mavilor tech

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8/3/2019 Mavilor Tech 1/3

a report by

Mav i l o r Mo to r s , S . A .

If there is a sector in which stringent professional

standards, perfection in execution, risk-minimisation

and hygiene dominate, it is in the medical sector.

The medical sector depends on the skill and

knowledge of excellent medical professionals, and

those professionals depend on the quality of their equipment. In the last few years, the evolution of this

equipment has been extraordinary and the

incorporation of new technologies has produced levels

of precision difficult to imagine even 10 years ago.

In order to provide these new medical tools, engineers

and other professional technicians are working within

their companies to bring their initiative, skills and

ingenuity to the creation of products to meet the

constantly evolving needs of the medical sector. These

products must be designed specifically to meet the

particular needs of this sector, which include stricthygiene standards, high speed, precision and reliability.

Th e S e r vomoto r i n Med i c a l T e c hno l o g y

One of the essential components of medical

technology is the electric servomotor. Motion

control is the driving force behind many medical

applications, including centrifuges, magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI), dialysis machines,

scanners, exploratory devices and all types of robots.

Motion control technology delivers the high-

precision and high-speed movement and positioncontrol required by these medical applications.

Mav i l o r S e r vomoto r s

Mavilor Motors, S.A., an Infranor Inter AG Swiss

Group company, has been operating in the

automation technology field since 1973. Infranor 

corporate headquarters are located in Zurich and

the group comprises 20 companies, some involved

in application and sales and others in the

manufacture of components for automation.

Mavilor forms the branch specialising in themanufacture and sale of servomotors.

At the core of the company objectives is a

commitment to creating positive partnerships with

their clients. Their 30 years of accumulated experience

  – incorporating all stages of design, production and

implantation – make them much more than just

excellent motor manufacturers, allowing them to act

as technological partners with the capacity to provide

the optimum solution for any automation need. Their 

highly specialised and competent team is ready torespond to the constant innovation challenges and

changing needs that characterise the medical sector.

Throughout their history, Mavilor Motors has

introduced innovative products to the motion

control industry. Their investment in research and

development (R&D) and technical experience allow

them to lead the market in offering new state-of-the-

art products every year. Modern and seamlessly

integrated production systems allow Mavilor to offer 

extremely short lead times. The expert engineering

team and quality team work together to constantlyimprove both the product and the production system

in order to offer a competitively priced, innovative

and durable product to the medical industry.

Mavilor products include a wide range of direct

current (DC) continuous current and alternating

current (AC) and DC alternate current electric

servomotors. These products are unique in their 

adaptability, offering both flat and elongated

geometry for the maximum flexibility to meet the

diverse needs of the market.

These electric servomotors are characterised by an

excellent capacity for acceleration, due to a design

that permits high torque with low inertia. In

addition, these servomotors offer highly desirable

weight and volume ratios – with low weight and

compact size they are capable of delivering high

torque and reaching high speeds.

Mavilor sells its products around the world through

a series of professional distributors who attend to the

needs of their clients. In this way Mavilor and its

distributors have maintained a worldwide clientele,offering technical support and post-sales service

when necessary for the applications and equipment

that incorporate Mavilor servomotors in each

market. Currently, Mavilor Motors operates

New Techno log ie s in the Medica l Sec tor

B U S I N E S S B R I E F I N G : M E D I C A L D E V I C E M A N U F A C T U R I N G & T E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 0 4


 Technology & Services

8/3/2019 Mavilor Tech 2/3B U S I N E S S B R I E F I N G : M E D I C A L D E V I C E M A N U F A C T U R I N G & T E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 0 4


 Technology & Services

worldwide through distributors in more than 35

countries in order to guarantee that each client has

immediate access to local support.

The Mavilor strategy is based on exceptional

professionalism and a constant striving to satisfy their 

clients and provide the optimum solution for the

most demanding of applications. This philosophy has

allowed them to maintain client partnerships for over 

30 years.

Mav i l o r Wa shdown S e r i e s f o r t h e

Med i c a l S e c to r

The Washdown series has been developed to meet

the exacting needs of the medical sector outlined by

the following elements.

H i g h S p e e d a n d P r e c i s i o n

Powerful acceleration and high speed are achieved

using Mavilor-patented technology, a slotless design

that eliminates induced currents and the magnet

temperature elevation that results. This unique non-

cogging motor has been developed to deliver sensitive

and precise position control without vibrations or 

modulations, due to its singular magnet distribution.

The need for precise speed control and sensitive

positioning control in medical sector applications is

paramount. These applications demand perfection inpositioning and an absolute control of speed,

combined with extreme reliability, since any error 

could result in serious consequences. That is why

instruments such as scanners, centrifuges and other 

radiological and surgical equipment find their ideal

partner in Mavilor motion control systems.

High speed is necessary in many hospital applications,

for example centrifuges that require high speeds of 

between 20,000 and 30,000rpm without vibrations,

with the added demand of sudden and complete

stops. High speed is also a crucial element inodontology equipment and many other hospital

instrument applications.

R e l i a b i l i t y  

Each Mavilor product is the result of an all-

encompassing quality control system: Mavilor Total

Quality. This meticulous quality control produces

extremely reliable motors capable of delivering the

consistent and unfailing performance that is necessary

in a busy medical care application.

H y g i e n e

These motors were developed to withstand the

rigorous cleaning necessary for sterilisation. In

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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New Technolog ies in the Medica l Sec tor

B U S I N E S S B R I E F I N G : M E D I C A L D E V I C E M A N U F A C T U R I N G & T E C H N O L O G Y 2 0 0 4


addition, the motor is a completely closed unit,

including flanges and exterior cables, which

provides a superior level of IP67 protection. The

specially designed rounded shape (no corners)

prevents the accumulation of any deposits. These

design features allow for an exceptional standard of 

cleanliness and hygiene.

S i l e n t O p e r a t i o n

Through its Mavilor-patented design, this motor 

series has an extremely low level of audible noise,

making it ideal for medical care environments where

noise contamination is not acceptable.

C o m p l e t e M o t i o n C o n t r o l S y s t e m s

An extensive range of encoders and resolvers transmit

position and speed information and the preciseelectronic control necessary for seamless operation.

The electronics stand out for their compact size and

ease of use. The auto-tuning and auto-phasing

features make system installation simple and allow

the client to fine-tune the system for the best

performance. In addition, various types of 

customised work cycles can be easily programmed.

With this comprehensive product series, ranging

from amplifiers to cables and connectors, Mavilor 

offers complete motion control systems for the

medical sector.

P a r t n e r s i n O p t i m i s a t i o n

Mavilor offers superior support from its technical

team of engineers and project managers who work

with each client to provide the optimum solution

for each application. The Mavilor technical support

team, driven by innovative and experienced

professionals in the medical electronics field, is

capable of anticipating the needs of each application

and guiding the client towards the optimum motioncontrol solution. They also create customised

motors designed specifically to meet the needs of 

the client. ■

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