media research 1st

Post on 20-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Media Research

• 1st Half

The mast head is clearly visible in a bright red colour; this attracts the audience and lets them know what magazine it is.

The model on the front cover covers most of the page and is the only model on it, this will stress that he is the main focus of this issue this again is a technique used to try and attract its audience. Mid shot is used to show fully who it is. Rolling Stone have A list celebrities and famous people on the front cover, another selling point.

The main sotry or topic is displayed in large bold and bright writing. This enables the audience to know what and who stars in the magazine.

Other articles that are mentioned and covered within the magazine are displayed here, to show the audience what else lies within the magazine.

A clear white background is used to make the model stand out. It also contrasts with the red masthead, making it even more clearer.

Masthead is bright and bold and stands out clearly, letting the audience know who they are.

The magazine clearly states who they are focusing on in this issue. Again the font is large and bold and clearly stands out. Again big names such as 50 and Soulja will attract audiences.

The language used here clearly shows its target audience, 16 – 24 year olds, I say this because the word ‘Hater’ is used by many 16-24 year olds. However you would go further in saying that it is targeted at a select group, people who like rap, hip hop and gangsters.

Use of a symbol to show the audience what else is inside. The plus symbol is used to show what else is inside the magazine, this is a good technique used, it makes the reader feel more understood.

Two main models cover the majority of the page. Both these people are famous and well know in the rap and hip hop scene. Audiences will see this and want to but the issue simply because Soulja Boy and 50 Cent are on the front cover and are covered in the magazine

Masthead is bright bold and largely displayed so the audience can clearly see what magazine it is.

One main model on the front cover clearly the main image, standing in the centre of the page, like the other magazines the model is famous and well known so the magazine is likely to sell.

The coulour if the font changes reguraly, this helps keep the magazine alive nad amusing. The grren words are mostly other artists names, so the reader can shortcut and see who else features in the magazine.

The main story or topic is clearly stated; the writing is in big bold letters and stands out.

Masthead is smaller than the previous magazines; however it still stands out and is clearly visible.

There are four main models on the cover page. This is more than usual however they are a band. They are all dressed in elf costumes, this is portraying that it is a Christmas edition.

Unlike the other magazines I have analysed this magazine has ‘a lot going on’. There are numerous pictures. The magazine would clearly stand out on the shop shelf.

Other topics and stories within the magazine are displayed here. The font is bright and stands out so the target audience can clearly see the content.

Not only does the mast head stand out but NME have also made it suit the time of year, in this case the time of year being christmas, so they have topped the masthead with snow. This allows the audience to feel more christmasy and also see that the magazine respects that

Masthead is bold and brightly coloured so clearly stands out, attracting its target audience.

Model on the front cover looking directly at the audience, making them feel more involved.

The background of the magazine is brown and looks more professional. Giving the magazine a more professional look and a better reputation

Musicians name is clearly stated, this lets the audience know who the musician on the cover page is.

Additional information and topics are shown here. A variety of colours are used here. This may grab the audience’s attention even more.

Issue Number Main image

Page numbers

Main article

Date and name of magazine

Other main article

Website is displayed here


Contents page is clearly displayed at the top of the page

Page numbers are clearly displayed in bright red writing.

Main image is displayed on front cover this image would signify the main topic and people who star in this issue

The magazine special is clearly stated here the colour of the font is different from the rest of the magazine signifying the article

Another important and relevant section is displayed here, it is in a box and features another image,

Date and issue number are clearly shown here.

Contents title is largely and clearly displayed at the top of the page, showing the reader clearly. The style and organisation of the font seems to be amusing, this interests the reader.

One object is brightly displayed here; this will catch the attention of the audience.

Main image covers the majority of the page; this suggests that the model on the page features within the magazine. This will attract the reader, if there is a big name in the magazine.

Contents seem to be small and tiny compared to the model; they seem to be overshadowed by the model image.

The font used is small, however varies and stands out clearly to the audience

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