mathematics titles from cambridge · 2011. 8. 30. · kemal hanjalic and brian launder $130.00:...

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M AT H E M AT I C S T I T L E S f rom C A M B R I D G E !

Prices subject to change. 800.872.7423

Linear Algebraic Groups and Finite Groups of Lie TypeGunter Malle and Donna Testerman

Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics$75.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-00854-0: 336 pp.

Structured Regression for Categorical DataGerhard Tutz

Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics$90.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-00965-3: 512 pp.

Nonlinear Dispersive WavesAsymptotic Analysis and Solitons

Mark J. Ablowitz

Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics$115.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-01254-7: 360 pp.$60.00: Paperback: 978-1-107-66410-4

Ergodic Control of Diffusion ProcessesAri Arapostathis, Vivek S. Borkar, and Mrinal K. Ghosh

Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications$115.00: Hardback: 978-0-521-76840-5: 335 pp.

Stochastic ProcessesRichard F. Bass

Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics$75.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-00800-7: 400 pp.

Variational Problems in Differential GeometryEdited by Roger Bielawski, Kevin Houston, and Martin Speight

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series$68.00: Paperback: 978-0-521-28274-1: 175 pp.

Motivic Integration and its Interactions with Model Theory and Non-Archimedean GeometryEdited by Raf Cluckers, Johannes Nicaise, and Julien Sebag

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series

Volume 1

$65.00: Paperback: 978-0-521-14976-1: 350 pp.

Volume 2

$65.00: Paperback: 978-1-107-64881-4: 270 pp.

Modelling Turbulence in Engineering and the EnvironmentSecond-Moment Routes to Closure

Kemal Hanjalic and Brian Launder$130.00: Hardback: 978-0-521-84575-5: 400 pp.

Localization in Periodic PotentialsFrom Schrödinger Operators to the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation

Dmitry E. Pelinovsky

London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series$85.00: Paperback: 978-1-107-62154-1: 416 pp.

An Introduction to Category TheoryHarold Simmons$90.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-01087-1: 232 pp.$29.99: Paperback: 978-0-521-28304-5

Greedy ApproximationVladimir Temlyakov

Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics$99.00: Hardback: 978-1-107-00337-8: 432 pp.

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