member's voice june 2011

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Member's Voice June 2011


The newsletter of CUPE Local 15, Vancouver Municipal Education and Community Workers

Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:CUPE Local 15545 W. 10th Ave.Vancouver, BCV5Z 1K9

General Membership MeetingJUNE

Date & Time: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 5:30 pm

Location: Italian Cultural Centre3075 Slocan St. Vancouver, Room 5Under

Discussion: • Guest Speaker: Spencer Chandra-Herbert, MLA Vancouver-West End• Notice of Motion - NDP Affiliation• Notice of Motion - CUPE 15 Equality Statement• Bargaining updates from Langara College, Emily Carr University

&Vancouver School Board• Vancouver School Board budget & calendar• Election for delegates to CUPE National Convention - Vancover, Oct.

31- Nov. 4, 2011• Executive Board By-election - Member at Large Health Sector

(HSPBA)General Meetings provide all members with an opportunity to participate in decisions that affect the union. (Childcare assistance and Interpretation available upon request.)


The Members’voiceJUN



Emily Carr Negotiations OverviewBy Kathie Currie Staff Representative

Negotiations between Emily Carr University and CUPE Local 15 commenced June 29, 2010 with the hope of concluding a collective agreement in a timely fashion. This would have been to the benefit of all parties, especially for you the members!

Unfortunately that has not been the case, and we would like to share with you some of the challenges your negotiating committee has faced along the way.

The Employer has been provided a mandate by the Province to negotiate a two year, net-zero agreement. Even the slightest cost improvement is not allowed under this mandate. This provides no opportunity to negotiate any compensation when the Employer can only say no to improvements or look for concessions, which we will not agree to.

The Post Secondary Employers’ Association has also dictated to the University that the $500 vision benefit that the employees have enjoyed since 2007 must be clawed back, because it wasn’t negotiated into the contract. This is grossly unfair to the CUPE members at Emily Carr and we will pursue this issue through other channels.

The discussions at the bargaining table have been challenging and to say the least, frustrating for the committee. When the Employer is not hiding behind the government net zero mandate they then try to claim it is a managements rights issue. There has however, been some progress in addressing some of the Union’s non monetary issues, but the monetary proposals are met with NO! Which brings us to the current status of negotiations. Your committee has worked very hard to protect the rights and benefits that you currently enjoy as well as having fought

hard to try and accomplish improvements to the current collective agreement.

There are far too many CONCESSIONS still proposed by the Employer that the committee needs to bring to your attention. As well, the committee wishes to remind the members that these CONCESSIONS are on top of a TWO YEAR ZERO WAGE INCREASE! A ZERO mandate over two years as proposed by the University does nothing to help offset the cost of living increase in Vancouver for our members, as inflation in Vancouver is currently running at 2.4%.

Your negotiating committee needs your support to allow your voices to be heard at the bargaining table. You deserve to be treated with the same respect you show and provide to this University

every day! We are committed to achieving a collective agreement without a labour dispute, and we will utilize all of the resources available to us to accomplish that! But if that fails, negotiations will need to be escalated and your negotiating committee will need your support to do that!

We will also be looking at putting together a strategic organizing committee to enhance our communications network to ensure ALL members are part of achieving a successful and fair collective agreement for CUPE Local 15 members at Emily Carr University.

Bargaining Committee: Gaye Fowler, Shannon McKinnon, Danielle Zandvliet and Emma Somers

Enjoy Vancouver’s seawalls this summer...

The Members’voiceJUN




WWW.CUPE15.ORG CUPE Local 15, Vancouver Municipal Education and Community Workers

I am voting for fair taxes. That’s how I view the upcoming HST referendum and that’s why I am voting yes. Ballots for the referendum will be mailed out by Elections

BC to registered voters on June 13, 2011. The question posed by the referendum is: “Are you in favour of extinguishing the HST (Harmonized

Sales Tax) and reinstating the PST (Provincial Sales Tax) in conjunction with the GST (Goods and Services Tax)? Yes/No.”

I am voting yes to get rid of or “extinguish” the HST because I do not support shifting taxes from corporations on to working families.

The HST is the largest tax transfer in history, at a time when accounting firm KMPG consistently finds BC to be one of the least expensive places in the industrialized world to do business. The BC Liberals’ HST plan purportedly puts approximately $1.7 billion annually back to corporations. I want a tax system that is fair and one that supports families and small businesses.

An independent panel appointed by the BC Government to study the impacts of the HST

found that the HST will cost families with a $40,000 to $60,000 household income an extra $366 a year. This goes up to $1,000 a year for two income families both earning $50,000 which is the BC average wage. I am sure you have felt the impact of the HST since it has been implemented as you are paying 7% extra on items that you previously did not have to under the PST system. The HST is costing you more for your cable tv, phone, home renovations, strata fees, haircuts, vitamins, restaurant meals, movies, bicycles, veterinarian visits, airline tickets, coffee, etc. The list is enormous. HST applies to funeral costs as well. The HST really should be called the cradle to grave tax.

Premier Christy Clark has recently announced changes to the HST in order to try to have it survive the upcoming referendum. In addition to a one time transition cheque that some BC families will get, the BC Liberals promise to lower the HST to 10% in 2014. I’m not betting on any promise from the BC Liberals coming to fruition. These are the BC Liberals that during the 2009 election denied plans to introduce the HST. Days after the election they jammed the HST on you and me. The BC Liberals claimed the HST would generate more than 100,000 jobs, but studies have shown it will be nowhere close. They told you the HST would lower prices, that it would be revenue neutral, but it has done nothing but take

more tax dollars from you. The BC Liberals have misled British Columbians.

We should all be concerned that if the HST somehow continues, the two percentage point reduction is going to deprive the government of $3.2 billion between 2012 to 2014. That means the BC Liberals will have no choice but to control or reduce spending, most likely on public services. You also cannot dismiss the strong possibility that Finance Minister Kevin Falcon will extend their current two year zero/zero wage mandate that has impacted many of our members and all public sector workers in BC. One more reason to kill the HST.

At the same time your Members’ Voice is coming to your mail box you will also receive government propaganda telling you to keep the HST. Premier Christy Clark is spending $5 million of your tax dollars on advertising. Some of the ads I have seen have used stickmen cartoons to spin the so-called positives of the HST. One of them has text that says “Consumers have to pay the HST on the end product. But since businesses no longer pay embedded taxes during the manufacturing process, their saving can be passed on to the consumer.” Yeah right.

I am voting for fair taxes by Paul Faoro, President

Update from your Executive

by Leanne Toderian, Secretary Treasurer

I am pleased to share that CUPE BC and Local 15 will be active participants at the upcoming Aboriginal Day and Aboriginal Kids’ Day on June 21st at Oppenheimer

Park. My mother is a member of the Sts’ailes band of the Stó:Lö Nation and has made the downtown Eastside her home for many years now. It is with great pride I meld the two families together on this day. CUPE BC and National have a proud history of supporting and celebrating

Aboriginal peoples and their contributions to society and the workplace. CUPE BC’s Aboriginal Working Group strives to promote, support, and educate Aboriginal peoples in the workplace and the community. Local 15 members at Oppenheimer Park will also be in attendance,

workers who often live and work in the community they serve.

Elsewhere, June 29th will mark the one year anniversary of commencement of bargaining at Emily Carr University. There were two meetings of ECU members this month to discuss progress or lack thereof. The members in attendance were very well informed of the issues and expressed a desire to continue to fight to achieve a new collective agreement. The bargaining committee has met regularly to strategize and discuss options.

At a special meeting on May 11, 2011 of the City of Vancouver, Parks, Ray-Cam, and Britannia sectors, the following members were elected to the City et al Bargaining Committee: Sally Bankiner (City), Brenda Coombs (Britannia), Arthur Lum (City), Anne-Marie McGee (Parks), Betty McGee (Parks), Donald Rounding (City), Steve Salsman (City) and alternates Barbara Dickinson (Parks) and Jacques Massé (City). The committee expects to meet soon to discuss issues and strategies, and schedule meetings and surveys to employees in those work groups. Good luck and thank you to members who expressed interest and who were elected to this

very important committee, which represent all members in those sectors.

Elsewhere in the City sector, on May 9th the City of Vancouver hosted the Annual Family Day at Manitoba Works Yard. Despite the inclement weather it was well attended. CUPE Local 15 sponsored the always popular bouncy castle.

Also, on the June Calendar is the 125th Anniversary Celebrations for the City of Vancouver. While this union now represents 17 different collective agreements, this union was founded as the Vancouver City Hall Employees’ Association in 1918. We are proud to be present at this celebration, which bore the present day union we have become.

As this is the last newsletter before the summer break for many of our members and their families, I wish you all a safe and happy summer.

See you all back in September.

Lots of summertime activities in store

Leanne Toderian Secretary Treasurer

Paul Faoro, President

The Members’voice3




WWW.CUPE15.ORG CUPE Local 15, Vancouver Municipal Education and Community Workers

Letters, Notices, & UpdatesDouglas College award appreciatedContributing to an award at Douglas College is an act of kindness that provides financial relief and a well deserved reward to hard working students. In addition to financial support, students receive affirmation that their goals and efforts are valued. Thank you for your donation of $500 towards a bursary.

The Financial Aid Office at Douglas College continues to see an increase in applications for student financial aid. This is a reflection of the difficult economic times and indicates that now, more than ever, students need our help.

In the face of many challenges, students at Douglas College are determined to achieve their educational goals. Here at the Foundation we are rewarded daily with heartwarming stories from students who, with help from their donors, are able to continue on their path to success. Thank you for your generosity.

Jennifer HendersonFoundation Assistant, Douglas College

Thanks for the supportI would like to express my sincere thanks for your solidarity and concrete support by extending me a three-day book off to participate in the ILO meetings (International Delegation of Labour and Domestic Worker-Advocates) in June. I appreciate your kind assistance!

As a founding member of Migrante-BC and the Coalition for Migrant Workers Justice (C4MWJ), I shall bring with me the collective perspective and analysis of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Workers Program and beyond. We are hopeful with the efforts to advance some international instruments to better protect migrant workers.

I will be happy to do a report back on my return.

Towards just peace,Elizabeth DollagaSEA, Laura Secord School

VSB Job ShareI am looking for an SSA job share position starting September, 2011. I do not own a position but am looking to share with someone who does.

Please contact Vanessa Le Bas de Plumetot at or 604-786-8154.

Notice of By-electionMember at Large – Health Sector (HSPBA)

There is a vacancy for a Member at Large - HSPBA for the balance of a two year term ending in May 2012.

Election for this position will take place at the General Membership Meeting on June 22nd. Only members from the HSPBA Sector are eligible to vote.

Notice of MotionThe Executive recommends that CUPE 15 affiliate to the New Democratic Party of Canada.

The Executive Board recommends adoption of the CUPE Local 15 Equality statement and including it as an appendix to the CUPE Local 15 bylaws.

The Executive Board also recommends replacing Section 9 Order of Business of the CUPE Bylaws with Appendix B.VIII Order of Business of the CUPE Constitution, which includes the reading of the equality statement at membership meetings.

The Executive decidedBy Leanne Toderian, Secretary Treasurer

At the Executive and Society Board meeting on May 4th and 18th, 2011 the following decisions were made:• To send up to two members to

the Young Workers’ Conference in Naramata

• To donate $250 to the National Workers’ Art & Heritage Centre in Ontario

• To endorse Local 15’s participation in the City of Vancouver’s 125th Birthday Celebration

• To purchase five tickets to the Langara Event: Inequality - The Biggest Barrier to Sustainability

• To provide book off for Sister E. Dollaga from the VSB to attend ILO meetings in Geneva

• To donate $200 to the Aboriginal Day Celebration in Oppenheimer Park on June 21st

• To purchase eight tickets to the COPE Summer Solstice Barbeque Fundraising Event

• To purchase four tickets to the Vancouver Fairview Fundraising Event

The Members decided

There was not quorum at the May General Membership Meeting.

Thanks from DOXAOn behalf of all of us at the Documentary Media Society, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and CUPE Local 15 for your support of the DOXA Documentary Film Festival with the purchase of an advertisement in the 2011 DOXA Festival program.

We are very excited about expanding the 2011 festival with three additional venues and having our first ever 3D screening on closing night.

Thanks again for your support of DOXA and for supporting independent documentary film.

Sincerely,Meghna Haldar, Advertising Coordinator


CUPE Local 15 Equality StatementOur local union solidarity is based on the principle that all members of CUPE Local 15 are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict within our local prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As members of CUPE Local 15, mutual respect, cooperation, and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behavior that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any member, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for them.

We believe that discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic, or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language, and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us meet the needs of our members or grow as a local union. Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, working conditions, and justice in our workplaces, society, and in our union.

CUPE Local 15 policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality.

Members, staff, and elected officers must be mindful that all sisters and brothers deserve dignity, equality and respect.


The Members’voiceJUN




WWW.CUPE15.ORG CUPE Local 15, Vancouver Municipal Education and Community Workers

Events & Credits

The Members’ Voice is published nine times a year for members of CUPE Local 15 - Vancouver Municipal, Education and Community Workers. The Deadline for submissions is 9:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. All submissions may be edited for brevity and clarity. Signed articles and letters do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of CUPE Local 15.

CUPE Local 15545 West 10th AvenueVancouver, BC V5Z 1K9Phone: 604-879-4671Fax: 604-879-7582Email: email@cupe15.orgWebsite:

Local 15 is a chartered affiliate of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and is also affiliated with the CUPE British Columbia Division, CUPE Metro District Council and the Vancouver & District Labour Council. CUPE 15 is a member of the Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM).

CUPE Local 15 Executive Board

Table Officers:President: Paul Faoro

1st Vice President: Miriam Pulsifer

2nd Vice President: Sally Bankiner

Secretary Treasurer: Leanne Toderian

Sector Representatives:City: Santino Scardillo, Diane Brown

College/University: Emma Somers

Cultural: Matthew Quiring

Health/HSSCBA: Patricia Taylor

Health/HSPBA: Vacant

Parks: Anne-Marie McGee, Barb Dickinson

K-12: Peggy Wong, Warren Williams

Trustees:Joey Lau, Michelle Alexander, Karla Mairena

Staff Representatives:Kathie Currie, John Geppert, Keith Graham, Graeme Moore

Office & Administrative Staff:Mark Gloumeau, Accounting Coordinator Maureen Dorratt, Office Assistant Rosemary Matheson, Office Manager Barbara Simpson, Office Assistant

Building Maintenance:Jeff Zaharia

CUPE National Representatives:Justin Schmid, Tina Meadows, Matt Yun

Designed by

How to make a withdrawal on your Vancouver Employees’ Savings Plan

VANCOUVER—Preparations are well underway for two days of Aboriginal celebrations in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. The event is being organized in part by CUPE 951’s Dale Whitford and takes place at Oppenheimer Park (at 440 Powell St) on Saturday, June 18 and Tuesday, June 21. Dale is a member of the CUPE BC Aboriginal working group.

This is the second year for the event, which coincides with National Aboriginal Day on Tuesday, June 21. Dale says the planning committee for this year’s event hit on the theme of Respect, Honour and Kindness as a natural for Native values.

“Respect has always been central in Native culture, as is honouring, with all the ceremonies and rituals. We chose kindness as a contrast to address bullying – to encourage an approach that includes quiet and listening.” The respect part of the theme will be played out with a ‘blanketing’ ceremony for activist Kat Norris for her work in helping to set up the independent police inquiry board.

Last year Dale says there were 50-100 kids on the first day but this year they are gearing up for double that number. On hand will be drummers, crafting and language lessons as well as the Hobbema School of Rock and Roller Derby Girls.

“We focus on the children for the first day because it allows the kids to experience a lot of their own culture in a fun setting. They not only find out about their own culture from elders and teachers, but also find out about other aboriginal cultures,” Dale explains.

The aboriginal Roller Girls will be showing their acrobatic tricks as they race around the

Oppenheimer park building. The Hobbema School of Rock is an aboriginal high school project from Alberta that tours the country with live music that lets children experience aboriginal music in a different way.

Expect to see lots of traditional dress at the festival, but not just aboriginal dress – Dale says everyone is being encouraged to wear their traditional garb – wherever they are from. And to eat…bison or venison for 500!

If you need money this summer for the holidays it is a simple procedure to access your Vancouver Employees’ Savings Plan (VESP) managed by BenFlex Services.

To start, log on to or use the links button on the CUPE 15 website.

If you have registered in the past, provide your username and password. If you have not registered then you will be asked to provide your social insurance number, date of birth, postal code, email, and to create a username and password.

Once into the site you have lots of options to choose from. You must maintain $500 in your account, above that you may withdraw some or all of your funds. You may request a cheque sent to your home or have the money deposited into your credit union/bank account.

There are different charges for different services.That’s it, fairly simple. Enjoy your summer.

JUNE 18th, 2011, 11am – 3pmOppenheimer ParkAll ages are invited to wear your regalia 11:00am – Welcoming11:30am – Traditional Grandmothers and Grandfathers12:30pm – Hobbema School of Rock1:30pm – Roller Derby Girls2pm – Sitting Still Thunder

Balloon Twisting• Face Painting• Story Tellers• BBQ•

Aboriginal Days focus on respect, honour and kindness

By Craig Hopkins, Shop Steward

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