or unusual problems for which information is ambiguous or incomplete

    Responded with a non-programmed decisionunique decisions that require custom-made solutions

    Decision-making Conditions

    1. CertaintyA situation in which a manager can make accurate decisions because the outcome of everyalternative is known

    2. RiskThose conditions in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes

    3. UncertaintyA situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability

    estimates available

    Decision-making styles


    High tolerance for ambiguity (multi-


    Rational thinking

    High amount of information and

    assessing numerous alternatives

    May divide problem into several parts


    High tolerance for ambiguity (multi-


    Intuitive thinking

    Focuses on numerous alternatives

    Creative solutions of the big picture


    Low tolerance for ambiguity (Consistent

    in the way information is structured)

    Rational thinking

    Efficient and logical fast decisions

    Minimal information and assessing few



    Low tolerance for ambiguity (Consistent

    in the way information is structured)

    Intuitive thinking

    Receptive to suggestions from others

    Communicate through meetings

    **Refer to decision-making biases and errors Pg 231 if perceived necessary.

    SC: Wrong versus bad decisions

    Wrong decisions imply that there is a possibility of faults being present in the decision-making process or

    that there were unforeseen risks

    Bad decisions are simply of a foolish and inappropriate nature where acquired information was not correctly

    interpreted or utilised

    SC: Why effective communication is not synonymous with agreement

    Effective communication is the transmission of ideas and information from one individual to others

    An understanding of the meaning of the transmitted message means that effective communication has

    taken place, although this does notnecessarily imply that the recipients agree or should agree with the

    speaker as many often assume

    SC: Alge, Wiethoff and Klein (2003) When does the medium matter? Knowledge-buildingexperiences and opportunities in decision-making teams

    A study of three different types of teams: future (anticipate working together in future), ad hoc

    (temporary), and past (experienced as a group) teams.

    Three variables are used to assess communication effectiveness openness/trust, team member exchange,

    and information sharing.

    Communication medium is also studied: face to face versus virtual teams

    Task interdependence was found to be a key correlation between communication and decision-making


    Teams higher in openness/trust and team member exchange were found to have performed better on the

    high interdependence negotiation tasks.

    Although future teams shared more information than past and ad hoc teams, information sharing was found

    to not be as important as originally thought. Shared team experience was found to be a major contributing factor of success.

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 8: Organisational Structure

    Organisational structure - the formal arrangement of jobs within an organisation, or the relatively stable and

    formal network of vertical and horizontal interconnections among jobs that constitute the organisation.

    Organisational Design- process of developing and changing an organisations structure, involving decisions

    about six key elements:

    1. Work Specialisation - the degree to which tasks in are divided into smaller, separate jobs. Each job is

    completed by a different person who is specialised in completing their assigned job(s).

    2. Departmentalisation- the degree to which work units are grouped according to functional similarity or

    similarity of work flow. Five common forms of departmentalisation or job grouping include:

    1. Functional: by functions performed - eg. Manager of Engineering / Accounting / Manufacturing / HR

    2. Product: by product line - eg. Heavy Vehicle Division Manager, Car and SUV Division Manager

    3. Geographic: by geographical location - eg. Sales Manager of WA / QLD / NSW / Victoria / SA

    4. Process: by product or customer flow - eg. Manager of Sawing / Planing / Assembling / Lacquering

    5. Customer: by specific and unique customers who have common needs - eg. Manager of Retail /

    Wholesale / Government accounts

    o Popular trends are the increasing use of customer departmentalisation and cross-functional teams

    (groups of individual experts across various specialities, such as researchers + scientists + engineers)


    Chain of command - continuous line of authority that extends through the levels of an organisation andclarifies who reports to whom. Today, chains of command are loosely enforced, as employees are able to

    make decisions that previously belonged to management due to improved technology and access to info.

    4. Span of control - number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently supervised by a manager.

    Wider span of control = less managers = lower cost, more flexibility, faster decision making but

    ineffectiveness beyond some point. Recent trend towards larger span of control, but depends ultimately on

    skill of employees (eg. Narrow -> casual fast food staff, wide -> office jobs due to high skill).

    5. Centralisation & Decentralisation - Centralisationis the degree to which decision making is concentrated

    at upper levels of the organisation. Decentralisationis the degree to which lower level employees provide

    input or actually make decisions. Decentralisation allows modern organisations to be more flexible and

    responsive, as lower managers are typically more knowledgeable about organisational operations.


    Formalisation - the degree to which jobs within the organisation are standardised and the extent to whichemployee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures. Although formalisation is important for consistency

    and control, there is less reliance upon strict rules and employee behaviour in contemporary times.

    Mechanistic vs. Organic organisations

    Mechanistic organisationorganisational design that is

    rigid and tightly controlled. There is a limited information

    network (mostly downward communication) and little

    participation in decision making by lower-level employees.

    Organic organisationorganisational design that is highly

    adaptive and flexible. Jobs may be specialised but not

    standardised. There is a wide span of control, minimal formal

    rules, and there is a frequent use of employee teams.

    Structural contingency factors:

    1. Strategy and structuresupport each other (ie. a new strategy often requires a new structure)

    2. Size and structure - firms change from organic to mechanistic as they grow in size

    3. Technology and structure firms adapt their structure to the technology they use.

    4.Environmental uncertainty and structure dynamic environments encourage organic structures;

    mechanistic structures need stable environments.

    SC: Effect of Flat and Tall organisation structure Carzo & Yanouzas

    Tall organisational structures: Many levels of supervision, narrow span of control

    Flat organisational structures: Few levels of supervision, wide span of control

    Decisions, resolutions and delegation were more quickly achieved in tall structures than flat structures

    Tall structures performed better than flat structures possibly due to chain of command and more

    frequent evaluation of decisions as it passed each layer of management

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 10: Leadership

    Leadership- ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute towards the

    effectiveness and success of an organisation, or the process of influencing a group to achieve goals

    Leadership & its Influence

    Choice of objectives and strategies to pursue

    Motivation of members to achieve their objectives

    Organisation and coordination of work activities

    Learning and sharing of new knowledge by members

    Shared beliefs and values of members

    Allocation of resources to achieve objectives

    Credibility and trust

    Credibility - assessment of a leaders honesty, competence and ability to inspire by his or her followers.

    Trust- belief of followers and others in integrity, character, and ability of leader.

    o Dimensionsof trust: integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness.

    o To build trust, leaders should: speak their feelings, practice openness, show consistency, fulfil their

    promises, tell the truth, maintain confidences and demonstrate competence.

    Early Leadership Theories

    Trait Theories-leadership theories that tried to isolate characteristics that differentiated leaders from non-

    leaders. Later research identified seven traits associated with leadership:

    o Job-relevant knowledge: allows them to make informed decisions

    o Intelligence: can gather, synthesise and interpret large amounts of information, solve problems and

    make correct decisions

    o Drive:leaders are ambitious, they show initiative, and are persistent in their activities

    o Self-confidence: leaders need to show confidence

    o Honesty and integrity:build trustworthy relationships with team members

    o Extraversion: energetic, lively, sociable and assertive

    o Desire to lead:willingness to take responsibility, lead and influence others

    Behavioural Theories

    Behavioural Theories: leadership theories that identified behaviours that differentiated effective leaders from

    ineffective leaders.

    a) Kurt Lewins Three Leadership Styles

    1. Laissez-faire(hands off approach)gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and

    complete the work in whatever way they saw fit

    2. Autocratictends to centralise authority, make unilateral decisions and limit employee participation

    3. Democraticinvolve employees in decision making, delegate authority and use feedback as an

    opportunity for coaching and motivating employee

    b) The Ohio State Studies: two dimensions of leadership behaviour


    Initiating structureextent to which a leader defined and structured their role and the roles of groupmembers in the search for goal attainment (eg. Attempts to organise work, relationships and goals)

    2. Considerationextent to which a leader had job relationships characterised by mutual trust and

    respect for group membersideas and feelings (Eg. A leader high in consideration would help group

    members with personal problems, being friendly and approachable)

    c) University of Michigan Studies: Another two dimensions of leadership behaviour

    1. Employee oriented:emphasising personal relationships, taking a personal interest in members

    needs. Studies found employee oriented leaders were associated with higher group productivity /


    2. Product oriented:emphasising task accomplishment and technical or task aspects of the job.

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Contingency Theories

    Contingency Theories - theories that go beyond looking at traits and behaviours of leadership, but try to

    account for the context or situation in which the leader is attempting to lead. 4 models:

    a) Fiedler model - proposes that effective group performance depends upon the proper match between the

    leaders style of interactionwith followers and the degree to which the situation allows the leader to control

    and influence

    o Fiedler assumed that a persons leadership style was always the same regardless of the situation

    o However, he acknowledges that there was a small group of people who fell in between the two

    extremes (task-oriented vs. relationship oriented)o

    Least-preferred co-worker questionnaire (LPC)questionnaire that determines whether a leader is

    task or relationship oriented.

    o Compares the leaders situation with three contingency variables from followers point of view:

    1. Leader-member relations:degree of confidence, trust and respect; good or poor.

    2. Task structure:degree to which tasks were formalised and procedurised; high or low.

    3. Position power:degree of influence the leader had over power-based activities such as hiring,

    firing, discipline, promotions etc; strong or weak.

    b) Hersey-Blanchard situational theory -focuses on selecting the right

    leadership style by examining the contingent variable of followers readiness.

    o Readiness- extent to which people have the ability and confidence to

    accomplish a specific task

    o Theory also uses the leadership dimensions of task and relationship

    behaviour, but divides them into four specific leadership styles:

    1. Telling- leader defines roles and tells people what to do and how,

    when and where to do the various tasks.

    2. Selling- leader provides both directive and supportive behaviour

    3. Participating -leader and follower share in decision making, the

    main role of the leader is facilitating and communicating.

    4. Delegating- leader provides little direction or support.

    o The final component in Herseys model is the defining of four stages in

    readiness, each of which require different leadership styles

    R1: leader needs to give clear and specific directions (telling)

    R2:leader needs to display high task orientation to compensate for

    the followers lack of ability and high relationship orientation (selling)

    R3:leader needs a supportive and participative style (participating)

    R4:leader can turn over responsibility for decisions and implementation

    c) Leader-participation model (time-driven model) - a contingency model that relates leadership behaviour

    and participation in decision making.

    o Argues that leader behaviour must be adjusted to

    reflect the task structure; whether it is routine,

    non-routine, or in between

    o Model is normative; provides a sequential set of

    rules (norms) that the leader should follow in

    determining the form and amount of follower

    participation in decision making, as determined by

    the different situations.

    o An example of a current leader-participation model

    is the time-driven model

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    d) Path-goal theory -a leadership theory that says it is the leaders job to assist followers and provide the

    direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall organisational goal.

    o Four leadership behaviours-

    1. Directive: gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks

    2. Supportive: friendly and shows concern for the needs of followers

    3. Participative: consults with group members and uses their suggestions in decision-making


    Achievement-oriented: sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at their peako

    Two situational variables: Environment and subordinate characteristics.

    Some predictions from path-goal theory:

    o Directive leadershipis redundant among

    subordinates with high perceived ability or with

    considerable experience.

    o Supportive leadershipresults in high employee

    satisfaction when subordinates are performing

    structured tasks.

    o Subordinates with an internal locus of control

    (like to be in control) will be more satisfied with a

    participative style. Contrastingly, subordinates

    with an external locus of control will be more

    satisfied with a directive style.

    Factors that make leadership less critical:

    1. Substitutes for leadershipexperience, training, professional orientation, or the need for independence.

    2. Job characteristicsroutine, unambiguous, and satisfying jobs.

    3. Organisation characteristicsexplicit formalised goals, rigid rules and procedures, or cohesive work


    SC: The validity of consideration and initiating structure in leadership research Judge et al

    Both consideration and initiating structure will be positively related to follower satisfaction, leader

    performance or effectiveness

    Compared with Initiating Structure, consideration will be more strongly related to follower satisfaction,

    where initiating structure will be more strongly related to leader performance.

    Both dimensions of leadership behaviour seem to still be valid.

    Structuring leaders might result in greater team efficacy and performance and considerate leaders

    might produce greater team cohesiveness.

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    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Topic 11: Power and Conflict

    Power- the capacity to produce intended and foreseen effects on others, where the greater an individuals

    dependence on another, the greater the power the other person has over the individual.

    Influence- the process of altering the attitudes and behaviours of others, using sources of power.

    Different Types of Power

    1. Legitimate powerpower associated with ones position in an organisation

    2. Coercive powerpower from capacity to punish or control (suspension/demotion)

    3. Reward power power to give positive benefits or rewards (monetary value/performance appraisals)

    4. Expert poweris influence that is based on expertise or knowledge.

    5. Referent powerpower that rises because of a persons desirable resources or personal traits.

    [Expert power + legitimate power + persuasiveness = compliance]

    Common Influence Tactics

    Rational appealpresenting logical arguments and factual evidence to demonstrate rationality of request

    Ingratiationusing flattery, praise or friendly behaviour prior to making a request

    Assertiveness- demonstrating passion for request

    Exchangerewarding the targets with benefits or favours in exchange for their support

    Pressureusing warnings, repeated demands and threats

    Blockingrejecting a person from activities or information until they adhere to your objectives or plan

    Upward appealasking people from higher levels of management to back up your ideas as support

    Personal appealasking for compliance based on friendship and loyalty

    Coalitionenlisting the aid of other people to persuade the target, or using the support of others as a

    reason for the target to agree.


    Credibility -is the objectively determined truthfulness, follow-through, and accuracy of a person.

    o A person with high credibility is consistently both honest and accurate in his/her communications.

    People with high credibility are perceived to have more power. Vice versa.

    o 4 factors affecting credibility: Rank, Goodwill, Expertise,Common ground


    Conflict - process that occurs when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively

    affected by another. Team conflict consists of:

    Task-based conflictover content and goals of the work (potentially)

    Relationship conflict over interpersonal relationships Personal Negative outcomes

    Process conflictover how the work gets done Structural Positive outcomes

    Advantages / Positive Outcomes Disadvantages / Negative Outcomes

    Stimulates interest and curiosity Provokes anxiety, anger and stress

    Promotes group identity and cohesion Hurts relationships, communication and group cohesion

    Encourages dialogue Provoke violence (verbal, psychological and physical)

    Provide opportunities for creative problem solving Lack of support, poor solutions

    Causes of Conflict

    Individual Differences Organisational Issues

    Differences in personality and temperament Written rules conflict with social norms

    Gender, generational and cultural differences Weak system for conflict resolution

    Power differences Differences in policy, procedure and practices

    Lack of effective communication skills

    Different perspectives Outside Influences

    Personal stress outside of work (eg. Family problems) Wider social, economic and political environment

    Organisational Situations That Can Cause Conflict Employees are withheld information about structural or policy changes

    Workplace culture that encourages bullying, blame, harassment or rivalry

    Competition for promotion and recognition

    Unclear grievance procedures

  • 8/10/2019 MGMT1001 Summary Notes


    MGMT1001: Managing Organisations and People

    Negative Impacts of Workplace Conflict

    Overt: staff turnover, workplace violence, legal costs

    Covert: sabotage, theft and damage, absenteeism

    Wasted time, bad decisions, decreased motivation

    The Conflict Process

    Possible response to conflict:The fight or flight theory highlights that an individual will either confront or

    avoid the conflict situation.

    Dispute resolution

    1. Negotiationa discussion intended to produce a mutually acceptable solution to a complex transaction,

    and it is a optional process both parties engage in.

    2. Mediationconfidential discussion of issues through the objective intervention a neutral third party

    3. Arbitrationan adversarial process involving the hearing and determining of a dispute by a person(s)

    chosen or agreed to by both parties, and producing a legally binding decision

    4. Litigationusing legal proceedings to settle a conflict

    Role of Mediators

    Provide ideas and suggestions or even formal proposals for settlement

    Help the conflicting parties negotiate productively and orderly

    Persuade them to compromise and settle for an acceptable solution

    When should a manager mediate

    Intense emotions are prolonging conflict

    When the poor communication is beyond the ability of those involved to fix it

    Misperceptions or stereotypes inhibit productive interactions

    Repeated negative behaviours create barriers (name-calling, blaming others, swearing)

    Interests are perceived incompatible

    When SHOULDNT a manager mediate

    When what you need to do is to establish innocence or guilt (or right or wrong)

    When you need to discipline or punish

    If you think the conflict is caused by personal problems

    SC: Power and Politics Robbins et al

    Expert and referent are considered to be personal power

    When you possess anything that others require but that you alone control, you make them dependent

    on you and, there, you gain power over them.

    Dependency is increased when the resource you control is important, scarce and non-substitutable

    Individuals try to increase their own power, but if that fails, then coalitions are formed as the


    Political behaviour: activities that are not required as part of ones formal role in organisation, but that

    influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organisation. This can be

    distinguished as either legitimate or illegitimate behaviour. Legitimate political behaviour: Complaining to supervisor, developing connections or contacts outside


    Illegitimate political behaviour:sabotage, employees simultaneously calling in sick.

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