materia medica pura

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MATERIA MEDICA PURA. Presented by DR.N.SANKAR. MATERIA MEDICA PURA. The word “Pura” annexed to the title is significant & offers a challenge of purity to its counterpart of the traditional school - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



MATERIA MEDICA PURA The word “Pura” annexed to the title is

significant & offers a challenge of purity to its counterpart of the traditional school

This challenge has remained unassilable for a century and it will remain so for all centuries to come

MATERIA MEDICA PURAVolumes in German: 6

Edition: VOL 1 & 2 ----- upto 3rd edition Other volumes: -------- upto 2nd editionYear Of Publication: Vol I: 1830 Vol II: 1833 Vol III: 1825 Vol IV: 1825 Vol V: 1826 Vol VI: 1827

Materia Medica of homoeopathy is the collection of the pathogenic effects of drugs and of the derangements they are capable of causing in the healthy body, by means of which is worked the principle – ‘ Let likes be treated by likes’.There are six volumes of Materia Medica Pura.

1st Volume: 1811- Contain pathogenesis of 12 medicines, 6 of which are new, the pathogenesis of all of those which had already appeared being considerably increased.2nd Volume: 1816- Contain pathogenesis of 8 medicines together with those ascribed to the magnet.3rd Volume: 1817- With 8 medicines.4th Volume: 1818- With 12 medicines.5th Volume: 1819- With 11 medicines.6th Volume: 1821- With 10 medicines.

Volume I Bell, Dulc, Cina, Cann.S, Cocc, Nux, Op, Moschus, Oleand, Merc, Acon, Arn.Volume II Caust, Ars, Ferr, Ign, Puls, Rheum, Rhus, Bry, Magnes, North and south pole.Volume III Cham, Cinch, Hell, Asar, Ipec, Scilla, Stram, Ver-Alb.Volume IV Hyos, Dig, Aur, Guiac, Camph, Led, Ruta, Sars, Con, Chel, Sulph, Arg.Volume V Euphr, Meny, Cycl, Samb, Calc, Acetica, Mur-acid, Thuja,Tarax, Phos Acid, Spig, Staph.Volume VI Angustura, Mang, Caps, Verb, Coloc, Spog, Dros, Bism, Cic, Stannum.

There are 61 medicines contained in these volumes. Besides, the magnet (3), 22 of them transferred from fragmenta with their pathogenesis enlarged. The remaining 39 are new.

There were 37 provers. Some occur comparatively rarely, but, some with great frequency. Eg. Franz, Gross, Hahnemann’s son Freidrich, Hartmann, Herrmann, Hornburg, Langhammer, Ruckert, Staph,Of the few exceptions of this rule.

1) Longhammer’s symptoms both mental and moral.This prover deformed in body and unfortunate in his circumstances, was so depressed and altogether morbid in his disposition that his psychical state could at no time be fairly ascertained to the medicine he was taking. His moral symptoms are of very similar character under every drug he proved.

2) Staph’s Erotic Symptoms- Taken with caution.Proving has been made up on persons in perfect health, living in a contentment and comparative ease. When an extraordinary circumstance of any kind for eg., fright, chagrin, external injuries, excessive enjoyment, of any pleasure, or some event of great importance supervened during the proving, then no symptoms were recorded.When they were of mild variety (slight importance) the symptoms have been placed (-thus informing the reader that they could not be considered decisively genuine). No information of dose and mode of administration


In 2nd edition– pathogenesis: 1st hahnemann’s own observation arranged

and seperately numbered; Then symptoms observed by his disciples

under his superintendence & those symptoms derived from the works of other observers are placed next and seperately numbered....

In 3rd edition:---pathogenesis Observations made by hahnemann,his disciples,

and from other observers are all arranged together and also continously numbered..

In this, hahnemann’s own observ... – having no name or

sign attached; Others observations -- abbreviations of name of

each appended to their respect observation Only 1st and 2nd volume attained upto 3rd edition

In each volumes medicines are arranged alphabetically;

Alphabetical order is not maintained in respect to the whole work...

TRANSLATION’S: Translation by R.E.DUDGEON in collaboration and annotations

by Dr.Richard Hughes. HE Instead of bringing the translations in 6 volumes of unequal

sizes with no general alphabetical arrangement of medicines, and in order to bring the whole work in the hahnemann’s latest perfected arrangement as per third edition-----

The translator did it in 2 handsome volumes of equal sizes with great utility and literary homogeneity of the work.....

The essays of hahnemann distributed throught the original volumes– divided between the 2 volumes.

The abbreviation to indicate the name of the prover introd by hahnemann in his latest edition has been extended to all the medicines.......

Italics – abbbreviations of provers are given Small capitals- abbreviations of old school

authorities (to know whether the symptom is an intentional proving or accidental overdose or poisoning)

E.g. ADAM,DR..........Ad.. GROSS,W............ Gss..

Hahnemann examined his disciples symptoms, corrected it to make it an exact sensation or pain observed with all its conditions and Concomitant....

Time of occurence of symptom after taking the medicine.....

This is indicated by m, h, d i.e.. Minutes, hours, days respectively...

German to english difficulties hals– neck , throat; Brust– chest or mammae; Fuss– foot or leg upto knee Druckend- pressive / aching (druckend auf- pressive; druckend in-aching)

Others who attempted translations : Dr.HEMPEL... DR.QUIN.. referred to numerous quotations of hahnemann which is of over 4000 indicating hahnemann’s rare collection of circumstances of occurence of symptoms, dose by which it produces effects of drugs... also verified hahnemann’s cited symptoms to their originals...

The first English translation of ‘Materia Medica Pura’ was done by Dr.Hempel in 1846, but was imperfect. He omitted many medicines. He did not follow Hahnem

Later Dr.Quin translated ‘Materia Medica’. The first volume was completed and printed, but was destroyed by a fire at printing press. The only copy saved is in the library of British Homoeopathic Society. It has neither preface nor even a title page. The first volume is translated from the second edition. But, the medicines it contains do not altogether correspond with the original. The arrangement of symptoms is not that of Hahnemenn. He arranged all the symptoms of Hahnemenn and his disciples and arranged in a separate list, those obtained from old school authorities annian arrangement of symptoms

Examination of sources of symptom: Records of poisonings Clinical symptom Mere statements of systemic writers on

materia medica Prover’s symptom

These are examined properly which shows the genuinity of symptoms.....


1) Translator’s preface.2) Author’s preface – From Vol. I of third Edition.3) Spirit of Homoeopathic Medical Doctrine - From Vol. II of third Edition.4) Preamble - From Vol. II of third Edition.5) Medicines.Aconite to Ipecac- 37 medicines.

AUTHOR’S PREFACE Hahnemann here says about the futile

endeavours made till nw to determine the powers of medicines from their color, taste, smell...

He clearly says even by the latest methods made in chemistry in analysing properties of drugs nothing would reveal what sort of healing power it was possessed of....

Healing property is a dynamic spirit like property which cannot be hold of by the hands it can only be recognized by its effects on the living body....

DAWN OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF MEDICINE - when men cease to act so unnaturally as

to give drugs( to which purely imaginary virtues have been ascribed) to cases not carefully investigated.... Even a carpenter who handles wood cannot be

ignorant of tools he is employing... - when physician shall trust the cure of

complete cases of disease by a single medicinal substances employed for the cure of case of disease whose symptom have been thoroughly investigated...

SYMPTOM-OBSERVATION SOURCES Symptom observed in patients(chronic). These are not altogether valueless, serve

occasionally to confirm similar symptom appear in pure experiment on healthy individuals...

Symptom observed by carefully conducted regulated experiment on healthy individual..

If during experiment, some extraordinary circumstances happening which might supposed to be capable of altering the result.(.e.g... Shock, vexation, fright, external injury...etc..).. From that time no symptom is registered..

If in other little circumstances which could hardly be expected to interfere with medicinal effect these symptoms are recorded but inclosed in brackets as a sign of doubt..

DURATION OF ACTION: Observed in possible healthiest persons... In disease this duration according to whether they are

more or less acute or chronic, will be much shorter/ much longer than here stated..

Duration cannot be determined if given in large doses or in unsuitable doses...(here because vital force will quickly spit/ evacuate it out in the form of either vomiting, perspiration,etc). It does so as it does with miasm of infectious disease..weakening the noxious agent and partly rejects it by evacuations..

Similarly vomiting that tartar emetic produces, purging that jalap causes; perspiration the elder flowers causing ---- are all not so much the true effects of these drugs, as these are the effort of organism to destroy these large harmful doses..

Even very small doses un homoeopathically given is also evacuated shortly...


1. Vertigo2. Confusion3. Def.mental power4. Loss of memory5. Headache, internal, external6. Forehead,hair7. Face in gen8. Eye and sight9. Ears & hearing(max.jt)10. Nose, smell11. Lips12. Chin13. Lower jaw14. Teeth15. Tongue16. Saliva17. Internal throat

18. Fauces,oesophagus19. Taste20. Eructation,heartburn,hiccup21. Nausea,vomiting22. Desire for food and drink,

hunger23. Stomach24. Abdomen,epigastrium,hepatic

region,hypochondria25. Hypogastrium26. Lumbar region27. Groin, inguinal region28. Rectum,anus,perineum,29. Alvine evacuations30. Urine bladder urethra31. Genital organs

32. Sexual desire33. Sexual power,semen34. Menstrual

flux,leucorrhoea35. Sneezing, coryza,

catarrh,hoarseness36. Cough37. Breathing38. Chest39. Heart’s movements40. Sacral region,lumbar

vertebra41. Back42. Scapulae43. Nape44. Ext.throat45. Shoulders (Axilla)46. Arm, Hands47. Hip, Pelvis

48. Buttocks49. Thigh, Legs, Feet50. General Corporeal

Suffering and Cutaneous Affections

51. Suffering from open air52. Exfoliation, Disposition to

catch cold53. Sprains54. Convulsions, Paralysis55. Yawning, Sleepiness56. Fever, Chill, Heat, Sweat57. Anxiety58. Dusturbances of the

disposition, affections of mind

SPIRIT OF HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL DOCTRINE As the condition of the organism and its health

depends solely on the health of the life, which animates it, it follows that the altered health, which we term disease, consists in a condition altered originally only in its vital sensibilities and functions. All the different medicines known and thoroughly tested as to their peculiar symptoms must be the most certain remedy in every case of disease

THE PREAMBLE As every case is a distinct individuality, independent,

peculiar, a complex of symptoms always differing in nature – to affect a cure we should take every aggregate of morbid symptoms as complete as can be met within any single known drug. For the convenience of treatment we require merely to jot down after each symptom all the medicines which can produce such a symptom with tolerable accuracy, expressing them by a few letters and also to bear in mind the circumstances under which they occur, that have determining influence on our choice, and proceed in the same way with all the other symptoms, noting by what medicines each is exited. From the list so prepared, we shall be able to perceive which among the medicines homoeopathically covers most of the symptoms present, especially the most peculiar and characteristic ones – and this is the remedy sought for.


1. Nota Bene For My Reviewers.2. Examination of the sources of the common Materia

Medica. Vol II - 2nd Edition.3. A reminiscence. Vol IV – 2nd Edition.4. The medical Observer – A fragment. Vol IV - 2nd Edition.5. How small doses of such very attenuated medicines as

homoeopathy employs still possess great power. Vol VI – 2nd Edition.

6. Medicines Ledum to Verbascum.

NOTA BENE FOR MY REVIWERSThis is to show how much enmity the better healing art

had to endure from the allopathic doctors up to 1817. There were several unfair criticisms on the 2nd part of Materia Medica Pura especially on the essay “ spirit of homeopathic medical doctrine.A case is taken according to the direction given in organon and administered pure, unmixed, the most appropriate according to the principle of homoeopathy. Then if a speedy permanent cure is not obtained, we will be able to give a public refutation of this doctrine. Then homoeopathy is as good as lost.The homoeopathic medical doctrine will stand out in more prominent relief appear to great advantage against the foil of this nonsense and will dispel the nocturnal darkness of antiquated stupidities for it teaches how to afford certain benefit in diseases.


The first source is mere guesswork and fiction, which set forth the general therapeutic virtues of drugs - By Dioscorides. These substances are resolvent, deodstruent, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, sedative, antispasmodics, cathartic etc.

The second source of virtue of drugs in the Materia Medica is their sensible properties from which their action may be inferred. Eg. 1) Testicle Shaped Orchis root to restore the manly vigour.2) Phallus Impudicus to strengthen weak erections.3) Yellow Turmeric to cure jaundice.

3 The third source is by Chemistry – by Geofroy.To attain the knowledge of real pure action of remedies on the human frame by means of vegetable and animal chemistry. Animal chemistry can merely separate from animal substances such inanimate matters as show a different chemical action with chemical reagents. They act dynamically on the spiritual animal organism.Chemical constituents shown by vegetable chemistry to exist in plants also act in the same way.

Thus, chemistry can only give chemical information with respect to medicinal substances. But, cannot tell what spiritual dynamic changes they are capable of affecting in the health of the human being.

4. The fourth source – The most common of all the sources.It is from the practice of the physique, namely the employment of medicines in actual diseases where by it was imagined that information could be obtained with respect to the diseases in which the different medicines are useful.

5. By accident.Eg. a) The inhabitants of deep valleys were found to suffer from goiters. After thousands of drugs and domestic nostrums had been tried in vain, the roasted sponge found to be the best thing for it.b) Venereal Diseases – After other drugs – Mercury was lip upon and proved itself specific.c) Intermittent fever – after other drugs with Cinclona Bark.These specific cannot be always because the diseases were not constant in their nature.

6. Testing experimentally their pure effects – which form the pure materia medica.


The actual morbid state was attributed to pathology by the old school of medicines and it was given special names and recorded in nosological works. For these specially named diseases they gave special modes of treatment and this constituted science of therapeutics.Diseases are nothing more than alterations of the sound, normal state of health, manifested by signs and symptoms.

So, the honest physician should investigate the peculiar character of the disease before him in order to restore the patient with certainty. The simple natural way alone remains for us to ascertain with certainty the power of medicines to healthy individuals. Such a medicine will never fail to cure the disease.


In order to be able to observe well, the medical practitioner requires to possess the capacity and habit of noticing carefully and correcting the phenomena that take place in natural diseases as well as those that occur in the morbid states artificially exited by medicines when they are tested upon the healthy body and the ability to describe them in the most appropriate and natural expressions. We should direct our powers of concentration upon it.


When a small portion of medicine is added to water or alcohol, it liberates the dynamic powers of the medicine by means of succussion or trituration. Every part should contain an equal portion of the drop of medicine.This effect is developed by friction by which not only the internal physical properties are roused but also the dynamic medicinal powers are released.


1) Name of the drug – Common Name / Latin Name.2) Brief description of its preparation – its part used, its properties, poisonous effects etc.3) Names of Hahnemann’s disciples – who assisted him in the proving of drugs.Eg. Abner, Gross, Staph, Frederic Hahnemann.Authorities of traditional medicines quoted by Hahnemann for the recorded effects of the drugs.Eg. Albert’s jurisprudence.4) Name of the drug in capital

5. Symptoms are numbered 5,10,15,20…6. Time of occurrence of some of the symptoms after taking the medicine is given at the end of the symptoms in brackets    (Eg. Shooting in the frontal bone like a saw drawing (After six hours) Page No.185 of Materia Medica Pura Vol I)7. Symptoms got by Hahnemann, his disciples and other authorities are put together. Symptoms got by Hahnemann without any distinction; Symptoms got by Hahnemann’s disciples (Abbreviations – E.g. Staf); Old school authorities (Name in capitals)8. Two Grades ordinary and bold (frequently occurring symptom)9. Some symptoms are given in brackets. These are the doubtful symptoms, when circumstances like fright, chagrin etc that are supposed to interfere with the action of the medicine. The symptoms are placed in brackets for the purpose of informing the reader that they could not be considered genuine (a drawing tearing in the fore part of the urethra when not urinating) Page 175 of Materia Medica Pura Vol I . 10 Notes by Dr. Richard Hughes. At the bottom of the page designated by small figures like * , 1,2 etc


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