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German Association of Dental Implantology

Your way to Success


Dental Implantology

Membership Benefits

Postgraduate Education


Copyright DGZI 2007

German Association of Dental Implantology (est. in 1970)


New Frontiers - Cooperation between DGZI (German Association of Dental

Implantology) and Danube University (Donau Universität)

As the oldest professional nonprofit association active in the field of implantology, DGZI is

focusing its activities on the continuing education and training of dentists active in the field

of implantology. The goal of these activities is to improve both quality and quality assurance

as well as the safety of therapies in the interest of patients on the one hand, and providing

factual information on existing therapeutic possibilities of implant-based tooth replacement

on the other hand. Cooperation with universities and professional associations at home and

abroad serve to support these objectives.

From “DGZI- Curriculum” to academic

“Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology (MSc)” within four semesters.

No other institution in Germany has a comparable amount of experience and success with

respect to postgraduate education at university level involving the “Master of Science”

degree in various areas of specialization of dentistry like Danube University Krems. It has

pushed through the acceptance of the “Master of Science” degree in various disciplines of

dentistry as an academic, university-level protection and confirmation for these specialists in

Germany, despite fierce opposition of the chambers of dentistry, professional organizations

and even professional associations.

DGZI curriculum graduates can now enroll in the “Master of Science in Oral Surgery /

Implantology (MSc)” degree course offered in its 6th edition since 2001 at the Danube

University at special conditions and in English language. This is based on a cooperation

agreement concluded between DGZI and PUSH / Danube University Krems as a prerequisite

for the “Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology (MSc)” course of study.

The Board of Directors DGZI


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnärztliche Implantology e.V.

German Association of Dental Implantology

DGZI at a glance

● Preamble – About us

As the oldest professional nonprofit association active in the field of implantology,

DGZI is focusing its activities on the continuing education and training of dentists

active in the field of implantology. The goal of these activities is to improve both

quality and quality assurance as well as the safety of therapies in the interest of

patients on the one hand, and providing factual information on existing therapeutic

possibilities of implant-based tooth replacement on the other hand. Cooperation

with universities and professional associations at home and abroad serve to support

these objectives.

● Highlights

Continuing education and practical training

▪ More than 20 study groups within Germany, 9 new foundations in the last



▪ International study groups in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt

▪ Qualifying curriculum on implantology, almost 1,000 graduates, fully


by the German Consensus Conference of Oral Implantology

▪ Awards the "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI diploma" based on the

Guidelines of DGZI

▪ More than 400 DGZI Oral Implantology Specialists

▪ Master of Science Implantology since 2005 in cooperation with the fully

recognized Danube University in Krems/Austria.

▪ Implant prosthodontics curriculum since 2005

▪ Regional congresses organized by the study groups

▪ Spring start up congress & Expert symposium

▪ Annual International Congress

▪ Annual Arab-German Implantology Meeting in spring in Dubai

▪ Winter meeting of continuing education offered by DGZI in Sölden/Austria

▪ Active involvement in the organization of conventions, e.g. „Forum for

Innovative Dentistry“

▪ Provide support to DGZI affiliate societies e.g. in U.S.A, UK,Australia,


South America, Jordan, Egypt, India, U.A.E., Pakistan, Japan, and France.

▪ Cooperation worldwide with other professional associations


▪ One of the leading members of the German Consensus Conference of Oral


Public relations

Professional communication

▪ DGZI homepage (German / English), current weekly news and information

platform for members

▪ Permanent presence in DZW (Dental Weekly), ZWP (Dentist-Success-


Parodontologie Nachrichten (Periodontology News), Dental Tribune, Arab

Dental Magazine

▪ Guest editorials in the Implantology Journal: Prof. Meyer (president of


Dr. Weitkamp (president of BZÄK)

▪ Implantology Journal as most widely and regularly published expert journal

with excellent audience figures according a special reader survey.

▪ Implants, the International Magazine of Oral Implantology

Patient communication

▪ Patient information portal “” with information about dental

treatments, innovative news and dentist finder for Germany. Every DGZI


owns a personal homepage on this platform.

▪ Cooperation with the Health Foundation

▪ Medical advice / focus online

▪ Patient information brochure

▪ Patient journal my magazine "Dental Implants"

▪ Publications in the German News paper "ProDente-Spezial",

DBA on time (in-flight magazine), Easy Jet, Brigitte woman, Beauty &


▪ Informative events


▪ Cooperation with universities, e. g. Greifswald, Düsseldorf, Göttingen, Bonn,

Dresden, Berlin, Frankfurt, Krems and Munich

▪ Scientific advisory council, projects for more than 15 years

▪ DGZI Implant Dentistry Award

▪ DGZI Student Award in association with other societies and universities

National and international publications

▪ Implantologie Journal (Implantology Journal) – 8 issues per year,


6,500 copies

▪ IMPLANTS - International Magazine of Oral Implantology – 4 issues

per year,

Circulation: 10,000 copies, distributed in more than 40 countries, at all


international trade fairs and congresses, to all DGZI members and trading

partners as well as subscribers. Also available as online version.

▪ Oral Implantology Guide Book, German edition with more than 950


sold in one year following publication

▪ Oral Implantology Guide Book, first English edition available since two


▪ Glossary of Oral Implantology explaining the most important terms in


and German.

Partner committees / collegial cooperation

▪ German Consensus Conference of Oral Implantology

▪ KZBV (Federal Association of Panel Dentists)

▪ BZÄK (Federal Chamber of Dentists)

Current membership numbers

▪ Stable membership development for many years

▪ Status as of March 2007: 3,500 members

(More than 10,000 members including partner organizations)

▪ Members in more than 35 countries

Better quality of life with dental implants

Dental implantology is a discipline in dentistry which has experienced the most significant and dramatic developments in the past 20 years. An important task laid down in the statutes of the DGZI, Europe’s oldest scientific society for dental implantology, is to provide the patient with objective and independent information about implant dentistry. As the oldest scientific implant expert association in Europe (founded in 1970), the GERMAN ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL IMPLANTOLOGY (DGZI) has not only attended the developments of oral implantology but also established and created significant benchmarks. Some examples are the annual international conventions, continuing education courses in implant surgery, curriculum development programs, internships, supervisions, Oral Implantology Specialist examinations, promotion and support of national and international research projects by the scientific DGZI advisory board as well as the presentation of the DGZI Implant Dentistry Award.As early as at the beginning of the 1990s, DGZI began to administer an examination for particularly qualified colleagues to prove their knowledge and skills. Some 400 Specialists in implantology throughout Germany and abroad belong to the DGZI. They have many years of experience in implantology, have placed a large number of implants and, after undergoing comprehensive further education, they have passed the quality examination “Oral Implantology Specialist – DGZI”DGZI members receive the certificate "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI" upon successful completion of the examination. A successful examination entitles the examinee to bear the qualified designation "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI” and fulfillment of certain conditions.The detailed Guidelines for the grant “Oral Implantology Specialist – DGZI” is available on request.A special guide book serves to supplement the curricular contents for postgraduate education and the preparation for the "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI" examination as well as master studies. The main focus is on practical applicability and usability, particularly for younger colleagues who have just started their career as implantologist. Consequently, this book contains a collection of the most important questions and answers regarding implantology which are as indispensable to the beginner as to the expert.


Oral Implantology Guide Book

DGZI presents a compendium for both the preparation of postgraduate education in implantology and the examination for the "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI” diploma.

Table of contents

I. Fundamental anatomyI. 1. EmbryologyI.2. Bone

- Quality / density - Quantity

I. 3. MusclesI.4. Blood supplyI. 5. InnervationI. 6. Temporomandibular joint

II. HistologyII. 1. Incision and dye techniques2. Implant - bone interface

III. PhysiologyIII.1. BloodIII. 2. Immune reactions of the body3. Wound and bone healing

IV. PathologyIV. 1. Anatomic changes and consequences due to edentulism in elderly IV. 2. Bone diseases, bone damage, changes in the mucosa and neoplasias IV. 3. Systemic diseases and disorders

V. Diagnostic procedures including imagingV. 1. Pre-implant diagnostic evaluationV. 2. X-ray techniquesV. 3. Computer tomographyV. 4. Navigation

VI. Indications /contraindications / clarification of risk factors

VI. 1. Indications for endosseous implantsVI. 2. Contraindications for endosseous implantsVI. 4. Patient educationVI. 5. Risk factors and criteria for success

VII. MaterialsVII. 1. ImplantsVII. 2. Superstructure

VIII. Pharmacology / anesthesiaVIII. 1. AntibioticsVIII. 2. Anesthetics and anesthetic proceduresVIII. 3. Blood coagulation and anticoagulants

IX. Oral implant placement techniquesIX. 1. Endosseous implantsIX. 2. MacrostructureIX. 3. Microstructure / surfaceIX. 4. Incision and wound closureIX. 5. Soft tissue managementIX. 6. Augmentation and membrane techniqueIX. 7. Bone harvestingIX. 8. Implant loadingIX. 9. Criteria for success

X. Special techniques for the improvement and preparation of the implant site X. 1. Sinus floor augmentationX. 2. Nerve transpositioning X. 3. Distraction osteogenesis

XI. Implant prosthodontic principles

XII. Prevention and recall

XIII. Complications, failures and their management

XIV. Monitoring and emergency medicine

Post Graduate Education in Dental Implantology


Steps of possible and recognized education Options

Curriculum DGZI (2 Semesters) Master Degree (Master of Science Implantology, MSc, 4 Semesters)

Steps of education

▼ 1. Curriculum Implantology Examination: German Board of Oral Implantology (GBOI)

Clinical: Training courses to get enough implant cases.

▼ 2. Expert in Implantology DGZI et al. (Consensus conference) Examination: Expert in Implantology (Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt).

Clinical: Training courses to get more implant cases.

▼ 3. Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI. Examination: Specialist in Implantology.

↓▼4. Master of Science Implantology. Examination: MSc Implantology including Master Thesis.

Postgraduate education – Curriculum DGZI (two Semesters)

A program offered through cooperation with universities and certified

implantologists in private practice.

Seminar Series with German Board Qualification


Preliminary Remarks

The Curriculum Implantology has been developed in a cooperation of the bodies and

expert speakers of DGZI and the participating universities. As a post graduate

education course in implantology, the Curriculum Implantology is being offered as a

basic training program through cooperation with universities as well as experienced

practitioners. Cooperative concepts were harmonized in a German Consensus

Conference of Oral Implantology (between DGZI, DGI, DGMKG, BDO, BDIZ) and

incorporated into this series of implantology seminars. The curriculum offered by

DGZI consists of 8 weekend sessions plus internship and supervision distributed

over one year. The curriculum is aimed at dentists seeking sound continued dental

education with great relevance to their daily work. The program focuses not only on

theoretical aspects, but also places a major emphasis on implantology techniques

that are relevant for the daily practice. A special focus was placed on paving the

participants’ way to the practical application of the technique by means of exercises

and live demonstrations. Participants will be given opportunity to practice their

skills on specimens. As a special bonus exercises on superstructures as well as the

recent subspecialties of augmentation, red and white implant aesthetics have also

been integrated into the program.

There is final examination at the conclusion of the curriculum. Participants who

successfully complete the 8 weekend sessions, examinations and obtain a minimum

of 20 additional points through internships / supervision may submit their

documentation to the organization committee of DGZI. The qualification certificate

(German board examination) will then be handled out.

Pursuant to the agreements of the German Consensus Conference of Oral

Implantology of the implantology societies, the qualification is recognized and


Description of Each Curriculum Weekend (over two semesters)

1. Introduction into dental implantology

2. Basics of Implantology and Surgery

3. Theory and Practice of Implantology in Specimens

4. Implant Placement and Surgical Procedures in the Daily Practice

5. Soft Tissue and Bone Management

6. Special Aspects of Prosthetics in Implantology

7. Emergencies, Anesthesia, and Pharmacology 8. Innovative Procedures and Techniques in Implantology

Internships and Supervision

Two internships as part of the curriculum provide the participants with an

opportunity to observe the activities of an experienced implantologist on a one-to-

one basis and from close-by.

The presence of the participant should not significantly interfere with the normal

routine in the dentist’s practice. Breaks between treatments will provide ample time

for discussions and there may even be an opportunity for the participant to assist

the tutoring implantologist.

Similar to university education, one supervision is a part of DGZI’s postgraduate

education in implantology provides the participants with an opportunity to gain

practical experience with real patients. The participant and the tutoring

implantologist will discuss the design of the preparatory steps and surgery several

weeks ahead of time. Following this, the participant performs an implant surgery on

one of his or her own patients at the premises of and assisted by the tutoring

implantologist. This ensures the safety and prevents stress during the first own

steps in the field of implantology.

COURSE FEES of the Postgraduate Education Program in Implantology (GBOI) IS

5600 EURO.

Expert in Implantology

(Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt Implantologie Consensus Conference)


Curriculum vitae (summarized).

Proof of completed implantology-related education (curriculum), certified by an

approved scientific association (DGZI: 180 points of instruction i.e. continuing

education credits).

Provide a copy of Dental license or proof of specialist training in any field (copy).

Proof of at least 3 years active involvement in the field of implantology,

200 inserted implants or 70 cases in the relevant indication classes (statutory

declaration, provision of 10 Panoramic x-rays).

Courses and seminars organized (include course program if available)

Own publications (if any).

As an "Expert in implantology" in the field of dental implantology, the individual has to assure and pledge to abide by the guidelines, section V as follows:

a) To provide annual proof of past or scheduled participation in implantology-related

continuing education courses and seminars

b) To abide by the indication criteria stipulated by the federal and scientific


c) To comply with the interpretation of the fee guidelines issued by the professional


d) And to document all of my implant cases.

Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI

The prerequisites of application are as follows:

1. Completion of at least 250 DGZI-recognized and German Dental association guidelines-

compliant credit hours of continued medical education in various areas of Implantology in the

five years preceding the submission of the application. This must include the completion of a

recognized continued medical education program (180 credit hours, such as e.g. Curriculum

Implantology DGZI).

2. Presentation of Curriculum vitae outlining the professional career and a relevant list of at least

400 implantations performed within the five years preceding the submission of the application.

3. Operation catalogue (evidence of surgical performance, surgery logbook.

4. From the total of the implantations documented the candidate has to submit the detailed

documentation of 12 cases of implantations and prosthetic management performed by the

applicant according to the selection and request of the examination committee.

5. The acceptance of continued medical education credits from annual meetings to set-off against

the total of 250 credit hours required in accordance with sect.1. is at the discretion of the

examination committee, which is liable to hear the executive board of DGZI on this issue.

With regard to this item, the member has to submit an application to the executive board of



For the Grant of the Qualification "Oral Implantology Specialist - DGZI" more detailed guidelines on request from the offices.

New Perspectives -

Master of Science in Oral Surgery Implantology


Danube University Krems German Association of Dental


The master’s program “Implantology” is geared towards practicing dentists and

offers practice-based university-level continuing education of international quality.

It is designed as in-service training and is offered in German language and now also

in English language in cooperation with German DGZI (German Association of Dental


For the Danube University Krems, 2005 has been a year filled with milestones. On

February 1, 2005, the new executive board began its work, setting the course for

the development of Danube University Krems into a European competence center

for continuing education. We will continue to optimize the university’s potential by

developing our research capacities, utilizing internal synergies, and reinforcing

international networks.

In the implementation of the ambitious program the executive board is supported by

the highly motivated staff of the university, to be expanded by the addition of new

professors in the fall. The interest the enterprise Danube University Krems is

generating is illustrated, among others, by the number of applications: 270 highly

qualified scientists from all over the world have applied for the 13 advertised


Upon the completion of Krems Campus in October 2006, studying and working at

Danube University Krems will take place within even more attractive surroundings.

New classrooms, seminar rooms, a research center, a library and a lecture hall,

apartments for students and instructors, as well as a repertory cinema have been

built according to plans by Dietmar Feichtinger, an architect living in Paris. The new

university campus offers more than 4,000 students and 450 staff members a place

to teach, study, research, and work.

Last but not least, Danube University is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

Danube University Krems opened its doors in 1995 with 93 students and three

courses of study; today, this university for continuing education offers more than

100 courses of study, which are attended by more than 4,000 students. It is a

phenomenal development and a success eager to continue. Join in this undertaking

and open up new prospects for your career!

Within the field of dentistry, implantology has increasingly emerged as an area of

specialization in its own right. The goal of the post-graduate university training

course “Implantology” for dentists is to provide students with in-depth, application-

oriented scientific knowledge and practical skills in the area of implantology. The

focus is on indication, planning, symptoms and surgery, as well as post-operative

care, liaison with associated prosthetics and general diseases as well as other

individual disciplines in dental and oral diseases and maxillofacial surgery. The

course of study particularly focuses on the connection between theory and practice

in the area of invasive surgical procedures. Students will be able to offer state-of the

art implantology, consistent with forensic ethical standards, as a special emphasis of

their practice and as a specialization.

Currently, more than 300 masters have earned their degree in one of the specialist

areas; more than 700 dentists are currently actively enrolled in studies in Germany.

Pursuant to the European standards of the “Bologna Conference” of the Ministers of

Science, the “Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology (MSc)” degree

requires a total of at least 50 semester hours including corresponding partial

examinations, case documentations, practical training and a master thesis as well as

a final examination with a total of 180 ECTS points (European Credit Transfer

System for the assessment of various studies).

The “Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology (MSc)” at Danube University,

the state university for postgraduate studies, is based on these comprehensive

conditions. According to the examination regulations, both interim examinations

pertaining to all topics as well as a final examination before the board of examiners

need to be taken. The course of studies has been approved pursuant to the 404th

ordinance issued by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (Federal

Law Gazette 2004) and is recognized in Germany, Europe as well as internationally.

Special courses of study are now being offered for DGZI curriculum graduates within

the scope of the cooperation between DGZI and PUSH / Danube University Krems.

The reduced tuition fee for the “MSc in Implantology” course of studies within the

scope of cooperation between DGZI / PUSH / Danube University represents a

significant reduction of almost one third of the total costs, based on the recognition

of the continuing education provided by the DGZI curriculum which equals and is

recognized as two semesters of studies. The duration of the studies for the Master

degree will consist of additional four semesters / 32 semester hours / 32 seminar

study days plus interactive studies (at least 24 months duration of studies) for DGZI

curriculum graduates.

All conditions outlined in the official examination regulations of the national Danube

University regarding the “MSc in Implantology” must be fulfilled. This means that

written examination, case documentation including corresponding specification of

indication and documentation regulations (master thesis / defense and expert

discussion) must be completed. A professor will serve as mentor for writing the

master thesis.

DGZI is currently the scientific implantological expert association in Germany and

probably in Europe, the educational components of which are being recognized by a

national European university.

Danube University Krems

Course of Study

Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology based on the Curriculum


of The German Association of Dental Implantology (DGZI)

Master of Science (MSc)

Detailed Description of the Curriculum of the MSc




Please check website:

Note: The theoretical program may be subject to change by the organizers.

Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology

Donau – University / Krems

Based On the Curriculum of DGZI

Master Of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology ( MSc )

Two years program starting 5/09/2007 ending 25/09/2009


1. Four blocks of five days each, plus one block of 8 days distributed over two years

at Danube University Krems in Austria. (See detailed curriculum of the MSc )

2. One block for examinations and thesis discussion at the end of the program in

Austria (23 – 25 September 2009)

Clinical education:

1. One internship block of two days demonstrating different surgical techniques on

different patients at an certified implant center.

2. Supervision can be done at an authorized Dental Implant Center acc. to the

requirements of the examination regulations and the principles of the case


Target group: Practicing dentists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Degree: Master of Science in Oral Surgery / Implantology (MSc)

Duration: 6 semesters, in-service training

ECTS points: 180

Recommended Literature for preparation e.g.

C.E. Misch Contemporary Implant Dentistry

DGZI Oral Implantology Guide Book

DGZI Glossary of Oral Implantology

DGZI Curriculum Script: Volume I ff.

For more information about literature please ask the organizers and professors.


On request.


For application or further information, please contact DGZI Central Office by:

DGZI e. V.

Central Office, Department of Education

Feldstrasse 80

40479 Düsseldorf, Germany

Ph. +49-211-16960-77, Fax +49-211-16970-66

Or for request from Middle and Far East region by:

DGZI - International Office

PO Box 960446

Amman 11196, Jordan

Ph. +962 6 5533160, Fax +962 6 5532515

Mobile +962 7 95513313


Application Form for the German Board Of Oral Implantology


Please complete or mark where appropriate:

Surname, Title: ................… First name:..............................

Street: ................................. Postal code/City:..........................

Country………………….. Mobile ( Phone )………………………

Tel (office): ........................... Tel (home): ............................

Fax: ............................................................

Email: .........................................................(is a must)

Dentist ( ) Oral surgeon ( ) Maxillo facial surgeon ( )

Other specialty ( )

Graduated from ( name of university ) …………………………………………


Spoken languages :…………………………………….

Experience with implantology: Yes ( ) No ( ).

I am a member of DGZI Yes ( ) since…………. No ( )

Previous dental implantology courses / certificates and dates,




Inserting implants since: ………

Number of implants inserted: .................................

I am familiar with the following implant systems: ……………….

I am submitting my binding application concerning the participation in the obove

mentioned education in Oral Surgery / Implantology.

I am aware that there are additional fees to be paid for the clinical cases of the training

program and that neither the cost of implants and prosthesis nor the internship or

supervision costs are included in the course fee. The legal and contractual regulations

detailed in the program brochure become the basis of this application and as such are

an integral part of the contract. With regard to course topics, the issues detailed in the

program brochure are considered as agreed between the concerned parties. However, it

must be noted again that changes and amendments beyond the scope shown there in

can be made at the sole discretion of the organizers.

I will submit my examination qualification in English translation to the board of directors.





O Curriculum Implantology (5600 Euros incl. 8 weekend sessions)

O Internship (100 Euros per case)

OSupervision (200 Euros per implant)

Note: Acceptance in the program is subjected to the board of directors decision and

after submitting all required documents and the payment of 700 Euros nonrefundable

with the application (Application fees of the GBOI are part of the tuition).

Please submit your application to:

International office of DGZI143 Gardens streetP.O. Box 960446

Amman 11196 Jordan

Phone +962 6 5533160Fax +962 6 5532515

Mobile +962 7 95513313

www.dgzi-international.comEmail :


** 50% of the fees before the 1st session .

** 25% of the fees before the 4th session .

** 25% of the fees before the 7th session .

Points rating for continuing education

Federal Chamber of Dentists (BZÄK) / German Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Dentistry (DGZMK), German Consensus Conference of the most important scientific societies and associations of dental and oral implantology including DGZI

A / Lecture-style class without active involvement of participants such as lecture, symposium, conference, congress, etc. (at home or abroad)

1 point per hour of continuing education

3 points for every half day (3 or more hours)

6 points for every whole day (6 or more hours)

2 additional points for half day or whole day events if they include an oral or

written training evaluation

B / Continuing education with active involvement of the participants

such as workshops, seminars, courses, exercises, quality circles,

study groups, visits, practical training, active case demonstrations,

supervisions, etc. (at home or abroad)

1 point per hour of continuing education

4 points per half day or 8 points per whole day

1 additional point for hands-on work with a patient, a dummy or a preparation

as main course content

2 additional points for half day or whole day events if they include an oral or

written training evaluation

 C / Interactive continuing education via electronic, audiovisual or visual media including a written progress report

1 point per training unit

Note: no more than 10 points per year!

 D / Work as author/speaker

2 points per submission / lecture / poster

Note: no more than 20 points per year!

 E / Self-study by means of literature

10 points per year



F / Successfully completed final discussion / case presentation

following a course of instruction 15 points once per course of instruction

G / Recognition of offered medicine-related continuing education

which has been officially awarded a certain number of points.

Now over 35 years of experience and partnership to the implantologist and


German Association of Dental Implantology

top related