medical dispatching systems for emergency medical services (ems) jim holliman, m.d., f.a.c.e.p....

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Medical Dispatching Systemsfor Emergency Medical

Services (EMS)

Jim Holliman, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine

Uniformed Services University of the Health SciencesClinical Professor of Emergency Medicine

George Washington UniversityBethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.

Medical Dispatching Systemsfor EMS : Lecture Goals

Describe different types of medical dispatch systems now in use

Present "structural" options to consider in designing EMS dispatch systems

Stimulate interest in research projects comparing different types of dispatch systems

Definition of "Dispatching"

The process of sending prehospital care (Emergency Medical Services or EMS) vehicles and personnel to respond to requests for medical aid

Involves personnel, facilities, vehicles, and communications

General Structural Components Which Vary Between Different Dispatching Systems

Size and caseload of the EMS systemFinancial resourcesLocal and regional government structuresHistorical factors

Key Structural Components to Include in Any EMS Dispatch System

Capability to coordinate medical dispatch with fire, police, & heavy rescue units

Plans to modify dispatch to deal with disasters

"Back-up" communications system (in case the primary communications system fails)

General Variable Structural Components of an EMS Dispatch System

Training level of the dispatchersTraining levels of the ambulance personnelPhysical location of the dispatch centerSequence or types of response units which can be dispatched for different types of cases

Considerations Regarding Advanced or Complex EMS Dispatching Systems

Advantages :–Broader capabilities–Greater flexibility

Disadvantages :–More expensive–More difficult to operate or supervise

Considerations Regarding Facility Location for EMS Dispatch

Combined or in same facility as fire & police dispatch–Efficient and eases coordinated multiple unit dispatch

–May require fewer personnel if cross-trainedIf EMS dispatch is in separate facility, both direct and back-up communications links to fire & police dispatch are important

Considerations Regarding Background of EMS Dispatchers

One main aspect to decide in organizing an EMS dispatch system is whether the dispatchers will work full time just as dispatchers, or if "field" personnel will be utilized (or "rotated") as dispatchers

Considerations in Having Personnel Work Only as Dispatch Specialists

Advantages :–Maintain skills because of continued experience

–Easy to provide training updates–More consistent adherence to protocols

Disadvantages :–May not have a good "feel" for field conditions

–May become bored with their work

Considerations in Utilizing "Field" Personnel to Rotate as Dispatchers

Advantages :–Can use their "field" experience and knowledge to better direct field units (such as knowledge of details of street access routes)

–Maintains their work interest and prevents job "burnout"

Disadvantages :–Must be retrained each time they rotate back to dispatch work

–Perhaps less consistency in following protocols

Considerations About Level of Training of the EMS Dispatchers

Some systems (as in Europe) utilize physicians for EMS dispatch–May just answer incoming calls from the public and other non-physician dispatchers then actually send the EMS units

Other systems utilize nurses to screen calls and provide medical advice to the callers

Advantages of Using Physicians as EMS Dispatchers

Can utilize their greater medical training to evaluate cases over the phone–May then be able to give treatment advice obviating the need for evaluation by EMS personnel or the need for ambulance transport

Can provide more in-depth medical communications with other doctors or health care facilities

Disadvantages of Using Physicians as EMS Dispatchers

May be more expensiveMay be more effectively utilized in providing direct medical care rather than being mainly involved just with communications–Depends on relative "supply" of physicians in the country

May have tendency to delay dispatch or transport in trying to find out non-relevant medical information

Other Options for Training Requirements for EMS Dispatchers

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or paramedic–May communicate medical information better than non-medical dispatchers

Military trained medics have been used successfully in some systems–Are good at following preset protocols

Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners can be considered in some systems

Personnel without prior medical training but with specific dispatch training

The "Priority Medical Dispatch" Training System

Developed by Dr. Jeff Clawson of Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.

Designed to train dispatchers who do not necessarily have prior medical training

Purchase of the program includes formal training of the dispatchers

Main component is providing prearrival instructions to the person calling for EMS help

Also allows the dispatcher to select the best types of responding ambulance units (advanced versus basic life support units)

Components of the "Priority Medical Dispatch" Program

Can use flip chart cards or the same information on computer screen

Presents a preset series of questions the dispatcher asks the caller–Each response then follows a flow chart for the next question or instruction to the caller

Use of this system may result in higher % of bystander CPR for cardiac arrest cases and improvement in survival from cardiac arrest

Also prearrival instructions help the caller to signal the location to the responding EMS unit

Main Components of Prearrival Instructions

Description of the location of the incidentMaintain open communication line till arrival of the EMS unit(s)

First aid for the victim(s)Determining scene safety hazards for the caller and for the responding unit(s)

Signaling by the caller to the EMS unit the exact incident location

Easing access for the EMS unit to the scene

Types of Communications to be Used in EMS Dispatch Systems

Land phone lines–Direct links needed between EMS dispatch center and fire/police/rescue dispatch center and between local and regional hospitals

Short wave radios–Mainly for communication with EMS vehicles

Intercom lines– Useful as backup between centers and hospitals

Cellular phones (less reliable in mountain areas)Internet or email

Advantages of Internet or Email Communication Links in Dispatch Centers

Still function even when phone lines are overloaded (as in most disaster situations)–Due to "delay routing" of messages

If advanced fiberoptic cable lines are in place, can transmit live video

Enable rapid paper printout of messagesEnable rapid simultaneous receipt of messages by multiple units

Choices for Dispatchers Regarding Types of EMS Units to be Dispatched

Varies according to training and capabilities of the EMS system in place

Simplest system is for all response units to have maximally trained personnel–Not the most efficient however because highly trained personnel are then sent to less severe cases where their extra skills are not needed

If different unit types are used, then the first responding unit should be able to call for other units after patient assessment

Choices for Types of EMS Units to Consider for Dispatching

First Responders –Police or firemen trained in a 40 hour course–Usually respond in non-transport vehicles

Basic Life Support (BLS)–Staffed by EMT's or other technicians

Advanced Life Support (ALS)–Choices for staffing :

Paramedics, Nurses, and / or Doctors–May be 2 levels available (standard ALS and Mobile ICU)

Choices for Sequence of Dispatch for EMS Units

Routine First Responder Unit and a BLS and/or ALS unit

Screening of the call severity, then :–BLS unit for a case that sounds not to be severe

May call for ALS unit after arrival if needed–BLS and ALS units co-dispatched if case sounds severe (may also involve "rendezvous" dispatch)BLS may cancel ALS response if it arrives first and determines case is not severe

–Patient may be transported in BLS vehicle with ALS personnel if ALS vehicle is non-tansport

Choices of Crew Composition for ALS Vehicles

One ALS and one BLS person per vehicleTwo ALS persons per vehicle

–All units then have same capabilitiesTwo ALS and one BLSOne ALS, one BLS, and one driver (perhaps only trained as "first responder")

Note that if using only 2 person vehicle crews, there needs to be available other personnel (such as senior managers in non-transport vehicles) to respond to help with severe cases such as cardiac arrests)

EMS Dispatch Considerations for Aeromedical (Helicopter) Units

Should be preset specific criteria for dispatch of helicopter units

First arriving ground units should be able to communicate to cancel helicopter response if it is not needed

Dispatchers and ground unit personnel need pre-training in landing zone safety considerations

Computer System Considerations for EMS Dispatch Systems

Currently available systems can :–Identify phone number and location of the caller–Monitor emergency department and hospital bed capacity in the region

–By using the Global Positioning System (GPS) with monitor units on vehicles, dispatchers can see the exact geographic location of all vehicles in the system at all times

–Electronically transfer information about patients directly from field units to the hospitals and dispatch centers

Other Dispatch Uses for Current Computer Systems

Can provide summary reports of units' and vehicles' response times

Can analyze geographic occurence of cases to allow better future response planning to decrease response times (enabling true "Systems Status Management")

Can monitor personnel performance and provide quality assurance reports

Considerations About Maintaining Work Satisfaction by Dispatch Personnel

Should have regular meetings between dispatch personnel and field personnel–Allows discussion of communication problems or modification of protocols

–Having social events for all personnel is helpful at maintaining comraderie

Should have at least liason meetings with fire, police, and rescue dispatch personnel

May be useful to have regular educational meetings to review interesting cases

Research Projects Related to EMS Dispatching to Consider

Improvements in response times using GPS systems

Improvements in cardiac arrest or trauma survivals using prearrival instructions

Comparison of outcomes between systems using physicians and those using medics

Comparisons of adherence to protocols using different training systems

Computer modeling of caseload capacity differences in disaster situations

Medical Dispatching Systems for EMS : Lecture Summary

Medical dispatching systems are extremely important components of any EMS system

Design of the EMS dispatch system depends on a number of factors related to caseload, finances, government, and history

Use of new computer systems offer a number of advantages to expand the capabilities of EMS dispatch systems

There is great potential for research projects related to EMS dispatch

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