maximising your exposure on google | growseo

Post on 31-Aug-2014



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Maximising Your

Exposure on



For quite a while now, Google has been the benchmark in Search Engines all around the world.

There are over 200 million searches on Google EVERY DAY!

This is why it is so important for your website to be Google friendly.

Throughout this E-Book I will discuss how to optimise your site to become Google friendly and start

gaining more traffic to your website.

Why is Google So


Did you know that close to 90% of people do not go past the first page of Google!

So what are you missing out if your website is sitting on page 2,3,4 or even page 5?

Google optimisation is so important for bringing quality targeted traffic to your website and bring

in potential customers.

Finding the keywords that match your businesses products and service is crucial.

Select 15-25 keywords to target. Remembering the most popular keywords are not always the

best choice.

For instance, the keyword “Personal Trainer Sydney” might get 6,600 searches in Australia every

month, but their may be a lot of competition and you might be on the 2nd or 3rd page and get

very minimal exposure.

You are better off targeting less popular keywords at first and building your way up. You are

going to get more traffic, targeting 10 keywords that you are on the 1st page for that have 1,000

searches a month then 2-3 that get 6,600 that you are outside the 1st page.

Step 1 – Finding Keywords

In most cases, this is too late. We usually pick our URL first, but for those who have not built their

website, here a few tips for you:

1. Google looks at the URL as a key indicator. At least 1 keyword should be in the URL. For example

if Ted’s Personal Training URL was just that would not be very effective, but if

Ted’s URL was or that would be

much more advantageous.

2. If you are targeting purely an Australian market, which in most cases you will be, make sure your

domain name ends with and not .com, .net or even Google knows where

people are searching from and will link the domain priority in line with your domain extension.

Also remember will rank higher than

Step 2 – Your URL

Your website page title is very important, it is what people see when they search in Google first

and it is a chance for you to explain your business in one title.

Your page should NOT just say your “Business Name” or “Welcome”. Unless someone is searching

“welcome to your business name” that’s not a very good page title.

Lets say for example you own a Personal Training Business in Bondi in Sydney and its “Ted’s

Personal Training.” Which Page Title do you think would be more effective?

Page Title 1: Ted’s Personal Training

Page Title 2: Ted’s Personal Training | PT | Fitness | Bondi | Sydney

Step 3 – Page Title

You have up to 80 characters including spaces to use in your Page Title. Any more then 80 characters

and Google may class your site as Spam.

Google will show the first 65 characters so make sure you utilise these with your keywords.

Page Title continued…

The meta description is the description in which Google reads to check its relevancy towards your

page content and keywords.

The Meta Description is a MUST if you want great Google rankings. Remember you need to have

Meta Description for each page of your website, more importantly the home page.

The description has to be relevant to the websites page content, do not try and add in extra words if

they are not if your websites page, because your rankings will suffer.

Keep your description to under 150 characters including spaces to avoid being classed as SPAM.

Meta Description

Your Meta Keywords are the 15 or so keywords that you chose earlier. Similarly with the Meta

Description, these keywords MUST be in the actual website page content or your ranking with

Google will suffer.

Separate your keywords in the Meta Keywords box with commas so Google can establish they are

separate words.

In total your 15 keywords should not be over 250 characters, including spaces and comma’s.

Meta Keywords

Website Page Content

The content on your actual website is very important. Make sure your website content is

relevant with your Meta Description and Meta Keywords.

The home page is your big chance to sell your self to Google. Tell them everything you have to

offer including all of the 15 keywords that you researched earlier.

If your creating Hyperlinks on the front page in the text content, then make sure the

hyperlinks have one of your keywords in there. These are known as Internal links and will help

you to rank better.

Remember Google can read text and not pictures so if you have put your keywords in a image

and thought that was enough, think again!

Social Media has become not only a great business communication tool, but also a way to measure

a business’ popularity.

Think of it this way, if you have 1000 fans on Facebook and your competitor has 300, you will win

over in Google Social Media popularity. Make sure you link your websites URL to your YouTube,

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ social media profiles.

You should also be sharing and posting any articles or blogs you create on your website to these

social media platforms. They will count as a backlink and will also give you great traffic.

A few more Social Media channels to share your articles or blog posts with are Stumble Upon,

Digg, Delicious and MySpace.

Social Media

If you are an expert in your field, why not let everyone know?

By writing frequent blog posts or articles and posting them on the website, you not only show

your customer base that you are knowledgeable in your field, you also help your Google ranking.

Google loves websites that have frequent updates, it shows them that they are up to date and

still active. It you are writing blogs daily or even weekly Google will think you are a media source

and rank you higher.

A quick tip with writing blogs is to write multiple blogs at once so it does not become an

obligation. If your posting daily, write all 7 blogs for the week in one day, or if your posting

weekly, write 4 blogs each month.

Blogs and Articles

A landing page is a page on your website that is specific to a keyword or phrase that you are

trying to attract.

For example, let’s say you were a Hairdresser in Brisbane. You realised that a lot of people were

searching the term hairdresser in Brisbane but your website was not ranked on the first page.

By creating a landing page with such as ‘’,

Google will more rank that website higher.

Remember, you still have to have the correct content on this landing page and this is where our

GrowLink package takes over. We create a new keyword specific landing page very week to

keep you ahead of your competition.

Landing Pages

A backlink is any link that is received from another webpage. The name of the game here is

Quality over Quantity. Google has developed a system in which judges the value of backlink,

they call it PageRank.

PageRank is a system set up by Google that judges the weighting of back links based on a scale

of 0 to 10. In plain English, the higher the Page Rank of a website, the more value it has to link


For example one backlink coming from a webpage that has a Page Rank of 8, 9 or 10 will more

than likely provide more value to your Google ranking then 100 links with a Page Rank of 0 or 1.

Our GrowLink package focuses only on High Quality Backlinks and not spam links that

Google may punish you for.


GrowSEO was developed to make sure your website isn’t falling behind in any of the areas we

have mentioned in this E-Book. Some of the information in this E-Book can look scary and if your

not confident in doing it yourself then GrowSEO can do it for you!


GrowSEO Can Help

GrowReport includes the following:

- Full Review of Current Website.

- Review Website Page Title and adjust as necessary.

- 15 Keywords that relate to the needs of your business.

- Edit your Meta Description or write a new description if necessary.

- Review Website Page Content and re-write to meet Google standards.

A GrowReport is valued at $149. For more information visit

Solution 1: GrowReport

GrowLink includes the following:

- FREE SEO GrowReport Valued at $149.

- Creation of High Quality Backlinks for your website.

- Create a new landing page to target a keyword very week.

- Create quality unique Google friendly content for your new landing page.

GrowLink is an ongoing service charged at $44.95 per week.

For more information visit

Solution 2: GrowLink

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