methodist quilters and · bob...

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Office Hours


9:00 a.m.—12:00 pm




Momo Larmena




Church Secretary

Carol Phillips


Custodian Integrated Life Choices

Call Office

Committee Chairs

Administrative Council

Joe Swanson


Board of Trustees

Mike Phillips



Dave Harrington


Staff/Parish Relations

Bob Rasmussen



Lynda Berggren


Becky Schwenk





UMW President

Carol Tjernagel



Jami Wemhoff





Larry Hurlburt

Dear Friends,

The resurrection accounts remind us that as human beings, we need to

take the time to process new things before we “see it all.” Recognition and

rejoicing in encountering our RISEN LORD required attentiveness and at-

tention, even from the close friends of Jesus, as manifested in the narra-

tives about Mary Magdalene, the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus and


So it is in our lives. Rejoicing can be a difficult and a long process of going

beyond our present struggles. In the midst of grief and sadness – espe-

cially from experiences of pain, loss and failed expectations – we tend to

stay with the familiar and become trapped in the closed tomb of our per-

sonal or even collective stories of hopelessness and disappointments- and

not recognize Christ living in our midst!

I encourage you to realize that the tomb is empty and Christ is not there,

so emerge from a season of darkness to one of light. One fresh with new

possibility. One where God is making new dreams for each one of us. One

that is filled with God-given hope. As we continue to grow as ‘the body of

Christ,’ I invite you to ask yourself what does a future with hope look like

in your life? What does a future with hope look like in our Church? What

does a future with hope look like in our world? May we open ourselves to

the possibility that something new is happening around and within us be-

cause if we are, we might just see a glimpse of God’s kin-dom/kingdom

here on earth – in our encounters with our brothers and sisters, especially

those who are struggling to find joy and deeper meanings in their lives.

Blessings to you all!

Momo S. Larmena, Jr. Pastor Momo S. Larmena, Jr.

United Methodist Church Newsletter

May 2017


We are starting a new prayer request list. If you would

like your name added to this list, please let the church

office know.

Thank you

Note: We can only publish prayer concerns with the

permission of the people involved. Also, Pastor Lar-

mena often does not find out about hospitalizations.

HIPPA regulations do not allow the hospital to call

unless they are requested to do so. Please give him a

call (Church 754-4247). if you or someone you know is

in the hospital or desires a call. Thank you for your


‘Making and

Nurturing Disciples’


Come and meet your church family.

You will like us!


Worship time 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.


Come ‘n Go Coffee 10:00-11:00 a.m.


Giving envelopes are available in the Nar-thex and Church office.

April 2 103 $3826.00

April 9 136 $1989.00

April 16 126 $2055.00

April 23 92 $638.00

April 30 67 $515.00

UMW notes

May 9 UMW Meeting 1:30pm in Fellowship


Circle Meetings May 23rd

Martha 9:00 am

Mary 1:30 pm

Please note a meeting change for June

June 13 will be the regular meeting

1:30 in Fellowship Hall

This was originally planned for a lunch-

eon on June 10. This conflicted with the

annual conference in Grand Island



April 11, 2017

The United Methodist Women met on Tuesday, April 11 at

1:30 in the church fellowship hall. The meeting was called to

order by President Caro Tjernagel. A list of upcoming UMW

events were on each table for everyone to tale. Carol opened

with prayer and the UMW Purpose was recited.

Charlene Craig lead devotions “Joys and Challenges of

Spring”. “Women of God blooming in God’s Garden” is the

lesson for today with a reading from 1 Corinthians 10:29-33.

She closed with prayer.

The March minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s

report had a beginning balance on hand of $1681.45, income

was $303.55 with expenses of $687.40 leaving a balance of

$1297.60 of which $294.04 is memorial money. The treasur-

er’s report was accepted. The CD balance is $1028.45. It had

$7.72 in interest for the last year. It was decided to cash in the

CD and put the money towards the kitchen fund. Marian made

the motion and Mary Ann seconded. Motion carried. The

memorial money will be saved for the possibility of buying a

cart for use with the dishwasher.

Stand up and be counted, Martha 9, Mary 2 and general 5.

New plastic covering for the tables was discussed. It was felt

that both sides need to be cleaned and plan to replace it at a

later date.

Old business: Reports: Spiritual: Charlene-encourage daily

prayer, bible reading and develop a personal relationship with

God. Membership: Marlene-one new member, Maxine

Hoselton, possibilies are Mrs. Yoder and Sue Nielson. Pro-

gram: The new books are here. Education: Marian-keeping

track of the activities that happen throughout the year. Prayer

Chain: Has not been used lately, we need more people. Work

Groups: Mary Ann said that we will be moving to one group

as it is hard to get workers. She and Connie will trade off do-

ing the calling. Quilt/Craft Group: thjs group will not be

held during the summer months but will resume in the fall.

Marian and Katie McCann have the banners ready for Senior

Sunday. (Theda does the baptismal banners)

There was an Executive meeting held in March. Upcoming

events: Mission U-Carol Tjernagel won the chance to attend,

Annual Conference in Grand Island in June, UMW gathering

will be held after the ordination. Epworth: There are changes

coming, there will be no more dormitories. They will have no

further needs for In-King giving or quilts. Their services will

be changing to be done in the home or in foster care.

Fair Trade will be discontinued, it can be purchased in some


New business: Cards and corsages for mission need to be used

more often. Cards may be purchased for $5.00, corsages are

$1.00. We are encouraged to give out corsages which can be

given to anyone. These need to be done during a church Cont’d…...


May 23

Martha 9:00

Mary 2:00

Methodist Quilters and Crafters

We will not meet again until fall

Are you saving your Boxtops for Education. Some

of these have expiration dates, please turn them in as

you collect them. These go to Epworth Village. And

don’t forget those Best Choice labels, they are worth

3 cents each. Check your groceries for these items.

Cont’d…...Service. Rose Ross is in charge of sending out

cards. Ellen Gydesen is ready for phone calls and visitors,

she is feeling much better but still has a way to go in her re-


Carol T. handed out an addendum for the booklets, it is a list

of items used in the health kits and education kits. Kits will

be made up at the May circle meetings for delivery at Church


Carol will be gone at the May 9th meeting, Cleo Edwards will

preside, general will be hostess.

Co-Secretary, Jackie Cook

“Women of God blooming in God’s Garden”


May Celebrations

Food Pantry

The United Methodist Church is responsible for operating the

Food Pantry every third Saturday from 10 to 12. If you could

volunteer to help any one of these Saturdays, I would appreciate

it. May 20 is our next work date.

Thank you, Theda Van Horn

May at a Glance

3 Choir

7 Last day for Sunday School

9 UMW 1:30 pm

Finance Committee 7:00 pm

10 Last day for youth group Meet at the civic center

at 6:15

13 Golf Tournament 10:00 am

14 Mother’s Day - Communion

16 Administrative Council 7:00 pm

20 Food Pantry 10-12 pm

21 Church service 10:00—musicians honored

23 Circle, Martha 9:00, Mary 2:00

28 Memorial Week End

May Food Pantry needs

May is our month to help stock the food pantry. In addi-

tion to the usual items, here are some items that we are

very low on. Pork and beans, toilet tissue, cake mixes,

brownie mixes, cookies, ketchup, salad dressings, maca-

roni and cheese, rice, hamburger helper, pancake mix

and syrup.

The pantry is open on Tuesday afternoon from 4:00-6:00 pm

and Saturday morning from 10:00-12:00 pm May 13 Jarold and Linda Jacobsen

May 19 Jeremy and Cassi Paxton

May 25 Jeff and Stacy Vogel

May 28 Dave and Connie Snow

May 29 Tom and Sheryl Mortimer

May 31 Scott and Lisa Harrington

1 Alyssa Swanson 19 Darwin Lee

2 Brad Wells 20 Mikaleh Esquitin

3 Marie Potter 21 Dorothy Brehm

4 Machell Naylor 21 Loren Studley

7 Thaddeus Radke 23 Darold Jorgensen

8 Linnea Vogel 25 Mick McDowell

9 Katie McCann 26 Dee Dee Hurlburt

10 Jesse Rudolf 27 Macy Porter

13 Kelly Gebhardt 27 Gordon Knuth

14 Linda Jacobsen Powell 28 Crysta Naylor

18 Nathan Swanson 29 Brandon Starkey

18 Alex Coslor 31 Dorothy Jorgensen


Usher-Greeter-Candle Lighter Schedule for

May 2017

Don’t forget, the clipboards to sign up are in Fellowship Hall

after the service. Please continue to volunteer, we need your

help. There are opportunities to usher, greet, and light candles

as well as host fellowship. Also pastor could use your help in

reading scripture, make announcements and if you are musical-

ly blessed, we have a sign up sheet for that too!

There is money available to help purchase food items if neces-


Ushers: May 7 Russ Swigart

14 Aidan Anderson

21 Dave and Nancy Harrington


Greeters: May 7


21 Martha Voigt Terrie Heaps

28 Brad and Deb Wells

Candles: May 7




School Children Milk Money

The United Methodist Church of St. Paul is commit-

ted to providing milk money to the St. Paul Public

Schools to keep the milk coming to those children

who otherwise would not have it provided to them.

Please keep this mission in your prayers and consider donating

to this wonderful cause. Make sure and note it on your check,

or drop it in the Milk Money box in the Narthex. Thank you!

Did you know………

Our milk money donation goes towards 9 kindergarten– through

third grade students for the remainder of this semester and for

second semester. The nine students are just some of our free/

reduced families. All kindergarteners are drinking milk during

milk break; the following do not drink: 10 first graders; 14 second

graders; and 31 third graders. We aren’t sure but wondering if

the majority don't drink milk because their parents can’t pay for it.

This is truly a great outreach for our church. Thank you for do-

nating to this worthy cause .

Digital Prayer Chain

We would like to start a second prayer chain.

This one would contact people via texting or

email. If this is something you would be inter-

ested in, please contact the church office. We

will continue with the phone call list also. With

more people working and utilizing their cell

phones, this will be an easy way to reach out

quickly with a

prayer concern.

The church email is


Currently the United

Methodist Women have

started a project to up-

date our 27 year old

kitchen with a bigger

commercial refrigerator

and a small upright freezer. In the future, when

more funds are available, we would also like to

purchase a commercial dishwasher. Many local

churches already have dishwashers. We could

stop using so many disposable items and be bet-

ter stewards or our earth.

We are getting near our goal, however we are

asking for donations to complete the project.

Any extra money collected now would be put

towards the dishwasher. We would appreciate

your help with our updates.


United Methodist Church Prayer Chain

The purpose of the prayer chain is to offer special prayers for individuals in critical need. The chain cannot be activated

without the permission of the family in need. Call prayer requests to the church office 754-4247. The prayer request will

be called to the first person on these lists. Each caller then calls the next person on the list. If that person is unavailable,

a call should be placed to the following name and contact made with the first party later in the day. Last name on list

does not call anyone.

We are in need of more people joining the prayer chain.

Praying for each other is an important ministry that we can do for our church family. If you would be interest-

ed in becoming part of this mission, please contact the church office.

We can do this!

Scripture readings:

May 7 John 10:1-10

Acts 2:42-47

DeEtte Lukasiewicz

May 14 Luke 1:26-31

Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16

May 21 John 14:15-21

Psalm 66:8-20

Martha Voigt

May 28 John 17:1-11

Acts 1:1-11


May 7 Darla Voigt or Dave Harrington

May 14 Darla Voigt or Dave Harrington

May 21 Darla Voigt or Dave Harrington

May 28 Darla Voigt or Dave Harrington

Charlotte Rasmussen 863-2281 Rae Lee 754-5209 Jackie Cook 754-9115

Deb Wells 754-5620 Jan Swigart 754-4257 Lory Thomsen 754-4286

Nancy Harrington 754-5136 Vanice Bahensky 754-7873 Charlene Craig 754-5503

Theda Van Horn 754-4541 Marlene Kremlacek 754-4876 Dorothy Jorgensen 754-4126

Cleo Edwards 754-4853 Martha Voigt 754-4666 Mary Ann Rickertsen 754-4038

Marilyn Wall 754-5100 Rose Ross 754-4993 DeEtte Lukasiewicz 754-5304

Elaine McClellan 754-5177 Jean’nette Harvey 750-1449 Brenda Starkey 754-4705

Ashley Meyer 627-2808 Dorothy Brehm 754-4765


Youth Group

Praying before they taste the

chicken feet that pastor made

They survived, and I think he

likes it!


Here is our most recent confirmation group



The United Methodist Women (UMW) Easter Basket Silent auction was a

success. Your contributions help us in our mission of supporting local, state,

nation, and global ministries of the church. Thank you for your kind and

generous hearts. Carol Tjernagel


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

No youth Group

Choir 8:00 pm

4 5 6



10:00 am

8 9

UMW 1:30 pm

Finance Com-

mittee 7:00 pm


Last night for

youth group-

meet at civic

center 6:15 pm

11 12 13

Golf Tourna-




10:00 am

Mother’s Day


15 16

Admin Council

7:00 pm

17 18 19 20

UMC Help at

Food Pantry

10:00-12 pm




10:00 am

22 23


Martha 9:00,

Mary 2:00 pm

24 25 26 27



10:00 am

Memorial Day

week end

29 30 31

May 2017


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