may & june newsletter 2015 - amazon s3 · may & june newsletter 2015. pastor hris’ orner...

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3622 Knowlesville Road, Knowlesville, NY 14479 / 585 798-3173

Sunday Service at 9:30 am & Sunday School at 11:00 am

12373 Maple Ridge Rd., Medina, NY 14103 / 585 798-1290

Service at 11:00 am & Sunday School at 10:00am


Pastor Chris Wylie

Home: 585 318-5016 / Cell: 585 735-6685


May & June Newsletter 2015

Pastor Chris’ Corner

“O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable God’s judgments, how

inscrutable God’s ways! For from God, and to God, and through God are all things. To God be glory

forever.” - Romans 11:33, 36

Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

At the top of this page, there are two verses from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. When I was first starting

out in ministry, I used to quote these verses as the benediction of worship services. It was a nice way to

end church, with a majestic bit of poetry, straight from the pen of the Apostle Paul. However, after getting

to know people, and being present in their lives, I became troubled by these very words I embraced or at

least my perception of them. I began to look out into faces and see the struggles many faced at different

times in their lives.

I’d see people wrestling with issues of life and death. I’d see broken hearts, fractured relationships, lost

jobs, and lots of other concerns. This was my dilemma. I had to ask myself, “Are these necessarily the

words I want to send people away with? Does everything, or as Paul says, “all things”, come from the hand

of God?” Perhaps just as importantly: “Do they need me pushing upon them this notion that their lot in life

is all God’s doing?” If they are happy and blessed, I don’t mind telling them to be thankful. But if they

suffer, if they endure hardship, do I want to tell them (or do I even believe?) that this too is God’s doing?

Well, I still don’t entirely have an answer to those questions. If anything, I’m even less likely now to believe

that God expressly sends hardship into our lives according to a secret plan. And yet, I still love those two

verses from Romans. And I’m more and more comfortable saying that God is the source and the goal of all

our living.

All creation and all life flow from God, their source. And to God all things finally return, even those things

that have been damaged in transit. In God, all things beautiful and broken (and most things are both) meet

with perfection at last. God may not send misery into an already-injured world, but God is the force of

healing and restoration that—over time—brings about the renewal and the new life even through suffering

and loss. Resurrection is our story. We are resurrection people!

“From God, and to God, and through God are all things.” Take hope in these words. Look back at your

story. Maybe you’ll even recall a time you felt God leading you. No matter where God is in your life, I pray

you feel God’s presence with you along your journey. Life with all its imperfections and wounds is patiently

guided and shaped by one who is kinder, and gentler, and wiser than we will ever be. And come what may

in this life, the one who walked with you up till now…still journeys with each of us into tomorrow.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Chris

Sermon Series – Mission Possible

A Sermon Series on the Church in the Book of Acts If you’ve ever wondered just how transformational the church can be or your role in the community of believers, look no further. The Book of Acts outlines best practices for both individual believers and the broader church. Whether you want to change your life, the lives of your family and those around you, or the world, this is a good starting point because the Book of Acts tells of the start of the church.

5.10 – Your Mission – Acts 1:8

Have you ever faced a daunting challenge that might have seemed insurmountable? Sometimes, it can seem no different with church. After Christ was physically gone, He gave the disciples (and the church) their job description. But, how can we succeed?

5.24 – I Want You! – John 15:16

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re wondering if you have what it takes to do what is needed? What if you were called by God to fill an important role? You never know. You just may be.

6.7 – Speaking Their Language – Acts 2:5b

If you think taking the Gospel to the world is difficult now, could you imagine being the first Christians? Don’t worry, though, with God all things are possible. He’ll even give you the words.

6.14 What Can We Do? – Acts 2:39

“I’m just one person what can I do?” God will never ask that about you. Whether you’ve been close to God or far away, God can use you. The truth is you aren’t on your own. You have your part. But, the real power of God comes through relationship.

6.21 Party of One – Life Support – Acts 2:44

Again and again we are shown that faith is not meant to be lived out alone. The example of the early church reveals to us why we need the church and why we need to be connected to it and each other.

6.28 Changing the World! – Acts 3:6

Once we are joined to Christ, and to His Body the church, we are transformed. We now have the opportunity to change the world. This is most often done one person at a time. But, if we each encounter one person at a time, imagine what might happen. You see? This is the power of relationship!

7.5 – Something Big – Acts 4:33-34a

Think of winning the lottery. When something big happens, new people come out. (Some new friends or family members might even find you!) Whatever the case, when something big happens, it often carries both positive and negative implications. Likewise, there’s both positive and negative reactions when God does something big just as He did with the first church.

7.12 – The Facts of Life—Acts 5:3-4

Do you remember the television show, The Facts of Life? The theme song opened with the following line. "You take the good, you take bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life." This is the same with church life. The good, the not as good, you take them both. When you add them together, you get life. The good news is, though, God can still work either through us or in spite of us.

7.19 – How the World Was Won – Acts 5:29-32

Whether standing for the independence of your country or seeking to bring the fullness of God’s Kingdom as His body, the church, there are some necessary and critical components: Faith, Sacrifice, Courage, and Persistence. Do you have what it takes?

Fish Fry Recap

Our 2015 Lenten fish fries were a smashing

hit! We made approximately $14,223 ( this

reflects $11,793 that went to general fund

and $2430 that went to the discretionary


Thanks so much for all the help and support

that was shown to our church. Giving all help

a meal by donation only, a free pie for every

12 meals purchased and a free tote bag for $50. spent at one time was an unseen bless-

ing. The Lord brought us the extra people that generated the extra income.

“The more you give the more you shall receive”. How true that is. A special thank you to

Glen Busch and the fish pit crew, sure saved my feet to walk extra days. I now dub Glen

as “Fish King”.

God Bless all in Christ


Breakfast Buffet

We has a low attendance at our first one because of low advertising. The 2nd and 3rd were very

well attended. All the proceeds are designated for the handicap fund.

Please come and join us in the 3rd Saturday of each month anytime from 8am-11am.

Next dates are May 16; June 20; July 18 mark your calendar!


Orleans County Fair Beef Booth July 20-25

Again we need Chairpersons for each day, helpers in the kitchen

for potato and beef prep. And of course servers on the booth.

The 1st Beef booth meeting will be: Sunday May 17

after Sunday school.

UMW News

The UMW is on a mission for the Rainbow preschool. We will be collecting the following sup-

plies and delivering them in September.

Childrens music CD's, Child's CD player, Little Tykes fishing pole w/fish, Barnyard Bingo,

Luck ducks game, velcro(sticky), hole punchers, fat pencils, Qtips/cotton balls, kitchen timers,

clothes (size 2-6), dolls that identify their body parts, hand towels, wash clothes,

puzzles (6-10 pieces), bags of play sand, balls of different sizes, candy land board game,

Mr. bucket, aqua fresh for kids, koosh balls, counting cubes, wiggle eyes, tacky glue,

food coloring, colored pencils, fisker scissors, tissue paper, pot holders, beach towels,

clear contact paper, small notebooks, tape(all kinds), white rice, bean bag chairs, train set,

pegs/peg board, pretzels, cereal, feathers, smocks, blow horns, crazy straws, balloons,

tag boards, canned fruits, juice, silverware, shaving cream, water color books, baby wipes,

batteries all sizes, corn starch, multicultural dolls, sand paper, shape sorters, brown lunch bags,

sponges, tricycles, kleenex, dish soap.

Drop off donations at the fellowship hall.

Thank you, the United Methodist Women


Also: Save UPC's from Campbell's, Swanson, Prego, Pepperidge Farms,and Bic

We will turn them into the Rainbow Preschool were they can redeem them for

resources to enrich the students daily lives and activities. Thank you.


The UMW picnic will be June 3rd, held at the fellowship hall at 6pm. Br ing a dish

to pass. All Ladies of the church are welcome to attend.

Abundant Harvest Café, Pie & Gift Shop

The Shop has been doing very well. Our great WNY winter

slowed us down some, but the Lenten Fish Fries perked us

up. We spent a week in Nov. making pies for stock and for

serving at the fish fries. Then we spent a week right after the

fish fries to restock, plus a couple days before the fish fries

ended making apple pies, as we ran out.

We gave out approx. 77 free pies from the punch cards and

gave away about 25 tote bags. The phone/ internet is paid

monthly, the tote bags were purchased through the shop.

Aprons have been ordered to be used when serving the


We had a stitch a card lesson, not well attended, although fun was had by those who did attend. We are

planning a card crafting class for Friday May 15 5:30-8pm. A light meal will be provided along with all

supplies cost is $5.00.

Any suggestions as to what merchandise we should carry in our shop or any constructive ideas, please let us

know. Please continue to pray for fruit from the shop.

We now have free WIFI in the Fellowship Hall. We are open every Friday and Saturday 9am – 4pm come in and have a cup of coffee, a goodie and great fellowship. Linda, Dona and Ruth

Upcoming Events Breakfast Buffet - Knowlesville Fellowship Hall

3rd Saturday of each month, 8am-11am

Serving: Breakfast casseroles, toast, home fries, juice, coffee, tea, with monthly

changes & additions


Breakfast served on the following dates

April 18, May16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, November 21,

and December 19

There is not a breakfast on October 17as that is the date of our Apple Festival .


Kingdom Bound

We have had an interest in attending Kingdom Bound this year.

As it is being held during Fair Week, it has been decided that the best day to go is

Wednesday July 22. This event is held at Darien Lake Amusement Park. The cost is

$49.00 per person which includes the use of the park including the water park. There

is also a concert in the evening. This is a full day.

The ad board has approved the following: All teens that attend Sunday School and

teens that helped during the fish fries will be paid for by the church. They will need to

bring a lunch. The adults that want to go and be chaperons would have to pay their

ticket and bring a lunch.

Please see Linda Baker if you are interested so we can get the tickets as soon as

possible and plan our day.


The Love Box

A box has been set up in the storage room( by piano). Need items so we can make/

give love baskets to ones we feel need a little extra love.


Samaritans Purse

The patterns of a bunny and bear in this newsletter are for anyone to make. Our goal

is to have enough to put in the Samaritans purse boxes. So we are aiming for approx.

150 total. Easy to make and with just a little bit of scrap fabric. See Ruth Higgins if you

have any questions.

Lending Library Still Here

Did you know that the Abundant

Harvest Millville campus has a lending

library? There are many books – fiction

and non-fiction that have been gifted for people to borrow and read. To bor-

row a book or two all you need to do is sign your name on the sheet on the

shelf. You are on your honor to bring books back in a timely manner so oth-

ers can read them. If the Knowlesville church family would like to check out

the library, it is open on Sunday

mornings during our worship service (11am).

Prayer Room

Mark 1: 35 says: Very early in the morning,

while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the

house and went off to a solitary place, where

he prayed.

The Millville campus has a solitary place

where you can pray by yourself or with a

small group. It is our prayer room and is located in the hallway off the sanc-

tuary. The room has a couple of comfy chairs where you can relax and a

small altar for praying. The heat is not kept on very high so turn it up when

you use the room and remember to turn it down when you leave. The next

time you are looking for a small space to spend some quiet time with God,

give the prayer room a try.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

K= Knowlesville Church KH = Knowlesville Hall

M= Millville Church MH = Millville Hall

1 2 4:30 Chicken BBQ—KH

3 4 5 6 10am Bible Study—KH

7 8 9


11 7pm Knowlesville AdBoard—KH

12 6:30pm Prayers & Squares—MH

13 10am Bible Study—KH Noon Lunch at Rudy’s

14 15 16 8am—11am Breakfast Brunch—KH

17 18 19 20 10am Bible Study—KH

21 22 23


26 27 10am Bible Study—KH Annual Conference

28 Annual Conference

29 Annual Conference

30 4:30 Chicken BBQ—MH Annual Conference


May 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 10am Bible Study—KH 7pm UMW—KH

4 5 6

7 8 7pm Knowlesville AdBoard—KH

9 6:30pm Prayers & Squares—MH

10 10am Bible Study—KH Noon Lunch at Rudy’s

11 12 13

14 15 16 17 10am Bible Study—KH

18 19 20 8am—11am Breakfast Brunch—KH


22 23 24 10am Bible Study—KH

25 26 27

28 29 30 M= Millville Church MH = Mill-ville Hall

K= Knowlesville Church KH = Knowlesville Hall

June 2015

May Birthdays June Birthdays

Linda Baker 10 Evelyn Brown 12 Elaine Watts 12 Skip Mitchell 18 Brody Brown 21 JoeCulmo 30 Joshua Parker 18

Stacey Benz 1 Kerry Panek 5 David Pike 6 Chris Wylie 7 June Dresser 8 Guin Panek 10 JT Murray 12 Lois Eckerd 18 Anita Hess 20 Patty Schlegel 22 Jody Zacher 23 Matt Zacher 25 Lorraine Luckman 26 Erin Barnard 29

May Anniversaries June Anniversaries

Julianne & Patrick McGrath 27 Norm & Queenie Karcher 14 Kester & Linda Baker 21 Joe & Roxanne Culmo 27

If we missed your Birthday or Anniversary we are very sorry.

Please give this information to either Linda Baker or Jennelle Wylie

so that we can include it next year.

Memorial Day

Remember all those who have gone before us. Especially remember the ones

who gave their life, so that we have freedom in this country. Pray for our Country,

our Leaders, our President, our Military. Don't take our freedom for granted as

freedom isn't free.

When we all get to Heaven

I'll have my first day in Heaven

A glorious, wonderful day

I'll stand with the Saints of the Ages,

Who found Christ, the truth, and the way.

I'll sing with the Heavenly Choir,

Just think, I, who longed so to sing!

And oh, what celestial music,

We'll bring to our Savior and King.

We'll sing that glad song of Redemption

How Jesus to Bethlehem came,

And how they called His name “Jesus”,

That all might be saved through His name.

We'll sing once again with the angels,

the song that they sang that blest morn.

When shepherds first heard the glad story,

that Jesus, the Savior, was born.

Oh friends, one day we will be there,

No days on earth will compare.

With all the rapture and glory ,

We'll witness in Heaven so fair.

So dear ones, here is my greeting,

Look up till the Day Dawn appears.

And oh what a day awaits us,

Beyond all our partings and tears.

Keep on winning the lost,

So together all will be,

With Him who paid the cost,

The One who made us Free

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