meeting notice -€¦ · major update of the comprehensive economic development strategy...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Martin Farrell (Chair), Jeff Nooyen (Vice-Chair), Tom Kautza,

Dick Koeppen, David Albrecht (Perm. Alt. for Shiloh Ramos), Donna Kalata, Alice Connors,

Jeremy Johnson

Date: Thursday Sept. 24, 2020

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Place: East Central Offices (400 Ahnaip Street, Suite 100; Menasha)

General Public - If you are planning on attending, please contact the Executive Director, Melissa

Kraemer Badtke at to ensure the meeting space has social distancing


Agenda 1) Welcome & Introductions

2) Statement of Compliance with Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.84 Regarding Open Meetings Requirement

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Approval of Agenda/Motion to Deviate

5) Public Comment

6) Approval of the July 22, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings


7) Announcements / Updates

a) Director’s Report

b) Other

8) Informational/Discussion Items:

a) County Issue Sharing/Roundtable (as time permits)

9) New Business/Action Items

a) Update and discussion on the Governor’s Appointment Process (Enclosed)

b) Proposed Resolution 24-20: Authorizing Commission Staff to Destroy Public Records

According to the Adopted Records Retention Policy and Destruction Schedule (Enclosed)

c) Update and discussion on the Indirect Cost Rate

d) Discussion on the 2020-2023 ECWRPC Strategic Plan Draft (Enclosed)

e) Discussion and possible action on 2021 Technical Assistance Program Options


f) CLOSED SESSION: The Committee will convene, if needed, into closed session

pursuant to Sections 19.85(1)(e) of the Wisconsin Statutes to discuss strategy regarding

ongoing negotiations with another entity so as not to compromise the Commission’s

bargaining position and Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes to consider and

discuss personnel matters, 2021 staffing plan, and compensation.

g) RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION: The Committee will reconvene into open

session pursuant to section 19.85(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes to take action, if necessary,

on the above matters.

i) Action from closed session discussions

h) Approval of the 2021 Premium Sharing for Employee Health Insurance, Dental Coverage

& Vision Program (Will be sent separately)

10) Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items

11) Adjourn

Any person wishing to attend this meeting or hearing, who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations should contact the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission at (920) 751-4770 at least three business days prior to the meeting or

hearing so that arrangements, within reason, can be made.


COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Martin Farrell (Chair), Jeff Nooyen (Vice-Chair), Tom Kautza,

Dick Koeppen, David Albrecht (Perm. Alt. for Shiloh Ramos), Donna Kalata, Alice Connors,

Jeremy Johnson

Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Place: East Central Offices (400 Ahnaip Street, Suite 100; Menasha)

Committee Members Present: Martin Farrell (Chair) ..................................................................................................... Fond du Lac County Jeff Nooyen ...................................................................................................................... Outagamie County Tom Kautza ......................................................................................................................... Shawano County Alice Connors ....................................................................................................................... Calumet County Donna Kalata ...................................................................................................................... Waushara County Dick Koeppen ...................................................................................................................... Waupaca County Jeremy Johnson (Perm. Alt. for Laure Pecore) ............................................................... Menominee County Committee Members Excused: Dave Albrecht (Perm. Alt. for Shiloh Ramos) ................................................................. Winnebago County Committee Members Unexcused: None Staff /Others Present: Melissa Kraemer Badtke ...................................................................................... Interim Executive Director Walt Raith........................................................................................................................... Assistant Director Pam Scheibe-Johnson ..................................................................................................................... Controller

Agenda 1) Welcome & Introductions

Chair Farrell called the meeting to order and welcomed committee members.

2) Statement of Compliance with Wis. Stats. Sec. 19.84 Regarding Open Meetings


Ms. Kraemer Badtke stated that the meeting was posted in compliance with Wis. Stats. Sec.

19.84 Regarding Open Meetings Requirement and that it was a legal meeting.

3) Pledge of Allegiance

4) Approval of Agenda/Motion to Deviate

Mr. Johnson motioned to approve the agenda/deviate, Ms. Connors seconded the motion. The

motion passed unanimously.

5) Public Comment

There were no members of the public present.

6) Approval of the June 17, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings

Mr. Koeppen motioned to approve the summary of proceedings, Ms. Kalata seconded the

motion. The motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 abstention (Mr. Nooyen).

7) Announcements / Updates

a) Staff Updates

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke provided staff updates to the committee and noted the staff

vacancies and some of the vacancies have been filled. The transportation planner position

was an internal hire. Mr. Tanner Russell, GIS Planning Assistant, moved into that role.

Now there is a vacancy in the GIS department. Mr. Adam Bellcorelli was hired as the

new Associate Transportation Planner; he will be working on specialized transportation

and transit, along with working on the long range plans. Chair Farrell asked where he was

at in terms of career development or progression. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke replied that he

had some years of experience and has worked at UW-Oshkosh under the Geography

Department doing some of their administration and he has also worked with GO Transit.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke has worked with him on the re:TH!NK Leadership Council,

through Winnebago County. He has worked on neighborhood association pieces, he is

also President of his children’s elementary school PTO, we have worked on Safe Routes

to School together. Adam also has a lot of different connections with the Oshkosh

Community and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and with a majority of

oversite on federal program, Adam’s expertise in this area will be extremely helpful. Mr.

Raith added that he has been involved in meetings involving specialized transportation.

Mr. Raith added that he stopped at a meeting in Oshkosh last night, which is probably

why we hired him, it was the ESTHER Transit Community Group, they all knew Adam

too. He does all this stuff because he is passionate about it. We are really happy to have

him on board. Ms. Kay Heiman was hired as the new Controller and she will be cross-

training with Ms. Scheibe-Johnson and Ms. Kraemer-Badtke on the budget pieces. Ms.

Scheibe-Johnson mentioned that Dan DeBonis, from Calumet County, was also on the

hiring committee for the Controller position. Mr. Tom Baron took a position with EDA

(Economic Development Administration) and is our new Wisconsin EDA representative,

and we have some awesome applicants for the Economic Development Planner position.

The position was advertised as a principal planner level position, it was thought necessary

to do so given the level of federal funds coming in. The Hiring Committee is made up of:

Mary Kohrell, Calumet County; Jayme Sellen, Fox Cities Chamber; and Mike Zuege,

GIS Coordinator. The committee will meet to discuss the applicants and virtual

interviews will be held next week. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke also added that the new staff

information with name and contact information can be sent over in an email.


Ms. Scheibe-Johnson noted that the Steering Committee had given the approval for

CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) to extend the audit contract by one year, so Ms. Scheibe-

Johnson did solicit an engagement letter or a proposal letter from Amber Danielski, who

is the principal in charge from CLA and she did respond with a $10,300 audit fee. Ms.

Scheibe-Johnson had estimated $10,100, so it came in very close, just based on where

their scale had been from the prior three years. It does exceed the uniform guidance

amount of $10,000 to receive quotes, or go out for RFP. However, because only a portion

of the audit fee is for the single audit (and related to receipt of federal grants) Ms.

Danielski said Uniform Guidance procurement doesn’t apply because part of the audit fee

is for the audit of the financial statements. The only thing that can be allocated is the

single audit portion, we will be okay in that regard. We will go ahead and enter into that

agreement with CliftonLarsonAllen for the audit.

8) Informational/Discussion Items:

a) 2nd

Quarter, 2020 Financial Report

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson provided an overview of the financial report. Items included in the

overview were as follows: cash balance, accounts receivable, use of consultants vs. own

staff, local share, transportation and Safe Routes to School billings, staff vacancies,

retained earnings for the current year (surplus), statement of revenue and expenses,

federal grants, direct grant expenses, consultant work, transit sub-award, and contracts.

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson noted that regarding the Town of Lessor contract, the Town had

stopped meeting due to COVID-19 and the project was barely off the ground. Ms.

Kraemer-Badtke added that regarding the Town of Lessor, Mr. Verboomen had contacted

them last week and the Planning Commission will begin meeting in person. They did not

want to do a virtual option. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke will be working with Todd to see what

that looks like and how they are going to move forward and another update will be

provided in August.

Ms. Scheibe- Johnson continued with an overview of the following: revenue, expenses,

salaries and wages, employee fringe benefits, overhead expenses and surplus.

Ms. Kalata noted that we are at 61 percent of Commissioners’ meeting payments, she is

assuming that by not having the mini-conference that will all even out. Ms. Scheibe-

Johnson replied that may level out. She also added that also depends on where the

meetings are held.

Ms. Kalata motioned to receive the report and place on file. Mr. Kautza seconded the

motion. The motion passed unanimously.

b) 2nd

Quarter, 2020 Work Program Performance Report

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson provided an overview of the work program performance report.

Items included in the overview were as follows: updated format, layout of project

funding, sewer service projects, redirection of staff time, work element grouping,

contracts, commuter service study, and a comparison of budgeted hours to hours spent to

date as well as where we stand on invoices sent compared to total contract amount .

Chair Farrell asked that the question was brought up at the last Commission meeting, in

the sense that the project progress report was in a somewhat different format from what

the previous Executive Director had presented in the past, is that correct? Ms. Scheibe-

Johnson replied that was correct.

Chair Farrell continued that now this has been altered from what was seen at the last

Commission meeting to make sure that it does list both the dollars and the hours progress.

Now would you say that it does contain the same information but still in a slightly

different format? Ms. Scheibe-Johnson replied yes, she believes that this meets the needs

of the valid comment that Mr. Thomas made at the last meeting. Ms. Connors and Mr.

Koeppen both stated that they liked the format.

Chair Farrell commented that the sewer service area plan was one that was identified in

looking at the whole operation as an area that was kind of tending to run over consistently

year in year out. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke replied at the last Steering Committee, it was

mentioned that Mr. Verboomen and Ms. Kraemer-Badtke had called the DNR and that

DNR is open to trying to streamline the way the sewer service area plan updates occur.

Staff are waiting to hear back from the DNR on the legal pieces that need to be included

in those plans. Just keep in mind as we try to streamline it, we will still have to dedicate

some time to that project, but we are going to try to redirect staff to assist with other

projects and deliverables that are outstanding in the transportation program and those

sorts of things as well. There was a discussion regarding the fees that are charged for the

sewer service area program and the fee amount would be something the agency could

look at in the future.

Ms. Connors motioned to receive the report and place on file. Mr. Nooyen seconded the

motion. The motion passed unanimously.

c) Outagamie County 2021 Budget meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke received an email from Mr. Craig Moser with Outagamie County

regarding the 2021 budget meeting. This is a ten minute meeting with the County

Executive and others that are invited to participate. There is a document that needs to be

filled out and submitted prior to the meeting listing our 2020 accomplishments along with

the 2021 anticipated project accomplishments and deliverables that we will be working

on. In the document the levy amount will need to be included. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke

mentioned there will be a Finance Committee meeting that will need to be attended by

the Executive Director in October. At this meeting, the finance committee will be able to

discuss with the Executive Director the different elements for the upcoming budget year.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke asked Mr. Moser if it would be appropriate to bring up the progress

of the reorganization plan and the intergovernmental agreement to ensure that the county

understands where the Commission is sitting with those deliverables outlined in that and

he asked Ms. Kraemer-Badtke to call Corporation Council Mr. Joe Guidotte and talk to

him and see if that would be appropriate at the Finance Committee meeting or not. Ms.

Kraemer Badtke will connect with Mr. Guidotte and discuss the matter with him. There

was discussion regarding the Outagamie County budget process and that having the

meeting with the County Executive was the first step in the process. The budget materials

will then go to Finance Committee for their review.

d) Update on the Governor’s Appointment Process

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke noted that she had talked to our attorney yesterday and she will be

sending over draft resolutions along with bylaws and the attorney will review the upated

bylaws to ensure compliance with the state statutes. They said they anticipate it would

take 3 hours or so of their time. The Governor’s Office stated that we would have to send

the resolution that the Commission would approve and the resolution for each of the

counties that they would approve. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke replied that what we will have to

do is have the Commission approve a resolution to amend the bylaws to make this

change. Then what we would have is that each of the counties would also have to

approve a resolution accepting that change in the bylaws because when we were formed,

the counties were the ones that developed the bylaws and the membership. As soon as we

have the materials together, Ms. Kraemer-Badtke will start setting up meetings with each

of the counties so we would be able to go through the process to get that approved. There

was discussion among the steering committee members regarding this process and the

consensus amongst the committee that it would not be difficult to pass amongst the

counties. There was also discussion with the steering committee members that it would

be important for each of the counties to pass the resolution in order for this change to

move forward.

e) County Issue Sharing/Roundtable

Items included in the roundtable discussion were as follows: county board changes,

public comment listed on county board agendas, and fair mapping.

9) New Business/Action Items

a) Discussion on the Indirect Cost Rate

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson initiated the discussion on the indirect cost rate. In the past, Ms.

Scheibe-Johnson has submitted the certificate of indirect cost which is part of the cost

allocation plan to EDA (Economic Development Administration). Typically, in a matter

of a few weeks we received a letter back approving the certificate of indirect cost. Chair

Farrell receives it as his email is on the certificate of indirect cost, saying that it has been

approved and to keep that letter on file which we then share with any other federal

awarding agency, and with WisDOT. Instead, Ms. Scheibe-Johnson received an email

from Bernadette Grafton, from EDA, saying that our rate was too high and we would

have to negotiate a different rate. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson communicated with her and said

that she was surprised, it did go up slightly because we did have an increase in our

overhead rate almost 5 percentage points. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson explained to her that it

was a one-time thing, it was a result of our indirect labor because we had three days that

the office was closed early in the winter of 2019 in January and February because of

extreme cold and one day was ice. We paid our staff but they were not working so we

could not charge a federal grant or a state grant or a project. So it got charged to indirect

labor which falls in the overhead category. Then after Ms. Scheibe-Johnson reached out

to other RPCs and this was something we had talked about in our finance summit, the

other RPCs mentioned their rate is based on salaries with fringe benefits. Our rate is

based solely on salaries, so Ms. Scheibe-Johnson revised the calculation and the reason

that this was based on just salaries is because that is how our accounting program works.

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson is able to re-do the calculation to show Bernadette what the rate

would be if we were like the other RPCs who based it on salary with fringe benefits

instead of just salaries. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson solicited rates from some of the other RPCs,

West Central Wisconsin RCP is at 36 percent, Northwest Wisconsin RPC is at 39

percent, and ours under the revised calculation comes in at 43 percent. Last week, Ms.

Scheibe-Johnson sent everything back to Bernadette Grafton with the explanaion and

provided the revised calculation. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson wanted to know if now this was

within Ms. Grafton’s range of reasonable. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson has not heard back from

her yet. If not, and her response is ‘no’, then we will have to fill out all of the paperwork,

send it to the Department of Interior, who is the negotiating branch or department for

EDA, and go through a full negotiation process. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson does not know

why it happened this year, she believes many of the agencies are under the gun, so to

speak, to monitor their dollars and make sure that they are getting the appropriate bang

for their buck. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson is really not sure why, we are working through it and

Ms. Scheibe-Johnson is hoping to hear from Bernadette and have her say that we are now

within the range of reasonableness and she will accept it with the explanation and

supporting documents provided.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke added that she did talk to Ms. Michelle Velazquez from the

Economic Development Administration regarding the potential impacts of the indirect

rate approvals and the institutional grant for the CARES Act funding, which is

anticipated to be $400,000. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke was reassured that was not the case and

in fact Ms. Velazquez was going to reach out to Ms. Grafton to discuss this further. Ms.

Velazquez mentioned that economic development districts that are non-profits have to go

through the process and negotiate that indirect cost rate. That negotiation takes

approximately 4 months. Ms. Velazquez was confident that we will be able to work

through some of these pieces especially when Ms. Kraemer-Badtke gave the explanation

of direct labor just for salaries as Ms. Scheibe-Johnson had indicated and indirect

included our fringes benefits and our overhead. The indirect cost rates were identified in

the reorganization plan as something to take a look at.

Chair Farrell asked about the status of the EDA Institutional grant. Ms. Kraemer Badtke

replied that EDA stated that we should be notified within the next few weeks, but we

were notified by EDA that we can begin working on the institutional grant.

b) Discussion on Potential Regional Revolving Loan Fund

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke began the discussion and provided background information on the

item. With the CARES Act funding through EDA, there is also the regional revolving

loan fund program. Prior to Mr. Tom Baron leaving, he had been working at getting input

from our communities and feedback on what resources they need and one item that was

mentioned was a regional revolving loan fund. The entire region would be eligible for the

revolving loan fund which makes it a little bit unique. It is an 80 percent funded by

federal funds and 20 percent local match and this program wasn’t considered during the

reorganization plan because it wasn’t available. The document that was included in your

meeting packet was presented to the Economic Development Committee and then it was

referred back to Steering Committee because it would be a new major program for the

Commission. There are a number of things to consider: the reorganization plan, new

staffing, changes in leadership, and a new Controller.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke went through the regional revolving loan fund document, but a

couple things to consider is the amount of staffing required for this program and currently

we do not have staff capacity. If this would be a program that would want to be pursued

by the Committee, we would end up having to hire staff to operate the regional revolving

loan fund. The committee discussed how the regional revolving loan fund would operate

and where the local match would be coming from.

The committee expressed concerns about the federal restrictions for this program. It was

noted that some of the counties had their own revolving loan funds and due to the federal

restrictions it was hard to utilize the funding properly. It was also noted that with the

reorganization plan and the changes in leadership at the Commission, that the timing was

very challenging.

The steering committee and the staff had a discussion regarding the requirements of the

Revolving Loan Fund and how this would impact the reorganization plan that was

adopted in April.

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke replied that there were a few counties and municipalities interested

in the Regional Revolving Loan Fund program. EDA would like to see it regional

because it helps to streamline the federal process and the paperwork. That is why some of

our programs, such as SRTS, have been successful. We streamlined the federal

paperwork, the communities make it easier, but if we are not going to do it, they will still

have an opportunity to apply for it and do their own program if they would like.

The steering committee discussed and expressed concerns for the timing of doing the

reorganization plan including the onboarding of new staff. The committee stated that this

program could be considered in 2021 when the reorganization plan has been

implemented. The committee agreed that the efforts of staff should be spent on the

reorganization plan and working on our core service program areas.

c) CLOSED SESSION: The Committee will convene, if needed, into closed session

pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes to consider personnel

matters, compensation, hiring of a new Executive Director, and the 2021 ECWRPC

Staffing Plan.

Mr. Kautza motioned to move into closed session, Mr. Nooyen seconded the motion. A

roll call vote was taken to move into closed session. The motion passed unanimously. At

11:25 a.m., the committee went into closed session.

d) RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION: The Committee will reconvene into open

session pursuant to section 19.85(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes to take action, if

necessary, on the above matters.

Mr. Nooyen motioned to reconvene into open session, Mr. Kautza seconded the motion.

A rollcall vote was taken to reconvene into open session. The motion passed

unanimously. The committee reconvened into open session at 12:20 p.m.

i) Action from closed session discussions

Mr. Kautza motioned for the Steering Committee to make the offer of the position of

Executive Director to Ms. Kraemer-Badtke. Ms. Connors seconded the motion. The

motion passed unanimously.

Chair Farrell added that by way of discussion we were very pleased; there was a very

clear front runner out of 40 applicants from all over the country. That was confirmed

in our interview process as well as everything else in the application process.

The Steering Committee congratulated Ms. Kraemer-Badtke. Ms. Kraemer-Badtke

replied that she appreciated the opportunity and the leadership that the Steering

Committee has provided over the last 5 months.

e) 2021 Technical Assistance Program Options

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke provided an overview of the 2021 technical assistance program

options. Some options were laid out, Ms. Kraemer-Badtke noted the provided handout of

the technical assistance projects and noted that the projects highlighted in green were the

ones that were approved for 2020, the projects in orange were identified in the strategic

plan as not ranking high in value and should be removed as part of the reorganization; it

was recommended to reduce our involvement moving toward the end of 2020 and in

2021 not be involved in them.

Staff laid out some options for the committee to review. Ms. Kraemer Badtke went over

the three options with the committee. It was also noted by Mr. Zuege, EC GIS Manager,

that a few of our member counties were asking staff about updating the existing land use

data. No formal action will be needed to be taken today, but these are some things to

think about moving forward, and just have a discussion today about this.

It was noted by the committee that the technical assistance projects in the future should

be self-sustaining and that updating the regional comprehensive plan needs to be a

priority for 2021.

There was consensus that Option #2 would be the preferred option and it will be

reviewed at the next meeting.

f) Proposed Resolution 20-20 – Adoption of the Preliminary Year 2021 Budget & Final

Tax Levy for the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (Enclosed)

Ms. Kraemer-Badtke provided an overview of the draft 2021 budget and the levy, which

was based on the reorganization plan. Ms. Kraemer Badtke stated that during the mid-

year review with WisDOT, Federal Highway, and Federal Transit, that WisDOT does not

anticipate any changes in funding at this time. WisDOT requested that we anticipate that

funding levels will remain the same. The same with DNR, but all things can fluctuate.

We also included the EDA institutional grant with anticipated revenue of $200,000

($200,000 for 2 years). Staff also looked at a potential reduction on the office rent for

2021. Staff have made assumptions about insurance, we will not receive that information

until October, so essentially what you see on the levy pages are a reduction by over

$200,000 for the 2021 budget based on the reorganization plan. A discussion regarding

the EDA CARES Act Institutional Grant occurred regarding the $400,000 over a 2 year

period and no local match required for the grant.

Chair Farrell asked if there might be unanticipated expenses due to COVID-19 and with

$122,000 surplus projected, how will the Commission use the surplus? Ms. Scheibe-

Johnson replied that there is no consideration in the proposed 2021 budget for what had

previously been discussed as a result of the email that Ms. Scheibe-Johnson had sent out

to the Steering Committee. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson noted she had done a capacity analysis

and with that CARES Act funding, there is a lot of work that will need to be done in

addition to the three year planning grant through EDA. Ms. Scheibe-Johnson stated that

based on the capacity analysis a part-time position or an LTE might be necessary.

Mr. Kautza replied that by having the funds unallocated and going back to the options 1-

3, options 1 and 3 put in part technical assistance projects, and some of that funding can

be used to clean up some of the current projects that are in-progress. Then we will decide

after that what will be done with the technical assistance program.

Mr. Johnson added that he agreed with Ms. Scheibe-Johnson that you may also want to

consider maybe as much as $15,000 of the surplus for the salary reward program. Ms.

Connors motioned to adopt the resolution, Mr. Koeppen seconded the motion. The

motion passed unanimously.

10) Next Meeting Date & Agenda Items

The Steering Committee will be meeting August, Ms. Kraemer-Badtke will send out a

Doodle scheduler. The Quarterly Commission Meeting is at the Fond du Lac City County

Building at 10:00 a.m. next Friday, July 31st. There will be a virtual call-in option available.

11) Adjourn

Mr. Koeppen motioned to adjourn, Mr. Nooyen seconded the motion. The motion passed

unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Any person wishing to attend this meeting or hearing, who, because of a disability, requires special accommodations should contact

the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission at (920) 751-4770 at least three business days prior to the meeting or

hearing so that arrangements, within reason, can be made.

East Central WI Regional Planning Commission – September 24, 2020 Report By Melissa Kraemer Badtke, Executive Director, Updates on highlighted activities Regional Comprehensive Plan and Contracts Contracts: The Town of Eldorado and the Town of Alto Comprehensive Plans will be going for approval in September. The Town of Algoma and the Village of North Fond du Lac Comprehensive Plans will be finalized and going for approval later this year. The City of Shawano Comprehensive Plan process has also begun. Economic Development Program Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS): The CEDS Committee met this week to discuss the 2020 CEDS Annual Report document and discuss initiatives for 2020. The CEDS Annual Report will go to the Economic Development Committee for their review in October. EDA Institutional Grant: Staff is continuing to develop the Administrative Plan, which will lay out the program deliverables for this grant. Open Space Recreation Program Projects Staff continues to work with local communities on their Comprehensive Open Space Recreation Plans. Staff continues to analysis surveys information and will presenting them to their parks committee. Sewer Service Area Program Staff is continuing to work with WDNR regarding streamline the plan update process and staff is continuing to work on the Fox Cities SSA Update. Transportation Program ArcGIS Transportation Hub: Staff continues to finalize the Long Range Land Use Transportation Plans for the Appleton TMA and the Oshkosh MPO. Staff has also launched a “one stop shop” for all of the transportation plans and database for data - Safe Routes to School and COVID Impacts: As many of the schools have reopening plans for the fall, we are anticipating that there will be increases in the amount of traffic at and around the schools due to the amount of students that can be on a bus with social distancing. Staff is created a COVID resource page for our schools that participate in the Safe Routes to School Program where we are recommending remote pick up and drop off locations or walking school bus programs. WisDOT also announced the Transportation Alternatives Program Awards and East Central received $233,000 in federal funding for the schools within the Appleton TMA area and $475,000 in federal funding the areas outside the Appleton TMA. 2021 Transportation Work Program and Budget: Staff continues to work on the 2021 Transportation Work Program and Budget. Staff will be met with WisDOT, FHWA, and FTA on Monday, August 14th to discuss and finalize program deliverables for 2021. The 2021 Transportation Work Program and Budget will go to the Transportation Committee for their review in October. There will likely be an extension of the period of funding availability into 2021 as the Appleton TMA and Oshkosh Bicycle Pedestrian Plan and the Appleton TMA Congestion Management Plan were not completed this year.

DATE: September 14, 2020

TO: ECWRPC Steering Committee

FROM: Melissa Kraemer Badtke, Executive Director

RE: Discussion on the Governor Appointments

As part of the reorganization plan, the steering committee has discussed the exploring the

Governor appointment process. Our attorney, John St. Peter will be joining us at the steering

committee meeting to discuss the next steps in this process. Enclosed you will find East Central’s

Articles of Organization along with a copy of the current bylaws which will be referenced during

the discussion.




September 27, 1972






The provisions of Section 66.945 of the Wis. Stats. authorizes counties, in the form of

resolutions, to petition the Governor of the State of Wisconsin to create a regional

planning commission within a proposed area. Upon receipt of such petitions and the

holding of a public hearing, the governor may create a regional planning commission by

Order and designate the areas and boundaries of the commission's jurisdiction.

Pursuant to such statutory provisions the governing bodies of Calumet, Fond du Lac,

Green Lake, Marquette, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara, and

Winnebago Counties, by resolution, petitioned the Honorable Patrick J. Lucey to form a

regional planning commission encompassing the general area of such counties.

Thereafter a public hearing on such petitions was duly held at the Winnebago Court

House located in the City of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on the 26th day of June, 1972.

Subsequent to the said public hearing, the Honorable Governor Patrick J. Lucey did by an

Executive Order dated June 29, 1972, create the Regional Planning Commission and

designate that the area of the Commission be comprised of the Counties of Calumet, Fond

du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara,

and Winnebago.


The said counties comprising the Regional Planning Commission, as designated by the

Governor's Executive Order dated June 29, 1972, are all located within the proximity of

the East Central area of Wisconsin; and, therefore, the name of the Commission shall be:




The area of the Commission as designated by the Executive Order of the Governor

does not include a city of the first class as defined in Section 62.05 of the Wis. Stats.

Therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Section 66.945 (3)3.(b) the membership of the

Commission is to be determined by resolutions duly approved by the governing bodies of

a majority of the local units within the region, and these units shall have in the aggregate

at least half of the population of the region.

The said ten-county area comprising the Commission includes 243 local units of

government with a combined population of 474,186 as shown by the last Federal census.

A majority or 145 of these local units within the designated region representing a

population count of 379,773 have duly adopted the following resolutions as to

membership of the Commission:

RESOLVED that the Commission consist of representatives selected in the following


Section 1. GENERAL: Adhering to the principle of representation based on population,

the membership of the Commission shall be created pursuant to the provisions of Section

66.945 (3)3.(b) of the Wis. Stats. determined and allocated among participating counties

as follows:

A. Two elected officials from each member county which comprises the


B.One person, who may be elected official from each participating county, selected by

the Governor.

C.One (1) additional elected official from each 50,000 unit of population residing

within a member county as determined by the last federal decennial census. No

additional representation hereunder shall be granted for any fractional part of

the required population unit.


Section 2. SELECTION OF MEMBERSHIP: The Commission membership as set forth in

the preceding Section 1 of this Article shall consist of members to include the following:

A.The Chairman of the County Board of each participating County and the County

Executive, if any, of each participating County shall be members of said


B.One member from each participating County shall be appointed by the Governor

from a list of six or more persons nominated by the respective County Boards, of

which at least four shall be private citizens. In nominating private citizens, the

County Board shall give preference to those persons having experience in multi-

jurisdictional efforts in one or more of the following areas: land use planning,

transportation, law, finance, engineering, recreation and natural resources

development, social or economic planning.

C.The remaining elected officials comprising the representation allocated to each

participating County under Section 1, Paragraph A, shall be appointed by the

Chairman of the County Board or by the County Executive as the Wis. Stats. so

provide and subject to confirmation by the County Board. In those counties

having additional representation as specified in Section 1, Paragraph C, the first

such representative shall be the mayor, or council president in cities with a

council-manager plan, of the largest city in the County. All additional

representatives shall be either county supervisors, city mayors, aldermen or

councilmen, village presidents or board members, town board chairmen or town

board supervisors residing within the respective County.

Section 3. TERM OF OFFICE: Those Commissioners who are appointed by the County

Board Chairman or the County Executive shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or until

they cease to hold their public office whichever comes first.

Those Commissioners appointed by the Governor shall serve for a four (4) year term.



The purposes for which the Commission is created are to engage in any lawful activity

within the purposes for which regional planning commissions may be created under

Section 66.945 of the Wis. Stats.


In general, the Regional Planning Commission shall have all of the powers necessary

to enable it to perform its functions and promote regional planning.

The functions of the Regional Planning Commission shall be solely advisory to the

local governments and local governmental officials comprising the area and shall include

but not be limited to the following because of enumeration.

A.The Commission may conduct all types of research studies, collect and analyze data,

prepare maps, charts and tables and conduct all necessary studies for the

accomplishment of its other duties.

B.The Commission may make plans for the physical, social and economic development

of the region and may adopt by resolution any plan or the promotion of any plan

so prepared as its official recommendation for the development of the region.

C.The Commission may publicize and advertise its purposes, objectives and findings

and may distribute reports thereon.

D.The Commission may provide advisory services on regional planning problems to the

local government units within the region and to other public and private

agencies in matters relative to its functions and objectives.

E.The Commission may act as a coordinating agency for programs and activities of

such local units and agencies as the relate to its objectives.

F.The Commission may accept aid in any form for the purpose of accomplishing

regional planning from all governmental agencies whether local, state or federal


if the conditions under which such aid is furnished is not incompatible with the

provisions of Section 66.945 of the Wis. Stats.

G.The Commission may accept gifts and grants from public or private individuals or

agencies if the conditions under which such grants are made are in accordance

with the accomplishment of its objectives.

H.The Commission shall make an annual report of its activities to the legislative

bodies, the local governmental units within the region, and shall submit two

copies of such report to the Legislative Reference Bureau.

I.The Commission shall prepare a comprehensive planning program for the physical

development of the region. The Commission may amend, extend or add to the

comprehensive planning program or carry any part of such mater into greater


J.The Commission shall annually on or before October 1, of each year prepare and

approve a budget reflecting the cost of its operation and services to the local

governmental units within the region.


The member counties of the Commission shall provide their proportionate share of the

public funds necessary to meet the requirements of the budget in the amount represented

by the percentage of their equalized valuation for tax purposes of the land, buildings and

other improvements thereon of such local and governmental unit, within the region, to the

total such equalized valuation within the region. The amount charged shall be in

accordance with the most recent equalized valuation figures published by the Wisconsin

Department of Taxation. The requested allocation from and levied upon each member

county shall not exceed the statutory limits of a .003% of such equalized value under its

jurisdiction within the region.



The administrative affairs and the rules of procedure of the Regional Planning

Commission shall be governed in the manner as provided for in the duly adopted By-laws

of the Commission. In compliance with the statutory requirements, the said adopted By-

laws shall provide for the election of a chairman and executive committee and an annual

meeting of the said Commission.


A member county of the Commission may withdraw from the Regional Planning

Commission at the end of any fiscal year by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the members

elect of its Board of Supervisors taken at least six months prior to the effective date of

such withdrawal.


These Articles, except Article III, may be amended by resolutions duly adopted by the

Board of Supervisors from a majority of the counties which are members of this

Commission. Article III shall be amended only in accordance with resolutions approved

by the governing bodies of a majority of local units within the region, and these units shall

have in the aggregate at least half of the population of the region.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019



of the


September 27, 1972 As Amended February 8, 1973 As Amended March 11, 1976 As Amended May 13, 1976 As Amended May 8, 1980 As Amended May 14, 1981 As Amended May 13, 1982 As Amended April 25, 1985 As Amended April 28, 1988 As Amended April 26, 1990 As Amended April 30, 1993 As Amended April 28, 1995 As Amended May 23, 2001 As Amended April 26, 2002 As Amended April 27, 2006 As Amended, April, 25, 2008

As Amended, October 30, 2009 As Amended, April 29, 2011

As Amended, October 26, 2013 As Amended, April 25, 2014 As Amended, July 25, 2014

As Amended, January 30, 2015 As Amended July 26, 2019

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


BY-LAWS of the EAST CENTRAL WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION PREAMBLE These By-laws, consistent with the statutes of the State of Wisconsin, and the Articles of Organization of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, further define, regulate, and provide rules of procedure for the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and those Committees and officers established by and responsible to it, and have been adopted by the Commission for that purpose. Where the word "Commission" appears hereinafter, it shall be construed to mean the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. It is the express intent of the Commission and the purpose of these By-laws to advance the regional function of the Commission as provided for by the statute and to carry on the business of regional metropolitan and non-metropolitan planning and development in all of its ramifications and branches and to render professional and technical services in conjunction therewith. ARTICLE I - OFFICES Section 1. The Commission shall establish its offices at such location as it may from time to time, except that such location will be within the East Central Wisconsin Region, which is comprised of the Counties of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago. ARTICLE II -POWERS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. PURPOSE: The purposes for which the Commission is created are to engage in any lawful activity within the purposes for which regional planning commissions may be created under Section 66.0309 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Section 2. POWERS, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: In general, the Regional Planning Commission shall have all of the powers necessary to enable it to perform its functions and promote regional planning. The functions of the Regional Planning Commission shall be solely advisory to the local governments and local governmental officials comprising the area and shall include but not be limited to the following because of enumeration. A. The Commission may conduct all types of research studies, collect and analyze

data, prepare maps, charts and tables and conduct all necessary studies for the accomplishment of its other duties.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


B. The Commission may make plans for the physical, social and economic development of the region and may adopt by resolution any plan or the portion of any plan so prepared as its official recommendation for the development of the region.

C. The Commission may publicize and advertise its purposes, objectives and findings

and may distribute reports thereon. D. The Commission may provide advisory services on regional planning problems to

the local government units within the region and to other public and private agencies in matters relative to its functions and objectives.

E. The Commission may act as a coordinating agency for programs and activities of

such local units and agencies as they relate to its objectives. F. The Commission may accept aid in any form for the purpose of accomplishing

regional planning for all governmental agencies whether local, state or federal if the conditions under which such aid is furnished is not incompatible with the provisions of Section 66.0309 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

G. The Commission may accept gifts and grants from public or private individuals or

agencies if the conditions under which such grants are made in accordance with the accomplishment of its objectives.

H. The Commission shall make an annual report of its activities to the legislative

bodies, the local governmental units within the region, and shall submit two copies of such report to the Legislative Reference Bureau.

I. The Commission shall prepare a comprehensive planning program for the physical

development of the region and adopt a regional comprehensive plan consistent with Section 66.1001 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Commission may amend, extend or add to the comprehensive planning program or carry any part of such matter into greater detail.

J. The Commission shall annually on or before July 31 of each year prepare and

approve a preliminary budget reflecting the cost of its operation and services to the participating governmental units within the region. The Commission’s final budget shall be approved by or before January 31 of the year following.

ARTICLE III - MEETINGS Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING: There shall be an annual meeting of the Commission in conjunction with, and following, the April Quarterly Meeting for the appointment of standing committee membership, a presentation of the Commission's Annual Report of its activities and any other business as may properly come before it.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Section 2. QUARTERLY MEETINGS: In addition to the annual meeting, quarterly meetings of the Commission shall be held on the last Friday of January, April, July and October, except when a different date is designated by the officers. When the agenda of any meeting does not include resolutions for deliberation by the Commission or consideration of said resolutions may be delayed to the next meeting without adversely impacting the work flow of the Commission, the Chairman may cancel and then reschedule any meeting at his discretion but may not cancel two consecutive meetings. The election of officers shall be conducted by the Commission at the April quarterly meeting. The annual budget, levy, and work program shall be adopted by the Commission at the July quarterly meeting. The annual budget and work program (not levy) shall be re-affirmed at the subsequent January meeting. Section 3. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Commission. Special meetings shall also be called by the Chairman upon written request by three or more members of the Commission. Section 4. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: The Secretary of the Commission shall e-mail or mail to each and every member of the Commission notice of all meetings quarterly, annual, not less than ten days prior to said meetings and such notice shall state the day, time, place and general purpose of such meeting. Notices for Special Meetings, as spelled out in Section 3 shall be e-mailed, mailed, or posted not less than three (3) business days prior to said meeting. In no case, shall an agenda, or amended agenda, be e-mailed or posted less than 24 hours in advance of said meeting. Section 5. QUORUM: The presence at any meetings (including Standing Committees, unless otherwise noted) of a majority (defined as >=50%) of the current Commission members, which the majority shall also include representation from a majority (defined as >=50%) of the member Counties assigned to the Committee, shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business and the election of officers. All matters relating to business shall require an affirmative vote of a simple majority of those members attending a legal meeting (when a quorum is present), unless otherwise noted as a 2/3 vote requirement. Section 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS: Member County Planning/Zoning Directors and State Legislative Representatives from the region (unless already a member of the Commission), and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, the Department of Natural Resources and other agencies, as may be determined from time to time, shall be notified of all meetings pursuant to Article III, Section 4. Meeting notices shall be e-mailed or mailed to local media, posted on ECWRPC premises, and posted to the Commission’s website, for public viewing.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


ARTICLE IV - COMPOSITION OF COMMISSION Section 1. GENERAL: Adhering to the principle of representation based on population, the membership of the Commission shall be created pursuant to the provisions of Section 66.0309 (3) (b) 1. of the Wis. Stats. determined and allocated among participating counties as follows: A. Two elected officials from each member county which comprises the Commission. B. One person, who may be an elected official from each participating county,

selected by the Governor. C. One (1) additional elected official for each 50,000 unit of population residing within

a member county as determined by the last federal decennial census. No additional representation hereunder shall be granted for any fractional part of the required population unit.

Section 2. SELECTION OF MEMBERSHIP: The Commission membership as set forth in the preceding Section 1 of this Article shall consist of members to include the following:

A. The Chairman of the County Board of each participating County and the County Executive, if any, of each participating County shall be members of said Commission.

B. One member from each participating County shall be appointed by the Governor from a

list of two (2) or more persons nominated by the respective County Boards, of which at least one (1) shall be a private citizens. In nominating private citizens, the County Board shall give preference to those persons having experience in multi-jurisdictional efforts in one or more of the following areas: land use planning, transportation, law, finance, engineering, recreation and natural resources development, social or economic planning. The Commission shall reimburse the member Counties for any costs incurred in seeking/fulfilling this position.

C. The remaining elected officials comprising the representation allocated to each

participating County under Section 1, Paragraph A, shall be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board or by the County Executive as the Wis. Stats. so require or provide and subject to confirmation by the County Board [Note: see determination by Outagamie

County Corporation Counsel in letter dated April 27, 2012]. In those counties having additional representation as specified in Section 1, Paragraph C, the first such representation shall be the mayor, or council president in cities with a council manager plan, of the largest city in the County. All additional representatives shall be either county supervisors, city mayors, aldermen or councilmen, village presidents or board members, town board chairman or town board supervisors residing within the respective County.

D. One ex-officio representative of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) may participate on transportation issues, subjects of concern and interest to their geographic areas, or due to noted/recognized expertise. This member must be appointed by WisDOT.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


E. One ex-officio representative of a public agency that administers or operates major modes of transportation in the Fox Valley metropolitan planning organization area, including representation by providers of public transportation. [Note: This position will be held by the Transit Manager for Valley Transit].

Section 3. TERM OF OFFICE: Those Commissioners who are appointed by the County Board Chairman or the County Executive shall serve for a term of two (2) years, or until they cease to hold their public office whichever comes first. Those Commissioners appointed by the Governor shall serve for a four (4) year term. Voting, ex-officio members as described in Section 2.D., shall serve continuously at the pleasure of the appointing body. Section 4. COMMISSION ALTERNATES: Any member of the Commission selected pursuant to Section 2, Paragraphs A or C of this article may designate, in writing and with the concurrence of the Commission, a permanent representative as an alternate provided the representative meets the provisions of Section 2, Paragraph C of this article. Alternatively, for members serving under the provisions of Section 1., Paragraph C of this article as the first additional representative in counties having a population greater than 50,000, and then only when representing cities with council-manager forms of municipal government, the current city manager may be designated as a permanent alternate by action of the member with concurrence by resolution of the council of said community. Such alternate representative may attend all meetings of the Commission or its committees and exercise all voting powers of the member, except when the member is present. Any member of the Commission may designate, in writing, a temporary alternate for any meeting of the Commission or its committees, except that an alternate may not be designated for more than two Commission meetings in succession. Temporary alternate representatives may attend all meetings of the Commission or its committees and exercise all voting powers of the member, except when the member is present. Section 5. RESIGNATION: Any Commissioner selected pursuant to Section 2, Paragraph C of this article who resigns his Commission membership or his elective office shall submit his resignation effective as of his last day in office, and thereafter the vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term only, pursuant to Section 2, Paragraph C of this article. Any Commissioner selected pursuant to Section 2, Paragraph B of this article who resigns shall submit his resignation to the Governor with a copy to the County Board Chairman or County Executive, and thereafter the vacancy shall be refilled pursuant to the provisions of Section 2, Paragraph B and Section 3 of this article. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS Section 1. NUMBER: The officers of the Commission shall be comprised of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer, subject to the express condition that the offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall never be concurrently held by Commissioners from the same County.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Section 2. ELECTION: The offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Commission shall be selected by ballot as the last order of business at the April quarterly meeting of the Commission, to take office effective as of said date, and they shall hold their terms of office for a period of one year or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified. The Chairman shall appoint a Nominating Committee for the purpose of nominating Commission members for election as officers, and the Chairman shall advise the Commission of his selection of such a Nominating Committee at the January meeting. Section 3. REMOVAL: Any of the officers may be removed for cause and may be removed if incapacitated or unable to attend meetings and perform the duties of his office. Removal from office shall require a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the Commissioners present, voting at a legal meeting. Section 4. VACANCIES: Should any office become vacant for any cause, the Commission shall select a successor from among the Commission members who will serve until the next April quarterly meeting of the Commission when the regular elections are held. Section 5. CHAIRMAN: The Chairman of the Commission shall preside, and may vote, at all meetings of the Commission. He may present to the Commission such matters as, in his judgment, require attention, and he shall perform such other duties as are entrusted to the Chairman by statute or by these By-laws. Subject to any contrary requirements in these By-laws, the Chairman shall be guided by Robert's Rules of Order in the conduct of meetings. In no event shall any one member serve as Chairman for more than three consecutive terms. The Chairman may also act on behalf of the Steering Committee and/or full Commission in the rare instances that a timely commitment of County levy funds is required in order to take advantage of state or federal grant funding opportunities. In such cases, the Chairman’s may approve such commitments for an amount equal to or less than $50,000. In all cases, when such action is used, the item shall be placed on the next available Steering Committee agenda for review and follow up action by the Steering Committee as a whole. Section 6. VICE-CHAIRMAN: The Vice-Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman or in the event that the Chairman is incapacitated or unable to serve, and in the absence or disability of the Chairman, his duties shall be performed by the Vice-Chairman. Section 7. SECRETARY-TREASURER: The Executive Director of the Commission shall be designated as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Commission and shall keep and distribute minutes of all meetings of the Commission and shall counter-sign all documents as required to be executed, and shall keep and preserve all resolutions, transactions, findings and determinations of the Commission. In the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Chairman may name a Deputy Secretary-Treasurer who shall perform the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer at that meeting, or until the office shall have been filled as heretofore provided. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Commission shall keep all the funds of the Commission except those funds held by governmental agencies in trust for the Commission, and shall deposit them in a depository authorized by the Commission, and shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements. He shall be required to supply a bond in the amount of Fifty-Thousand Dollars ($50,000), the premium for which shall be paid out of the Commission's funds, and he shall make all the disbursements under the direction of the Commission.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Section 8. ADDITIONAL OFFICERS: The Commission, at an annual, special or quarterly meeting, may create such additional officers as it may deem in its judgment advisable and prescribe their duties. ARTICLE VI - MANAGEMENT Section 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the entire Commission membership as set forth in Article IV, Section 1 and 2 hereof. Section 2. STANDING COMMITTEES: Appointments to standing committees shall be made by the Chairman at its Annual Meeting based on recommendations of the Nominating Committee. Such appointments shall not include designation of the committee chairman and vice-chairman as such positions are nominated and elected by the Committees themselves.

There shall be Standing Committees and sub-committees including but not limited to the following:

A. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee shall be composed of at least eight

(8) members who serve as their respective county board chair or their designee. The Chair and Vice Chair positions for the Committee can, but is not required to be, the same as the current Commission Chair and Vice-Chair positions. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Commission shall be the secretary of the Steering Committee and shall attend all meetings of the Committee, keep a record of the proceedings and perform such other duties as may be designated to him by the Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of this Committee without voting privileges. The duties of the Committee shall include:

1. Insure proper coordination and cooperation among the planning committees of

the Commission and their respective citizens' or technical advisory committees. 2. Act in emergency situations with the full power and authority of the Commission

taking appropriate action until action is taken at the next Commission meeting, subject only to the limitation of $50,000 for any expenditure resulting from such action. Refer also to Article V, Section 5 regarding additional Chairman authorities for the timely approval of County levy commitments for state and federal funding opportunities. , and the Commission’s Financial Procedures Manual for authorities of the Executive Director

3. Keep the Commission advised of pending legislation affecting the Commission, its

policies and its programs. 4. Prepare and submit at the quarterly July meeting a preliminary budget and work

program for the purposes of establishing the levy. 5. Recommend entering into contracts with member governmental units for the

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


provision of staff planning services.

6. Recommend the employment of auditors to audit the books of the Commission.

7. Direct the payment of any bills, claims or expenses incurred on behalf of and approved by the Commission.

8. Recommend the appointment of employees necessary to administer and carry

out the functions of the Commission. 9. Recommend the salaries and wages of all employees of the Commission.

10. Recommend a per diem compensation, mileage and other expenses to be paid members of the Commission.

11. Direct and monitor the current planning, information system and administration,

and overhead program elements. B. Planning Committees: The various planning committees shall be composed of at

least five (5) members. The general functions of the committees include: 1. Elect a Committee Chair and Vice-Chair as their first order of business at the first

regular Committee meeting following the Annual Meeting. The Steering Committee Chair and Vice Chair shall generally be the same as the current Commission Chair and Vice-Chair, but it is not required.

2. Provide orientation information for new Planning Committee members at the first

meeting following the Annual Meeting. 3. Prepare the annual work program statement of activities for their respective

program element(s).

4. Review detailed study designs for major work elements. 5. Monitor progress on work activities, review staff drafts of analytical reports and

alternative plan and program proposals. 6. Report, advise and recommend on activities for their respective program

element(s) including their responsibilities for elements of the regional comprehensive plan to the full Commission for action.

7. Review specific project proposals for conformance with adopted plans and policies.

8. Coordinate activities with those of other committees when necessary and desirable.

9. Maintain liaison with appropriate citizen and technical advisory committees.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Planning committees and their specific duties follow:

1. Regional Comprehensive Planning Committee: This committee directs and monitors the regional comprehensive plan and oversees other matters of regional impact. The committee is also responsible for intergovernmental coordination and serves as the Regional Clearinghouse Review Sub-Committee which administers the review process according to procedures outlined in the Clearinghouse Review Manual. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.

2. Economic Development Committee: This Committee directs and monitors the

economic development and housing program element and maintains liaison with respective technical advisory committees, including the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee. The CEDS Committee composition and operational structure is managed through the guidelines adopted by the Commission in Resolution No. 29-09. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.

3. Transportation Committee: This committee directs and monitors the

transportation program element and maintains liaison with the Transportation Policy Advisory Committees and the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.

4. Open Space and Environmental Management Committee - This committee

directs and monitors the open space and environmental management program element and maintains liaison with the Open Space Technical Advisory Committee and the Environmental Management Technical Advisory Committee. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.

5. Community Facilities Committee – This committee directs and monitors the

community facilities program element. The committee has responsibility to act on-behalf of the Commission for sewer service area amendments and reviews. The committee maintains liaison with the Sewer Service Area Technical Advisory Committee. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.

Section 3. SPECIAL PROJECT COMMITTEES: The Commission may from time to time create special project committees from the Commission membership to perform under delegated authority of the Commission. Section 4. ADVISORY COMMITTEES: The Commission shall seek the advice and cooperation of interested citizens, public officials and agency administrators. Citizen and Technical Advisory Committees shall be established as the Commission shall deem necessary to effectively carry out the purposes of the organization. The membership of the Citizen and Technical Advisory Committees shall be established in such manner as determined by the Commission.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Section 5. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Nominating Committee shall consist of one Commissioner from each County appointed by the Chairman and approved by the Commission at their January meeting, provided that no officer may serve on the Committee. The nominating Committee shall review the results of an internal survey of Commissioners (developed and mailed by staff) as part of their deliberations on Committee assignments. The Committee may, at its discretion, develop and institute a standard rotation schedule of Committee assignments based on agreed upon criteria. Section 6. STAFF: The Commission may conduct its operations through a permanent staff hired in a manner that the Steering Committee may determine, or through retention of part-time professional, technical and clerical employees, through consultants or through other personnel that it may deem qualified to assist in its business. The Commission may delegate to the staff and to those persons hired by it those functions that the Commission may determine, but the said Commission will remain solely responsible in all matters. Section 7. DEPOSITORY: The Commission shall determine a depository for the funds of the Commission and direct the Secretary-Treasurer therein to deposit the funds in such designated depository in such manner so the deposits will not be made inconsistent with Wisconsin Law and which may be subject to review by the Commission as a body. The terms and conditions of the agreements between the depository and the Commission shall be incorporated as a part of the By-laws of the Commission. Section 8. MEETING PAYMENTS AND EXPENSES: A payment for meetings, mileage, and other expenses shall be paid to Commissioners by the Commission. All members shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred as members of the Commission in attending meetings and in carrying out the work of the Commission. ARTICLE VII - CONTRACTS AND EXECUTION OF INSTRUMENTS, CHECKS AND DRAFTS Section 1. CONTRACTS: The Commission may enter into such contracts which are necessary to carry out the purposes and duties of the Commission and which are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Wisconsin law. The Commission may apply, contract for, receive and expend for its purposes, any funds, grants, gifts or donations from any local governmental unit, the State of Wisconsin, the Federal Government or any other source. Section 2. EXECUTION OF INSTRUMENTS: When the execution of any contract, conveyance or other instrument has been authorized without specification of the executing officers, the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, and the Secretary-Treasurer may execute the same in the name and behalf of the Commission per the limits expressed in the Financial Procedures Manual. The Commission shall have the power to designate the officers and agents who shall have authority to execute any instrument in behalf of the Commission.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


Section 3. CHECKS AND DRAFTS: The Commission may authorize and direct the Secretary-Treasurer to issue such checks, drafts and vouchers as it may deem necessary for the payment of bills and expenses incurred for and on behalf of the Commission. All disbursements made by check drawn on the Commission's depository bank shall be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer. In the Secretary-Treasurer’s absence, the Assistant Director may sign checks, drafts, and vouchers. To facilitate prompt payment of small bills and expenses, there is established a petty cash fund of $100. This petty cash fund is authorized to be placed in the custody of the Secretary-Treasurer, or their designee, who may make payment of claims up to $100.


Section 1. The fiscal year of the Commission shall be the calendar year. ARTICLE IX - SEAL Section 1. The Commission shall procure an official seal which shall contain the following legend: "EAST CENTRAL WISCONSIN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION." ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS Section 1. These By-laws, may be amended at any quarterly meeting of the Commission. The Secretary-Treasurer shall mail to each member of the Commission a copy of the proposed amendment or amendments to the By-laws. This shall be done not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting at which they will be considered. Amendment of these By-laws shall require a majority vote of the Commissioners present, voting at a legal meeting (when a quorum is present). Section 2. Article IV, Sections 1, 2, and 3 hereof shall be amended only in accordance with resolutions approved by the governing bodies of a majority of local units within the region, and these units shall have in the aggregate at least half of the population of the region. ARTICLE XI - COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL AND STATE OF WISCONSIN LAW Section 1. INCONSISTENCIES: In the event that these By-laws, or any provisions herein contained, should in any manner be contrary to or violate of the provisions of Federal or State of Wisconsin Law, the provisions of the Federal or State of Wisconsin Law shall prevail.

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019



Section 1: PURPOSE: To implement federal and state level transportation planning requirements as the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Fox Cities and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPAs). Section 2. OFFICIAL DESIGNATION: The East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (Commission) through cooperative partnership agreements with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Fox Cities Transportation Management Area (TMA) and the Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA). Section 3: URBANIZED AREA BOUNDARY & METROPOLITAN PLANNING AREA: Per the 2010 Decennial Census, the Fox Cities and Oshkosh Urbanized Areas and Metropolitan Planning Areas (MPAs) includes portions of Calumet, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties. Section 4: MPO POLICY BOARD: The Fox Cities and Oshkosh Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are governed by a single MPO Policy Board containing the same representation of elected and appointed representatives as those of the Commission. All functions, responsibilities, and authorities conveyed in these Bylaws, as they pertain to the Commission, are conferred to the MPO Policy Board when exercising such authority on transportation related policy matters or decisions. Section 5: MPO STAFF: MPO staff is responsible for carrying out the federal transportation planning process in conjunction with its partners. The Commission is the hosting body for the MPO staff. As such, MPO staff are Commission employees. Section 6: RESPONSIBILTIES MPO POLICY BOARD: In addition all other Bylaw responsibilities afforded to the Commission, the MPO Policy Board is the body that reviews and approves all transportation related activities of the MPO. This includes being a forum for cooperative decision-making with the following responsibilities:

A. Approve goals and objectives of the transportation planning process; B. Review and approval the Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) and its updates or

revisions; C. Review and adopt changes in transportation planning concepts; D. Review and approve the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP); E. Review and adopt the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) including project

priorities and approve any changes in the priority schedule; F. Ensure the efficient and effective use of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Section 112 and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5303 planning funds; G. Serve as liaison representatives between various governmental units in the study area to

obtain optimum cooperation of all governmental units in implementing various elements of the plan;

Bylaws of the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Approved – July 26, 2019


H. Ensure citizen participation and transparency within the transportation planning process through proactive policies and procedures.

Section 7: MPO SUBCOMMITTEES & INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS: The MPO Policy Board shall have the authority to form temporary (or permanent) subcommittees to conduct the following activities in order to carry out MPO Policy Board functions:

A. To negotiate the terms of possible funding agreements with member agencies; B. To investigate how MPO functions might be improved; C. To evaluate the MPO Director’s performance and make recommendations; D. To conduct research and/or fact-finding regarding MPO plans, policies or operations.

All findings, recommendations and/or proposals submitted by MPO subcommittees shall not be binding, but are subject to review and final approval of the MPO Policy Board. _____________________________________________________________________________ These By-laws were adopted by the Commission on the 27th day of September, 1972, as further amended on the 8th day of February, 1973, the 11th day of March, 1976, the 13th day of May, 1976, the

8th day of May, 1980, the 14th day of May, 1981, the 13th day of May, 1982, the 25th day of April, 1985, the 28th day of April, 1988, the 26th day of April, 1990, 30th day of April, the 28th day of April, 1995 the

23rd day of May, 2001, the 26th day of April, 2002, the 27th day of April, 2006, the 25th day of April, 2008,

the 29th day of April, 2011, the 26th day of October, 2013, the 25th day of April, 2014, the 25th day of July, 2014, the 30th day of January, 2015, and the 26th day of July, 2019.


AUTHORIZING COMMISSION STAFF TO DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS ACCORDING TO THE ADOPTED “RECORDS RETENTION POLICY AND DESTRUCTION SCHEDULE” WHEREAS the Commission’s legal record custodians (as defined in §19.33 Stats.) have been previously authorized through the adoption of Resolution 15-08 to destroy records (as defined in §19.32(2) Stats.) per an established retention period and notification procedure, and; WHEREAS the Wisconsin State Statutes authorizes local units of government to establish such policies and procedures as part of Section 19.21, and; WHEREAS the Commission desires to destroy certain records contained within categories highlighted in the attached summary table, and; WHEREAS the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW) has waived the required statutory 60 day notice under §19.21(5)(d) Stats., for any record marked "W" (waived notice). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission invokes its “Records Retention Policy and Destruction Schedule” and authorizes staff to destroy the following records:

Calendar Year 2007 Records;

Calendar Year 2008 Records;

Calendar Year 2009 Records;

Effective Date: October 30, 2020 Submitted By: Steering Committee Prepared By: Melissa Kraemer Badtke – Executive Director ______________________________ __________________________________ Martin Farrell, Chair – Fond du Lac Co. Jeff Nooyen, Vice-Chair – Outagamie Co. ______________________________ __________________________________ Alice Connors – Calumet Co. Dick Koeppen – Waupaca Co. ______________________________ __________________________________ Jeremy Johnson – Menominee Co. Donna Kalata – Waushara Co. ______________________________ __________________________________ Dave Albrecht – Winnebago Co. Tom Kautza – Shawano Co.

Records Destruction Schedule East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

(Established August, 2008)




Commission meeting and Standing Committee decisions & supporting


Permanent N/A

2. Tape recorded meetings used for the purpose preparing meeting minutes

90 days after approval of the printed meeting minutes.


3. Revenue and Expenditure reports & supporting documentation

10 years W

4. Annual audits & management letters

Permanent N/A

5. Federal grants & Supporting documentation

10 years W

6. State grants & supporting documentation

10 years W

7. Local contract reports & supporting


7 years W


NR-135 Program administration: contracts, revenue & expenditure

reports, permits, and & supporting documentation

10 years W

9. Regional Plans or Plan Components

Until updated or superseded W

10. Geographic Information Systems

(GIS) Mapping Data

Until updated or superseded W

11. Personnel records

EVT+7 years* W

*EVT = Terminated The State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW) has waived the required statutory 60 day notice under §19.21(5)(d) Stats., for any record marked "W" (waived notice). SHSW must be notified prior to destruction of a record marked "N" (nonwaived). Notice

is also required for any record not listed in this chapter. "N/A" indicates not applicable and applies to any Commission record designated for permanent retention.



of records

(2007, 2008

& 2009)

intended for


in 2020.

DATE: September 14, 2020

TO: ECWRPC Steering Committee

FROM: Melissa Kraemer Badtke, Executive Director

RE: ECWRPC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan

Staff continues to work on the ECWRPC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. We have realigned the plan

to match the reorganization plan. I have also included the reorganization plan that was approved

by the Commission Board in April and the previous version of the Strategic Plan that was

developed last year to reference.

Below you will find a draft outline of the updated Strategic Plan for the narrative portion of the

document. You will also find a draft copy of the ECWRPC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan

implementation matrix for each of the core focus areas of the Commission. These materials will

be discussed during the steering committee meeting and I would appreciate any feedback,

suggestions or comments you may have.

ECWRPC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan Draft Outline

A. Introduction

a. About East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

i. Governance

ii. Mission

iii. Vision

B. Primary Mandates

a. Regional Comprehensive Plan

b. Metropolitan Planning Organization – Transportation Management Area (TMA)

c. Economic Development District

C. Other Responsibilities and Programs

a. Regional Transportation Program

b. Regional Safe Routes to School Program

c. Water Quality Management Program (Sewer Service Area Program)

d. NR-135 Reclamation Program

e. Open Space and Recreation Planning

D. 2020-2023 Re-organization Plan

E. 2020-2023 Strategic Plan Implementation Matrix

a. Administrative

b. Regional Comprehensive Plan and Implementation

c. Economic Development Program

d. Transportation Program

e. Water Quality Management Program (Sewer Service Area Program)

f. Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Program

g. NR-135 Program – Mining Reclamation Program

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Steering Committee


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes


Implement the reorganization plan and the

intergovernmental agreement with Outagamie County

by continuing to focus on the core services provided

by the Commission.

2020-2023 Started

1-2Discussion and exploration regarding the Governor

AppointmentsFall, 2020 Started


Reduce overhead costs (including but not limited to

health insurance premiums, staff

development/conferences, rent (reduced office square

footage needed), professional organizations,

subscriptions, etc.

2020 - 2021 Started

Current lease will expire in July 2021 and we

will notify our landlord by January what our

plans are. Explore office options in the fall of

2020. For 2020, we have reduced conference

expenses by $8,333 and we anticipate that

we will reduce conference expenses by

$10,000 by the end of the year.

1-4Review and possibility develop a policy regarding the

use of contractors (sub-awards) for programs.2021

1-5 Explore a telework policy. Fall, 2020

1-6 Development of a salary reward program. Fall, 2020 - 2021

1-7Develop an annual work program and budget that has

a balanced budget.Annually

Potentially look to adjust the schedule for the

work program and budget to have draft work

program elements to go before Committee's

in October with the final approval in January.

1-8Meet with key staff from member counties to provide

input on the work program and budget.Annually

This could meeting could be held every 6

months, but there should be meeting with

County staff prior to the development of the

work program and budget to address if there

are any projects they need assistance on for

the upcoming year.


ECWRPC Staff Lead - Executive Director, Assistant Director, Controller

ECWRPC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan - Draft Revised: 9/15/2020

1-9Commissioner Relationship Opportunities/Mentorship


When a new Commission comes onto the

Board, the Executive Director will meet with

them to discuss their roles, responsibilities

and expectations of being on the


1-10Development of a roles, responsibilities and

expectations document for Commissioners. 2021

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Regional Comprehensive Committee


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes


Develop and maintain GIS data sets that will be

utilized during the comprehensive plan update and will

be used to evaluate the region during implementation

of the plan.

Late 2020/ 2021

2-2 Develop a community engagement strategy/plan for

the development of the Regional Comprehensive Plan.Early 2021

As part of the community engagement

strategy, we will also need to meet and work

with County staff regarding their thoughts on

the plan along with the implementation of the

plan. The Community Engagement Strategy

will also need to develop strategies for public

engagement with Covid-19.

2-3Develop the scope, timeline and budget for the

Regional Comprehensive Plan. Fall, 2020

2-4 Develop and adopt the Regional Comprehensive Plan. 2021-2022


Develop a new technical assistance program (i.e.

design, evaluate and award projects)with assistance

from staff from member counties.


Potentially develop a small committee with

staff from member counties to discuss the

new technical assistance program.

2-6Develop an implementation plan for the Regional

Comprehensive Plan.Annually


Annually evaluate the state of the region through the

GIS datasets utilized in the development of the

comprehensive plan.




ECWRPC Staff Lead - Executive Director, Assistant Director, Principal Planners, and GIS Manager


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes

3-1* Re-apply for the EDA 3 year planning grant. Fall, 2020

3-2* Conduct an Annual Report for the CEDS. Annually

This document will contain implementation

strategies and a status update of those


3-3*Major update of the Comprehensive Economic

Development Strategy (CEDS).Every 5 years

3-4Continue to provide EMSI data and Business Analyst

data to local municipalities and partners.Annually



Develop a committee of internal and external partners

to discuss the datasets to monitor for Covid-19

recovery and resiliency.


3-7Develop resiliency plan for the East Central Region

(product of the EDA Institutional Grant). 2020-2022

3-8Development of Administrative document and

implementation strategies for the Institutional Grant. Fall, 2020

3-9Continue to implement I-41 Initiative 41 Corridor

activities. Annually

*Designates required task as outlined within the agreement with the federal or state agency.


3 Year EDA Planning Grant

EDA Institutional Grant (2 years of funding)

ECWRPC Staff Lead - Executive Director, Principal Economic Planner, GIS Planning Specialist

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Economic Development Committee


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes


Continue to monitor federal transportation bills to

ensure the program is in compliance with federal and

state regulations.


4-2** Development of the unified work program and budget. Annually

Kick off letters and budget amounts for the

upcoming year are sent out by WisDOT in

August. Transportation work program and

budget approvals need to be completed in


4-3 Mid-year work program and budget meeting with

FHWA, FTA, WisDOT.Annually

Usually scheduled in June.

4-4**Annual work program and budget meeting with FHWA,

FTA, and WisDOT.Annually

Usually scheduled in September

4-5Re-designation of the Appleton TMA and Oshkosh


This is dependent on the U.S. Census

numbers and when they are available.


Development and implementation of the Long Range

Transportation Plans for Appleton TMA and Oshkosh



Long Range Plans may need to be updated

with a new federal transportation bill and

when the US Census data is available.

4-7**Development of the Transportation Improvement

Program. Annually


Update and implementation on the Appleton (Fox

Cities) TMA and Oshkosh MPO Bicycle and pedestrian



4-9**Update the Appleton TMA Congestion Management



Work with the Technical Advisory Committee to rank

Surface Transportation Block Grant Funding for

projects (Appleton and Oshkosh MPO) and

Transportation Alternatives Program Projects

(Appleton TMA Only).


4-11Continue to work with WisDOT and local communities

on the Northeast Travel Demand Model. Annually

Appleton (Fox Cities) Transportation Management Area & Oshkosh MPO Program

ECWRPC Staff Lead - Executive Director, Principal Transportation Planner, Associate Transportation Planners, Transportation Planners,

SRTS Planners, GIS Manager

ECWRPC Primary Lead - Transportation Committee




Continue to work with Valley Transit and specialized

transportation partners on the implementation of the

transit development plan.


4-13 Continue to work on the I-41 Expansion project. 2021-2023

4-14 Work with Valley Transit to award the 5310 funding. Annually

4-14Assist in the development and implementation of the

Specialized Transportation Coordination plans. Annually

The Specialized Transportation Coordination

plans are updated every

4-15Assist and work with local municipatlies and counties

to update their asset management data. Ongoing

4-17 Update regional GIS transportation data sets. Ongoing


Develop a Regional Pedestrian Strategic Plan with

Federal Highway that aligns with the Regional

Comprehensive Plan.



Development and implementation of the Long Range

Transportation Plans for Appleton TMA and Oshkosh



Long Range Plans may need to be updated

with a new federal transportation bill and

when the US Census data is available.

4-20Development of the Transportation Improvement

Program. Annually


Work with the Fond du Lac MPO on implementation

on the Appleton (Fox Cities) TMA and Oshkosh MPO

Bicycle and pedestrian Plan.



Work with the Technical Advisory Committee to rank

Surface Transportation Block Grant Funding for



4-24Work with SRTS Coalitions to update local SRTS

action plans. Annually

There is a five year SRTS Action Plan

schedule that was developed and has

additional details.

4-25Continue to work with local coalitions to implement

programs and eventsAnnually

4-26Work with partner organization on hosting webinars on

various topics related to SRTS programming. Annually

4-27 Implement the Youth Engagement program. Annually

4-28Continue to monitor and evaluate the SRTS Stragetic

Plan including updating demogrpahic data. Annually

4-29 Update the SRTS Strategic Plan. 2021

*Designates required task as outlined within the agreement with the federal or state agency.

Regional Transportation Program

Fond du Lac MPO Program

Regional Safe Routes to School Program


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes

5-1*Continue to work with communities, sanitary districts

and WDNR on the amendments to the SSA Plans.Ongoing

5-2*Develop a schedule for SSA Plan updates for the next

five years. Fall, 2020

5-3Work with WDNR to streamline the SSA plan update

process. 2020-2021

5-4Work with communities, sanitary districts and WDNR

to streamline the amendment process. 2021

*Designates required task as outlined within the agreement with the federal or state agency.


NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes

6-1Create a contract template for the Open Space

Recreation Plans. Fall, 2020-2021


Meet with municipalities that are interested in develop

a CORP to discuss the scope of the project. Ongoing


Work towards creating a self-sustaining Open Space

Recreation Program through contracts for local

communities and Counties.


6-4Develop Regional GIS Open Space Recreation

Datasets and update them annually. Annually

6-5 Develop 3-4 local CORPs annually. Annually

6-6Assist local communities by providing letters of support

and/or for stewardship grants. Annually

ECWRPC Staff Lead - Principal Planner, GIS Manager, GIS Assistant

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Community Facilities Committee

ECWRPC Staff Lead - Principal Planner, GIS Manager

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Open Space and Recreation Committee




NumberActions Timeframe Status Notes


Meet with Waupaca, Winnebago, Shawano and

Outagamie County staff to discuss the NR-135



7-2 Continue to work on mine reclamation plans. Annually


Continue to meet with County staff to discuss County

ordinances and have an annual meeting to provide a

status update on the program.


ECWRPC Staff Lead - GIS Planning Specialist

ECWRPC Committee Lead - Open Space and Recreation Committee


Timeline ECWRPC Reorganization Recommendations

2020 Administration

New Executive Staff Team (i.e. Executive Director, Controller, etc.)

Reduction in conference attendance and expenditures due to COVID-19 and budget (i.e. mini-conference, etc.)

Reduction in non-essential programs to allow staff to focus on core services

Discussion and exploration regarding Governor Appointments

Restart of the strategic plan with focus on core essential services/areas and staffing thereof by consensus among member Counties within the confines of the resulting budget

Commissioner Relationship Opportunities/Mentorship Program

Development of strategies to evaluate completed projects Core Services (Transportation, SSA, EDA, and Regional Comprehensive Plan)

Development of Regional Comprehensive Plan per State Statute

Develop SSA Schedule for plan updates

Possible EDA Stimulus Funding Work Program and Budget Development

Development of 2021 budget/work program focused on core services provided by the Commission

Meetings with key staff from member counties to have input in 2021 work program and budget

2021 Administration

Hard look at overhead budget to include health insurance premiums, staff development/conferences, rent (reduced office square footage needed), professional organizations, subscriptions, etc.

Review and possibly develop a policy regarding the use of contractors (sub-awards) Core Services

ECWRPC Strategic Plan is adopted

Regional Comprehensive Plan adopted

Work with member counties to design new technical assistance program, evaluation, and awarding of the projects

MPO re-designation for Appleton (Fox Cities) and Oshkosh MPOs – separate policy boards – possibly include SSA for this? Work Program and Budget Development

Development of 2022 budget/work program focused on core services provided by the Commission

Meetings with key staff from member counties to have input in 2022 work program and budget

2022 Administration

At this point, an organization should be in place that meets the needs of its member Counties and is financially sustainable. Core Services

Schedule of deliverables/projects that need to be developed Work Program and Budget Development

Organization should have a balanced budget

Development of 2023 budget/work program focused on core services provided by the Commission

Meetings with key staff from member counties to have input in 2023 work program and budget




THE COLLECTIVE IMPACT FRAMEWORK The Collective Impact Framework is a process which helps in solving a specific social problem using a structured form of collaboration. This collaboration model identifies five separate conditions which can lead to positive outcomes as shown below:

Source: Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work, Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Relationship of Key Themes The Key Themes generated from the planning process (See Chapter 2) were examined and fine-tuned by staff to better fit into the context of the Collective Impact Framework as follows: 1) Common Agenda

KEY THEME: Update & Strengthen Regional Comprehensive Plan KEY THEME: Increase Regional Planning Capacity / Opportunities (to address new issues) (SOME DISCUSSION ON THIS – STATEMENT MAY NEED EDITING DUE TO LACK OF SUPPORT FOR LEVY INCREASES) KEY THEME: Support County & Local Communities’ Planning Efforts

2) Shared Measurement Systems

KEY THEME: Continuous Project Improvement

REVISED DRAFT – 12/30/19

The Collective Impact Framework 


KEY THEME: Project Monitoring & Benchmarking Against Values & Program Goals 3) Mutually Reinforcing Activities

KEY THEME: Increase Commissioner Knowledge & Engagement

4) Continuous Communication KEY THEME: Identify Key Connections KEY THEME: Develop New Methods/Forms/Formats of Communication KEY THEME: Focus on Value & Services

5) Backbone Support Organization KEY THEME: Operate Under A Sustainable Budget (STRONG DISCUSSION ON WHAT THIS MEANS) KEY THEME: Hire and Retain Talented Staff KEY THEME: Actively Monitor & Maintain Strategic Plan

A NEW PLAN FOR COLLABORATION Mission, Vision & Values A mission statement defines the core purpose of the organization - why it exists. A formal mission statement was adopted by the agency in 2012 as part of its first Strategic Plan and no changes are recommended for this updated plan.

MISSION STATEMENT: East Central builds relationships and cooperative, visionary growth strategies to keep our region beautiful, healthy, and prosperous.

A vision statement communicates clearly a vivid and desired or intended future state of your organization. It provides a strategic direction in unambiguous terms and shows a long-term view. It should tie back to the Mission Statement by illustrating how you carry out your operations. For the purposes of this Strategic Plan, the following Vision Statement is recommended:

VISION: East Central is an agency which effectively develops, administers and promotes [valued] regional and local planning [programs and services] which enhances our communities’ [quality of life]. (Additions)

(NEW!) Values are deeply held convictions, priorities, and underlying assumptions that influence your attitudes and behaviors. An organization’s core values and mission statement are part of foundation for the Strategic Plan – the beliefs and purpose that it is truly committed to. The major values identified during the planning process include:

VALUE: Continue to exist as an effective, focused regional planning agency. VALUE: Embrace regionalism and the challenges of collaboration. VALUE: Create a dynamic and prosperous region – one that recognizes the importance of both the urban and rural areas. VALUE: Build resilience (economic, environmental, social) across the region so as to strengthen our counties and communities.



GOAL DEFINITION: Having a shared vision for land use, transportation, economic development, public service provision, and the environment at the regional level is imperative to fulfilling our role.

DESIRED OUTCOME: A plan which truly identifies regional level land use and transportation related issues, and sets forth a visionary, cooperative path for deriving and implementing solutions in a collaborative manner. Align County Comprehensive Plan priorities into the Regional Comprehensive Plan.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Alignment of local, county and regional plans and policies.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Assistant Director, Principal Planners

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Staff, All Commissioners, Member County Department Heads



















N #






















1A Regularly Update Regional Comprehensive Plan


1B Align Comprehensive Plan Recommendations with Strategic Plan



Actively Fund Implementation of Key Comprehensive Plan Recommendations



Work Across RPC Borders as Needed to Implement Regional Plan(s)




GOAL DEFINITION: Creating meaningful, strong relationships with key stakeholders is critical to being a successful regional planning agency as well as implementing its regional plans. Targeting these efforts with different/appropriate messaging and methods will increase our effectiveness.

DESIRED OUTCOME: Having 100% of our member counties’ department staff, and their communities (towns, villages, cities) be aware of and knowledgeable about ECWRPC and its functions and services. (RETHINK WORDING ON THIS, AS THIS OUTCOME DOES NOT NECESSARILY EQUATE TO VALUE)

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Increased positive responses about awareness/knowledge of the Commission when surveyed in future years.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Assistant Director, Principal Planners

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Staff, All Commissioners



















N #


















& C












Communicate Regularly and Directly with Key Stakeholders from Member Counties



Develop a Communication & Engagement Plan that Employs Strategic Partnerships for Sharing Information



Focus Communications on the Commission’s Successes, Value, Services, Opportunities & Best Practices





GOAL DEFINITION: Improve Commissioners’ base of knowledge about the Commission (history, accomplishments, programs, services, vision and values).

DESIRED OUTCOME: A more knowledgeable, and therefore, confident set of Commissioners who are comfortable sharing information about the Commission with others.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Full Commissioner participation in Standing Committee and Quarterly Commission meetings. Each Commissioner makes efforts at least twice per year to be meaningfully involved in a project, or engaged with a stakeholder/constituent about regional planning topics.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Assistant Director, Commission Chair, Commission Vice-Chair

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: County Board Chairs, County Executives



















N #


















lly R







3A Attract Quality Commissioners & Provide Meaningful Onboarding


3B Increase Commissioner Knowledge of Programs & Values


3C Provide Regular Training Opportunities for Commissioners


3D Create an Ambassadorship Program to Increase Knowledge of the Commission’s Work and Strengthen Partnerships


3E Create Opportunities for Celebration of Regional Accomplishments, Recognition of Commissioners & Socialization



GOAL DEFINITION: Provide more support and assistance to member counties which have common (regional) planning issues facing them.

DESIRED OUTCOME: To have more staffing capacity or flexibility to better address emerging, important regional planning issues as they arise.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: The initiation and completion of new regional planning studies which provide direction and guidance on emerging regional planning issues.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Principal Planners

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Staff, All Commissioners, Member County Department Heads



















N #























Bring More Focus and Attention to Regional Level Issues which Affect Urban and Rural Counties



Dedicate Staff Time to Fostering New Funding & Partnership Opportunities which Address Current and Future Regional Issues



Increase Staffing Levels and/or Staffing Flexibility as Appropriate Using Grant & Levy Funding Sources. (THIS NEEDS MORE DISCUSSION – COMMITTEE UNSURE ABOUT NEED/ABILITY TO INCREASE STAFFING IN THE FUTURE)




GOAL DEFINITION: Creation of a sustainable budget model that relies on a stable base of funding, with flexibility and foresight to accommodate future needs.

DESIRED OUTCOME: A balanced annual budget that does not over-rely on the Counties’ levy contributions. (NEED TO BETTER DEFINE “OVER-RELY”).

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Successful annual audits that show a positive bottom-line.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Assistant Director, Controller

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: Steering Committee, All Staff



















N #


























5A Maintain Current, Stable Federal and State Funding Streams



Identify New Federal and State Grant Funding Sources, as well as Other Creative Funding Strategies so as not to Become Over-reliant on the Levy (NEED TO DEFINE ‘OVER-RELIANT’)


5C Entertain Reasonable Increases of the County Levy on a Regular Basis (STRONG DISCUSSION POINT WITH SOME SENTINMENTS THAT THE LEVY SHOULD BE REDUCED)



Use a Combination of Fee Increases and Project Management Efficiencies to Ensure Project Costs are Covered



Develop LEAN Processes to Reduce Overhead Costs and Identify Efficiencies




GOAL DEFINITION: Evaluate and improve Commission programs and services to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.

DESIRED OUTCOME: New processes and procedures that create meaningful local and regional plans in a cost-effective manner.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Creation of plans that are on budget and are impactful to communities and the region.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Principal Planners

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Staff, Steering Committee



















N #





















t S



6A Improve Project Cost Estimation Methods



Improve Project Management & Staff Leadership (On Time & On Budget)


6C Improve Project Cost Monitoring & Benchmarking Against Values


6D Conduct Periodic Reviews and Evaluations of All Program Areas & Activities (NOTE – THIS WILL OCCUR IN FEB., 2020 BY THE STEERING COMMITTEE, WITH STANDING COMMITTEE INPUT)

6D-1 Develop project evaluation form for use after completion of local assistance projects.

6E Develop Creative Planning Processes & Results


6F Apply New Technologies to Planning Processes and Data Analytics




GOAL DEFINITION: Having a strong region means having strong communities that are efficiently planned and adaptable to changing circumstances. Furthermore, since the Commission is advisory by statutes, having local plans which align with regional plans is a key strategy for moving forward with the regional vision.

DESIRED OUTCOME: The provision of a wide range of planning services that meets our communities’ needs in a cost-effective manner.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Regular use of Commission services and information.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Staff, All Commissioners (program promotion)



















N #






















7A Allocate Time and Resources to Provide Assistance to Local Communities in a Fair and Equitable Manner


7B Provide education and information on best practices which implement the regional plan(s)




GOAL DEFINITION: Talented and qualified staff are the lifeblood of the agency in terms of providing valuable services to member counties and communities.

DESIRED OUTCOME: Reduce staff turnover and build new skill sets when hiring replacement staff.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Reduced staff turnover and ease of attracting new staff when needed.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: Lead Program Staff, Steering Committee



















N #



























8A Provide an Attractive Workplace Culture & Environment


Create materials and information that promotes the regions young professional networking and support activities, as well the area’s natural environment and urban/rural entertainment and recreation amenities.

8B Provide Competitive Wages, Benefits & Growth/Recognition Opportunities for Current and Future Staff




GOAL DEFINITION: Keeping the Strategic Plan current and timely to ensure that changes in agency direction are more easily predicted and accommodated.

DESIRED OUTCOME: A strategic plan that is taken to heart by Commissioners and reviewed/updated regularly to accommodate changing conditions.

MEASURE OF SUCCESS: Regular meetings to review and report out on Strategic Plan implementation and the initiation of an update to the plan in 2023.

GOAL CHAMPIONS: Executive Director, Commission Chair

ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS: All Commissioners, Member County Department Heads, All Staff



















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Create “Action Teams” Comprised of Commissioners and Staff to Monitor and Implement Strategic Plan


9B Review Strategic Plan Accomplishments on an Annual Basis



Review and Update the Strategic Plan as Needed on a 3-Year Timeframe


DATE: July 7, 2020

TO: ECWRPC Steering Committee

FROM: Melissa Kraemer Badtke, Interim Executive Director

RE: 2021 Technical Assistance Options

Each year East Central staff sends out a notice to the member Counties and communities

regarding technical assistance opportunities for the upcoming year. This year ECWRPC staff

would like to discuss with the steering committee options for technical assistance for 2021.

Enclosed you will find a table of the approved 2020 technical assistance projects along with

projects that were carried over from previous years. Also highlighted in orange are non-core

service areas that will not be continued in 2021 based on the re-organization plan. Below are

three options for your consideration.

Option 1:

Technical Assistance Projects: ECWRPC staff will focus on completing the current list

of technical assistance projects in the remainder of 2020 and 2021 and will not send out a

formal request for technical assistance projects.

Regional Comprehensive Plan: ECWRPC staff will work on the Regional

Comprehensive Plan. Once the Regional Comprehensive Plan is complete, a revised

technical assistance program would be developed based on the priorities of the Regional

Comprehensive Plan and the skill sets of the staff we have within the organization to

complete the projects.

Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Planning: Communities that have

informally requested a Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Plan for 2021 would

receive technical assistance to complete their plan by moving towards a self-sustaining


Option 2:

Technical Assistance Projects: ECWRPC staff will complete the current list of

technical assistance projects in the remainder of 2020 and 2021 and would send out a

formal request for technical assistance projects for only projects within the core areas of

ECWRPC (i.e. Transportation, Economic Development, etc.).

Regional Comprehensive Plan: ECWRPC staff would focus on completing the

Regional Comprehensive Plan for 2021. Once the Regional Comprehensive Plan is

complete, a revised technical assistance program would be developed based on the

priorities of the Regional Comprehensive Plan and the skill sets of the staff we have

within the organization to complete the projects for local and county communities.

Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Planning: Communities that have

informally requested a Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Plan for 2021 would

receive technical assistance to complete their plan by moving towards a self-sustaining


Option 3:

Technical Assistance Projects: ECWRPC staff will complete the current list of

technical assistance projects in the remainder of 2020 and 2021 and would send out a

formal request for technical assistance projects for only projects within the core areas of

ECWRPC (i.e. Transportation, Economic Development, etc.).

Regional Comprehensive Plan: ECWRPC staff would focus on completing the

Regional Comprehensive Plan for 2021. Once the Regional Comprehensive Plan is

complete, a revised technical assistance program would be developed based on the

priorities of the Regional Comprehensive Plan and the skill sets of the staff we have

within the organization to complete the projects for local and county communities.

Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Planning: Communities that have

informally requested a Comprehensive Open Space and Recreation Plan for 2021 would

receive technical assistance to complete their plan by moving towards a self-sustaining


Budget Needs: If needed based on the budget, staff would secure projects (i.e.

Comprehensive Planning, etc.) to backfill a budget gap.

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