meta-analysis issue

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue



    1. Factors influencing the

    Technological Pedagogical

    Content Kn


    (TPACK) among TVET

    instructors in MalasianTVET !nstitution

    "unnaina #usin Chua$

    #a%ri "amil


    1. esearcher Md. Faruue (&''*) found that among the causes of +oor TVET sstem in ,angladesh

    is its low ualit of instructors$ limited +rofessional de-elo+ment +rogram to im+ro-e content

    nowledge and +edagogical techniues as well as no control done o-er the ualit of e/+ertise.

    &. 0E2C340EV3C re+orted similar +ro5lem found in Malasian TVET sstem where +edagogical

    as+ects were not gi-en em+hasi%e in training of no-ice instructors (Ehlers$ &'1'). !n order to im+ro-e the

    ualit of instructors$ im+ro-ement to the +rofessional de-elo+ment +rogram is necessar 5 e-aluating the

    current +erformance of TVET instructors.

    Pur+ose of stud

    1. To assess the le-el of com+etenc among TVET instructors 5 e-aluating their +rofessional

    nowledge 5ased on TPACK model.&. to im+ro-e the understanding of teacher thining$ offering useful information to the staeholders

    in +lanning and organi%ation of +rofessional de-elo+ment +rogram$ im+ro-ement to the

    curriculum of instructor +re+aration +rograms as well +ro-ides feed5ac to TVET instructors on

    their current +erformance.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    E/+loring theTPACK framewor 

    6eanna Archam5ault

    "oshua #. ,arnett


    1. The de-elo+ment of the TPACK framewor has taen the technolog field 5 storm (Co/ 7

    ?raham$ &''9)$ and -arious researchers ha-e de-elo+ed related curriculum$ te/ts$ +rofessional

    de-elo+ment models$ methods of measurement$ as well as ad-ancements to the framewor 

    itself (Angeli 7 Valanides$ &''9; #arris$ Mishra$ 7 Koehler$ &''9; iess$ &''*; 2chmidt et al.$&''9).

    &. while TPACK is +otentiall useful$ es+eciall when conce+tuali%ing how the affordances of technolog might 5e le-eraged to im+ro-e teaching and learning$ it reuires additional

    e/amination to understand if technolog$ content$ and +edagog meld together to form the

    uniue domains descri5ed 5 framewor.

    Purpose of study:-

    1. to e/+lore the nature of technological +edagogical content nowledge (TPACK)$ defined as

    understanding the connections and interactions 5etween and among content nowledge

    (su5@ect4matter that is to 5e taught)$ technological nowledge (com+uters$ the !nternet$ digital

    -ideo$ etc.)$ and +edagogical nowledge (+ractices$ +rocesses$ strategies$ +rocedures and

    methods of teaching and learning) to im+ro-e student learning.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    =. Pengetahuan Tenologi

    Pedagogi Kandungan (Pt+)

    8alam Kalangan ?uru

    Matemati 2eolah endah

     Khor Mooi Tieng$

    6im #ooi 6ian


    1. Ka@ian dari+ada A5dul a%a !dris dan Chan (&'1') telah menun@uan taha+ +engetahuan dan

    emahiran +enggunaan om+uter masih urang dalam alangan guru.

    2.  or ,aar dan ashita A #adi (&'11) +ula menda+ati guru4guru matemati @arangmenginterasian !CT dalam +enga@aran dan +em5ela@aran matemati walau+un seramai 9

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    . E46earning eeds

    Assessment among 2tudents

    in the Colleges of Education

    #amid Mohammad A%imi

    &'1= 1. The re-iew of related literature has elicited widel acce+ted definitions of e terms and the

    -aria5les used in the stud. As made clear from the com+rehensi-e literature re-iew$ @ust a few

    researchers wored on the e4learning needs assessing in higher educational le-el es+eciall in

    teacher training colleges$ while the +resent stud was going to shed some light on the students$different su5@ects of studies in colleges$ com+aring institutional t+es of colleges with

    reference to their financial inBde+endenc on go-ernmental su++orts. !n the literature re-iew$

    e/tant studies regarding awareness$ +erce+tions and attitudes$ gender differences address these

    issues$ 5ut remain inadeuate to address Teacher Education in e4learning needs.

    Purpose of study:-

    Pur+ose of this sur-e stud was to clearl identif ma@or ga+s and needs of e4learning com+onents

    among students in the Colleges of Education.

    . TPACK dalam Pendidian

    2eni Visual> 2atu Ka@ian

    Mengenai Kesediaan Pela@ar

    Menggunaan E4

    Pem5ela@aran dalam

    Pem5ela@aran Pendidian

    2eni Visual

      oslaili Anuar

    Dan amani Dan aaria

    2%1& 1. o%inah "amaludin (&'') menda+ati 5ahawa an@aan +aradigma dalam masaraat telah

    mengu5ah sistem +endidian egara.

    &. Pem5angunan serta ases ang luas dari+ada !nternet dan multimedia telah men@adian e4

     +em5ela@aran se5agai medium terenal dalam institusi +enga@ian tinggi erana ia menum5ang

    e+ada cara ang 5aru dan le5ih 5ai dari+ada +enga@aran secara on-ensional.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    . 2e+erti ang dinataan oleh osli$ (&'1&)$ +ortal e4+em5ela@aran menediaan ruang atau

    tem+at e+ada +ela@ar untu mem5uat carian mudah di +el5agai sum5er eletroni se+erti 5uu

    eletroni atau sum5er internet ang sangat 5erguna.

    Ka@ian ini 5ertu@uan untu menguur taha+ esediaan +ela@ar untu menggunaan

    e4+em5ela@aran dalam +em5ela@aran di 0iTM.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    G. 8emogra+hic Factors$

    TPACK Constructs$ and

    TeachersH Perce+tions of


      "oce #wee 6ing

    Koh$ Ching 2ing

    Chai1 7 Ching4

      Chung Tsai


    1. some studies show that teachersH TPACK +erce+tions were affected 5 their age$ technological

    nowledge$ and +edagogical nowledge (Koh$ Chai$ 7 Tsai$ &'1'; 6ee 7 Tsai$ &'1'; Pierson$

    &''1)$ the relationshi+ 5etween these factors and teachersH constructi-ist4oriented TPACK

     +erce+tions ha-e et to 5e e/amine

    &. 0E2C3Hs !CT com+etenc standards for teachers (0E2C3$ &''*) em+hasi%e that teachers

    need nowledge to use !CT for su++orting constructi-ist learning which in-ol-es nowledge

    construction and +ro5lem4sol-ing acti-ities within authentic conte/ts (Airasian 7 Dalsh$ 199G;

    8uff 7 Cunningham$ 199).

    1. Constructi-ist4oriented TPACK +erce+tions of

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    *.) !ssues of !CT 0sage among

    Malasian 2econdar 2chool

    English Teachers

    Arumugan aman 7 A5dul

    #alim Mohamed

    &'1= 1. According to 2amuel 7 aitun (&''G) recent figures released 5 the Ministr of Education

    (&''=) shows that =$'' schools are alread eui++ed with com+uter la5oratories$ 99$'''

    com+uter units and =$'' ser-ers. !n addition$ a total of *$1&' schools is connected to the

     5road5and 2chool4et and a total of 9G$''' la+to+s and G'$''' 6C8 +ro@ectors ha-e 5een

    su++lied to teachers teaching core su5@ects (2amuel 7 aitun$ &''G).

    &. #owe-er$ there was a +ro5lem identified among secondar school English teachers during

     +racticum which is the lac of integration of !CT in teaching English language. This area has

     5een studied 5 man 5ut the teachersH +erce+tion of !CT$ their +ercentage of usage and

    dominanc of the o5stacles the face are still uestiona5le.

    1. To assess secondar school English teachersH +erce+tion towards integrating !CT in teaching

    English language.&. To find out the usage le-el of !CT among secondar school English teachers in teaching English


  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    integrating !CT in teaching English language.

    9.) Effect of lesson stud on +re4

    ser-ice secondar teachersI

    technological +edagogical

    content nowledge

    Chew Cheng Meng

    6im Cha+ 2am

    Dun Thiam ew

    6im #ooi 6ian


    The o5@ecti-e of this stud was to e/amine the effect of 6esson 2tud (62) on +re4ser-ice secondar

    teacherHs TPACK for teaching mathematic with The ?eometerHs 2etch+ad (?2P)

    !ssues> 8id 6esson 2tud (62) can effect on +re4ser-ice secondar teacherHs TPACK for teaching

    mathematic with The ?eometerHs 2etch+ad (?2P)J

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    1'. Technological Pedagogical

    and Content Knowledge

    (TPACK) of English

    Teachers in Pean5aru$ iau$



    &'1 Teacher could teach students with these two com+etences. #owe-er$ recentl$ teachers should also add

    new master into their com+etence re+ertoire$ namel technolog com+etence. , ha-ing such

    com+etences$ teachers are e/+ected to 5e a5le to integrate the com+etences for their teaching needs. To

     5e a5le to do so$ teachers need to master three inds of nowledge$ namel technological nowledge$

     +edagogical nowledge$ and content nowledge.

    Pur+ose of stud>

    1. 8iscuss TPACK of senior high school English teachers in Pean5aru.&. #ow in ser-ice teachers de-elo+ and a++l TPACK throughout their teaching.

    11. Testing a TPACK4

      ,ased Technolog


    Assessment u5ric

    "udith ,. #arris

     eal ?randgenett

    Mar #ofer 

    &'1' 1. Man researcher +romoted to use TPACK in classroom $ immersi-e$ content45ased a++roaches$

    such as instructional modeling (iess$ &'')$ colla5orati-e lesson stud with uni-ersit

    researchers (?roth$ 2+icler$ ,ergner$ 7 ,ard%ell$ &''9)$ and meta4cogniti-e e/+loration of

    deicticL TPACK that emerges as curricula and technologies change (#ughes 7 2char5er$

    &''*). 2till others +romote acti-e$ +rofessional reflection and inuir.

    &. 8awson (&''G) and Pierson (&''*)$ for e/am+le$ suggest TPACK as a focus for teachersH action

    research. Mou%a 7 Dong (&''9) +ro+ose a TPACK45ased case de-elo+ment strateg in which

    teachers learn from their +ractice.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    decision4maing. #arris and #ofer (&''; &''9) draw u+on research a5out teachersH +lanning

     +ractices to suggest a learning acti-ities45ased a++roach to selecting and com5ining curriculum4

    eed teachingBlearning strategies and com+lementar educational technologies.

    Pur+ose of stud>

    i. Although there is e-er4increasing em+hasis on integrating technolog in teaching$ there are few

    well4tested and refined assessments to measure the ualit of this integration.ii. The few measures that are a-aila5le tend to fa-or constructi-ist a++roaches to teaching$ and

    thus do not accuratel assess the ualit of technolog integration across a range of different

    teaching a++roaches.iii. De ha-e de-elo+ed a more +edagogicall inclusi-eL instrument that reflects e TPACK

    conce+ts and that has +ro-en to 5e 5oth relia5le and -alid in two successi-e rounds of testing1&. Technological Pedagogical

    Content Knowledge

    (TPACK) in Action> A

    8escri+ti-e 2tud of

    2econdar TeachersH



    !nstructional Planning

      "udith ,. #arris

    Mar ". #ofer 

    &'11 1. 2uccessful technolog integration is rooted +rimaril in curriculum content and content4related

    learning +rocesses$ and secondaril in sa-- use of educational technologies (#arris$ Mishra$ 7

    Koehler$ &''9).

    &. To effecti-el integrate educational technologies into instruction$ K1& teachersH +lanning must

    occur at the ne/us of curriculum reuirements$ studentsH learning needs$ a-aila5le technologiesH

    affordances and constraints$ and the realities of school and classroom conte/ts.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    . #ow can this nowledge 5e de-elo+J

    Pur+ose of stud>

    i. #ow does teachersH technological +edagogical content nowledge (TPACK) inform their

    instructional +lanningJii. #ow can this nowledge 5e enhancedJ

    8ata generation and analsis in this stud focused. These are>

    • Pedagogical content nowledge (PCK)> 2hulmanHs construct a5out how to teach s+ecific

    content45ased material

    • Technological content nowledge (TCK)> #ow to select technologies that 5est em5od and

    su++ort +articular content45ased +rece+ts

    • Technological +edagogical nowledge (TPK)> #ow to use +articular technologies in teaching

    Technological +edagogical content nowledge (TPCKBTPACK)> #ow to teach s+ecific content4 5ased material$ using technologies that 5est em5od and su++ort it$ in was that are

    a++ro+riatel matched to studentsH needs and +references


    &'1 1. The influence of learning games has 5een studied in K41& settings with fa-ora5le outcomes as

    the ha-e 5een considered OOan agent for changeHH in the classroom (it%hau+t et al. &'1'$ +.


  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    0sing the TPACK

    Framewor to Anal%e

    Effects on Practice

      Michael A. E-ans $

    Miguel ino$ Kir5

    8eater48ecard 7

    Mido Chang

    &. The im+lementation of digital game 5ased learning in the classroom 5rings to the forefront the

    issue of teacher +rofessional de-elo+ment due to +otential changes that tae +lace in the


    1. #ow teachers from two contiguous school districts in southwest Virginia im+lemented The

    CandFactor$ an iPad4s+ecific learning game that focuses on +re4alge5raic conce+ts$

     +articularl fraction nowledge

    &. To e/em+lif the most salient

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    The im+lementation and ado+tion of the TPACK framewor using uantitati-e methodologies$

    including the TPACK sur-e$ ha-e 5een well documented in Asia.

    There are fewer studies that ha-e used TPACK as a lens to e-aluate a s+ecific technolog such as a

    learning game$ es+eciall using a ualitati-e4dri-en methodolog.

    1=. E/+loring the role of

    TPACK and teacher self4

    efficac> anethnogra+hic case

    stud of three iPad language

    arts classes

      Mar ?ene 2audelli 

    and Katia Ciam+a

    &'1= 1. This ethnogra+hic research stud in-estigated three elementar teachersH +ercei-ed self4efficac

     5eliefs and their attitudes toward mo5ile technolog enhanced instruction.

    &. 0sing technological +edagogical content nowledge (TPACK) as a guiding theor$ the authors

    sought to determine whether and how the three nowledge com+onents that form the

    foundation of the TPACK framewor technological$ +edagogical or content nowledge ha-e

    similar le-els of influence on teachersH language arts teaching +ractices.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    . Technolog attitude +ositi-el and significantl affects +ercei-ed com+uter self4efficac$

    com+uter an/iet and com+uter su++orted education


    a) To in-estigate three elementar teachersH +ercei-ed self4efficac 5eliefs and their attitudes toward

    mo5ile technolog enhanced instruction.

     5) To determine whether and how the three nowledge com+onents that form the foundation of the

    TPACK frameworTechnological$ +edagogical or content nowledge ha-e similar le-els of

    influence on teachersH language arts teaching +ractices.

    c) #ow each teacher incor+orated i+ad technologicall enhanced +edagogical +ractices and made

    connections to their 5eliefs a5out the role of technolog and education.

    1. E/+loring the TPACK of

    Taiwanese elementar

    mathematics and science

    teachers with res+ect to use

    of interacti-e white5oards

      2h4"ong "ang 7 

    Meng4Fang Tsai

    &'1& 35@ecti-es >

    To e/amine the differences 5etween elementar mathematics and science teachersH TPACK with

    res+ect to current use of !D,s

    To e/amine the differences among elementar teachersH TPACK 5 teaching su5@ects$ gender$ and

    teaching e/+eriences.


    The interacti-e white5oard is one of the technological tools that ha-e 5een 5ecoming widel used 5

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue



    teachers. #owe-er$ there are still man mathematics and science teachers who ha-e not +re-iousl used

    !D,s ("ang$ &'1').

    Although the notion of TPACK has 5een gaining recognition and acce+tance 5 educational

    researchers in recent ears$ research on the assessment of teachersH TPACK is @ust 5eginning

    e-iewing these TPACK4related uestionnaires and sur-es most of the instruments in-ol-e the use of

    !CT technolog and measure +re4ser-ice teachersH TPACK.

    Found onl a small num5er of ualit instruments that measure elementar in4ser-ice teachersH TPACK 

    (?raham et al.$ &''9)$ and few used !D, technolog in these conte/ts. To 5etter understand in4ser-ice

    elementar mathematics and science

    teachersH current use of !D,s and their TPACK thus 5ecome the need of this stud.

    !V > teaching su5@ects$ gender$ and teaching e/+eriences

    8V> TPACKHs score

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    1G. 2tuding Challenges in

    !ntegrating Technolog in

    2econdar Mathematics with

    Technological Pedagogical

    and Content Knowledge


      8orian 2toilescu


    Pur+ose of stud>

    1. To understand e/istent +edagogical de-elo+ment ideas and +edagogical models of nowledge in

    the conte/t of integration of technolog into mathematics education 5 e/+erienced teachers.

    &. To document and anal%e secondar school mathematics teachersH choice in integratingtechnolog.

    !ssues >

    i. Challenges intersect 5etween technolog and conte/t. 2ome limitations were due to challenges +osed 5 the technolog$ either hardware or software +ro5lems.

    ii. 6ac of com+uter technolog.

    !V > Two secondar mathematics teacher

    with o-er 14e/+erience

    8V > Challenges that teacher face andwas of im+ro-ing strategies of

    integrating !CT instruction.

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    1*. TeachersH technological

    Pedagogical Content

    Knowledge 2elf4 Efficacies

      !5rahim asar Ka%u

      Pinar Erten


    Pur+ose of stud >

    1. To determine teachersH -iews on technological +edagogical content nowledge (TPACK)$ their

    self4efficac$and whether these -iews changed according to se/$ age$ +eriod of ser-ice$ facult

    graduated from 5ranch$ access to the internet$ the use of technolog le-el$ and access to in4

    ser-ice training which is oriented to the use of technolog.

    &. To determine the difference 5etween teachersH self4efficac +erce+tions on TK and TPK

    according to the facult graduated from.

    esearch uestion>

    1. Dhat are the o+inions of teachers regarding their self4efficac in technological +edagogical

    content nowledgeJ

    &. #ow do the o+inions of teachers on their self4efficac in technological +edagogical content

    nowledge change according to se/$ age$ +eriod of ser-ice$ the facult graduated from$ 5ranch$

    the situation of access to technolog$ and the le-el of use of the technolog$ and the situation ofin4ser-ice training oriented towards the use of technologJ

    !V > Po+ulation of the stud was

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


      com+osed of +rimar school teachers

    who held office in the Ela%ig cit

    center in Ture in the academic

    ear &'114&'1&.

    8V > TeachersH TPACK self efficacies

    according to the -aria5le of

    se/$age$+eriod of ser-ice$facult

    graduated from$ 5ranch$ access to

    technolog$the use of technolog

    le-el and in4ser-ice training that is

    oriented to the use of technolog.19. Assessing Pre4ser-ice

    English as a Foreign

    6anguage TeachersH

    Technological Pedagogical

    Content Knowledge

    #sein Q%

    &'1 esearch Ruestion >

    1) #ow well does an E6T teacher education +rogram +re+are EF6 teachers with res+ect to their le-els

    of TPACK de-elo+mentJ

    &) !s there a significant difference in +re4ser-ice EF6 teachersH de-elo+ment of TPACK 5 gender and

    academic achie-ementJ

  • 8/16/2019 Meta-Analysis Issue


    &'. An !n-estigation of Pre4

    ser-ice TeachersH Technological

    Pedagogical Content Knowledge

    ,ased on a Variet of


    Feride Karaca

    &'1= 35@ecti-e> To e/amine +re4ser-ice teachersH Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

    and how it differs 5ased on a -ariet of characteristics (i.e. gender$ grade le-el$ t+e of high school

    graduated$ +ossession of different technologies)

    esearch Ruestion>

    1. Dhat are the +re4ser-ice teachersH le-el of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge


    &. 8o +re4ser-ice teachersH TPACK scores -ar with res+ect to gender$ grade le-el$ ind of high

    schools the ha-e graduated from$ their reasons for choosing their +rofessions$ their +erce+tions

    of the -alue of school e/+erience courses and their +ossessions of different technologies at




    "un4"ie Tseng

    &'1 35@ecti-e> To +resent a 5alanced assessment of TPACK 5 in-estigating studentsH +erce+tions of their

    teachersH TPACK.

    esearch Ruestion> Dhat were EF6 studentsH +erce+tions of their teachersH TPACKJ

    !V> TeachersH TPACK 

    8V > 2tudentsH +erce+tion

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