mblj ma qianhui_3s2_11

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Learning Journey to Marina Bay

Name : Ma Qianhui

Class : 3S2

On 16.Feb.2012,we took a fruitful learning journey to Marina Bay Sands. The learning journey showed us how Marina Bay serves as a model to the principals of governance deployed to help Singapore sustain its growth in 21st century.

Anticipate change and stay relevant As a country with small territory, Singapore’s

development has to depend on the prosperousness of its economy (especially international business), and tourism is an extremely important component of it. Nevertheless, the number of countries which are trying hard to develop their tourism in order to seek development and prosperity is rapidly increasing in Asia.

So, being able to observe the tendency, the government decided to build Integrated Resorts in Marina Bay and Sentosa even under the great risk of trying out new ways to help with the development of Singapore. It is the product of the meeting the change and being relevant with the tendency of the international market, which is used to capture the chances in tourism market.

Anticipate change and stay relevant

• The truth has proven that the government had made a correct decision, and the principle “Anticipate change and stay relevant ”is useful. As Marina bay sands attracts a lot of tourists with its shops and casino and these tourists spend an enormous amount of money here which actually contributes to the economy of Singapore. All shops are an essential part of the development of Singapore’s prosperous economy.

Anticipate change and stay relevant

• I saw a long line outside the casino that was formed by the tourists from all over the world. A lot of people come to marina bay sands mainly for casino. As one of the most famous casinos in Asia, marina bay sands casino does attract a lot of people especially those who come from South East Asia. Since they can enjoy gambling in casino while they don’t have to travel all the long way to the US or Macau.

A stake for everyone, opportunities for all

Building a casino is an important issue. Except for the good plan of

building a casino, the government consulted people on this issue, got

the feedback from people and finally start the plan based on the

approval of majority. [this shows a stake for everyone] As everyone

can see, again it is a correct decision, since Marina bay sands attracts

a lot of tourists with its shops and casino and these tourists spend an

enormous amount of money here which actually contributes to the

economy of Singapore by creating jobs, increasing tax revenues and

so on [this shows opportunities for all]. All shops and casino are an

essential part of the development of Singapore’s prosperous


Beautiful view of the sky-park

Leadership is key

• Because of the careful management and optimisation of limited resources through a long-term comprehensive approach to planning from the government, Marina Bay sands is able to develop rapidly and rises the standard of living coupled with making contribution to the economy of Singapore. Without the support from the government, Marina Bay cannot continuously develop and eventually become a symbol of Singapore.

All these achievements came from the wise governance and leaders. The principle “leadership is key” requires capable leaders who can make right decisions. The government realised how important it is to have capable leaders who can choose the correct way for Singapore to develop at crucial moments. So, it is also proven correct and effective.

Leadership is key

To sum up

• I have understood that the four principles is the key to Singapore’s competitiveness in the 21st century. Also, I have seen the rapid development of Singapore’s urban landscape.

• All I want to say is to wish Singapore a better future and more prosperous economy!

Two sources of pictures in slide 2 and 6

• http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?q=marina+bay+sands&hl=zh-CN&sa=X&biw=1024&bih=547&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=-FEj-QDaeuaglM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fnetravel.com/chinese/singaporehotels/marina-bay-sands.html&docid=qVqQAdO75e8ODM&imgurl=http://www.fnetravel.com/english/singaporehotels/marinabaysands/marina-bay-sands-skypark.jpg&w=450&h=300&ei=vONWT6qiLcrZrQfg6MH0Cw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=109&sig=102381956730802238666&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=201&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=109&ty=75

• http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?q=marina+bay+sands&hl=zh-CN&sa=X&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=bPRz4F00b6IsgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.cnngo.com/singapore/play/grand-opening-marina-bay-sands-phase-one-949757&docid=DYYB8vSSpCFdxM&imgurl=http://i.cdn.cnngo.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/624x468_gallery/article-images/large/mbs-opening_009.jpg&w=624&h=414&ei=5-NWT5SaHMS4rAfH95ylDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=521&vpy=220&dur=1087&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=218&ty=108&sig=102381956730802238666&page=7&tbnh=159&tbnw=204&start=68&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:68&biw=1024&bih=547

• Others are taken by myself.

• http://www.slideshare.net/Projectsss/newsfeed

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