master's touch by yogi bhajan

Post on 02-Oct-2015






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Master's TouchYogi Bhajankundalini Yoga


  • I am in success with my divine! I swear, I declare, I say, I utter, I speak, I pronounce, I proclaim - all known and unknown expressions 1 meditate and say: I AM IN SUCCESS WITH MY DIVINE!

    B) Now we want to proclaim to God our gratitude. In a very heavy and whispered sound, utter the word WA HA Y GUROO. WA HA Y GUROO. Utter it precisely, in a heavy whisper. However much energy you put out you will get back 10 times. Heavy breath! Heavy duty! You will experience something if you put a lot of energy. Keep the tempo! Break the shield! A heavy duty whisper will do it! Get into it! Come on; control the breath! Push!!

    Inhale deeply ! Hold the breath. Lock it. Lock it. Concentrate. Concentrate. Lock it. Hold it. Concentrate. (30 seconds total) Let it go! Now smile.

    You were only about 3 minutes away from breaking through the corridors of the Self, and you would have gone to the stage of selflessness. But we don't have arrangements for you to spend the night here, so we had to stop. But just remember, if you ever repeat this meditation, exactly in the way I have directed, make sure that some friend you can trust is around you. That's necessary because sometimes you can get into an experience you can't even explain. That person should have a deep understanding.

    Sit down; do it; be pretty heavy. See that the breath is rhythmic and see that you have that capacity, the feeling. You will reach a point that is called the point of exhaustion. Bodily you will feel you are exhausted. You can't do it any more. It is the end of the road. From that point onward, it takes only a maximum of 7 to 1 1 breaths. That's how close you are.

    Those 7 to 1 1 breaths then make you break through to a stage where there should be no tiredness, and you will be you for the first time. The experience will be very personal, and that state of mind will be very personal, and that happiness will be the beginning of all happiness thereafter. You will never be in pain again. Just break the cycle of insanity which is eating you up.

    Sometime when you break through the field of ego with this you will find yourself entering a state, which you can vividly remember, of infinity. Then there will come a time when you need not put out of any effort. You can do it just by sitting like this and you will change and then you are here. Then it will become you. When that stage becomes you, it doesn't matter what you do, who you are, you'll automatically be guided by the divine will. Then you'll no longer say, "I hear a voice" or "I have this intuition" or "My inner voice tells me". . . There's no need for it. It's just automatic, no problem; you'll just know. We 're all good, very good.

  • / spread everything which I know to do. I am master and owner of this whole universe.

    Open your eyes. Assess in your consciousness what percentage of what was said did you totally agree to in consciousness. ?

    g) Chant long and powerful "ONG". If there is a class, have women chant and the men join so that there is an overlapping of the sound with separate starting times. This is the sound of creativity of the word. Chant 3-1 1 minutes. Then inhale deeply and hold the breath and exhale.

    2 - Anahata, the mystical sound. A REMARKABLE MEDITA TION: the wahay guroo whisper meditation for success, happiness that lasts simplicity and grace, breaking through ego to selflessness, to never be in pain again, for automatic and effortless divine state, Taught by Yogi Bhajan at the Salem Meditation Course, 13 May 82.

    A) Live simply. Sit down. Be pleasant. Be nice. Make it; fake it, fake a smile. Sit straight and look good. Now, go inside. Close your eyes. Pretend - fake it - that you are graceful. Relax and be very graceful, because commitment gives you character; therefore, commit! With character you get divinity; divinity gives you dignity, and dignity gives you grace. Therefore sit as a graceful statue of God. Produce the atmosphere that I, so-and-so, am a statue, graceful, beautiful and wonderful creation of God. Give yourself a chance. Those who can fake this can make it. Evaluate yourself that you are very graceful, very calm, very beautiful. Don't move. Don't let your body move. Control your nerves. Control your muscles.

    Command your mind to produce a very graceful structural appearance of yourself! When you start commanding it, all the dirty thoughts and negative thoughts, a lot of garbage, will start floating through you. Don't worry. Your meditation has set in. The moment the first negative thought hits you, you are meditating. That's the sign. Avoid that, and start positively directing your mind to create - I repeat, create - a graceful, wonderful personality of yourself.

    And now I give you the mantra: I AM IN SUCCESS WITH MY DIVINE 1 am in success with my divine! I am mentally, mentally in success with my divine! I am I am, I am I am, God and me, me and God are one. I am in success with my divine. My divine. Don't fight with ego. Just go along with it. I ego, my ego, mine ego, I am in success with my divine! I am in success with my divine! Come on! Come on, come on, come on. Get to it. Feel it. Feel it. Feel it. God is everywhere; God is infinity. God is merciful. Just get related to it right now and your whole life will change. Feel the relief success will install in you. I am in success with my divine. I am in success with my divine! All failures will vanish. Just come on quickly. Get to it! It's the shortest way to get to the best.

  • MODULE 3 - 2h112 1 - Mental sound - Kant a) Write 108 times the Mool Mantra on a sheet of paper while repeating it mentally. Listen to the sound in relation with the writing. b) Meditation for self-assessment


    A) Sit straight, hands in gian mudra. Observe how much your mind is behind what you will say and how much you are phoney. While the teacher utters these words, the student listens with eyes closed, and then repeats the words aloud. Listen very carefully :

    I am an individual, Very graceful, Totally pious, Absolutely perfect, Unmistakably beautiful. There is nothing the word can describe. I am absolutely righteous, A living truth. In my conversation with friends, In my conversation with enemies, In my political life, In my social life, In my material life, In my individual life, In my private life, I am absolutely correct, Righteous, Wise, And totally good. I understand, Everything, Absolutely 1 am perfect in knowledge, I created god, He never created me, I am not kidding, it is a truth. I am talking about it. Therefore, I am the creator. I can create the word "GOD", By writing it on the wall, By speaking it with my tongue, By communicating with people, I made the radio, Television, I print the newspaper,

  • 2 - Emotional sound - Hardav A) Meditation to transcend individual consciousness and anger


    Sit in easy pose with the spine straight. Make fists of both hands. Put both fists with back of palms towards you, 6 to 8 inches in front of the brow point. Extend and press the thumbs and palms together until they become white. There is no need to press very hard, just firmly It is important to let the last joint of the thumb relax and bend as much as possible. Close the eyes and take a deep breath. Let the breath out quickly and powerfully and say WHA GURU. Utter this sound at the highest velocity of frequency that is possible. The pitch will be high and vibrate through the nose and brow point on GURU. WHA is about 7 second and GURU is about 7 seconds. Now, take a deep breath and repeat the mantra rhythmically. Continue for 2 minutes.

    6) Meditation to perfect the power of prayer - 31 '


    This is a meditation to conquer sickness, become a spiritual healer, and perfect the power of prayer. Warning: Only practice this meditation in the presence of an obsen/er or in a group. Beginners should only practice for a maximum of 1 1 minutes.

    Sit in easy pose. Fingers are interlocked, left little finger on the bottom. The right thumb is over the left thumb, and the tip of the right thumb is tucked into the hole separating the two hands. The tip of the left thumb rests inside the right hand in the nook between the thumb and index finger. Eyes are unfocused, looking down toward the ground.

    Inhale in four strokes, mentally vibrating SAA TAA NAA MAA. (SAA on the first stroke, TAA on the second, etc.). The inhale takes 4-5 seconds. Now hold the breath in while you mentally vibrate WAHA Y GUROO 16 times in a gentle pulse loud and soft). The breath is held for 16-20 seconds. Now exhale in 4 strokes, mentally vibrating SAA TAA NAA MAA as before. 4-5 seconds.

    Continue for 1 1 minutes. With practice, you can work your way up to 31 minutes.

    Note: If you wish to heal yourself concentrate on breathing through the left nostril during this meditation. If you wish to heal others, concentrate on the breathing through the right nostril.


    A) Sit with the right knee up and the left foot flat on the ground. The sole of the left foot faces the right foot and contacts it so that the ball of the left foot is just in front of the anklebone of the right foot. Lean back on the left arm making a fist of the hand and rest the right elbow on the right knee. The palm of the right hand rests so that the base of the thumb is on the cheek bone and the rest of the hand forms a cup over the ear with the top open. Inhale deep and begin chanting a long, smooth Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Listen to this sound through the cupped palm. Continue for 31 minutes and then change sides for an equal time. It's best to start slow, with a total time of 3 1 minutes for both sides.

    COMMENTS: Man's fundamental nature is to unfold, to evolve. Fear curtails this activity and you become unhappy. If you are fearless, your potentials will unfold. Without a regular habit of sadhana to build the strength of the crystal aura, you are at the mercy of fears. If the magnetic shield is strong, negative thoughts turn to positive energy as they pass through the auric shield. This meditation calls on the cosmos or God through the sound of compassion and stimulates the inner sounds. The universe becomes the mother and you the child. Call and she shall come to your aid.

    MODULE 2 - 2h112 1 - Phvsical sound. Bakri A) Work on the 5 vowels AEIOU $ AUM B) This is the sound effect produce by the tongue on the palate, and affect the hypothalamus and the pituitary.

    MEDITA TlON FOR POSITIVE COMMUNICA TlON Posture: sit in easy pose with an erect spine. Mudra: Raise both hands 9- 12 inches in front of the chest so the arms are shoulder height, and the hands angle down from the throat level toward the heart level. Both palms face the body with the back of the right palm in the palm of the left hand. Fingers are straight and together. Fold the left thumb over the right palm, and fold the right thumb over the left thumb. The hands will have the fingers crossed and angled downwards. Once you create the mudra, stretch the shoulders forward comfortably. Eyes: Eyes are closed. Breath: Take a deep inhale and chant the mantra five times on a breath as you exhale. Then immediately inhale deeply through the nose. Mantra: In a smooth monotone voice, chant:

    Haree haree haree haree haree haree har

    Continue up to 11 minutes with the group. On your own, you can increase the time with practice up to 31 minutes. Listen to your words as you speak them. Feel the sounds flow over the tongue and the tip of the tongue. Be fully present to each sound and take a focused projection with your mind.

  • INTRODUCTION to the 5 aspects of sacred sound.

    1 - Physical, Bakri, product by the tongue. 2 - Emotional, Harday, the fervent prayer. 3 - Mental, Khant, silent reading. 4 - Mystical, Anahat, inaudible echo. 5 - Nabhi.

    MODULE 1 - 2hlQ

    The 5 aspects of the sound.



    Bakri Anahat

    Nabhi: this is the primal cry, of the first breath in the lungs, full of innocence, the arrival of the incarnation. This is also the cry of the ego, the cry that kills in martial arts. This is the destruction of the sound, the power of the sound, the one that can become destructive

    Exercise nOl Go out of the room. Find a place where you feel safe (for example, near a tree) and make a cry, come back, regress and find again the cry of birth ! 30 min. Come back in the classroom. Express this cry. 11 min. Immediately after do the meditation for the divine shield.

  • Music: Siri Akal Wahe Guru from Nirinjan Kaur After 12 min: put your hands over your eyes. Inhale, hold and heal yourself with this energy. Now everybody go to the bathroom to get rid of all the toxins we have released. 3. A meditation that helps even in the most hopeless of situations In easy pose with the hands in front of the chest 20 to 30 cm separate. Bring the hands in a graceful motion slow and flowing like Tai Chi with the palms facing in to the heart center without touching each other or the chest and then back in the same motion without turning the hands. Time: 4 min. Music: Chant Raa maa daa saa saa say so hung.

    Dec. 9, 1989 Mantra 2 It is essential that man has a mantra. A man without a mantra cannot exist. What saves the mind from the effect of the subconscious mind is called mantra. Mantra is cleanng the mind so that during the day we may not be depressed or burst out. Have you seen people who are moody, angry and rude? Depressed and touch me not? Feel empty and unfulfilled? This is all because their subconscious is more heavy than their conscious activity. So we need balance and a deep balance. A balance where our inside should be two times stronger than the outside world. The exercises work on the stem of the brain and release a lot of tension and negativity. 1. EP Shoulders move up and down, with the arms bent, the elbows diagonally down, and the hands with Jupiter and Saturn fingers straight, the other fingers over the thumb tips. Music (an 8 beat rhythm ): Har Har Har Har Gobinde (Nirinjan Kaur). Time: 18 Min. Inhale

    2. Put the hands on the heart center and do long and deep breathing. 2 Min.

    3. To enhance the pranic Shakti Same posture as 2. listening to Pavan Pavan (Gurushabd Singh). Don't speak but listen. After 21 min start whispering the mantra for 5 minutes. Then change the chanting to: Saa Ray Saa Saa (whispering) 9 minutes To end: inhale deep, hold the breath, with a powerful breath, let it go. 3 times. Afterwards: talk to each other, socialise and be normal.

    4. In easy pose. Lock the left thumb under the right thumb. The hands are together in prayer pose in front of the chest (fingers pointing up). The lower arms are in one straight horizontal line. Elbows in tight. Open and close the eyes a couple of times and then fix them on the tip of the nose. Concentrate deeply. Music: Har Har Gobinde (Nirinjan Kaur).Chant mantra from navel point.This mantra brings prosperity and protection. It is the key to the doorway of self elevation. Repeat slowly but effectively: Time: 13 min.

  • without you. God did not have to create you. He is using all his money to clothe you, to feed you, and to kill you. God has undertaken a job, he wants to get the souls back which got scattered when he danced and he made music. After 3 rnin of chanting: raise the pitch, sing from the nose, raise the Kundalini. Sing from the navel to the Ida and Pingala in the nostrils. Time: 7 min. This is what is going to be. All medicine will fail. All answers will fail. Two things will prevail. One is to raise the Kundalini, give the strength, otherwise stop using people and stealing their money. The other is to create music and affirmation to get into the head of the person when he is driving bumper to bumper. He needs something to uplift him without effort because he is already stuck in the mud. 5. In Ep sing: God and me me and God are one, for 1 minute Remember this affirmation always. This is an ashtang mantra . The secret of this is that it should come from Ida and Pingala (the energy channels that end in the nostrils]. The moment it comes from the IdajPingala pitch you are automatically divine. Sing in a nasal pitch.

    Homework after this class: For 40 days for 31 min do Sodarshan Chakra Kriya with 16 times Whahay Guroo.

    Dee. 8, 1989 Mantra 1 When we use the vibrations of mind over is called mantra, sound. The sound has the power of creativity. Sound is also the power to communicate. You can say most beautiful words but you can sound terrible. It is not what you say it is how you say it. It is not what you hear it is how you hear. All great men have the great capacity to hear and all great men have the charisma to speak. The universe is created by sound and spirit. What is the frequency at which you want to create and what is the energy with which you want to create? How swift you are, how simple and how sure. That decides your life. 1. For healing In easy pose. The hands with palms up, elbows bent and the hands app. 25 cm in front of chest, app. 20 cm separate from each other, the fingers are relaxed. All you have to do is dance the fingers to the sound. Concentrate on the tip of the nose. It is important to move the tips, one of the most healing parts of the body. Music: I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful by Nirinjan Kaur 6 Min Continue with: Happiness from Nirinjan Kaur 9.5 min Continue with: Reality, Prosperity and Ecstacy from Niranjan Kaur (the tip of the finger will become heavier, sooner or later you will become healers) 7 min Stretch the atms diagonally forward. Then continue in the same posture with Nirbhao Sat Siri Nirbhao Akal Siri Nirbhao Param Atma. 8 min

    2. For self development I In easy pose. Elbows bent and the hands are up. Let the arms and hands dance

    together. (right arm is the male, left is the female)

  • 4. EP, arms bent at shoulder level with elbows to the sides and the hands with alms down in front of the chest, right over left with a few cm between. Move the hands up and down in small rapid movements with breath of fire. 2 min. The wole body will move. Inhale, hold tight and tighten every muscle and exhale, let it go.

    Sept. 22 1991 The phenomenon of sound 2 1. Works on parasympathetic nervous system by releasing garbage from the nervous system through the armpit. EP, stretch left arm up with the Jupiter finger also stretched up, the other fingers are folded across the thumb. The right arm with the hand at shoulder.level in the same mudra is bent at the side. Focus on tip of nose. Keep the fingers stiff. Keep the neck straight. Stretch the left arm and hand up as much as possible. Time: 3 Min. Then inhale deeply. Hold and stretch up as much as possible then exhale.

    2. Works on the back. Sit in easy pose, both arms are up with the elbows bent down. The hands are at shoulder level with the Jupiter and Saturn fingers straight up (the other fingers are bent over the thumb) at the farthest possible point, where you can just see them from the corners of your eyes. Sit in a 60 degrees angle backwards. Time: 7 min Then very slowly in three steps bend more and more forward, at each stop you inhale deep and hold the breath and move. Stop when you have to exhale. Bend in this posture forward until forehead is on the ground, finger still in the mudra rest on the ground, chant as loud as possible with tape ANG SANG WAHE GURU. (by Nirinjan Kaur) Time: 7 min. To end: 1 min belly laughter. Lecture: There is a saying when God became himself in his own ecstasy he danced and when he danced out of his own ecstacy of love he created the music and when he created that music that music created the earth, and the heavens and the planets and the life. He got so much into ecstacy that part of him scattered. This part is called soul. Now every soul wants to come back. Music is a way out of many ways for coming back. You know there are different systems. We are Shakti Yogis. We put everything in the breath and breathe it out. There are Bhakti Yogis, they do and do and do and sooner or later it gets done. But there is also the very musical methodical affectionate system of harmony.

    4. In EP chant: Ek Ong Kaar Sat naam Siree Wha hay Guroo ( if possible with life music). For 3 minutes. This is a chant where Purkha, Prakriti and Prakash meet thrice. It is called Sangam. If you chant this mantra ever, it will expand you as a fragrance. Let us do a miracle today. Meditate on Guru Ram Das. Get him in your heart. God is within us. There are 30 trillion Gods dancing within us. 29 trillion won't work. That is how bad it is. Now, you think you are small? You are God. But you have been taught not to accept it.. You have been exploited by religion for thousands of years not to accept your God. You don't act like God, you don't behave like God, you dont like to think like God. There is neither a God beyond you nor is it possible there is a God

  • I Excerpts from lectures and exercise series of Yogi Bhajan on the theme "Sacred Sound" L Sep 21 1991 : The Phenomenon of Sound 1

    To create a negative sound to cross through the vocal meridian point of the L medulla to get to the appropriate part of the brain to bring in us understanding of

    the word 'totality'.

    L I . In easy pose. Right hand: Jupiter (Index) and Sun (Ring) fingers stretched up, the other two

    L locked under the thumb. Left hand the Mercury (pinky) and Sun (ring) fingers straight out and Jupiter (index) and Saturn (middle) locked under the thumb.

    L Left arm diagonally up to the side and forward, elbow is straight. Right arm elbow bent at the shoulder. Palms forward. Look at the tip of the nose.

    L Inhale slowly, hold the inhale as long as possible, exhale through the rolled tongue uttering Whahay G uroo. 6 Min.

    2. To experience the sushumna for a moment and become psychic. In easy pose do "miserable posture" in the following steps: a. eyes down - nose and upper lip pulled in b. upperlip and cheeks down and chin in, lower jaw locked down c. shoulders up and hands in loose fist in front of the shoulders. Make shoulders very tight. d. straighten spine and relax face e. tilt the head slightly back as if listening, eyes closed Time: 2-3 minutes. Do this in slow clear steps This is Partahar, the science from totality to zero and then from zero to infinity. This is a part of yoga that never has been explained.

    3. To heal the metabolism by working on the brain. Right arm up to side 60 degrees, left down to side in one line with right arm. Arms straight, hold the angle. Chin in, chest out, spine straight. Fix the eyes on the tip of the nose. Concentrate on your inner ear and listen. Be steady! Music: ANG SANG WAHE GURU.(by Nirinjan Kaur) Do not sing. After 6 Min change the arms very slowly. After 1.5 min bring both arms horizontal to the sides, the palms of the hands are up, and begin Breath of Fire. After 1.5 min press the hands with maximum force together in front of the chest. 30 sec. Afterwards socialise, talk with each other. Part of partahar is to bring the body to Shunya, to zero. If you cannot do it, that is what causes all the stress and pain.

  • C Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    I!= Saa Ray Saa Ray Gaa Ray Gaa Ray Gaa Maa

    r Gaa Maa Gaa Maa Paa Maa Paa Maa Paa Daa Paa Daa Paa Daa Nee

    - Daa Nee Daa Nee Saa

    Saa Nee Saa Nee Daa - Nee Daa Nee Daa Paa

    Daa Paa Daa Paa Maa Paa Maa Paa Maa Gaa

    - Maa Gaa Maa Gaa Ray Gaa Ray Gaa Ray Saa

    - Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Gaa Paa Ray Maa Daa Gaa Paa Nee Maa Daa Saa Paa Daa Nee Daa Nee Saa

    Saa Daa Maa Nee Paa Gaa Daa Maa Ray Paa Gaa Saa Maa Gaa Ray Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

  • I Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa - 2

    b Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Baa Pas Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    r Saa Ray Saa Saa Gaa Saa Saa Maa Saa Saa Paa Saa Saa Daa Saa

    I Saa Nee Saa Saa Saa Saa Saa Nee Saa t Saa Daa Saa Saa Paa Saa

    I Saa Maa Saa Saa Gaa Saa %a Ray Saa Saa Saa Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gas Ray Sas

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Gaa Ray Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Maa Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Paa Maa Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Daa Pas Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Nee Daa Paa Daa Nee Saa Nee Daa Nee Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Nee Daa Paa Daa Nee Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Paa Daa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Maa Paa Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Gaa Nlaa Paa. Maa Gaa Ray Saa Ray Gaa Maa Gaa Ray Saa Ray Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Dad Paa Maa Gaa Ray Sea



    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa -1

    Saa Saa Ray Saa Ray Gaa Saa Ray Gaa Maa Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa NeeSaa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Saa Ray Gaa Ray Gaa Maa Gaa Maa Paa Maa Paa Daa Paa Daa Nee Daa Nee Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Saa Nee Saa Nee Daa Saa Nee Daa Paa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa Saa Nee Daa Paa Maa Gaa Ray Saa

    Saa Saa Nee Daa Nee Daa Paa Daa Paa Maa Paa Maa Gaa Maa Gaa Ray Gaa Ray Saa

  • Ardaas Bhayee Amar Daas Guroo Amar Daas Guroo Ardas Bhayee Raam Daas Guroo Raam Daas Guroo Raam Daas Guroo Sachee Sahee This mantra will help people when they go through Shakti Pad, a confrontation with their ego. The essence of this mantra : A prayer is offered to Guru Amar Das (the Guru who started the service of free kitchens and assures that all one's needs are provided for). Guru Ram Das guarantees that this prayer will be answered ( the fourth of the Sikh Gurus who exemplified the virtue of service). This prayer has been made - Ardaas Bhayee, and because Guru Amar Daas is the shelter of the shelterless the power to forgive is bestowed upon him. Sahee is the documented authority- ,,Granted!"

    Aap Sahaaee Hoaa Sachay Daa Sachaa Dhoa, Har, Har, Har The meaning of this mantra is : The Lord Himself is the Protector, the Truest of the True takes care of us. This mantra takes away all negativity from your surrounding environments and from within you. To bring release from unsurmountable financial pressures, when nothing else works, chant this mantra for one hour each day.

    Brahmaaday, Trayshaa Guroo, It Wahay Guroo Great Macroself, Creative Self, All that is Creative through Time, All that is the Great One, Three aspects of God (Gener ting =Brahma, Organizing=Vishnu, Destroying=Mahesh) are contained in Wahay Guru.

    .- .-J-& This mantra works on one's self -esteem and intuitive capacity.

    Sat Siree Siree Akaal Siree Akaal Maahaa , Akaal Maahaa Akaal Sat Naam l l i C L Akaal Moorat Whahay Guroo The Great Undying indescribable Aspect of God. This mantra will take away your fear of death,and give you the power to inspire others to be fearless. .

    KEEP UP This is the Mahaa (great) Mantra of the Aquarian Age!

  • Chotay Pad Mantra Sat Narayan Whahay Guroo Haree Narayan Sat Naam

    Narayan is the aspect of Infinity that relates to water. Sat Narayan is True Sustainer that gives Clear Perception of Truth and Hari Narayan is the Clear Perception of the Creative essence of the Divine, which makes the one who chants it intuitively clear or healing. Wahe Guru is indescribable Wisdom and Sat Nam, True Identity. This mantra is chanted to create inner peace so that one can project outer peace. It gives one a clear perception of the Truth.

    Har Haray Haree Whahay Guroo Shakti mantra & Bhakti Mantra = hat-, haray, haree & wha hay guru. Creative creativity of the Creator. Hari represents the action and flow of Creative Infinity. Har is the original force of Creativity. This mantra gets rid of obnoxious situations in your life; stops all calamity.

    Rakhay Rakhan Haar Aap Ubaarian 5*~ Gur Kee Pairee Paa-ay Kaaj Savaarian

    Hoaa Aap Day-aal ~ a n 6 Naa Visaarian cb-t & Saadh Janaa Kai Sang Bhavajal Taarian & G I L ~ z ~ ~ c ~ , ~ Saakat Nindak Dusht Khin Maa-eh Bidaarian Tis Saahib Kee Tayk Nanak Manai Maa-eh Jis Simrat Sukh Ho-ay Sagalay Dookh Jaa-eh 0 Protector Lord: Protect us all and take us across. You uplift us and give us excellence. You gave us the touch of the lotus feet of the Guru and our works are embellished with perfection. You are Merciful, Kind, and Compassionate and our minds do not forget You. In the Company of the Holy, You save us from misfortune. You destroy the enemies of the Pure Ones in an instant. The Lord Master is my anchor and support. 0 Nanak, hold firm in my mind. Upon remembering Him, Bliss wells up in me and all pain leaves.

    This writing of Guru Arjan Dev from Rehiras helps you when you are weak materially or physically. It is chanted for complete protection and does away with the obstacles to fulfilling your destiny.

    I Am, I Am This mantra ,,I Am, I Am" relates the finite identity of the first ' I Am' with the infinite identity of the second 'I Am'. If you just say in your mind 'I Am', immediately the mind asks ,,what?". This does not expand the mind beyond the limited self. But if you immediately say a second 'I Am', the thought becomes 'I Am What 1 Am', and to be what you are is the essence of truth and the nature of reality. As you repeat the mantra think of the first 'I Am' as a personal reference. The second 'I Am' is to connect you to your infinite self.

  • gan Mantra ar Har Har Gobinday ar Har Har Mukanday lar Har Har Udaaray ar Har Har Apaaray lar Har Har Hareeang lar War Har Kareeang tar Har Har Nirnaamay ar Har Har Akaamay

    This is a mantra that circulates the energy flow and activates every cell in us. Healing energies flow through all our ten bodies.This mantra, being a five part mantra, balances the tattwas.

    Siri Mantra Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gurprasaad Sat Gurprasaad Ek Ong Kaar There is one Creator of this Creation. One can experience Him through the Grace of the Guru. This mantra also has the name Magic Mantra. This is the most powerful of the mantras. Its combination is so strong that it elevates the self beyond duality and establishes the flow of the spirit. It removes all obstacles. The effect comes quickly and is positive and very durable. There's one thing to consider- this mantra has to be chanted in a place of reverence with reverence.

    Kundalini Bhakti Mantra Adee Shaktee, Adee Shaktee, Adee Shaktee, Namo Namo Sarab Shaktee, Sarab Shaktee, Sarab Shaktee, Namo Namo Pritham Bhaagavatee, Pritam Bhaagavatee, Pritam Bhaagavatee,

    Namo Namo Kundaleenee Maata Shaktee Maata Shaktee, Namo Namo I call upon the Primal Power I call upon the Eternal Power I call upon the Divine Power of Love I call upon the Kundalini, the Mother Energy

    This is a mantra of devotion to the Primal Creative Power which is represented by woman on this earth. It can eliminate fears and fulfill many desires.

  • Sargum Mantra Saa Ray Gaa Maa Paa Daa Nee Saa This is an earth mantra. It also composes the sounds of the classical Indian musical scale or raga.

    Siri Sargum Mantra Saa Ray Eaa Maa Paa Dhaa Nee Saa Taa Naa Maa Raa Maa Daa Saa Saa Say So Hung

    This mantra is used in Kauri Kriya. Kauri Kriya has the power to raise your energy from the lower to the higher centers. It will take the apana (eliminative energy) into the prana (generating energy) region, balancing and aiding in properly channeling these energies. Eventually, prana and apana will both end up in Saraswati, the lotus of the one-thousand petals. This will turn the chakra upside down so that the nectar will run out of it. By virtue of the Nam (mantra) the nectar starts dripping in me. ( The higher glands secrete.) Pranayam is the science of breath control. Using the breath in combination

    with mantra, music and rhythm gives the most powerful effect possible in the science of naad. Kauri Kriya is "Mahan Dhyaan"(great meditation). It involves the chanting of 20 sounds in one deep breath. There are four parts to Kauri Kriya: 1) saa ray gaa maa paa dhaa nee ( Sargum Mantra, earth mantra) 2) saa taa naa maa (Panj Shabd, the five primal sounds,including ,,aaU ) 3) raa maa dhaa saa (raa-Sun, maa-Moon, dhaa-Earth, saa-Infinite = earth mantra) 4) saa say so hung (subtle body,ether mantra; together with raa maa dhaa saa, creates the healing mantra to channel healing energy)

    Guru Gaytri Mantra Gobinday Mukanday Udaaray Apaaray Hareeang Kareeang Nirnaamay Akaamay Sustainer, Liberator, liluminator, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator, Without Name, Without Desire

    This mantra is also called Sarab Shakti Mantra. It has a very special quality. It eliminates karmic blocks and curses from the past and cleanses the aura so that it becomes easier to meditate and relate to the Infinite. It is a mantra for protection. Chant from the navel point to reach the infinite. This mantra is supposed to be chanted in one breath letting AKAAME go until the breath finishes.

  • Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Haibhay Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhay Sach This mantra comes from the 17th poem of the Sukhmani Sahib, "that which gives peace to the mind."lt breaks creative blocks by enhancing the brain's ability to compute complex decisions. It was given to Guru Arjan by Baba Siri Chand to open his creativity to finish the mantric poem, Sukhmani Sahib.

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    ~GL>C'< 4 . l y L L ~ " ~ 2 ! - p & d l / C I LC:? &Q4 p, L&4.u /=* Sat Naam Kartaa ,Purakh ,Nirbhao, Nirvair Akaal Moorat

    Ajoonee Saibhang ~ u r ~ r a s a a d ' Jap Aad Sach '~ugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach -&+ There is One Creator of the Creation, Truth is His Name, He is the Doer of all, Without fear, Without vengeance, His image is immortal,He was not born, /kc He exists by Himself, We realize Him by the Guru's Grace, Meditate (repeat), (


    Truth was in the beginning, Truth was through time, Truth is, Nanak says, ,

  • .6

    expresses ecstasy through knowledge and experience. ~t has to be chanted . Wha-hay Guroo".

    P This mantra is also called Trikutee Mantra.

    rn Adi Shakti Mantra Ek Ong Kaar Sat Naam Siri Wahay Guroo There is One Creator of this creation, Whose Name is Truth, and indescribable is His Wisdom.

    There are many ashtang mantras, but the one that we chant most regularly is I called the Adi Shakti mantra. This mantra opens all the chakras, balances

    you, opens the naadis, gives you energy and tunes you into your inner guide within- raising your Kundalini. Be sure to chant powerfully and vibrate the ONG at the back of the palate. Neck lock must be applied. Think about the meaning of the mantra. This mantra may be chanted in the two and one-half breath cycle for its full power, or in any tune you make up for light meditation. In the two and one-half breath cycle you take a deep inhale and chant EK ONG KAR in one breath. The EK is very short, ONG and KAAR are equal in length. Take another deep inhale and chant SAT NAAM SIRI. The SAT is short, NAAM is very long, and SIR1 just escapes your tongue with the last bit of breath. Then take a short half breath and chant WHAHAY GUROO. WHA is short, HAY a bit longer and GUROO is medium long.

    Mangalacharan Mantra Aad Guray Nameh Jugaad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siree Guroo Dayv-ay Nameh I bow before the Primal Wisdom I bow to the Wisdom of all ages I bow to the True Wisdom I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom The Mangalacharan is the mantra of divinity which protects you and brings you happiness. Before driving away in your car it is recommended that one chant this mantra one time. If it is predetermined that you will die at a particular time and space chanting this mantra puts you at a different time and space. The 15 seconds that it takes to chant this mantra may find you six inches or two feet away from the accident.

    Kundalini Shakti Mantra Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach Truth was in the beginning Truth was through time Truth is now Nanak says, Truth is eternal This mantra is from the complete Mul mantra given by Guru Nanak. It is a Kundalini Mantra. It raises your awareness and the power of consciousness.

  • been covered with powdery substances, to a variety of sound waves, the powder formed itself into astonishing, complex and symmetrical shapes resembling yantras, mandalas and living tissues. One can deduce thus that organic structures, such as human tissue and organs, are upheld by specific standing frequencies. This can clearly explain how, as we mentioned earlier, mantras and their vibrations have a transformational and healing effect on the physical and mental bodies.

    CLASSICAL MANTRAS OF KUNDALlNl YOGA Adi Mantra Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo I bow before the Creative Force I bow before the Transparent Wisdom

    ONG ............... NAMO ........ GU-ROO DAYV ......... NAMO To chant this mantra you should be sitting with a straight spine , with the palms of the hands joined so that the joints of the thumbs are at the sternum. The mantra is usually chanted at least three times, with one cycle per breath or a little break to sip air through the mouth before Gu-roo Dayv.

    Bij Mantra Sat Naam Truth is the Name (identity) Sat Nam is the bij, or seed mantra that is most used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

    Panj Shabd Saa Taa Naa Maa Saa: Infinity Taa: Life Naa: Death Maa: Rebirth ,,I am that balance between sun, moon, earth and ether- that totality of lnfinity is Thou, I am Thou." This mantra expresses the five primal sounds of the universe. It is the nuclear form of Sat Naam. The fifth sound is the 'A1 that is the common connecting sound meaning ,, to come". It is the sound of God's manifestation into being. It is said that the primary sound of the creation of the Universe is ,, Aaaaaaa h".

    Guru Mantra or Trikutee Mantra c, -,I;, 1 L J 4 Law< LG LJ

    Wahe Guru: Indescribable wisdom It expresses the indescribable experience of going from the darkness to the Divine Light. This mantra means Indescribable wisdom and gives one the experience of the complete and total infinity of ecstasy. Wahe means ,,ecstasy" and Guru ,,from darkness to light" or ,,ignorance to wisdom". It

  • experience of Truth contained within one's soul. As with any seed, the ground must be prepared (mind) and it needs to be watered (intentionldiscipline) in order for it to grow and give fruit.

    THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MANTRAS The Meridian Points In chanting you have to move your mouth. The total effect depends on the reflex points on the tongue and mouth. In the mouth there are 84 meridian points on the upper palate (none on lower palate). They are not connected with body organs. Feel the upper palate's sensitivity with your tongue. The vibration goes through even if you wear a wood or metal retainer. There are two types of coitus. One is done with two people and the other

    with one's own self. This yoga is done in the mouth. There are two caves, the beej guphaa or seed cave and the giaan guphaa or cave of wisdom and knowledge. The first takes the female and male organs, the yoni and lingum, and their coming together in union to create a rhythm and a release. With giaan guphaa the mouth is the uterus, the yoni, and the tongue is the male organ, the lingum. When we chant the tongue gets hard, it gets a erection through the rhythm of mantra yoga and this creates the stimulation or the higher glands. The upper palate forms the roof of the oral cavity, serving to separate the mouth cavity from the nasal cavity of the cranium. It consists of the hard palate and the soft palate. The hard palate is located right behind the teeth; the soft palate is located on the roof of the mouth. There are 84 points located on the upper palate. 32 pairs of points are located on the hard palate around the inside of the upper teeth. The remaining 20 points are located in a 'U' shape curve on the soft palate on the roof of the mouth. There are 10 points on each side. These points are stimulated by the movements of the whole tongue. These send signals that stimulate the hypothalamus, which in turn stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands. These secretions cause a change in the chemical composition of the brain, altering one's state of consciousness.

    Sound vibration: its nature and effects Sound is vibration and everything in the physical world is a constant state of vibration. The fundamental reality is sound. Atoms,as they vibrate, produce individual sounds which collectively form chords or molecules. Scientists have discovered that the planets emit each a very particular sound frequency. Mercury has a chirping, quick silvery sound. Saturn hums a slow, dreamy melody and the Sun is a great musical instrument comprising 80 different overtones. The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras christened this effect .the harmony of the spheres", explaining that the mathematical ratios between the vibratory rates of the notes on a scale reflect a Universal Law of Harmony, descriptive of planetary motions, the laws of music and the inner life of the soul. Experiments have shown that by subjecting a plate, which had previously

  • SURAT SHABD YOGA: is the unifying experience of listening to the inner self. 'Surat' means 'to listen1; 'shabd' is the sound current of Infinity; and 'yoga' means union. By tuning into the sound current of Infinity you become merged with it. This requires training and by applying the technique of 'listening' to the mantra we gain this gift in which the mind and mantra become one. As one learns to listen in silence the sound of Anahat is perceived as it is issued from the heart chakra. Various listening experiences may occur. One might hear 'bells1 or perhaps a 'buzz' like that of a bee. You might hear it in one ear or the other. Listen to these sounds and gain concentration (Dharana). Bring the sound to the 3rd eye and hear a mantra and meditate (Dhyana) on it. Eventually the mind experiences the bliss of the state of oneness (Samadhi).

    TYPES OF MANTRAS: In Mantra Yoga not only do we categorize the sounds according to their

    effects but also according to their effectiveness and level from which they originate. In this case mantras are categorized as follows: Bakri refers to the sounds made at the tip of the tongue. It is the audible sound. It is what you speak. Khant is the sound generated in the throat. It is the sound of the mind, the thinking sounds. It is the sound which one forms mentally when reading silently where you hear the sub vocal sound as though actually physically projected. Harday is the sound formed at the heart center. It is the communication generated from the heart. It is the wish the m~ther sends to her son or the chela to the guru. It is the communion via the silent language of thought. Nabhi refers to the sound formed at the navel. What we speak at the navel is most powerful. Anahat, the sound which has no end, Infinite. It is the "unstruck sound", which reverberates deep into all levels of consciousness and existence. In the deepest meditation when the mind and body merge in union with the spirit essence, Anahat is the sound that is heard. The inner silence is the silence of the ego. The mind now vibrates silently in perfect unison with the unlimited self. Silence is filled with Anahat. Anahat brings intuition and inner strength. It is a potential that children have when young and then needs to be redeveloped through Mantra Yoga.

    Ashtanga mantra - refers to an eight part mantra. This aligns with the basic rhythm of Naad. It enhances the transformation of energy between the subtle and the gross aspects of nature and experience. Bij Mantra - In Sanskrit and Gurmukhi, sounds which have no direct translation but which contain great power which can be "grown" from it are called "seed mantras." Seed in Sanskrit is caHed "Bijam" or 'Bij' in the singular and 'Bija' in the plural form. In Kundalini Yoga we use 'Sat Naml as a bij mantra. Because it means 'Truth is the Identity or Name', essentially it has the power to release the power and bring on the

  • The power of a mantra does not reside in it's definition. The word is based upon energy. Nowhere is this idea more true than for yoga mantras. For although there is a general meaning which comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the mantra. The only true definition is the experience which it ultimately creates in the sayer.

    Mantras have been tested and/or verified by their original framers or users. Each mantra is associated with an actual sage or historical person who once lived. The mantra was probably arrived at through some form of meditation or intuition and subsequently tested by the person who first encountered it. One great example is Yogi Bhajanls tale of how the mantra Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru came to manifest. Mantras are tools of power and tools for power. The word "mantra" is derived from two Sanskrit words. The first is "manas" or "mind," which provides the "man" syllable. The second syllable is drawn from the Sanskrit word "trai" meaning to "protect" or to "free from". Therefore, the word mantra in its most literal sense means "to free from the mind." Mantra is, at its core, a tool used by the mind which eventually frees one from the vagaries of the mind. Another etymological definition for 'tra' is vibration or 'trang'. Therefore we could define it as 'the vibration that frees the mind'.

    But the journey from mantra to freedom is a wondrous one. The mind expands, deepens and widens and eventually dips into the essence of cosmic existence. On its journey, the mind comes to understand much about the essence of the vibration of things. And knowledge, as we all know, is power. In the case of mantra, this power is tangible and wieldable.

    Mantras and chakras: Mantras are composed of letters which correspond to certain petals or spokes of chakras in the subtle body. There is a direct relationship between the mantra sound, either vocalized or sub vocalized, and the chakras located along the central line of the body. The chakra system is an instrument which can be fine tuned to allow energy to flow freely throughout the body. The chakras are transformers of energy which, if properly stimulated, convert sound vibration into the flow of energy which leads to proper balance, health and higher levels of consciousness. Mantras and healing: "Prana" is the life energy, which can be transferred from individual to individual. Prana may or may not produce an instant dramatic effect upon transfer. There can be heat or coolness as a result of the transfer. Yet prana can be increased and directed, eventually having a healing effect. Some healers operate through transfer of prana. Even self-healing can be accomplished by concentrating prana in certain organs, the result of which can be a clearing of the difficulty or condition. By saying a certain mantra, such as RA MA DA SA SA SE SO HUNG, while visualizing an internal organ bathed in light, the specific power of the mantra can become concentrated there with great beneficial effect.

  • I UNDERSTANDING MANTRA I In order to understand what mantra is and how it affects us, these are some

    concepts that will help expand and clarify its definition: Mantras are energy-based sounds. Saying any word produces an actual physical vibration. Over time, if we know what the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of saying that vibration or word. This is one level of energy basis for words.

    Ways of empowering mantras: -. Intention: If the actual physical vibration is coupled with a mental

    intention, the vibration then contains an additional mental component which influences the result of saying it. The sound is the carrier wave and the

    a intent is overlaid upon the wave form, just as a colored glass influences the appearance and effect of a white light.

    - Visualization: this is called Darshani Mantra. You visualize the mantra you are chanting as if written on a screen before the closed eyes. Yogi ji says: " you will see your God then."

    - Listening: listen to the mantra while breathing in between repetitions. This brings you the gift of ,,Ajapa-jap" - the whole universe sings to you - when you listen. Once you tune into mantra, every sound becomes mantra to you. Say it. Hear it. Perceive it. It is the action of the three minds - negative, positive and neutral. Negative acts when you say it, positive when . you listen to it and the neutral mind when you perceive what is being said.

    0 t her: you may also feel the mantra - pulsated at the heart, pulsated at . the navel point, vibrating in the head, circulating up the spine, or penetrating the body down to the cellular level.

    I Mantras create thought-energy waves. The human consciousness is really a collection of states of consciousness which distributively exist throughout the physical and subtle bodies. Each organ has a primitive consciousness of


    its own. That primitive consciousness allows it to perform functions specific to it. Similar functions and states of consciousness exist within the subtle body as well. So individual organ consciousness is overlaid by system consciousness, overlaid again by subtle body counterparts and consciousness, and so ad infinitum.

    Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness in seed form. Over time, the mantra process begins to override all of the other smaller vibrations, which eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time which varies from individual to individual, the great wave of the mantra stills all other vibrations. Ultimately, the mantra produces a state where the organism vibrates at the rate completely in tune with the energy and spiritual state represented by and contained within the mantra. At this Point, a change of state occurs in the organism and it becomes subtly different.

  • Mantra The Sacred Science of Sound

    "What is a telephone number? A combination of numbers - first area code, then the home number. It buzzes and a person says: 'Hi!' When nobody picks it up you try again, right?. .. God is nothing but a telephone company. Keep on dialing. Once you get the guy on the line, the job is done forever. What is His number? There are many lines in my Father's home, call any. If He won't answer, some secretary will. Leave a message. Morning hours are very good. I'm not kidding you, that's how it is. Call on Him" - Yogi Bhajan, August 4, 1975

    THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SELF THROUGH MANTRA When asked who his Guru was, Guru Naanak answered: Bani Guru Guru hai Bani Vich Bani Amritsare

    "The Word is the Guru and the Guru is the Word Through the Word we discover the Ocean of Divine Nectar"

    In Kundalini Yoga we view spiritual awakening as a gift gained through personal experience. The true value of these teachings, in Yogiji's words, lies in what they do for you. We do not promote superstition or blind faith. We do not want our students to see these teachings as some magic formula or incantation, rather as something that becomes alive and real when we practice it and experience its results.

    Mantras are the same. Their true power resides in the intention and attention with which we approach their practice and in the belief that their essence is truly our own. To use mantras as some prescribed drug to remedy some spiritual or mental illness is a dangerous approach. By doing that we are attributing to the mantra a power over us and are converting it into an outer agent. The mind is capable of believing that mantras can have such an effect, but such deceit will only lead us into a path of shallow experiences where we must content ourselves with a passing sense of calmness or mental relaxation. Yet true spiritual experience will lay dormant until the ego is quieted and the Self is allowed to recognize the Divine attribute that the mantra represents. Spiritual traditions see mantras as vibrational tools through which the Divine Word is revealed or awakened. Mantras embody the multiple qualities of the Infinite in the form of sound. They are keys to the hidden secrets of the Self. They open us to an awakening of the Divine qualities that reside within ourselves and lead us to an experience of Oneness. Through this course we intend to help you have the experience of mantra becoming an alive resonance of God's Divine qualities within your Self. Approach it with openness and humility, and from that place of 'smallness' allow His Greatness to embrace you.


    Welcome to the Master's Touch course. We hope you had a pleasant journey and now that you have completed your registration the next step is to find your room and to settle in.

    The place where you have just registered will remain as the Course Office, so that you can go there with any further questions that may arise. Opening hours will be posted on the door.

    Today, Saturday, is reserved for registration and opening session. At 16 h. there will be a yoga class for those that have registered early and are settled in. At 18 h.00 Dinner will be served and at 19h30 the Opening Session will take place.

    Sunday is the first day of classes and we will start with Sadhana at 3.45 with the yoga exercises beginning at 4.30

    A schedule of the different classes that are offered will be available. All the classes will take place in Hotel Barbados. Please remove your shoes before entering the practice room.

    The meals will be served in the dining room. We advise you to drink a lot of water (1.5 to 2 liters) throughout the day to assist the cleansing process set in motion by the yoga practice.

    COURSE POLICIES The program is vegetarian, drug free, smoke free and alcohol free. No refunds will be possible once the course has started.

    Our daily schedule will be filled with activities and experiences that will strengthen you and deepen your awareness of yourself as a spiritual person. We hope that you will have an intense and beautiful experience working on the connection with the sound current and the subtle body of our teacher, the Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan.

    Your course organisers: program coordinator: Sat ya Singh from Hamburg teachers team: Mahan Kirn Kaur from USA - Guru Dev Singh from Italy - Satya Singh - Karta Singh from France - Gurudass Singh and Gurudass Kaur from Spain administrative team : Himat Kaur and Sat Dharm Singh (Amsterdam) Guru Hans Kaur (France) and Sat Nam Kaur (Sweden) and Viriam Kaur (Italy)

  • I am in success with my divine! I swear, I declare, I say, I utter, I speak, I pronounce, I proclaim - all known and unknown expressions 1 meditate and say: I AM IN SUCCESS WITH MY DIVINE!

    B) Now we want to proclaim to God our gratitude. In a very heavy and whispered sound, utter the word WA HA Y GUROO. WA HA Y GUROO. Utter it precisely, in a heavy whisper. However much energy you put out you will get back 10 times. Heavy breath! Heavy duty! You will experience something if you put a lot of energy. Keep the tempo! Break the shield! A heavy duty whisper will do it! Get into it! Come on; control the breath! Push!!

    Inhale deeply ! Hold the breath. Lock it. Lock it. Concentrate. Concentrate. Lock it. Hold it. Concentrate. (30 seconds total) Let it go! Now smile.

    You were only about 3 minutes away from breaking through the corridors of the Self, and you would have gone to the stage of selflessness. But we don't have arrangements for you to spend the night here, so we had to stop. But just remember, if you ever repeat this meditation, exactly in the way I have directed, make sure that some friend you can trust is around you. That's necessary because sometimes you can get into an experience you can't even explain. That person should have a deep understanding.

    Sit down; do it; be pretty heavy. See that the breath is rhythmic and see that you have that capacity, the feeling. You will reach a point that is called the point of exhaustion. Bodily you will feel you are exhausted. You can't do it any more. It is the end of the road. From that point onward, it takes only a maximum of 7 to 1 1 breaths. That's how close you are.

    Those 7 to 1 1 breaths then make you break through to a stage where there should be no tiredness, and you will be you for the first time. The experience will be very personal, and that state of mind will be very personal, and that happiness will be the beginning of all happiness thereafter. You will never be in pain again. Just break the cycle of insanity which is eating you up.

    Sometime when you break through the field of ego with this you will find yourself entering a state, which you can vividly remember, of infinity. Then there will come a time when you need not put out of any effort. You can do it just by sitting like this and you will change and then you are here. Then it will become you. When that stage becomes you, it doesn't matter what you do, who you are, you'll automatically be guided by the divine will. Then you'll no longer say, "I hear a voice" or "I have this intuition" or "My inner voice tells me". . . There's no need for it. It's just automatic, no problem; you'll just know. We 're all good, very good.

  • / spread everything which I know to do. I am master and owner of this whole universe.

    Open your eyes. Assess in your consciousness what percentage of what was said did you totally agree to in consciousness. ?

    g) Chant long and powerful "ONG". If there is a class, have women chant and the men join so that there is an overlapping of the sound with separate starting times. This is the sound of creativity of the word. Chant 3-1 1 minutes. Then inhale deeply and hold the breath and exhale.

    2 - Anahata, the mystical sound. A REMARKABLE MEDITA TION: the wahay guroo whisper meditation for success, happiness that lasts simplicity and grace, breaking through ego to selflessness, to never be in pain again, for automatic and effortless divine state, Taught by Yogi Bhajan at the Salem Meditation Course, 13 May 82.

    A) Live simply. Sit down. Be pleasant. Be nice. Make it; fake it, fake a smile. Sit straight and look good. Now, go inside. Close your eyes. Pretend - fake it - that you are graceful. Relax and be very graceful, because commitment gives you character; therefore, commit! With character you get divinity; divinity gives you dignity, and dignity gives you grace. Therefore sit as a graceful statue of God. Produce the atmosphere that I, so-and-so, am a statue, graceful, beautiful and wonderful creation of God. Give yourself a chance. Those who can fake this can make it. Evaluate yourself that you are very graceful, very calm, very beautiful. Don't move. Don't let your body move. Control your nerves. Control your muscles.

    Command your mind to produce a very graceful structural appearance of yourself! When you start commanding it, all the dirty thoughts and negative thoughts, a lot of garbage, will start floating through you. Don't worry. Your meditation has set in. The moment the first negative thought hits you, you are meditating. That's the sign. Avoid that, and start positively directing your mind to create - I repeat, create - a graceful, wonderful personality of yourself.

    And now I give you the mantra: I AM IN SUCCESS WITH MY DIVINE 1 am in success with my divine! I am mentally, mentally in success with my divine! I am I am, I am I am, God and me, me and God are one. I am in success with my divine. My divine. Don't fight with ego. Just go along with it. I ego, my ego, mine ego, I am in success with my divine! I am in success with my divine! Come on! Come on, come on, come on. Get to it. Feel it. Feel it. Feel it. God is everywhere; God is infinity. God is merciful. Just get related to it right now and your whole life will change. Feel the relief success will install in you. I am in success with my divine. I am in success with my divine! All failures will vanish. Just come on quickly. Get to it! It's the shortest way to get to the best.

  • MODULE 3 - 2h1/2 1 - Mental sound - Kant a) Write 108 times the Mool Mantra on a sheet of paper while repeating it mentally. Listen to the sound in relation with the writing. b) Meditation for self-assessment


    A) Sit straight, hands in gian mudra. Observe how much your mind is behind what you will say and how much you are phoney. While the teacher utters these words, the student listens with eyes closed, and then repeats the words aloud. Listen very carefully:

    I am an individual, Very graceful, Totally pious, Absolutely perfect, Unmistakably beautiful. There is nothing the word can describe. I am absolutely righteous, A living truth. In my conversation with friends, In my conversation with enemies, In my political life, In my social life, In my material life, In my individual life, In my private life, I am absolutely correct, Righteous, Wise, And totally good. I understand, Everything, Absolutely I am perfect in knowledge, I created god, He never created me, I am not kidding, it is a truth. I am talking about it. Therefore, 1 am the creator. I can create the word "GOD", By writing it on the wall, By speaking it with my tongue, By communicating with people, I made the radio, Television, I print the newspaper,

  • 2 - Emotional sound - Harday A) Meditation to transcend individual consciousness and anger


    Sit in easy pose with the spine straight. Make fists of both hands. Put both fists with back of palms towards you, 6 to 8 inches in front of the brow point. Extend and press the thumbs and palms together until they become white. There is no need to press very hard, just firmly. It is important to let the last joint of the thumb relax and bend as much as possible. Close the eyes and take a deep breath. Let the breath out quickly and powerfully and say WHA GURU. Utter this sound at the highest velocity of frequency that is possible. The pitch will be high and vibrate through the nose and brow point on GURU. WHA is about 1 second and GURU is about 7 seconds. Now, take a deep breath and repeat the mantra rhythmically. Continue for 2 minutes.

    B) Meditation to perfect the power of prayer - 31 '


    This is a meditation to conquer sickness, become a spiritual healer, and perfect the power of prayer. Warning: Only practice this meditation in the presence of an observer or in a group. Beginners should only practice for a maximum of 1 1 minutes.

    Sit in easy pose. Fingers are interlocked, left little finger on the bottom. The right thumb is over the left thumb, and the tip of the right thumb is tucked into the hole separating the two hands. The tip of the left thumb rests inside the right hand in the nook between the thumb and index finger. Eyes are unfocused, looking down toward the ground.

    Inhale in four strokes, mentally vibrating SAA TAA NAA MAA. (SAA on the first stroke, TAA on the second, etc.). The inhale takes 4-5 seconds. Now hold the breath in while you mentally vibrate WAHA Y GUROO 16 times in a gentle pulse loud and soft). The breath is held for 16-20 seconds. Now exhale in 4 strokes, mentally vibrating SAA TAA NAA MAA as before. 4-5 seconds.

    Continue for 1 1 minutes. With practice, you can work your way up to 31 minutes.

    Note: If you wish to heal yourself concentrate on breathing through the left nostril during this meditation. If you wish to heal others, concentrate on the breathing through the right nostril.


    A) Sit with the right knee up and the left foot flat on the ground. The sole of the left foot faces the right foot and contacts it so that the ball of the left foot is just in front of the anklebone of the right foot. Lean back on the left arm making a fist of the hand and rest the right elbow on the right knee. The palm of the right hand rests so that , the base of the thumb is on the cheek bone and the rest of the hand forms a cup over the ear with the top open. Inhale deep and begin chanting a long, smooth Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Listen to this sound through the cupped palm. Continue for 31 minutes and then change sides for an equal time. It's best to start slow, with a total time of 3 1 minutes for both sides.

    COMMENTS: Man's fundamental nature is to unfold, to evolve. Fear curtails this activity and you become unhappy. If you are fearless, your potentials will unfold. Without a regular habit of sadhana to build the strength of the crystal aura, you are at the mercy of fears. If the magnetic shield is strong, negative thoughts turn to positive energy as they pass through the auric shield. This meditation calls on the cosmos or God through the sound of compassion and stimulates the inner sounds. The universe becomes the mother and you the child. Call and she shall come to your aid.

    MODULE 2 - 2h112 1 - Phvsical sound. Bakri A) Work on the 5 vowels AElOU $ AUM B) This is the sound effect produce by the tongue on the palate, and affect the hypothalamus and the pituitary.

    MEDITA TlON FOR POSITIVE COMMUNICA TlON Posture: sit in easy pose with an erect spine. Mudra: Raise both hands 9- 12 inches in front of the chest so the arms are shoulder height, and the hands angle down from the throat level toward the heart level. Both palms face the body with the back of the right palm in the palm of the left hand. Fingers are straight and together. Fold the left thumb over the right palm, and fold the right thumb over the left thumb. The hands will have the fingers crossed and angled downwards. Once you create the mudra, stretch the shoulders forward comfortably. Eyes: Eyes are closed. Breath: Take a deep inhale and chant the mantra five times on a breath as you exhale. Then immediately inhale deeply through the nose. Mantra: In a smooth monotone voice, chant:

    Haree haree haree haree haree haree har

    Continue up to 11 minutes with the group. On your own, you can increase the time with practice up to 31 minutes. Listen to your words as you speak them. Feel the sounds flow over the tongue and the tip of the tongue. Be fully present to each sound and take a focused projection with your mind.

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