media summer presentation

Post on 07-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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•Director-Tim story• released 15 June 2007

•Plot -The Fantastic Four learn that they aren't the only super-powered beings in the universe when they square off against the powerful Silver Surfer and the planet-eating Galactus .






•Fantastic four is structured in Todorov’s theory.

A state of equilibrium•The fictional environment begins with a state of equilibrium (everything is as it should be in a state of equal balance between powers of any kind

•A disruption of that order by an event)

•A recognition that the disorder has occurred


•An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption

•A return or restoration of a new equilibrium

The film is produced by marvel entertainment. Marvel Publishing, Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media.

publishes comic books

•Reed Richards - Civilian Identity.

• Invisible Woman - Wife.

• Human Torch - Brother-In-Law.

• The Thing - Best Friend.

• Doctor Doom - Friend turned Enemy.

• Silver Surfer - Enemy turned Ally.

The fantastic four characters

•Reed Richards - Civilian Identity.

•Mr fantastic-Humble,genuis,gifted idealist

•The cosmic rays left Reed the ability to bend, stretch and expand his body in any imaginable way

•The invisible women- Sue, a brilliant scientist.•the cosmic storm which grants her the ability to manipulate light (allowing her to disappear and generate semi-visible force fields),

Sue storm - Wife.

•The human torch-Johnny Storm is the egotistical, selfish, vain brother of Susan Storm. •He can engulf his entire body in flames, is able to fly, can absorb fire harmlessly into his own body, and can control any nearby fire by sheer force of will.

Johnny storm-brother in law

The thing- simply known as Ben, is a former SEAL, best friend and unofficial assistant of the scientist Reed Richards

Benjamin Jacob grimm-best friend

Doctor doom- Victor Von Doom is portrayed as a billionaire industrialist, an old college rival of Reed Richards

Doctor doom –antagonist

The silver surfer

•Enemy turned Ally

•The text is addressed to audiences aged from 10+ as it is rated parental guidance .

The audiences that would attract this text would be fans of marvel That also like to watch other action comic movies

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