matrikonopc server for mark vi direct user manual

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MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI DirectUser's Manual

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI DirectUser's Manual This manual is a product of Matrikon Inc.Matrikon Inc. Suite 1800, 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3N4 Canada Phone: +1.780.448.1010 Fax: +1.780.448.9191

Document Revision History:Date 2009-12-03 2010-05-05 2010-05-12 2010-05-13 Document Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 Initial document Updated the screenshots, device link names and tables. Added alarms information. Upgraded to latest OPC Framework version. Converted user documentation to latest standard. Replaced the occurrences of MarkVI with Mark VI and updated the Mark VI Network device link screenshots. Updated the Mark VI Network device link screenshot and the install directory name from MarkVIDirect to Mark VI Direct. Description Author SN ZA SN LB







MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual




COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright 1997 - 2010, Matrikon Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Matrikon Inc.

CONFIDENTIALThe information contained herein is confidential and proprietary to Matrikon Inc. It may not be disclosed or transferred, directly or indirectly, to any third party without the explicit written permission of Matrikon Inc.

LIMITATIONSMatrikon has made its best effort to prepare this manual. Matrikon makes no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accepts no liability of any kind including without limitation warranties of merchantable quality, satisfactory quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose on those arising by law, statute, usage of trade, course of dealing or otherwise. Matrikon shall not be liable for any losses or damages of any kind caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly from this manual.

LICENSE AGREEMENTThis document and the software described in this document are supplied under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Matrikon reserves the right to make any improvements and/or changes to product specifications at any time without notice.

TRADEMARK INFORMATIONThe following are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations: Matrikon and MatrikonOPC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Matrikon Inc.

OTHERMatrikonOPC is a division of Matrikon Inc.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Table of ContentsIntroduction ..................................................................................................................... 6 Who Should Use This Manual ............................................................................................ 6 Overview of Manual ......................................................................................................... 6 References ..................................................................................................................... 7 Document Terminology .................................................................................................... 7 Getting Started................................................................................................................. 9 System Requirements...................................................................................................... 9 Software Requirements ................................................................................................. 9 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................ 9 Installed Files ................................................................................................................. 9 Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 10 Contacting Support ....................................................................................................... 10 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 12 Server Configuration...................................................................................................... 12 Creating Objects ........................................................................................................ 12 Creating and Configuring a Mark VI Direct Network ......................................................... 13 EGD Overview............................................................................................................ 16 Configuring a Mark VI Direct Unit Object........................................................................ 17 Creating and Configuring a Redundancy Group Object ..................................................... 19 Creating and Configuring a Server Status List................................................................. 19 Changing Objects ....................................................................................................... 19 Removing Objects ...................................................................................................... 19 OPC Data Items.............................................................................................................. 21 Mark VI Direct Unit Items............................................................................................... 21 Mark VI Direct Control Items .......................................................................................... 21 Mark VI Direct Network Level Control Items ................................................................... 21 Mark VI Direct Unit Control Items ................................................................................. 22 Statistical Items............................................................................................................ 22 Mark VI Direct Network Communication Statistics ........................................................... 22 Mark VI Direct Unit Communication Statistics ................................................................. 22 Alarms and Events ......................................................................................................... 24 Alarms and Events Categories ......................................................................................... 24 OPC Event Attributes ..................................................................................................... 24 Acknowledging Alarms ................................................................................................... 25 Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 26 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 27 Problems and Solutions.................................................................................................. 27

Table of FiguresFigure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Architecture using the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct ........................ 6 Insert New Object Window ............................................................................ 12 Create New Mark VI Direct Network Window ................................................. 14 GE Mark VI Configuration Files....................................................................... 15 New Mark VI Direct Network Object............................................................... 16 MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct and GE Mark VI Exchanges ............... 17 Mark VI Direct Unit Settings Panel ................................................................. 18 Client Reference Warning Message ................................................................ 204

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual

Figure 9 - OPC Events Sample ........................................................................................ 25

Table of TablesTable Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 1 - Terms and Definitions........................................................................................ 8 2 - Files Installed in "Mark VI Direct" Folder (For Stand-Alone Server) ................ 10 3 - MatrikonOPC Support Regional Contact Information ....................................... 11 4 - After-Hours Support ........................................................................................ 11 5 - Insert New Object Window Options................................................................. 12 6 - Create New Mark VI Direct Network Window Components .............................. 15 7 - Mark VI Direct Unit Settings Panel Components .............................................. 19 8 - Mark VI Network Control Items....................................................................... 21 9 - Mark VI Unit Control Items.............................................................................. 22 10 - Mark VI Network Statistical Items................................................................. 22 11 - Mark VI Unit Statistical Items ....................................................................... 23 12 - OPC Events different categories .................................................................... 24 13 - OPC Events Attributes ................................................................................... 24 14 - Alarm Acknowledging Control Items ............................................................. 25

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


IntroductionThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct provides real-time data (read/write) and alarms (alarm dump, single alarm notification and acknowledgment) access to the GE Mark VI Turbine Controllers. The OPC server can simultaneously communicate with multiple controllers and provide access to the points as well as the alarms information in the GE Mark VI Controllers. Figure 1 shows a typical architecture using the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct.

Figure 1 - Architecture using the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct

Who Should Use This ManualThis manual is intended for use by all users of the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct. This manual explains how to configure the software, and how to perform common tasks. In addition (and where required), technical information about OPC data items, product limitations, and a troubleshooting section are included.

Overview of ManualThis document uses icons to highlight valuable information. Remember these icons and what they mean, as they will assist you throughout the manual. This symbol denotes important information that must be acknowledged. Failure to do so may result in the software not functioning properly. BOLD Font displayed in this color and style indicates a hyperlink to the applicable/associated information within this document, or if applicable, any external sources.

The Users Manual has been designed as such so that you can click on references in the document to jump to that referenced point without having to scroll through several pages (in some cases). For example, if you were to see the sentence Refer to Figure 1 for more information, pressing the CTRL key and clicking your mouse on the text Figure 1 will automatically take you to the location of Figure 1 within the document. This manual consists of several sections and is structured as follows:MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual 6

Introduction this introductory chapter. Getting Started provides information on the minimum system requirements, and how to contact MatrikonOPCs Support team. Configuration shows how to configure the server, and describes each component in detail, including windows/screens, panels, tabs, and menu commands. OPC Data Items describes the servers items. Limitations provides information on specific performance and operational limitations of the software. Troubleshooting provides solutions for common problems that may be encountered, and answers to frequently asked questions.

ReferencesThis document references information found within the following documents/sites: MatrikonOPC Server Users Manual OPC Overview 1.0 OPC Common Definitions and Interfaces 1.0 OPC Security Custom Interface 1.0 OPC Data Access Custom Interface Standard 2.05 OPC Data Access Custom Interface Standard 3.00 (Pending) TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC User's Manual GFK-1541A April 1999 United States Patent No.: US 6,169,928 B1 January 2nd 2001 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the Series 90 PLC User's Manual GFK-1541B May 2002 TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems User's Manual GFK-2224A May 2004

Document TerminologyThe terms screen and window are used interchangeably throughout this document. Table 1 provides a list of definitions for terms used throughout this document. Term/Abbreviation A&E COM DA DCOM Description OPC Alarms and Events. Provides access to process alarm and event data. Component Object Model. A method for organizing software, specifying how to build components that can be dynamically interchanged. OPC Data Access. Provides access to real-time process data. Distributed Component Object Model. An extension of COM that allows communication between COM components over a network.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Term/Abbreviation DDE EGD HDA HMI Matrikon MatrikonOPC OPC PLC

Description Dynamic Data Exchange. Allows the transfer of data between two running applications. Ethernet Global Data. OPC Historical Data Access. Provides access to historical process data. Human Machine Interface. Device that allows interaction between the user and machine. Typically used in process control applications. Matrikon Inc. Matrikons brand name for its OPC servers and clients. A communication standard. Refer to for more information. Programmable Logic Controller.Table 1 - Terms and Definitions

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Getting StartedThe System Requirements section shows how to avoid future problems by ensuring that the system meets the minimum software and hardware requirements. The Installed Files section provides a list of files that are installed with the product. For installation information, refer to the MatrikonOPC Server Users Manual or the MatrikonOPC Universal Connectivity Server Users Manual. Once the software is installed, refer to the Licensing section for information on how to obtain the appropriate license. The Licensing section refers you to the Licensing Procedures document that was installed along with the server and this Users Manual. The Contacting Support section provides you with contact information for the MatrikonOPC Support team, should you have any problems during the installation or licensing of the software.

System RequirementsThe software has Software and Hardware system requirements. These requirements must be met for the software to function properly. Note: If a firewall is installed on the computer hosting the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct, it must be configured to grant the OPC server access to the EGD network, including multicast and broadcast communication.

Software RequirementsAt a minimum, the following software is required: Microsoft Windows XP SP2, or Microsoft Windows 2003 SP0, or Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (included with this install program) Note: It is recommended that the most current service packs are installed.

Hardware RequirementsAt a minimum, the following hardware is recommended: Intel Pentium 4 Processor 512 MB RAM 40 GB 7200 RPM Hard Drive TCP/IP-compatible network adapter

The product requires the following additional hardware to make use of the following functionality:

Installed FilesThe installation program copies all necessary files to the target computer and creates short-cut icons in the Start menu. The files specific to the server listed in Table 2 are installed by default in the following location: C:\Program Files\Matrikon\OPC\Mark VI DirectMatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual 9

File Name MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct Release Notes.pdf MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct User Manual.pdf OPCMarkVIDirect.exe PSTCFGMarkVIDirectLib.ocx EGD.REF

Description Release Notes for this server. Users Manual for this server. Server executable. Server ActiveX configuration panels. The EGD references file.

Table 2 - Files Installed in "Mark VI Direct" Folder (For Stand-Alone Server)

LicensingMost MatrikonOPC products require that some form of licensing criteria be met for it to function correctly. The MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supports software licensing only. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The following licensing information is described in detail within the Licensing Procedures document which accompanies the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct software and Users Manual: Software key licensing information. Information about the MatrikonOPC Licensing Utility that is used to license server software, and the variety of ways in which licenses can be obtained (e.g., Internet Connection, Web Page, Email). Licensing Q&A and Troubleshooting.

Contacting SupportThe MatrikonOPC Customer Services department ( is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact MatrikonOPC Support using the information below, or send an email ( For Monday to Friday daytime support requests, contact MatrikonOPC Support using the regional phone numbers provided in Table 3. Region North America UTC/GMT -7 hours (MST) Europe /Africa * UTC/GMT +1 hours (CET) Middle East * UTC/GMT +3 hours Office Hours 8:00 am-5:00 pm 9:00 am-5:00 pm 9:00 am-5:00 pm Contact Information +1-877-OPC-4-ALL +49-221-969-77-0 (Request OPC Support) +973-174-65363

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Region Australia/Asia * UTC/GMT +10 hours (AEST)

Office Hours 9:00 am-5:00 pm

Contact Information +61-2-4908-2198 (Request OPC Support)

* Toll-free regional numbers coming soon!Table 3 - MatrikonOPC Support Regional Contact Information

For after-hours support in all regions, please use either of the following numbers. There is no extra charge from MatrikonOPC for calling their after-hours support numbers. Region All Contact Information +1-780-231-9480 +1-780-264-6714Table 4 - After-Hours Support

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


ConfigurationThe servers graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to view and alter configuration parameters at run time. When you view a configuration parameter, the information is retrieved and displayed. The updated parameters are sent as a group to the server when submitted. Minimal configuration of the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct is required for it to function properly, but you can customize the servers behaviour, as required. The Server Configuration section shows you how to configure the server, and describes each component in detail, including the windows, panels, and menu commands.

Server ConfigurationThis section shows you how to create and edit objects, using the Configuration window.

Creating ObjectsThe Insert New Object and Create New windows are used to create Mark VI Direct objects.

Insert New Object Window The Insert New Object window (Figure 2) displays a different set of options depending on the type of object selected and the types of objects already configured under it.

Figure 2 - Insert New Object Window

Table 5 describes the types of objects that are available for insertion as a child in the Insert New Object window, depending on which object is currently selected. Selected Object Root Device Link (Server Configuration) Mark VI Direct Network Mark VI Direct Unit Redundancy Group Server Status List Insert New Object Window Options Mark VI Direct Network Redundancy Group Server Status List Mark VI Direct Unit Table 5 - Insert New Object Window Options

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


To insert a new object: 1. On the Configuration window, either select the Define New menu option from the Edit menu, or click on the icon. 2. The Insert New Object window (Figure 2) appears. 3. From the displayed list, select the type of object to be created. Note: Different objects may be available depending on which object is currently selected in the tree view. 4. Click on the OK button. 5. The Create New window appears. To create a newly inserted object: 1. From the Create New window, enter a name for the object. This name is part of the item ID that globally identifies data items from under the object. You may also choose to enter a description of the object. 2. Edit the configuration components as desired. 3. Click on the OK button. The object is created. Note: For the object to be used for communication, it must be enabled (i.e., Enabled checkbox is selected). This can be done at any time.

Create New Window The Create New window (Figure 3) displays the settings available for a new object.A device-specific window is displayed for each new object: Mark VI Direct Network Redundancy Group Server Status List

The following sub-sections contain information on the types of objects available and how to configure them.

Creating and Configuring a Mark VI Direct NetworkFigure 3 displays the Create New Mark VI Direct Network window.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Figure 3 - Create New Mark VI Direct Network Window

Table 6 describes the components of the Create New Mark VI Direct Network window. Component Name Description Name of the object, which becomes an element of the item ID for data items under the object. Automatically converted to title case for display purposes. Enabled Use this checkbox to enable (i.e., checkbox is selected) or disable (i.e., checkbox is cleared) communication for the object. By default, the checkbox is selected. Description This field is optional, takes any user-defined text (64-character maximum) for documentation purposes. By default, this field is blank. Network Adapter Allows you to select, from the drop-down list, the Network Interface Card used to connect to the Unit Data Highway (UDH) network. Allows you to enter a value that defines the port number used to receive the EGD exchanges over the Unit Data Highway (UDH) network. Default = 18246.

EGD Port

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual



Description Allows you to enter a value that defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) between two consecutive connection attempts. The maximum value allowed is 10000 milliseconds. Default = 1000. Allows you to enter or select (using the browse button to the right of this field) the path to the Mark VI sites configuration file (CONFIG.DAT). The MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct can consume the EGD exchanges produced by the GE Mark VI controllers (units). The MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct creates a unit object for each unit defined in the site configuration. Select this button to save any changes and close the window. Select this button to close the window without saving any changes made.Table 6 - Create New Mark VI Direct Network Window Components

Connect Delay

Mark VI Config File

OK Cancel

Figure 4 shows the GE Mark VI configuration files (along with the CONFIG.DAT) that are required to fully configure the OPC server. The exact same hierarchy must be respected: CONFIG.DAT ENETALM.DAT | |______ UNIT1 | | | | | | | |______ UNIT_EGD.DAT | |______ ALARM.DAT | |______ ALARMSIG.DAT | |______ EVENT.DAT | | | | | | |______ UNIT2 . . .Figure 4 - GE Mark VI Configuration Files

To create and configure a Mark VI Direct Network object: 1. On the Configuration window, select the Server Configuration item and either: Right-click your mouse and select Define New from the menu that appears, or Select the Define New menu option from the Edit menu, or Click on the icon.

2. The Insert New Object window (Figure 2) appears. 3. From the displayed list, select Mark VI Direct Network.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


4. Click on the OK button. 5. The Create New window appears (Figure 3). Note: The item selected in the Insert New Object window determines which Create New window is displayed. For example, when Mark VI Direct Network is selected, then the Create New Mark VI Direct Network window is displayed. 6. From the Create New window, enter a name for the object. Note: An error message is displayed when a valid name is not entered. If the entered name is a duplicate of an existing device link, the new device link will not be created. The Description field is optional. 7. Edit the configuration components as desired. Note: For the object to be used for communication, it must be enabled (i.e., the Enabled checkbox is selected). This can be done at any time. 8. Click on the OK button. The object is created and appears as a child of the Server Configuration item as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - New Mark VI Direct Network Object

EGD OverviewEthernet Global Data (EGD) allows one device (the producer) to share a portion of its internal memory (the exchange) with one or more other devices (the consumers) at a regularly scheduled periodic rate. This exchange is uniquely distinguished by a set of identifiers: the Producer ID (typically the producers IP address) and Exchange ID. The Producer ID is assigned to uniquely identify the Ethernet Global Data device that produces the exchange on the network. The Exchange ID is a value identifying a specific exchange within that producing device. The MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct must be configured to consume the GE Mark VI Controllers data as illustrated in Figure 6 by providing a path to the most up-to-date sites configuration file (CONFIG.DAT).

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Figure 6 - MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct and GE Mark VI Exchanges

Note: Once a path to the sites configuration file (CONFIG.DAT) is provided, the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct creates a unit object for each unit defined in the site configuration. Please press F5 or click on the refresh button in order to visualize the newly created unit objects.

Configuring a Mark VI Direct Unit ObjectFigure 3 displays the Mark VI Direct Unit Settings panel.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Figure 7 - Mark VI Direct Unit Settings Panel

Table 6 describes the components of the Mark VI Direct Unit Settings window. Component Name Description Name of the object, which becomes an element of the item ID for data items under the object. Automatically converted to title case for display purposes. Enabled Use this checkbox to enable (i.e., checkbox is selected) or disable (i.e., checkbox is cleared) communication for the object. By default, the checkbox is selected. Description This field is optional, takes any user-defined text (64-character maximum) for documentation purposes. By default, this field is blank. Allows you to enter a value that defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) before reporting an EGD Exchange timeout. The maximum value allowed is 60000 milliseconds. Default = 1000. Connect Delay Allows you to enter a value that defines the amount of time (in milliseconds) between two consecutive connection attempts. The maximum value allowed is 10000 milliseconds.18


MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual

Component Default = 1000. Retries

Description Allows you to enter a value that defines the number of retries before a communication failure is reported. The maximum value allowed is 99. Default = 3. Use this checkbox to enable (or disable) sending the alarm dump request to the Mark VI unit upon initial connection. Upon reception of the alarm dump, the alarm queue (internal to the OPC server) for the specified unit is initialized. Notes:

Perform an alarm dump on startup

It is recommended that you leave this option unchecked and perform the alarm dump only when the OPC AE client is done connecting and subscribing for alarms. Please refer to the Mark VI Direct Unit Control Items section to know how an alarm dump can be triggered on demand through a control item.

By default, the checkbox is not selected. OK Cancel Select this button to save any changes and close the window. Select this button to close the window without saving any changes made.Table 7 - Mark VI Direct Unit Settings Panel Components

Creating and Configuring a Redundancy Group ObjectFor configuration information of a Redundancy Group object, refer to the MatrikonOPC Server Users Manual or the MatrikonOPC Universal Connectivity Server Users Manual.

Creating and Configuring a Server Status ListFor configuration information of a Server Status List refer to the MatrikonOPC Server Users Manual or the MatrikonOPC Universal Connectivity Server Users Manual.

Changing ObjectsTo change an objects configuration: 1. Once an object is created, select it in the tree view panel. 2. In the configuration panel, make the applicable changes. 3. Click on the Apply button to accept the changes, or click on the Cancel button to discard them.

Removing ObjectsNote: Users can easily remove any object that they have created, but a warning message (Figure 8) will appear when users remove an object that has data items to which one or more OPC clients hold reference.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Figure 8 - Client Reference Warning Message

To remove an object: 1. In the Configuration window, under Server Configuration, select the object to be removed. 2. From the Edit menu, select the Delete menu option (or click on the button).

3. If one or more OPC clients hold references to data items somewhere under the selected object, a warning message (Figure 8) appears. 4. To mark the object for later deletion, click on the Yes button. To leave the object unmodified, click on the No button. Note: Items marked for deletion are disabled and a red X appears over the icon on the right side of the window when the object is selected.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


OPC Data ItemsThis section describes the OPC data items used in the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct.

Mark VI Direct Unit ItemsThe OPC item ID syntax for Mark VI Direct Unit is as follows: Mark VI Direct Network.Mark VI Direct Unit.Point name Important Note: Upon connection a list of points is automatically built, based on the exchange definition file UNIT_EGD.DAT located in the units folder.

Where: Mark VI Direct Network is the name assigned to the Mark VI Direct Network. Mark VI Direct Unit is the name assigned to the Mark VI unit in the site configuration file. Point name as defined in the UNIT_EGD.DAT in the unit specific configuration folder.

ExamplesUDH.S1. LTB1D1 UDH.F1. AFPBD Accesses a point called LTB1D1 located in unit S1 that is connected to a network called UDH. Accesses a point called AFPBD located in unit F1 that is connected to a network called UDH.

Mark VI Direct Control ItemsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supplies control items to allow a connected OPC client to obtain status information by reading values and manipulating its operation by simply writing values.

Mark VI Direct Network Level Control ItemsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supplies control items listed in Table 8. Item ID $Connected $Enabled $ResetStats Description Indicates whether the Mark VI Network is able to connect underlying devices to the Ethernet network. Write a Boolean true to force a connection, or false to force a disconnection (automatic re-connection will be attempted as long as it is enabled). Enable/disable Mark VI Network. Writing any value to this item will trigger the OPC Communication statistics for the Mark VI Network, as well as all of the underlying Mark VI units, to be reinitialized.Table 8 - Mark VI Network Control Items

Default FALSE


MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Mark VI Direct Unit Control ItemsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supplies control items listed in Table 9. Item ID Description Writing an alarm drop number to this item will trigger an acknowledgment request to the Mark VI unit for the alarm identified by the drop number. Refer to the ALARM.DAT in the unit configuration folder to retrieve the drop number for a specific alarm. Writing -1 will acknowledge all the process alarms. Writing a TRUE to this item will trigger an alarm dump request to the Mark VI unit. If not already done, the OPC servers internal alarm queue will be initialized upon reception of the alarm dump information and OPC events will be sent to all subscribing AE clients. Shows the currently designated processors IP address. Writing any value to this item will trigger the OPC Communication statistics for the Mark VI unit to be reinitialized.Table 9 - Mark VI Unit Control Items

Default FALSE



$AlarmDump $Designated $ResetStats


Statistical ItemsThe server supplies statistical information pertaining to communication in the form of real-time data items for the Mark VI Network and each Mark VI unit.

Mark VI Direct Network Communication StatisticsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supplies statistical items listed in Table 10. Item ID #Sent #Received #Retried #Failure #Overrun #Timeout Description Cumulative total of the number of messages sent by the server to all underlying connections. Cumulative total of the number of expected responses received by the server from all underlying connections. Cumulative total of the number of retry messages sent by the server to all underlying connections. Cumulative total of the communication failures occurrences for all underlying connections. Cumulative total of the overrun occurrences for all underlying connections. Cumulative total of the timeout occurrences for all underlying connections.Table 10 - Mark VI Network Statistical Items

Default 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mark VI Direct Unit Communication StatisticsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct supplies statistical items listed in Table 11. Item ID #Enabled Description Shows the enable/disable state of the Mark VI unit. Default FALSE22

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual

Item ID #Sent #Received #Retried #Failure #Overrun #Timeout #Latency @Connected

Description Total number of messages sent. Total number of expected responses received. Total number of messages sent again as a retry. Total number of times communication has failed (i.e., run out of retries). Total number of times that a scheduled poll has come due a second time before it has yet been sent and cleared from the due list. Total number of communication timeouts that have occurred. Total time (in milliseconds) between consecutive data receptions. Shows the connection state of the Mark VI unit.Table 11 - Mark VI Unit Statistical Items

Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FALSE

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Alarms and EventsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct provides Alarms and Events information by reading the controller alarm queue. A simple OPC event is triggered on alarm state transition. Alarm state transition includes transition in alarm state, alarm acknowledge state and removal of an alarm from the controllers alarm queue (reset). There are two categories for the alarms, and all are described in the following sub-sections.

Alarms and Events CategoriesThe simple OPC events can be filtered by the OPC AE client based on different categories as described in Table 12. Alarms and Events Category Alarm Event Description Active when an alarm signal is in an alarm state. Active when an event signal (defined in the EVENT.DAT) toggles state during operations.Table 12 - OPC Events different categories

When triggered, the simple OPC event has its severity set to MEDIUM (500) and source set to the controller (unit) full path. The simple OPC event has also other information which is added to the events message and attributes.

OPC Event AttributesTable 13 shows the attributes available for each OPC event category. OPC Event Attribute Alarm Drop Number Description ID associated to each alarm in ALARM.DAT or the event index specified in EVENT.DAT for each event signal. State of the alarm. Set to 1 for an active alarm and set to 0 for a normal state. Set to 1 when an alarm is acknowledged, else set to 0. Set to 1 when an alarm is cleared from the controller queue, else set to 0. Name of the signal associated with the alarm or the event.Table 13 - OPC Events Attributes



Alarm State Alarm Acknowledge State Alarm Needs Reset Signal Name

Not used Not used

Figure 9 shows a sample of OPC events triggered by the OPC server after reading the controller alarm information. Note that the attributes are added to the OPC event in the same order as the Table 13.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


Figure 9 - OPC Events Sample

Note: When the Perform an alarm dump on start-up checkbox is selected, the OPC server can perform an alarm dump upon start-up, reading all the existing alarms. The OPC clients need to be connected at that time to the OPC server in order to receive the OPC events triggered during the alarm dump. Please refer to the Mark VI Direct Unit Control Items section to know how an alarm dump can be triggered on demand through a control item.

Acknowledging AlarmsThe MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct provides control items which can be used for acknowledging alarms, as described in Table 14. Control Item $AckAlarm Description To acknowledge an alarm, write the alarm drop number to this control item. Writing -1 will acknowledge all the process alarms.Table 14 - Alarm Acknowledging Control Items

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


LimitationsMatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct has no known or expected limitations. Refer to the MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct Release Notes for known issues.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


TroubleshootingThe following section addresses some of the most common problems encountered, and questions asked, while using this OPC product. Please check the following Problems and Solutions section before contacting the MatrikonOPC Support team. To troubleshoot generic MatrikonOPC issues, refer to the Troubleshooting section in the MatrikonOPC Server Users Manual.

Problems and SolutionsSome data items are showing bad configuration qualityProblem: After configuring the OPC server using a sites configuration file (CONFIG.DAT). Data items have been added to a compliant OPC client. Some of the items are showing bad configuration quality. Ensure that the sites configuration files provided are the most up-to-date ones.


Search the MatrikonOPC Support Knowledge Base at to find the answers to other commonly-asked MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct questions.

MatrikonOPC Server for Mark VI Direct v1.0.0 Users Manual


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