media presentation g

Post on 26-Jun-2015



News & Politics



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InspiritWomen’s lifestyle magazine,

aimed at 16-24 year olds

By Lauren Hobson

» My brief

You have been commissioned by the Northern Echo to produce a new magazine or newspaper product. Your product could be in any style of genre but it must be self financed through sales or advertising. You must also produce your magazine for a specified audience segment within the 16-24 age group.

» How I intend on meeting my brief

- Creating a magazine that is suitable for the ABC1 audience that the Northern Echo have

- Creating a magazine that is high quality – As the Northern Echo readers expect, by employing high qualified staff

- Creating a magazine within the genre of ‘women’s lifestyle’ – A topic for young people within the ages of 16-24

- By choosing a genre of magazine that there is a gap in the market for and is commercially viable

- Making a magazine which is self financed through sales and advertising

» The audience

Age – 16 – 24 years old Sex – FemaleStatus – In full time educationIf employed, usually on a low incomeStyle - Trendies

» Considerations Secondary audience - Secondary audiences includes

parents and siblings. - In order to keep the secondary

audience happy there must be; - No taboo language- No nudity- No inappropriate content

» How I can tailor to my audience

Use fun and youthful


Copy techniq

ues from

magazines that

are popular with my audienc


e interesting,



Use trendy eye-catchi

ng fonts

Use lively but



Have a

balanced text to

image ratio

Have a

reasonable price

Use limite

d language

Use young


» Things to consider - PCC

The PCC regulates certain rules that journalists must oblige by to protect the welfare of others. This concerns subjects like accuracy, harassment, children and discrimination. To make sure that I do not break any of these codes set by the PCC, I have made 5 rules which I will follow...

1 – I will seek the consent of parent/guardian if photographing children to protect against the intrusion into their lives

2 – I will seek the permission of the person holding copyrights over any information I gather to use so not to go against copyright laws3 – I will record all interviews to ensure accuracy4 – I will take all of the pictures I use myself and not attempt to obtain pictures of the internet or other sources, to not risk going against copy right laws5 – I will show all material I collect and intent to publish concerning individuals to them so I can check that they are happy with it before it is published

» Genre research

» Vogue analysis

Masthead in a bold and brighter colour& branded font

Contrasting colour

Different tones of the same colour

Young adult models (role models)

Stylish, serif font

Contrasting font

Youthful, attractive

» Vogue analysis (continued)

A lot of lengthy text

Italic subheading

Ideal imagery

Simple masthead

High image to text ratio

» How is my magazine different

o Serious issues/articles

o More in-depth articles

o Not a ‘typical’ women’s lifestyle magazine

o Limited fashion articles

o More intellectual

» Contents

oFront pageoContents pageoExpose – ‘Blooming Buddhism’

oHuman Interest/Interview – ‘My body is amazing because’

oThe inspirational article – ‘Positive Psyche’

» Mock ups


o Preferred in terms of imagery

o Preferred colour scheme

o Preferred settings and page layout

o Preferred language

» Continued

2.o Preferr

ed text/image ratio

o Not good colour scheme rating by target audience

o Language too intellectual

» Commercial viability

Editorial Personnel





profit/lossProfit - £0Loss - £3912

» Have I met the brief

oMy product was self-financed through sales and advertising

o I did audience research through surveys and peer feedback

o I have already, through genre research, identified a gap in the market

o I have made sure I have followed the limitations imposed by the client

Thank you Any questions?

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