may 6, 2018€¦ · 6/5/2018  · monday: acts 16:11-15/ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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Rev. David WhortonRev. David Whorton

Associate PastorAssociate Pastor

Rev. Vivian Ben LimaRev. Vivian Ben Lima

Deacon Deacon

Dn. Brian ConroyDn. Brian Conroy

Weekday MassWeekday Mass

Mon.Mon.——Sat. 8:15 a.m.Sat. 8:15 a.m.

Weekend MassWeekend Mass

Saturday Vigil Saturday Vigil

5:00 p.m.5:00 p.m. SundaySunday

7:15, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. 7:15, 9:00, 11:15 a.m.

5:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.


Saturday Saturday

3:45 3:45 —— 4:45 p.m.4:45 p.m.

or by appointmentor by appointment

Parish Center HoursParish Center Hours


8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. —— 8:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.

Friday Friday

8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. —— 7:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.

Saturday & SundaySaturday & Sunday

8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. —— 7:00 p.m.7:00 p.m. MAY 6, 2018MAY 6, 2018

It’s a commandment, It’s a commandment,

not a suggestion!not a suggestion!

St. Mel Catholic Church


on Sacred on Sacred


I ’ve always been interested in what people offer in the way of wisdom to those they care about as death nears — how they sum up their philosophy of life, what they believe to be essential to a life well lived, and how closely they’ve fol-

lowed their own advice. In today’s Gospel reading we get some of this, as Jesus continues to prepare the disciples for His coming crucifixion. He knows His days with them are coming to a close soon, and He sounds almost desperate to communicate what truly mat-ters to His followers—and what remains always essential for His followers: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Jesus does not suggest this (“Hey, why don’t you think about loving people more”), He commands it. Love. Everyone. Not just those who think like you. And He doesn’t leave His own to guess how to do this. Jesus gives two keys to practicing what He means by ‘love’: obedience and sacrifice. I’m not sure one could find two virtues more misunderstood by today’s culture. Obedience has become interchangeable with enslavement, and sacri-fice with a perverse cult of suffering. How could ‘obedience’ and ‘sacrifice’ lead to anything other than a humiliating loss of freedom and dignity — especially for adults? The answer is in the who, not the what. If Jesus was asking us to simply follow a human, or teachings con-structed by mere humans, or promising that we’d have a greater ability to love because of the power of humans then yes, I’d encourage skep-ticism 0 much skepticism. After all, much of the great suffering of the 20th century was due to obeying and sacrificing for man-made gods — Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot come to mind. Jesus’ command to love one another — safeguarded by a willingness to obey GOD’S commands (which always lead to good), and sacrifice for Love (and nothing less) — is difficult. No one understood this more than Him. So He didn’t just preach the ‘command to love’ with His words, He LIVED the command to love with His life 0 even to death, freely following the will of the Father. He showed us how to love by becoming Love.

On your death bed how much do you think His most personal commitment to love you will matter? And how will He know it mattered to you? Because of flowery words and good intentions? A commandment asks more than that!

By Dr. Ross Porter




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Saturday, May 5 5:00 Mary Ellen Brumbach � Sunday, May 6 7:15 Mass for the People 9:00 Helen Kilfoyle � 11:15 Rogelio Castro � 5:00 Mary Carasiti � Monday, May 7 8:15 Sr. Noreen

Tuesday, May 8 8:15 Frances Westburg �

Wednesday, May 9 8:15 Janet Model � Thursday, May 10 8:15 Philip Donahue � Friday, May 11 8:15 George Hawkins � Saturday, May 12 8:15 Samuel Galope �

Prayer for PriestsPrayer for Priests 5/6 Rev. Antonio Cacciapuoti 5/7 Rev. Augustine Carter, O. Carm. 5/8 Rev. Stephen Cooley, O. Carm. 5/9 Rev. Anthony Scannel, O.Carm. Cap. 5/10 Rev. Sylvan Schiavo, C.S.J. 5/11 Rev. Luis Valbuena, O.M.I. 5/12 Rev. Ricardo Viveros

��������������� ������������In your Masses and prayers during the week please remember the repose of the souls of our deceased parishioners and loved ones.

���� ������������������������The Group meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the elementary school faculty lounge. All are welcome. Call Ella Sciarra at (818) 340-6020, ext. 1015. Or email:

St. Mel Catholic Church

�����������������First Reading: Then Peter proceeded to speak and said, "In truth, I see that God shows no partiality." (Acts 10:34) Psalm: The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power. (Ps 98) Second Reading: In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him. (1 Jn 4:9) Gospel: It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you. This I command you: love one another. (Jn 15:16-17)

�������������������� �Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/ Jn 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [7c]/Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Jn 16:16-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Ps 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [8a]/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10 [8a]/Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13/Mk 16:15-20

May 6, 2018 May 6, 2018 —— Fifth Sunday of EasterFifth Sunday of Easter

������������ ������������������ �We walked together in harmony in the house of God (Psalm 55: 14).

Here’s Hope At all Masses this weekend, we will be taking contributions to the Cardinal McIntyre Fund – providing hope, since 1951, for those in crisis situations throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 100% of your contribution goes directly toward emergency needs for chil-dren, adults, and families in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties. You are their hope! Your gift provides one-time emergency help for food, utilities, transportation, medical, housing or funeral expenses. Your contribu-tions to the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity make you a sharer in our parishes' works of mercy, and in their rewards of grace. You are helping to serve “the neediest of those in need” — children, families and individuals throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for whom no other resources exist. Thank you!

Please join us this Sunday, May 6, for the Angels Way Monthly Bake Sale. We will be in the Auditorium after each of the morning Masses with a wide variety of baked goodies. Your purchases support the special blessing that Angels Way Maternity Home is to our community. Please stop by if you would like to know more about Angels Way. We love vol-unteers! If you would like to participate by baking, telephoning or working at the bake sale, please call Angels Way at 818-346-2229 (818-346-BABY).

The St. Mel community contributed generously to our Rice Bowl campaign again this year. And, while we tend to fo-cus on Rice Bowl during the season of Lent, it’s important to remember that the need never ends, so it’s never too late to donate. You can bring a Rice Bowl contribution to the Parish Office anytime throughout the year and your gift will be put to work helping the needy and the hungry around the world 0 and right here in L.A. County.


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… quotable …

Remember that God prefers the poverty of our hearts to the most sublime thoughts borrowed from others. – St. Peter Julian Eymard

” “

St. Mel Catholic Church

Welcome to the Lord's table. Welcome to the Lord's table.

This weekend, 50 St. Mel children will receive their First Communion.

Jhaymiel Ahorro

Ian Ardalan

Braiden Arriola

Alexander Bevardos

Athina Bevardos

Emmy Borja

Hudson Chasko

Emerson Chasko

Natasha Davis-Gonzalez

Caden Sebastian Dela Pena

Faith Dumke

Faith Dupin

Lily Galvan

Andrealin Garsin

Tyler Gawkowski

Trevor Grana

Sofia Hakim

Edward Hartmann

Jeremy Heywood

Audrey Hirsch

Irene Jose

Tiarra Joseph

Joshua Joseph

Samantha Kaldor

Jonathan Kanaley

Logan Kelley

Ava Kingsrud

Murphy Knapp

Sean Lane

James David McCormack

Valerie Menjivar

Arlen Menjivar

Ashley Menjivar

Madison Moreno

Jake Murkey

Finnegan Murphy

Wyatt Nelson

Gabrielle Alexis Nino

Natalia Perez

Michael Reola

Sarah Rizzo

Audrey Spirrison

Hector Syquia

Kayla Rachel Teruel

Sophia Trujillo

Camila Velasco-Atilano

Sophia Vilchis

Karla Vilchis

Beckett Yancsurak

Emilia Zaragoza




St. Mel Catholic Church

The St. Mel Pastoral Council is taking applications for new members.

We are looking for a diverse mix of thoughtful, active, and passionate parishioners who want to contribute to setting the vision and direction of our parish community. The new term begins on August 1, 2018 and is a three year commitment. Pastoral Council applications are available in the Parish Cen-ter, at the back of the church, and at

For more information, please contact:

Mary Stefanec

Michelle Kelly

Or call (818) 340-6020 extension 3022

A Call



Lord, Send Out Your Spirit …

Everyone is welcome to join our teens who have completed their preparation, as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, May 19. Please pray for our candidates at this time.

Confirmation candidates and sponsors: May 18 6:30 p.m.

Confirmation rehearsal. Meet in the Church

May 19 5:00 p.m. Mass

Meet in the Auditorium at 4:15

SaturdaySaturday May 19May 19

5:00 p.m. Mass5:00 p.m. Mass

Thank you! I look forward to welcoming your

child into our vibrant, exciting ministry!

— Kerry E. Edwards

Altar Server Altar Server

TrainingTraining It is that time of the year when we prepare our It is that time of the year when we prepare our

new altar servers! Students are welcome to join new altar servers! Students are welcome to join

the ministry at all grade levels, from 5th the ministry at all grade levels, from 5th

through 9th grade. They do not have to start in through 9th grade. They do not have to start in

the 5th grade to enter the ministry the 5th grade to enter the ministry –– last year we last year we

had a number of students begin their service in had a number of students begin their service in

the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

Our inquiry meeting for all interested Our inquiry meeting for all interested

students and parents will be on:students and parents will be on:

Sunday, May 20Sunday, May 20 6:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. –– following the Sunday 5:00 p.m. Massfollowing the Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass

The meeting will be approximately one The meeting will be approximately one

hour long to answer any questions and hour long to answer any questions and

secure information.

I have already received a number of phone calls from parents of interested servers.

If you would like to attend our meeting, please reach out to me

so I will know to expect you and your child. Email:

Or call: (818) 674-1110

St. Mel Catholic Church St. Mel Catholic Church

Like us on Facebook:


Follow us on Twitter: @SaintMelParish

St. Mel on Social MediaSt. Mel on Social Media

Thank you, Joann!Thank you, Joann! Some of you may know that last summer Joann Barros, our longtime Website Administrator and Technical Advisor moved to Tennessee with her husband, Glen and their son, Jack. In her generosity, Joann offered to continue as our Website Ad-ministrator remotely until we made other arrangements. This April we reorganized, hiring Katie Kisiel as a part time bookkeeper so that Patrick Bobillo could assume the website duties as well as other communication responsibilities. Saint Mel Parish owes a huge debt of gratitude to Joann for her warm and enthusiastic support of our parish mission, her unsurpassed skills in technology, and her willingness to help in any and all ways. Long before Joann worked at St. Mel she could be seen volunteering in the school and in the Con-firmation program, lectoring at Mass and serving as a Eucha-ristic Minister. Parishioners since 2003, the Barros family will be missed. We know that their new parish will be very blessed to have them join their community and we wish them many years of joy in their new home.

St. Mel Adult Faith Formation invites you to ...

WednesdaysWednesdays May 16 May 16 –– June 27June 27

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Parish Center

Seven sessions plus an optional evening “prequel” event on May 9th

For more information, visit,

click on “Faith Formation” and go to Daytime Adult Bible Study

Led by parishioner Led by parishioner Mary KillmondMary Killmond and and Rick RuhlandRick Ruhland. .

Come join us as we study Come join us as we study MarkMark –– the first and shortest of the four gospels.the first and shortest of the four gospels.

MMinistry OOf MMoms SSharing Moms – bring your little ones and

meet other St. Mel moms to discuss

the joys and challenges

of motherhood.

Share faith and fellowship while

your little ones enjoy a playdate!

For Moms ... For Children …

♦ Support ♦ Playtime

♦ Fellowship ♦ Toys

♦ Coffee ♦ Snacks

We meet in the Parish Center on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month

(September to May)

Next Meeting: May 9Next Meeting: May 9 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

For more information, please call

Virginia Dooley Jennifer Lemmon

(818) 497-6292 (310) 923-0125

St. Mel Catholic Church

Parents need to be the first line of protection for their children, and this includes thoroughly screening anyone who has access to the chil-dren. Ask for background information and confirm that all workers have the appropriate clearances before commit-ting to a daycare or childcare provider. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article “Is Your Babysitter Or Caregiver Safe? Performing Your Own Due Diligence Can Save a Child’s Life,” visit


Life, Justice and Peace Corner Bags in the Basket Please take a paper bag from the baskets near the entranc-es and return it with your donation of nonperishable food for the Guadalupe Center. We require donations of only nonper-ishable items as the food is only picked up once a week and it’s a shame to see some of it go bad before we can get it to those it is intended to feed. This is an important and ongoing opportunity for all of us to help the needy of our community. Thank you so much for your ongoing generosity. Guadalupe Community Center, 21600 Hart Street, Canoga Park, 91303. (213) 251-3549


Parents Should Parents Should

Research Childcare Research Childcare


The Young Adult Legion of Mary meets Fridays in the

Parish Center at 9:30 a.m.

For more information, please contact: Lourdes Curley (310) 367-7320

For more information, please contact: Mitos Bitong (818) 486-2971 Joy Rivera (818) 823-8987

The Almighty works marvels for me.The Almighty works marvels for me.

Holy His name!Holy His name!

Please come and see St. Mel community Student Art Ex-hibit in O’Connor Center on Sunday, May 20, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This year's theme is "Into the Woods," featuring the art-works of students from the Preschool and Kindergarten through 8th grades. Donuts and coffee will be served at the show after the 7:15, 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. Masses. There will be compliment cards available for you to ad-dress to our community of young artists. You will not want to miss this wonderful event.

Into the WoodsInto the Woods

20182018 St. Mel Art ShowSt. Mel Art Show


by 6

th G


er N



St. Mel Catholic Church

The St. Mel Play Reading Group will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the Parish Center. If you would like to participate in this recently formed group, please call Al Rossi at (818) 902-1538 for more information at your earliest convenience.

St. Mel St. Mel Play Reading Play Reading GroupGroup

Monthly Bible Study for Women

May 7

First Monday of each month

8:00 — 9:00 p.m.

In the

Serenity House 5108 Serrania Avenue

For more information, contact

Aimee Ostick

Lighthouse Catholic

CDs Change Lives

The Lighthouse CD kiosk will be on display in the Vestibule of the Church offering different CDs on May 12th & 13th after every mass.

If you need to buy CDs anytime or schedule a showing in any of your ministry meetings, please contact Mitos Bitong at 818-710-9888 or

If you are seeking a time to reflect and restore � to celebrate God’s goodness � in a contemplative spirit �

Please join us for the

St. Mel Taizé Prayer Service St. Mel Taizé Prayer Service On the second Monday of each month, we gather in the church from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. for brief scriptural reflections, beautiful mu-sic, sacred images and a sense of true community.

Our next Taizé service will be Our next Taizé service will be Monday, May 14 Monday, May 14 at at 7:00 p.m.7:00 p.m. This month’s theme:This month’s theme:

The Holy The Holy


All are welcomeAll are welcome

Pastor Fr. David Whorton, x1014 Associate Fr. Vivian Ben Lima, x1016 Deacon Brian Conroy x1018 Director of Administration Rosemary McLarty, x1019 Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization Dr. Ross Porter, x1013 Elementary School Principal Mary Beth Lutz, (818) 340-1924 Preschool Director Claudia Powell, (818) 340-3180 Confirmation Coordinator Ella Sciarra, x1015 Religious Education Coordinator Monica Matthews, x1022 Director of Music Ministry Francesco Alleruzzo, x1028 Liturgy Coordinator Kerry Edwards, x1025 Administrative Assistant, Bulletin, Scheduling, Website Patrick Bobillo, x1012 Bookkeeper Katie Kisiel, x1026

To Become a Registered To Become a Registered Parishioner at St. Mel Parishioner at St. Mel

call (818) 340call (818) 340--6020, ext. 1012 6020, ext. 1012

or register online via our website:or register online via our website:

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Phone: (818) 340Phone: (818) 340--60206020 Fax: (818) 340Fax: (818) 340--02610261

Parish Staff

PARISH SERVICE PastoralCouncil:Mary Stefanec (818) 340-6020, x3022

FinanceCouncil:James Hallissy (818) 621-5799


AltarServers:Kerry Edwards (818) 340-6020, x1025

AltarSociety:Catherine Ghaffari (Linens) (818) 398-7403

ChurchEnvironment:Kerry Edwards (818) 340-6020, x1025

EucharisticMinisters:Kerry Edwards (818) 340-6020, x1025

GreetersforMasses:Margherita Aufmuth (818) 222-1303

Lectors:Cindy Pardi (818) 346-6257

LiturgyCommittee:Kerry Edwards (818) 340-6020, x1025

MultiMediaMinistry:Francesco Alleruzzo (818) 340-6020, x1028

MusicMinistry:Francesco Alleruzzo (818) 340-6020, x1028

Sacristans:Kerry Edwards (818) 340-6020, x1025

Ushers:Bob Aufmuth (818) 222-1303


RCIA(RiteofChristianInitiationofAdults)&AdultCon$irmation:�Dr. Ross Porter (818) 340-6020, x1013

BookandVideoClub:Tom Mackel (805) 432-7707

Men’sGroup:Joe Sukitch (818) 225-1546

PartnersinPrayer:Susie Screbant (818) 348-8386

LegionofMary:Mitos Bitong (818) 710-9888�

YoungAdultLegionofMary:Lourdes Curley (310) 367-7320�

RosaryMinistry&EucharistAdorationCoordinator:Mitos Bitong (818) 710-9888

Theresians:Maty Goodman (818) 591-3035

Women’sSpiritualityCircle:Cindy Pardi (818) 346-6257


BaptismPreparation:Lisa Feliciano (818) 340-6020, x1020

TeenCon$irmation:Ella Sciarra (818) 340-6020, x1015

RCIY(RiteofChristianInitiationofYouth)/Ages11����ReligiousEducationPreK���SundayPreschool/Ages3�5during9a.m.Mass�Children’sSundayMassDismissal�VacationBibleSchool:Monica Matthews (818) 340-6020, x1022

MinistryofMomsSharing(M.O.M.S.Group):Virginia Dooley (818) 497-6292

ParishSwimTeam: Andrea (310) 849-6928


MinistrytotheSick&Homebound:�Ella Sciarra (818) 340-6020, x1015

MotionPictureHospital:Michel Hamaoui ( 818) 222-5498

OASIS(OlderAdultServicesandIntervention):�David Blackham / Margherita Aufmuth (213) 251-3572 BereavementMinistry/FuneralPlanning/GriefSupportGroup:�Ella Sciarra (818) 340-6020, x1015


TheBrownBagBunch:Nancy Gruenfelder (818) 703-6522

TheHotLunchBunch:Nancy Gruenfelder (818) 703-6522

St.VincentdePaul:Kent Gairdner (818) 389-2398

St.VincentdePaul(Donationpickup) (800) 974-3571 RESPECT LIFE ACTIVITIES

AdultClub:Irene Strauss (818) 344-3333 Coffee&Donuts:Leticia Harding (818) 614-6606


WorldwideMarriageEncounter:Russ & Jeanine Walker (805) 648-4244

ArchdiocesanCouncilofCatholicWomen:Mati Goodman (818) 591-3035

Virtus/SafeguardingtheChildren:Pat Andre (818) 340-6020, x1044

PregnancyCounselingCenter(818) 895-2500

AngelsWayMaternityHome (818) 346-2229


St. Mel Catholic Church


St. Mel Vacation Bible School 2018St. Mel Vacation Bible School 2018

July 23 July 23 —— July 27July 27 8:45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. —— 12 noon12 noon

Online Registration has begun

God has given your children His ultimate playbook. He wants

them to join His team, train hard, celebrate salvation, and

encourage one another. Get in the spirit today with Game On!

Online Registration is Available Now To register your child(ren) ages 3-11, please go to and look for the shortcut to “VBS Registration.” You can pay by credit card online or by dropping off a check at the Parish Center. Make sure, when paying by check, that the envelope is clearly labelled VBS 2018 and includes your children’s names. Registration is limited.

Teen and Parent Volunteers Teens and parents can join in the fun, too > and teens earn Christian Service Hours! Vol-unteer in the classroom, help with recreation, music, arts and crafts or snacks. To volun-teer please go to and look for the shortcut to “VBS Registration.” Registration for volunteers is at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, please contact If you have any questions, please contact Deborah Paine, VBS Coordinator:Deborah Paine, VBS Coordinator:

(310) 739(310) 739--9508 deborahpainepaine@yahoo.com9508

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