message david draper, march 2018 - · wherefore you are no longer a servant, but a son:...

Post on 03-Aug-2019






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THE YEAR 2007, 09, 11, 15 E - NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR 2017


President’s Message – David Draper, March 2018

I think February was the calm before the storm. It was a pretty slow month for

activities, but that won’t last long. We are currently in the process of nominating members for

the various Officer, Board, and delegate positions. We are also in the planning stage for our

annual Recognition Dinner in April. The Officers are also trying to decide on who the award

recipients this year will be for our three awards at the Recognition Dinner.

We had a good turnout of volunteers for our monthly Merchandise Sales event at the VA

Medical Center. We made about the same amount of proceeds as in previous months, which is

pretty good. The VA is in the process of deciding whether to move the vendor area to another

area, where they think vendors will get more exposure to the public/patients. We smoothly

transitioned from Meni and I heading the Merchandise Team to a three-member Team

consisting of Larry St. Antoine, Scott Brooks-Miller, and Marv Rivers. Larry and Scott will

handle the event setup and sales, and Marv will handle the ordering and finance. The Team is

off to a great start. They already have implemented easier ways to deliver the merchandise to

the vendor area, and they are going to try selling a few other items than we have done in the

past. It won’t be long before we start attending Merchandise festival events. We will definitely

need volunteer help at that time for setup, sales, and takedown.

The highlight of the month, in my opinion, was our second time to serve the patients at

a VA Luncheon. It was a huge success again. My wife, Meni, was the photographer this time,

and George Perrault, Tim Driscoll, and Steve Hitte helped serve. Of course the afternoon

wouldn’t be a true success without LTC Charles Kettles. The Colonel passed out our new

challenge coins (with his name on them) to the patients. As he did that, he took time to chat

with each of them and took photos with those who wanted them taken. I presented LTC

Kettles with one of the coins, so he would have one for himself. We also presented them to

several of the Dietary staff and to the Acting Director of the Facility. We, the volunteers, were

asked again to sit and enjoy a meal with the patients after all the patients had been served. It

was a very good lunch served with steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, vegetable soup, and

cherry pie. The volunteers especially appreciated it because this time the VA asked us to come

to the event. They paid for the food this time, and we provided the waiters and the Colonel.

There were a couple of VVA members from Plymouth who were there as patients.


March will bring another AVVA Quartermania event. It will be held at the Milan

American Legion Post 268. As you know, all the proceeds that the AVVA gets goes to Fisher

House Michigan. If you’ve never helped, come on out and see how a successful fundraiser is


Notable dates in March are March 3: Navy Reserve Birthday (1915), March 5: Seabee

Birthday (1942), March 29: National Vietnam Veterans Day (2017), and March 30: Welcome

Home Vietnam Veterans Day (2011).

Have a great month and try to volunteer for at least one event a month. It’s the best

way to help other Veterans, and you will feel good about doing it.

Dave Draper


Air Force C-130 Loadmaster


From the Editor’s Desk

Vance McCrumb and I had lunch with our February Anonymous

Donor, and we already have another donor for March. These donors are

people who have offered to upgrade a new member’s regular membership

to life membership. If you would like to be a donor for April or upcoming

months, please contact me or Vance. With $80 per new member, you can

upgrade a regular membership to life membership. It is a way to say to

newcomers, “Welcome home!”

About the newsletter, a few of our Dispatch Volunteers met for lunch, and we decided

to keep the Dispatch format as is for now. With the coming of new officers and Board, we will

start implementing changes and upgrading the Dispatch format. Till then, we will keep it as is.

Especially for this month, take a look at John Kinzinger’s article on coincidences. As

you do that, please think about your own story of coincidences, and please consider sharing it

with our Dispatch readers. As always, pictures are appreciated when you submit an article.

Enjoy your Dispatch!

— Paulo-Juarez Pereira

Dispatch Editor

March 2018


Chaplain’s Corner — March 2018

By Rev. Gordon Moore

Easter comes on April first; so, I thought I would bring awareness to the holiest of our

Christian holidays, as we have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice in.

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be

justified by faith. But after faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For we are

all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. For as many of you as have been baptized into

Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there

is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you

are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Now I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differs not from a servant, though he

be lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Even so

we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman,

made under the law, to redeem them who were under the law, that we might receive the


adoptions as sons (and daughters). And because we are sons (and daughters), God has sent

forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore you are no longer

a servant, but a son: then an heir of God through Christ.

Because Christ came and suffered and died, He was able to bring us unto himself and

thus to the Father. That is the kernel of the Easter message. We have nothing and are nothing

apart from Christ and His work.

Hallelujah! He is risen and we are risen in him to newness of life.

A most blessed Easter to all who are His and those who will yet become His.


* * * * * * * * * *

2018 VAMC Resident Luncheon

Our VVA310 Chapter has participated in serving lunch to the ambulatory patients at the

Ann Arbor VA Hospital. I will present a few of the pictures of that event, and you can see more

pictures at the following Web address: From the picture I am sure you

will see that it was a fun event, and I know Chapter members look for ward to the next

opportunity. Enjoy the photos.



Vietnam Veterans of America Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 –

General Membership Meeting – 8 February 2018 –

by Berryman L. Bourne, Acting Secretary

Call to Order by President David Draper at 1900 hours.


Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for POW/MIA’s, their families, and those who are

serving in hazardous places around the world.

Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!

Guests: One new member, Bob Kurtz, was in attendance. He gave a brief overview of his 20

years in the Air Force. Then, two guest speakers were introduced. Susan Torrible was the first

quest speaker. She is a photography student at Washtenaw Community College. She works

independently as a photographer, taking pictures for free of older adults in the community that

might not have the opportunity or resources to have a really nice picture taken. Specifically,

she would like to take pictures of veterans that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Please

keep her in mind if the occasion arrives. Her contact information is or 734.834.0426. The second guest speaker was Karen

Stafford, BSN, RN, CGRN titled as a Clinical Nurse Manager, Endoscopy with the VA in Ann

Arbor. She discussed how colon cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States.

Who gets colon cancer? Both men and women and generally people 50 or older. Risks increase

with age. She encouraged all individuals 50 or older to get a screening test. Her contact

information is or 734.845.3574. For additional information view or 1.800.CDC-INFO.

Meeting was suspended at this time to receive nominations for next year’s officers and

directors. Marv Rivers represented the Nomination committee.

Motion was made to Approve the December meeting minutes that were emailed to members

and inserted on VVA’s website. Motion made by Sandie Wilson and seconded by Ken Rogge.

Motion was approved.

President’s Report: David Draper stated the second round of nominations will be received at

the 8 March 2018 meeting. He further stated that the annual meeting will take place on

Sunday, 8 April 2018, beginning at 1200 hours. He thanked Peggy McCery for her $500

donation to Support the Troops fund. In addition, he commented and presented numerous

letters the chapter has received from units that were supplied with care packages before


Treasurer’s Report: Jon Luker presented the financial statements on a screen and

commented that $52k revenue received through 31 January 2018 is $15k favorable when

compared to the annual budget. He further commented that $43k expenses were $3k

unfavorable when compared to the annual budget. These variances resulted in a $12k surplus

for eleven months.

AVVA Report: Kathy Driscoll stated that AVVA has 35 members now. Please see the attached

full report on AVVA activities.

Food Pantry: Tim and Kathy Driscoll took one veteran living in Saline grocery-shopping in

January, and they were reimbursed from the Food Pantry fund. Don Miller stated that Meijer’s

has contributed a $500 food card, which will be applied to the 2018 Pig Roast fund.

Merchandise Report: Larry St. Antoine stated that he will be selling merchandise next

Tuesday, 13 February 2018, at the VA hospital in Ann Arbor. Using new tablet for charge cards

is producing good results, covering more than half the sales.

Washtenaw County Council of Veterans Report: Jon Luker stated that a dinner will be held

on 19 March 2018 beginning at 1800 hours and dinner at 1900 hours. PTSD will be one of the

topics discussed that evening.

Memorial Maintenance Report: Al Merritt commented that Doan Construction engineers

have drawn up plans for creating four parallel handicap parking spaces. Al further commented

that they are purchasing a push mower.

Website Report: Vance McCrumb reported that the website is up and running with no major


Membership Report: Vance McCrumb stated that he anticipates the membership to total 206

by April based on current activity. One new member not in attendance was William Steffins,

who served in the Air Force. An anonymous donor said he would pay for new members to be

Life Members by contributing the additional $80 per member over the $20 annual fee. Another


anonymous donor paid for four new January members. We have a donor for March and are

looking for donors for April. Please contact Paulo-Juarez Pereira or Vance McCrumb.

Newsletter: Vance McCrumb posted the February 2018 newsletter on the website.

VAAAHS Report: No report.

Old Business: President Draper stated that we are relocating the safe deposit box contents to

our new banking relationship with Ann Arbor State Bank as soon as the signatory is finalized.

New Business: President Draper stated that the annual Gary Lillie Recognition Dinner will be

held on Sunday, 21 April 2018, at the UAW Hall in Rawsonville. Doors open at 1800 hours with

dinner served at 1830 hours. Jon Luker presented the draft operating budget for fiscal year

2018/2019 ending 28 February 2019. He commented that the budget reflects similar receipts

and disbursements as budget for the current fiscal year with minor changes based on eleven

months experience. There was discussion about revenue budgeted for certain fund raising

events and meals for volunteers. VVA National by-laws prohibit compensation to volunteers.

David Draper to contact VVA National to better understand the definition of compensation and

its application.

Good of the Chapter: Brewed Awakenings Café, 7025 E. Michigan Ave., Saline, MI on

Tuesday, 17 April 2018, will donate 20% of their proceeds for all food served between 0700

hours to 1100 hours to VVA Chapter 310.

Next Chapter Breakfast: with be Friday, 9 February 2018, at 0900 hours at Holiday’s

Restaurant, 2080 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor

Closing prayer was given by Tim Driscoll. President Draper led the group in a salute to

the flag to close the meeting at 2055 hours.


Talk About Coincidence! — by John Kinzinger

Those who know me know that I talk with strangers quite a bit when I am out and

about. There are times when things happen that are a coincidental slap in the face. How often

have you been near someone and not struck a conversation and missed a meeting like the

following? I know we all do. I just wished to share this one, and maybe you too will initiate a

similar experience. This is a small world.

Jane and I met Bob, who I served with in Vietnam, at American Legion Post 110 in Port

Charlotte, Florida. We were sitting outside in their Tiki bar, enjoying some beverages and

beautiful sunny breezy weather. Neither Bob nor I were wearing our 1st Cavalry cap or T-shirt.

Soon after we arrived, a man and wife walked in. He was wearing a 1st Cav cap. I asked Bob

if he knew him. He did not. I said shouldn’t we introduce ourselves to him? Bob said, “I do

not do that; you do those things.”

After their drink, that couple was about to leave, and I said loudly, “Hey Cav!”—and he

turned and came over to us. I have done this hundreds of times, but never with results like

this. As I most always do, I asked, “What Cav unit were you with?” He responded, “I served

with a support artillery unit.” I believe he said it was the 1/26th Artillery. He asked where we

had been over there. We responded, Phan Thiet. He said so did his battery. This coincidence

level is one that was rare as not much went on in our area of operation, and we did not have

that much artillery support. He said they were at Phan Thiet for most of the year I was there.

One of the hilltops we used as a radio relay site for our infantry unit support was called

LZ Bartlot. It also became an artillery firebase. Bob asked George, the Cav man we just met,

if he was ever out to LZ Bartlot: Sure enough, he remembered it well. There was us, radio

operators; then there were about 30 infantry there for our perimeter security, and then the

105mm crew. That is not many total men. We did not remember meeting on that hilltop in

Vietnam. But here the three of us met 51 years later, in a Florida American Legion Tiki Bar.

That is coincidence!


But the coincidence did not end there. You see, it turns out George is a snowbird like us

and has a home in Ohio, near Bowling Green. I said I had relatives who live in the small farm

town of Bradner. George said that is actually where they live. He said Bowling Green, so we

would know the approximate area he was from.

Here it gets even more interesting. I have some relatives who live in little old Bradner,

a town of a couple of hundred people. It is right in the middle of farm country. George

extremely coincidentally knew exactly where my grandparents farm house was located, before

it burned down in the 1960s. He was a volunteer fireman and actually fought that fire. The

road it was on had, and still has, about four houses.

Now, that was the rest of the small world coincidence. I am glad I hollered “Hey Cav!”

to him.

Anyone else have a coincidence situation to share? Please get it to Paulo so that all our

Dispatch readers can enjoy it.


VVA310 Award-Winning Newsletter — by George Perrault

The Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 has had the honor of being awarded the VVA

national newsletter of the year for chapters under 200 in four different occasions (every two

years). Most recently, it was awarded the E­Newsletter of the year at the 2017 VVA National


The Dispatch newsletter is a product of dedicated team work. Its current and past

editors and staff are to be commended for their dedication and enthusiasm. A brief description

of how the newsletter’s organization functions is described here.

The task of gathering articles and stories from Chapter members, AVVA associates, and

others is the editor’s responsibility, who currently is Paulo-Juarez Pereira. Once put in its

proper format, the newsletter is emailed to John and Jane Kinzinger for style editing and

content verification, including dates, names, and events.

Once all the changes are implemented, Dispatch newsletter is sent electronically to a

large list of recipients that includes Chapter members, AVVA associates, donors, and business

leaders, and supporters. At the same time, the newsletter is forwarded to OfficeMax for


Meanwhile, the address labels are maintained by life member Pete Belaire. The labels

are printed and delivered to me. My tasks are as follows: Affix stamps and address labels,

fold and seal the newsletters, and deliver them to the Post Office for mailing.

The mailing list fluctuates from month to month, with personnel moving into and out of

the area, switching to the electronic version only, or for other reasons. So, there is a slight

variation of cost from month to month, but a breakdown of the current monthly expenses for

printing and mailing the newsletter is as follows:

a. $43.82 — Average printing cost, at a very favorable rate;

b. $61.25 — Monthly cost of stamps;

c. $105.07 — Average cost of monthly mailouts (printing plus stamps);

d. $1260.84 — Average yearly cost of mailing (12 months);

e. $10.09 — Average yearly cost per person receiving the Dispatch in their


For the past 48 months, an estimated 6,300 stamps have been used for mailing the

Dispatch. Thus, your support is needed and greatly appreciated. If you are a Dispatch Patron,

your support is appreciated. If you would like to become a Dispatch Patron, there is a simple


way to do this. Make your check payable to VVA310, with memo line: “Dispatch Patron.”

Send your check to the following address:

Charles S. Kettles VVA310

P.0. Box 3221

Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106-3221

Every newsletter lists the names of Dispatch Patrons. Subscriptions are credited at a

rate $1.50 per month. As a final note, please consider making a donation “In Memory of”

someone, if you so desire. We thank you for your continued support!


AVVA Newsletter March 2018

If you are on Facebook, you can join the AVVA Michigan closed group. Just send a Friend

Request to Marilyn Lash and she will accept you as a member of the AVVA Michigan closed

group. This is how our AVVA Michigan State Association communicates between the bi-monthly



AVVA Members were busy volunteering and supporting AVVA and VVA projects in January

• Members supported VVA 310 Merchandise Sales at VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

o Next VVA 310 VA Merchandising sales is Tuesday, March 13th, VVA 310 needs

our help!

• Inventory of the VVA Merchandise and ticketing all new merchandise items was


Keep up to date with our chapter: All AVVA and VVA 310 events are posted on our chapter's

webpage, in the VVA News Flash section on the right column on the


AVVA Michigan State Association News

Next meeting will be in March 11, 2018 in Howell, MI. AVVA MI will be selling Challenge Coins

for $10.

Fundraising Report

Fisher House Michigan

Next Fisher House Michigan Quartermania will be Monday, March 5th at Milan American Legion.

If you are available, we need help selling bid paddles, food, raffle and 50/50 tickets; and

quarter bid runners. We raised $1,114 for Fisher House Michigan in December 2017. We are

close to reaching our goal to donate $2,000 to Fisher House Michigan.

AVVA Chapter 310 Operating and Special Projects Fund

I will be raffling a “Tastefully Simple 10 Meal Family Faves” meal kit at my vendor table at the

Quartermania. This special raffle will benefit AVVA 310 Operating and Special Projects funds.

Our new Fiscal Year begins on March 1st. We need to have a Fundraising Committee. Please

bring your fundraising ideas to our March 8th meeting.


Monday, March 19th is the WCCV Annual Dinner. Tickets are $25. This year’s dinner is at

Washtenaw County College. Please let me know if you would like to attend. All WCCV

Organizations are requested to purchase 10 VIP tickets for the dinner. That being said, AVVA

310 will be purchasing 10 VIP tickets.

Chapter Elections


2018 is an AVVA Chapter Election year. AVVA 310 will elect a Chapter Rep and Alternate

Chapter Rep for a two-year term. All AVVA Chapter elections are held in April. Our Chapter

election will be Sunday, April 8th at the VFW Post 423 from 1200 – 1600 hours.

VVA/AVVA 310 Recognition Dinner

The recognition dinner will be on Saturday, April 21st. More information at our March meeting.

Next meeting is March 8th. We will be working on our 2018 – 2019 Fiscal Budget and set up

Chapter Committees for 2018-2019.

Kathy Driscoll

Chapter Representative, AVVA Chapter 310

AVVA Michigan State Association Vice President


Dispatch Patrons — by Jon Luker

Chapter/Dispatch Patrons - Please check your dates to see if you are current

*Name listed on the Washtenaw County Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

The members, associates, and supporters have made contributions to support our VVA310

Chapter by offsetting the cost of printing and postage. The month and year specify the date

when the subscription expires. Please consider a donation “In Memory of.” Please contact Jon

Luker for further information.

Our Chapter retains $9.00 of your yearly $20.00 dues, and it costs about $12.00 a year for

printing and postage. So, your Dispatch Patron support is appreciated. If you would like to

donate, please make a check payable to VVA 310 for any amount—Memo line: Dispatch

Patron. You can conveniently use our Paypal facility at We will credit one month

for every $1.50 donated. Please mail your check to: VVA 310, P.O. Box 3221, Ann Arbor, MI

48106-3221. Again, thank you for your continued support!

List of Supporters and Expiration Date:

George F Boone ~ October 2021; Berryman Bourne ~ August 2020; Cynthia Calhoun ~

February 2018; Gary Couture ~ November 2017; Joseph Flint ~ January 2021; James Graham

~ February 2019; Phil and Gena Hecker ~ Feb 2021; Steve and Shirley Hitte ~ Jan 2023;

Dorothy & Donald Kepler ~ October 2018; Dick Knight ~ May 2018; Jane and John Kinzinger ~

September 2018; Sandy Martinez ~ September 2021; Dell Mayes ~ April 2018; Al (Fredo)

Merritt ~ May 2018; Ron Oliver ~ February 2019; Ann and Paulo-Juarez Pereira ~ August

2018; George Perrault ~ October 2022; Mira & Bob Pierson ~ October 2021; Ken Rogge ~

April 2018; Glenn Sakcriska ~ November 2026; Edith Semark ~ December 2017;

Ron and Marina Silverberg ~ March 2019; Tom & Sandi Sorensen ~ October 2017; Chris

Wetzler ~ December 2017; Elizabeth Wong ~ June 2018;

Donations “In Memory of”:

Linda Lamey-Leonard, In memory of Lavern Lamey* ~ July 2021; Patricia Beechem in

memory of her brother, David S. Palmer ~ October 2018; Helena Prince, in Memory of

deceased member husband Tom Prince ~ April 2023; Corrine Gignac, in Memory of Vietnam

Veteran Marine Gary L West ~ December 2018; Bonnie Woods in memory of her Vietnam

Veteran husband, Gary Woods ~ December 2018.

Blessings all!

Jocosity — by Ken Rogge

On Death and Funerals: "Do you believe in life after death?"—the boss asked one of his

employees. "Yes, Sir," the new employee replied. "Well, then, that makes everything just


fine," the boss went on. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral,

she stopped in to see you!"

Current Events — by Ann Dempsey

Please check for the latest updates on currents events. Especially

keep in mind the following events:

➢ March 5th, AVVA Quartermania for Fisher House Michigan, American Legion Post

268, Milan, MI.

➢ March 8th, VVA310 Board Meeting and AVVA Meeting, VFW423 Hall, 1800 hours;

Chapter meeting for VVA310 at 1900 hours. Second round of officers and board

nominations will be held.

➢ March 9th , 0900: Chapter breakfast at Bomber Restaurant, 306 East Michigan

Avenue in Ypsilanti. Guests welcome.

➢ March 13th: Merchandise sales at VAMC, Ann Arbor, 0800—1400 hours.

➢ April 8th: VVA310 special annual meeting: Final round of officers and Board

nominations at 1200 hours, and elections from 1300 to 1600 hours at VFW423


* * * * * * *

Coincidences in Vietnam—by Paulo-Juarez Pereira

My historical outlook for this month will be about conincidences (See John Kinzinger’s

article article on coincidences, in this month’s newletter). As you read this, please consider

your own “coincidence” story, and perhaps you will share it with our Dispatch readers.

When I got my commission as second lieutenant in the Signal Corps, my specialty was

to be a field artillery communications officer. I trained for this in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The job

was to set up communicaitons between the artillery unit out in the field and headquarters staff.

So, when I went to Vietnam, I had orders to join a field artillery unit somewhere

southwest of Hue, near A Shau Valley. I was an airborne soldier, and the 101st Airborne

Division was at the A Shau Valley. So, that is where I was headed.

On my flight to Vietnam, I traveled on a military plane, filled mostly with second

lieutenants. Our processing center was to be in Long Binh, northeast of Saigon. Long Binh

was one of the largest military bases of Vietnam, housing as many as 40,000 U.S. personnel.

I was being processed by the 1st Signal Brigade. And here is where the coincidences started.

Connected by Language On my very first day of processing, I was called into the commanding officer’s office. “I

can’t be in trouble; I just got here!”—I thought. The colonel I reported to was looking at some

papers when I walked in, and he asked, without looking at me, “Are you from Brazil?” I said,

“Yes, Sir!” “What are you doing here?” — he inquired. I was stunned by the question and

said, “I was drafted, Sir!”

Attention: Ticket Sales for Recognition Dinner!

$10 each (down from $15 from last year)

April 21st, 1800 hours, UAW 898 Hall: — 8978 Textile Rd, Ypsilanti —

Please contact George Perrault,

375 Chandler, Saline, Mi. 48176 — 734 429 1246 —


At that point, the colonel lifted his eye off the paper, smiled, and started speaking

Portuguese with me, with a slight American accent but in perfect diction and grammar. After I

picked my jaw off the floor, the colonel explained he had been a U.S. military attaché in Rio de

Janeiro for four years, and it was his turn to serve in Vietnam. I asked him where he learned

Portuguese, and he said he had learned at the Defense Language Institute, in Monterey,

California—at the same place where I was working when I was drafted, though he had been a

student there before my time.

We chatted for a while in Portuguese, and the colonel asked, “How would you like to

stay around here? I need a lieutenant for Saigon, because another lieutenant will return to the

United States next month. Meanwhile, you can stay in Long Binh and learn about how the First

Signal Brigade does its work. We also have a Portuguese-speaking club, with U.S. officers that

served in Brazil, but we do not have any native speakers. We meet once a week for dinner;

and if you want, you can join our club.”

Again I was stunned. One of my goals in Vietnam was to understand the war—and

going to Saigon was going to give me a chance to learn all I could about the war. So, I

accepted the colonel’s offer, and my orders were changed.

What are the chances, I thought! Of all the places I could have gone in Vietnam, I

ended up going to a place where a former military attaché in Brazil met me, and he needed

someone to replace someone in Saigon, and my orders were changed, giving me a huge

opportunity to learn about the Vietnam War. The connecting point to all that was that I was

from Brazil and spoke Portuguese.

So, this is my “coincidence” story. Please think about your “coincidence” story, and

perhaps you will decide to share it with our Dispatch readers.

—Paulo-Juarez Pereira

Vietnam Veterans of America

Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 PO Box 3221 Ann Arbor, MI 48106

Please Forward, Thank You


If You Wish Contact Us

Here is how you can reach the Officers of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 310:

Contact Number for membership and other information: 734-439-1606

President: Dave Draper

Vice President: Al (Fredo) Merritt

Secretary: Paulo-Juarez Pereira

Treasurer: Jon Luker

Dispatch Newsletter Editor: Paulo-Juarez Pereira


Chapter Address:

VVA 310 PO Box 3221, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3221

Thank you for your continued Support!

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