message from taoshobuddha

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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A Buddha-field is one of the most mysterious and rarest phenomena in the entire existence. A Buddha-field is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the entire existence. It implies whenever someone is awakened, his consciousness radiates a certain aura around him. Whoever is receptive and available, can be transformed by this radiating energy from an AWAKENED BEING. The very presence of the awakened one can hit you so deep that your dormant energy starts becoming alive once again.


TaoshMessage from Taoshobuddha

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We are once again at the threshold where we are moving from one realm to another. From one end the year 2010 has disappeared in the unknown oblivion. And another year has ushered in. Thus moves the wheel of time. This is change. The change takes place around the eternal axle that never changes.

Therefore I was wondering what should be the message when love has embodied itself as Jesus and time unfolds into a new dimension. It is most appropriate to overflow Buddha-Field.


Buddha-field – Mystery beyond the KnownA Buddha-field is one of the most

mysterious and rarest phenomena in the entire existence.

A Buddha-field is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the entire existence. It implies whenever someone is

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awakened, his consciousness radiates a certain aura around him. Whoever is receptive and available, can be transformed by this radiating energy from an AWAKENED BEING. The very presence of the awakened one can hit you so deep that your dormant energy starts becoming alive once again.

It has been described as a sleeping serpent being awakened. When the energy that was lying coiled, looking almost dead, is hit by the energy of the awakened one, it comes into life and begins to uncoil itself. This phenomenon of uncoiling energy in the presence of the awakened one is called Kundalini in the East. Kundalini simply means the serpent power.

The Buddha-field works like a network. In the hands of a skilled master it need not be confined to a small area alone. Instead it spreads beyond the dimensions of the known. This is the reason I began these meditations sessions, books and talks. Through this network of audio video and PDF, I am expanding the BUDDHA - FIELD beyond the horizons to the COSMIC LEVEL. All these efforts are likeputting a mirror in front of a light. The mirror does not produce light, however it can reflect light. And when a single light is surrounded by thousands of mirrors it can create a LIGHT OF

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IMMENSE QUANTITY and Beauty. In the same way these innumerable number of books on almost an inconceivable range to topics, audio, video and other devices have begun to act like thousands of mirrors now reflecting the light of the being that radiates through this presence.

In India there is a temple made totally of small pieces of mirror. When you enter the temple you are suddenly surrounded by your image reflecting from every nook and corner. In thousands of ways: from the ceiling, to the floor; from one corner to another; and all around the walls the image of the one inside reflects in many a myriad ways. Each reflectionrepresents you in your totality. It is not that the piece of mirror is going to reflect only a certain part of you. The mirrors reflect you in totality.Your whole being is reflected through these mirrors. And those thousands of mirrors all reflect you.

Just take a lit candle inside with you and you will be surprised at the effect of the flame. Just one flame suddenly becomes thousands of flames, and all the reflections create a tremendously awesome panorama of light. The man who had made the temple was one of the

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richest men in India. He simply loved to make unique things.

He simply created a unique piece of beauty, architecture, and something which has no parallel in the whole world. However he did not know the meaning of the creation.

This temple represents the BUDDHA-FIELD in a material way through myriads of


An ENLIGHTENED ONE creates thousands of seekers around him like reflecting mirrors. They are not awakened yet but they are aspiring to be awakened. They have not yet reached the ultimate. The flower has not yet blossomed. But like a bud they are very receptive, open, and available. In the presence of the master they can at least function as mirrors very easily.Then one Buddha gives birth millions of buddhas. Buddhahood or awakening is the seed that gives birth to millions of seed buddhas.

Through this network I have created communes so that thousands of seekers can come to sojourn and learn to reflect my BUDDHA –NATURE or AWARENESS. Remember never imitate a buddha. Reflection and imitation are two totally different things. The mirror never

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imitates you. The mirror simply reflects you as you are. An awakened one acts as a mirror so that you can see your reflection in the awakening of the master. Thus the seekers begin to reflect the light of the Buddha. And in the process one day are awakened.

Soon one who comes within this energy-field begins to reflect the light through gestures, reflected consciousness and many other ways. His way of thinking changes! Now he looks at the world and its phenomenon differently. In the process he has to be a mirror. In this process time and space make no difference. If you are available to me, and you are as close to me as you are then it does not matter to whichfarthest corner of the earth you belong. Certainly you he can and will ultimately reflect me.

Through these writings, audio, videos I am creating a network to connect to millions of seekers world over. And soon these millions of people will start reflecting the light. Also they are going to create a network of energy enveloping the whole earth.

Just as one sun rises in the morning, but it is reflected by all the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, and the ponds. Small ponds too reflect the same

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sun as the biggest ocean. Just one sun rises, and millions of places start reflecting it. And it is not only the ocean, lake, river, ponds alone reflecting instead there are other reflections too. The reflections through the ocean, lakes, ponds, mountain tops are gross. There are other reflections too that are more subtle.

Even before the sun comes above the horizon, the birds suddenly start singing the inner harmony. They are awakened, somethingtremendously beautiful has happened to them, and otherwise from where will the song arise? And they are so full of life! The flowers open their petals… these are reflections too. There is no obligation on their part. They can remain buds. There is no obligation on the part of the birds. They may decide not to sing, but something irresistible has happened withinwhich is beyond their control….

When the sun is rising, something is rising in them too through their life energy, or their Kundalini. Of course a bird cannot become a buddha, but it can at least sing, dance, fly in the sky just out of sheer joy, and open his wings as an indication of freedom, and aliveness. The bird can now claim the whole sky as its ownfield of play.

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And all the flowers – from the smallest grass flower to the biggest lotus – they suddenly all fall into a symphony. They forget all their differences. They forget that there are poor flowers and rich flowers too. That there is the proletariat and there are the bourgeois; suddenly all classes disappear. And in their flowering, in their opening, in their blossoming they release whatsoever they have.

They give back to existence as a gift whatever existence has given to them. This is what a Buddha does. He does not keep it, or hoard it. Buddha gives it back a thousand fold. He multiplies it, because what was – apparently –not in the seed, what was not in the roots, what was not in the tree, in the branches, in the leaves… has suddenly come to blossom in the flower - all the colors, all the fragrance and all the beauty too. But they waited long in the dark night for the sun to rise.

The presence of the inner sun suddenly gets reflected in millions of ways and creates a network of light, life, joy, fullness, and overflowing ecstasy. This is Buddha-field. One man getting awakened means the sun has risen. It is the declaration that the dark night of the soul is at an end. But it is possible only if there are millions of people spread all over the earth

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to create a connectedness. With this net of energy we may be able to transform many people who had no idea, or who had never dreamed that there is something more than a mundane life.

I am reminded of a story. It is not indeed a story instead a real fact. It is so strange and significant that it looks almost like a story. In South America in a hidden valley deep in the mountains, a small community of people was discovered that lived there. The community wasnot more than three hundred but all blind. It was strange. What had happened to these people? What calamity had fallen on them that they are all blind?

One man, very adventurous, a scientific enquirer, wanted to know what had happened to these people. Entire humanity was afraid to go into the valley. It was dangerous. If three hundred people are blind, perhaps there is something wrong in the air, or something wrong in the water, or something wrong in the food. Who knows what is wrong? You may go blind!

But this courageous young man entered the valley and was surprised. He did not turn blind. He figured out what was happening. There was a certain fly in the mountains. Every child was

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born with eyes, like any other child is born elsewhere. But within three, four months if the fly bites the child he will go blind. Three or four months were too long a time, and the fly was a common fly, all around, everywhere.

So everybody was born with eyes, but nobody ever remembered that once he had eyes because he had lost them so early in life – when he was two months old, at the most four months old. But the fly’s bite was not capable of destroying a young man’s eyes. So anybody who had passed at least one year was beyond the reach of the fly. It needed only the very vulnerable child.

The man wanted to help them because he had found the cause. The cause could be removedand those common children could be saved. While he was working on the plans of how to destroy the fly, those primitive people used to laugh at the madman. They used to laugh because they could not believe that they had eyes.

And of course they were three hundred and he was alone and there was no way to prove that he had eyes. Those three hundred people had never heard about eyes – he was just a poet, a dreamer!

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But living with them he fell in love with a girl of the community. He wanted to marry the girl.But the community put a condition: “You willhave to drop this illusion that you have eyes. And to make certain, we have our elders who will check you. If they find something that you call eyes, they will destroy them… because you have something which you should not have. No human being has eyes. Something is wrong with you.

“You can marry the girl of our community, but the condition is that you have to become part of our community. Also you have to become blind. The choice is your. Either you have to leave us alone and never disturb. Since you have come it has been a continuous disturbance. You have been corrupting our youth, by putting in their minds the idea of eyes. We have never heard even from our elders or our forefathers about eyes. We have always lived this way. And we donot need eyes. What will we do with eyes? We are perfectly happy and content.

“You have disturbed our peace and now you want to enter into our community. You have two choices either you lose your eyes and marry, or you forget all about this love affair and leave the valley and never return again.”

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The young man thought for the whole night. He really loved the woman, but this was stupid, the condition was simply idiotic, that he had to lose his eyes. In fact he loved the woman because of her eyes. She was so beautiful, and all those three hundred people were not aware of her beauty and they would never be aware of her beauty. It was his eyes that had given the glimpse of the beauty of the woman.

He had seen so many women, but he finally settled for this blind woman. Although she was blind, she had something indescribable, something otherworldly. But to lose one’s eyes to get that woman seems to be a very strange bargain, because in losing your eyes you will be also losing that woman. You will never be able to see her again. Then all women are equal. To a blind man what difference does it make that you have a homely woman or a professional? It does not matter at all.

No, he could not manage to convince himself to lose his eyes, because his eyes were the source of the experience of the beauty. In the middle of the night he escaped from the valley. And this is not a story, it is a historical fact.

I wondered humanity has progressed. It has come a long way from the days of Krishna,

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Socrates and Buddha. They have not moved a single inch! Human imbecility remains the same. Only mask has changed. And now they wear better masks than their ancestors, but behind the mask is hidden the same uncivilized, uncultured and ignorant consciousness.

Humanity is not able to accept the stranger. It is not vast enough to absorb the new, the unknown, and all that is not yet experienced. Humanity becomes irritated and annoyed too. It wants to destroy your eyes, because humanityis blind and your eyes will remind the humanityabout its blindness.

I would rather rely on individuals. In that way I can spread my message far and wide. I want to protect your eyes. They are very vulnerable because you are in the situation of a child and just a fly can destroy your eyes. And these people are not flies, they are monsters.

The Buddha-field has expanded its area, but its strategy has changed. Now I will depend on the individuals. The awakened ones can move around the world, to faraway regions. And still there will be a connecting link with me. Wherever there is an aspiring heart I am thereto reflect. He will reflect me and my light. He

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will transmit my energy, and my understandingas well.

This is the energy-field or Buddha-field – a mystery beyond the known!

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