medium term plan template

Post on 06-Apr-2015






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Mathematical development Block A2 – counting on and backComparing and ordering numbers, understanding negative numbersBlock B2 –doubles and halves, multiplication by partitioning, developing mental strategies2d shapes and lines of symmetry3d shapes/nets polyhedron tetrahedronBlock C2 – scales, capacity and measuresReading timetables, time intervals, 24 hour clock

For detailed objectives see individual maths plans

Communication, language and literacy (including talking/ speaking & listening, writing, reading, spelling, handwriting, drama and links to other areas) 1)- Stories in historical settings (3 weeks)Beowulf 2)- information texts (3 weeks)Life in Anglo Saxon Britain- (ICT link- creating an online book, PP presentation?)

Weekly spelling investigation and dictation based on L&S phonics

Science – Keeping Warm (maths link- data handling)(planned and deliverd by L Sparkes learn about thermal insulators as materials which can help to keep things warm or cool. • turning ideas into a form that can be investigated• using thermometers to make careful measurements of temperature -identifying and suggesting explanations for can be investigated patterns and trends in results and using results to draw conclusions.

Creative Development (Art, Dance, Music)ART – (topic link) – 3D clay work – Viking utensils/ creating runes/ gaming pieces/ metal wire for jewelleryInvestigating pattern – weaving/ embroidery on hessianDeveloping skills- portraits of Anglo Saxons, creating and decorating Viking shields

MUSIC – (topic link)- Viking Rock and class assemblyDiscrete music lessons based on Music Express planned and deliverd by L Sparkes (PPA)- Painting with Sound – Unit 3

Dance (Topic link) – Beowulf, invasion settlement- developing dance to tell a story. Improving dance/movement skills using 4 basic shapes and working as group to convey meaning/ story based on invasion of an Anglo Saxon village or Beowulf

Knowledge and understanding of the world (including RE, geography, history, DT)

RE – Christianity

Geography/History (topic link)– invasion and settlement- VikingsWhere did the Vikings come from?How did they travel? What was Scandinavia like- why did they need to travel? How did they change life in Britain?(atlas and map skills, understanding weather, northern European countries and landscape)DT (topic link)- pop up book (re-telling Beowulf?) investigating levers. Pivots to make own moving picture book

Personal, social and emotional development (including pshme, emotional lit, citizenship)Continue with weekly circle times to address on-going issues in class- focus on social skills/ playtime games and listening activities. Base sessions on J Mosely’s 101 Games for Social Skills

Trips, visitors, events and displaysHistory Man visitWriting workshop (Vikings/ Beowulf)Class assembly – Vikings story (based on dance?)

Community Cohesion / Planning for Diversity Low ability readers with volunteer Wed and Fri pmAdditional handwriting and reading with Audrey Thompson Tues Maths booster with L Bridgestock – x4 weekly Letters and sounds booster with R French – x4 weeklyBilly P and Tairece SW working with New Woodlands outreach Fri

Physical DevelopmentPE – Swimming at Ladywell weekly sessions Tuesdays

Games – (Dance this half term)

Invasion and settlement -


ICT- branching databases-That ‘yes/no’ questions can be used to divide a set of objects into sub-sets and that a sequence of ‘yes/no’ questions can dentify an object.-That a tree diagram can be used to organise information.-To search a branching database.-To use a branching database to organise, reorganise and analyse information.-Understand that different graphs are used for different purposes.Session also used for maths games, publishing learning from other curriculum areas etc

Key Questions & Ideas / Creative Entry PointWho were the Vikings? Why did they come to Britain? What were the benefits for them? How did it change life in Britain?

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