mast head designs

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Mast head designs



Even though I really like this mast head, the font looks too formal for my target audience

and may also be slightly difficult to read, it isn’t very bold. I prefer

the position of the heart on this design compared to design 2 but

I would prefer the heart to actually replace one of the


This is the same as design 1 apart from the position of the

heart is now instead of the ‘a’, even though this is what I want it

does not look as good as the position in design 1.

I am also not sure about the colour, it is very girly but it does

not look as sweet and young as a baby pink would.

The font here is much clearer and I think suits the style of the

magazine much more as it is quite informal. The heart is also in the place I wanted it (instead

of a letter). The problems with this one however is that it is

quite hard to read as there is no outline to the letters and again I am not 100% sure on the colour.

My final design.I went for this one because it has

the heart in the name that I wanted to include and the baby pink is much more of a ‘candy’ colour than the hot pink which may be for an older audience.

The outline also defines the letters more so it is easier to

read and they don’t look squashed together. The font is

also very clear and easy to read and does not look too formal

(like the other font used.



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