me fate cc v0.1

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Mass effect Fate 3.0


The Cortex system uses a method of numerous dice for Attributes - say, a low Intelligence would use a d4, whereas a higher one

MassEffect RPG

M&M Conversion

Character Creation

Mixed Dresden/Starblazer creation

Phases and Aspects

Run through these phases

1 Concept, race and class.

Create a character concept aspect. This must include the race and possibly the characters class


Noble Turian Warrior

Curious Human Explorer

Devious Salarian Smuggler

Asari Huntress in pursuit of Justice2 Choose a Trouble Aspect

Pick an aspect that represents a recurring problem. This could be a character flaw, a nemesis or a person that complicates things.

3 Background

Choose 2 Aspects that represent the childhood, upbringing and training of the character.

4 Turning Point/ first adventure

Choose 2 aspects to define the moment the character became a hero. This could be an adventure, mission or some other event.

5 Guest Starring

Your character should turn up in two other characters backstories or turning points. Choose an aspect for each of these.


25 Points. Superb(5),Great(4), Good(3), Fair(2), Average(1)(see race and class)

Choose skills from the following list:Academics





















ScienceScience Only



Starship engineering

Starship Gunnery

Starship Pilot

Starship Systems


MedicalNEW See science trappings

ComputersNEW See Science trappings

Electronics (To Do)Repairing, disabling or modifying any electronic device.Decryption

Used to unlock sealed doors, bypass security alarms, and access secure systems,

it can also be used to augment another character's computer(space) check. Multiple Redundancy: use my Tech Training to gain a +1 on computer skill checks during the damage control phase of space combat.


Due to the highly technical nature of most devices, MG Omni-tools can be used to disable a free tag gained on any of their equipment of any ally in the same zone as you, as a combat action (this prevents an opponent using the aspect to your allys disadvantage).


Broadcasting a signal that mimics the properties of solar interference, this talent allows the user to reduce the effectiveness of enemy scanners, causing a - 1 penalty to alertness checks. This talent may be taken multiple times, granting a cumulative penalty to alertness



The diagnostic tools in a MG Omni-tool allow a character with ranks in repair to substitute their ranks in tech training to the skill roll instead. The character must have at least one rank in the repair skill to use this talent.Medical Stunts


The advanced scanners in a MG Omnitool allow a character with ranks in medicine to substitute their ranks in tech training to the skill roll instead. The character must have at least one rank in the medicine skill to use this talent.

First Aid

Used in this way, the MG Omni-tool lets you disable a free tag gained from the Health stress track of any ally in the same zone as you, as a combat action (this prevents an opponent using the Consequence to your allys disadvantage). The character must have at least one rank in the medicine skill to use this talent.


Choose up to 4 stunts. Each stunt reduces Fate point refresh by 1 from the starting value of 10.

Stunts fall under 1 of 4 types:

Concentration Gain +1 when using skill in a particular manner

e.g. shotguns, blades, biology, repairing armour

Specialisation Gain +2 when using a skill in a very specific way

e.g. Claymore shotgun, Katana, asari biology, fixing shield generators

Skill swap Use one skill in place of another to do a task

e.g. using athletics to throw things,

Benefit Extra resources, equipment.


Biotic and combat tech powers must be picked as a skill, and cost one refresh. These powers come with some abilities as trappings and then extra abilities must be bought as stunts.

Combat powers can be bought as stunts.


Players start with mediocre equipment and class equipment.Stress

Players have 4 stress boxes as default.

Levels of endurance/resolve grant extra boxes

Average/Fair, 5 boxes, Good/Great, 6 boxes.

Races To pick a race choose an aspect which includes the race of choice.

Certain Races have special racial stunts which can only be chosen by that race.

Races also have a suggested list of skills, and some have compulsory skills and stunts.

AsariThe asari were the first species to discover the Citadel. When the salarians arrived, it was the asari who proposed the establishment of the Citadel Council to maintain peace throughout the galaxy. Since then, the asari have served as the mediators and centrists of the Council.An all-female race, the asari reproduce through a form of parthenogenesis. They can attune their nervous system to that of another individual of any gender, and of any species, to reproduce. This capability has led to unseemly and inaccurate rumours about asari promiscuity.Asari can live for over 1,000 years, passing through three stages of life. In the Maiden stage, they wander restlessly, seeking new knowledge and experience. When the Matron stage begins, they "meld" with interesting partners to produce their offspring. This ends when they reach the Matriarch stage, where they assume the roles of leaders and councillors.


Compulsory:Biotic Power (skill and power)

Skills:Academics, Medical, Science, Empathy, Rapport

Classes:Biotic, Vanguard

Cost-1 Refresh

Biotic All asari are born biotics. Longevity Asari typically live up to 1,000 years old.Batarians

In the early 2160s, the Alliance began aggressive colonization of worlds in the Skyllian Verge, much to the dismay of the batarians who had been developing the region for several decades. In 2171, the batarians petitioned the Council to declare the Verge a "zone of batarian interest". The Council refused, however, declaring unsettled worlds in the region open to human colonization.

In protest, the batarians closed their Council embassy and severed official diplomatic relations with the Council, effectively becoming a rogue state. They instigated a proxy war in the Verge by funneling money and weapons to criminal organizations, urging them to strike at human colonies.

Hostilities peaked with the Skyllian Blitz of 2176, an attack on the human capital of Elysium by batarian-funded pirates and slavers. In 2178, the Alliance retaliated with a crushing assault on the moon of Torfan, long used as a staging base by batarian-backed criminals. In the aftermath, the batarians retreated into their own systems, and are now rarely seen in Citadel space.



Skills:Guns, Fists, intimidate


Batarians can not be biotic

Cost0 Refresh

DrellDrell are omnivorous reptile-like humanoids with an average life span of 85 galactic standard years. They give live birth to their young who are capable of eating solid food from the moment they are born. Drell appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle tissue is slightly denser than that of humans giving them a wiry strength. Many of their more reptilian features are concealed, like a three chambered heart with a muscular ridge that is capable of shunting oxygenated or deoxygenated blood as needed.

One unique characteristic, however, is the hybrid bone in their throats which allows them to inflate their throats and priduce vocal sounds outside the human range. Would-be assassins have noted that these two features make drell extremely hard to strangle or suffocate.Because the drell ancestors emerged from arid, rocky deserts the humid ocean-covered hanar homeworld of Kahje proved tolerable only when the drell stayed inside a climate-controlled dome city. Due to this huge disparity in the two species' homeworld environments the leading cause of death among drells on Kahje is a bacterial lung disease called Kepra's Syndrome.

Within a generation of the drell's arrival on the planet the disease had become resistant to hanar antibiotics and other advanced treatments. Once an infection settles in, death is slow but imminent. Transplants may buy time, but as the infection spreads to other major organs there comes a point of diminishing returns and eventual system failure.



Skills:Stealth, athletics, guns, fists

Classes:Soldier, Infiltrator

Drell have excellent memories. Anything related to memory can be tagged from the Drell racial aspect.

Cost-1 Refresh


The Systems Alliance is an independent supranational government representing the interests of humanity as a whole. The Alliance is responsible for the governance and defense of all extra-solar colonies and stations.The Alliance grew out of the various nation space programs as a matter of practicality. Sol's planets had been explored and exploited through piecemeal nation efforts. The expense of colonizing entire new solar systems could not be met by any one country. With humans knowing that alien contact was inevitable, there was enough political will to jointly fund an international effort.

Still, the Alliance was often disregarded by those on Earth until the First Contact War. While the national governments dithered and bickered over who should lead the effort to liberate Shanxi, the Alliance fleet struck decisively. Post-War public approval gave the Alliance the credibility to establish its own Parliament and become the galactic face of humanity.





Cost0 Refresh


The krogan evolved in a hostile and vicious environment. Until the invention of gunpowder weapons, "eaten by predators" was still the number one cause of krogan fatalities. Afterwards, it was "death by gunshot".

When the salarians discovered them, the krogan were a brutal, primitive species struggling to survive a self-inflicted nuclear winter. The salarians culturally uplifted them, teaching them to use and build modern technology so they could serve as soldiers in the Rachni War.Liberated from the harsh conditions of their homeworld, the quick-breeding krogan experienced an unprecedented population explosion. They began to colonize nearby worlds, even though these worlds were already inhabited. The Krogan Rebellions lasted nearly a century, only ending when the turians unleashed the genophage, a salarian-developed bioweapon that crushed all krogan resistance.

The genophage makes only one in 1,000 pregnancies viable, and today the krogan are a slowly dying breed. Understandably, the krogan harbor a grudge against all other species, especially the turians.

Natural ArmourKrogans have Natural Armour 2 (-1 refresh)Resistance

Krogans have Limited immunity to Poison and disease.DrawbacksGenophageThough it is not foremost on the mind of every krogan, the species is slowly dying out. If you are a fertile female, you are not adventuring. Period. You are mating to let the species live just a bit longer. Otherwise, you act with the sort of reckless abandon of a terminally ill person, knowing that your species is going to die anyway. This is primarily a roleplaying Trait and as such has no PP value.KroganTEMPLATE

Compulsory:Might and endurance skills

Skills:Fists, intimidation, Guns

Classes:Soldier, Vanguard, Battlemaster

Krogan can be biotics known as Battlemasters

Cost-1 Refresh

QuarianDriven from their home system by the geth nearly three centuries ago, most quarians now live aboard the Migrant Fleet, a flotilla of fifty thousand vessels ranging in size from passenger shuttles to mobile space stations. Home to 17 million quarians, the flotilla understandably has scarce resources. Because of this, each quarian must go on a rite of passage known as the Pilgrimage when they come of age. They leave the fleet and only return once they have found something of value they can bring back to their people.Other species tend to look down on the quarians for creating the geth and for the negative impact their fleet has when it enters a system. This has led to many myths and rumors about the quarians, including the belief that underneath their clothes and breathing masks, they are actually cybernetic creatures: a combination of organic and synthetic parts.

Attuned to Technology

Quarians are adept with most technology and excel at jury-rigging.QUARIANTEMPLATE

Compulsory:Electronics, starship engineering

Skills:Starship pilot, computers, starship systems, Combat Tech Power


The Quarian aspect can be tagged for use of technology and compelled for its drawbacks (below)

Cost-1 Refresh

DrawbacksComplex NeedsQuarian biology prevents them from eating any food made by other species with the exception of turians.

Also, Quarians have no immune systems. They must wear special environment suits when out in the open on other planets or on space stations, with the exception of specialized rooms with volus life support systems.

Eerie Presence/ReputationMost people regard the quarians with mistrust because of the creation of the geth and the subsequent self-imposed isolation of the quarian people. First impressions are almost always negative.Salarian

The second species to join the Citadel, the salarians are warm-blooded amphibians with a hyperactive metabolism. Salarians think fast, talk fast, and move fast. To salarians, other species seem sluggish and dull-witted. Unfortunately, their metabolic speed leaves them with a relatively short life span; salarians over the age of 40 are a rarity.The salarians were responsible for advancing the development of the primitive krogan species to use as soldiers during the Rachni Wars. They were also behind the creation of the genophage bioweapon the turians used to quell the Krogan Rebellions several centuries later.Salarians are known for their observational capacity and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptitude for research and espionage. They are constantly experimenting and inventing, and it is generally accepted that they always know more than they're letting on.

DrawbacksShort-Lived A typical salarian lifespan is roughly 40 years.



Skills:Rapport, Resources, Computers, Science, Stealth

Classes:Engineer, infiltrator

Cost0 Refresh

TurianRoughly 1,200 years ago, the turians were invited to join the Citadel Council to fulfill the role of galactic peacekeepers. The turians have the largest fleet in Citadel space, and they make up the single largest portion of the Council's military forces.As their territory and influence has spread, the turians have come to rely on the salarians for military intelligence and the asari for diplomacy. Despite a somewhat colonial attitude towards the rest of the galaxy, the ruling Hierarchy understands they would lose more than they would gain if the other two races were ever removed.Turians come from an autocratic society that values discipline and possesses a strong sense of personal and collective honor. There is lingering animosity between turians and humans over the First Contact War of 2157, which is known as the "Relay 314 Incident" to the turians. Officially, however, the two species are allies and they enjoy civil, if cool, diplomatic relations.



Skills:Guns, Stealth, leadership

Classes:Soldier, infiltrator

Cost0 Refresh

DrawbacksComplex Needs Turian biology prevents them from eating any food made by other species with the exception of quarians. VolusThe volus are a member species of the Citadel with their own embassy, but they are also a client race of the turians. Centuries ago, they were voluntarily absorbed into the Hierarchy, effectively trading their mercantile prowess for turian military protection.Irune, their homeworld, lies far beyond the normal life zone of its star. However, the world has a high-pressure greenhouse atmosphere that traps enough heat to support an ammonia-based biochemistry. As a result, the volus must wear pressure suits and breathers when dealing with other species as conventional nitrogen/oxygen air mixtures are poisonous to them, and in the low pressure atmospheres tolerable to most species, their flesh will actually split open.Volus culture is tribal, bartering lands and even people to gain status. This culture of exchange inclines them to economic pursuits. It was the volus who authored the Unified Banking Act, and they continue to monitor and balance the Citadel economy.



Skills:Resources, Deceit, contacting


Volus Drawbacks can be compelled via the aspect

Cost-1 Refresh

Drawbacks Complex NeedsThe high-pressure, ammonia-based atmosphere of their home planet makes the volus incapable of breathing the air that other species do or enjoying their food. They must wear special environment suits when out in the open on other planets or on space stations, with the exception of specialized rooms with volus life support systems.

Coward Though not exactly cowardly, their frail and undexterous physique lends to them getting away from violence more than other species.

Little PersonThe volus are shorter than other species, at about two-thirds their height or shorter. VorchaAlthough they resemble a mammal-reptile cross, the vorcha have no terrestrial analogue. They are humaniod in form, but vorcha have "clusters" of non-defferentiated neoblast cells, like those of Earth's planarian worms. Damaged vorcha cells mature into specialized structures to alleviate injury or stress. Transformationns include thicker skin following injury, lung adaptation for barely-breathable atmospheres, and stronger cardio-skeletal muscle under high gravity. Skull capacity and brain size do not change, and vorcha rarely make more than one somatic overhual.

Vorcha assault each frequently, causing their young to gain strength, intelligence, and resilience. As a result, vorcha see inflicting and receiving pain as normal communication. Few vorcha study professions, in part because their average life expectancy is only 20 years. Because vorcha can eat and breathe nearly anything, they can live almost anywhere, but racism prevents them from integrating into most societies that dismiss them as vermin. They have few employment options beyond krogan mercenary bands.



Skills:Guns, Endurance


Cost-2 Refresh

RegenerationVorcha heal abnormally fast while their cells specialize into whatever is needed. They can recover from any consequence and heal mild consequences as an action. (-2 refresh)Environmental AdaptionImmunity to one environmental condition, limited.The immunity changes after a week in a hostile environment. A player may pick a specific type of environment that the character is already resistant to before the game begins.

DrawbacksShort-Lived A typical vorcha lifespan is roughly 20 years.

Out for BloodVorcha communicate primarily through violence. As such, if words just aren't cutting it, teeth, guns, clubs, and whatever else is handy will.CLASSES

After choosing a race, players must choose a class template.

These classes have key skills which must be taken and some suggested skills. Certain stunts can only be taken by certain classes.


Key Skills:Guns, Endurance

Suggested skills:Fists, Survival, Might

Equipment:N-7 medium armour, Avenger assault rifle , Edge Pistol

Stunt OptionsAdrenaline Rush, Carnage, Immunity

Cost0 Refresh.


Key Skills:Stealth, Guns, Combat Tech Power + Stealth field

Suggested skills:Athletics, computers, electronics, Burglary,

Equipment:N-7 Light armour , Mantis Sniper Rifle, Shuriken SMG

Stunt OptionsNeural shock, Assasinate

Cost-2 refresh (combat tech + stealth field)


Key Skills:Electronics, Combat Tech power

Suggested skills:Starship engineering, Engineering, computers

Equipment:N-7 Light armour, Predator Heavy Pistol, Shuriken SMG

Stunt OptionsAI hacking, Incinerate, CryoBlast, combat Drone, Tech shield

Cost-1 refresh


Key Skills:Endurance, Combat Tech Power, Biotic Power

Suggested skills:Guns, fists, Leadership, electronics

Equipment:N-7 Light armour, Predator Heavy Pistol, Shuriken SMG

Stunt OptionsWarp, Tech shield,

Cost-2 refresh (unless asari, then -1)


Key Skills:Biotic Power

Suggested skills:Athletics, endurance, empathy

Equipment:N-7 Light armour , Predator Heavy Pistol, Shuriken SMG

Stunt OptionsSingularity, Barrier, Warp

Cost-1 refresh (unless asari)


Key Skills:Biotic Power

Suggested skills:Endurance, Guns, Fists, Might, endurance

Equipment:N-7 Light armour, Edge Pistol, Shuriken SMG, Scimitar Shotgun

Stunt OptionsBarrier, Biotic Charge, Carnage

Cost-1 refresh (unless biotic)

Biotics Biotics is poth a power and a skill. To be biotic you must take it as a skill and pay the cost of a stunt. No Biotic power can be used in 2 consecutive turns.

Note - Many biotic powers do not work on shielded targets.

Some biotic abilities count as trappings, the rest must be taken as stunts. Biotic attacks do a minimum of 1 Harm, before armour or shields are applied.


TelekinesisYou can move small items, as if with your own hand, but at a distance. This doesnt include fine manipulations such as picking a lock or writing.

Magic Hand

You can use Telekinesis to attack, or perform maneuvers placing temporary aspects like Tripped!, Knocked off Balance, or Somebody Shoved Me!

LiftUsing Lift will cause enemies to float helplessly in the air, making them more vulnerable to attack. Place an appropriate Aspect on the target as you would for a maneuver. This effect conserves the momentum of its target, so a charging enemy will rush over the characters heads, and so on. Requires a biotic attack as normal.Pull In combat, this effect is mostly used to bring opponents closer, launching them towards the biotic and knocking them over, rendering them helpless when they land. Shift an enemy one zone on a successful activation, and place an appropriate Aspect lasting till the characters next turn. Requires a biotic attack as normal.Throw

In combat, this effect is mostly used to keep opponents at a distance, by either launching them away or knocking them over, rendering them helpless when they land. Shift an enemy one zone on a successful activation, and place an appropriate Aspect lasting till the characters next turn. Requires a biotic attack as normal.Stunts


Using this effect creates a barrier against the skin to protect against energy weapon attacks. When activated, add 2 to the effective Shields of the character for the purposes of the defense roll damage. This effect lasts until is has absorbed the users biotic level in damage.Telekinetic Shield

You can also use Barrier to block or defend against physical attacks.

Levitate (Telekinesis)

You can lift yourself or another person telekinetically. See the Might Lifting Table on page 99 to determine the difficulty.SlamThis effect lifts the target before smashing them into the ground. Treat it as an attack of Biotics against might or athletics. The target then also has a prone aspect placed on them for a round. For the cost of a fate point this power can either affect up to 3 targets in close proximity, or have penetration 3.CrushThis Effect crushes the target in a vice like field. Treat this as an attack of Biotics against might. This does not work on shielded targets, but does ignore armour.WarpThis effect lowers the armour on a target, increasing the damage the enemy takes, as well as dealing damage over time. When activated, subtract 2 from the effective armour rating of the target for the purposes of their defensive rolls. If the same target is Warped for two consecutive turns, any damage to the target generates one additional shift before consequences are applied to represent the damaging nature of the mass effect field. A roll to hit is still required.ReaveReave damages the target and prevents any regeneration. This attack must be rolled for and can be dodged. The attack has penetration 3, and applies the aspect cannot regenerate or heal for the rest of the combat. This power does not work against shielded targets.Charge:This power propels the user forward (upto 1 zone) and attacks a target. This power can be used to pass small obstacles and gaps. The target is attacked with biotics, and can dodge or block as with a physical attach. Shockwave:This power sends out a wave which knocks over multiple targets. One group of targets are knocked over, having a relevant aspect placed on them. Shockwave does not require an attack roll.Singularity: This gravitational power sucks multiple enemies within a radius to a single area, leaving them floating helplessly and vulnerable to attack. It can also attract objects from the environment, such as crates or pieces of furniture. Place an appropriate Aspect on the target zone as you would for a maneuver. This effect lasts 2 turns, or until another Biotic effect is used.

Stasis:This effect causes an enemy to be temporarily locked in a mass effect field, freezing the target in place and making them unable to attack. Enemies in Stasis also become impervious to damage. Place an appropriate Aspect on the target as you would for a maneuver. The effect lasts for one round per shift generated.DominateThis is a mental biotic attack against the targets resolve. Any shifts caused by the attack deal composure stress. If spin is generated the target is now under the users control, and an appropriate aspect is placed on the target. Mind ReadingThis is a mental biotic attack against the targets resolve. Any shifts caused by the attack reveal pieces of relevant information. If spin is generated the targets aspects are revealed. Tech

To have Tech abilities, a character must take Tech as a skill and a stunt costing 1 refresh.Some abilities do not work against shielded opponents.

No Tech ability can be used in 2 consecutive turns.

Note - Many tech ability do not work on shielded targets.

Some Tech abilities count as trappings, the rest must be taken as stunts.

TrappingsDampingThis application of the Military Grade Omni-tool (see below) causes disruptions and suppression of mass effect fields, and can be used to disrupt Biotics, most common energy weapons, and even starship systems. Use this Talent defensively to make Biotic Training checks contested when used on the character or allies in the same zone, or offensively by placing a "Suppressed by Tech" aspect on an appropriate target no more than 1 zone away.

OverloadArtificial or synthetic lifeforms attacked with this talent can be shut down for one round by overloading their power systems. The following round, the target becomes immune to further overload attempts. Place a "system rebooting" free tag on the target until the player's next turn.In addition this power attacks shields. A successful attack deals damage equal to the tech level of the user. Note this is only applied to tech or armour shields and not biotic barriers. Spin causes the shields to fail instantly.Energy Drain

Sophisticated circuitry allows the user to drain energy from an enemys energy weapon for use in their own. After a successful attack in this manner, the character's weapon is too hot from the sudden charging to be used immediately, and must cool down till their next turn. The amount of energy drained in this manner will never exceed the storage capacity of the character's gun. Duplicate characters tagged Overheated aspect and place on an enemy, preventing them from firing till the start of their next turn.


Sabotage:This is an attack against a targets weapon. Test Tech against a difficulty of 3. Shifts cause the weapon to malfunction, and will not work for a number of rounds equal to the shifts. Spin causes the weapon to explode and damage the target, treat as harm equal to the weapons rating.AI Hacking:Artificial or synthetic lifeforms attacked with this talent can be subverted for one round to fire on their own allies by messing with their targeting systems. The following round, the target becomes immune to further hacking attempts. There must be multiple enemies present to activate this talent. Place a "targeting malfunction" free tag on the target until the player's next turn.

Neural Shock:Biological lifeforms attacked with this talent (versus resolve or endurance) can be paralyzed for one round by disrupting their central nervous systems. Place a "disoriented and confused" free tag on the target until the player's next turn. If spin is generated the target also takes health stress equivalent to the number of shifts.Incinerate: This attack damages armour and causes damage over time. The attack does not work against shielded targets. The targets armour rating is reduced by the number of shifts generated for the rest of the combat. Any extra shifts are applied to the target as stress. If spin is generated, this damage repeats for an extra turn per spin.Cryo Blast: This attack freezes the target in place and makes them vulnerable. The attack does not work against shields. A successful attack freezes the target and places a free taggable Frozen and vulnerable to attack aspect on the target. If spin is generated then the targets armour is reduced by 2 for the duration. The effect lasts one round.Tech Shield:

Using this effect creates a extra shield to protect against attacks. When activated, add 2 to the effective Shields of the character for the purposes of the defense roll against damage. This effect lasts until is has absorbed the users tech level in damage.

Stealth FieldThis effect costs one fate point. The user blends into the back ground. For a number of rounds equal to the users Tech level the user cannot be seen unless an awareness roll against the tech level is passed. Once seen any attacks against the user can be resisted by dodge + tech.Combat Drone: Drones - WIP Combat Abilities Combat Abilities work as Stunts. Some only work with certain equipment. All abilities have a recharge time of one round in between uses.CarnageShotgun Extensive training with shotguns has given the character the ability to duplicate the effects of the Weapon Modification Double Tap. Once per scene, this stunt allows the player to double the Harm rating of one of their weapons for one turn. It then immediately activates the Overheated tag on the weapon. Use of this stunt may not be stacked with a weapon that already possesses either the Both Barrels or Double Tap aspects.

OverkillAssault rifle / SMGExtensive training with autofire weapons has given the character the ability to duplicate the effects of the Weapon Modification Double Tap. Once per scene, this stunt allows the player to double the Harm rating of one of their weapons for one turn. It then immediately activates the Overheated tag on the weapon. Use of this stunt may not be stacked with a weapon that already possesses either the Both Barrels or Double Tap aspects. This effect may be combined with the weapons autofire aspect for the cost of a fate point.Immunity / FortificationRepresenting many, many hours of experience under heavy fire, the character

has an instinctual awareness of the flow of a battle allowing them to better protect

themselves in the heat of battle, and regain their balance and protection. Once per scene, a character with this stunt may gain +4 bonus to armour defense for one round. By spending a fate point this effect lasts 2 rounds.Shield BoostRepresenting many, many hours of experience under heavy fire, the character

has the awareness to boost their shields and regain their protection. Once per scene, a character with this stunt whose Shields are down may immediately recharge them to full.Adrenaline Rush At the cost of a fate point the user can make 2 actions this round (but not 2 move actions). This reflects increased reflexes.MarksmanPistol/Heavy Pistol

Long term training with Pistols has enabled the character to replicate the effects of the Weapon Modification Double Tap. With one round of focus, that is without doing any other action, the player doubles the Harm rating of the weapon for their next turn. The character must not do anything for that turn except shoot. This ability may only be used on Pistols, and is not able to be stacked with a weapon that already possesses either the Both Barrels or Double Tap aspects.


Long term training with Sniper Rifles has enabled the character to replicate the effects of the Weapon Modification Double Tap. With one round of focus, that is without doing any other action, the player doubles the Harm rating of the weapon for their next turn. The character must not do anything for that turn except shoot. This ability may only be used on Sniper Rifle, and is not able to be stacked with a weapon that already possesses either the Both Barrels or Double Tap aspects.

Concussive ShotAs other abilities


Chris Challacombe

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