max milner3

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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Max Milner All Our Lives (Needy Me)

Music video analysis

These are the first 4 shots the audience sees at the beginning of the video. It tells the audience that the song is acoustic and that the guitar will play a big part in the video. The point of view shots show the audience that the video is going to be based on said person and their experiences. The mid shot allows the audience to see who is playing the guitar, while not allowing them to see their face, in some way building anticipation. The extreme close up of his hands on the guitar again reinforces the importance the guitar

Next the audience are introduced to the love interest in this video. This is the first shot that isn't focused on the guitar, this shows the audience that the focus of the video has moved. The wide angle shot allows the audience to see a full body image of the girl. The inclusion of the guitar shows that again it plays an important role in the video. The room looks untidy with clothes hanging off the back of the door and things piled up on top of the amp. This shows that the people involved in the video are young and may of only just moved out of their family home. The point of view shot of him putting his guitar down again shows that he sees the girl as being his main focus

I feel that this is a really interesting and well used shot. The extreme close up allows the audience to see the man is writing the lyrics down as they are being sung. This suggests that the previous shots of the girl gave him the inspiration to write the song. The camera then zooms out and shows that their are lyrics on the other page too, suggesting the man and is avid song writer and the love interest in his video might be the inspiration for all his songs

This is the first time audience get to see the male lead in the video and the first time we leave the bedroom. A close up of his face allows the audience to see who has been playing the guitar and writing the lyrics in previous shots. The shot then changes to a close up, again of the guitar reinforcing its importance in an acoustic song. We then get to see a low angle shot of the male lead again playing the guitar, before moving again to a close up. This appears to move away from the story being told, going from a narrative to a performance video

After the chorus the video again focuses on the love interest of the video. The audience see a series of natural looking mid shots from the point of view of the man. This allows the audience to see the natural connection between the two. In the background you can see more musical instruments, suggesting music is a important part of the man life, including the girl and the musical instruments in the same shot show that both play a big part of his life

This mid shot shows a raunchier side of the characters for the first time in this video. The audience are no longer looking at the girls face but can see her cleavage and notice that she is undoing the mans belt

‘Overwhelmed by your curvy line As you undress me tonight’ as this line is sung, the audience witness the girl sat on top of the boy, then her undoing his belt, representing that she's undressing him

The audience witness the girl take the mans glasses off. I think this is really different and interesting shot from the male characters point of view, as once his glasses are removed his vision becomes blurry and the audience can see this.

‘Without my glasses I'm blurry eyedBut I don't mind’ The video follows exactly what sung, giving the song more of a personal feel

The shots changing between the narrative and the performance show the importance of both. The point of view shot at the bottom suggests how much he idealises and has feeling for the girl. Jumping between performance and narratives shots shows how big of a part music and the girl play in his life.

A lot of point of view shots are used in this video. They are used to show the audience that the male character is writing the song that is being heard in the background. This suggest that the girl in the video is always inspiring him, therefore he carries around his notebook to write lyrics where ever he is

I believe the placing of a light behind her head gives her some what of an angelic representation. Suggestion that in his eyes she's the vision of perfection, like an angel

‘When we’re sat informally’

‘Curled up watching shit TV’

Again the video follows exactly what the song is saying. The man can be seen holding a TV control, portraying the ‘ curled up watching shit TV’ line. In the background of this shot the audience can see the note book, previously featured where he has been writing down all the lyrics

Finally the video follows the same path went portraying the ‘When we’re sat informally line. This shows the male character laying on the bed, the girl supposedly trying to get his attention, then sitting on top of him, all of which is informal.

All of this gives the video a very personal meaningful feel, as you know he is writing it about his personal experiences

‘Sharing one cup of Tetley's tea’

Again the video is literal when the line ‘ sharing one cup of Tetley's tea’ is sung and there is a low angled shot of the girl drinking the tea. I think the literal representation is done well in this video, but is boarder line too far

A point that is constantly reinforced during this video is the fact that he is writing down lyrics as the song goes along. This is the 3rd time we see the male character doing this, showing its an important message they’re trying to get across . The point of view shot used in the second screenshot works well to show the audience the male lead is writing the lyrics

These shots show the playfulness of young love. Through a pint of view shots the audience notice the male character head towards to door, with the girl messing about in the background. The girl clearly knows what the boy is going to do in the next shot as she runs towards the door.

A lot of the video is shown in the perspective of the of the male character, as he is the one singing and writing the song. This is again shown when the girl is banging on the door trying to get back in.

These shots show the less serious side of relationships

The next scene carries on for the play fighting argument previously shown. It shows the couple making up, showing how quickly young relationships change, from play fighting in the previous scene to being all loved up in this scene. The girl is again in this scene the main focus, she looks flawless and content

These last 6 images bring this music video end. It can be assumed that it is now the end of the day as the characters seem to be getting ready for bed.

The audience can tell the video is ending as the male can again be seen writing in his notebook, this time the audience can see that the song is completed and he is writing the title, bring the project to an end. Much like the video. Overall this video shows that the events of just one day can have a massive influence and inspiration on other aspects of your life, in this case his music

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