media evalu

Post on 03-Jul-2015



News & Politics



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Media evaluation question 1

• My inspiration for my magazine was based on Q magazine, due to it being highly successful plus also being targeted at the same age group.

I have taken the following aspects from q magazine and implemented them into my own magazine.

• The layout, I have mostly replicated the layout due to its clean clutter free look. I especially liked the way the image was put on the right allowing space for text on the left.

• I have also developed on the colour scheme. on q magazine we see 3 primary colours red, white and black while mine are red, white and blue (to match the British flag which represented the Brit awards.

• I also took the same kind of image as i felt the image used in q magazine was able to engage the reader and get them interested without them even

Conventions followed


• There are some conventions of the magazine which I decided not to use in my magazine included

• I also used a Italian name for brilliance for my magazine title.

Contents page

Conventions followed

I again choose to have the same sort of layout however instead of having just one image I choose to have 2 and of the 2 I also had some more information about the article.

I followed the continuity of colour by using 3 primary colours through out my magazine.

Challenged• I used several affects on my image as I felt it

put more focus on the my model

• I showed more information on my models by text next to them to amerce

• I also showed the use of colour through patterns as I felt it gave my magazine a unique look instead of just listing my articles in the same colour.

Double page


Conventions followed• I took a lot of inspiration from this as can

be seen , I used

• I again followed the 3 primary colour rule

• I choose a similar layout as well as similar image as I felt the image with it direct mode of address really links well with my target audience.


• I chose to add some technological aspect to my magazine in the form of using a QR code to allow my audience to be amerced with my magazine through other media sources (e.g. smartphones).

• I also used a top bar to make the page number and my models name more easy a and clear to see.

top related