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    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification




    1.—Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.2.—Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 3.—NASALangley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23666, USA. 4.—Department of Mechanical Science andEngineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. 5.—

    A method for classifying grain stress evolution behaviors using unsupervisedlearning techniques is presented. The method is applied to analyze grainstress histories measured in situ using high-energy x-ray diffraction micro-scopy from the aluminum–lithium alloy Al-Li 2099 at the elastic–plastictransition (yield). The unsupervised learning process automatically classifiedthe grain stress histories into four groups: major softening, no work-hardeningor -softening, moderate work-hardening, and major work-hardening. Theorientation and spatial dependence of these four groups are discussed. Inaddition, the generality of the classification process to other samples is ex-plored.


    The macroscopic constitutive response and failurecriteria of engineering alloys are dictated by thebehaviors of the individual grains that comprise thematerial. To understand these behaviors, experi-mental characterization techniques have advancedto simultaneously measure the in situ microme-chanical response of many individual grains, bothon the surface of samples in a scanning electronmicroscope1–3 and in the bulk of samples using x-raytechniques.4 A natural challenge that arises oncethese data have been collected is how to efficientlyextract critical information about the constitutiveresponse. Previous research using these largedatasets has tended to the extremes: analyzing ahandful of grains in great detail5–9 or averagingover the entire collection of grains probed.10–12

    Driving these extremes are the limitations imposedby manual analysis. Instead, we propose the use ofunsupervised learning techniques to distill theensemble behavior of all grains probed down tofundamental descriptors. In this work, we demon-strate the utility of this approach by analyzing thetensile deformation behavior of �100 grains in thealuminum–lithium alloy Al-Li 2099 through theelastic–plastic transition (yield).

    The application of machine learning to materialsscience has been proposed as a path forward forattaining new insights into engineering alloy behaviorand guiding the creation of new alloy systems.13 Agreat deal of focus has been placed on building newtools to link structure and properties in an automatedfashion in order to accelerate the materials designprocess.14–18 However, as mentioned, other challengesexist regarding the interpretation and analysis of thelarge datasets that we can now gather using electronmicroscopes, synchrotron x-ray and neutron facilities,and large-scale numerical models. With these ‘bigdata’, it can now be difficult to simply determine whatfeatures are important in a dataset. Other researchershave begun to attempt to address the challenge bydeveloping new methods to find critical deformationbehaviors in large datasets and to tie these tomicrostructural features.19–21 Likewise, we present anew method for classifying yield behavior from grainstress histories in individual grains (which canpresently be both measured and modeled) using theunsupervised learning techniques of principal compo-nent analysis and clustering.

    This paper will analyze grain stress data from theAl-Li 2099 alloy, which has been previously studiedusing more traditional methods, to unpack theconstituent grain stress behaviors.22 Al-Li alloys

    JOM� 2019 U. S. Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • offer increased specific stiffness and strength, com-pared to conventional aluminum alloys, makingthem attractive for use in aerospace and spaceflightapplications. However, these alloys are also suscep-tible to grain boundary cracking (known as delami-nation fracture)23 that has been attributed to specificgrain pairings.24 The former study investigated thesemechanisms through the manual inspection of indi-vidual grain stress responses measured in situ usinghigh-energy x-ray diffraction microscopy (HEDM)during uniaxial tension. In the study, two clear grainstress behaviors could be identified: a decrease in flowstress at yield (softening) and continuous increases inflow stress (work-hardening). As examples, Fig. 1shows the evolution of the normal stress componentsalong the loading direction ryy with increasingmacroscopic strain e for representative grains of thetwo behaviors. It was observed that the grains thatsoften initially (display a yield point) were oftenoriented primarily for crystallographic slip on asingle slip system, while hardening grains wereoriented for polyslip. However, challenges stillexisted classifying the behavior of grains whosebehaviors were between the extremes, such as theresponse also shown in Fig. 1. As will be shown,unsupervised learning can aid classification of allgrains probed. With behaviors properly grouped,unifying microstructural characteristics can bedetermined for the development of constitutive rela-tionships and state evolution equations.

    The outline of the paper is as follows. The‘‘Materials and Methods’’ section will briefly reviewdata collection and focus on processing of the grainstress data. The ‘‘Results and Analysis’’ section willpresent results regarding the classification of yieldbehavior in Al-Li 2099 grains. The results will bediscussed and physically interpreted in the ‘‘Dis-cussion’’ section, while a summary will be providedin the ‘‘Summary’’ section.


    The data collection and stress calculations aredescribed in more detail in Ref. 22, but a shortsummary follows. An Al-Li 2099 specimen wasdeformed in uniaxial tension in displacement con-trol at a rate of 10 nm/s to a final engineering strainof 0.02. Prior to loading, the 3-dimensional grainmorphology was characterized using the box-beamnear-field HEDM technique.25,26 As the sample wasloaded, far-field HEDM scans were performed con-tinuously from which elastic strain tensors27 of 110grains were found at each scan. For analysis, onlygrains with high confidence in the data were used(completeness >0:9 and v2

  • ½X� ¼

    s1M0� �Ts2M0

    � �T...

    snM0� �T


    37777775; ð3Þ

    creating a 76 � 16 matrix. The data matrix columnswere then normalized such that the mean of each

    column was equal to 0 to create ½ ~X�. In thisorganization of the mRSS data, each grain stresshistory serves as an independent observation. Prin-cipal component vectors fwjg were then calculatedas the eigenvectors of ½ ~X�T½ ~X�. The first threeprincipal component vectors were used to calculatescores z for each grain history with a score definedas:

    zji ¼ fwjg � fsiM0 g: ð4Þ

    For the dataset analyzed, 71.2%, 98.0%, and 99.8%of the data variance are explained by use of one,two, and three principal component vectors, respec-tively, while inclusion of a fourth principal compo-nent vector increases the explained data variance to99.9%. Once scores for each grain stress historywere found, the grain behaviors were clusteredusing the K-Means algorithm.30 The optimum num-ber of clusters was determined by adding clustersuntil diminishing returns were gained in the costfunction.


    The first three principal component vectors fwjgare plotted versus macroscopic strain in Fig. 3, withthe principal vectors labeled A–C. We note that theprincipal vectors are only unique to sign, and thesigns of each vector as plotted and used were chosento facilitate comparison to the mRSS histories. We

    see in the figure that fwAg rises to saturation, fwBgis relatively constant, and fwCg has a sharp oscil-lation downwards with a return to the initial value.The first three principal vectors appear to haveanalogues to mRSS behaviors at the elastic–plastictransition observed in the data, which will bereflected in the scores found when projecting thedata against the principal vectors (noting the sign).A positive score found when projecting a mRSShistory against fwAg indicates a smooth work-hardening response, while a negative score indi-cates a smooth softening response. A mRSS historyhaving a positive score when projected against fwCgindicates a short softening transient, while a neg-ative score indicates a work-hardening transient.Lastly, since fwBg is relatively flat, large scoreswhen projected against fwBg indicate little evolu-tion of the mRSS response once a grain has begun toyield. As the principal vectors can be interpreted asthe vectors closest to the observation set,30 in thiscase the mRSS histories, the resemblance to thestress behaviors is not unexpected.

    The scores for the grain mRSS histories werecalculated as described in the ‘‘Materials and Meth-ods’’ section. Scatter plots of the data projected on tothe principal component vectors are shown inFig. 4a–c. There do not appear to be any trends inthe principal component B and C scores (zB versuszC). The clearest trends appear in Fig. 4b (zA versuszC) where the data are concentrated on a relativelytight arc, which indicates that there appears to be acorrelation between how much of a smooth stressevolution behavior (zA) and how much of a shorttransient is necessary (zC) to capture an observedmRSS response. Interestingly, both extreme ends ofthe curve have positive values of zC, indicating asoftening transient existing in the data. We can alsosee that these data appear to fall into four groupsseparated along zA. K-Means clustering was used to

    separate these four groups using the zA–zC

    Fig. 2. An example of raw and denoised mRSS history (sM and sM 0 ).Inset reduced subset of the mRSS data used in principal componentanalysis.

    Fig. 3. The first three principal component vectors fwjg plottedversus macroscopic strain e.

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification

  • projection, and the groupings are shown in Fig. 4d.While four groups appear to be present, analysis ofthe K-Means objective found diminishing returnswith the inclusions of more than four clusters. Inthe figure, blue corresponds to ‘Group 1’, red to‘Group 2’, green to ‘Group 3’, and black to ‘Group 4’.These colors will be used to identify these groups forthe rest of the paper. We note that the division ofbehavior is primarily through the zA score (scoresseparated along zA), however, the zA–zC projectionprovides clearer groupings.

    The mRSS histories of the four groups are plottedin Fig. 5a–d. The average responses of each group ofhistories are also shown with a dashed line in theplots. As we see in the figure, the classificationprocess readily divided the grains into differentbehavior sets. Group 1 histories correspond tograins that show the most (major) softening, con-sistent with the relatively large zC scores. Grains inGroup 2 show little work-hardening or -softening,consistent with the zA and zC scores near 0. Group 3grains show moderate amounts of work-hardeningwhich aligns well with the moderate and positive zA

    scores and zC scores near 0. Lastly, Group 4 grainsshow the most (major) work-hardening and have thelargest zA. These grains also have relatively largepositive zC scores, indicating that a short transientsoftening was necessary to capture the behavior ofGroup 4 grains.


    The evolution of the maximum resolved shearstress of grains in Al-Li 2099 was analyzed usingunsupervised learning techniques. The PCA classi-fied the grains into four groups: (1) major softening,(2) no work-hardening or -softening, (3) moderatework-hardening, and (4) major work-hardening.The unsupervised learning provided a morenuanced view of the behavior classification than asimple binary choice of hardening or softening,22

    providing a new means with which to quantitativelyunderstand and classify constitutive response. Aswe better classify grain responses, we can improveour micromechanical models by ensuring that theyinclude the most critical features of the deformationresponse. This is especially critical for modeling

    Fig. 4. (a) Scatter plot of zA versus zB . (b) Scatter plot of zA versus zC . (c) Scatter plot of zB versus zC . (d) Scatter plot of zA versus zC coloredby groups found using K-Means clustering. Group 1 is blue, Group 2 is red, Group 3 is green, and Group 4 is black.

    Pagan, Kaminsky, Tayon, Nygren, Beaudoin, and Benson

  • complex processes such as strain localization,believed to be intimately tied to the initiation offatigue and fracture, where multiple competinghardening and softening behaviors may be occur-ring simultaneously.

    Orientation and Spatial Dependence of GrainBehaviors

    The orientation dependence of the mRSS responseof these grains has been previously studied.22

    However, in light of the new behavior classificationsfound using PCA, it is worth revisiting Fig. 6a–c inmore detail. Figure 6a shows the orientation of theloading axis for all grains on an inverse polefigure with each grain colored by the group label.Figure 6b and c color the grain-loading axis orien-tations by the principal vector A and C scores (zA

    and zC), respectively. Generally, we see in Fig. 6bthat zA, correlated with long-transient hardening

    behavior, has a strong orientation dependence.Conversely, zC values in Fig. 6c, correlated withshort-transient softening, does not have a strongorientation dependence.

    The locations of both hardening grain groups(Groups 3 and 4) are near the edges of the triangle.Group 4 grains, which exhibited the most work-hardening, are located near [111] and are the mosttightly co-located grains on the inverse pole fig-ure (Fig. 6a). It has been well established thatgrains loaded along [111] in FCC metals oftendevelop different microstructures in comparison toother orientations.31–33 In a similar manner, theclassification process appears to indicate that thehardening behavior is also markedly different thanother orientations. Since Group 4 grains also havelarge zA scores, the largest zA scores are found near[111] as expected. Group 3 grains that showedmoderate work-hardening are found near all threehigh-symmetry directions: [100], [110], and [111].

    Fig. 5. Denoised mRSS histories (sM 0 ) of grains in (a) Group 1, (b) Group 2, (c) Group 3, and (d) Group 4. The dashed line shows the averageresponse of each group.

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification

  • As these grains have a higher propensity forpolyslip, slip system interactions are likely thecause of the observed work-hardening.

    Both Group 1 and Group 2 grains are primarilylocated near the center of the triangle in Fig. 6a. Inaddition, there are grains in Groups 1 and 2 thathave the loading axis near the high-symmetry [110]direction, but not near [111] or [100]. These twogroups appear to be interspersed, and there is not aclear orientation dependence separating theirbehaviors. The interspersion of Groups 1 and 2 onthe inverse pole figure indicate that anothermicrostructural feature other than orientation

    may be dictating the difference in behavior; this isalso supported by Fig. 6c. Again, a large positive zC

    score shows that a softening transient was in themRSS response, and that there is little orientationdependence of these values. The spread of zC alsohints that softening may be more prevalent thaninitial inspection would suggest. Grains in allgroups may show some amount of softening, butthe behavior is masked and dominated by the work-hardening response (large zA). Therefore, the pro-nounced softening in Group 1 is likely the result of amicrostructural feature not present in Group 2, inaddition to minimal work-hardening. Critically,though, the present analysis appears to be able todeconvolute these behaviors.

    Other microstructural features to investigate arethe spatial position and size of grains in the sample.Figure 7 shows two views of the grain morphologymeasured using near-field HEDM colored by group(voxel spacing of 5 lm). The rolling direction (RD),transverse direction (TD), and normal direction(ND) of the plate from which the sample was cutare marked. Also, we note that faces normal to TDand ND are free surfaces and the sample was loadedalong RD. By volume, Group 2 grains are mostprevalent. In addition, Group 2 grains are onaverage about 10% larger than Group 1 grains(Group 1 mean volume: 0.0126 mm3 and Group 2mean volume: 0.0141 mm3). However, no cleardifferences can be found between Groups 1 and 2.As no obvious spatial differences between Group 1and 2 appear, the difference between these grainsmay exist at a lower length scale. More detailedmicroscopy studies may be able to conclusivelydetermine the difference.

    Grains in Groups 3 and 4 tend to be smaller thanthose in Groups 1 and 2. The mean volume of Group3 grains is 0:0083 mm3 and the mean volume ofGroup 4 grains is 0:0120 mm3. The observation thatgrains with behavior dominated by softening, andplanar slip, being larger in our analysis (in thiscase, Groups 1 and 2) aligns with previous work.34

    However, the ability to project measured stressdirectly on to slip systems in situ and analyze thedata with unsupervised learning have demon-strated that, in addition to grain size, grain orien-tation and hardening behavior due to slip systeminteractions are critical for interpreting grain defor-mation behavior.

    Applying Training to Other Samples

    To explore the robustness of the classificationprocess, another set of mRSS histories from asecond sample (S2) that was loaded in the samemanner (uniaxial tension with a displacement rateof 10 nm/s) as the primary sample (S1) was ana-lyzed. The mRSS histories were scored using Eq. 4and principal component vectors found from S1.Used in this manner, S1 data were used as ‘training

    Fig. 6. Orientation of the loading axis for the grains studies plottedon inverse pole figures. (a) Loading axis orientations colored bygroup. (b) Loading axis orientations colored by principal componentA score, zA. (c) Loading axis orientations colored by principalcomponent C score, zC .

    Pagan, Kaminsky, Tayon, Nygren, Beaudoin, and Benson

  • data’ for fitting the principal component projectionpre-processing step, which was then ‘tested’ on theS2 data. The first three principal component vectorsfound from S1 data explain 98.5% of the datavariance in S2. The zA and zC scores from S2 areplotted in Fig. 8a and colored by group. We see thatthe four groups of stress histories in roughly thesame location on the zA-zC projection were found inS2. This finding shows that the four behaviorsidentified were not specific to a single sample. Toemphasize this, Fig. 8b shows the averageresponses �sM0 from the four grain behavior groupsin the two samples. In both samples, Group 1corresponds to major softening, Group 2 to no work-hardening or -softening, Group 3 to moderate work-

    hardening, and Group 4 to major work-hardening.The repeatability of the classification analysis helpsto provide confidence in the generality of theconclusions in this work.


    A new unsupervised learning method for classi-fying measured grain stress behaviors was pre-sented. The method was applied to HEDM datameasured in situ from Al-Li 2099 deformed inuniaxial tension. The automated process dividedthe grain behaviors into four distinct groups. Theclassification process indicated that grains with the[111] direction aligned with the tensile axis hard-ened in a distinctly different manner than all other

    Fig. 7. Two views of the grain morphology in the sample studied colored by group.

    Fig. 8. (a) Scatter plot of zA versus zC colored by groups found using K-Means clustering in Sample 2 (S2). (b) Comparison of average mRSShistories �sM 0 from the 4 groups in the primary sample analyzed (S1, solid lines) and Sample 2 (S2, dash-dotted lines).

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior Classification

  • grains. Also, grain stress softening behavior at yieldappears to be prevalent in more grains than initiallybelieved and correlated to a heterogeneousmicrostructural feature other than orientation.


    This work is based upon research conducted atthe Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source(CHESS) which is supported by the National Sci-ence Foundation under Award DMR-1332208.


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    Pagan, Kaminsky, Tayon, Nygren, Beaudoin, and Benson

    Automated Grain Yield Behavior ClassificationAbstractIntroductionMaterials and MethodsResults and AnalysisDiscussionOrientation and Spatial Dependence of Grain BehaviorsApplying Training to Other Samples


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