media studiessss

Post on 21-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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is the UK’s biggest selling monthly music magazine. It is a brand that focuses on great music that Q's audience is made up of passionate, engaged and open minded music fans driven to continually discover new music. The audience is split 75% male to 25% female.

The magazine has an extensive review section, featuring: new releases (music), music compilations, film and live concert reviews, as well as radio and television reviews. Much of the magazine is devoted to interviews with popular musical artists.

This magazine instantly caught my attention due to the expressive nature of the photo and effect on the front. It is the main focus of the front cover and therefore what you first attracted to. The effect of the smashed sign, which is evidently the logo of the magazine and the main title/masthead, allows the photo to appear almost 3D, creating greater interest within the piece and the artist. It suggests his dark nature, maybe portraying the nature of his music, suggesting that it is aggressive, dark and very expressive. The way the artist uses a guitar to destroy the 'Q' masthead allows us to recognize that the magazine is promoting music and that this person must have something to do with music. The artist uses an indirect mode of address. Instead of focusing on the audience the artist is focusing directly on the 'Q' masthead this shows that he is passionate about this and the actions he is taking. This could convey that this magazine is not about the artists but more about the music that they produce.

The writing appears in the foreground and is all displayed in a crisp white colour. The font is all in sans serif suggesting an informal tone to the magazine, plus it allows it to be seen easily because it is clear as well as being rather a large size.The informal font reflects the informal nature of the audience. The main cover line 'Muse' allows us to be aware who the person pictured is, or what band he features in. This is the largest font on the front cover, taking over half of the side of the magazine. It also is in the centre of the page, making it one of the main focuses of the front cover. The rest of the font is still quite large and clear, with almost all of it appearing in a strong white colour that can be easily seen on the plain background. However some of the font is shown in a bold red colour, enabling it to stand out from the rest of the font. The number '200' is placed in a bright, bold red colour which allows the number to stand out, emphasizing how large the number is and how exciting it could be. 

There are two images that feature on this magazine cover. The first is the most dominant image which is place in the centre of the magazine. This photo is a long shot of one of the artists who is part of the band ‘Muse’. This photo is very dominant within the magazine cover because it is in the centre of the magazine, plus it is the largest part of the magazine, therefore you are instantly attracted to it. There is also another photo in the right bottom corner of the magazine, this is a photo of ‘The Beatles’. This image is a lot smaller than the other image but is still very dominant on the page. I believe the white border around this image attracts the audience, also because it is linked to the cover line ‘200’ which is extremely bold it creates a more dominant picture. Both these photos represent the magazine, focusing on the main style of music that this magazine promotes.

The background is a dull grey, that appears to have a flash of light across the screen which I believe is the camera's flash. This does have an effective look because you can see the shadow of the artist in the background. It really allows him to stand out making him the main attraction.

The other colours that feature heavily throughout this cover if red, white and black. These colours are all very bold and vibrant, creating an eye catching magazine cover. The colour black is only featured slightly, although it does still dominate the magazine cover, especially the block of black that is places at the top of the cover page. This black box, displays the catchy slogan/caption that immediately makes the audience want to read on. This slogan/caption states “The UK’s biggest music magazine”, this is a very captive sentence that really entices the reader. There are many buzz words and puffs that feature on the cover of this magazine to capture the attention of all the readers. Example of these are “plus” and “Greatest”.

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