may 2018 - main street baptist church€¦ · date: may 30 - 31, 2018 cost: $85.00 per person...

Post on 27-Jan-2021






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  • A Monthly Publication of Main Street Baptist Church

    Physical Location: 313 N. Main St. Grand Saline, TX 75140 Office Phone: 903.962.4536 Email:

    May 2018

    themainline SUNDAY

    9:40am | Bible Fellowship Groups 10:50am | Worship Celebration

    CHURCH STAFF Dr. Bruce Smilie | Senior Pastor Don Johnson | Associate Pastor

    Heather Good | Director of Children’s Ministry Nancee Reddick | Ministry Assistant Curtis Good | Maintenance Director

    WEDNESDAY 5:45pm | Kingdom Kidz

    6:00pm | Student Ministry 6:00pm | Bible Study Group

    To be a missional & multiplying church family that attracts, engag-es, connects, & equips the unchris-tian and unchurched to become life-transformational servant leaders for the Kingdom of God.


    To become completely committed Christ-followers (3Cs) who:

    • Touch God through expressing and demonstrating love to Him, to Christ-followers, & to the unbelieving (worship).

    • Transform lives through connecting in small groups, growing together in unity, maturity & Christ-likeness, and reaching out to serve others (fellowship, discipleship, and ministry).

    • Take risks through relationally

    and compassionately sharing

    Jesus Christ locally, nationally,

    and internationally



  • Dear MSBC,

    I’m probably telling you something you already know, but stressful anxiety levels are on the rise for many in America. I don’t know if you have heard of it or not, but the Unisys Security Index surveys more than 13,000 people in 13 countries, and is one of the only recurring global snapshots of citizen perceptions available. It measures concerns of consumers on issues related to national, personal, financial, and Internet security around the world. The most recent survey (2017) shows that levels of U.S. anxiety jumped sharply since the last survey in 2014, and came in at the highest levels since the surveys began a decade ago.

    Regardless of the source of them, we all battle with the stresses of life on a routine basis. Those stresses or sources of anxiety come in numerous forms, virtually from all directions, and often in clusters whether the stressor is relational, financial, educational, professional, spiritual, emotional, environmental, or physical. So how do we deal with the recurring problem of stressful demands and avoid the accompanying discourage-ment and depression that life inevitably brings us?

    Allow me to suggest three things from Scripture:

    Know yourself. Occasionally we hear someone say that they don’t know who they are, meaning they are confused and can’t clearly define themselves. Because of circumstantial pressures we sometimes try to be who we are not. We put on masks to hide from others who we really are. When we do that, we increasingly fear we won’t be able to continually keep up the charade. And stress results. If you’ve never come to terms with who you are, it’s like trying to live a double life. Gal. 2:20 states” “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” To know who you are, you must know whose you are. Regardless of the life function or role you play, you are first and foremost a Christian for whom Christ died and in whom He now lives. Who are you? You are a completely committed faithful-follower of Christ! Know your audience. When Verdi (the 18th century opera composer) produced his first opera in Florence, Italy, the composer stood by himself in the shadows and paid no attention to the cheers or jeers from the crowd, his eye was on one person in the crowd – the master musician, the great Gioachino Antonio Rossini. It made no difference what anyone else thought if a smile was found on the face of the great, master musician. It is the same for us as Christians. If the Master is pleased with what I have done, then everything else is okay. You and I play for an audience of one…our almighty, Triune God. In John 5:30 Jesus said: “…I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” Jesus knew what we need to know: you can’t please everyone, so he focused on pleasing his Heavenly Father— not himself or others. So must we, if we wish to avoid unnecessary stress. Know your endgame. That is, know what you are trying to accomplish in this life before your time is up. There are many things that demand our attention. Focus on what matters! Focus on what matters to God! In Phil. 3:12-14 Paul declares: “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 …Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” People who are most stressed are those who have no purpose, no plan, no target, no goals. Everyone operates under one of two basic motivating principles: priorities or pres-sures. If you don’t decide what’s important in your life, other people will decide for you. You can count on it. Make God’s purposes the aim of your game plan and endgame.

    In better knowing yourself, your audience, and your endgame, I recommend that the mission statement of MSBC become the mission statement of your life: Touch God (worship), Transform Lives (fellowship, discipleship, service), Take Risks (evangelism/missions). Make goals in keeping with God’s purposes for your life. Worship or touching God involves loving God and people. What goals do you need to make in this area with friends, loved ones, and your Savior in mind? You will transform your life and help others do the same when you make goals in fellowshipping with and relating to other Christians, getting the Bible into your mind and actions, and ministering to the needs of others through MSBC. What plans are you making and focusing on in this area? Make it a priority to take risks in reaching out where you live and work and beyond to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who have no relationship with Him. Are you making this a pri-ority in your life? Having meaningful targets and making clear goals in the areas of life that matter most will simplify your life and reduce stress in the process.

    Your friend & pastor,



    If, every week, I wrote you a note that read, “I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH”, but to you it was elephant dung because you never saw it play out in action, how would that affect our “relationship” I’m assuming we have? I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t get all giddy every time my name came up in a conversation or a thought. To you, there would need to be substantial evidence that what I’m saying to you in word is not just paying lip service, but a reality. Are there any “relationships” in your life that resemble the above scenario? Think about it. How does it make you feel? Not that feelings are everything, but feelings are part of the emotional makeup that God built into us. So, go ahead, imagine how it would feel. Anger? Sadness? Worthless? Unloved?

    Now, put yourself in the position of the one who wrote the “I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH” note. Put God in your previous place as the recipient of your “I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH”. Does your “love” play out in actions that He desires or do you have your own standards, excuses, etc. that let’s you “off the hook” so that you’re more comfortable?

    Let it not be said of us what Jesus said of the Pharisees when He quoted the prophet Isaiah in Matthew 15:8-9: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’”

    Jesus not only commanded us to love God, but also to love others. How are we doing on both sides of this coin? We are all familiar with “the Love chapter” contained in a letter Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. So we do know what love is. But there is another letter Paul wrote concerning how to love one another. Read the following passage and then examine yourself, seek the wisdom and understanding of God, be humble and ask the Holy Spirit to transform in you the places that need it so that you become who He has created you to be.

    Romans 12:9-16 (NIV)

    9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

    14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.

    Let us strive in the power of the Holy Spirit to become lovers of God and each other and lets love well. Love is action!

    Love y’all,


  • Vacation Bible School

    June 11th-15th

    Children’s Camp

    July 23rd-27th

    All kids 3rd-6th are welcome to join us!!

  • Date: May 30 - 31, 2018 Cost: $85.00 per person

    Entertainment: The Isaacs / Scot Cameron / The Foto Sisters

    Speakers: Dr. David Hardage, BGCT

    Dr. Ron Lyles, Southern Main BC, Pasadena

    Dr. Bob Utley, Retired ETBU Faculty, Bible Lessons International

    Sign-up Sheet on Senior Adult Bulletin Board

    (Hallway by Fellowship Hall)

    Ladies Bible Study Tuesday - 1 p.m. @ Doris Duckworth’s Home

    “Examining The Holy Spirit”

    Led by Anita Thomas

  • CHOIR NOTES – MAY 2018 I recently attended the Martin Christian Jubilee Retreat near Broadus, Texas. I have gone many times and I have always

    heard a lot of good singing and preaching. The retreat pastor was Bro. Harold Clayton, who is 91 years old and has been

    preaching for 63 years. He is still a very good preacher and a very nice gentleman who is always dressed up in a suit and

    tie even when he is not preaching. He is a very entertaining speaker as well as very good at delivering the word of God. I

    have heard him several times and have always been blessed by his messages.

    He introduced his message by saying that he is an old timey preacher and farmer. Bro. Clayton said the title of his mes-

    sage was going to be “Give Me That Old Time Religion” and would be based on the first chapter of Galatians. He said he

    usually gets very excited about this subject so he would need a volunteer to hold his mules occasionally while he shouts.

    In Galatians 1:11-12 Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia: “Dear friends, I solemnly swear that the way to Heaven which I

    preach is not based on some human whim or dream. For my message comes from no less a person than Jesus Christ him-

    self, who told me what to say. No one else has taught me.” Today’s message of salvation is the same as was given to Paul

    by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is that Jesus gave His life on the cross for our sins that we might be saved. God’s plan is the

    same yesterday, today and forevermore. “Please hold my mules while I shout HALLELUJAH”, while he waved his white


    Galatians 1:8 says: “Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other way to be saved other than

    the one I told you about”. Salvation is through the grace and mercy of the Almighty God by faith and trust in Him. We

    cannot earn it by good works and no man can save himself. Grace is the favor of God extended to us even when there is

    no merit. It is the same plan as Paul preached long ago. “Please hold my mules while I shout GLORY TO GOD”, as he

    waved his white handkerchief.

    The old time religion is a heartfelt relationship with Christ. After accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour, you can feel

    the Holy Spirit living in your heart and life. You don’t have to go through life wondering whether you are saved or not.

    You can know and remember when you were saved by the grace of God because He lives in your heart. You are saved by

    grace and kept by the grace of God. Galatians 1:4 says: “He died for our sins just as God our Father planned and rescued

    us from this sinful world in which we live. All glory to God throughout all the ages of eternity.” “Please hold my mules

    while I shout PRAISE GOD”, as he waved his white handkerchief.

    God’s plan of salvation can satisfy every longing of our hearts and lives. Paul said that something happened in his life

    and soul after God saved him. Galatians 1:15-16 says: “But then something happened! For even before I was born God had

    chosen me to be His and called me – what kindness and grace – to reveal his son within me so that I could go to the

    Gentiles and show them the Good News about Jesus.” Paul said that he could not possibly have had the courage,

    knowledge or desire to go around preaching the word without God living in his heart. The same is true of us today. We

    need God’s help to guide us along. “Please hold my mules while I shout THANK YOU JESUS”, as he waved his white hand-


    Salvation is a personal thing with everyone. Just being a good person, or a good mother or father, or a good son or

    daughter will not gain you salvation or a place in Heaven. You have to accept Christ Jesus into your heart to live and then

    you are assured of going to Heaven. God invites you by his grace and mercy to accept him as your Lord and Savior and to

    have faith and trust in Him. “Please hold my mules while I shout I LOVE YOU JESUS”, as he waved his white


    We used to sing an old hymn called “The Old Time Religion”. “Tis the old time religion, Tis the old time religion, Tis the

    old time religion, It’s good enough for me”

    “It has saved our fathers, It has saved our fathers, It has saved our fathers, It’s good enough for me.”

    “It was good for our mothers, It was good for our mothers, It was good for our mothers, It’s good enough for me.”

    “It was good for Paul and Silas, It was good for Paul and Silas, It was good for Paul and Silas, It’s good enough for me.”

    “It will take us all to Heaven, It will take us all to Heaven, It will take us all to Heaven, It’s good enough for Me.”

    We can all shout THANK YOU LORD!!

    Our choirs are still in need of more singers. The Sr. Adult Choir meets each 1st and 3rd Wed. morning at 10:00 in the choir

    room. Our Sanctuary Choir meets each Wed. night at 7:00 in the choir room and is led by Mark and Cherie Beatty. Please

    think about joining us. Everyone is welcome and will be appreciated and blessed.

    Shirley Bailey

  • Tithes/Offerings Analysis

    January - December 2018

    Month Month To Date Year To Date

    January $27,292 $27,292

    February $34,342 $61,634

    March $31,480 $93,114

    April $27,035 $120,149









    Sue Kindle 1

    Jay Land 1

    Angela Savallo 8

    Gail Graham 13

    Veta Goodwin 14

    Shannon Phillips 16

    Shirley Moreland 23

    Flo Bradley 25

    Amy Williams 27

    Debbie Kindle 28

    Weekly Offerings

    1st - $8,258.00

    8th - $7,577.00

    15th - $5,675.00


    29th - Will Be In Next Month

    TOTAL: $27,035.00

    4 11 18 25 T

    May Birthdays

    Weekly Worship Attendance

    1st - 268

    8th - 151

    15th - 137

    22nd - 146

    29th - Will Be In Next Month

    Sunday School Attendance

    1st - 156

    8th - 131

    15th - 132

    22nd - 149

    29th - Will Be In Next Month

    S.S. Mission Giving For April 2018


    Unidentified Cash 40.00 20.00 40.00 100.00

    Pre K-K





    Friendship 20.00 150.00 60.00 250.00 480.00

    Gleaners 100.00 65.00 165.00


    Jubilee 150.00 100.00 250.00


    Maranatha 400.00 400.00


    Rejoicers 25.00 25.00

    Young Adults


    TOTAL 710.00 295.00 165.00 250.00 1,426.00

    1 8 15 22 29 T

  • 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.

    5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

    If the Library Is Closed

    Call Doris @ 903-312-4194

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