medical benefits of yoga

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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INCREASES FLEXIBILITY- increased range of movement, tightness relieved.

STRENGTHENS MUSCLES- leads to back pain, and falls in the elderly, Y builds endurance

IMPROVES BALANCE- mind it! Loss of balance and a fall is one of the causes in old age and avoid hospitalization and huge bills

IMPROVES IMMUNITY- asanas, pranayam and dhyana very strongly improves

IMPROVES POSTURE- banishes slumping and increases the life span. Poor posture increases atherosclerosis. Reduces Kyphosis and shortness of breath. Strap exercise!

IMPROVES LUNG FUNCTION- slump pushes ribs into the ab, restricting oxy. Improves vital capacity, breath holding time, &peak flow rate. Very useful in asthma!

ENHANCES SLOWER AND DEEPER BREATHING- shallow breaths agitates. Short breathers of 20/min reduced to 6/min. Effective in CHF.

DISCOURAGES MOUTH BREATHING- promotes nasal inhalation & exhalation. Banishes Sleep Apnea. Calms nervous system.

OXYGENATION OF TISSUES- increases oxygen & Hb. Eliminates metabolic wastes and effective delivery of nutrients to muscles, organs & skin

IMPROVES JOINT HEALTH- pumps synovial fluid, lubricates joint and lessens wear & tear

NOURISHES VERTEBRAE- promotes movement of nutrients thro’ back bends, forward bends, twists

VENOUS BLOOD RETURN- asana practice pushes from periphery to centre, less strain for heart

INCREASES CIRCULATION OF LYMPH- lymphatic vessels lack muscles, stretching and contracting improves

IMPROVES PROPRIOCEPTION- asanas increase the body awareness and teaches you to notice the subtle changes

STRENGTHENS BONES- due to reduction in Cortisol and weight bearing postures calcium retained

TONES CARIO- by reducing stress, anxiety, depression and heart rate strengthens heart. Aerobic activity promoted with SURYA NAMASKARA

PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS- well documented proof for permanent wt loss. Eating disorder also addressed.

IMPROVES BRAIN FUNCTION- by improving co ordination, reaction time concentration and memory

ACTIVATES PRE FRONTAL CORTEX- functional MRI shows a correlation with greater levels of happiness, better immune function and more flexibility in outlook, less hostility.


TGL- by reducing the stress and aerobic activity (SN) LDL is lowered and HDL is increased.

THINS BLOOD-yoga reduces tendency to form clot, which leads to heart attacks and strokes.

IMPROVES BOWEL FUNCTION- stress a contributor from IBS to ulcer, diarrhea to constipation can be effectively controlled

RELEASES UNCONSIOUS MUSCLE GRIPPING- clenching teeth, holding pen or steering wheel… reduces chronic tension which upsets mood and stress level.

LOWERS LEVEL OF MEDICATION- due to healing properties and better assimilation. Lessens drug-drug interactions and drug dependency.

IMPROVES PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH- inter personal relationship, mood, happiness, contentment, self esteem, modesty increased

LEADS TO HEALTHIER HABITS- promotes right eating, quit vices, disciplined and happy life style

Yoga halves chances of irregular heart beats- A leading cause of stroke who use anti depressents

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