mein kampf

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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this book is about my life




I dedicate this book to my “homeboy”

Christopher Hasnomiddlename Nelson.


Mein Kampf

By: Tyren Lincoln


Table of Contents

.................................................................................................................................My Name Page 5

...................................................................................................................My Neighborhood Page 6

............................................................................................................A Happy Time For Me Page 7

.................................................................................................Favorite Toy From Childhood Page 8

.......................................................................................................A Time I Got Into Trouble Page 9

..........................................................................................................Advice From An Adult Page 10

..............................................................................................A Negative Story From School Page 11

.................................................................................................Someone Special In My Life Page 12

.................................................................................................................A Special Holiday Page 13

.......................................................................................................................The Big Game Page 14


My Name

I guess you want me to say that my name is something special. That it means something

spectacular or special in another language. But, in reality my name is just Tyren.I wish my name

meant that Iwas like a fierce lion but, according to a website my name means that I am

independent and ready to accept challenges. It also says that I like to travel and that I go out of

my way to assist in creating fairness. I was surprised to read this because those things do

describe me. On the other hand it also says that I am impatient and that I will spoil friendships at

the smallest issues. Which in my opinion is not true. It continues to say that I will run into moods

of depression which can lead to nerve damage causing stomach ulcers. Also, the article continues

to say that I will go bald. Which I wasn’t happy about.

My mother said that she got the idea of my name when she was 19. She was working in

Fort McCoy when she met a guy and after talking she acquired his name, Tyren. When she heard

that name for some reason she thought “If Ihave a boy his name will be Tyren.

Seven years later that is exactly what happened. When it comes down to it I really don’t care

what my name means because my name doesn’t define who I am. I define who I am, not

something as simple as my name. I still think my name is pretty cool.


My Neighborhood

My neighborhood sucks. I live out in the middle of barre mills, right by Syles. Honestly

Syles restaurant is probably the coolest thing around me, besides fox hollow. Other than that

there is really nothing else around me. My neighborhood has no teens my age by it. The closest

friend I had was my next-door neighbor, But I didn’t really like him because he got caught

selling drugs and he was pretty mean to me. If I ever want to hang out with some friends I have

to ask my mom to drive me seven miles into town.But, she usually says no because asking her to

go seven miles is like asking her to drive me half way across the world.

The only good thing about living where I do is that I have a great view of the country.

Also, If I want to go mess around I just have to walk one hundred feet behind my house to my

little creek. I like it down by my creek because I can catch some frogs, go fishing, or just follow

it to see where it goes. In the end my neighborhood is really cool and there are lots of things to

do. But, is it too much to have someone nearby who will share my awesome neighborhood

because I think the loneliness is worse than have a lot of cool stuff. Or maybe if my brother

wasn’t mean or actually made sense half the time then maybe that would make it better


A Happy Time For MeSpring

I walk to the parkThe birds sing, the squirrels will play

It’s like a new world.

TricycleI peddle so fast

I am on top of the worldIt flies like the wind.

TestsThey are such a boor

It is what you rememberMy memories poor.


Favorite Toy From My ChildhoodI


Things to doOutside

Playing soccer is one of my Likable sports I willAlwaysYearn to do

Something OutstandingCoolCoolEverything I can be, people willRemember me


A Time I Got Into Trouble

A couple weeks ago a few of my friends came over to my house. We were going to get

our science projects done early so that we wouldn’t have to worry about it, and we wanted to get

this done fast so we could screw around the rest of the time. So, as soon as we got into my house

I gave them a little tour, then we decided to go on a little adventure in my backyard, after that we

come inside and make hot chocolate and played some pool. Before we realized it, it was ten

o’clock p.m. You could have heard a pin drop. We quickly got all of our equipment and started

testing and when we finished it was two o’clock a.m. We didn’t fall asleep, we passed out.

When we woke up we had plenty of energy and were ready to “screw around”. We ate

breakfast and started to tackle each other and throw each other to the ground and were getting

pretty rough when I got pushed into a wall and a candle holder (made of glass)fell and shattered.

I was scared to tell my mom that I broke it, but I finally did and she looked like a tiger ready to

pounce. She then very calmly said “ok I’m taking your money to pay for it” and she took my

money and bought a new one. I didn’t object because she scares me. The only thing I don’t under

stand is the candle holder only fell 4 feet, how does glass break on carpet?


Advice From An Adult

My pasture at my church told me that someones first impression of you is what they will

most remember so always try to look good incase you meet someone important so you don’t look

sloppy. I took this to heart because it really is true, when you first meet someone you don’t know

what they are like then you immediately go off of looks especially if you see them from afar

because then you don’t know if they are someone nice or a mean person. Once someone makes

the decision that you don’t look like a “good person” then it is proven that it is very hard to sway

what they think about you within the first 10 seconds of looking at you. So meeting someone is

literally like someone is a book because the first thin you judge is their “cover” and as you get to

know them or “read their pages” you will truly find out if they are good or bad.

I always try to follow this advice because I don’t want someone I’ve never met before

think that I’m some sloppy slug or that I wouldn’t be a nice person. I always want to look my

best whether I’m going to woodman's to get some groceries or going to a wedding you always

want to look presentable. Now, there is a difference in how you should look going to woodman's

and going to a wedding but you should never look like a slob in either situation.


A Negative story from school

One time we had a big test in science, it was the first test of the year and I forgot to study so I

was a little scared. But, I got my test back and had an A. I was so happy that I got an A because I

forgot to study and I thought that I wouldn’t have gotten anything better than a B. Then we had

our second test and I studied my pants of for this one. I got my test back and I had a C+ which I

couldn’t believe that I got that grade when I had studied so much and tried so hard. I vowed that I

would never get a grade that low in that class again. The next test I had studied very hard for, just

like the last one and I knew that I would do better on this one because the other one was just a

coincidence. I got my third test back and I had a B-. I felt like my test just punched me in the


The next month and half was me getting the whole alphabet on my tests and quizzes. But then, I

started to get A after A after A . I don’t know why it was only in science that my grades were bad.

But, I was so relieved to finally stop getting my mixed up grades.In the end I don’t know why I

went on a streak of getting mixed up grades. But, I’m glad it’s over.


Someone Special In My Life

Someone special in my life is my cat. I love my little cat because she was my christmas present

many years ago. It was 2007 and me and my brother had already opened all of our presents when

suddenly my mother said that she has one more present and that it was in her car. So, she left to

go get the present from her car while my brother and me just waited inside. My brother looked

like a wiggly worm I, on the other hand, was sitting there trying to play with my new toys (which

were probably power rangers or something). Then my mother walked back in holding a big red

box, I being a child thought it was some sort of video game. But then my mom opened the box

and I saw a little kitty cat sitting in the box.

Over the next few years my cat is still special to me. Even though she is fat, lazy, and never does

anything, I still love her and I will always treat her like my first pet. I never knew why my mom

got us a cat instead of a dog, or a hamster or something. Maybe it was because she didn’t want a

dog using her floor as a bathroom. I bet she also didn’t want to deal with getting a new hamster

every two years. She probably got a cat so that she wouldn’t have to take care of it and so me and

my brother would stop asking for pets. Needless to say, I know my mom still loves her and that

she was the best christmas present she ever bought.


A Special Holiday

A special holiday for me is Christmas. Every Christmas it is just crazy, I’m just flying from one

place to another. My family lives all over Wisconsin, my mom’s boyfriend’s parents live in

Green Bay, my dad’s parents live in Milwaukee, my mom’s parents live in Sparta, and

occasionally I have to go to my Aunt and Uncles. This is my normal Christmas. I always finish a

book or two every Christmas because of all of the driving, and because of that I always get a

book or two to read next year. I still like to go see all of my family because they are always fun

to be around and always know how to have a good time.

The most annoying thing is that my brother thinks Christmas is just an open cash register, he

always asks for things that cost hundreds of dollars while every one else gets things that are way

cheaper. That isn’t what Christmas is all about. Christmas is a time to get together with family

and the present is seeing there face when you give them a present. Christmas is about going

outside playing in the snow and coming inside for hot chocolate when you get cold. It’s about

having a wonderful Christmas tree that when you put up you’re proud of it, and it doesn’t matter

what anyone else thinks because you tried your best and that’s all that counts. That is what

Christmas should be, but sadly I don’t feel like that is what it is becoming.


The Big Game

In my first year of soccer at the high school I played on the junior varsity team, but I was alright

with that. Then I found out that the junior varsity team didn’t win a single game last year and

believe me I was a little scared we were going to win or not. Our team worked like dogs in the

hot, humid, foggy fall weather. I knew we were ready to play our first game and the rest of our

team knew it too. Then the game started Onalaska had a very physical team but we fought tooth

and nail to keep up with them. No matter how hard we tried they were always one goal ahead of

us. In the end, we just couldn’t pull it off.We lost 2-3. The teams moral took a hit from that game

because we were so sure that we could win we just felt it. The rest of the week our practices were

just average we didn’t have an upbeat attitude.

The our second game came and this was one of games that was farthest away. So, we had

to sit on a bus for two hours at the early hours in the morning. When we got there we were all

sore and tired, but we knew we had to do good and we were going to try our best. The varsity

team went first and seeing how prairie du chine played I had a feeling we were going to have

another loss. We got on the field and the whistle blew and the game started. We got the ball

marched it down the field and scored a goal, then we did it again, and again, and again, and

again. We were unstoppable! By the time the game was over we had won 10-0 our goalie didn’t

even have to touch the ball and the offense never let it go. We were so proud, we had broken the

streak! We were winners! Let me tell you that was probably one of the best bus rides home I’ve

ever had.


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