meditations on the song of solomon

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  • 7/29/2019 Meditations on the Song of Solomon


    Meditations on the Song of Solomon

    Andrew Miller.

    Table of Contents

    Note............................................................................................................................................................1Preface........................................................................................................................................................2Canticles 1..................................................................................................................................................3Canticles 2. ..............................................................................................................................................28Canticles 3................................................................................................................................................46Canticles 4................................................................................................................................................51Canticles 5................................................................................................................................................70Canticles 6................................................................................................................................................83Canticles 7................................................................................................................................................92Canticles 8..............................................................................................................................................101

    Fourth Edition.

    "My meditation of him shall be sweet." Psal 104! 34.

    "#on$ o%er all son$s transcendent& Mi$'t( t'ee)

    Aid t'e lo*el(+ lo*elier still.

    Aid t'e loft(+ ore a,estic still+

    More ric'l(+ ore sera-'icall( fra$'t

    /it' sic fro t'e e*erlastin$ 'ills

    n awe+ in re*erence+ and (et wit' ,o(+

    rn we to listen to t'( sacred tones&

    And fro t'e world and t'e world%s din reo*ed+

    n sweet retireent+ fro t'e oo of od+

    o c'eris' conte-lation on eac' line+

    e-lete wit' eanin$s 'i$' and wonderfl+

    ndited ( t'e ord+ t'e Coforter)"

    Metrical Meditations.


    As t'e followin$ Meditations were ore t'e e-ression of ( feelings, t'an an( atte-t ate-osition+ w'en t'e( were written+ 'a*e not t'o$'t it ri$'t to alter a sin$le word in a second edition.As sc'+ t'e( reain as a eorial of ( e-erience at t'at tie. And can trl( t'an t'e ord for


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    an( easre of conion wit' :i t'at is traceale in t'ese -a$es. 'at :e a( contine to lesst'e little oo to an( -recios sols is ( ost earnest -ra(er. A.M.London.


    At t'e re;est of an( of t'e readers of "'in$s New and or to e to li*e is C'rist." " can do all t'in$s t'ro$' C'rist+ w'ic' stren$t'enet' e+"was t'e 'i$' $rond of t'e a-ostle. C'rist was 'is oti*e+ -ower+ and o,ect. :e did all in t'e *iew ofC'rist. 'is is t'e tre $rond of ser*ice+ 'owe*er far elow t'e a-ostle%s easre t'e ser*ant a( e./'en t'is is t'e condition of 'is sol+ C'rist is 'onored+ t'e #-irit is n$rie*ed and acts in -ower+ andt'e sol st e fll and fres' for ser*ice. 'ere a( e little tie for -ri*ate std(+ (et we learn. 'e#-irit is or teac'er+ and in t'is state of ind we are easil( ta$'t. "f an( an t'irst+" sa(s C'rist+ "let'i coe nto me and drink. :e t'at elie*et' on e+ as t'e scri-tre 'at' said+ ot of 'is ell( s'allflow ri*ers of li*in$ water." t is -erfectl( clear fro w'at t'e ord 'ere sa(s+ t'at we st drin firstt'e li*in$ waters for or own refres'ent+ efore t'e( can flow ot for t'e refres'ent of ot'ers.

    Conscios of t'is need+ and w'ere t'e fll s--l( cold onl( e fond+ t'e "#on$ of #on$s"-resented a ost in*itin$ t'ee for t'is -r-ose. 'e w'ole oo is fll of C'rist& and ore es-eciall(

    is it filled wit' t'e free e-ression of :is t'o$'ts+ feelin$s+ affections+ and desires towards :is s-ose+and all w'o -t t'eir trst in :i. :ence t'e std( of t'e oo rin$s t'e sol into direct conionwit' t'e Person of t'e ord in a *er( -recios wa(. And+ srel(+ not'in$ is so fitted to eet e*er( needof t'e ser*ant+ ot' for -lic and -ri*ate ser*ice. /it' t'ese t'o$'ts+ and wit' t'is end in *iew+ t'e"Meditations" were coenced. And if ( readers 'a*e entered wit' e into t'e s-irit of t'esestdies+ t'e( a( e ale to s-ea wit' e of -rofit t'erefro. o e aditted+ as it were+ to t'e innerte-le of t'e #a*ior%s 'eart+ is srel( t'e $reatest -ri*ile$e and lessin$ we can now en,o(.

    'a*e t's freel( e-ressed ( t'o$'ts and feelin$s+ in t'e 'o-e t'at soe a( e 'el-ed andencora$ed t'ere(. Man( nown to e+ w'o 'a*e a willin$ 'eart for ser*ice+ feel -ressed for tie.=n$a$ed in siness drin$ t'e da(+ and wit' eetin$s alost e*er( e*enin$+ when or where is t'etie+ t'e( a( trl( sa(+ for drinin$ in? a failiar wit' t'e difficlt(. t it is a c' 'a--ier

    t'in$ to e o*er-ressed wit' ser*ice for t'e ord+ t'an 'ardl( to now 'ow to fill - (or tie. et'anfl) 'e *er( -ressre+ w'en t'e Master is efore t'e ind+ se-arates t'e 'eart fro t'e scenearond. Not'in$ else will& and t'e oent t'e 'ands are freed fro t'e seclar t'e( are read( for t'es-irital.

    t+ after all+ t'e one $rand -ersonal ;estion is Has Christ His right lace in my heart, andHistruth its right lace in my ways! f so+ all ot'er t'in$s will natrall( fall into t'eirs+ and di*ine li$'t will


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    s'ine on all ( -at'.

    'e ord $rant t'at t'is a( e*er e t'e case wit' ot' reader and writer+ for :is own nae%ssae. A. M.London.

    Canticles 1.

    'ere is not'in$ w'ic' t'e en of t'is world dread ore t'an solitde and reflection. 'e(wold rat'er e o*er -ressed wit' en$a$eents t'an 'a*e leisre for t'o$'t. 'e conscience+ ill atease+ will at sc' ties lift - its *oice& t its warnin$ *oice st e 's'ed ( t'at con*enient worddt(+ and its 'onest s-eec' is soon and willin$l( for$otten. #ins an( sins are t'ere+ and t'et'o$'t of od as t'e ,d$e of sin is dreadfl. 'e condition of t'e sol is sc' t'at it cannot ear t'eli$'t+ t'erefore darness is lo*ed. 'e acti*ities of t'is -resent life are so$'t and welcoed+ t'at t'ecrs'in$ wei$'t of reflection a( e esca-ed. 'e -leasres of t'e world+ too+ in de tie and -lace+ser*e a siilar -r-ose.

    's e*er( care is taen t'at solitde a( e a*oided+ and t'at t'ere a( e no o--ortnit( forcal and serios reflection. 'e solen and eternal realities of t'e sol 'a*e no -ortion of t'o$'t ortie allowed t'e& t'e 'i$'er+ noler+ and etter -art of an is totall( ne$lected+ and left ncared for+and n-ro*ided for+ notwit'standin$ its dee-+ -ressin$ and eternal need. ">or w'at s'all it -rofit a anif 'e s'all $ain t'e w'ole world and lose 'is own sol? or w'at s'all a an $i*e in ec'an$e for 'issol?" @Mar 8! 36+ 37

    #c'+ alas) is an an wit'ot t'e nowled$e of od wit'ot t'e nowled$e of 'iscondition as a sinner+ and wit'ot t'e nowled$e of Bess as t'e #a*ior of sinners.

    t trn for a w'ile+ < ( sol+ fro t'e conte-lation of a scene so 'eartrendin$& t'o$'stron$+ (et tender+ are t'e lins t'at wold draw t'ee t'ere+ and lead t'ee to wean lo*ed ones fro it+and win t'e for C'rist. C'eris' a s-irit of meditation in t'e sweet solitdes of t'e sol%s se-arationfro t'e world+ w'ere t'e scene is radiant wit' t'e -resence of t'e #a*ior+ and ,o(os wit' "'e #on$of #on$s." 'e wider t'e se-aration fro t'e world+ t'e dee-er t'e conion+ t'e ric'er t'e lessin$.

    n 'eart and s-irit 'a*in$ no s(-at'( wit' it& and+ reall(+ t'o$' in it (et far awa( fro its stle andall its n'allowed scenes. A i$'t( c'as now se-arates elie*ers fro t'is -resent e*il world! "'e(are not of t'e world+" sa(s C'rist+ "e*en as a not of t'e world+" 'e -osition of C'rist inresrrection is t'e definition of ors as seen in :i. 'e cal+ reflecti*e ;iet of t'e sol inconion wit' t'e Person of t'e ealted ord+ is w'at c'aracterises its sweetest oents w'ile 'ereon eart'. 'ese a( e fond in t'e c'aer of sicness+ t'e rral scene+ or in t'e *er( seat and centreof t'is world%s acti*ities. All de-ends on t'e state of t'e 'eart. o e alone and (et not alone+ 'owlessed)

    Cant. 1! 1. "he song of songs, which is #olomon$s." t w'( call t'is -recios little oo+ "'e#on$ of #on$s"? ,st ecase it is #oloon%s+ or rat'er+ C'rist%s+ w'o will in de tie e in$ in

    Bersale+ in tre #oloon $lor(.

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    "Ma( eac'+ a( all+ t'at astere( of trt'

    ts reference to C'rist t'ro$' $race attain+

    And+ 'oldin$ fir t'e torc' of scri-treli$'t+

    Co-arin$ oo wit' oo+ and tet wit' tet+

    =nter t'e -recincts+ ot'erwise oscre+

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    all and for e*er. at'er%s in$do." @Matt. 26! 29 ein$ associated wit':i+ we are nder :is *ow! and o$'t to e tre NaEarites nto od. t t'is can onl( e ( findin$all or ,o(+ deli$'t+ and satisfaction in t'e lo*e of Bess. :e is now -atientl( waitin$ far awa( fro t'e,o(s of eart'+ ntil t'e ri$'t illennial ornin$+ w'en :e s'all a$ain coe fort'+ in :is treMelc'isedec c'aracter+ to refres' t'e *ictorios aries of srael+ t'e c'ildren of Ara'a+ wit' t'e

    read and wine of t'e in$do. @en. 14 /e+ too+ s'old -atientl( wait till t'en+ for we s'all coefort' wit' :i in 'ea*enl( $lor(. 'e fll -eriod of t'e *ow s'all t'en e acco-lis'ed. 'e in$ inBersale s'all a$ain e nited to :is eart'l( -eo-le+ and all nations s'all e ade $lad and re,oice int'eir ,o( and $ladness. And t'en s'all t'e da$'ter of Fion now t'e eanin$ of t'ose words lon$ a$ottered at t'e arria$e in Cana of alilee+ "t t'o 'as e-t t'e $ood wine ntil now."

    "'( lo*e we own+ ord Bess&

    And wait to see '( $lor(+

    o now as nown+ and fll( own

    '( -erfect $race efore 'ee!

    /e -lead '( -artin$ -roise+Coe+ #a*ior+ to release s+

    'en endless -raise or li-s s'all raise+

    >or lo*e lie 'ine+ ord Bess."

    Cant. 1! 3. "&ecause of the sa%our of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment oured forth,


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    therefore do the %irgins lo%e thee."Now s'e $i*es s soe idea of :is nae+ "'( nae is as ointent-ored fort'." o 'er 'eart it is ost fra$rant. All :is naes+ titles+ attrites+ and relations'i-s areost sweet to 'er taste. :is nae is :iself. t is e-ressi*e of :is natre+ ecellencies+ and $races.#'e is at a loss to tter t'e ric'es of :is $oodness+ t'erefore s'e sa(s+ "'( nae is as ointent -oredfort'." 'e sa*or of :is ointent is not confined to 'erself& t'ose associated wit' 'er s'are in its-rofsion. 'e attendant *ir$ins are attracted and refres'ed ( t'e sweet odors of :is nae. :a--(

    t'o$'t) t is not an ointent sealed -+ t "-ored fort'." or w'ere two or t'ree are $at'ered to$et'er in ( nae+ t'ere a in t'e idst of t'e." t erelon$+ t'e 'ea*ens and t'e eart' s'all e nited ( its -ower and $lor(. 'e eart'l( Bersale and t'ecities of Bda'+ wit' all t'e srrondin$ nations& t'e 'ea*enl( Bersale+ and t'e innerale co-an(of an$els+ a $eneral assel(& and t'e c'rc' of t'e firstorn ones w'ic' are written in 'ea*en+ s'allall e attracted to and nited ( t'at one dear nitin$ nae. 'e >at'er 'at' -r-osed t'is wondros$lor( for :is #on+ and it s'all srel( coe to -ass+ "'at in t'e dis-ensation of t'e flness of ties Gt'eillenniH 'e i$'t $at'er to$et'er in one Gnder one 'eadH+ all t'in$s in C'rist+ ot' w'ic' are in'ea*en and w'ic' are on eart'+ e*en in 'i." @=-'. 1! 11 'en s'all t'e fra$rance of :is nae ewafted on e*er( reeEe+ and all indreds and ton$es s'all nite in t'at note of -raise+ "<

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    Cant. 1! 4. "'raw me, we will run after thee." 'e ore we now of C'rist+ t'e ore s'all wedesire to now of :i. 'e nearer we are to :i+ t'e ore s'all we desire to e drawn nearer still. AsPal sa(s+ "'at a( now 'i+" (et none on eart' new :i so well. And+ a$ain+ "'at a( winC'rist+" Iet ne*er was saint ore sre of 'is -riEe t'an Pal. :e cold sa( in trt'+ t'o$' a -risonerin oe+ and in want+ ">or e to li*e is C'rist+ and to die is $ain." /'at ric' e-erience w'at ;ietconfidence w'at ondless ,o(+ s'ines in 'is letter to t'e P'ili--ians)

    'ere is sc' an infinit( of lessin$ for s in C'rist+ t'at t'e ore we a--re'end it+ t'e less we'a*e a--re'ended it. 'e ore we taste of t'e realit( and flness of :is lo*e+ we s'all e ale t'e oretrl( to sa(+ t -asset' nowled$e. 'ere are readt's and len$t's+ and de-t's and 'ei$'ts+ w'ic' wecan ne*er co-re'end. And t'ere is sc' ,o( in :is -resence+ t'at e*en w'ile we are en,o(in$ it+ t'e'eart so (earns for $reater nearness+ t'at it feels+ co-arati*el(+ as at a distance.

    /ere to read t'e 'eart of t'e lo*in$ ride t'ro$' t'ese words+ "Draw e+ we will rn aftert'ee+" s'old sa(+ 'er desire to e near t'e Person of t'e ord is so $reat t'at+ near and dear t'o$'s'e e+ t'ere is soet'in$ lie felt distance e-erienced. :ence t'e dee- reat'in$s of 'er 'eart+ "Drawe" o') draw e nearer closer ( ord+ to 'ee) 'ere is $rowt' in $race co-ared wit'*erse 2 a $rowin$ a--re'ension of :iself. 'ere is a $reater desire for closer conion. t issiilar to w'at we find in an( of t'e Psals. "< od+ 'o art ( od+ earl( will see t'ee& (sol t'irstet' for t'ee+ ( fles' lon$et' for t'ee in a dr( and t'irst( land+ w'ere no water is . . . . (sol followet' 'ard after t'ee& t'( ri$'t 'and -'oldet' e." @Ps. 43 'e ost lessed conionwit' t'e ord is -erfectl( consistent wit' t'e ost earnest lon$in$s for $reater nearness to :iself.#-eaest t'o t's+ ( sol+ of t'(self? nowest t'o t'is in t'ine own e-erience? =aine all t'(words and wa(s as efore t'e ord+ and -ass ,d$ent -on t'e. 'e :ol( #-irit tells s t'at :e tried:is words+ as in a frnace+ "se*en ties." :ow often+ alas+ we ot' s-ea and write+ wit'ot e*entr(in$ t'e once.

    'ere is a eatifl connection etween t'e ord%s drawin$+ and or rnnin$. "/e will rn+" tcarefll( note t'e last two words "after t'ee." 'ere is ore+ c' ore+ in t'ese words t'an can'ere e noted. 'e( are alli-ortant. "After t'ee+" not after or own notions+ or e*en after t'e est of

    en on eart'+ t "after t'ee." As it is said in t'at eatifl siteent' Psal+ " 'a*e set t'e ordalwa(s efore e." Not at ties+ erel(+ t "alwa(s."

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    t was not Be'o*a'+ of old+ in$ in Bersale? ro t'e ans of t'e ed #ea to t'e cross on Cal*ar(+or to t'e stonin$ of #te-'en+ we 'a*e a 'istor( of failre& and t'at+ not onl( in one -osition or

    relations'i-+ t in all. f we loo at srael as nder law as a *ine ro$'t ot of =$(-t and -lantedin t'e land as t'e arried wife+ and as od%s witness on t'e eart'+ we find t'at t'ere was not onl(constant failre+ t t'e( ecae incorri$ile in t'eir sins. :ence+ at last+ od%s ri$'teos ,d$entscae -on t'e. 'eir elo*ed Bersale was enco-assed wit' aries+ t'eir te-le and cit( raEed tot'e $rond+ and t'ose t'at esca-ed t'e ed$e of t'e sword+ were dri*en ( t'e sore dis-leasre of od tot'e for winds of 'ea*en.

    >ro t'at da( to t'is+ srael%s condition 'as een "forsaen and desolate." t it will not ealwa(s so. t is ost needfl to ar+ at sc' a -oint as t'is+ t'e difference etween od%s wa(s in$o*ernent wit' :is -eo-le+ and :is wa(s in $race. 'e Bews+ in t'e ri$'teos $o*ernent of od+ecase of t'eir sins and i-enitence+ 'a*e een and still are+ nder :is c'astenin$ 'and& t t'e $raceand lo*e of :is 'eart towards t'e reain nc'an$eal( t'e sae. Mar t'e ters of t'e co*enant+"And will for t'is afflict t'e seed of Da*id+ t not for e*er." @1 in$s 11! 39 'is is a -rinci-le ofiense i-ortance+ not onl( wit' srael and t'e c'rc'+ t wit' t'e indi*idal C'ristian. 'e sae$reat -rinci-le is referred to ( t'e a-ostle w'en 'e is 'andlin$ t'e s,ect of srael%s re,ection andrestoration. "ecase of nelief t'e( were roen off . . . . t as toc'in$ t'e election+ t'e( areelo*ed for t'e fat'ers% saes. >or t'e $ifts and callin$ of od are wit'ot re-entance." @o. 11

    'e -resent condition and ftre restoration of t'e Bews are toc'in$l( descried ( t'e -ro-'et:osea+ ">or t'e c'ildren of srael s'all aide an( da(s wit'ot a in$+ and wit'ot a -rince+ andwit'ot a sacrifice+ and wit'ot an ia$e+ and wit'ot an e-'od+ and wit'ot tera-'i. Afterwardss'all t'e c'ildren of srael retrn and see t'e ord t'eir od+ and Da*id t'eir in$+ and s'all fear t'eord and 'is $oodness in t'e latter da(s." Precios t'o$'t) 'e( will (et "see t'e ord t'eir od+

    and Da*id t'eir in$." And w'at is t'e oo of Canticles? s it not t'e assrance+ and t'e reassrance tot'e renant+ of t'e nc'an$in$ affection of t'e in$? :ere+ t'e odfearin$ renant in t'e latter da(scan read :is lo*e t'e nwearied+ n-raidin$+ -atient lo*e of "'e ord t'eir od+ and Da*id t'eirin$." n t'e -ast+ all failed nder law. n t'e ftre+ all will e reestalis'ed nder $race. n t'e -ast+t'e( were on t'e $rond of t'e conditional -art of t'e co*enant. n t'e ftre+ t'e( will e on t'e$rond of t'e nconditional $race of od. 'e *ale of t'e sacrifice of t'eir oncere,ected Messia'+and t'e flness of t'e lo*e of od+ will e t'e easre of t'eir lessin$. t w'o can easre t'atw'ic' is ieasrale? #c' will e t'e lo*e of t'e in$ to :is Bewis' ride.

    'e oo of t' illstrates+ in t'e ost si-le and toc'in$ wa( -ossile+ t'e -ast+ -resent+ andftre condition of srael.

    No frit reained of t'e arried life of Naoi. "Call e not Naoi+" s'e sa(s+ w'ic' si$nifies( deli$'t+ t "call e Mara+" itterness+ "for t'e Ali$'t( 'at' dealt *er( itterl( wit' e." :er'sand =lielec' @w'ic' si$nifies+ ( od is in$+ and 'er two sons+ died in t'e land of Moa.Naoi was now a widow+ desolate+ fritless+ and natrall( wit'ot resorces. "Call e Mara . . . . went ot fll+ and t'e ord 'at' ro$'t e 'oe a$ain e-t(." #triin$ t(-e of t'e Bewis' nation+w'o 'a*in$ lost od as its in$ and 'sand+ is now as a widow+ and desolate. t a feele renant+ int'e -erson of t'e ee and lowl( t'+ clin$s to Naoi+ and *irtall( taes s'elter nder t'e win$s of


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    t'e od of srael. "lessed are t'e ee+ for t'e( s'all in'erit t'e eart'." 'e fields w'ic' s'e firstentered as a $leaner+ ecae 'er own. t t'e nearest insanredeeer refses to redee t'ein'eritance+ if t' st e taen as 'is wife wit' it. And t'is is done in t'e -resence of ten witnesses.'ese ten en of t'e cit( a( re-resent t'e ten coandents+ w'ic' were $i*en efore C'rist cae&t "frit nto od+" oser*e+ is t'e reslt of or nion wit' "'i w'o is raised fro t'e dead." @#eeo. 7! 14

    oaE w'ic' si$nifies in 'i is stren$t' now es-oses+ wit' all 'is 'eart+ t'e case of t'efeele renant of =lielec'%s 'ose. :e is a t(-e of t'e risen C'rist+ w'o was "declared to e t'e #onof od wit' -ower . . . . ( t'e resrrection fro t'e dead." @o. 1! 1+ 4 /'at aes t'is -ictre so-erfectl( eatifl+ is t'e circstance+ t'at t' 'ad no direct clai on oaE. :e was not t'e nearestof in& so it was all $race. srael+ as well as t'e entiles+ st now coe into t'e in'eritance on t'e$rond of -re $race. "And t' are a son . . . . and Naoi too t'e c'ild and laid it in 'er oso+and ecae nrse nto it+" and t'e woen said+ "'ere is a son orn to Naoi." oc'in$ scene)o*el( $race) 'e widow%s 'eart is ade to sin$ as in t'e da(s of 'er (ot'. 'e desolate one isecoe+ as it were+ a ot'er of c'ildren. 'e erea*ed oso is a$ain filled wit' a li*in$ 'eir. All is,o(. :ere+ we 'a*e -refi$red in t'e ost lo*el( wa(+ t'e fll restoration of srael to 'onor+ $lor(+ anddi$nit( in t'e land. 'e tre oaE will+ ere lon$+ tae - t'e case of t'e odfearin$ renant+ and re

    estalis' srael in t'e land+ -on a new footin$ alto$et'er. 'is is t'e ,o(os t'ee of nerlessscri-tres.

    ae a sa-le. "And t'e entiles s'all see t'( ri$'teosness+ and all in$s t'( $lor(& and t'os'alt e called ( a new nae+ w'ic' t'e ot' of t'e lord s'all nae. 'o s'alt also e a crown of$lor( in t'e 'and of t'e lord+ and a ro(al diade in t'e 'and of t'( od. 'o s'alt no ore e tered>orsaen& neit'er s'all t'( land e tered an( ore desolate& t t'o s'alt e called :e-'Eia' @t'atis+ ( deli$'t is in t'ee+ and t'( land ela' @t'at is+ arried+ for t'e ord deli$'tet' in t'ee+ and t'(land s'all e arried." @sa. 62 And a$ain+ "'erefore+ e'old will allre 'er+ and rin$ 'er into t'ewilderness+ and s-ea cofortal( nto 'er. And will $i*e 'er 'er *ine(ards fro t'ence+ and t'e*alle( of Ac'or for a door of 'o-e& and s'e s'all sin$ t'ere as in t'e da(s of 'er (ot'+ and as in t'eda( w'en s'e cae - ot of t'e land of =$(-t . . . . and will etrot' t'ee nto e for e*er& (ea+ will

    etrot' t'ee nto e in ri$'teosness+ and in ,d$ent+ and in lo*in$ indness+ and in ercies. wille*en etrot' t'ee nto e in fait'flness& and t'o s'alt now t'e ord." @:osea 2

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    'ere is not'in$ $ood w'ate*er in or carnal natre. 'e ost ad*anced in t'e di*ine life 'assaid+ "n e+ t'at is in ( fles'+ dwellet' no $ood t'in$." :ow swee-in$) "No $ood t'in$." t can itnot e i-ro*ed ( dili$ence in -ra(er and watc'flness? No+ ne*er! it is w'oll( incrale. on$+ lon$a$o+ t'is was affired ( t'e od of trt'. @#ee en. 6 "And od saw t'at t'e wicedness of an was$reat in t'e eart'+ and t'at e*er( ia$ination of t'e t'o$'ts of 'is 'eart was onl( e*il continall( . . . .And od said nto Noa'+ 'e end of all fles' is coe efore e." Now+ w'at is t'e end+ or t'e reslt

    of all fles'? /'(+ t'at it is "e*il+" "onl( e*il+" and "e*il continall("& t'at is+ -lainl(+ e*il wit'ot an($ood+ and e*il wit'ot an( cessation& and t'is is said of all fles'+ oser*e+ not of soe erel(. #o t'atall are inclded re+ in soe we a( find natre -olis'ed+ clti*ated+ and refined& in ot'ers+ ro$'+rde and r$$ed+ t carnal natre in ot'. /e a( not e ale to end a ar of iron+ (et it a( e soeaten ot as to ecoe ;ite fleile+ t it is t'e sae iron still. ts a--earance 'as c'an$ed+ t itsnatre is t'e sae.

    /ell+ adittin$ all t'at to e tre as to or sad natre+ w'( call it "needed trt' and necessar( toa wellalanced ind?" ecase it enales s to distin$is' etween fles' and #-irit+ and to now frow'ic' t'e t'o$'t+ s$$estion+ or inclination a( coe. #eein$ t'e( are ot' in s+ and t'e onenied e*il+ and t'e ot'er nied $ood+ t'is is alli-ortant. =ndless confsion+ trole+ -er-leit(+and in soe cases+ dee- elanc'ol(+ are t'e n'a--( reslts of i$norance on t'is -oint. ean t'e

    s,ect of t'e two natres. Not'in$ t'at is $ood can s-rin$ fro or carnal natre. #--ose eet a-erson w'o is in dee- concern aot 'is sol& and earnestl( lon$in$ to now C'rist and sal*ation. now for certain t'e :ol( #-irit is at wor in t'at sol. #c' desires after C'rist and sal*ation are $ood+and cold ne*er s-rin$ fro a natre t'at 'ates ot' od and C'rist+ and lo*es t'is world etter t'an'ea*en. 'e sol a( indeed e in $reat distress+ and fll of dots and fears as to t'e isse+ and e*enrefsin$ to e coforted. t+ in od%s ind it is sa*ed alread(. And w'en it elie*es t'e trt' it willre,oice. 'e $ood wor was e$n in t'e sol of t'e -rodi$al w'en first 'e said wit'in 'iself+ " willarise and $o to ( >at'er." 'e #-irit of od will fll( satisf( e*er( desire w'ic' :e creates. C'rist:iself is t'e -erfect answer to e*er( desire of t'e 'eart.

    /e learn fro 'ol( scri-tre t'ree -oints of dail(+ -ractical i-ortance! nael(+ t'at t'e fles'o--oses t'e #-irit+ #atan o--oses C'rist+ and t'e world o--oses t'e >at'er. @al. 5& en. 3& 1 Bo'n 2

    'ese are or t'ree $rand eneies+ 'ence t'e i-ortance of nowin$ on w'ose side we are standin$.>or ea-le! in t'e -lace of -er-lein$ (self as to w'ere t'e world e$ins and ends+ in w'at is calledworldliness+ 'a*e si-l( to as+ "s it of t'e >at'er?" n 'ndreds of instances it wold e i-ossileto sa( w'ere worldliness e$ins and ends+ ( looin$ at t'e t'in$ itself. t (o a( soon ascertain "ifit 'e of t'e >at'er." And w'en we see t'at it is not of t'e >at'er t'e ;estion is settled. t st e of t'eworld. 'ere is no iddle+ or netral $rond in scri-tre. 'e sae rle a--lies to t'e ot'ers./'atsoe*er is not of t'e #-irit is of t'e fles'+ and w'atsoe*er is not of C'rist is of #atan.

    t t'o$'+ in or editations on t'e words of t'e ride+ we 'a*e rn into t'ese -ractical details+we ( no eans t'in t'at sc' t'o$'ts were in 'er ind+ Bewis' e-erience ein$ ore of anotward+ te-oral+ and t(-ical c'aracter.

    'e lacness of w'ic' s'e s-eas is eternal. t is a darness of co-leion s'e is snrnt&t'e warnin$ word of t'e -ro-'et 'as coe to -ass "'ere s'all e rnin$ instead of eat(." @sa. 3!24 And ecase of t'is+ s'e feels eenl( t'e crios $aEe of t'e da$'ters of Bersale. "oo not-on e+ ecase a lac+ ecase t'e sn 'at' looed -on e." 'e tie was w'en t'e da$'terof Fion was eatifl and $lorios+ a -raise in t'e eart'. "'( renown+" sa(s t'e -ro-'et+ "went fort'aon$ t'e 'eat'en for t'( eat(& for it was -erfect t'ro$' ( coeliness+ w'ic' 'ad -t -on t'ee+sait' t'e ord od." @=Ee. 16 t ecase of 'er in$ratitde and nfait'flness+ s'e 'ad een


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    redced to t'e sad condition of a -oor snrnt sla*e. 'e -ro-'et Bereia' also in 'is "aentations"o*er t'e downfall of Bersale+ descries in t'e ost toc'in$ anner+ not onl( w'at s'e once was+t w'at+ t'ro$' affliction and sorrow+ s'e 'ad ecoe. ":er NaEarites were -rer t'an snow+ t'e(were w'iter t'an il+ t'e( were ore rdd( in od( t'an ries+ t'eir -olis'in$ was of sa--'ire. 'eir*isa$e is lacer t'an a coal& t'e( are not nown in t'e streets& t'eir sin clea*et' to t'eir ones& it iswit'ered+ it is ecoe lie a stic." /ell i$'t 'e eclai+ in t'e itterness of 'is sol+ ":ow is t'e

    $old ecoe di) :ow is t'e ost fine $old c'an$ed)" f sc'+ o' ( sol+ e t'e awfll( e*il+ itter+and sorrowfl frits of sin in t'is world+ w'ere "erc( re,oicet' a$ainst ,d$ent+" w'at st t'e( ein t'e world of woe+ w'ere 'o-e -eris'et' and w'ere des-air seiEes -on t'e $ilt( sol? Canst t'oloo ac to t'e cross and see t'( sins+ all t'( sins ,d$ed t'ere+ and -t awa( for e*er) od and fait'alone now t'e -ower of t'at cross and $lor( in its eternal efficac(. 'en+ ,d$e all e*il in t'( 'eartand wa(s fll( now+ nowin$ t'at C'rist was ,d$ed for it t'ere. 'at w'ic' was i-ted to C'rists'all ne*er e i-ted to t'ee. "lessed is t'e an nto w'o t'e lord i-tet' not ini;it( and inw'ose s-irit t'ere is no $ile." @Ps. 32

    /'en see t'at t'e sin w'ic' orn o*er was orne ( Bess+ and t'at :e -t it awa( for e*er( t'e sacrifice of :iself+ all $ile de-arts. 'a*e no desire to 'ide+ etenate+ or ecse ( sin. twas -t awa( on t'e cross+ and is now -ardoned on t'at $rond. n t'e -resence of sc' lo*e and

    $oodness+ fear is cast ot. a free and nreser*ed& and can onl( -raise t'e ord for :is ondless$race to e.

    'e ter "lac" is $enerall( sed in scri-tre as e-ressi*e of affliction+ sorrow+ and-ersection. "M( sin+" as Bo sa(s+ "is lac -on e+ and ( ones are rnt wit' t'e 'eat." @Bo 30!30 t is e-'aticall( so wit' disoedient srael. t 'ere+ t'e confession is sweetl( co-led wit' fait'in C'rist+ and so ecoes+ orall(+ t'e trt'fl e-ression of all elie*ers. " a lac+ t coel(."lac as sin in (self w'iter t'an snow in C'rist.

    'is will e t'e lan$a$e of t'e odfearin$ renant in t'e latter da(+ w'o s'all 'a*e -assedt'ro$' t'e de-t's of Baco%s trole& for sorel( scorc'ed indeed s'all t'e( e+ ( t'e rnin$ 'eat of"t'e $reat trilation." Not onl( s'all t'e( sffer -ersection nder Antic'rist+ t'e $reat o--ressor+ t

    e*en t'eir own ret'ren after t'e fles' s'all e trned a$ainst t'e. ":ear t'e word of t'e ord (e t'attrele at 'is word& (or ret'ren t'at 'ated (o+ t'at cast (o ot for ( nae%s sae+ said+ et t'eord e $lorified! t 'e s'all a--ear to (or ,o(+ and t'e( s'all e as'aed." @sa. 66! 5

    'is+ we elie*e+ is w'at t'e now ,o(os ride refers to. "M( ot'er%s c'ildren were an$r( wit'e! t'e( ade e t'e ee-er of t'e *ine(ards." ie anot'er t'+ t'e *ine(ards w'ic' s'e wasco-elled to toil in+ ecae 'er own. And 'a--( now in t'e lo*e of 'er $reat Deli*erer and ric' ord+s'e cold freel( s-ea of w'at s'e 'ad -assed t'ro$'+ and w'at s'e still was in 'er own e(es+ "lacas t'e tents of edar coel( as t'e crtains of #oloon."

    'e sons of s'ael+ it is said+ se t'e ro$'+ s'a$$( sins of t'eir lac $oats for t'e otwardco*erin$ of t'eir tents. And+ to t'e tra*eller%s e(e t'e( 'a*e an intensel( lac a--earance in t'e desert+eneat' t'e ra(s of a ri$'t sn. And+ ost srel(+ were an in 'is est estate+ -laced nder t'e easof t'e ri$'ter #n of i$'teosness+ lacer far t'an t'e wild Ara%s tent wold 'e e. =*en of arnin$ la-+ as one 'as said+ w'en -laced in t'e ra(s of t'e sn+ not'in$ can e seen t t'e lacwic. t+ o') t'rice 'a--( t'o$'t+ if t'e sense of or ncoeliness s'old still trole s+ it nolon$er troles t'e lessed ord. :e 'as reo*ed it all and for e*er fro :is own e(es. And fait'%s e(esees wit' :i. 'e ,d$ent of od+ and t'e ,d$ent of fait'+ are e*er t'e sae. '( sins w'ic'were an( are for$i*en. 'e lood of Bess C'rist cleanset' s fro all sin.


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    'e e-ression+ "crtains of #oloon+" a( 'a*e reference to t'e eatifl *eil of in$#oloon%s te-le! t'e t(-e+ we now+ of t'e 'ol( 'anit( of Bess. All elie*ers s'all (et econfored to t'e new -erfect Man in 'ea*en+ t'e :ead of t'e new creation. "As we 'a*e orne t'eia$e of t'e eart'(+ we s'all also ear t'e ia$e of t'e 'ea*enl(." @1 Cor. 15! 40 'e "da$'ters ofBersale+" 'ere introdced+ are e*identl( distinct fro t'e ride+ t'o$' intiatel( connected wit''er+ as a( e seen fro t'e i-ortant -lace t'e( occ-( in t'is eatifl scene. f t'e ride e t'e

    re-resentati*e of t'e elo*ed cit(+ Bersale t'e eart'l( ca-ital of t'e $reat in$+ t'e da$'ters ofBersale a( re-resent t'e cities of Bda'+ :ence we can nderstand t'eir -resence and -lace on soan( occasions+ (et ne*er reac'in$ t'e -osition of t'e ride in t'e estiation of t'e in$. Accordin$ tot'e word of t'e ord+ Bersale st e*er 'a*e t'e -reeinence. ">or now 'a*e c'osen andsanctified t'is 'ose+ t'at ( nae a( e t'ere for e*er+ and ine e(es and ine 'eart s'all e t'ere-er-etall(." @2 C'r. 7! 16

    Cant. 1! 7. "ell me, + thou whom my soul lo%eth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thyflock to rest at noon, for why should - be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy comanions!" Alessed c'an$e 'as now taen -lace in t'e occ-ation of t'e ride. 'e ride$roo fills 'er e(e and'er 'eart. #elf is dro--ed) /'at a erc() t is neit'er lac self+ nor coel( self+ now. t is alwa(sn'a--( in reslt to e occ-ied wit' self. nnerale -er-leities and sorrows flow fro t'e e(e

    looin$ wit'in+ in -lace of looin$ ot fro self and - to C'rist.

    'ere are t'ree t'in$s+ < ( sol+ in t'is eatifl *erse+ w'ic' well deser*e t'( serioseditation.

    1. 'e earnest affection of t'e 'eart. #'e does not sa(+ oser*e+ "< t'o w'o ( sol" o$'t tolo*e+ or e*en desires to lo*e+ t "< t'o w'o ( sol lo*et'." 'ere is a ri$'t flae of lo*e in 'er'eart to t'e Person of 'er ord and #a*ior. #'e lo*es :iself. "ell e+ < 'o." 'is is nearness+"Me+" "'o+" "'o+" "Me." :a--( condition for a sol) /'at+ ( sol+ nowest t'o of t'is?

    'e word areciationsees ore fitl( to e-ress t'e little now of t'is lessed atter+ t'ant'e idea of t'e sensations of an earnest+ ardent affection. /'at is t'ere in eistence+ in;ire+ t'at careore for t'an ( #a*ior t'at wold -refer to :i? /'at is t'is? s it lo*e? /'o else w'at

    else is lo*ed ore?

    t+ o') t'e da( draws near+ w'en t'ese e(es s'all see t'e in$ in :is $lor(. 'en s'all t'is cold+dll 'eart e ra*is'ed wit' :is eat(+ and rn for e*er wit' a -re flae of -erfect lo*e for :ialone.

    "#oon s'all ( e(es e'old 'ee+

    /it' ra-tre face to face&

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    floc& t to t'e c'ief #'e-'erd :iself. #'e 'ad een ro$'t to :i as in$+ now s'e a--eals to:i as #'e-'erd. lie Da*id of old+ :e is t'e #'e-'erdin$& and o') 'ow $raciosl(+ lo*in$l(+ andtenderl(+ will :e (et $at'er t'e now scattered s'ee- of srael. Not'in$ can eceed t'e $race and eat(of t'e followin$ *erses. ">or t's sait' t'e ord od+ e'old+ + e*en + will ot' searc' ( s'ee- andsee t'e ot. As a s'e-'erd seeet' ot 'is floc& in t'e da( t'at 'e is aon$ 'is s'ee- t'at arescattered& so will see ot ( s'ee-+ and will deli*er t'e ot of all -laces w'ere t'e( 'a*e een

    scattered in t'e clod( and dar da(. And will rin$ t'e ot fro t'e -eo-le+ and $at'er t'e frot'e contries+ and will rin$ t'e to t'eir own land+ and feed t'e on t'e ontains of srael ( t'eri*ers+ and in all t'e in'aited -laces of t'e contr(& will feed t'e in $ood -astre+ and -on t'e 'i$'ontains of srael s'all t'eir fold e& t'ere s'all t'e( lie in a $ood fold+ and in a fat -astre s'all t'e(feed -on t'e ontains of srael. will feed ( floc+ and will case t'e to lie down+ sait' t'eord od." @=Ee. 36

    3. :er 'eart lon$s after t'e noonda( rest of :is 'i$'l( fa*ored floc. "ell e . . . . w'ere t'oaest t'( floc to rest at noon." Personal conion+ di*ine noris'ent+ and ;iet rest+ are t'e ric'lessin$s 'er sol now earnestl( reat'es after. /earied wit' t'e fritless searc' for rest andrefres'ent a-art fro od+ s'e lon$s after t'e $reen -astres and t'e still waters of :is lo*e and$race. 'ose w'o 'a*e wandered on t'e dar ontains+ nc'eered ( t'e li$'t of od%s contenance+

    now t'eir dreadfl arrenness. t w'en restoration is fll and 'a--(+ t'e tender lade is sweeter t'ane*er. 'e ride+ 'a*in$ tasted t'e lessedness of conion wit' t'e ord+ now desires t'at it a( eincreased and ninterr-ted.

    'e t'o$'t of ein$ ss-ected ( ot'ers of insincerit( $reatl( troles 'er. ">or w'(+" s'e adds+"s'old e as one t'at is *eiled Gar$inH ( t'e flocs of t'( co-anions?" /'o t'e "co-anions"are+ it a( e difficlt to sa(+ nless t'e( e nders'e-'erds+ w'o cold not nderstand or eet 'ercase lie t'e Princel( #'e-'erd :iself. :e new 'er 'eart. #'e cold confide in :is. 'e ter"*eiled" sees to con*e( t'e idea of ein$ ss-ected. @en. 38! 15 'is is *er( cttin$ to an 'onest+-ri$'t ind+ t not ncoon. Man( w'o -rofess to e t'e s'e-'erds of od%s s'ee-+ can t littlenderstand t'e -at' of one w'o is walin$ wit' t'e ord otside of all t'e -rescried rles of en w'o desires to -lease t'e ord+ if 'e s'old offend all else eside. 'ere is sc' a t'in$ as an ener$( of

    lo*e t'at rises ao*e all ere 'an arran$eents+ and 'olds conion iediatel(+ not ediatel(+wit' t'e ord. An ener$( t'at cold not tarr( for t'e rotine of 'an fors. #c' an one is ostliel( to e isnderstood and isre-resented ( t'ose w'o o*e in t'e ore eaten trac. ie:anna' t'e ot'er of #ael+ w'o -ra(ed wit' an inward+ s-irital ener$(+ w'ic' =li+ t'e -riest ofod+ did not nderstand. t t'e ord nows t'e oti*e of t'e 'eart+ and t'e s-rin$ of t'e ener$(.

    Bst as t'e lo*ed one was sfferin$ in 'er sol fro t'e ean ss-icions of ot'ers+ t'e elo*eda--ears for 'er cofort. 'is is t'e first tie we 'ear t'e ride$roo%s *oice. t o') w'at $race flowsot to 'er) /'at words dro- fro :is li-s) "< t'o fairest aon$ woen+" is t'e first tterance of :is'eart. =no$'+ srel(+ to sweeten t'e ost itter sol.

    #'e i$'t e troled aot 'er a--earance+ and aot t'e nwort'( t'o$'ts of ot'ers& t sc'

    an assrance of :is lo*e and estee is well fitted to reo*e all 'er troles+ and to fill 'er 'eart wit'ondless ,o(. n -lace of looin$ -on 'er as s'e is in 'erself+ "lac as t'e tents of edar+" :eassres 'er+ t'at not onl( does :e estee 'er fair and coel(+ t t'e fairest of t'e fair.

    Cant. 1! 8. "-f thou know not, + thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footstes ofthe flock and feed thy kids beside the sheherds$ tents." 'e ride$roo%s answer is readil( anddistinctl( $i*en+ t not'in$ ore. No a--roation is e-ressed as to t'e ;estions. And ost


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    i-ortant ;estions+ srel(+ t'e( are. /'( is t'is? s t'e elo*ed not deli$'ted in 'earin$ sc';estions ased ( :is lo*ed one? :e does not sa( so+ i-ortant t'o$' t'e( e. :e is deli$'ted wit''erself+ and assres 'er of :is deli$'t in t'e stron$est ters. "< t'o fairest aon$ woen." :is lo*eis nc'an$eal( t'e sae. :a--( t'o$'t) Not'in$ in 'er wa(s not'in$ said of 'er ( ot'ers cane*er alter t'e affections of :is 'eart for :is ride+ alt'o$'+ alas+ t'ere are an( t'in$s said and done( 'er t'at :e cannot a--ro*e of. 'e elie*er+ -ersonall(+ is -erfect in C'rist+ and in :is si$'t. :e is

    ",stified fro all t'in$s" t -racticall( 'e is fll of failre.n t'e -resent instance+ :is address to 'erself+ and :is answer to 'er ;estions+ reat'es a

    different s-irit. /'( is t'is? a$ain as. M( sol wold now t'e Master%s ind.

  • 7/29/2019 Meditations on the Song of Solomon


    'e ord s-eas of two inds of rest in Matt'ew 11+ w'ic' it a( e well to notice 'ere. "Coento e+ all (e t'at laor+ and are 'ea*( laden+ and will $i*e (o rest." 'is is t'e iediate $ift of:is lo*e t'ro$' fait' in :iself. All w'o elie*e+ wit'ot ece-tion+ 'a*e t'is rest. All or wear( andfritless efforts after sal*ation are ro$'t to a close w'en we coe to Bess+ and t'e 'ea*( rden ofsin nder w'ic' we $roaned is for e*er reo*ed. t t'e ord frt'er sa(s+ "ae ( (oe -on (o+and learn of e& for a ee and lowl( in 'eart+ and (e s'all find rest to (or sols." est of

    conscience :e $i*es t'ro$' t'e for$i*eness of or sins+ w'en first we elie*e in :i. est of 'eart wefind in oedience and s,ection to :is will. "ae ( (oe -on (o+ and learn of e . . . . and (es'all find rest" rest and -eace in e*er( circstance+ 'owe*er tr(in$. 'is tet e-lains w'( so an($et into trole of sol soon after t'e ,o(s of con*ersion& and w'(+ w'en difficlties a--ear+ t'o$'t'e( a( now t'e for$i*eness of sins+ t'e( are neas( and restless. #,ection to C'rist in t'e detailsof life+ ot' sociall( and ecclesiasticall(+ and learnin$ of :i+ are lost si$'t of. o e nder t'e sae(oe wit' C'rist is to wal side ( side and ste- ( ste- wit' :i. "ae ( (oe -on (o." 'iswold indeed e walin$ closel( wit' t'e ord and t's wold we srel( "find rest" for all orweaness wold fall on :i. /'en two are (oed to$et'er+ t'e stron$ one can 'el- t'e wea onealon$& and srel(+ t'e ost feele C'ristian w'en nder t'e sae (oe wit' Bess t'e i$'t(

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    3rdl(+ And s'all e in (o& indwellin$ eac' elie*er -ersonall(.

    'ese -recios trt's were afterwards -lainl(+ ta$'t ( t'e a-ostle in t'e e-istles. "now (e nott'at (or od( is t'e te-le of t'e :ol( 'ost+ w'ic' is in (o." @1 Cor. 6! 19 "n w'o (e also areilded to$et'er for an 'aitation of od t'ro$' t'e #-irit." @=-'. 2! 22

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    'e $ood ord wold 'a*e it to e so now+ in t'e asselies of :is saints. And w'ere t'e :ol('ost is free and n'indered in :is o-erations+ :e will srel( -ro*ide il for t'e aes+ and stron$eat for t'ose w'o are of fll a$e. 'e c'rc' is s-oen of as t'e "'aitation+" tent+ or taernacle ofod. @=-'. 2! 22 o t'is tent in t'e wilderness+ w'ere od :iself *oc'safes to dwell+ we woldearnestl( and affectionatel( -ra( t'at all t'e las of Bess a( e $at'ered.

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    Cold an( dot+ w'o saw 'er deced wit' t'ese+

    :is co*enanted lo*e and onteos 'eart+

    at'er willlo*e 'i+ and we will coe nto 'i and ae or aode wit' 'i." And of t'e #-irit :e sa(s+ "Ienow 'i+ for 'e dwellet' wit' (o and s'all e in (o." @Bo'n 14

    t w'at are we to nderstand ( "orders of $old wit' stds of sil*er?" Ma( it not e a crownt'at is s-oen of? A crown of $old es-an$led wit' sil*er? =Eeiel sees to sa( it is. "And -t a,ewel on t'( fore'ead and earrin$s in t'ine ears+ and a eatifl crown on t'ine 'ead. 's wast t'odeced wit' $old and sil*er." /'at t'en? #'all t'e restored+ ro(al trie of Bda' (et wear t'is eatiflcrown in t'e land of srael in t'e 'ol( cit( Bersale? /ondros $race) o*e di*ine) And will it et'e nited $ift of t'e adorale rinit(?

    Can Bda' fail to reeer+ or can e*er for$et t'at '( ro(al row+ < in$ of #ale+ wasonce+ in t'ose *er( scenes+ wreat'ed wit' a crown of t'orns? No eart'l( ,ewels lstred t'at crown. tt'e ric' r( dro-s fro '( 'ol( *eins were its ,ewels of i-eris'ale *ale. Awae) awae+ o' (sol) editate on t'e $race and lo*e of Bess. /'at wilt t'o t'in+ 'ow wilt t'o feel+ w'en t'at once-ierced 'and -laces on t'( 'ead a $arland of nfadin$ $lor(? #'all t'ine e(e e ca$'t wit' t'e crown+or e daEEled wit' t'e $lor(?

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    o*e t'at no t'o$'t can reac'&

    No lo*e lie :is.

    od is its lessed sorce+

    Deat' ne%er can sto- its corse+

    Not'in$ can sta( its force&

    Matc'less it is."

    'ere is di*ine wisdo+ and instrction for t'e sol+ in t'e selection of :is first co-arison. "'a*e co-ared t'ee+ < ( lo*e+ to a co-an( of 'orses in P'arao'%s c'ariots." 'e (stic ride of t'etre #oloon is 'ere reinded of =$(-t+ ot of w'ic' :e redeeed 'er wit' an otstretc'ed ar& andof "P'arao'+" fro w'ose iron $ras- :e resced 'er. Most s$$esti*e references to t'e c'ildren ofsrael+ and orall(+ to s. 'e trt' of od is a circle. 'e lo*e t'at deli*ered s ot of =$(-t+ t'atrin$s s into Canaan+ wit' all its ercies ( t'e wa(+ is a -erfect nroen circle of $race and trt'.And+ oreo*er+ e*er( -art of t'at circle s'all e 'eld in e*erlastin$ reerance. 'e $race t'at eetss in t'e world+ condcts s to t'e 'eart of od+ its nati*e fontain. "t now+ in C'rist Bess+ (e w'osoeties were far off+ are ade ni$' ( t'e lood of C'rist." @=-'. 2! 13

    'e c'ariot'orse+ wit' its $or$eos tra--in$s+ a( e t'e s(ol of stren$t'+ s(etr(+swiftness+ ro(alt( and willin$ness in ser*ice. No sooner 'as t'e c'arioteer taen 'is seat+ t'an 'issteeds are in readiness to o*e off. 'e( ecoe i-atient of dela(+ t'e raisin$ of t'e foot+ t'eo*eent of e*er( scle+ -lainl( tell 'i+ t'at if 'e e read(+ t'e( are ;ite read(. And t'en+ 'ows,ect+ notwit'standin$ t'eir -ower+ to t'e sli$'test toc' of t'e $idin$ rein. #eest t'o+ < ( sol+in t'is read(+ willin$ ser*ice a fair re-resentation of t'ine own? s it so? at'er%s'ose for e*er+ as a sinner sa*ed ( $race+ t'o art sa*ed for e*er& still+ as a ser*ant+ if t'o art idlin$t'( tie+ or s-oilin$ t'( wor+ it a( e taen fro t'ee and $i*en to anot'er. < ost -atient Master+ee- t'( ser*ant e*er $irded+ oedient and read( for ser*ice& and carin$ onl( to eet '( ind.

    Cant. 1! 12. "0hile the (ing sitteth at his table, my sikenard sendeth forth the smell thereof."'ere is an infinite difference etween t'e attractions of natre and t'e $race of t'e #-irit. :ast t'owell considered t'is+ ( sol? :one(+ t'e sweetness of natre+ was foridden to e sed in t'esacrifices. A little of it+ fro t'e end of a rod+ a( enli$'ten t'e e(es+ and refres' t'e 'eart of t'ewarrior in t'e da( of attle+ t it can ne*er refres' t'e 'eart of t'e ord of 'osts. ts aiale ;alitiesare trl( *alale for t'e fail(+ t'e social circle+ and t'e world at lar$e+ t totall( nfit for od%s altaror t'e in$%s tale. ot' t'e sweetness and t'e sorness of natre are alie re,ected ( t'e :ol(

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    t'ro$'ot t'e w'ole world+ t'is also t'at s'e 'at' done s'all e s-oen of as a eorial of 'er."

    "o*e is t'e trest -ro*idence+

    #ince e(ond tie 'er $old is $ood+

    #ta-ed for an%s ean %t'ree 'ndred -ence+%

    /it' C'rist%s %#'e 'at' done w'at s'e cold.%"

    t is a istae to s--ose t'at we 'a*e not'in$ to -resent to t'e in$ w'ile :e sittet' at :istale. re+ of :is own we $i*e :i& t it is all t'e sweeter to ot' on t'at accont. /'at is sweetert'an $race? 'e sraelite was to rin$ a asetfl of 'is first ri-e frits and -resent it to t'e ord 'isod. @Det. 26 re wors'i- is conion+ fellows'i-. f t'e ride$roo 'as :is "$ood ointents+"t'e ride 'as 'er "s-ienard"& (et it is all $race. 'e tale is :is t'e ointent and s-ienard+ too+ are:is. "'o -re-arest a tale efore e in t'e -resence of ine eneies! t'o anointest ( 'ead wit'oil! ( c- rnnet' o*er." @Ps. 23

    'e 'eart ne*er rises to t'e -oint of wors'i- ntil it rns o*er. 'en it 'as not'in$ to as wors'i- is t'e o*erflowin$ of t'e 'eart. And o'+ 'ow sweet+ 'ow -recios+ 'ow lessed it is)/'en t'e :ol( #-irit inisters of t'e flness of Bess to or sols+ 'ow soon t'e 'eart rns o*er) And

    t'is o*erflowin$ of t'e 'eart+ wit' t'e flness of C'rist+ is tre+ 'ea*enl( wors'i-. :ence t'e i-ortantdifference etween a -ra(er+ and a wors'i- eetin$. /e s'old coe to t'e forer wit' e-t( *essels+and so cr( to t'e ord+ as if we wold stor t'e 'ea*ens+ rat'er t'an $o awa( wit'ot or answer. tto t'e latter+ we s'old coe t'oro$'l( self,d$ed+ well -re-ared to feast on t'e in$%s dainties t'e s-oils of :is *ictor( t'e frits of rede-tion. 's s'all we find or e*er( need et+ and ore*er( desire satisfied. And 'a*e we not'in$ to as for at t'e tale? Not'in$ nless t'e in$ 'asfor$otten soet'in$ (o need ece-t it e for a lar$er 'eart. o e in t'e -resence c'aer of t'eord t'e 'oliest of all and to e feastin$ on t'e ric' -ro*isions of :is tale& w'at can we e tsatisfied& w'at can we do t -raise+ adire+ adore+ lo*e+ and wors'i- t'e ord or od and >at'er?

    'e ride 'as now reac'ed t'e 'i$'est -lace of lessedness. #'e is -eacefll( en,o(in$ t'e-resence of t'e in$+ w'ile :e is reclinin$ at :is tale. 'e acti*ities of ser*ice 'a*e $i*en -lace to t'ere-ose of wors'i-. 'e rnin$ sn+ t'e -ersection+ t'e -o*ert(+ t'e sorrow+ are all for$otten in t'eflness of t'at ,o( w'ic' :is -resence $i*es. And now+ t'e o is roen+ t'e s-ienard flows+ t'efra$rance fills t'e 'ose+ t'e 'ead and t'e feet of Bess are anointed+ and :is 'eart is ra*is'ed wit' t'ead*ances of 'er lo*e.

    Cant. 1! 13. "A bundle of myrrh. is my well1belo%ed unto me he shall lie all night betwi2t mybreasts." f t'e c'ariot'orse s$$ests t'e t'o$'t of willin$ ser*ice+ and t'e "s-ienard" e t'e s(olof di*ine wors'i-+ a( not t'e "ndle of (rr'" e t'e ele of a dail(+ and 'orl( testion( forC'rist? And w'at ore natral+ as a conse;ence of dee- and solid conion wit' t'e ord? s nott'e 'eart stren$t'ened for testion( in sc' 'a--( seasons? Jninterestin$ and -owerless will all orser*ices ecoe+ if -ersonal conion e ne$lected. :ow was it t'at Da*id dis-la(ed sc' cora$e

    in t'e *alle( of =la'? /as it t'e ras'ness of (ot'fl ine-erience? < no+ not at all) :is fait'+ t'ro$'conion in secret+ 'ad een raised to t'e *er( t'o$'ts of od :iself aot 'is -eo-le. :ence 'is*alor in t'e o-en field. "lessed e t'e ord ( stren$t'+" 'e cold sin$+ "w'ic' teac'et' ( 'ands towar+ and ( fin$ers to fi$'t." @Ps. 144! 1

    /e are ta$'t t'e sae trt' ( or lessed ord in Bo'n 7! 37+ "n t'e last da(+ t'at $reat da( oft'e feast+ Bess stood and cried+ sa(in$+ f an( an t'irst+ let 'i coe nto e+ and drin." n *ains'all we see to ecoe t'e eans of refres'in$ and lessin$ to ot'ers+ nless we drin+ and drin


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    dail( and dee-l(+ at t'e fontain'ead for orsel*es. =*er( fres' testion( for C'rist s'old e t'ereslt of fres' conion wit' :i.

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    Jnleis'ed in t'( si$'t."

    Cant. 1! 14. "My belo%ed is unto me as a cluster of camhire from the %ineyards of En1gedi." 'endle of (rr' is 'idden fro t'e e(e in t'e reast+ t t'e clster of ca-'ire is an o,ect for t'ee(e+ and carried o-enl( in t'e 'and. M(rr' is t'e li*in$ ,ice of t'e tree+ w'ic' flows in dro-s t'ro$'roen -arts of t'e ar+ soet'in$ lie lood fro t'e *eins+ or tears fro t'e e(e.

    "As (rr' new leedin$ fro t'e tree+

    #c' is a d(in$ C'rist to e."

    'e flowers of t'e ca-'ire tree $row in dense clsters and are eatifl as well as fra$rant."'at C'rist a( dwell in (or 'earts ( fait'+" is t'e -ra(er of t'e a-ostle. And we are to e "Alwa(searin$ aot in t'e od( t'e d(in$ of t'e ord Bess+ t'at t'e life also of Bess i$'t e adeanifest in or od(." @2 Cor. 4! 10

    :ow widel( different t'e line of t'o$'t s$$ested ( a tree in fll losso+ and one+ wondedand rised+ and t'e life,ice flowin$ fro its *eins) 'e one is t'e s(ol of deat'+ t'e ot'er t'e-ower of life. 'e tender d findin$ its wa( t'ro$' t'e 'ard ar of winter is alwa(s a striin$ andinterestin$ illstration of resrrection& t'e lossos and t'e frit are t'e anifestations of t'e -ower of

    life and of t'e ric' lessin$s to an. 'e little seed t'at is cast into t'e $rond+ and -on w'ic' t'eclods are 'ea-ed+ a( see for a tie 'o-elessl( lost& t t'e re*i*in$ s-rin$ coes rond+ andt'ro$' t'e ener$(. of life+ e*er( srrondin$ circstance is astered& t'e tender lade a--ears+ andin de tie wa*es its $olden $rain in tri-' o*er t'e all.

    :ow sweetl( all t'is+ and ore t'an t'is+ was s'adowed fort' in Aaron%s rod t'at dded+ t'ro$'t'e inter*ention of od in $race. @N. 17 n one ni$'t t'e dr( rod of Aaron a -iece of dead wood dded+ looed+ and ore frit. Precios t(-e of t'e risen Bess+ fritfl now in resrrection) :erein t(-es and s'adows+ we are ta$'t t'at we need t'e risen Bess+ as or $reat :i$' Priest to tae st'ro$' t'e wilderness and into t'e land of Canaan. race rei$ns in -riest'ood and sa*es t'e -eo-le.Not'in$ s'ort of t'e -riestl( inistr( of Bess can eet or need. :e w'o died to ae s clean+ nowli*es to ee- s clean. @Bo'n 13! 117 :e is ot' or sacrifice and or -riest. 'e lood of atoneent+

    and t'e water of -rification+ ot' flowed fro t'e wonded side of Bess.

    :ow lo*el( to t'e e(e as well as fra$rant to t'e 'eart is or risen+ ealted+ and $lorified ord) :isPerson :is inistr( :is relations'i-s are infinitel( -recios and e*er t'e sae. "M( elo*ed isw'ite and rdd(& t'e c'iefest aon$ ten t'osand . . . . (ea+ 'e is alto$et'er lo*el(. @Cant. 5 ">or in'i dwellet' all t'e flness of t'e od'ead odil(." @Col. 2! 9 'e flness of $race and $lor( dwell in:i. "f (e t'en e risen wit' C'rist+ see t'ose t'in$s w'ic' are ao*e+ w'ere C'rist sittet' on t'eri$'t 'and of od. #et (or affections on t'in$s ao*e+ not on t'in$s on t'e eart'." @Col. 3! 1+ 2

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    :is flness+ is t as a dro- to t'e ocean. =*er( $ood t'in$ coet' down fro ao*e& and all s-ea of:i. 'e reall( $ood t'in$ t'at is fond in t'e creatre+ reinds t'ee+ < ( sol+ of :i in w'o all-erfection centres+ as t'e Man C'rist Bess od wit' s. As t'o walest in t'e field+ or in t'e$arden+ in t'e *alle( or on t'e ontain+ or in t'( sal rond of dail( dt(+ e*er( second t'o$'t a(e of t'e "wellelo*ed" asent

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    and defored as t'o art+ and sooner far t'an t'( t'o$'ts can trn fro one s,ect to anot'er+ t'oart alto$et'er "fair" in :is si$'t. "

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    loo at t'e fro t'is -oint of *iew)

    /'at is 'ere said of srael+ or of t'e renant+ -ro-'eticall(+ @"e'old+ t'o art fair+ ( lo*e+" istre now+ in a dee-er sense+ of t'e c'rc' of od+ t'e ride of t'e a. At t'e sae tie+ t'e $reat-rinci-le of t'e son$ is coon to ot'+ 'e ord%s lo*e is -erfect. :e lo*es srael& :e lo*es t'ec'rc'& and in de tie :e will create t'ose affections in t'e 'earts of ot'+ w'ic' will -erfectl(answer to :is own. :ence+ t'e oral *ale and a--lication of t'is oo to t'e C'ristian is of $reat

    i-ortance. t is t'e fellows'i- of 'earts. #till+ it is alwa(s well to ee- in *iew t'e difference etweenw'at will e t'e -lace of t'e Bew in t'e latter da(+ and w'at t'e -lace of t'e C'ristian now is.

    Alt'o$' t'e arria$e of t'e a 'as not (et coe+ t'e relations'i- etween C'rist and t'ec'rc' is alread( fored. As t'e a-ostle sa(s+ " 'a*e es-osed (o to one 'sand+ t'at a( -resent(o as a c'aste *ir$in to C'rist." @2 Cor. 11! 2 lessed trt') 'e es-osed of t'e #a*ior+ t'e #on oft'e >at'er) t nowest t'o+ < ( sol+ t'e affections elon$in$ to t'is near and dear relations'i-? n-lace of a -ainfl ncertaint(+ w'ic' often a$itates t'e inds of t'ose w'o are onl( looin$ forward torelations'i-+ 'ast t'o t'e cal+ -eacefl affection and ,o(+ w'ic' natrall( flow fro a settled nion?f so+ t'e desire of t'( 'eart will e $reat for t'( ord%s retrn. Affection is t'e tre $rond of t'e cr(+"Coe+ ord Bess."

    'e ride$roo frt'er adds in :is -resent address "'o 'as do*es% e(es." ollow Bess+ t'en+ < ( sol. /ait t'o onl( -on od& trst in :i. ">or e*er( one t'at ealtet'


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    'iself s'all e aased& and 'e t'at 'let' 'iself s'all e ealted." @e 18! 14 'is is a-rinci-le of wide a--lication& it reac'es to all t'e details of life+ and is of iense -racticali-ortance. earn its worin$ -erfectl( in t'e two Adas. #ee it dail( ee-lified in t'e two natres.Poor 'an natre is e*er read( to listen to t'e line of t'e te-ter+ "Ie s'all e as $ods." t t'edi*ine natre is content wit' t'e -lace w'erein od 'as set it+ ntil :e sa(s+ "Coe - 'i$'er."

    t w'at of t'e old natre in t'e C'ristian? 'e scri-tres sa( -lainl(+ t'at it cae to its end on

    t'e cross. "Ie are dead+" is -lain eno$'. "And t'e( t'at are C'rist%s 'a*e crcified t'e fles' wit' t'eaffections and lst." And a$ain+ a crcified wit' C'rist+ ne*ert'eless li*e (et not + t C'ristli*et' in e& and t'e life w'ic' now li*e in t'e fles'+ li*e ( t'e fait' of t'e #on of od+ w'o lo*ede and $a*e 'iself for e." @Col. 3& al. 2 /ere we to wal in t'e li$'t and -ower of t'is $reatfondation trt'+ 'ilit( wold c'aracterise s. 'e fles'+ in its *anit( and ass-tion+ wold eortified& and t'e ee and lowl( s-irit of Bess wold e anifested.

    "'e ird t'at soars on 'i$'est win$+

    ilds on t'e $rond 'er lowl( nest+

    And s'e t'at dot' ost sweetl( sin$+

    #in$s in t'e s'ade w'en all t'in$s rest.n lar and ni$'tin$ale we see

    /'at 'onor 'at' 'ilit(.

    /'en Mar( c'ose t'e etter -art+

    #'e eel( sat at Bes%s feet.

    And (dia%s $entl( o-ened 'eart

    /as ade for od%s own te-le eet.

    >airest and est adorned is s'e+

    /'ose clot'in$ is 'ilit(.

    'e saint t'at wears 'ea*en%s ri$'test crown

    n 'le adoration ends&

    'e wei$'t of $lor( ows 'i down+

    'en ost+ w'en ost+ 'is sol ascends.

    Nearest t'e t'rone st e*er e+

    'e footstool of 'ilit(."

    /'en C'rist is a co-lete co*erin$ to t'e e(e+ contentent fills t'e 'eart. /e can afford to tae

    t'e lowest -lace. =*er(t'in$ needed to ae s 'a--( is fond in :i. :e is not onl( fair to t'e e(e+t -leasant to t'e 'eart. Man( are fair t'at are not -leasant+ and an( are -leasant t'at are not fair+ tC'rist is ot'. "e'old+ t'o art fair+ ( elo*ed+ (ea+ -leasant."

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    ( s'e-'erd+ s'all not want. :e aet' e to lie down in $reen -astres& 'e leadet' e eside t'estill waters . . . . . Pastres of tender $rass . . . . waters of ;ietness+" are t'e dail( fare of t'ose w'osefeet are fond "( t'e footste-s of t'e floc." t t'e s'e-'erd ne*er -itc'es 'is tent inside t'e walls oft'e cit(. 'ere is no tender ddin$ $rass no waters of ;ietness t'ere.

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    own -lace in :is 'eart. 'ere is fll conion+ for :e iediatel( adds+ "As t'e lil( aon$ t'orns+so is ( lo*e aon$ t'e da$'ters." And frt'er on in t'e oo+ :e sa(s -lainl(+ "M( do*e+ (ndefiled+ is t one+ s'e is t'e onl( one of 'er ot'er+ s'e is t'e c'oice one of 'er t'at are 'er." #c'is t'e distin$is'in$ lo*e and $race of or ord Bess C'rist+ and sc' is t'e s-ecial -lace w'ic' t'eride 'as in :is si$'t. :e alwa(s $oes e(ond 'er in t'e e-ression of affection. 'is is ost lessed tot'e 'eart. :ow widel( different is t'e eatifl+ fra$rant lil( fro t'e laceratin$ t'orn)

    'ere are an( w'o sa(+ w'en t'e( 'ear sc' trt'+ "at'er%s 'eartis t'e s-rin$+ and :e 'as :is own ,o( in it all. :e acts fro :iself+ and as :iself. 'e -rodi$al%s-reeditated s-eec' is interr-ted! 'e ne*er $ets to t'e -art w'ic' sa(s+ "Mae e as one of t'( 'iredser*ants." :ow cold 'e? race -re*ents& t'e >at'er ran to eet 'i+ fell on 'is nec and issed 'i.econciliation is e-ressed and acco-lis'ed t'e oent t'e( eet. :e recei*es t'e iss of -eace atonce& $race is free. od 'a*in$ recei*ed t'e atoneent on t'e cross+ we recei*e t'e reconciliation t'eoent we eet :i in C'rist.

    And now+ ein$ reconciled t'ro$' t'e lood of t'e cross+ t'e once lost+ rined+ and de$radedone+ is ade a son and 'eir an 'eir of od+ and a ,oint 'eir wit' C'rist. 'is is $race t'e $race ofod in C'rist Bess+ to all w'o elie*e in :is nae. And+ frt'er+ t'e sae one s'all s'ine in $race+and e t'e *essel of its dis-la( t'ro$'ot t'e contless a$es of eternit(. As a$e after a$e rolls on incontless ners+ t'ose w'o 'a*e een t'e s,ects of t'at $race in tie s'all contine to s'ine in itse*erincreasin$ ri$'tness.

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    occ-ied wit' t'e flowers t'an t'e -ersons. t srel( in t'e second *erse t'e ride$roo owns t'es-eaer in t'e first *erse to e :is lo*ed one. "As t'e lil( aon$ t'orns+ so is ( lo*e aon$ t'eda$'ters." All are a$reed t'at t'is is t'e *oice of t'e elo*ed. n t'e first *erse+ we 'a*e no dot+ t'eride is t'e s-eaer. #'e is acnowled$in$ in ,o( of conion+ w'at :e in :is $race 'as ade 'er&t'at all 'er eat( in :is si$'t+ as well as t'e affections of 'er 'eart for :iself+ are :is own creation.And in co-arin$ 'erself wit' t'ese eatifl flowers+ s'e is onl( re-eatin$ w'at :e :iself 'as

    ta$'t 'er.t ar well+ ( sol+ t'at s'e sa(s+ " a t'e lil( of t'e *alle(s" not of t'e cities. n t'e

    ;iet *ale s'e finds 'er nati*e soil+ and reat'es 'er nati*e air. 'ere s'e loos+ for t'e e(e of 'erelo*ed+ and s'eds 'er fra$rance for :is refres'ent. ":e feedet' aon$ t'e lilies." t was in t'e cit(s'e lost t'e ,o(s of :is -resence& and t'ere s'e was inslted and n*eiled ( t'e watc'en. 'ese were'er wanderin$+ acslidin$ oents.

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    of t'e world. #rel(+ ost lessed ord+ to 'ear 'ee sa(in$+ "As t'e lil( aon$ t'orns+ so is ( lo*eaon$ t'e da$'ters+" wold infinitel( ore t'an reco-ense for all or selfdenial.

    /e are told ( t'ose w'o 'a*e tra*elled in t'e =ast+ t'at t'e a--letree of t'is contr( is not w'atis 'ere eant& t ost liel(+ t'e ric' citrontree of Palestine. 'e t'ic+ dar $reen folia$e of t'ecitron o$'s affords a ost con*enient s'elter fro t'e ra(s of t'e sn+ and its delicios frit is ostfra$rant and refres'in$. Co-ared wit' t'e coon trees of t'e wood+ it st e an o,ect of $reat

    eat( and interest to t'e e(e of t'e wear( tra*eller. #o t'e s-ose co-ares 'er elo*ed wit' allot'ers. "As t'e a--letree aon$ t'e trees of t'e wood+ so is ( elo*ed aon$ t'e sons." 'ere isnone lie C'rist. :e is t'e "c'iefest aon$ ten t'osand." #'e is in t'e fll en,o(ent of :iself. Notof :is $ifts erel(+ lessed as t'ese are+ t of :iself.

    'ere is now+ oser*e+ fll -ersonal conion. #'e is in t'e clodless li$'t of :is fa*or. 'eres-onse is -erfect! "As t'e lil( aon$ t'orns+ so is ( lo*e aon$ t'e da$'ters." "As t'e a--le treeaon$ t'e trees of t'e wood+ so is ( elo*ed aon$ t'e sons." /'at 'as $race wro$'t) #ee w'ere itleads to) Cold t'e Bew e*er 'a*e reac'ed t'e oso of od ( cliin$ t'e r$$ed cliffs of #inai)A'+ no) t st e all $race fro first to last. :ere we see -erfect reconciliation and conion. 'eord rests in :is lo*e& as it is written+ ":e will rest in 'is lo*e+ 'e will ,o( o*er t'ee wit' sin$in$."@Fe-'. 3! 17 'e ride+ too+ is now en,o(in$ -erfect re-ose in t'at nc'an$in$ lo*e. " sat down nder'is s'adow wit' $reat deli$'t+ and 'is frit was sweet to taste." :ere 'er sol finds rest+ ,o(+ andandance. 'e 'eart is feedin$ on C'rist. =*er( need is et. #'e is in 'er own 'a--( -lace now. #'eonce 'ad anot'er -lace& t'e -lace+ alas+ of sin and deat'. t t'e lord 'as deli*ered 'er ot of it+ andro$'t 'er into :is own :is new -lace as t'e risen Messia'. And t'is is now 'er -lace! s'e cannote in ot'. " raised t'ee - nder t'e a--le tree." 'e a--letree is C'rist.

    srael+ we now+ s'all ere lon$ e raised - fro t'eir -resent condition of national deat'+ toen,o( t'e lessin$s of t'e new co*enant nder C'rist. t t'e( can onl( e raised - ( C'rist+ andcoe into lessin$ nder C'rist. Merc( is t'eir onl( $rond+ 'el-less necessit( t'eir onl( -lea+ andC'rist t'eir onl( wa(. /'en it coes to t'is+ all is well+ for e*er well+ ot' wit' Bew and entile. sraels'all (et e $at'ered on t'is $rond and nder t'is lessed :ead. 'en s'all t'e( sit nder :is s'adow

    in t'e fllest sense+ and find :is frit sweet to t'eir taste t'e $lorios frits of :is wondros lo*e ind(in$ for t'e reellios nation.

    "And so all srael s'all e sa*ed! as it is written+ 'ere s'all coe ot of Fion t'e Deli*erer+ ands'all trn awa( n$odliness fro Baco." @o. 11! 26 "n t'at da(+ sait' t'e ord of 'osts+ s'all (ecall e*er( an 'is nei$'or nder 'is *ine and nder 'is fi$tree." @Fec'. 3! 10

    ":ail+ lessed scene of endless ,o()

    /'ere Bess s'all for e*er rei$n

    /'ere not'in$ 'rtfl s'all anno(+

    t $ladness fill t'e 'a--( -lain.

    >ree fro all sin+ and free fro fear+

    None s'all e%er si$' or s'ed a tear."

    Cant. 2! 4. "He brought me to the ban3ueting house, and his banner o%er me was lo%e." neditatin$ on t'e different scenes of deli$'t+ into w'ic' t'e 'a--( ride is introdced ( t'e in$+ lett'( t'o$'ts+ < ( sol+ dwell for a little on t'e sorce of t'ese an( streas of 'a--iness. t is t'eelie*er%s -ri*ile$e to drin at t'e fontain as well as at t'e strea. od :iself is t'e sorce of all or


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    lessin$. 'e -leasres w'ic' are at :is ri$'t 'and can ne*er e nered. t t'e dee-+ dee- fontainof t'e sol%s -erfect lessedness is t'e 'a--( assrance t'at not'in$ was needed to trn t'e 'eart ofod to s.

  • 7/29/2019 Meditations on the Song of Solomon


    floc at noon. >rt'er on in t'e da(+ s'e sa(s+ "

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    nfrled+ to e frled no ore for e*er. 'en s'all all t'e failies of t'e eart' see t'e ord%s fait'fllo*e+ w'en t'e( coe - to Bersale to wors'i- t'e in$+ t'e ord of 'osts+ and to ee- t'e feast oftaernacles. @Fec'. 14 And t'en+ < t'en+ s'all t'is -recios word e flfilled! ":e ro$'t e to t'ean;etin$ 'ose+ and 'is anner o*er e was lo*e. #ta( e wit' fla$ons+ cofort e wit' a--les& for a sic of lo*e."

    And now+ < ( sol+ w'at do t'ese c'an$in$ scenes of dee-+ and dee-er lessedness t'ese

    *ar(in$ fontains of fres' deli$'t+ s$$est for t'( editation? /'at *oice 'a*e t'e( for t'ee now?>i$res and alle$ories t'o$' t'e( e+ t'e( were written aforetie for t'( learnin$. Plainl(+ t'e(re-resent t'e realities of fellows'i- wit' C'rist t'e affections of ride$roo and ride t'es(-at'ies of 'earts t'at are one. :ast t'o not soeties oser*ed+ t'at after actal se-aration frot'e world for a w'ile+ as a 'idden one+ and close conion wit' t'e ord en,o(ed+ t'e tone andc'aracter of or inds ecoe ore s-irital? 'e ord%s -resence is ore fll( realised& t'e od(ecoes less a clo$+ t'e s-irit ore free. 'en we feel frt'er fro eart' and nearer to 'ea*en+ in t'econscios en,o(ent of 'ea*enl( t'in$s+ in t'e assrance of t'e ord%s lo*e+ and :is deli$'t in s.

    t t'is state of 'i$' s-irital en,o(ent is onl( occasional& nor is it reac'ed+ $enerall( s-eain$+in a oent. /e cannot trn+ all at once+ fro t'e en,o(ent of eart'l( t'in$s+ to t'is easre ofen,o(ent of 'ea*enl( t'in$s. re+ we 'a*e C'rist+ and t'e #-irit+ and t'e word+ and t'e >at'er%s lo*e+alwa(s t'e sae& t or conion in t'ese t'in$s is not alwa(s t'e sae. =*en t'e necessar(occ-ation of ind and od( wit' te-oral t'in$s+ lnts or s-irital sensiilities for t'e tie. #ecret-ra(er+ editation on t'e word+ self,d$ent+ t'e od( e-t nder+ t'e 'eart deli$'tin$ in t'e t'in$s ofod+ and t'e #-irit re*ealin$ to or sols t'e lo*e of Bess+ will+ in ost cases+ e fond associatedwit' t'is condition of s-irital en,o(ent. ndeed+ we elie*e t'ese eercises st e t'e 'ait of t'eelie*er+ if 'e wold e 'ea*enl(inded. /e st wal ( fait'+ as elon$in$ to t'e new creation+ not( si$'t as of t'e old. @2 Cor. 5! 16+ 17+ 18 At t'e sae tie it is well to reeer+ t'at t'e lessedord is not ond to an( one class of eans+ in rin$in$ :is lo*ed ones into :is 'ose of wine t'e-lace of :is -resence w'ere t'ere is flness of ,o(. /e 'a*e seen a sol in ecstasies of ,o(+ t'ro$'ein$ sddenl( ro$'t to a sense of its own failre+ and of t'e ord%s nfailin$ lo*e. t 'ere+ in t'ecase of t'e ride efore s+ t'ere 'as een no a--arent failre as (et+ t'ere is ared -ro$ress in 'er

    e-erience. ie a sol coin$ fro t'e closet to fail( wors'i-+ and fro t'ence to t'e -lican;et of t'e #a*ior%s d(in$ lo*e. 'e tone of 'er conion dee-ens as s'e -asses fro scene toscene. :er ,o( increases+ ntil t'e re*elation of t'e ride$roo%s lo*e and $oodness ecoe soo*er-owerin$ to 'er sol+ t'at t'e od( faints nder it. Iet s'e sees to e sstained ( t'at w'ic' 'ase'asted 'er. "#ta( e wit' fla$ons+ cofort e wit' a--les& for a sic of lo*e."

    "'e lo*e+ t'e lo*e t'at es-ea+

    /ors wonders in t'e sol&

    >or w'en % w'ole it aes e sic.

    /'en sic+ it aes e w'ole.

    % o*ercoe+ faint+ fail+

    ill lo*e s'all lo*e relie*e

    More lo*e di*ine t'e wond can 'eal+

    /'ic' lo*e di*ine did $i*e."

    >eedin$ on C'rist ne*er satiates t'e sol. /'ile it satisfies to t'e fll+ it w'ets t'e a--etite. And


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    t'e ord%s deli$'t is to $i*e ore andantl(. "

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    earnest. :ast t'o ca$'t+ < ( sol+ t'e s-irit of t'e lo*in$ and t'e lo*ed #'eloit'+ in t'ese lessedwords? "'e *oice of ( elo*ed+ e'old+ 'e coet'." s :e indeed t'( est elo*ed? s t'ere no *oiceto t'ee lie :is? Art t'o waitin$ and lon$in$ for :i dail()

    'ere is a $reat difference etween a -erson elie*in$ in w'at is called "t'e doctrine of t'esecond ad*ent+" and a lo*in$ sol in t'e ,o( of conion+ earnestl( looin$ and lon$in$ for t'e ord:iself to coe. :ow little inflence t'e elief of t'e doctrine 'as on t'e 'eart and life+ co-ared wit'

    'a*in$ t'e Person of C'rist+ as t'e all inflential o,ect for t'e 'eart+ and ein$ lie t'e 'essalonians+"waitin$ for t'e #on fro 'ea*en+" or lie t'e ride waitin$ for t'e ride$roo.

    "'e #-irit and t'e ride sa(+ Coe." t is t'e 'eart of t'e ride t'at sa(s Coe+ t'o$' o*edand stirred ( t'e #-irit w'o dwells t'ere. :e $i*es s t'e 'a--( consciosness of t'e relations'i-+ andt'e affections t'at elon$ to it.

    /e are swift to 'ear+ and ;ic to reco$nise+ t'e sond of t'e *oice we lo*e. 'e wellnown*oice+ and t'e failiar nae "Mar(+" t'rilled 'er w'ole sol. And e*en w'en t'e -erson s-eain$ istoo far off for s to 'ear t'e words+ t'e sond is eno$' to toc' t'e c'ord t'at *irates t'e w'ole'eart+ and awaens all its drows( ener$ies. "'e *oice of ( elo*ed+" s'e eclais+ "e'old 'ecoet'." :er w'ole sol is filled wit' e-ectation. Now :e is near. "'e ord is at 'and." o+ :e

    coes) :e coes) "ea-in$ -on t'e ontains+ si--in$ -on t'e 'ills. M( elo*ed is lie a roe or a(on$ 'art." :is feet are swift as 'inds% feet.

    n -lace of nearness to t'e ord in s-irit fll( satisf(in$ t'e 'eart+ it reall( increases its desires fort'e fller ,o( w'ic' :is -ersonal -resence $i*es. /'at cold e ore near+ ore dear+ ore intiate+t'an t'e conion w'ic' we 'a*e seen t'e ride en,o(in$+ ( fait'+ since t'e coenceent of oreditations? 'ere 'as een no interr-tion to 'er ,o(+ t decided -ro$ress in t'e a--re'ension of :islo*e+ and t'e en,o(ent of :is fa*or. #oe 'a*e t'o$'t+ t'at in t'e -assa$e efore its+ t'ere are si$nsof t'e 'eart $oin$ ac and $ettin$ ot of conion drin$ t'e season of 'er re-ose& t'at t'eandance of 'er -ri*ile$es led to a easre of carelessness& and t'at 'er $reat s-irital en,o(ent wasscceeded ( a easre of declension. #c' a t'in$+ no dot+ 'as often occrred+ t we see no si$nsof it 'ere.

    s it w'en we are in conion or ot of conion t'at we desire t'e coin$ of t'e ord?=asil( canst t'o answer t'is ;estion+ < ( sol. 'ere can e no real desire for t'e ord to coew'en we are not 'a--( wit' :i. re+ we are alwa(s safe in :i+ t+ alas+ we are not alwa(s 'a--(wit' :i. f we 'a*e $one a ste- too far wit' t'e world+ or ne$lected self,d$ent+ we lose or'a--iness wit' :i+ and at sc' ties+ we wold rat'er t'at :e did not coe. "Peter sait' nto 'i+'o s'alt ne*er was' ( feet. Bess answered 'i+ f was' t'ee not+ t'o 'ast no -art wit' e."@Bo'n 13! 8 :e does not sa(+ oser*e+ t'o 'ast no -art in e. 'at :e cold ne*er sa(. t 'e teac'esPeter+ and s+ t'at if self,d$ent is ne$lected+ if t'e dail( defileents are not cleansed awa( "wit' t'ewas'in$ of water ( t'e word+" fellows'i- wit' :i is interr-ted. :e cannot $o on wit' n,d$ed nconfessed e*il. "'o 'ast no -art wit' e+" are words of dee-est solenit(. /'at woldest t'onot rat'er -art wit'+ < ( sol+ t'an -art co-an( wit' t'( ord e*en for a da(+ or an 'or? /'erewold e t'( -ower for wal+ wors'i-+ and ser*ice? /'at weaness+ w'at darness+ wold eset t'(-at') #'ae a( co*er t'( face+ and sorrow fill t'( 'eart+ as t'o -lacest t'( soiled feet in :is 'ands+for srel( :e will see w'ere t'o 'ast een. t reeer t'is+ t'e( ne*er can e clean ntil :e do it."f was' t'ee not t'o 'ast no -art wit' e." f t'o woldst wal wit' Bess+ and e 'a--( wit':i+ t'o st wal in se-aration in tre se-aration fro all e*il fro all t'at is contrar( to :is'oliness+ and nearale to :is natre. ead e+ < ord+ in '( wa(+ in t'is e*il da(+ t'at so a(


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    e*er ost earnestl( -ra( for+ and lo*in$l( desire+ '( coin$)

    "M( lord dela(et' 'is coin$+" is t'e lan$a$e of a 'eart t'at is seein$ -resent $ratification int'is world. "Coe+ ord Bess+ coe ;icl(+" is t'e lan$a$e of a 'eart t'at is filled wit' lo*e toBess+ and earnestl( reat'in$ after -ersonal nearness to :iself. n t'e -ro-ortion t'at we en,o( C'rists-iritall(+ we s'all lon$ to see :i face to face. n t'e New Bersale+ "'e( s'all see 'is face." /'owold not lon$ for t'is+ t'at 'as seen :i e*en t'ro$' a $lass darl(? 'is is alwa(s a test of t'e

    sol%s condition. /'en t'e 'ose is in confsion+ t'e wife is not waitin$ and lon$in$ for 'er 'sand%sretrn. No+ s'e is occ-ied in $ettin$ t'in$s -t in order+ and w'en e*er(t'in$ is strai$'t and sc' as 'elies+ s'e e$ins to t'in of 'is coin$+ and lon$s to 'ear 'is *oice and see 'is face.

    s it not eno$'+ soe C'ristians sa(+ t'at now a :is? /'( s'old e e*er( da( looin$for :is coin$ fro 'ea*en? now ( sins are -ardoned+ and t'at a sa*ed. esides+ can trstand lo*e t'e nseen #a*ior. #o far well+ ( fellowC'ristian& t is t'is t'e *oice of an earnest+ lo*in$'eart+ or of one t'at is cold and indifferent as to :is lessed Person? Canst t'o t'in of all :is lo*eand $race+ of all :is sfferin$s+ and deat' for t'ee+ and of :is ealtation and $lor(+ and not lon$ to see:iself? Art t'o not lon$in$ for a $li-se of t'at face+ w'ic' s'all ra*is' t'( 'eart for e*er+ and fillt'ee wit' loftiest -raise? /'at wold t'e asent 'sand t'in+ 'ow wold 'e feel+ were 'is wife t'sto s-ea! " now a 'is. 'at is eno$' for e. a satisfied. esides+ a 'earin$ fro 'i dail(+and recei*in$ t'e assrance of 'is lo*e+ t ne*er t'in aot 'is retrn 'a*e ne*er once said Mae 'aste 'oe. ne*er lon$ to see 'is face." A') ( friend+ ( friend+ 'ow wold (o inter-retsc' a condition of t'in$s? /old (o call t'is lo*e for t'e asent one? /old it satisf( (or own'eart es-eciall( if (or lo*e 'ad not cooled down? As t'e lo*e of C'rist ne*er cools down+ :e feelsat once t'e least fallin$ awa( in s. Not'in$ t lo*e will e*er satisf( lo*e. "/e lo*e 'i+ ecase 'efirst lo*ed s." C'ristian lo*e is t'e reflection of C'rist%s. 'e ore fre;entl( t'e lo*in$ wife 'earsfro 'er asent 'sand+ t'e ore is 'er desire ;icened for 'is retrn. And t'e conications of'is lo*e ( letter+ onl( ae 'er lon$ t'e ore to see 'iself. 'e 'oe circle a( e -erfectl(cofortale+ t to 'er 'eart it wants t'e -resence of one to ae it co-letel( 'a--(. And w'ile 'e isnot t'ere+ not'in$ on eart' can fill t'e lan. Alas+ 'ow little we feel t'e lan w'ic' t'e Person ofC'rist alone can fill)

    t is t'e ord :iself+ as Messia' t'e in$+ t'at t'e lo*in$ s-ose so lon$s after 'ere. "'e *oiceof ( elo*ed+ e'old+ 'e coet'." :e 'as re*ealed :iself to 'er 'eart. #'e now enters+ ( fait'+ into:is lo*e and ,o( as t'e ride$roo+ t'e in$ in Fion. Now s'e nows and *ales :is lo*e+ and lon$sto -ossess :iself as 'er own Messia'. lessed c'an$e) 'e -lace w'ere :e was once des-ised andre,ected+ ( t'e da$'ter of Fion+ and o*er w'ic' :e s'ed tears+ s'all ere lon$ e t'e scene of :isride$roolo*e+ and :is ri$'t illennial $lor(. 'e desire of t'e odfearin$ renant in t'e latterda( for t'e a--earin$ of t'e Messia' as t'eir in$ and Deli*erer+ is s-oen of in t'e Psals and t'e-ro-'ets+ as of t'e ost fer*ent and intense c'aracter! "

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    t'e in$ t'eir own fll deli*erance and illennial $lor(. :e $reatl( c'eers t'eir 'eart ( still -lainerre*elations of :iself+ and ( assrin$ t'e of :is lo*e+ and of t'e ,o( of :is 'eart in t'e.

    Not'in$ cold e ore eatifl and toc'in$ t'an t'e words of t'e ord in t'e followin$ *erses.:e addresses 'erself+ and s'e lo*es to re-eat :is words. "M( belo%ed sake, and said unto me, 6ise u,my lo%e, my fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is ast, the rain is o%er and gone, the flowersaear on the earth) the time of the singing of birds is come, and the %oice of the turtle is heard in our

    land. he fig1tree utteth forth her green figs, and the %ines with the tender grae gi%e a good smell.Arise, my lo%e, my fair one, and come away." @Cant. 2! 1013 A little w'ile a$o and s'e cold onl(discern t'e sond of :is *oice+ and catc' t'ro$' t'e latticewor a $li-se of :is e(e. t now+ or t'( Maer is t'ine 'sand+ t'e ordof 'osts is 'is nae." @sa. 54! 5 t ecase of t'eir nfait'flness+ and es-eciall( for t'eir re,ectionof C'rist+ t'e( were cast oft for a season. #ince t'en+ srael 'as een on t'e coon le*el of allsinners. n t'e -reac'in$ of t'e $os-el+ ot' Bew and entiles are alie addressed as lost sinners& and allw'o are $at'ered ot ( t'e $race of od fro ot' -arties+ are fored into "one od(." ot' arelessed wit' t'e sae -ri*ile$es in C'rist+ and t'e "one od(" is lessed wit' t'e sae -ri*ile$es asC'rist in 'ea*enl( -laces. 'e entiles w'o were dis-ensationall( far off+ and t'e Bews w'o were ni$'+

    'a*e now+ on t'e -rinci-le of fait'+ e;al lessin$s in C'rist. :e 'at' ade ot' one+ and 'at' roendown t'e iddle wall of -artition+ for to ae in :iself of twain one new an+ so ain$ -eace. >ort'ro$' :i we ot' 'a*e access ( one #-irit nto t'e >at'er. @#ee =-'. 2! 1322

    'e tre 'o-e of t'e c'rc' t'e "one od(" indwelt ( t'e "one #-irit+" is t'e coin$ oft'e ord Bess C'rist fro 'ea*en+ to recei*e s nto :iself. " $o to -re-are a -lace for (o. And if $o and -re-are a -lace for (o will coe a$ain+ and recei*e (o nto (self! t'at w'ere a+ t'ere(e a( e also." /'en t'is 'as een acco-lis'ed+ srael will a$ain a--ear on t'e scene. 'en t'e


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    #-irit of od will e$in to wor in t'e renant of Bda'. After t'e c'rc' is ca$'t awa(+ and drin$t'e o-en rei$n of Antic'rist+ efore t'e ord a--ears in $lor( ,st etween t'e ra-tre of t'e saintsand t'e $lorios a--earin$+ t'is renant will e t'e o,ect of t'e ord%s es-ecial care and lo*e.#-eain$ of t'e nder t'e fi$re of a s-ose+ :e sa(s+ " will allre 'er+ and rin$ 'er into t'ewilderness+ and s-ea cofortal( nto 'er. And will $i*e 'er *ine(ards fro t'ence+ and t'e *alle(of Ac'or for a door of 'o-e& and s'e s'all sin$ t'ere as in t'e da(s of 'er (ot'+ and as in t'e da( w'en

    s'e cae - ot of =$(-t. And it s'all e at t'at da(+ sait' t'e ord+ t'at t'o s'alt call e s'i+ t'at is+( 'sand+ and s'alt call e no ore aali+ t'at is+ ( lord. And will etrot' t'ee nto e fore*er." Now+ t'eir es-osals s'all e e*erlastin$+ t'e nion s'all endre for e*er+ and $reat will e t'eord%s deli$'t in :is fait'fl+ lo*in$+ adirin$+ adornin$+ wors'i--in$ s-ose. @#ee :osea 1+ 2+ 3

    /'at t'en are we to nderstand ( t'e -assa$e efore s? "< ( do*e+ t'at art in t'e clefts of t'eroc+ in t'e secret -laces of t'e stairs+ let e see t'( contenance+ let e 'ear t'( *oice+ for sweet ist'( *oice+ and t'( contenance is coel(." >ro t'e tent' *erse to t'e close of t'e fifteent'+ we 'a*ean nroen address of tenderest lo*e+ sweetest encora$eent+ and ri$'test 'o-e. /'at ore lessedwords cold e*en t'e li-s of di*ine lo*e tter? :is o,ect is to draw ot 'er 'eart in lo*e andconfidence towards :iself. t is ;ite e*ident t'at t'e fll laEe of illennial $lor( will not rstsddenl( on t'e land of srael and t'e nations+ t ( de$rees+ lie t'e -assin$ awa( of winter+ and t'e

    $radal a--roac' of s-rin$ and ser. :ence t'e need of fait' on t'e -art of t'e s-ose. t :ec'eers 'er 'eart wit' t'e assrance t'at t'e da( of 'er deli*erance drawet' ni$'. :e wold 'a*e 'er tonow t'at :is e(e is -on 'er+ and to wait -atientl(.

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    s--licate t'e $ra*e on ended nee+ e*er so earnestl(+ it will ne*er (ield to t'ee t'e lo*ed one w'o 'aseen wrenc'ed fro t'( 'eart%s core+ and entoed in its dee- ca*erns. :ow often it 'as eenesie$ed+ and eso$'t wit' itterest tears+ dee-est $roans+ lodest cries+ t all in *ain. t 'ears not+ it'eeds not+ it (ields not. /'at taes sc' 'old as deat'? /'at ee-s it lie t'e $ra*e?

    earn t'en+ < ( sol+ fro t'ese dar t stron$ siilitdes+ t'e c'aracter of t'e #a*ior%s lo*e.#'eltered in t'e cleft of t'e roc in :is wonded side nestlin$ in t'at (sterios 'eart of lo*e+

    :is tiid+ flttered do*e secrel( rests. No ird of -re( can e*er olest 'er t'ere. All t'e *ltres of'ell cannot toc' a feat'er of 'er win$. 'e( can ne*er reac' t'e cleft of t'e roc w'erein s'e 'ides.#'e is far ao*e t'eir 'i$'est fli$'t. t a( not s'e lose 'er 'old soe da(+ in an n$arded oent+and after all e seiEed+ and -eris' ( t'ose w'o are seein$ to de*or? Did 'er secrit( de-end in t'eleast de$ree on 'er 'oldin$ fast+ all wold e lost in a oent. t+ less od+ all de-ends on t'e 'oldw'ic' Bess 'as. t is t'e roc t'at 'olds 'er+ not s'e t'at 'olds t'e roc. /'at taes sc' a 'old asdeat'? /'at ee-s it lie t'e $ra*e? Di*ine lo*e 'olds its o,ect wit' a -ower stron$er t'an deat'+t'o$' sweetl( tender+ and is ore n(ieldin$ t'an t'e $ra*e. /ill t'e lessed ord e*er "deli*er t'esol of 'is trtle do*e nto t'e ltitde of t'e wiced?" No) ne*er) ne*er) " $i*e nto ( s'ee-eternal life& and t'e( s'all ne*er -eris'+ neit'er s'all an( an -lc t'e ot of ( 'and. M( >at'erw'ic' $a*e t'e e is $reater t'an all& and no an is ale to -lc t'e ot of ( >at'er%s 'and."

    @Bo'n 10! 28+ 29 "e'old a in$ s'all rei$n in ri$'teosness+ and -rinces s'all rle in ,d$ent. And aan s'all e as a 'idin$-lace fro t'e wind+ and a co*ert fro t'e te-est& as ri*ers of waters in a dr(-lace& as t'e s'adow of a $reat roc in a wear( land." @sa. 32! 1+ 2

    t all t(-es and fi$res+ alle$ories and illstrations tterl( fail to set fort' t'e #a*ior%s lo*e. :is$lor( will e re*ealed+ and all fles' s'all see it. t :is lo*e can ne*er e fll( re*ealed. re+ we s'allsee :i as :e is in all t'e realities of :is lo*e+ and now e*en as we are nown& and find in :islo*e or eternal deli$'t. t t'ere are 'ei$'ts and de-t's+ len$t's and readt's+ in :is lo*e w'ic' streain nnown+ nre*ealed+ for e*er.

    Cant. 2! 15. "ake us the fo2es, the little fo2es, that soil the %ines) for our %ines ha%e tendergraes."

    Most $raciosl( t'e wellelo*ed lins 'iself wit' 'is s-ose in t'e care of t'e *ine(ard. ae"s" t'e foes . . . . for "or" *ines 'a*e tender $ra-es. 'e( are (et $reen and tender. 'e( are onl(e$innin$ to losso. 'e *ine(ard st e $arded. 'e little foes 'a*e s'ar- teet'+ and t'o$'little+ t'e( are stle and do $reat daa$e aon$st t'e *ines. Drin$ t'e leaness and arrenness ofwinter t'ere is no co*er in t'e *ine(ards for t'e fo. 'e leafless o$' offers no indceent. t wit't'e re*i*in$ s-rin$ t'e( find andant s'elter+ and fa*orale o--ortnities to coit t'eir ra*a$es./atc'+ t'en+ < ( sol+ t'e state of t'ine own 'eart. /atc' es-eciall( a$ainst t'e dail( cares of t'is-resent life+ and t'e t'osand t'in$s t'at tend to ar t'( fritflness. Aide in t'e tre *ine+ let t'(noris'ent e drawn fro :is roots. #o s'alt t'o ear c' frit to t'e >at'er%s $lor(. "e careflfor not'in$! t in e*er(t'in$+ ( -ra(er and s--lication+ wit' t'ans$i*in$+ let (or re;ests e adenown nto od. And t'e -eace of od+ w'ic' -asset' all nderstandin$+ s'all ee- (or 'earts and

    inds t'ro$' C'rist Bess." @P'il. 4! 6+ 7

    n ties of refres'in$ fro t'e -resence of t'e ord+ and of $reat awaenin$s+ t'ere is need forredoled care. t is trl( -leasin$ to witness t'e s-rin$in$ d+ and t'e nfoldin$ lossos to listento t'e son$sters aon$st t'e ranc'es& t'e soft and si$nificant *oice of t'e trtle& t t'e ee-er of t'e*ine(ard 'as ore to do t'an conte-late t'e eatifl+ or listen to t'e sweet sonds of sic. :e stwatc' a$ainst t'e stle intrder+ t'at lrs aon$st t'e lriant folia$e of t'e *ines to decei*e and to


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    destro(. Arond t'ee now+ and ac o*er an( (ears% e-erience t'( t'o$'ts instincti*el( flow. Man(a $oodl( *ine 'ast t'o seen arred for a season ( t'e cnnin$ craftiness of 'i w'o liet' in wait todecei*e. or e*en t'e foes of 'ell a( not rrow -t'e roots of an( -lant of t'e >at'er%s -lantin$. t sc' was t'e daa$e done to 'is 'o-efl *ine+ t'atfor a lon$ tie to coe+ it wold ear t little frit.

    'e a--lication is eas(. n t'e secret of t'e di*ine -resence+ < ( sol+ std( t'e lesson. :asod $i*en t'ee a lo*e for sols? a -astor%s 'eart?

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    to otain -ossession of t'e o,ect. >or t'is it will -erse*ere. Not'in$ less will satisf( t'e 'eart.

    /e 'a*e seen+ in or Meditations+ t'at t'e ride was in t'e fll en,o(ent of t'e lessin$s of :islo*e. /e 'a*e also listened to 'er s-eain$ in adirin$ deli$'t of :is an( and ecellent ;alities&still t'e 'eart was seein$ after -ossession relations'i-. /'en t'e -erson is -ossessed+ all 'is;alities and *irtes are -ossessed. :e :iself is ine. 's will it e in t'e latter da(. C'rist will efor t'e renant+ and t'e renant will e for C'rist. "'o s'alt aide for e! t'o s'alt not e for

    anot'er! so will also e for t'ee." @:osea 3 t we are all slow of 'eart to elie*e. A$ain and a$ain+:e assres 'er of :is adirin$ lo*e+ and of :is $reat deli$'t in 'er. 'e ot-orin$ of :is affection iswonderfl. =*en w'en s'e s-eas of 'er lacness+ :is read( re-l( is+ "< t'o fairest aon$ woen.":ow cold a dot reain as to t'e -r-ose of :is 'eart? Now s'e sees w'at is coin$+ relations'i- isantici-ated+ s'e can sa( wit' certaint( :e is ine) lessed tri-') :a--( *ictor() "Bess is ine."Now+ s'e s-eas not of t'e frits of :is lo*e+ or of :is ecellencies+ t of :iself. All are inclded int'e Person.

    Coldst t'o s-ea t's certainl(+ < ( sol+ as to t'e -ossession of an( eart'l( o,ect?Assredl( not. ears not to se t'e+ $lories in t'eir se+


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    M( ord+ ( od+ ( #a*ior+ ( elo*ed)

    t 'as s'e not 'is warrant? #aid not C'rist+

    As e t'e >at'er lo*ed+ so lo*ed (o?

    And lo*ed :e not nto t'e end :is own?

    And clais :e not fro t'e one onl( $ift

    'at onl( $ift t'eir 'eart?"

    t ere lea*in$ t'is lessed+ -recios+ $lorios s,ect+ record t'( wonder and astonis'ent t'atan( of t'e sons and da$'ters of en s'old o*erloo+ ne$lect+ or des-ise t'is -ortion t'is C'rist t'is wellelo*ed. ">or in 'i dwellet' all t'e flness of t'e od'ead odil(." All else is e-tinessand *anit(. And now+ as t'e risen Man in $lor(+ t'e 'eir of all t'in$s+ :e in*ites t'e -oor and t'eneed(+ t'e ric' and t'e nole+ t'e (on$ and t'e old+ to coe to :i+ t'at t'e( a( s'are wit' :i :is-osition+ :is ric'es+ and :is $lor(. ">or t'ere is no difference etween t'e Bew and t'e ree! for t'esae ord o*er all is ric' nto all t'at call -on 'i. >or w'osoe*er s'all call -on t'e nae of t'eord s'all e sa*ed." @o. 10! 113

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    Moreo*er+ it is also said+ "All t'in$s are (ors." /'ile we elon$ to no one t C'rist+ all t'in$selon$ to s. "/'et'er Pal+ or A-ollos+ or Ce-'as+" etc.+ etc. 'e( are all in t'e -lace of ser*ants tos+ no lon$er as asters. =*en deat' itself 'as lost t'e aster(. t is now to t'e elie*er+ not a aster+t a essen$er of -eace 'is ser*ant. t can no lon$er loo on e as its -re(& t'e world can nolon$er sa( a its own& t'e ene( cannot sa(+ a 'is. 'at -recios word settles all+ "(e areC'rist%s+" and no one%s else.

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    e*erlastin$ ,o( -on t'eir 'eads. 'e( s'all otain ,o( and $ladness+ and sorrow and si$'in$ s'all fleeawa(." @sa. 35! 10 'en+ "e*er( *alle( s'all e ealted+ and e*er( ontain and 'ill s'all e adelow+ and t'e crooed s'all e ade strai$'t+ and t'e ro$' -laces -lain& and t'e $lor( of t'e ord s'alle re*ealed and all fles' s'all see it to$et'er& for t'e ot' of t'e ord 'at' s-oen it." @sa. 11! 4+ 5t+ "ntil" t'at lon$ looed for oent arri*e+ s'e -ra(s to e aintained in t'e en,o(ent of :islo*e+ and enco-assed wit' :is fa*or as wit' a s'ield. lessed coination) :a--( frits of $race)

    >ait'+ la(in$ 'old on t'e word 'o-e+ looin$ ot for t'e first strea of da( -ra(er+ for t'e -resenten,o(ent of :is $racios -r-ose. #'e is -ressin$ on+ and wold -ress t'ro$' e*er(t'in$+ t'at s'ea( e actall( wit' :iself.

    Consider t'is+ < ( sol+ editate on t'ese t'in$s. s t'is t'( condition? :a*in$ fait' in t'e wordof t'e ord+ art t'o looin$+ lon$in$+ and waitin$ for :is retrn? And is it t'( constant -ra(er+ to eaintained in :is -resence "ntil 'e coe?" 'e 'or iediatel( efore t'e rea of da( is said to et'e coldest and darest 'or of t'e ni$'t. #o will it e wit' t'e renant of srael in t'e latter da(."Alas) for t'at da( is $reat+ so t'at none is lie it& it is e*en t'e da( of Baco%s trole& t 'e s'all esa*ed ot of it." @Ber. 30! 7 t t'e first reat' of ornin$ will rin$ deli*erance to t'e waitin$+-ra(in$ renant+ and destrction to t'eir -rod o--ressors. "'is now also+" sa(s t'e a-ostle+ writin$for t'e c'rc'+ "t'at in t'e last da(s -erilos ties s'all coe." :a--( t'e( w'o are 'oldin$ fast ( t'e

    word followin$ t'e ord and waitin$ for :is coin$. 'e last 'or of t'e ni$'t a( indeed e coldand dar+ t 'eed it not+ < ( sol+ weat'er it+ watc'+ -ra( t'e ornin$ will soon rea aide int'( watc'tower. :a--( t'e( w'o+ wit' dili$ent+ slee-less e(e+ catc' t'e first radiance of t'e Mornin$#tar)

    "t (e+ elo*ed+ ildin$ - (orsel*es in (or ost 'ol( fait'+ -ra(in$ in t'e :ol( 'ost+ ee-(orsel*es in t'e lo*e of od+ looin$ for t'e erc( of or ord Bess C'rist nto eternal life." @Bde20+ 21

    Canticles 3.

    Cant. 3! 1. "&y night on my bed - sought him whom my soul lo%eth) - sought him, but - found himnot." 'e 'eart of t'e s-ose is feelin$ t'e loneliness of t'e ni$'t w'ile waitin$ for t'e dawn of t'eornin$. #'e is t'inin$ of t'e

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    conclsion as to t'e wa(s of t'e elo*ed in t'e #on$ of #on$s. :ere+ lie t'e fine flor+ :e is -erfectl(e*en+ notwit'standin$ 'er c'an$ealeness. And certainl(+ sc' a notion wold e contrar( to t'e-lainest teac'in$ in t'e e-istles. 'e sae stroe of ,d$ent t'at slew t'e a+ rent t'e *eil& so t'atC'rist and :is redeeed entered into t'e "'oliest of all"& and are in t'e li$'t as od is in t'e li$'t.#rel(+ C'rist is in t'e li$'t+ ne*er in darness. And we are w'ere :e is+ and as :e is. "'e darness is-ast+" as Bo'n tells s+ "and t'e tre li$'t now s'inet'." And a$ain+ 'e sa(s+ "As 'e is+ so are we in t'is

    world." 'e *eil is done awa( in C'rist.'e sol+ adit+ a( feel w'en in darness as if :e 'ad wit'drawn :iself and was $one. t

    in sc' a case it is t'e sol t'at 'as wit'drawn itself fro :i& not t'e ord t'at 'as wit'drawn:iself fro it. at'er will lo*e 'i+ and we will coe nto 'i+ and ae or aodewit' 'i." @Bo'n 14! 23 'is is -lain eno$'. 'e ord is e*er t'e sae. :e c'an$et' not. /'en t'ereis a c'an$e as to or conion as to or en,o(ent of C'rist+ it is entirel( wit' orsel*es. /e a(rest assred+ t'at :e will anifest to t'e fllest etent -ossile+ t'e lo*e t'at we can a--reciate+ so lon$as t'e e(e is fied on t'e Person of t'e ord so lon$ as :e is or o,ect+ or centre& li$'t+ lo*e+-eace+ and ,o( fill t'e sol. t w'en t'e e(e wanders w'en :e ceases to fill t'e fll *ision of or

    sols+ darness coes in& t'en follows+ t'ro$' t'e craftiness of t'e ene(+ t'e neros train of-er-lein$+ a$itatin$ t'o$'ts and feelin$s. "'e li$'t of t'e od( is t'e e(e& if t'erefore t'ine e(e esin$le+ t'( w'ole od( s'all e fll of li$'t." @Matt. 6! 22

    earn t'en+ < ( sol+ fro t'e e-erience of t'e s-ose+ t'is c'needed lesson+ nael(+"'at not'in$ s'ort of t'e Person of t'e ord Bess C'rist can e*er satisf( t'e affections of t'e newnatre." "#aw (e 'i w'o ( sol lo*et'?" is t'e natral+ $enine cr( of t'at natre w'en C'rist

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