mentoring future men dd - youth and · pdf filegodly man in america and the world today. ......

Post on 18-Mar-2018






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Royal Rangers is a mentoring program

for future men.dWe provide Christlike character

formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.

dOur mission is to evangelize, equip, and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.


The Value of Mentoring Future MenBoys today are under assault. Ongoing cultural changes and the powerful influence of a secular media have created an environment where the path to manhood is no longer clear, and many boys are losing their way. Dr. James Dobson, nationally acclaimed family counselor, author, and founder of the Focus on the Family radio program, warns, “Now, more than ever, boys are experiencing a crisis of confidence that reaches deep within their soul” (Bringing Up Boys, p. 35).

According to Dr. Dobson, the statistics are alarming (pp. 33-34). As compared to girls, boys are . . .

• Six times more likely to have learning disabilities

• Three times more likely to be registered drug addicts

• Four times more likely to be diagnosed as emotionally disturbed

• Twelve times more likely to commit murder

• Five times more likely to commit suicide.

Boys make up 90 percent of those in drug treatment programs and 95 percent of minors involved in juvenile court. These traumatic experiences shape the kind of men, husbands, and fathers they will become. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the capability to dramatically impact the lives of the next generation and set them on a solid path to becoming

the Christlike men and servant leaders they were created to be.

The Royal Rangers program provides an effective means of discipling boys by utilizing direct personal relationships between men and boys, developed around a core of shared interests and experiences.

Activity-based ministries are essential to the spiritual development of boys. David Murrow states,

“Men and boys are changed by what they experience [together], not necessarily by what they are told” (Why Men Hate Going to Church, p. 34).

However, side-by-side activities alone won’t bring about the transformation of boys into

godly manhood. It requires the direct personal involvement of godly men. Robert Lewis writes, “Boys

become men in the community of men” (Raising a Modern-Day Knight, p. 153). John Eldridge writes, “Masculinity is bestowed. A boy learns who he is and what he’s got from a man, or the company of men. He cannot learn it any other place” (Wild at Heart, p. 62).

In order for the Church to fulfill its mission to make disciples of all nations, it is essential that our boys be mentored by the Church’s community of godly men through an intentional process of growth and discipleship. Royal Rangers provides an excellent tool for engaging the men and boys of your church in the ongoing process of building Christlike men.



Church of God Royal Rangers...commited to mentoring the next generation



The Church of God is proud to introduce a boy’s ministry—Royal Rangers as a part of its discipleship priority. As a part of the Royal Rangers program, the Royal Rangers Church of God chapter is dedicated to the development of men and boys—men as role models and boys as future leaders. We are commit-ted to helping the local church disciple the boys and young men of the church into Christ-like men and lifelong servant leaders. For complete details visit or call 1-800-553-8506 for a free promotional packet which includes:

Royal Rangers Outpost Promotion Kit 1-800-553-8506


• Catalog• Order form• Ranger Kids Startup

• Discover Rangers Startup• Adventure Rangers Startup• Expedition Rangers Startup • Outpost Promotional Kit (DVD)

EVANGELIZE (reach)Activities (guided by our skill merit resources) provide men and boys hands-on, side-by-side opportunities to have fun and establish a mentoring relationship. (Men and boys/young men build relationship by doing things together side-by-side. These regular interactive, shoulder-to-shoulder encounters that boys and teens have in the community of men answer their most basic question, “Do I have what it takes to be a man?” Royal Rangers’ activity-based ministry focus is designed to build a boy’s confidence as he learns to interact with and emulate godly men and learns the heart, head, and hand skills of biblical manhood. Through the journey, the question begins to turn into a confident statement, “I have what it takes to honor God, to be a man!”

EQUIP (grow)Discipleship in manhood (guided by our Bible merit resources) provides men tools to model Christlike manhood as they guide boys on a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered journey through boyhood and early manhood to maturity as men after God’s own heart. They regularly reflect on biblical attributes of manhood as they discuss doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural issues, sexuality, and profiles in manhood while walking through the Bible book by book. This provides content to the mentoring relationship. By example and by study of God’s Word, boys learn the enduring principles of what it means to be a godly man in America and the world today.

EMPOWER (go & serve)Servant leadership (guided by our leadership merit resources) teaches boys and young men Social, Equipping, Attitude, Leadership, and Service (SEALS) habitudes necessary to effectively influence others for mutual benefit. In Royal Rangers, our leaders assume an ever-increasing facilitating role as boys’ maturity and abilities allow them to take more and more responsibility for leadership in the regular meetings. This turns Royal Rangers into a boy-led, adult-facilitated ministry in which boys are no longer consumers or spectators but contributors in the evangelize-equip-empower cause. Men empower boys and young men by creating a safe environment for them to serve and to lead as they develop their SEALS abilities. This creates ownership as boys/young men invest themselves in the cause of Christ.



UNIFORMS: You ChooseTITLES: You Choose


Mentoring Future Men dd

dUtility, T-shirts or Polos, Custom SportswearRoyal Rangers provides the

local church with a variety of options to choose from when defining the style and feel of

their program. Ranging from a more traditional format to a completely new image and style, these program options

enable a church to create a program that is tailor-fit

to the specific needs and lifestyle of its church

and community.


COST: Affordable so that every family and church can participate

STAFFING: Practical staffing solutions for every church


dMen dOutdoors dSports dTrades dTechnologies dArt dMinistry

dJunior Leaders





Mentoring Future Men dd




is highly modular and interconnected,

a complement to the ministries of

your church.








Mentoring Future Men dd10

Launching a Royal Rangers OutpostThe process for starting a Royal Rangers outpost in your church is a three-step process. These three simple but deliberate steps will lay the foundations for a lasting and effective ministry to the next generation of men in your church and community—Ready, Set, Go!

STEP 1—READY The first step is to “ready” yourself with knowledge. Begin by reading the Royal Rangers Leader Manual. This valuable resource provides a clear picture of the mission and scope of the program and the value it provides to the spiritual health and vitality of a church. As you learn about the program, you will gain a clearer understanding of the limitless opportunities Royal Rangers affords you and your church to impact families in your community.

STEP 2—SETGet “set” for success by defining the variables your program will operate under. Assess the needs of your church and the style of your program by answering the following questions:

• What time and place would be most effective for our program in reaching our community? Would it be a Sunday outreach ministry, a mid-week family-night design, an off-site or multi-site approach, or something else? Royal Rangers is well suited for use in a variety of formats.

• What style of program would attract the greatest number of boys—a casual feel, a contemporary sportsman feel, or a formal and disciplined feel? From the annual promotional CD with contemporary banner design to the modern uniform line, Royal Rangers offers resources to

help you create the look and feel that will work for you.

• What budget considerations must we make? Will parents cover the cost of their son’s participation, will the church cover it, or will it be somewhere in between? Royal Rangers offers options that work on any size budget so that every church and family can participate!

• Who will lead your program, and how will they be prepared for the job? The Rangers Ministry Academy offers a clear and dynamic four-level training program for local leaders. Get your leaders through the first two, and you will have leaders eager and prepared to launch! After the kick-off, encourage them to finish their training.

• When should we begin our program—at the start of summer or at the beginning of a new school year? An effective program can begin at any time.

STEP 3—GO!Once you’re “ready” and “set,” it’s time to “GO”! Begin your program with full confidence that you will achieve success.

As you can tell, starting Royal Rangers is not difficult, but it does require walking through a deliberate process to lay a solid foundation on which the ministry can grow and thrive. Because you launch Royal Rangers, boys and families will put their faith in Jesus. They will grow in their knowledge of Christ, maturing as godly men and future husbands, fathers, and churchmen. They will become Spirit-filled and empowered for a life of service in the Kingdom! Yes, mentoring relationships can be that powerful!




Mentoring Future Men dd

Equipping Leaders for Service

National Elementary Education Conference

Training for leaders eager to serve

K to 2nd grade Rangers with excellence.

National Rangers Ministry Camp

Training to prepare adult leaders to mentor boys

and young men through a diverse range of activities.

World Class OutpostDesigned to develop outpost leadership

through the use of best practices,

strategies, and tools.

— OR —

Ranger SafetyFirst Aid/CPR training.

Additional training to prepare leaders

to safely lead exciting Rangers activities.

Ranger EssentialsTraining for

leaders prepared to deepen

their knowledge and commitment.

Ranger BasicsTraining for new leaders

ready to serve in

the outpost.





Outpost Leaders Advancement Levels


The Rangers Ministry Academy is designed to inspire leaders to be missional and to be an integral part of

the pastor’s vision for outreach and discipleship. To that end, the Outpost Leaders Advancement Levels are vital to the success and longevity of Royal Rangers leadership. Here is a brief description of the four levels:

D The Ready level consists of two separate 8-hour training events and post event practical applications, called tickets. The “Ready Ticket” includes presenting the gospel to at least one boy or young man and other hands-on activities.• Ranger Basics: Learn how to plan and run an ef-

fective meeting and discover the importance of evangelism, specifically how to present the plan of salvation to a boy.

• Ranger Essentials: Focus on servant leadership de-velopment, how to connect with and mentor boys and young men, how to plan and conduct a spiritual service, and how to deliver a life-changing devotion.

D The Safety level prepares leaders to safely lead exciting Rangers activities by completing the Safety and the Church module, which shows leaders the importance of two-deep leadership to protect minors, themselves, and the reputation of the church. Leaders also complete a nationally recognized First Aid/CPR course that stresses how to prevent accidents and prepares them to respond quickly and skillfully to emergencies. Leaders also complete a “Safety Ticket.”

Upon completing the Ready and Safety levels, the new leader will have the basic tools to successfully and safely mentor boys and young men in the weekly meeting environment. For those who want to lead at a higher level, there is more.

D The Trained level requires completion of the Ready and Safety levels. Leaders will attend one (but may attend both) of the following: National Rangers Ministry Camp, designed for men working in any age group, or the National Elementary Education Conference, designed for men and women working with Ranger Kids. These events are age-group specific and focus on preparing leaders to mentor boys and young men through diverse activities. Leaders will complete the “Trained Ticket,” which includes presenting the gospel to at least one boy or young man, teaching specific material during weekly meetings, and reading the Leader Manual.

D The Advanced level focuses on evaluation skills to assess outpost effectiveness, on planning and management skills, and on assessing people’s giftings, which are taught at the ”World Class Outpost” seminar. Leaders will complete the “Advanced Ticket,” which includes presenting the gospel to at least one boy or young man and involving another adult in Rangers or service following pastoral guidance.

Rangers training is highly interactive and relational. That is what will attract adults and boys to our churches and allow the mentoring and discipleship process to fully develop.

There are other exciting training tracks for the church leaders and support staff, junior leaders, adult trainers, and organizational leaders. Detailed information on training can be found on the Royal Ranger website at



Mentoring Future Men dd

ddA BRIGHT FUTURERoyal Rangers skillfully resources church men to invest in the next generation of men.ddROBUST MENTORING





Mentoring Future Men dd

Royal Rangers for a new generation: Royal Rangers will be the premier, most sought-after

church ministry for the next generation of men

in America—period! We will be affordable and

practical so that every family and church can participate. As we grow, we will remain

quick and responsive to learn and adapt to our changing society.

Men will be eager to be trained to mentor young men in

Christlike manhood; young men will be empowered to assume leadership of Royal Rangers,

making it a boy-led, adult-facilitated ministry.

Personal and spiritual growth will be fun, hands-on, and

experiential; friendship will charge our ministry

atmosphere. We will reach every boy and

young man by creative methods; every Ranger will be eager to

serve a God-given cause greater than self.

Anyone would be proud to be associated with Royal Rangers!


DDFun, outcome-based discipleship

DDInteractive, hands-on learning

DDHighly relational mentoring

DDIntentional discipleship in godly manhood

DDServant leadership formation


ROYAL RANGERSAmerica’s Premier Mentoring

Ministry for Future Men

1080 Montgomery Avenue • Cleveland, TN 37311

Phone: (423) 476-4512 • Toll free: (800) 553-8506

Fax: (423) 478-7656 • Toll free: (800) 546-7590


©2010 Gospel Publishing House

ChuRCh Of GOd

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