metacognition or thinking about your thinking

Post on 25-May-2015






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Albert RodriguezEDTC 6341.61

Metacognition or Thinking About Your Thinking

Within the wiki, each of you should comment on your thinking as you went through the process of solving the mystery. Some of the questions you can think/talk about are: How did you decide on your roles within the team, how did you figure out what you would do in your role, how did you go about deciding what the clues meant, how did you eliminate suspects, how did you focus your research, what did you do with clues that did not make sense, how did you share your ideas, what did you do when there was a disagreement, what did you learn, how did this learning occur, why did this learning occur, were you comfortable using this as a vehicle for learning? You are certainly not limited to these questions. They are merely provided as ideas to get you started as you think about your thinking.

Each team member volunteered for the role that they wanted. There was a little confusion throughout the beginning of the assignment. It is said that, “many hands make light work,” and apparently is seemed to be the case here. We made predictions and shared all the clues with each other. I immediately got to work on the Murder Mystery Wiki page and got that up and running on our first meeting. I usually like to listen first before I begin to give input. Having said that, my team had many ideas, and we helped each other keep open mind throughout our investigation. I used to work in a psychiatric unit, so I was familiar, although a bit rusty, on the medications mentioned in the murder case. I took a look at the video and looked at all the evidence over and over. I did some online research on the medication and we even researched the UTB library. We discussed the evidence one time and another, and we came up with different theories as to who murdered Mr. Ano. Working collaboratively was challenging, and because we’re all graduate students, the conversations were always interesting. Even though we didn’t always agree, we were able to be rational and reasonable. After one of our members came up with the idea of role playing, we began to get into character. By the time we met the next day, I had the idea of doing a news report, but the rest agreed that we might run out of time if we changed our plan at this point in time. The Murder Mystery trial was on, and at this point it was just a matter of tweaking our role to provide a better presentation.

Albert RodriguezEDTC 6341.61

Overall, from this experience I learned that working collaboratively makes the assignment easier, but the working collaboratively isn’t always a smooth process. It was a neat assignment, but it lent itself to different interpretations. All in all, we all agreed that Haff Note did it.

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